But thinking about it seems to be able to say the past.

After all, Concubine Yang Gui had been vacant for many years, and her stubborn illness had long tortured her intolerably. After being diagnosed and treated by Chen Yuan, she would naturally think of a complete cure.

Counting the time, the self-cultivation is almost the same.




"come in."


"hurry up."

Concubine Yang urged.

"Be careful of being seen."

Chen Yuan nodded. Although he knew in his heart that no one in the Hou Mansion would dare to disobey his order, he didn't say much, turned around and closed the door.

Concubine Yang Guifei seemed not very interested, she poured a cup of spiritual tea for herself and Chen Yuan each, and sighed lightly, as if she was a little bored.

"What are you worried about, Madam?"

"Your Majesty is about to establish a crown prince."

"Oh, who are you going to stand for?"

Chen Yuan raised his eyebrows and asked immediately.

"Your Majesty means"

Concubine Yang briefly explained the family banquet that day in detail.

"This is not a bad thing, as long as His Majesty has the idea of ​​establishing a prince."

If Jingtai hadn't had this idea all along, it would be useless for those princes to fight for their heads, but now they have completely placed the position of prince in the open.

The Sima Ke brothers are probably about to start fighting openly and secretly.

Whoever loses, loses not only the crown prince, but also the future throne, and everything.

Winners take all, losers take none.

"I came here this time to ask you to help Ke'er."

Concubine Yang Guifei saw that Chen Yuan didn't express her opinion at all, and immediately stated her intention of coming, Sima Ke's experience in the Sky Survey Department could not be separated from Chen Yuan's help.

If he helps, he can get twice the result with half the effort.

But if he refuses, it will be difficult to move forward.

"Didn't your empress say last time that it has nothing to do with His Royal Highness?"

Chen Yuan looked at the other party with a faint smile and asked.

"I, I." Concubine Yang Guifei's cheeks turned red:

"Now that I have the opportunity, I naturally want Ke'er to go further. After all, the relationship between you and me is also related to Ke'er.

If he can really become a great treasure in the future, as long as the news is blocked, you can come and go in and out of the harem at will, and you can get help in whatever you want, which is also a good thing for you."

Concubine Yang Gui persuaded Chen Yuan.

Although there was some friendship between them, she couldn't guarantee that Chen Yuan would be willing to help Sima Ke get the position.

"If you want to help His Highness the Fourth Highness rise to the throne, it's not as simple as helping."

Chen Yuan sat down slowly, enjoying the service of Concubine Yang offering tea.

"Then Hou Ye will help Ke'er a little more. No matter what he says, he is still your half son. Well, as long as Ke'er is in power, I will agree to your request."

Concubine Yang Gui whispered, the blush on her face became deeper.

"It's difficult."

"Master Hou, help him. When you were in Liangzhou, the northern barbarians invaded aggressively. Ke'er begged me several times to let me speak kindly in front of His Majesty to transfer you back to the capital."

"Besides, Bengong has helped you a few times. We have the same interests. If Sima Gan and Sima You are in power, they will never tolerate you."

Concubine Yang's eyes were pleading.

Chen Yuan's eyes flickered, but what Concubine Yang Guifei said was not bad, as far as the relationship between Chen Yuan and Sima Ke's mother and son was concerned, the most appropriate thing to do at the moment was to help them.

It's just that Jing Taiming knew that he had great power and relationship in the Sky Survey Department, and he put Sima Ke here to practice. He didn't know if there was a deeper plan in it.

Seeing the sincerity and pleading in Concubine Yang's eyes, Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes and nodded:

"As far as I can, Chen will help him."


"Just a verbal thank you?"

"Then what else do you want?" Concubine Yang gave him a blank look.

She has already put on the palace attire, so she doesn't believe that Chen Yuan doesn't understand the meaning.

"Hehe, that's fine, then I'll trouble you to use your tongue. For our relationship, it doesn't hurt to thank you verbally." As he spoke, Chen Yuan had a mental thought.

The soft pillows on the bed fell to the floor.

Concubine Yang Guifei took a deep breath, looked at Chen Yuan's eyes, her face became even redder, but she did not refuse after thinking about it, she bent down and knelt on the pillow, her palace outfit outlined a graceful figure, and began to thank Chen Yuan for her kindness. help.

