I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 538 Ambition is first revealed, and the horse is in hand!

"Brother Zuo said, that day you told people everywhere that I was dead?"

Chen Yuan looked at Wei Wuque very seriously and said.

When he chatted with Zuo Chengzong before, the other party did not talk less about this aspect, and even had a somewhat tragic atmosphere, his eyes were flushed.

Hearing this sentence, Wei Wuque's face froze instantly, and he quickly explained:

"This, this, some at that time"

He explained hesitantly, with an unnatural expression on his face.

Because at that time he really thought that Chen Yuan was dead, and even when Zuo Chengzong said that he could still be saved, he had already thought about Chen Yuan's funeral.

Thinking about how to do it better.

It is not in vain that Chen Yuan worked hard for the people of Liangzhou.

"Haha, Mr. Chen was just joking, Brother Wei, don't worry about it."

The atmosphere between the two sides froze for a moment, and Chen Yuan suddenly smiled. Naturally, he would not be angry because of such a trivial matter, but just wanted to make a joke with Wei Wuque.

Before, they could only be regarded as ordinary friends, but Wei Wuque was red-eyed in this world.

It really surprised him.

Wei Wuque was still a little embarrassed, so he quickly changed the topic and invited Chen Yuan to the palace for a banquet. This time, even his father, the King of Beiliang, prepared for him for a long time.

Chen Yuan nodded, looked at the Liangzhou people gathered below, and said some touching words, which moved the hearts of those Liangzhou people even more, and also increased Chen Yuan's prestige.

As the people of Liangzhou dispersed, the entire Liangzhou city was elated because of Chen Yuan's return, dispelling a lot of the haze of the previous battle.

Quite a festive atmosphere.

And Chen Yuan followed Wei Wuque to the palace. Along the way, Wei Wuque introduced the God of Cookery to Chen Yuan, Xin Jifei. Make friends.

Talk about that battle.

He said that Chen Yuan must have a taste of his handicraft, which is full of essence and aura, which is a rare delicacy in the world.

Chen Yuan smiled and agreed.

He didn't stay in Liangzhou for a long time, but he knew a little bit about it. He had heard about this legendary God of Cookery before, and knew that his craftsmanship was extraordinary.

Even ordinary ingredients can instantly become delicious in the world.

Some warriors even tried their best to ask for a meal, but they were rarely granted.

According to Wei Wuque, the secret of Xin Shishen's gourmet food lies in the various seasonings he prepared himself, and often a drop or two can make a big difference.

And this time the welcome banquet prepared for Chen Yuan was Xin Jifei's chef.

It has been prepared for a long time.

Along the way, Wei Wuque chattered about many things, saying that there was a Liangzhou gang, the Tianhai Gang, who wanted to get rid of the God of Cookery for some reason.

He even regarded the words that the King of Beiliang said before as nothing, thinking that he would not stand up for some Jianghu warriors, and he even made a move against them not long ago.

It caused a huge shock in the area of ​​Liangzhou, but the Tianhai Gang ignored them, didn't care about these ordinary people, and threatened them instead.

And this just happened to be the target.

Wei Jinfeng didn't even give the other Liangzhou Jianghu sects a chance to watch the excitement, and directly ordered 6,000 Northern Liang cavalry to flatten the Tianhai Gang.

Even if the other party apologizes, it is useless.

And in that battle, many secrets of the Tianhai Gang were discovered. This gang has been sitting on the smuggling business, sending good things from Liangzhou to Beiman.

Some defective products on the grassland were transported to the Central Plains.

After being wiped out, it also attracted a lot of applause!

At this point, the God of Cookery finally calmed down and decided to work for Beiliang Palace.

Chen Yuan couldn't help nodding his head. If it was him, facing such rat shit, he would have to kill him all over the house to make a warning to others.

While talking, Chen Yuan, Wei Wuque and his party arrived at Beiliang Palace. Wei Jinfeng came out of the mansion to greet him in person, which gave Chen Yuan a lot of face.

In this reception banquet, all the high-level officials of the Beiliang Army came, such as the chief generals and deputy generals of several major battalions, and they greeted Chen Yuan very eagerly.

It was as if he was his own.

