I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 528: The Shocking Battle! (The big scene depends on it)

The sound of war drums came to an end, replaced by the entire Liangzhou city. The whole city is mobilized!

At this moment, Liangzhou City, which had already been prepared, began to rotate like a huge and sophisticated machine, the gates of the city opened wide, and elite cavalry came out roaring.

This time, Wei Jinfeng was not going to engage in a siege battle with the barbarians.

Even though the walls of Liangzhou City are thick and there is a big formation to protect it, it is not very effective, because he has understood it since the last battle of Jianmen Pass.

The opponent can directly hook up with hundreds of thousands of troops, and fight together without attacking the city.

Of course, this is not to say that the large formation in Liangzhou City is useless, in fact it is not the case, the large formation in Liangzhou City can still link up with the Northern Liang army formation.

Whether there is a city wall or not is not very useful.

Besides, he has other plans.

Those warriors from the rivers and lakes who came here are not good at military formations, and fighting face to face is their strong point.

The entire Beiliang army came out in full force, nearly 200,000, all of them were well-armored and full of energy and blood. In addition, there were tens of thousands of conscripted government troops and recruits as flanks.

In fact, there were still tens of thousands of soldiers, but Wei Jinfeng didn't use them, but asked them to cooperate with the large formation in Liangzhou City as much as possible. Most of them were very poorly trained, and they didn't train for a long time.

In this kind of face-to-face confrontation, one face-to-face may lose.

There is absolutely no need to fight.

Although Chen Yuan was a little surprised by Wei Jinfeng's handwriting, he didn't say much. In fact, from what Senior Mo Luo said before, Wei Jinfeng was not fighting alone.

It has a deep relationship with Wudang Mountain.

And a fairy gate that has been passed down for thousands of years is very powerful.

Even if the old celestial master couldn't show up due to other reasons, he was still very powerful.

The seven sons of Wudang are all Huayang, and their strength is very strong.

The battle flag was unfurled below, and the air of iron and blood soared into the sky. Northern Liang King Wei Jinfeng slowly stood up, and the golden battle armor on his body shone dazzlingly under the refraction of the sun.

Ning Sheng said:

"In this decisive battle, all soldiers, fight against the barbarians together!"

"Together against the barbarians!"

"Together against the barbarians!"

Several big battalion masters on the top of the city will look condensed at the same time, bowing and clasping fists.

After that, Wei Jinfeng took the lead and stepped out in the air. The strange beasts in Liangzhou city roared, and a huge black tiger with a height of several feet jumped up.

Wei Jinfeng sat on him with a calm expression.


The chief generals of the four major battalions of the Northern Liang Army followed closely behind. In each major battalion, war horses of different species neighed one after another, and several generals in battle armor also sat on their mounts.

Chen Yuan and Wei Wuque looked at each other, smiled at each other, followed behind Wei Jinfeng.

Compared to the last time, Wei Jinfeng was obviously more serious this time.

The boundless Beiliang army looked solemn and neatly arrayed. More than 200,000 people were spread out in front of Liangzhou city, showing an endless momentum.

A few miles away, the sound of rumbling earthquakes quickly ended.

After the dust and smoke cleared, everyone saw an extremely shocking side, and the northern barbarian cavalry on the opposite side was endless, and the darkness seemed to be pouring down from the sky.

Between heaven and earth, a terrifying sense of oppression suddenly swept over.

It makes people feel hopeless.

Can't afford to resist.


Wei Jinfeng sensed the opponent's iron cavalry, and a trace of solemnity flashed across his face.

This is nearly 600,000 cavalry!

You know, under the counterattack in the past two days, nearly 100,000 soldiers and horses of the northern barbarians have been defeated. It stands to reason that the gap between them should be even smaller.

That's why he decided to fight head-to-head.


what's the situation?

The opponent's soldiers and horses are not only not less, but more!

It is more than twice as big as the Liangzhou side.

But soon Wei Jinfeng thought of the reason.

It must be Wanyan Tianba who transferred the soldiers and horses from Youzhou.

He was planning to deal with Wanyan Tianba, and Wanyan Tianba was also planning to deal with him, with a feint, he quickly transferred back the cavalry sent to Youzhou.

Just to catch him off guard.

Let him misjudge.

In the endless Northern Barbarian army formation, streamers of light shot up into the sky, and when the light dissipated, it turned out to be a strong man in the realm of Huayang.

After losing a few digits, there are fifteen more!

It is also the vast majority of the power of the Ancient Jin Royal Court.

