I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 552 Private meeting at Shuanghe Temple!

Hearing what the old Taoist Tianxu said, Chen Yuan's heart sank slightly.

Sure enough, Jingtai's purpose is not that simple, he wants to completely pull himself into the big ship of Sima's family.

It's ridiculous, I want him to be loyal to the Sima family forever and become their family's sword.

He is also worthy? !

Chen Yuan didn't think Taoist Tianxu would deceive him. He didn't have this motive, and it didn't do him any good. Besides, Chen Yuan had already had doubts about this matter.

Now, it can be regarded as dispelling it.

It's a pity, in this way, Chen Yuan will not be blessed to enjoy the beauty of mother and daughter.

Before the crisis of life and death, Chen Yuan would not take risks.

He originally resisted Jingtai's plan, but now that he knows the truth of the matter, it is naturally impossible to comply with it, it is nothing more than resisting the order, even so, he cannot agree to this matter.

Now, I can start to think about how to refuse this matter.

But if Jingtai really had a plan, he might not give up easily.

Now that I think about it, before Jingtai gave him the honor of Marquis of Ten Thousand Households, but did not give him the real power of Xuntiansi, and now he has nothing to do, maybe it was used to gag other people's mouths.

Unless he agrees to this marriage, he will be given more power.

Otherwise, it is oppression.

Chen Yuan brought himself into the identity of Jingtai, and quickly figured out the key points.

Perhaps in Jingtai's view, he has always aimed to be a loyal minister and a good general, a minister of the Humerus of the Great Jin Dynasty, and he will not resist too much to become the son-in-law of the royal family.

After all, this matter is of great benefit to Chen Yuan.

It can be regarded as being able to truly connect with the Sima family.

But how did he know that Chen Yuan is not just an ordinary identity, not only bears the divine blood of the Xiang family from the previous dynasty, but also a true king in a vest who made a big fuss in the imperial city and killed the Sima family.

Moreover, there is also the ambition to subvert the Sima family.

It is impossible to be loyal to the Sima royal family forever.

"Thank you senior for clarifying the confusion."

Chen Yuan cupped his hands and said solemnly.

Knowing this answer, then he doesn't need to disturb Mo Luo's practice anymore.

"No problem, no problem."

Taoist Tianxu waved his hand, not paying attention.

In fact, he has other thoughts. Chen Yuan has purple energy to protect his body, and also has the divine blood of the former Chu Taizu, and has the image of an emperor. It may not be long before he can kick off the prelude to turmoil in the world.

And if Chen Yuan can really take a gamble, Taixu Palace, which has always been aloof from the outside world, may also start betting into the game.

It is also good to form some good relationships now.

After all, this is not a big deal, just anecdotes and speculation.

In Qingyun temple, Chen Yuan asked old Taoist Tianxu a lot of questions about the wedding, and the other party answered them one by one, so that Chen Yuan could understand more carefully.

He once asked why Taixu Palace lived in seclusion in the capital instead of cultivating in the fairy mountain, while the old Taoist Tianxu stroked his long beard with his hand and smiled without saying a word.

Chen Yuan is also a playful character. Seeing that the other party was unwilling to say more, he didn't ask any more questions immediately. When he felt that the time was almost up, he offered to leave.

The old Taoist Tianxu didn't keep him either.

Chen Yuan returned to the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion to continue his practice, but the news about the crown prince and Chen Yuan's wedding with Princess Pingyang became more and more popular in the capital.

On the second day, Chen Yuan wanted to continue his practice, but his cheap sister-in-law Li Hongshuang sent someone to visit and invited him to Shuanghe Temple for a talk.

What is the specific matter, but did not say much.

Chen Yuan didn't have any doubts, he gave instructions to the guards in the mansion, and then headed towards Shuanghe Temple. Speaking of which, after returning to the capital, Chen Yuan only saw Li Hongshuang once.

They are different from men and women, and Chen Yuan is unwilling to get in touch too much when there is nothing to do, so as not to make people suspicious, but they are not unfamiliar with each other, because of his relationship with Jiang He, Li Hongshuang also has a lot of trust in him.

It is worth mentioning that since the last time the two expressed their attitudes, the relationship between the two parties has been completely revealed. Perhaps she knew that Chen Yuan had a way to contact Jiang He, and he had a lot of words last time.