Chen Yuan also didn't see the outsiders, and he never refused to come, and drank a lot of wine with these people.

The banquet prepared by Beiliang Prince's Mansion is naturally of extremely high standard, and with the chef Xin Jifei, the god of food, the food is indeed delicious in the world, full of aura and full of deliciousness.

It was the first time he ate something called 'delicacy' after he came to this world.

Two generals of the four major battalions of the Northern Liang Army died, but the general framework is still there. Now the recruits are being trained in an orderly manner, and Wei Jinfeng has also used some of his knowledge from these years.

I want to pile up a few Huayang warriors.

At least you have to restore your previous strength, otherwise you really don't feel safe.

It's not easy to get along with the imperial court.

At the banquet, Wei Jinfeng sat at the main seat, and Chen Yuan sat next to him, talking about many things. He told Chen Yuan that he might not stay in Liangzhou for too long.

He had officially handed over the copy of the title to the capital.

Although it was a little overreaching to do so, Wei Jinfeng didn't care at all, he was a separate force, and both sides knew it well, so there was no need to put on a show.

Especially the fact that the other party has not sent troops to support, it is a thorn in the heart of the Beiliang army.

And these are all under Wei Jinfeng's control.

There is even an intention to push.

Chen Yuan expressed his understanding.

In fact, the matter of being transferred back to the capital had already been thought of by him, and he had voluntarily revealed the matter of breaking through Huayang before, which was to pave the way for this matter.

Liangzhou is a good place, especially Chen Yuan has made great contributions here. He is kind to the people of Liangzhou and has a very high prestige. What he wants to do will get twice the result with half the effort.

But...here is not suitable for him.

No matter how hard he tried, Liangzhou was always dominated by the king of Beiliang. His foundation here was too deep and he had the supreme right.

It is very difficult for Chen Yuan to develop.

Even Wei Jinfeng might have a bad relationship with him.

And this is completely unnecessary.

Chen Yuan has already planned the following development, first returning to the capital, and then seeking to be released, with his current strength, even if he is in charge of a state's military and political affairs, it is no problem.

It's time to prepare yourself!

If you are strong enough, you can start preparing for rebellion. For this very challenging task, Chen Yuan has great enthusiasm.

He wants to proclaim himself emperor and become the highest in the world!

As for the influence of national luck on cultivation, Chen Yuan knew from Mo Luo's mouth that it was not the same thing. In fact, it was the former Chu before the Great Jin Dynasty.

There are also several emperors who are not weak.

The Great Khan of the Ancient Jin Royal Court also has the strength of a true king, and can use the fortune of the country to fight against the enemy. How could it be really harmful?

These things must have a deep relationship with the ancestor Sima who successfully usurped the throne.

So Chen Yuan didn't care about this.

When he became the emperor, Chen Yuan could control a huge amount of power, no matter what he did, he would have the confidence, and he could use this to find the son of luck for himself.

Of course, there is another point, that is, the rich purple luck on Jingtai's body has also been coveted by Chen Yuan for a long time.

He wanted to grab it.

And the starting point of these things must be to have a party's power.

Tangshan Mansion is where his foundation is located. With this place as the center, he occupies the two prefectures of Qing and Shu, with millions of troops, and conquers Zhongzhou in the north!

However, these are only his expectations for the time being, and whether they can really come true will require a little effort from him, plus a little help from the King of Beiliang.

Chen Yuan once wanted Liangzhou's alien war horse, but he never had time to implement it.

With his current relationship with Old Wei, there is no need to go through Xiao Wei, just speak directly.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Chen Yuan clarified his purpose to Wei Jinfeng:

"My lord is right. After this incident, the imperial court will definitely not let Chen continue to serve as the Liangzhou gold envoy. It may be a few days before he is transferred back to the capital.

However, I still have an unfeeling request, and I hope the prince can help. "

Hearing this, Wei Jinfeng put down his wine glass and said:

"you say."

Chen Yuan took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:

"Chen wants a batch of high-quality alien war horses."

There was no surprise in Wei Jinfeng's eyes, he seemed to have expected that Chen Yuan would say such a thing, but he still pretended to be ignorant and replied:

"What do you want the horse for?"