This time, in the battle of Liangzhou City, they came out in full force.

Wanyan Tianba's Wang Huo swept away from the army formation and stopped in front of the northern barbarian army formation. The divine general Wanyanshu showed his real body directly. Besides, there was also the one who appeared at Jianmen Pass before. A true king and a strong man.

Three Yangshen True Monarchs!

Fifteen Huayang real people!

Nearly 600,000 northern barbarian soldiers and cavalry!

It was so nakedly exposed in front of everyone in Liangzhou City, with a clear view!

Wanyan Tianba stepped out of the void step by step, each step was like a divine thunder falling from the sky, stepping on everyone's hearts, his face was calm, looking at Wei Jinfeng's posture, there was a sneer on his face:

"Wei Jinfeng, you are really clever, and you have found the food and grass of the royal court."

"Wanyan Tianba, do you think this king is wasting his time in Liangzhou for more than 200 years? All the boundaries of the entire Liangzhou border are in my mind, and where to store food and grass is also in my plan.

The last time it was to burn food and grass, this time it is to burn hundreds of thousands of your northern barbarian army, so that the elite of the Gujin Royal Court will be burned, and since then I dare not look at the Central Plains. "

"Hahaha" Wanyan Tianba laughed wildly:

"So what if the food is burned? When the city of Liangzhou is captured, the hundreds of thousands of Liangzhou people inside will be the food and grass of the royal army. If you have a plan, doesn't this king have a plan?

600,000 royal court elite cavalry, three Yangshen true monarchs, more than ten Huayang real people, Wei Jinfeng, what do you do to stop them? "

Wei Jinfeng also laughed, he looked directly at Wanyan Tianba, and said lightly:

"It's just barbarians, Wanyan Tianba, you have to be clear, Liangzhou is not only guarded by the Liangzhou army, but also tens of millions of Li people, and fellow Jianghu in Liangzhou,

In the face of righteousness, we are all working together, but there are only a few hundred thousand northern barbarian cavalry. Why, do you really think that you have the chance to win? "

After finishing speaking, Wei Jinfeng said loudly:

"Fellow daoists, show up!"

A low shout resounded through the sky.

In Liangzhou City, one after another sound followed, and one after another light shot up into the sky.

"Liangzhou Wandaozong, there are 251 people from the whole sect, come to help!"

"Yunhua Gate in Liangzhou, one hundred and sixty-nine members of the sect, come to help!"

"Liangzhou Embroidery Workshop, sixty-three people from top to bottom, come to help!"

"Liangzhou loose cultivator Tao Biqing, come to help!"

"Shangyu, the lover of Liangzhou, come to help!"

"Liangzhou casual cultivator, Xin Jifei, come to help!"

One after another voices came and went, followed by hundreds of thousands of rays of light.

And every martial artist who can report his own life is at least at the alchemy level, and even counting, there are already three Huayang real people who have come to inject a shot of stimulant into the entire Liangzhou city.

Although the number of warriors in the Jianghu is small, and there are only a few thousand people at full strength, their role is very important because of their strength!

Ordinary soldiers, even elite ones, can only build foundations.

And the warriors who came to help out, many of them were Condensing Gang Xuantong or even alchemy masters.

One against a hundred, one against a thousand can do it.

In Liangzhou City, low-level fighters and ordinary people also had endless discussions.

"It's the Wandao Sect. All the disciples of the sect are here. It's really courageous. When I have a son, I will definitely let him join the Wandao Sect."

"Yun Huazong and Embroidery Workshop are not bad either."

"This is the example of my Liangzhou sect, defending against the enemy outside the gate, and living and dying with one heart."

"I used to disdain that guy Chang Yu, thinking that he would only look for older women, but now... I admire him in my heart, he is a man."

"Even the god of food, Xin Jifei, is on it, what a man!"

Liangzhou Jianghu warriors lined up in the formation, glaring at the Beiman iron cavalry in front of them, and they will charge forward as soon as the King of Beiliang gives an order!

"Not enough, not enough, Wei Jinfeng, is that all you have prepared?" Wanyan Tianba said.

Even if the Beiliang Army has three more Huayangs, compared to the Wang Ting army, it is still less than half. The most important thing is that there is no real king!

Before such an army formation of tens of thousands of troops, only the real king can be regarded as the top combat power.

"Of course more than that!"

Wei Jinfeng responded.

Afterwards, the celestial music of the nine heavens played, and powerful auras began to dissipate.