Chen Yuan reached out and hooked Concubine Yang's coiled long hair, squinting her eyes and concentrating.


After a long time, Chen, who had been thinking for a long time, let out a foul breath.

Concubine Yang Guifei spat lightly, and quickly picked up the teacup on the table.

"Apart from establishing the crown prince, what else did Jingtai say at the family banquet?" Chen Yuan's face turned serious, quite upright.

Exhaling foul breath, he had no desires or desires at this moment, entered another state of sage, and continued to ask.

Concubine Yang Gui, who had finished her cup of spiritual tea, heard this and her expression became gloomy.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Yuan glanced at her and asked curiously.

It shouldn't be.

She really likes the smell of this heather tea.

"Your Majesty intends to betroth Pingyang to you."

Yang Guifei said in a deep voice.

Chen Yuan secretly said that sure enough, he is not a dull person, he had expected this when the atmosphere in the capital changed for the second time, and it was probably Jingtai's instruction to come to this family banquet.

In less than a day, everyone in the capital will know about it.

"you are not willing?"

Chen Yuan chuckled lightly.

"What do you say?"

Yang Guifei snorted softly.

How could she be willing?

It would have been fine if she hadn't become a fellow Taoist, she could still suppress her stubborn illness, but things had already happened, once Pingyang married him, what would it matter?

Thinking about her made her feel uncomfortable.

"If Princess Pingyang marries me, Sima Ke's power will increase greatly, and his chances of becoming the crown prince will also increase significantly. Chen thought that the empress would support her."

"You really want to."


Concubine Yang Guifei spat again, and suddenly felt that Chen Yuan was a bit shameless and perverted.

I thought it was just that my preferences were different from ordinary people, but now it seems that it is much more than that.

"It's only natural for Chen to do good deeds with such good deeds. At that time, would your empress be willing to help me?" Chen Yuan teased.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, I will never agree to such a request, don't even think about it." Concubine Yang snorted coldly, but suddenly felt that her tone seemed to be a little heavier, and she said hastily:

"Even if Ben Gong agrees, Yi Pingyang's temperament will never agree, you should accept this thought."

"My lady, don't worry, Mr. Chen is just joking. Although Princess Pingyang is good, she is not what Mr. Chen is asking for. I only want to be devoted to Taoism, but I have no intention of marrying a wife and having children. Mr. Chen will refuse this matter."

Chen Yuan said seriously.

Before knowing Jingtai's real purpose, he will definitely refuse.

He is determined to rebel, and he is seeking to be transferred from the capital after being promoted to the position of the Four Great Divine Envoys of the Xuntian Division. It is impossible to get married here.

He also became Jingtai's son-in-law!


Concubine Yang looked at him suspiciously.

"What do you say?"

"But there, Your Majesty."

Concubine Yang was a little worried for no reason. If she resisted and disrespected, Chen Yuan might be suppressed by the emperor, or even punished. She didn't want to see that scene either.

"There must be a way for a car to reach the mountain. Can Jingtai force me to do it?"

Chen Yuan said lightly.

If Jingtai really used all means to force him to get married, then there must be a bigger plan involved, and he would naturally not just sit and wait for death, the worst would be to overturn the table.

Where in the world can't go to Huayang cultivation base?

People are forced out.

If Jingtai is really crazy, Chen Yuan doesn't mind Shura Demon Lord coming online, let's see if he in Huayang Realm and Senior Mo Luo's power can abolish him in a surprise attack.

"Not necessarily."

Regarding Jingtai's character, Concubine Yang Gui is still quite clear, it is really to achieve the goal by any means.

"Your Majesty, don't worry about this matter, Chen has his own decision."

"I trust you."

Concubine Yang's eyes were shining brightly, she just liked Chen Yuan's confident and tough appearance, high-spirited, not afraid of anything, even if any difficulties and dangers stood in his way.

He can still fight a bloody path with his fists and the long knife in his hand.

"It's getting late, eh"

Chen Yuan smiled and looked at the imperial concubine.

"It's getting late."

(To save traffic, three thousand words are omitted here.)

That night.

