I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 537 Concubine Mother, You Don't Want to.... (Ask for a monthly ticket)

Originally, when Chen Yuan was seriously injured and dying, Sima Ke was very depressed, because according to what he knew, Chen Yuan's chance of surviving was only one percent.

After all, it is really not much difference to keep up with the real martial arts sword with the alchemy cultivation base.

In the past few days, I have even used alcohol to drown my sorrows.

Chen Yuan is a strong support of him, able to become a strong support of his own power, for this reason, he even gave up all his face and was willing to serve as his mother and concubine.

He also secretly brokered the affairs between him and Huang Jie.

The last time it was for him, he took the initiative to go to Chunhua Palace to ask his mother and concubine to intercede, but he was reprimanded. As a result, all his efforts were in vain.

Chen Yuan is dead, and there is really no hope for him to fight for the throne.

As a result, the sky never stopped him.

Chen Yuan is alive.

He actually lived!

Not only did he survive, but he also lived towards death, reborn from Nirvana, successfully broke through to the fifth realm through this catastrophe, and became a rare Huayang real person in the world!

When Sima Ke heard the news, he wanted to laugh up to the sky.

This is simply a blessing from God!

He knew that Chen Yuan's achievements this time had already been spread all over the capital, and it was precisely because of Chen Yuan's night attack on the Northern Man's grain and grass camp that the Beiliang Army's victory this time was laid.

It was precisely because of Chen Yuan's urging of the real martial arts sword regardless of life and death that he turned the tide and saved hundreds of thousands of people in Liangzhou City, so that Wei Jinfeng was able to attack thousands of miles later.

Leave most of the northern barbarian cavalry in the Central Plains.

This is the credit of splashing heaven!

He will definitely be named a Marquis.

Even, taking this opportunity to become a real high-ranking officer of the Sky Survey Division, coupled with Chen Yuan's terrifying talent, there are not too many people who want to vassalize him.

How can not make him excited?

He even felt that his crown prince was in the hands of Chen Yuan. As long as he was willing to help, everything would be safe and he would be able to overwhelm the power of the boss and the second in an instant.

Of course, after laughing maniacally, he felt that he had to do something to give Chen Yuan a gift for returning to Beijing.

Yes, back to Beijing.

Sima Ke had a vague premonition that it was not suitable for Chen Yuan to serve as Liangzhou's golden envoy after making such great contributions and breaking through the Huayang realm.

He will definitely be transferred back to the capital by his father for reuse.

As long as he holds great power, Sima Ke's spring will come.

But this also brings up a problem, Chen Yuan is at the height of his power, and is placed with high hopes by the court, are his two elder brothers blind? He knew that they wanted to win over Chen Yuan before.

If Chen Yuan is named Marquis, they will spend all their money to win each other over.

Therefore, he must settle Chen Yuan's heart before them.

In terms of power, resources, and even background, he is now far away from Sima Gan and Sima You, but he is not panicked at all.

Because he also has one, no, two secret weapons.

Concubine and Queen!

He could see that Chen Yuan was interested in his concubine mother and sister Huang. Although he said no, as long as it was delivered to his lips, he must be very honest.

Sima Ke was not surprised by this.

After all, who can refuse the incomparably noble and graceful imperial concubine?

Who can refuse Princess Pingyang, who is both civil and military, heroic and cool?

Chen Yuan?


As long as it's a man, you can't refuse it!

If one is not enough, add pounds.

The most important thing is that he has seen through the disguise of his mother and concubine. On the surface, he scolded him and scolded him for treason, but in fact he was very honest. He took the initiative to speak for Chen Yuan in front of his father, and wanted to transfer him back to the capital.

Sister Huang couldn't figure it out, but Sima Ke felt that, as a woman, at least she wouldn't hate Chen Yuan, the handsome first genius in the Central Plains.

He had already inquired, and the ladies and ladies in the capital all fell in love with Chen Yuan a lot, and Zhang Yantong's second daughter was the most eye-catching one.

But he didn't plan to start the chess piece of Huangjie first, he had to hang Chen Yuan first, and then dedicate Huangjie to him when he helped him ascend to the crown prince.

As for now, it is natural to start with the concubine mother first.

There is such a stunner in the capital to welcome Chen Yuan, and he would be satisfied if he thinks about it.