Chen Yuan smiled faintly, knowing that Wei Jinfeng had actually seen his purpose, but he just pretended not to know, and immediately continued:

"There are some uses, I hope the prince will not refuse."

"How much."

"The more the better."

"Can you eat it?" Wei Jinfeng asked with narrowed eyes.

The price of exotic war horses is very expensive, far exceeding that of ordinary horses. Even he can only maintain more than 300,000 cavalry, and this already requires 500,000 to 600,000 war horses.

It's almost reached his limit, no matter how many there are, he can't afford it.

Otherwise, he also wants to raise an army of millions. In this way, even if Youzhou is occupied, the imperial court may not easily turn against him.

"Tens of thousands of horses are still possible."

Chen Yuan responded confidently.

His current social status is not low, not to mention the accumulation of Tangshan Mansion and the strength of the Taoist masters of the Taoist Palace, he alone has a good accumulation.

Destroyed the Qishan tribe, robbed the tribe of hundreds of years of heritage, killed Wanyan Shenkang, and Chen Yuan gained a lot of benefits from it.

There is no pressure at all to raise tens of thousands of war horses.

And this is just the beginning. When he really builds a large army in the south, he will only need more alien horses.

"Okay, where to send it?"

"Qingzhou Tangshan!"

At this point, Wei Jinfeng had already seen his purpose, and since that was the case, there was no need to hide it anymore.

"Okay, my king will let the people below prepare for it in the next few days."

The corner of Wei Jinfeng's mouth twitched, and he nodded slightly.

He has already investigated the fact that Tangshan Mansion is Chen Yuan's base camp, but he doesn't know how many soldiers and horses this kid has trained there, and he actually needs tens of thousands of horses.

It seems that Chen Yuan has been preparing for a long time.

Did he already know that he was actually the identity of the Xiang family?

"Thank you, my lord."

"No thanks, you deserve it."

Chen Yuan helped the people of Liangzhou and him, so he would naturally give back.

It would not be too much to give them all to him, but it is nothing if it is cheaper.

After the banquet was over, Chen Yuan returned to the Sky Survey Division alone.

However, Wei Jinfeng was called into the study by Wei Wuque, and told him about Chen Yuan's begging to buy a different kind of war horse, and Wei Wuque was suddenly startled by this incident, and subconsciously asked:

"Brother Chen, why do you want so many different war horses?"

Wei Jinfeng didn't speak, but just smiled.

This smile made Wei Wuque think of something, and whispered in disbelief:

"Brother Chen, he wants to rebel?"

"He is an ambitious person. How could such a person be willing to submit to the imperial court? Purchasing war horses from Liangzhou is just a part of him.

Wei's father felt that Chen Yuan might have started preparations a long time ago. "

"This this."

Wei Wuque still couldn't believe it.

Chen Yuan actually wanted to rebel!

He obviously has a bright future, as long as he walks well in the court, he will definitely be able to occupy a high position, why should he rebel?

But soon he realized that Chen Yuan was not satisfied with being in a high position, and he wanted more, such as the position of the Ninth Five.

And the preparations started a long time ago.



"These are nothing. The Sima family is indeed not worthy of people's allegiance. Besides, Chen Yuan's identity is not suitable for following the Sima family. It's just a matter of time."

"The father asked the child to come over"

"Chen Yuan's background is still too shallow after all. Even if he has alien war horses and an army, it's probably just empty air, and he will be sent to the end.

The king gave him his war horse, and he doesn't mind giving him some elite veterans and high-level generals of the Beiliang Army, so that they can train to truly train an iron-blooded army. "

"Father wants me to go?"

"You are all young people. You have friendship, but it is not deep enough. In this world, only benefits are eternal. Let you talk about it. It is just for you to deepen your friendship with him. In the future, this person will not be simple."

"But if this is the case, once the court finds out, then our father and son will rebel." Wei Wuque said hesitantly.

"Even if you don't rebel, do you think the court and the Sima family can rest assured us father and son? Although my father had expected what happened last time, he was even more disappointed with the Sima family.

If something interesting happens, I don't mind helping push it. "

Wei Jinfeng squinted his eyes, and a cold light flashed.

"The child understands."

Hearing what his father said, Wei Jinfeng took a deep breath and nodded heavily.