On the roof of a high-rise building about thousands of feet away from the Marquis of Wu'an's Mansion, a middle-aged man stood with his hands behind his hands, frowning, staring at the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion.

His name is Xiang Qianfeng, he is one of the elders of Huayang of the Xiang family, and he is also Xiang Lingtian's biological father. After learning that Xiang Lingtian died at the hands of Chen Yuan, and his head was publicized by the Sima family.

He is angry.

Xiang Lingtian is his son with the strongest potential, and has always been his pride. He is regarded by him as the future head of the Xiang family, and even the restored prince.

No matter how Xiang Qianqiu, the contemporary patriarch, tempered his son, he endured it.

But he couldn't bear Xiang Lingtian's death.

Xiang Qianqiu didn't dare to contradict him, so he naturally aimed his hatred at Chen Yuan, the first genius in the Central Plains, the guy who stepped on his son's head to ascend to the Marquis of Wanhu, he was thinking about it all the time after he heard the news He dies.

He even begged Xiang Qianqiu to use the dark men hiding in the capital to kill Chen Yuan and avenge Xiang Lingtian.

He doesn't know who Xiang Lingtian's dark son is, but he knows that the Xiang family has a lot of resources that have been passed down to the capital, accumulated over tens of hundreds of years, an absolutely astonishing number.

Moreover, according to his understanding, it is absolutely impossible for Xiang Qianqiu to arrange for ordinary Yin Zi, because that is meaningless, and it only counts if he climbs to the top of the imperial court.

It is also because the Xiang family has some strength in the court that they can repeatedly know in advance the court's encirclement and suppression of the Xiang family, so that the Xiang family did not suffer any losses.

It's a pity that those powers are only in the hands of Xiang Qianqiu, and no one knows about them except him.

Facing his request, Xiang Qianqiu was indifferent, and even told him that Xiang Ling's sky skills were not as good as others, and that he could not kill Chen Yuan even in the same realm with double pupils, but if he killed him instead, he would be a waste and die just die.

He was also unwilling to use the power the Xiang family had accumulated over the years to take revenge on Chen Yuan.

Then, under the attack of anger, he came to Shenjing City alone.

And the news of his coming, except for Xiang Lingtian, no one else stopped him from avenging his son, as if he thought he could succeed by himself.

But after he inquired about Chen Yuan's residence, he didn't act immediately.

This place is still the capital after all, if everything cannot be resolved within thirty breaths, it will definitely cause a great earthquake in the capital, and once the real king and strong man shows up, he will die.

After all, in the final analysis, he is nothing more than a peak cultivation of God.

Although his strength was a level higher than Chen Yuan's, he still knew Chen Yuan's reputation of being invincible in the same realm. Even if he was sure that he could kill him, he would never be able to settle the battle with thirty breaths.

So he calmed down and decided to find a way to lure Chen Yuan out.

As long as they leave the city, the opponent will undoubtedly die.

He also wants to keep Chen Yuan's head in the capital, and let out such a bad breath!

Also let the court know that the Xiang family is not so easy to mess with.

After two hundred years of accumulation, it already has the power to turmoil.

The number one genius in the Central Plains, overwhelming an era, invincible in the same situation, the youngest Lord Hou, with these titles, he is worthy of being a companion with Ling Tian on Huangquan Road.

"Chen Yuan, cherish these few days, because... you are about to go on the road." Xiang Qianfeng snorted coldly and muttered to himself.

He was also one of the few disciples with excellent aptitude in the Xiang family back then, otherwise it would have been impossible for him to break through to the realm of refining gods and give birth to a son with double pupils like Xiang Lingtian.

Normally, although he is not wise, he would never kill the capital impulsively, but Xiang Lingtian's death completely made him explode, as if a thought in his heart urged him to kill Chen Yuan.


Xiang Qianfeng squinted his eyes, exuding a faint chill.

Turn around and disappear into the night.

The next day, early morning.

What was different from the last time was that the imperial concubine left the Marquis of Wu'an's Mansion with her legs covered and her mouth covered before dawn. It was obvious that many of her persistent illnesses had been diagnosed and treated.


The sun shines on the window sill through the window, and Chen Yuan exhales a foul breath slowly.

