I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 504: Father and son kill each other! ! !

"He should kill me."

Hearing Xiang Qianqiu's words, Wei Jinfeng frowned.

Father resigns and son laughs?

But thinking about it carefully, it seems really possible.

He knows Xiang Qianqiu's character very well, and knows that he is a person who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. Why Chen Yuan was exiled from the Xiang family's royal family must have a deep relationship with him.

No way, even if he did something to offend Chen Yuan, otherwise he wouldn't have said such a thing.

"Why did you come to see me this time?"

Wei Jinfeng changed his voice and asked Xiang Qianqiu why he came here.

They haven't seen each other for nearly a hundred years, especially in the past few decades, he thought that the other party had fallen, and there was no news at all.

There must be some purpose for coming to him suddenly now.

Xiang Qianqiu pondered for a moment, then whispered:

"Recently, the Japanese seat will take a very important thing from the ancient gold royal court, which will definitely arouse the wrath of the Wanyan clan. You must be prepared for the northern barbarians to knock on the pass."

"What do you want to do?"

Wei Jinfeng's gaze suddenly became extremely sharp.

"Don't worry about this brother Wei. In short, you have to keep this sentence in mind, and you'd better start preparing now, otherwise, the border will suffer great losses."

Xiang Qianqiu said.

"You caused a disaster, and you want tens of thousands of people in Liangzhou to take care of you?" Wei Jinfeng's eyes flashed with anger.

He was born and raised here, and he has already formed one body with the people of Liangzhou, and he is determined not to let Xiang Qianqiu risk so many lives.

"I told you in advance, so I am not afraid that you will stop me. I have to do this, and no one can stop me. If you have the people of Liangzhou in your heart,

Prepare in advance, and perhaps reduce the losses here. "

"Xiang Qianqiu, you really think that I dare not turn my face!" Wei Jinfeng frowned, and the aura around him gradually began to brew, and the ultimate murderous intent spread around several feet.

An air of iron-blood killing began to gradually rise, as if the next moment was about to strike.

Xiang Qianqiu smiled:

"A hundred years ago, I was not your opponent, but now you are not my opponent. The talent of the Xiang family is far beyond your imagination. Well, the gossip has been exhausted, Brother Wei, let's get ready."

After finishing speaking, the void around Xiang Qianqiu was still distorted, and his figure gradually dissipated. Before leaving, he left a sentence like this:

"Brother Wei had better not reveal the relationship between Chen Yuan and me, otherwise the number of people who died will be far beyond your imagination, Great Chu Dynasty King Beiliang, we will meet again in the future!"

Xiang Qianqiu's voice gradually faded to nothingness, but Wei Jinfeng's face was a little gloomy, and at the same time there was a subtle look of shock in his eyes.

Xiang Qianqiu has already reached that step!

The Xiang family is really powerful!

Heaving a sigh of relief, Wei Jinfeng thought for a long time on the spot, and ordered outside:

"Come here, call all the generals of the Beiliang Army, this king has important military orders!"

On the other side, Chen Yuan returned to the Xuntiansi Yamen full of thoughts. He was thinking, who is that person next to Beiliang King Wei Jinfeng?

It would be fine if Mo Luo didn't say anything, but when he said it, Chen Yuan always had a very special sense of uneasiness in his heart.

Can't say it, but it does.

It's a pity, at that time, Chen Yuan forgot to open his sky eyes to take a look, and only focused on talking to Wei Jinfeng.

But that was also a situation where there was no way around it. He felt that with Wei Jinfeng's cultivation, he would be able to see through all his movements, so it would be unwise to open his eyes.

So I've been restraining myself.

Unexpectedly, someone around him was spying on him.

It's just that I don't know whether that person has any connection with me in terms of luck

After thinking for a long time, Chen Yuan didn't come up with a reason. In the end, he could only give up and prepare to start the next stage of planning. For several days,

Chen Yuan maintained a very calm state.

But this is only on the surface. In fact, Chen Yuan has done a lot of things in the past few days. The first and most important thing is to find ways to collect information about the ancient Jin royal court.

And entered the Dengxian Building through disguise, and got a detailed map of the ancient golden royal court.