After Chen Yuan asked Jiang He's opinion, he didn't try to avoid suspicion, and acted as a bridge between the two parties. This time, even if Li Hongshuang didn't invite anything.

When he is free in a few days, he will also visit the door to pass on the message.

When they arrived at Shuanghe Temple, a young female Taoist greeted Chen Yuan in person, and she was very respectful to Chen Yuan. Now Chen Yuan is not simple, except that he has stepped into the fifth realm, and he is still a prince of thousands of households.

One of the top few nobles in the capital today.

As long as you show your identity, the metropolis will be very respectful to it.

Although he is not the Divine Envoy of the Xuntian Division, but a member of the third rank, but because of Marquis Wu'an's status, in the eyes of others, he is more valuable than the Xuntian Division Divine Envoy.

After passing through several gates of Shuanghe Temple, Chen Yuan arrived at the main hall. Li Hongshuang, who was sitting cross-legged in meditation, also opened her eyes. After the others were dispersed, she asked about Chen Yuan's recent situation.

Chen Yuan also answered them one by one, and also brought some of Jiang He's words.

Jiang He's personality is relatively cold, he doesn't talk too much, and he can't say any tiresome love words. The specific meaning is to ask Li Hongshuang to wait for him for a while.

He will personally give her an explanation.

When Li Hongshuang heard this, she immediately showed a chuckle, and a gleam of love and expectation flashed in her eyes. She knew Jiang He's character, and she didn't expect him to say any touching words.

As long as the attitude is in place, she is very satisfied.

"I don't know why my sister-in-law called me here this time?"

Chen Yuan looked at the happy Li Hongshuang and asked.

Under my heart, I am somewhat curious.

Listening to Chen Yuan's words, Li Hongshuang straightened her face immediately, gradually restrained her joy, and said with a light smile:

"Recently there have been a lot of rumors about you in the capital. Even in Youguan, my sister-in-law has heard a lot."

She didn't say it directly, but turned it around.

"It's just rumors from outsiders. Don't worry about it, sister-in-law."

"You are extremely smart, don't you know what is behind this rumor?"

Li Hongshuang looked at him and asked.

"Know a thing or two."

"Your Majesty intends to recruit you as his son-in-law, what do you think?"

"Chen is devoted to Taoism and has no intention of starting a family."

Chen Yuan said.

"You want to refuse?"

Li Hongshuang froze for a moment, a little surprised.


"But this is His Majesty's intention, if you resist the order."

She couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"The imperial decree has not yet been issued, and there may be a turning point." Chen Yuan smiled calmly, but this was only on the surface, and in fact he was very serious in his heart.

Staring quietly at Chen Yuan, seeing that what he said did not seem to be false, he tapped his white teeth and said in a concentrated voice:

"Pindao invited you to Shuanghe Temple this time, because he was actually entrusted by others."

"Who is it?"

"It is said that you are extremely smart, so you might as well take a guess."

A slight smile appeared on Li Hongshuang's face.

Chen Yuan frowned, his thoughts turned, thinking about who wanted to meet him here, and even passed Li Hongshuang's hand specifically, this must be knowing the relationship between them.

After excluding one person, Chen Yuan suddenly said in a deep voice:

"Is it the eldest princess?"

The smile on Li Hongshuang's face was even wider, she nodded and said:

"You are really extraordinary, yes, this time it is the Eldest Princess who wants to see you, but due to the rumors outside, so I invited you through the hands of the poor, don't blame my sister-in-law for making her own decisions, in fact, in my opinion, Pingyang is worthy you."

She knew that Chen Yuan was somewhat secretive, but she would not let him think that he was the legacy of the previous dynasty, nor would she think that he was the Shura Demon Lord who made a big fuss in the capital.

In his opinion, it would be a good thing if Chen Yuan could become the husband-in-law of the eldest princess.

Chen Yuan became famous at a young age, his reputation was extremely high, and his talent was unprecedented. He is definitely one of the most outstanding men in the world. There are not many people who can match him.

The eldest princess Pingyang is exactly one.

She has both civil and military skills, has both moral and ability, and has a high status in the royal family, and has a graceful and noble temperament. If she becomes Chen Yuan's official wife, she is actually very suitable.

Therefore, after Princess Pingyang explained her intentions, he made his own claim.

But unexpectedly, Chen Yuan actually resisted.

I don't know why.

Does the heart belong?

Somehow, she thought of the stunner who charmed all living beings.