Chen Yuan's expectations were indeed right. After only one day, what happened in the palace spread to the capital very quickly, causing quite a reaction to the previous wind direction.

The emperor admired Chen Yuan very much, and even mentioned it during the family banquet, and the eldest princess Pingyang also had a good impression of Chen Yuan, which made many noble daughters feel sad.

I can only look at Zhukong and cry.

And the most uncomfortable thing was Zhang Wanshu. After hearing about this incident, she didn't eat for a whole day, and her mind was restless. Zhang Yantong was heartbroken.

But who dares to disturb the emperor's affairs?

The Zhang family has not yet reached the point where the emperor can retreat.

However, compared to another matter, those rumors between Chen Yuan and Princess Pingyang seemed to be nothing. Yes, it was Jingtai's desire to establish a prince.

There was a huge hurricane in the capital.

This is the first time that Jingtai has taken the initiative to mention this matter since he came to power ten years ago, which made many civil servants and military generals in the court breathe a sigh of relief.

They don't object to seeking longevity, and they dare not object, but at least they must put state affairs first. If they really want to live forever, wouldn't it be better to just abdicate and become the Supreme Emperor?

It's just that anyone with a little brain, people from the Nine Clans dare not say it.

There was an uproar in the capital, and Chen Yuan knew about it after he left Wu'an Mansion, but he didn't care about it, but went straight to Qingyun Temple.

Mo Luo was silent for a long time, and he would not disturb unless it was absolutely necessary, and the man from Taixu Palace was obviously a well-informed person, and he was going to ask for advice.

If you really can't ask for advice, you can only try to wake up Senior Moro.

Soon, Chen Yuan, who was on his way very fast, arrived at Qingyun Temple. Under the reception of Xiaodaotong with a smile, he saw the old Taoist Tianxu who was sitting cross-legged in the hall yesterday.

The other party opened a gap and smiled softly:

"Benefactor Chen came here so early in a hurry, presumably something happened to him."

"Senior knows things like a god. Chen came here because he really wanted to ask senior about something."

"But the matter of marrying the eldest princess?"

A gleam flashed in Tianxu's old-fashioned eyes.

"That's right, can the senior tell the junior about the pros and cons?" Chen Yuan asked solemnly.

As for what the other party guessed, they didn't feel any surprise or shock. There are quite a few people spreading the word in the capital, so it's not surprising that Taoist Tianxu knew about it.

This is not the point either.

Taoist Tianxu pondered for a moment, then nodded and said:

"This matter is absolutely unacceptable to you."

Chen Yuan's expression froze:


"Pindao has some understanding of this emperor. He is so active in promoting this matter, and he has a lot of plans. He wants to completely include you in the Sima family and be loyal to the royal family forever."

"Only by one marriage?"

"Of course not." Tian Xu shook his head and continued:

"Marriage is just the beginning. Well, if what Pindao predicts is correct, once you get married, you will be karmicly involved with the Sima family.

Jingtai will use strange treasures to let you make a great oath, which must not be violated, otherwise, it will be difficult for you to peek into a higher realm in this life. "

"What if I don't want to swear?"

"Princess Pingyang is the emperor's eldest daughter, and she is extremely important in itself. The emperor affects the fate of the country. As long as you enter the game, it is almost impossible to leave. After that, you may not be able to stop it.

But this is not the most important thing. If you are always loyal to the Sima family, this matter will only benefit you. With your talent and potential, the emperor will fully support your cultivation.

But you still have a fatal problem."

"The blood of the Xiang family?"

"Yes, once the fate of the country is involved and you make an oath, the emperor will see through the blood of the Xiang family with the help of the fate of the country. At that time, even if you make any vows, the emperor will not keep you."

"You don't know much about the horror of the Xiang family. The great ancestor had already reached the pinnacle of the world and left a brand in his blood. Therefore, the cultivation talents of the Xiang family's children have always been very good.

It is precisely because of this that the Sima family has always killed the Xiang family, and would rather kill the wrong one than let it go. "

"Do you think that once your identity is exposed, Jingtai will leave you as a great hidden danger? After all, the centipede of the Xiang family is dead but not stiff, and it has been passed down for 800 years, so it may be able to help you break the oath." means."

"He doesn't know how to gamble, and he doesn't dare to gamble."


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