I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 527 Break through the realm, half step into Yang!

The fire phoenix contains pearls.

The turbulent power instantly turned a radius of tens of feet into a sea of ​​flames, and even Chen Yuan was enveloped in it.

Then, there was another phoenix cry, and the flames soared into the sky. The fire phoenix held the celestial pill and rushed into the void, and its own hot flame quickly enveloped the celestial pill.

It seems to completely refine the prototype of the primordial spirit inside.

Chen Yuan was as calm as a mountain.

The fire phoenix melted little by little, and gradually merged into the celestial pill, burning the whole celestial pill red, and a breath of silence gradually came out, when the aura of Chen Yuan's celestial pill dropped to the extreme.

And suddenly skyrocketed.

Like a sun, hanging high in the void, looking faintly, one can see that the prototype of the primordial spirit inside is gradually appearing, at this moment.

In the bright night sky, a little starlight blooms.

Intertwined with the fiery flame power, one side is hot and the other side is cold, just like Tai Chi.

The vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth became more and more frightening, pouring into the heavenly pill continuously, and under the interweaving of the two forces, it began to absorb this force from the heaven and earth.

At the same time, the aura on Chen Yuan's body also began to skyrocket.

In just a few breaths, it seemed that he had reached the limit of the alchemy state, and faintly touched the limit of Huayang.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the breath of heavenly pill condensed in the void became stronger and stronger. After almost a quarter of an hour passed, both the starlight and the fiery firelight began to dim.

Chen Yuan looked into the void with a serious expression on his face.

The Tiandan at this moment is quite different from before. There are two mysterious lines condensed on the Tiandan, which are clearly separated, as if they are completely separated.

Inside the Tiandan, Chen Yuan could clearly see a tiny baby sitting cross-legged inside.

The face is clear, very similar to him.

At the same time, there is an inexplicable connection between them.


The primordial spirit condensed before entering Huayang!

Chen Yuan's eyes flashed, and he asked in a low voice:

"Senior, can this junior break through and transform into Yang?"

If it was possible, he didn't want to wait any longer. After all, alchemy fighters were number one in the arena, but the many difficulties he faced were not something alchemy could resist.

If he can enter Huayang Realm, his strength in all aspects will skyrocket.

Mo Luo's figure in white was not inside the Emperor Butcher's Knife. During Chen Yuan's breakthrough before, he came out quietly and watched him break through.

His eyes were very serious.

The sky, the earth and the stars are shining, and the fire and the phoenix are nirvana.

This is even more miraculous than when he condensed his primordial spirit in advance. His eyes kept flickering, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Hearing Chen Yuan's question, he recovered his mind and said:

"You haven't completed the 'Yunshen' before, and the primordial spirit at this time is very vain and not suitable for breaking through the realm, otherwise it is very likely to fail, and once you fail,

In a short period of time, your cultivation base will not be able to improve further. "

"As far as you are concerned, there is actually no need to be too eager. Now that the primordial spirit has just been formed, and the divine light is weak, if you break through after a few months of practice, you will be sure.

At that time, the strength of the breakthrough can be used to increase the number of primordial spirits. "

Chen Yuan nodded slightly, although he felt a little urgent, but the current situation is indeed not suitable for a breakthrough, and it is only a few months away.

He can afford to wait.

Mo Luo had already said it very bluntly, but his cultivation was growing too fast and his foundation was not stable.

If you break through rashly, the possibility of failure is very high.

After all, it is not that simple to break through Huayang. It is only the first step for ordinary warriors to acquire the embryonic form of Yuanshen, and then they have to accept the real baptism.

The primordial spirit comes out, and the demons come in.

This is different from the heart demon at the alchemy state, the heart demon at the time of breaking through the primordial spirit will be even more terrifying, and it will affect his mind quietly, in addition to experiencing the danger of the primordial spirit breaking the alchemy.

It is very dangerous for the fragile primordial spirit to experience the first smelting of the violent heaven and earth vitality.

But this is for ordinary people, Chen Yuan is different.

He has cultivated the primordial spirit in advance, which is not as simple as the prototype. In essence, it will make the primordial spirit more condensed in the Tiandan, and it will be easier to meet the purification of the heaven and earth vitality.

There will not be much danger when the pill is broken.