A thick male voice sounded:

"Wudang Mountain come to help!"

All the seven sons of Quanzhen appeared, and the leader was also a strong Zhenjun. He had white beard and hair, a face like white jade, and an ordinary and simple long sword on his shoulder.

It is the head of the Quanzhen Seven Sons, Song Yingqiao!

In addition to the Seven Masters of Quanzhen, there are hundreds of elite disciples from Wudang Mountain who have formed a large formation. The leader is the former number one genius in the Central Plains, Zuo Chengzong!

Chen Yuan looked over, the other party nodded slightly and smiled back.

Both of them didn't say much, but they both knew the meaning.

As soon as Wudang Mountain's combat power appeared, it immediately pulled back the balance between the Beiliang Army and the Beiman Army. After all, there was one more Zhenjun and six Huayangs.

Although still can't compare with the other side.

But it also has the power to fight.

"Wudang Mountain, very good. You were the ones who hindered Wang Ting's plan more than two hundred years ago. This time, I am going to completely level Wudang Mountain and disappear from the world."

Wanyan Tianba seemed to have expected this a long time ago, so he didn't panic at all.

As long as there are no immortals coming to the world, no one can stop the barbarian iron cavalry this time.

And as far as he knew, the immortal in Wudang Mountain had already reached the end of his lifespan, and his soul had returned to heaven and earth, which meant that there was no immortal in Wudang Mountain, a fairy gate in the Central Plains.

The imperial court has it, but he understands the mind of the Sima family.

A vassal king like Wei Jinfeng is not only a big problem for the grassland, but also a big problem for the court. This can be seen from the support army of the Central Plains court going to Youzhou.

They will never rescue Wei Jinfeng.

Instead, I want him and the Northern Liang Army to wear down the strength of the grassland cavalry.

But unfortunately, they think too much!

"If you have the guts, you can go up the mountain to fight." Song Yingqiao replied calmly, not feeling scared just because the other party was Wang Ting Da Khan.

The fairy gate that stands for a thousand years is older than the imperial dynasty.

There is still some confidence.

Wanyan Tianba smiled lightly, looked down, slowly patrolled, and finally fixed on Chen Yuan, with a murderous look in his eyes:

"It was you who killed Shenkang?"

"it's me!"

Chen Yuan resisted the strong pressure, and responded calmly.

"Very good, then you can bury Kang'er with her today, the number one genius in the Central Plains, hehe. A genius is useless until it grows up."


Chen Yuan's response was brief.

The cold light in Wanyan Tianba's eyes dissipated, he stared at Chen Yuan for a moment, and then turned back to Wei Jinfeng:

"This time you will use all the power of Liangzhou to kill all of you, and there will be no obstacles for the royal court to annex Liangzhou.

Wei Jinfeng, Ben Khan thank you very much. "

"Then thank you in advance."

The black tiger under Wei Jinfeng roared, and the terrifying howl shook the sky, supporting Wei Jinfeng, he reached the void in an instant and looked at Wanyan Tianba at the same level.

"Bold enough, I hope you will be so courageous in the future."

The corner of Wanyan Tianba's mouth twitched into a sinister smile, he raised his hand, and waved suddenly:


"Ho! Ho! Ho!"

Nearly 600,000 Northern barbarian cavalry roared at the same time, and the sound was like thunder. Then, the horseshoes of the cavalry in the front row trembled, and the blood and evil spirits condensed into one, and a terrifying momentum shot straight into the sky.

The power and influence of the army formed by nearly 600,000 cavalry can be imagined.

It has definitely reached the limit of mortals, no one can stand up to 600,000 cavalry if the immortals do not come out.

"Beiliang, attack!"

Wei Jinfeng raised his arm and shouted sharply.

He didn't choose to defend, but decided to confront him head-on.

"Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!"

More than 200,000 cavalry are waiting for the sword, and the cold light is condensed.

The generals of the four battalions, Zhou Bo, Guo Yan and others raised their battle flags at the same time and waved them abruptly: "Follow the prince's military order, the Beiliang army will attack!"




The blood is surging, and the power is shocking.

The two unequal torrents began to stir in an instant. This time the competition was not only about the military formation, but also the elite level of the army. It was a real fight.

With one order, more than 200,000 Beiliang troops moved in unison.

The 600,000 northern barbarian cavalry on the opposite side also moved accordingly.

The land with a radius of a hundred miles was like an earthquake, and two torrents began to charge at the same time.

