I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 505 Xiang Lingtian's Luck!

"Didn't you wonder why the Heavenly Blood Lake in the Illusory Territory was destroyed? Now I tell you that this person absorbed the blood of the Xiang family in the Heavenly Lake!

It is precisely because of this that he broke through to the cultivation base of Tiandan. "

Xiang Qianqiu said calmly.

Hearing this, Xiang Lingtian frowned more suspiciously, and said:

"But the patriarch, didn't you say before that only our Xiang family can use the holy blood Tianchi to purify blood? Chen Yuan can absorb the power of Tianchi,

Could it be that he has something to do with my Xiang family? "

This had to make him think this way, because the patriarch had told him this clearly before, so he never thought about it in that direction.

I just think that Liu Zhenzong and Chen Yuan have other cards.

But Xiang Qianqiu's words made him realize this point.

"You guessed right. According to my investigation, this Chen Yuan is carrying the blood of my Xiang family."

"Could it be a side branch?"

Xiang Qianqiu let out a long breath and said:

"Back when my Xiang family was still ruling the world, I had many marriages with the important minister of the court, General Chen. Later, the dynasty was overthrown, and the Chen family was also destroyed because of this.

This Chen Yuan is a branch of the Chen family that survived back then. It would be fine if he still belonged to my Xiang family, but it's a pity that he turned his back on the loyalty of the Chen family to my Xiang family, and now he is acting in a grandiose manner. became a court official.

He must be eliminated in order to pay homage to General Chen, who died fighting for the dynasty, and let his spirit rest in peace. "

"I see."

Xiang Lingtian didn't expect Chen Yuan to have such a life experience. In this way, it seemed that they could have some distant relatives, but unfortunately,

This son cannot be used by their Xiang family, he must die!

"Chen Yuan has absorbed the power of the Holy Blood Heaven Lake, and the purity of his bloodline has been raised to a terrifying level. It is also because of the power of my Xiang family's bloodline that he has gained such a great reputation in the Jianghu.

It's a pity that he has a treasure mountain and doesn't know how to use it. He can't fully display the hidden power of the Xiang family's blood, but it is a huge opportunity for you.

As long as you kill him and condense his whole body's qi and blood in this divine bead, this seat can help you go up to a higher level, raising the strength of your physical body to the peak level of indestructibility. "

"As long as you kill him, you can prove your strength and talent. This seat will gather all the resources of the Xiang family on you in the future,

Make your cultivation progress by leaps and bounds. At the same time, it can also announce to the world that our Xiang family has returned, stepping on the head of the first genius in the Central Plains.

Xiang Qianqiu's voice was full of extreme bewitching power, as if she was really thinking about Xiang Lingtian.

"The disciple understands."

Xiang Lingtian said solemnly.

By killing Chen Yuan, he can get what the patriarch promised. Not only can he become the sole heir of the Xiang family and become famous all over the world, but he can also use Chen Yuan's blood to completely upgrade his physical body to the peak level that can be achieved so far.

This son must be killed!

What's more, they still have previous enmity.

When he was in Jiangdu Mansion in Central Shu, in order to take some influence into account, he could only sit back and watch Chen Yuan and Liu Zhenzong kill all directions, but Xin had already brewed a lot of killing intent in his heart.

Now I finally have a chance to get revenge!

Tell Chen Yuan that relying on the blood of the Xiang family to be fierce is nothing.

It was only by chance that the blood talent belonging to the Xiang family was opened!

"A warrior should have the confidence to overthrow all enemies in the world. If you hide for too long, your ambition will be wiped out, and your heart will gradually become gloomy.

You have to go to the front, and you have to go to the front.

Chen Yuan is known as the first genius in the Central Plains in a hundred years. He defeated all geniuses and overwhelmed an era. What you have to do is to defeat him in the same situation.

Tell the world that my Xiang family is number one in the world! "

Xiang Qianqiu turned around, looked at Xiang Lingtian in front of him earnestly and said.

"Patriarch, don't worry, this disciple will definitely protect the blood of our Xiang clan, and will never let outsiders act violently. I will definitely bring Chen Yuan's head to see you."