Generally speaking, Chen Yuan in the 'half-step Huayang' state is paving the way for future breakthroughs.

It is an unimaginable opportunity.

"Thank you senior for your guidance, this junior understands."

Chen Yuan nodded solemnly, then opened his mouth to inhale, and the pill in the void covered with mysterious patterns of heaven and earth fell directly into his belly.

One's own breath is more harmonious.

Even Chen Yuan felt that his 'control' over the vitality of the surrounding world was stronger, and he was even a little integrated into it, which greatly increased his combat power.

Tongxuan Yu makes the vitality of the heaven and the earth, Danjing controls the vitality of the whole body, and Huayang uses the primordial spirit as the cornerstone to integrate the vitality of the heaven and the earth.

The current Chen Yuan seems to be in the category of 'Heavenly Pill', but he already has some miraculous power that can only be possessed by Huayang Realm.


Chen Yuan heaved a sigh of relief, and a sense of relief flashed across his face.

The feeling of getting stronger gradually is really refreshing.

Chen Yuan, who has been strengthened again, is no longer so passive when facing the former Wanyan Shenkang at the peak of Yuanshen, and he has the power to fight back.

The breakthrough was considered a breakthrough, but Chen Yuan did not relax because of this, he was still connecting with the primordial spirit in his dantian, stabilizing his divine light, and gradually fell silent himself.

Nothing to say all night.

Sitting on the top of the mountain and exhaling, Chen Yuan slowly opened his eyes when the first ray of sunlight fell. At this moment, the sky and the earth are not completely bright, but still a little dim.

Gusts of cold wind kept blowing.

This night, Chen Yuan had almost stabilized his soul. After all, his 'breakthrough' was a bit watery, and he didn't really reach the realm of Huayang.

No need to meditate for long periods of time.

Standing up, the black robe on Chen Yuan's body fluttered in the wind, making noises, and his eyes turned to one direction, which was the direction of Liangzhou City.

"Do you want to go back?"

Chen Yuan was a little hesitant. After all, this time he had obtained his military exploits and benefits, and he would face danger when he returned.

Danger is inevitable.

While Chen Yuan was thinking, Mo Luo's voice came faintly:

"Just now that fellow Taoist from Wudang Mountain sent a message to the poor monk."


Chen Yuan didn't know, so he didn't have any perception.

Is the Immortal of the Six Realms so terrifying?

"What did that person say?"

"You will be needed today."

"You want me to make a move?"

"The northern barbarians have lost all their food and grass, and will never delay any longer. There may be a real decisive battle between today and tomorrow, lest there will be a stronger existence to make a move.

So...need you. "

"Why? The strength of the junior."

Chen Yuan didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning was obvious.

He is only at the Alchemy Realm, even if he has gathered the Yuanshen, he is still an ordinary fighter in this battle, and he can't even defeat the chief generals of the four major battalions of the Beiliang Army.

Not to mention Wei Jinfeng, King of Northern Liang.

Unless, Lord Shura goes online.

However, unless it is absolutely necessary, this very point must not be exposed, otherwise the consequences will not be estimated, and the loss to Dao Shrine will be too great for him.

"The one from Wudang Mountain won't make a move this time. It's a secret matter. No one in the world knows the news that he has broken through the sixth realm, except for a few people.

If the barbarians really have immortal means, Liangzhou City will be destroyed. "

"If it's really a fairy trick, even if the senior possesses the body and the Demon Lord Shura appears, it won't be able to stop it?" Chen Yuan frowned, very puzzled.

Mo Luo pondered for a moment, then said:

"He knows that the poor monk is on you and can withstand the pressure of the immortal, while others, even the king of Beiliang, Wei Jinfeng, cannot bear this force."

"But in this way, our identity."

"He has already made a plan. This time, there will be no doubts. It will also make you famous all over the world, and your prestige will reach the peak in the north."

Moro said in a low voice.

It is obvious that he has seen some of Chen Yuan's plans very clearly. Even if he didn't explain it, he still knows that he has great ambitions in the future, and prestige is a must.

"Also, if you want to become an emperor, the hearts of the people are very important. This is related to our future plans."

"Is there any danger?"

"There will be some, but not many."

"Can you refuse?"