On the vast grassland, Chen Yuan didn't want to take detours in vain, so a map was necessary. At the same time, he also used his photographic memory to write down some simple northern barbarian language.

Maybe it will be used when necessary.

The second thing is that Chen Yuan met Wei Wuque again in the past few days, which deepened the relationship between them, and tried to gather more rights in the Sky Survey Department.

Because of the previous incident, Huangfuqi naturally cooperated extremely and gave up a lot of his own interests. Although Feng Jiuying had some resistance, he still decided to be patient in the face of the strong Chen Yuan.

Even the Prince of Beiliang and Chen Yuan are good brothers, so what kind of trouble can an ordinary gold envoy have?

Instead of this, it's better to obey orders honestly and look forward to Chen Yuan fulfilling his promise. As far as he knows, Chen Yuan always promises a thousand dollars.

Never broke your promise.

It can be trusted.

Even in order to deepen the relationship with Chen Yuan, Feng Jiuying deliberately brought the concubine raised by the mansion to Chen Yuan. If Chen Yuan didn't go to his mansion, he would send him to Chen Yuan's mansion.

It's a pity that Chen Yuan was indifferent to this.

It is true that the women brought by Feng Jiuying do have some flavors, but it is not that he has never seen women before, and he will not be tempted by a woman.

If he really wanted to find a woman, wouldn't he look for Mrs. Xu, Miss Shen, or even Concubine Yang Gui?

Under Mo Luo's transformation, Chen Yuan felt that he could pierce that layer of paper at any time, and besides, the status of a noble concubine could bring bonuses.

Let him have fun driving.

No matter how bad it is, Wei Wuque also recruited a lot of beauties, why bother to deal with Feng Jiuying?

Therefore, Chen Yuan refused.

And it wasn't just Feng Jiuying who rejected him, Huangfuqi also heard about the 'slander' against Chen Yuan at some point, and even wanted to send his young widowed daughter to Chen Yuan to serve him.

It's a bit out of the ordinary.

Is he, Chen, that kind of person?

This is utter slander.

On this day, Chen Yuan made all the preparations and wanted to officially leave Liangzhou City for the grassland, but before leaving, he had to appease Huangfuqi and Feng Jiuying.

Inside the Heaven Survey Hall.

Feng Jiuying and Huangfuqi stared at each other, unable to see each other. Through their respective channels, they both knew that the other party wanted to send a woman to Chen Yuan.

One for his wife and one for his daughter.

It can be said to be half a catty.

Feng Jiuying sneered, looked at Huangfuqi and mocked:

"I thought that Master Huangfu was always noble and disdainful of pursuing camps. Why, you are doing such things now? Even your daughter, the evil lone star, deserves to be dedicated to Master Chen?"

Huangfuqi's daughter was pretty, but she beat her husband to death as soon as she passed the door. There were not a few people in the Xuntian Division who discussed this behind their backs.

Hearing Feng Jiuying's words, Huangfuqi was suddenly a little angry, and scolded:

"Feng Jiuying, I need your advice to do things. It's just wishful thinking to want Mr. Chen to favor a broken flower and a willow. No matter how bad the little girl is, she is still innocent. She is not as shameless as you."

"What do you know? How can you guess Master Chen's preferences? This envoy"

Feng Jiuying was about to say something.

Suddenly, Chen Yuan coughed lightly from outside the hall, and his face was still a little gloomy, so it's all fucking slander, and I don't know who the trend came from.

How will he behave in the capital in the future?

If Jingtai also knew, it would be extremely difficult for him if he wanted to enter the harem.

"This subordinate has seen the adults."

"This subordinate has seen the adults."

Seeing Chen Yuan approaching, Huangfuqi and Feng Jiuying immediately bowed to salute, but each had a flash of smile in their eyes, it was natural that they did it on purpose.

The high-ranking person has the mentality of the high-ranking person, and the low-ranking person naturally has the attitude of the low-ranking person.

They couldn't see each other before, and they were close to mortal enemies. If Chen Yuan came and reconciled as before, what would Chen Yuan think?

Do you think about their secret collusion?

Of course, their invisibility is also a very important reason, they just follow the trend.

Chen Yuan nodded, and slowly walked to the upper seat and sat down.

"The two injuries have almost healed, right?"