Of course, this does not mean that he was really rebellious and devoid of humanity. In fact, he himself struggled a lot at the beginning, and felt that this was simply a shame.

Son of man, who can bear such an insult?

But then he thought about it.

This is a win-win situation, which is good for everyone.

Needless to say for him, Chen Yuan can help him ascend to the position of prince, and the mother and concubine will also have support in the future.

As far as Chen Yuan is concerned, as long as he ascends to the position of prince, or even the final throne, he must be respected at that time, even if he is given the status of being under one person or above ten thousand people, it is not impossible.

It can also satisfy the desire in my heart, and the imperial concubine

For his mother and concubine, there are also many benefits. Not only can he have a young, strong and famous Zhongyuan Tianjiao to befriend her, but he can also lay the foundation for his old age.

Isn't this a triple win?

Sima Ke thought very well and planned very well, so naturally he didn't delay for a moment, and immediately entered the harem alone to meet his mother and concubine.

At this moment, in Chunhua Palace.

Concubine Yang Gui was caressing Mr. Ou in her hand in boredom, she didn't know what to think of, and there was a faint smile of satisfaction on the corner of her mouth, under her continuous cultivation in recent days.

Mr. Ou's whole body exudes a faint light, very round.

Suddenly, the maid from outside hurried in, and inadvertently saw the things in the hands of the imperial concubine, her face was flushed, and she felt that the empress was too fierce.

"The servants see the empress."

"What's wrong?"

Concubine Yang regained her tranquil face, and quietly put Mr. Ou in her hands into her sleeves.

"Go back to your mother, the Fourth Highness is here."

"Why is he here again? No, let him go."

Concubine Yang Gui frowned, and immediately waved her hands, as if she was very bored.

Since the last time the other party begged her to intercede with His Majesty for Chen Yuan, the other party had also been here, but she hadn't seen her since she could think of what the other party would say.

It's nothing more than letting her serve Chen Yuan.

I don't know how such a bastard can be born.


"Yes, ma'am."

The maid hurriedly stood up, wanting to reject Sima Ke, but at this moment he had rushed into the palace with a flattering smile on his face:

"The child sees the concubine mother."

"Fourth Highness, why did you barge in?"

The maid was startled and wanted to let the other party leave, otherwise she would be punished today.

"You go out first, our mother and son can talk about ourselves." Sima Ke waved his hands impatiently.

Really think he couldn't break in before?

At that time, it was just to test the attitude of the concubine mother, otherwise, in his capacity, it would not be an exaggeration to kill any court lady who dared to forcefully stop her with a sword.


The maid gave the imperial concubine a timid look, wanting to get permission.

Yang Guifei took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her heart, and said softly:

"You go out first."

Then, after finishing speaking, he turned his gaze to Sima Ke, with a trace of impatience flashing across his brows:

"What are you doing here again? If you still say that kind of thing, get out of here now."

Sima Ke smiled awkwardly, and quickly echoed:

"Mother and concubine forgive me, the child doesn't mean that."

Although he said so, he felt that he already knew the thoughts of the concubine mother, and he already knew that the concubine mother had special meanings for Chen Yuan, otherwise why would he plead with the emperor father?

"Then what do you want to say?"

"Mother, concubine, I think you have also heard that Chen Qing was reborn from Nirvana, turned adversity into prosperity, and has broken through the realm of Huayang?" Sima Ke said immediately.

Concubine Yang slowly relaxed her frown, nodded and said:


Otherwise, I wouldn't get drunk, and took Mr. Ou as Chen Yuan and got drunk all night.

"What exactly are you trying to say? Why are you still mentioning him?" Suddenly, Concubine Yang frowned again.

Not afraid, Sima Ke walked in slowly, poured a cup of spiritual tea for Concubine Yang, and continued:

"Emissary Chen Qing has made great achievements this time, and he will definitely be rewarded heavily by the emperor. He will be appointed as a marquis, and even become a high-level executive in the Sky Survey Department. His potential has almost been revealed."


"If the child can get the help of this person, the chances of ascending to the crown prince will be greatly increased. As long as the child can ascend the throne, mother and concubine, you will have no worries for the rest of your life and become the empress dowager."