Chen Yuan resisted instinctively. It was easy to say that he could bear the power of an immortal, but even Wei Jinfeng couldn't bear it. With his small body, it was hard to imagine what would happen then.

Even with Mo Luo's protection, the danger is definitely not small.

"If you refuse, the Taoist Palace will lose one strong support in the future. If you want to rebel and become emperor, you cannot do without that person's help."


"Now, the poor monk can tell you something. The usurpation of the Sima family was not that simple, and there is a truly terrifying force behind them.

This force is very strong, so strong that it makes people despair, they will not let you easily dominate the world, and the one from Wudang Mountain has broken through the sixth realm, so he can share a lot of pressure for the future. "

"who are they?"

Chen Yuan frowned.

How strong is the power that can make the immortals of the six realms so afraid?

Even thinking about it is clear.

"You can't say it now. If you say it, there will be a catastrophe. You just need to realize it in your heart. Now you have the right to choose, whether to fight for the future, or not to help Liangzhou this time, it's all in your mind, poor Monks don't force it."

Moro's ethereal voice sounded slowly.

Chen Yuan pondered for a long time, thinking about who are 'they'?

Will there be a lot of resistance in the future?

Originally, Chen Yuan thought that he would be able to rise up when he reached his strength, but now it seems that it is not that simple, and there is a deeper plan in it.

Seeing the sun hanging high in the void, shedding vitality into the world, Chen Yuan said loudly:

"Since the senior said that there will be no great danger, the identity of Dao Shen Palace will not be exposed, and the prestige of the junior will reach its peak, then... go!"

Mo Luo has obviously already negotiated with the person in Wudang Mountain, if he refuses, it will be bad for his current situation.

Besides, wasn't his original idea to increase his prestige when the northern barbarians invaded?

Go for it!

In front of the people of the world, pretend again.


Inside the Emperor Butcher's Knife, Moro in white had a faint smile on his face.

It seems that Chen Yuan has long expected that such a choice will be made.

If you want to achieve great things, you must have a heart that is not afraid of everything.

Chen Yuan will accomplish great things!

The atmosphere in Liangzhou City on this day has reached its peak.

Countless Northern Liang armies began to prepare for the battle, and most of the people in Liangzhou City also became determined. They knew that if Liangzhou City was destroyed, no one would survive.

There is quite a heart of unity.

And this is also the atmosphere that Wei Jinfeng has stirred up.

He knew very well that the northern barbarian army who had been cut off from food and grass would definitely fight back with all their strength, and everything would be safe if they took Liangzhou City.

Even though he let the Beiliang army weaken part of the barbarian's strength the day before yesterday, it still couldn't change the overall situation.

The real decisive battle is coming!

Wei Jinfeng didn't rest for several days, and had been sitting on the head of Liangzhou city, the blood on his body was still there, it was left over from that night, and he fought Wanyan Tianba again.

But even with full combat power, it can't kill the opponent.

He can't break through the power of national destiny.


Wei Wuque hurried to the city of Liangzhou, and when he saw Wei Jinfeng, he bowed and saluted.

"How are you getting ready?"

Wei Jinfeng asked casually.

"Already prepared."

"That's good."

"Brother Chen hasn't returned yet?" Wei Wuque asked.

Liangzhou City has already learned what happened that day. Chen Yuan successfully led the eighteen knights of the hidden guards and burned nearly 70% of the barbarian's food and grass.

Things are done beautifully.

But unexpectedly, Chen Yuan's whereabouts suddenly disappeared.

This is not normal.

Although it was a little far away from Liangzhou City, with his strength of Tiandan cultivation base, it was impossible for him to be unable to arrive after so long.


"It's fine for Brother Chen to leave, he's done enough." Wei Wuque thought of his previous thought, without any look of blame on his face.

He killed the barbarian Huayang, and risked burning the food and grass of the northern barbarians. These achievements have surpassed most people in Liangzhou. What more can he and Liangzhou ask for?

Want him to fight and die for Liangzhou?

He is not from Liangzhou, he is just a gold envoy dispatched by the imperial court. No one can find any reason to do this.

"That kid is a character, he left as soon as he left, and he might avenge us in the future." Campmaster General Zhou Bo said in a deep voice.

"Yes, it's a pity that such a person did not come from our Liangzhou, otherwise the prince will definitely accept him as a closed disciple, and the Central Plains will produce another peerless true monarch."