Chen Yuan stared at the two and asked.

"It's all right now."

"Anytime for grown-ups to listen to."

Both Feng Jiuying and Huangfuqi expressed their opinions immediately, and they did not see the previous rebellious appearance at all. After experiencing Chen Yuan's iron fist, they have already succumbed.

There is no way, people have to give in when they reach middle age.

Even he, Mr. Chen, had to give in gradually after experiencing fierce confrontation.

This shows the eloquence of Mrs. Xu, Concubine Yang and others.

"I don't know why my lord called my subordinates down today?" Feng Jiuying continued to ask.

Chen Yuan tapped the table with his fingers, and said lightly:

"To call you here today, I have something very important to say."

"My lord, please tell me."

"A humble job must serve an adult."

"This envoy has never told you that there are actually some responsibilities to come to Liangzhou this time."


Feng Jiuying and Huangfuqi looked at each other, a little puzzled and curious.

"According to the investigation by the Headquarters of the Sky Survey Division, there are Wusheng Sect monsters active near Liangzhou, and the higher authorities are afraid of accidents, so they handed over this matter to me.

After some investigations by the emissary before, some traces have been locked, so."

Chen Yuan deliberately replaced the remnants of the previous dynasty with the monsters of the Wusheng Sect, not because he couldn't trust them, but because he knew that this matter could not be easily revealed.

There is no way for the King of Beiliang to say it, but there is no need for Feng Jiuying and Huangfuqi.

It's just an excuse anyway.

"But you need the Sky Surveyor to do it?"

The two realized this immediately.

"It's not completely sure yet, it's not wise to do it. I called you here today to tell you that this matter will be personally supervised by the envoy.

In the near future, I will secretly leave the Sky Survey Division, and I will send someone to notify you when the action is taken. "

"And your duty is to manage the sky surveyor well during the time when the envoy is away. This envoy doesn't want to see the scene of confrontation and scuffle. Do you understand?"

Chen Yuan's tone was slightly cold, which made Huangfu Qi and Feng Jiuying feel a bit of chill in the coming spring, and immediately stated:

"Don't worry, my lord, there will be no moths on this humble job."

"Don't worry, my lord. I will take care of the Sky Survey Division for my lord. As long as my lord gives an order, I will lead all the members of the Sky Survey Division out!"

Huangfu Qi said in a deep voice.

Chen Yuan looked around at the two of them, then nodded slightly:

"Very well, I hope you will keep this in mind. If the envoy suddenly makes a mistake when I need to use you when I come back, then don't blame the envoy for turning his face and denying people."

"Don't worry, my lord."

"My lord, don't worry!"

In the Xuntian Palace, Chen Yuan ordered some things before letting them go back to prepare.

And his purpose of doing this is naturally to prevent them from having any doubts, so as not to spoil his big event in the future!

Prepared for future worries, Chen Yuan quietly left Xuntiansi on the second day, claiming that it was a retreat, but only Huangfuqi and Feng Jiuying knew about it.

Chen Yuan is going to track down the 'Wusheng Cult Demon'.

On this day, the ninth year of Jingtai in the Jin Dynasty, on March 15th, Chen Yuan left Liangzhou City.

His purpose this time is the three-year sacrifice of the barbarians, and the time is likely to be on the first day of April.

Because according to the situation obtained by Chen Yuan, every other year, various tribes of the barbarians will hold sacrifices, which are called annual sacrifices. In the desolate northern grasslands.

The climate is very different from that of the Central Plains. In the south, spring has completely entered in March, but in the north, especially on the grasslands, the climate will be colder.

The New Year Festival will be postponed by one month.

Thinking about the three-year sacrifice mentioned by Senior Mo Luo, Chen Yuan felt that it was very possible that the three-year major sacrifice and the one-year minor sacrifice would be put together. Of course, this is just his current guess.

The real situation can only be understood after going deeper.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Yuan set off half a month earlier, which can be regarded as giving himself some buffer time.

As the saying goes, only practice can bring true knowledge.

After entering the grassland, what Chen Yuan saw was a completely different scenery from the Central Plains. The green grass and blue sky stretched as far as the eye could see, which really made people feel at ease.