"The eldest princess wants to see me, why?"

Chen Yuan frowned.

"Pindao doesn't know either, she is in the side hall at the moment, if you want to see her, you can meet her, if you don't want to see her, then I will refuse on your behalf." Li Hongshuang said.

"Then let's see each other."

Chen Yuan thought for a moment, then nodded.

Come here, it's okay to see each other.

Li Hongshuang told Chen Yuan where Princess Pingyang was at the moment, and Chen Yuan immediately got up and walked towards the side hall, the more he walked, the more familiar he felt, because the last time he seemed to slap Concubine Yang Gui in that side hall.

And changed his mind.

So, it's a coincidence.

"Boom boom boom"

After sweeping his mind and confirming that there was someone inside, Chen Yuan knocked lightly on the door.

"Since Marquis Wu An is here, let's come in."

In the hall, came a familiar cold voice.

It is the eldest princess Pingyang.


Chen Yuan pushed open the door of the side hall of Shuanghe Temple.

At a glance, I saw the beautiful figure sitting cross-legged with her back facing him in the hall. She was wearing a white dress, simple and unadorned, with a phoenix hairpin tied in her hair.

"Take the liberty of inviting Marquis Wu'an with Sister Li's hand, and I hope Marquis will forgive me."

Princess Pingyang turned around, nodded and smiled towards Chen Yuan.

"It's okay." Chen Yuan's spiritual thought moved, and the door automatically closed slowly without wind, while he walked forward slowly:

"I just don't know why Your Highness is looking for me."

"Marquis Wu'an should be clear in his heart."

"It's not as clear as His Royal Highness's direct explanation."

Princess Pingyang looked at Chen Yuan and chuckled lightly:

"Come here for the rumors in the capital."

"There are rumors in the market, your Highness don't need to care."

"Master Hou is really good at pretending to be confused. This is not a rumor in the market, but something taught by His Majesty."


Chen Yuan sat down cross-legged calmly, and asked in a calm voice.

"I want to know what Master Hou thinks about it?"

Princess Pingyang looked directly at Chen Yuan and asked.

She doesn't really want to marry, it has nothing to do with Chen Yuan, but her father has already expressed her attitude, she can't refuse, so she wants to see what Chen Yuan thinks.

It would be best if she could resist, but if she intended to marry her, she wouldn't say much.

After all, compared to other people, she still has a lot of admiration for Chen Yuan, a famous figure in the world. It is not an easy thing to do so many great things at his age.

He is definitely one of the most outstanding men in the world.

"Your Highness asked me? Chen still wants to ask your Highness what you think?" Chen Yuan didn't answer, but asked back.

Princess Pingyang let out a long sigh:

"The emperor's order is hard to disobey, Pingyang is just a girl, and he can't stop it."

"That is to say, His Highness actually has no intention of getting married?"

"What Marquis Wu'an said is exactly what I want in this palace."

Princess Pingyang nodded.

In front of others, it is naturally impossible for her to admit that she has a slight liking for Chen Yuan.

"Actually, what His Highness thinks is also what Chen thinks. I aspire to be in martial arts and have no intention of getting married." Chen Yuan replied calmly.

There is actually nothing wrong with what Concubine Yang said, even if she wanted to, her cold-hearted daughter would not agree to serve her husband together.

Besides, Chen Yuan knew about Jingtai's plan, so he would not put himself in danger for such a desire.

Seeing Chen Yuan's expressionless face, Princess Pingyang knew that this was definitely not against her will, and while she was relieved, she also felt some inexplicable disappointment.

This is the first time a man has no feelings for her.

Some frustration.

But on the surface, it will not be revealed, just said:

"The Marquis of Wu'an has lofty aspirations, and Pingyang admires him, but his father has the constitution of heaven in his mouth, so it may be difficult to resist the decree."

"Since Your Highness specially invited me through Guanzhu Li, there is a way to deal with it when you want to come." Chen Yuan squinted his eyes and looked at Princess Gao Leng in front of him and asked.

Princess Pingyang looked a little hesitant, but she still said:

"Since Lord Hou doesn't want to start a family, the only option now is to leave the capital quickly."

"Leave the capital and think that His Majesty will agree?"

Chen Yuan still holds the position of Jinshi, and has no specific real power. If he left the capital rashly, it would be equivalent to resigning rashly. Not to mention the imperial court, the Sky Surveyor would be shocked.