The leader of the water character will smile.

When they talked about Chen Yuan, there was no contempt, no underestimation, and no disdain on their faces. On the contrary, several generals of the Northern Liang Army admired him as a master of alchemy.

Don't say that you just lost track, even if you really left, it's nothing.

They still admire it.

Wei Jinfeng looked ahead and said:

"His merits have been passed on to the capital, and he has done what he promised, so let's go."

"My lord, what is that?"

Before Wei Jinfeng finished speaking, Guo Yan, the leader of Huozi Battalion suddenly moved his eyes, and saw a stream of light from far to near, heading straight for Liangzhou City.

"Could it be a spy from the Northern Man?"

"Which spy is so stupid to die? This is obviously aimed at Liangzhou City. Could it be a master in the Jianghu?" Someone asked.

This is no longer an example. Under the danger of Liangzhou being destroyed, the rivers and lakes of Liangzhou are also in turmoil. Some people have hearts for the people, and some people want to be famous.

But they were not afraid of death and decided to fight the barbarians in Liangzhou City.

There was even a top sect that sent out all its power.

The city of Liangzhou was destroyed, and Liangzhou warriors were born and raised here, reluctant to let their home be destroyed by the barbarians, only willing to fight with their bodies, and die without regret.

These are the words of a young martial artist who has just stepped into martial arts.

It caused a great shock in Liangzhou.

Therefore, if you look at the overall situation, you can see a very strange phenomenon. The number of people who fled from Liangzhou City is far less than the number of people who rushed to Liangzhou City from other places.

The blood in the rivers and lakes has not dissipated.

"It's Chen Yuan."

Others can't see clearly, can't perceive it, but with his cultivation base, even if they are far away, they can tell the identity of the person at a glance.

As soon as Wei Jinfeng's words came out, the generals in Liangzhou City, including Wei Wuque, were all shocked.

Chen Yuan is back!

He... unexpectedly came back!

With the achievements he has made, no one would say a word even if he left them. They only thought that he had done enough, but he just came back.

Under the situation in Liangzhou, a person from Qingzhou actually went to the national calamity with them in Liangzhou.

For a while, the city was silent.

Looking at Chen Yuan who was getting closer, a look of admiration flashed across everyone's faces.

This is Nakahara Erlang!

Heart righteous, not afraid of life and death!

Chen Yuan's condensed light streaked across the void, and he saw a few people on the top of the city at a glance. With a thought, he turned around and fell directly from the void.

Turning his head and glanced at Wei Wuque, seeing the admiration expression on his face and slightly nodding his head, then he cupped his fists towards Wei Jinfeng and said:

"Your official, Chen Yuan, have met the prince."

"Well done." Wei Jinfeng's eyes fell on Chen Yuan, and he said in a deep voice:

"Your achievements have been spread all over Liangzhou City, and have been passed down to the capital by this king. If the imperial court does not grant you a Marquis, thousands of people in Liangzhou will not agree, and neither will I!"

"Thank you, my lord."

A smile appeared on Chen Yuan's face.



The road to rebellion in the future will be better.

"Wu Que congratulates Lord Hou in advance." Wei Wu Que cupped his hands and smiled.

"Your Majesty, you are welcome."

Chen Yuan returned the gift.

"You are a marquis in your twenties, except for those trash who inherit the title, Chen Yuan, this is your first time in this dynasty. Don't forget to buy me a drink then."

Zhou Bo smiled familiarly.

"Don't worry, General Zhou, if you don't get drunk, you won't return."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yuan exchanged some pleasantries, continued to look at Wei Jinfeng and said:

"My lord, what's the situation now?"

Wei Jinfeng: "The decisive battle is coming soon."

Before Chen Yuan could continue to speak, suddenly, the battle drums sounded in Liangzhou City. It was as shocking as thunder, and the whole city could hear it clearly.

And the meaning of this is known to everyone.

Here comes the savage.

After the drum beat, there was a sound like an earthquake.

look from afar.

A few miles away from Liangzhou City, dust and smoke rose everywhere.

The decisive battle has begun!


It's the end of the month, and Shitou sincerely asks everyone for a monthly pass.

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Thanks everyone, only to give back with more updates.

After this battle, Mr. Chen's road to rebellion will begin!

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