Sima Ke lowered his voice, especially when he said the word "throne", he only lip-synced and didn't dare to say these two words at all.


Concubine Yang Guifei took a deep breath, he naturally understood the implication of the word bastard, and he couldn't help but feel a little hesitant at this moment.

This time Sima Ke learned to be smart, no longer so blunt, but cryptic expression, he did not believe that the concubine mother was not tempted!

Seeing that the concubine's attitude was not so tough, Sima Ke continued:

"But Chen Yuan has initially shown his power, and there are many people who want to win him over. The eldest brother Sima Gan, and the second emperor brother Sima You, they all want to take advantage of the strong wind of Chen Qingshi to ascend to the crown prince.

In contrast, Hai'er is too far behind now. "

"Once one of them ascends to the crown prince position, there will be no hope for my son. At that time, your situation, mother concubine, will be very bad. As for the reason, you will know the reason even if you don't tell me."

Yang Guifei nodded slightly.

She does know that.

It's okay for Sima You to ascend to the position of prince, at worst, she will continue to lie down and be a minor, but if Sima Qian ascends to the position, it will be the relationship between her and her mother and concubine.

The other party will definitely find a way to kill himself.

Their enmity has been too deep.


Seeing that the concubine mother was really shaken this time, Sima Ke smiled faintly, stepped forward slowly, and whispered in his ear:

"Mother Concubine, you don't want Chen Qingshi to be wooed by them, do you?"

Concubine Yang Gui was very restless at the moment, and was shaken by what Sima Ke said.

Of course, the main reason was that she had been thinking about it for a while, and she couldn't hold back her longing for Chen Yuan at all, thinking about him every night.

Coupled with the emperor's indifferent attitude towards her, and what happened under the table in the Earl's Mansion before, Concubine Yang Guifei did not reprimand her at this moment, but was really moved.

Yes, it's all for Ke'er!

Bengong is not that kind of shameless bitch.

"how do you want to do it?"

Concubine Yang turned her gaze to Sima Ke.

When Sima Ke heard these words, he sneered in his heart. As expected, Concubine Xindao had acted decently before, and he almost believed it at that time.

"It's only right that you know it yourself. If the boy talks about it, you will inevitably scold him for treason again."

"Bengong. Bengong is old after all."

Concubine Yang Guifei couldn't help raising her right hand to caress her cheeks. She used spiritual things all the year round, her skin was soft and fair, but she was a woman in her forties.

His cultivation base is very low, and there are already a few faint wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.

"Why worry about Concubine Mother? As far as I know, Chen Yuan likes older ones, maybe he fell in love with Concubine Mother when he first met Concubine Mother."

Sima Ke continued to brainwash.

"the first time."

Concubine Yang thought of the first time she met Chen Yuan. Although he contradicted her at that time, she didn't notice any emotion from his face.

Yes, just indifferent.

Frowning, she asked in a low voice:


"Of course."

"Then me."

"Mother Concubine, you don't want your baby to lose the crown prince?"

Sima Ke continued to add weight.


"Baby, I'm afraid Chen Qingshi will be transferred back to the capital in a short time. At that time."

"Your Majesty's side."

Yang Guifei pursed her lips, still hesitated.

The last time was fine, but if someone found out, their mother and son would really be dead.

It is not an exaggeration to punish the Nine Clans.

"Mother and concubine, don't worry, there is a child, father and emperor will not notice anything."



Cao Zhengxian said solemnly:

"At this time, the old minister has investigated and found out that Chen Yuan has indeed turned from death to life, and even took this opportunity to break through the realm of Huayang."

The news of Chen Yuan's breakthrough in Huayang had already spread throughout the city of Shenjing, but Jingtai still asked people to investigate again, and now is the time for him to report back.

"Is it because of Wudang Mountain?"

There was some fear in Jingtai's eyes.

"Although it is kept secret at this time, the veteran feels that it must be so. Wei Jinfeng must have paid a huge price to ask Wudang Mountain to use his foundation to bring him back to life."

"Wudang Mountain"

Jingtai muttered to himself.

This is not a small force, one of the top ten immortal sects in the world, with extremely strong strength and profound background, even the imperial court is unwilling to make enemies with it.