Moreover, Chen Yuan is still interested in the position of God Envoy of Tianzi.

Leaving directly is not suitable for his future plans, unless Princess Pingyang can find a way to transfer him away, but this is impossible.

When it comes to Chen Yuan's official position, if there is any transfer, it must require the emperor's consent.

"If something happens to other state capitals, can Lord Hou leave?"

"Chen intends to return to the south. If His Highness can do this, Chen is naturally willing to leave." Chen Yuan directly threw her a difficult problem.


"Your Highness is usually liked by His Majesty. If you really don't want to start a family, you can write a letter. If there is any movement from Mr. Chen, you will also refuse. If you and I work together, maybe we can avoid this matter."

Chen Yuan smiled, then stood up.

The other party can't think of any good plan, there is no need to stay, and they are ready to leave.

And when he stepped out of the palace with one foot, Princess Pingyang stopped him again:

"Master Hou stay here."

"What else is there, Your Highness?"

Chen Yuan turned around and asked.

"Master Hou really doesn't want to have a family?"

Clenched her fists under the sleeves of Princess Pingyang, she asked calmly.

Chen Yuan looked at her and smiled, then asked:

"Is Your Highness willing?"

After saying that, he smiled and left.

Listening to the sound of footsteps going further away, Princess Pingyang's eyes were flickering, and she said softly:

"If Master Hou is interested, I may agree."

She didn't know whether Chen Yuan heard these words, but her face was covered with a red glow, but Chen Yuan's footsteps didn't stop, and gradually faded away.

After bidding farewell to Li Hongshuang, Chen Yuan left Shuanghe Temple alone, and headed towards the location of Marquis Wu'an's mansion, thinking about the last words Princess Pingyang said in his heart.

If I am interested, she may agree

Chen Yuan savored these words carefully.

With his cultivation strength, even if a thin needle is dropped thousands of feet away, he can still hear clearly, and that sentence is no exception, but he didn't stop.

Because, he has no intention of it.

If he didn't know that Jingtai had plans for him, Chen Yuan wouldn't mind accepting Princess Pingyang for a better rise in the future, and then discuss with his mother what it means to enter the Tao.

But knowing that there are tigers in the mountain, he will not go back to the tiger mountain.

He will not agree to the marriage planned by Jingtai.

His reputation is so powerful that he has a strong reputation in both the north and the south, and his strength is already as different as before, and he has a lot of help.

He didn't believe it, if he refused sternly, Jingtai could still force him to marry Princess Pingyang?

Where is the royal face?

Could it be that women from the Sima family can't get married?

Also, Chen Yuan has a deep relationship with Wei Jinfeng, and Gu Tianqiong also admires him quite a lot, as well as Li Kuangxiu, the Zhenguo Gong Shenwu Zhenjun behind Li Hongshuang.

At that time, it may also speak for him.

Can Jingtai really do something against him for a marriage contract under the noses of the world?

He has made meritorious service for the court, shed blood for the court, and almost lost his life.

The reputation of the capital is not small.

It is impossible to kill him, at most it is to suppress it.

And if he was really shameless and attacked him, he was not powerless to fight back, it was just that the rebellion was rushed ahead of schedule.

Gradually dissipating these distracting thoughts, Chen Yuan returned to the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion.

But just after returning home, some thought that the patrol angel had come, saying that it was ordered by the governor Xiao Jing to call him.

Chen Yuan's heart suddenly moved, thinking of what Xiao Jing said before.

Calculating the time is almost up, it should be time to decide the position of the God Envoy of Tianzi.

Immediately without stopping, under the leadership of the patrol angel, went to the headquarters of the Sky Survey Division in the capital.

If he had the chance, he would naturally want to fight for this seat, so that it would be easier to do things in the future.

And if Jingtai insisted on suppressing him, he would find a way to quickly transfer him out of the capital.

Back to Qingzhou.

Get ready for what comes next.

Passing through several checkpoints of the Sky Survey Division, Chen Yuan came to the Sky Survey Hall again. After passing the report, he took a deep breath and immediately stepped into the hall.

And as soon as he entered, seven or eight eyes from the entire Tianxun Temple also fell on him at the same time.

The governor Xiao Jing was at the top, the position of the envoy of Tianzi was vacant, and the other three envoys were also settled. Besides, there were two strange middle-aged men sitting at the back.

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes, and he almost guessed who these two were.

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