The battle formations in the void were constantly fighting, and due to the blessing of the large formation in Liangzhou City, the Northern Barbarian Army formation did not crush the Northern Liang Army all at once, which was unbearable.

The two torrents collided instantly.

Gold and iron horse, iron and blood are extraordinary.

The cavalry in the first few rows, whether it was the Northern Liang Army or the Northern Man Iron Cavalry, almost all fell on the spot at the same time. The boundary line was like a meat grinder.

The endless armies from both sides rushed in frantically.

And at this time, in the position of the northern barbarian army formation, a series of formations lit up, and the powerful sharpness directly wiped out a large number of northern barbarian cavalry.

Wei Jinfeng's preparations!

Although it is not a peerless fierce formation, it is already extraordinary to prevent the strong men in the northern barbarian army from discovering it in advance.

Two torrents collide.

And the fight on the other side also started.

Wanyan Tianba fought directly, facing Wei Jinfeng, fighting alone, at a high altitude.

Wan Yanshu, the divine general of the ancient Jin royal court, did not lead the army, but acted as a real king and strong man, and instantly took aim at Song Yingqiao, the leader of the seven sons of Wudang Mountain.

The body size soared several times, like a fierce beast directly killed.

Another Beiman Zhenjun strongman wanted to kill low-level warriors, but was resisted by the four-element killing formation formed by the four god-refining masters from Wudang Mountain.

But in this way, it was very difficult for the more than ten Huayang real people on the Beiman side to resist.

There are three Huayang left on the Beiliang Army side, they are the commanders of Shuizi Battalion, Fengzi Battalion and Dark Guard Battalion, there are two left in Wudang Mountain, and two in Liangzhou Jianghu.

There are seven in total, even if it is one against two, there is still one left.

Seeing this, Chen Yuan didn't hesitate, went up to fill up a number of people, and directly found a Beiman Huayang. Counting, there were quite a few masters who fell under Chen Yuan's hands.

There are two Huayangs with brilliant achievements.

Eight Huayangs face off against fifteen Huayangs.

The elite disciples of Wudang Mountain formed a large formation, and then rushed into the formation, slashing and killing, sword qi crisscrossing, Zuo Chengzong was in the eye of the formation, constantly attracting the Nine Heavens God Thunder to come down to earth.

Each blow can kill a not weak northern barbarian master.

The eldest son Wei Wuque also rushed forward, directly facing a master of the Northern Barbarian Realm Realm, and for a while, the strength was evenly matched.

The Liangzhou rivers and lakes, the Liangzhou army, is pressing across the board at this moment.

There is no planned trajectory.

In this kind of empty land, even the grandest plan can't be used. Is it true that the martial arts experts in the ancient Jin court are blind? It is not easy to have a few kill array support.

In the void, the clear sky has long been covered by black clouds, making one panic-stricken.

There is no end to thunder, and there is no end to thunder.

Before the city of Liangzhou, a great battle was waged. In front of this meat grinder, all personal force, as long as it does not reach Huayang, is inconspicuous.

The collision of the army formations started on the right track.

After fighting for a hundred breaths, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses fell from both sides, blood stained the ground red, corpses were trampled, no one stopped for treatment, and some just charged forward indomitably.

Everyone knew that they couldn't stop, as soon as they stopped and looked at the meat grinder, everyone would feel fear in their hearts, and once they were afraid, it would be considered a defeat.

Only by forgetting fear can we overcome everything.

After fighting for 200 breaths, the leader of the water character camp will be the first to fall. After all, he is still a little seriously injured. The primordial spirit and the physical body are not as matched as imagined, and they can't resist the two Huayang's joint efforts.

But this time, his primordial spirit didn't escape, and charged towards one person like crazy.

After fighting for two hundred and thirty breaths, one of Beiman Huayang also fell. It was the leader of the Shuizi Camp who created the opportunity and gave a real person from Wudang Mountain a chance.

A one-hit kill, beheading his head.

Compared with the scuffle above, the one below is even more cruel. Huangfuqi, the envoy of the Sky Surveyor of Liangzhou, died in battle, with more than ten holes poked in his body. perish together.

Wei Wuque's body was stained with blood, and he was out of breath. He glanced at the fight in the void, without a trace of fear on his face, and continued to charge and kill the alien beast under him.

death, death.

In front of this shocking battle, the only thing is death.

People are constantly dying, people are constantly being injured, and people are constantly charging forward without fear of life and death.

The same is true for the Northern Liang army, and the same is true for the Northern Man cavalry!


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