Because the ancestors of the Sima family once said that Wudang Mountain has the imprint of Emperor Zhenwu, even if there are no immortals in this generation, it is not so simple.

"Since Chen Yuan has already made a breakthrough, then you should order him to be recalled to the capital in a few days. Staying in Liangzhou will only let Wei Jinfeng win him over."

Jingtai said in a low voice.

For some reason today, when he mentioned Chen Yuan, he felt even more uncomfortable. He always felt that this kid was out of control.

But even so, such a peerless genius cannot stay in Liangzhou.

At worst, after he was transferred back to the capital, he would slowly make it a sharp knife in his hands.

When necessary, even at some cost.

"Yes, the old minister obeyed."

Cao Zhengxian quickly responded.

He is also very annoyed, Tian Xunsi has another Huayang, and the power of the imperial supervisor in his hand will be weakened, this damn guy, why doesn't he die?

"Go down."

"The old minister will leave."

Looking at the back of Cao Zhengxian leaving, Jingtai frowned slightly, what went wrong? He rarely has such a 'whim'.

This Chen Yuan, did he do anything to offend him?


No matter how talented he is, he is still a dog of their Sima family, and a dog must be obedient.

If you are not obedient, then there is no need to keep it.

"Chen Yuan."


Chen Yuan turned around slowly and looked behind.

Zuo Chengzong was calling his name.

After a few days of cultivation, Chen Yuan saw that the news of his resurrection had almost spread, and he didn't plan to stay in Wudang Mountain any longer.

The discussion between Mo Luo and the old heavenly master is over.

He didn't know what 'Tao' he was talking about, anyway, Moro fell into silence as soon as he came back, telling him to recover from his injuries for a while.

Following Chen Yuan, the speed at which he repaired his injuries could not keep up with the speed at which his injuries aggravated.

Must step up.

They don't have much time left.

Seeing Mo Luo practicing, Chen Yuan didn't want to disturb him, so he offered to leave immediately. He wanted someone to tell Zuo Chengzong, but he didn't expect to come to see him off at this moment.

"This time, I wish Brother Chen a smooth journey."

Zuo Chengzong didn't exchange too many pleasantries, he just smiled and cupped his hands.

it is more than words.

Chen Yuan clasped his fists, nodded and said:

"According to Brother Zuo's auspicious words, let's meet again in the future."

"it is good."

Zuo Chengzong's answer was very concise.

What they want to say has been finished a few days ago, and they are more like-minded, and there is nothing more to say at this moment, watching Chen Yuanyuan's back.

Zuo Chengzong smiled, and immediately prepared to go back to the death test.

The last time Zhenwu Emperor Xuying was awakened, he could no longer hold back the traction on his body. He had to refine all the auras in the Zhenwu sword, otherwise it would be difficult to make an inch in the future.

After bidding farewell to Zuo Chengzong, Chen Yuan went straight to Liangzhou City. The news that he was planning to go back had already been released.

By the way, raise your prestige again.

But he obviously thought too much. The more blatantly he is, the more people who are hostile to him dare not act rashly. What if he is ambushed?

So along the way, Chen Yuan was very calm.

Calm even a little too much.

However, after Chen Yuan returned to Liangzhou City, he became restless. At a glance, they were full of dark people. They came to welcome Chen Yuan spontaneously after they heard about Chen Yuan's return.

There are nearly 100,000 people.

"Chen Qingshi!"

"Chen Qingshi!"

"Chen Qingshi"

At first, there was a voice, and then the whole city cheered. On this day, the name of Chen Yuan was everywhere in Liangzhou City.

The eldest son Wei Wuque stepped into the void step by step, looked Chen Yuan up and down, saw his escaping terrifying power, and was happy for him in his heart.

Finally passed the difficulty of life and death.

Then, he clasped his hands and said with a smile:

"Congratulations to Brother Chen for breaking through the realm and transforming into Yang, and you will be able to live for hundreds of years from now on."

The two looked at each other, Chen Yuan stepped forward step by step, looked at Wei Wuque and asked softly:

"Brother Zuo said, that day you told people everywhere that I was dead?"

Thanks for the nickname tail number 48617, Xiong Zai split you, 40587, Junlong, waiting for you to come back, and other book friends for their rewards and support!

Continue to ask for monthly tickets!

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