Xiang Lingtian said very seriously.

In his opinion, this might be the last test Xiang Qianqiu gave him, and it was also the punishment for failing in Shuzhou last time. If he failed, he would probably die in the hands of Chen Yuan.

But how is this possible?

How could he lose to Chen Yuan?

He has the same double pupils as the Taizu, and his own cultivation has reached the peak, but his physical body is not perfect. It may be difficult to kill Chen Yuan who has just entered the Tiandan.

But he will definitely win!

"Very good, only this invincible heart can be worthy of my status as the heir of the Xiang family. In the future, after the restoration of the kingdom of Chu, I will be the emperor and you will be the prince!"

Xiang Qianqiu looked at him appreciatively.


"Drop the essence and blood on the divine bead, refine this treasure, and you will be able to find Chen Yuan's trace. No matter where he goes, he will not be able to escape your pursuit.

After killing him, this divine orb will automatically devour the Xiang family's divine blood on his body. "

Xiang Qianqiu explained his doubts.

Taking the divine bead from Xiang Qianqiu's hands solemnly, Xiang Lingtian didn't hesitate, and immediately forced a drop of blood essence onto the bead, and immediately felt an inexplicable pulling force.

Opening his eyes suddenly, his gaze suddenly looked to the north of the grassland.

It turned out that Chen Yuan was not in Liangzhou Sky Survey Division at the moment, but on the grassland.

What a godsend! ! !

"Go kid, kill Chen Yuan, you are the only one!" Xiang Qianqiu had a faint smile on his face.

Xiang Lingtian nodded solemnly, bowed to Xiang Qianqiu, and said:

"Patriarch, don't worry, the disciple will go immediately!"

After saying that, according to the inexplicable traction force on the divine orb, he immediately found his direction and turned into a ray of light soaring straight into the sky.

Looking at the back of Xiang Lingtian going away, Xiang Qianqiu's mouth curled into an inexplicable smile, and he didn't know what he was expecting.

On the prairie.

Chen Yuan, who was in the sky, suddenly stopped, feeling an inexplicable sense of danger, and this feeling is not fleeting, but always present.

It's like being watched by someone.

"Senior, what's the situation? Could it be that someone locked me through some sorcery?" Chen Yuan, who was aware of this, immediately told Senior Mo Luo that feeling.

Want to ask clearly.

In comparison, Moro is naturally more knowledgeable.

As for him, I have only heard of some people in the Jianghu, who can use heresy methods to lock a person's movements thousands of miles away, but most of them need blood to cast spells to do this.

And he, who was always vigilant, never seemed to let his blood essence fall into the hands of the enemy.

What is the situation?

Chen Yuan was a little puzzled.

He even thought about Concubine Yang Gui, but at that time she only swallowed meat but no blood, what's more, she vomited it out directly, and was completely obliterated by him afterwards.

Mo Luo pondered for a long time before slowly opening his mouth and saying:

"Your own secrets have not been peeped at, otherwise the poor monk would definitely be able to detect it. Perhaps some people who have murderous intentions against you have used some mysterious and evil methods."

"Then should we continue on our way now?"

Chen Yuan frowned and asked.

"Don't rush for now, find a barbarian tribe nearby to rest for a day or two, wait for those people to come, and before offering sacrifices in the ancient gold royal court, all dangers must be wiped out.

Otherwise, once you are alarmed, it will not be so simple to seize the treasure. "

"Okay, this junior understands."

Chen Yuan nodded with flickering eyes.

There is nothing to worry about the incoming enemy Chen Yuan, excluding his own strength and the Chen family's battle flag, with Mo Luo around, he can incarnate as the Demon King of Shura at any time.

As long as the Demon Lord Shura is online, he doesn't need to be afraid of anyone under the sixth realm.

Even an existence like Wei Jinfeng, King of Beiliang, could retreat safely with the power of Mo Luo.

Being suddenly targeted, Chen Yuan's heart was filled with gloom. He was not afraid of the enemy face to face, but he just hated this state of "I am in the open and the enemy is in the dark".

Very annoying!