Anyway, it has come to this point, it doesn't matter whether they rebel or not, it's better to let Chen Yuan try to make some things, maybe there will be a day when the world will change in the future.

"Go, it won't be long before Chen Yuan will be transferred back. As for the horse, I will leave it to you as a father."

"Father, don't worry, the baby will do well." Wei Wuque promised.


Chen Yuan's return to the Sky Survey Division caused another huge shock. In fact, when he returned to Liangzhou City today, he was already known by the Sky Survey Division.

At that time, Feng Jiuying greeted him, but Chen Yuan just exchanged some pleasantries and let him go back.

As a result, he led the top executives of the Sky Survey Division until late at night.

If Wei Jinfeng's prestige in Liangzhou was the highest, then Chen Yuan's prestige in Liangzhou Xuntian Division was the highest. In the previous battle, he completely won everyone's hearts.

No one dared to have any thoughts.

Looking forward to his return to sit in town.

Originally, Chen Yuan wanted to wait until tomorrow to summon the top executives of the Sky Survey Department, but since these people waited so late, it would be best to take this opportunity to finish speaking directly.

Feng Jiuying led a group of high-level executives from the Sky Survey Department to welcome Chen Yuan back, and he took that seat without hesitation.

The first thing Chen Yuan asked was about pensions.

In that battle, more than half of the Liangzhou Sky Survey Division was lost, and Wei Jinfeng had never intervened in this aspect, otherwise he might have been suspected of reaching out.

Feng Jiuying respectfully reported all the matters, and told Chen Yuan that most of the pensions were implemented according to the last battle at Jianmenguan. For this reason, the Xuntian Division had been completely emptied.

In addition, those family members of Xuntianwei who died in battle also had proper arrangements, which made Chen Yuan feel at ease.

Feng Jiuying was one of the eight commanders who guarded the capital anyway, and some methods were very good, and it was easy to stabilize the situation.

The only ones who have not settled down are Huangfuqi's family members.

He is a high-ranking member of the Sky Survey Division after Chen Yuan, and his status is respected. Such a person is determined by the imperial court, but unexpectedly, there is no response from the imperial headquarters.

There is no arrangement.

Chen Yuan thought for a moment, and decided to ask Feng Jiuying to bring Huangfuqi's family to Xuntian Division tomorrow.

Huangfuqi died in battle for the country, so it should be properly arranged, which is also his previous promise.

Feng Jiuying quickly said yes.

The second matter is the arrangement of the Sky Survey Division recently, and Feng Jiuying has also handled it very well. On the one hand, he gathered fresh blood to flood the state capitals.

On the one hand, it is to stabilize some things in Liangzhou City.

Overall, although the Xuntian Division suffered heavy casualties, there were still no major mistakes during Chen Yuan's quiet period.

After Chen Yuan listened to them, he encouraged them, and each of them was promoted and rewarded.

Feng Jiuying can also do these things, but he didn't do it, otherwise wouldn't it appear that he seized power?

He's still smart about that.

Waiting for Chen Yuan to come back.

As long as the news of Chen Yuan's death doesn't come out for a day, then he will just be honest. He doesn't want to make any mistakes at such a time.

Of course, the most important thing is that he also admires Chen Yuan very much.

Especially in the first battle that day, he even cried on the spot.

When the officials below left, Chen Yuan pondered for a moment, then said lightly:

"Huangfu's golden envoy died in battle. From now on, the Liangzhou Xuntian Division will rely on you."

Before, he was thinking of painting cakes for the two of them and letting them obey orders. After he left, he would report both of their names to the higher-ups. As a result, now that Huangfuqi is dead, there is no need.

Feng Jiuying is also doing well. If Chen Yuan is really transferred, it is normal for Feng Jiuying to take over.

"I don't dare to be humble."

Feng Jiuying said hastily.

"You don't need to refuse anything. The official has already promised you that when the envoy leaves, he will recommend you like the above, and the time for the official to leave may not be far away."

Chen Yuan waved his hand.

"My lord is leaving?"

Feng Jiuying pretended to be a little surprised.

As for the fact, he can also predict it.

Chen Yuan made a great contribution to breaking through the realm and transforming Yang, so it is impossible to stay for too long.

Maybe even in the near future.

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