It's just that Chen Yuan didn't sigh too much, and quickly flew towards the location of the ancient gold royal court according to the guidance of the map.

During the process, Chen Yuan also stopped in the past to understand the differences between the barbarians and the Central Plains in detail. He has great ambitions in the future, and things like foreign troubles must be resolved.

No matter in terms of customs or diet, they were completely different from the Central Plains. It was here that Chen Yuan tasted some food from the grassland, and the taste was average in general.

At least for him.

However, this is what is truly natural and pollution-free.

It doesn't look like the world in his memory, most of the food he eats is hard work of technology, and he can only enter and exit repeatedly thanks to his good health.

What Chen Yuan didn't know was that at this moment, someone was already watching him.

In the Beiman Grassland, somewhere on a slightly high mountain peak, Xiang Lingtian dressed in brocade sat cross-legged on the mountain peak, looking ahead and slowly opened his eyes.

He frowned first, then quickly stood up, bowed to the void in front of him, and said:

"Ling Tian met the patriarch!"

Winter has not yet dissipated, a ray of cool wind blew the ends of Xiang Lingtian's hair, about three feet in front of him, the void slowly twisted and fluctuated endlessly.

A leg wearing black boots slowly stepped out of the void, and then, most of his body was covered, and the man was wrapped in a black robe.

The whole body and the heaven and the earth are both faintly combined and at the same time faintly alienated.

It's like a world of its own.

His figure was exactly the same as the person in the palace of the king in Beiliang military stronghold before.

It was Chen Yuan's unknowingly cheap father, the former prince of Chu, Xiang Qianqiu!

"How are things going?"

Xiang Qianqiu's voice sounded slowly, very heavy, Xiang Lingtian immediately froze and said quickly:

"Patriarch Hui, that matter is almost over, and Lin Wu and others are supervising it, and Ling Tian discovered a treasure land on the grassland by accident.

I want to go and have a look. "

Facing this unfathomable patriarch, Xiang Lingtian never dared to show any disrespect, because he knew how terrifying this person was, and he had all the background and power of the Xiang family in his hands.

In the Xiang family, he is like an emperor, keeping his promises.

None of the rest of Xiang's parents dared to oppose this person.

And his future heir status was also established by the patriarch.

"There is no rush, I am looking for you today, and I have a new task for you to do, which is of great importance." Xiang Qianqiu stared at Xiang Lingtian in front of him with his hands behind his hands.

Xiang Lingtian raised his head, and immediately said:

"Also ask the patriarch to order."

"Your cultivation base has reached the peak of Tiandan, right?"

Xiang Qianqiu suddenly changed his voice.

Although he was a little confused, Xiang Lingtian still answered truthfully:

"The patriarch's eyes are like torches, and the disciple has indeed stepped into the peak of Tiandan."

"Very well, you are only half a step away from Huayang. You are indeed a descendant of my Xiang family, who has inherited the blood of the great ancestor." Xiang Qianqiu continued.

Xiang Lingtian was at a loss, and didn't understand the relationship between his cultivation base and the mission the patriarch said.

Before he could ask a question, Xiang Qianqiu turned around slowly, looked at the endless grassland and said indifferently:

"This level of cultivation, combined with your natural double-pupil power, is enough to rival the top three masters in the wind and cloud rankings. This seat wants to increase your training.

But some elders in the family always have various opinions, which makes people feel bored, so...you have to verify yourself and tell them that you are the future of the Xiang family. "

Xiang Lingtian's eyes flickered, and he caught some faintly.

"Also ask the patriarch to order."

The corner of Xiang Qianqiu's mouth twitched:

"If you want to prove yourself, now is a good opportunity."


"Chen Yuan, the demon sword that shook the rivers and lakes, is in Liangzhou at this moment. I heard that he disturbed your plan last time. Now I will give you a chance to kill him.

Pull out the blood from his whole body and put it into this thing. "

Xiang Qianqiu stretched out his hand, and a blood-colored bead the size of a baby's fist appeared in his hand.


Xiang Lingtian frowned, a little puzzled.

"Didn't you wonder why the Holy Blood Tianchi in the Illusory Territory was destroyed? Now I tell you that this person absorbed the blood of the Xiang family in the Tianchi!"

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