Coupled with the various recent situations, he felt an even weirder situation. With the improvement of his status, he has seen too many strong people!

Without Mo Luo by his side, Chen Yuan would have no sense of security in the face of this situation.

Heeding Mo Luo's advice, Chen Yuan decided to stay and rest for a day or two, to deal with the enemy and then to seize the treasure. From the map, he was located within the range of one of the thirty-six royal families.

There is still at least a thousand miles away from the ancient golden royal court, and the huge grassland is sparsely populated, even if there is some movement, it is estimated that not too many people will be disturbed.

After searching for half an hour, Chen Yuan finally found some small tribes.

Interestingly, these few days happened to be the days when several tribes held gatherings, and it was not only the barbarian herdsmen who purchased in the market.

One-fifth of them are Central Plains caravans.

The distance from Liangzhou is not too far. In order to get the resources on the grassland, some businessmen will go to the grassland to buy things in desperation.

Then resell to the Central Plains.

This is normal.

For businessmen, as long as the interests are large enough, anything can be sold. The Central Plains does lack some things from the grasslands, and the same is true for the grasslands.

The alien war horses and rare spiritual grasses of the Northern Man are very precious in Liangzhou City, and the spiritual tea, elixir, and elixir of the Central Plains are also of great use to the grasslands.

It's a mutual benefit.

Of course, it is not easy for this kind of caravan to have a fixed source of goods. I don't know how much effort it will take to gradually form a caravan.

When Chen Yuan, a strange man, entered the market, he did not attract the attention of the grassland tribes, but instead attracted the attention of the Central Plains caravan.

They looked at him very vigilantly, but because of Chen Yuan's breath, they dared not take any action for the time being, forming a strange calm.

In the bazaar, Chen Yuan walked around but didn't find anything of interest. Some merchants came up to chat, but he was just pretending to be a master of influence.

Anyway, with human skin masks on their faces, these people can't see through them at all with their strength.

Chen Yuan spent the night peacefully in the tent, and did not wait for the enemy's attack, but the feeling of uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense.

He felt that the visitor should be a formidable enemy.

It is very likely that it is a Huayang real person.

As far as his current strength is concerned, it is a bit dangerous, but if he is not particularly strong by then, he can also try the opponent's methods to verify his own strength and gain some actual combat experience.

If you really are not an opponent, just unfurl the battle flag again, and one hundred thousand Chen family army heroic spirits and ten thousand ghosts will travel every day!

Chen Yuan knew that these were all external forces, including senior Mo Luo. He could not rely on their power for the rest of his life, and he would leave one day.

They are just cards in the face of a dead end.

Relying on them to kill the powerful enemy will not help him in any way.

Therefore, as long as the incoming person is not too outrageous and his own strength can handle it, he will still fight against each other, so that he can increase his strength in the battle of life and death.

Of course, if the opponent's enemy is too outrageous, if it is a real person at the level of refining gods, or a real king at the level of Yangshen, then he will not fight desperately.

Just go online and end everything!

The market on the second day was even more lively. It seemed that new tribes and caravans had joined it, and some tribes even set up stalls to sell things.

On the other side, Xiang Lingtian, who was ordered in danger, felt a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth when he sensed the whereabouts of Chen Yuan, who was getting closer.

Really looking for death!

In his perception, the other party actually stopped in one place without moving, as if he was waiting for him, and he was just courting death.

Chen Yuan's strength is very good, the number one genius in the Central Plains, the youngest fourth-rank official in the imperial court, and the peerless arrogance of an era.

These are his titles.

But so what?

Xiang Lingtian is confident that he will not lose to him.

Since he was a child, he has been infused with a lot of resources from the Xiang family, and there are high-level Xiang family experts to guide him, and he will not lose to the direct disciples in the fairy sect, or even surpass him.

And Chen Yuan, that's all reckless!

It was still relying on the blood of their Xiang family to reach this step. When they really fought, he would make Chen Yuan feel the real pressure in the same situation.

Double pupil invincible!

Overwhelm everything!

All the titles on Chen Yuan should belong to him!

Xiang Lingtian is not conceited, he is confident and has an invincible heart.

Some elders in the clan once praised him highly, saying that he has the appearance of a true king.

But what he wants to prove is that the True Monarch is just his starting point, he wants to become a fairy, he wants to be called an emperor!

Soon, soon, in half a day's time, he will be able to see Chen Yuan, draw the blood of the Xiang family from his body, and pour it all into himself.

At that time, the physical body can be elevated to the point of perfection.

On top of that, you can gradually peep into the realm of "supernatural power self-development"!

Also, according to the news he got by chance, maybe there is another chance for him deep in the grassland, and he may be able to take another step forward!

After killing Chen Yuan, he went to look for this opportunity.

Xiang Lingtian has already started to think about the situation after killing Chen Yuan.

He let out a long breath of turbid air, feeling the increasingly dangerous feeling in the dark, and a dignified expression gradually appeared on Chen Yuan's face.

And quickly adjusted his mentality.

Come on, let's see who will die!

Japanese slaves?

Ancient family powerhouse?

Yama of the Seven Killing Palace?

Or the remnants of the previous dynasty that he has been suppressing in his heart?

He has many enemies, and even farther away is the most terrifying Lingshan among the ten immortal sects. Therefore, before the real announcement, Chen Yuan can't figure out who the enemy is.

Mo Luo in the Emperor Butcher's Knife continued to be silent, waiting for Chen Yuan's awakening, and the Chen family's blood-stained battle flag in the Tianshu space was also silent, waiting for the order of the Chen family's bloodline.

With extremely solemn thoughts in mind, Chen Yuan re-entered the market pretending to be nonchalant.

Compared with yesterday, more people from those caravans came to talk to him today, as if they wanted to get out his real details, but Chen Yuan was always prevaricating.

Several caravan leaders who followed Chen Yuan looked gloomy and looked at each other, wanting to get rid of this strange face.

Lest their trade route be cut off.

They knew that the Beiliang Army had been strictly preventing this kind of thing, and if they found out, they would end up ransacking their families and exterminating their families, fighting for the interests of the Beiliang Army's own caravan.

Therefore, no outsiders can break in.

Chen Yuan didn't know the thoughts of those caravans, but he could guess a thing or two. He was indeed a little eye-catching, but with his strength, what else should he avoid?

His original intention of hiding in this market was to see if the incoming enemy could target him at a glance, and what method they used. As for these caravans and northern barbarian tribes.

They are all people who can sacrifice at any time.

So, right now, he doesn't have the same knowledge as them, and when the enemy arrives, none of them will be able to escape under the aftermath of the battle.

Ignoring the eyes following him, Chen Yuan came to a sheepskin laid down by a barbarian. There were various seemingly extraordinary things on it, such as some ancient tripods and small swords used by the northern barbarians, as well as bones and stones.

Unfortunately, none of them worked.

He was also a little curious, why couldn't he get some treasures by accident?

"What's the price of this thing?"

Chen Yuan casually picked up a piece of black iron, on which was engraved a humanoid pattern, which seemed to be the practice method of the barbarians, which made him a little curious.

It seems to be very different from the method of practice in the Central Plains?

Seeing Chen Yuan picking up something, the strong man spoke fluent Central Plains dialect and said:

"This thing, three Yuanjing."

Chen Yuan frowned, and said lightly:

"Battered copper and rotten iron are worth three yuan crystals, so you don't need to make excuses if you want to grab them."

"According to the customs of our Muhua tribe, you must buy this thing if you pick it up, or you will have to pay a price." The strong man stared at Chen Yuan and said.

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and understood that this guy should have discussed with the people in the caravan, and wanted to do something to him.

It's a pity, Chen Yuan originally didn't want to kill people so soon, and planned to wait until the enemy arrived.

But before he could say anything, his eyebrows twitched suddenly, and his eyes suddenly turned to the rear left, where a young man in a brocade robe was staring at him with a smile on his face and said softly:

"I want this."

Chen Yuan immediately opened his eyes. Sure enough, the person who came had the luck he needed, and immediately threw the iron piece to him, and replied in a deep voice:

"Your life, I want it!"


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