I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 558: Slaying the God of Refinement! Take luck!

In the capital, it's three quarters.

After deciding to go, Chen Yuan didn't have any extra time to delay. After telling Ouyang Zhi, he left Shenjing City very quickly and headed towards Qingjiang Lake, forty miles south of the city.

This place is about forty miles south of the city. Although the lake is not too small, it is relatively famous. There is a river running through it and it is connected to the capital.

There were also poets who left popular poems here, but Chen Yuan never came here because of his hard practice.

With Chen Yuan's speed, it only took a short quarter of an hour to arrive here from the capital, and saw this relatively famous lake in Zhongzhou.

This lake is not considered large because there are more large lakes in the world, but the area it covers is not small. At least, at a glance, it is also rippling with blue waves, and there is no end in sight.

At this time, at Dayou time, around five o'clock in the afternoon, the setting sun had already set a little afterglow, and it was shining red on half of the sky, which was the fire cloud.

The people on both sides of the Qingjiang Lake also dispersed sparsely. Chen Yuan thought for a while, and bought a small boat with ten taels of silver. Without paddling, driven by vitality, he swam towards the center of the lake at a uniform speed.

From a distance, it is quite poetic.

The boat was moving slowly, while Chen Yuan was observing the surroundings. After about a while, he felt that he had arrived at the center of Qingjiang Lake, and stopped immediately, with his hands behind his back, and said calmly:

"Which fellow Taoist invited me to see you? I have arrived, why don't you show up and see me?"

The voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the area of ​​thousands of feet in the center of the Qingjiang Lake, revealing a strong self-confidence. However, in terms of Chen Yuan's current cultivation and hole cards, he does have this qualification.

If the other party is really hostile to him, under the true king, whoever will come and who will die!

Even if Zhenjun came in person, he still has the power to fight.

After about ten breaths of time passed, the lake water at a hundred feet in front of Chen Yuan's left began to move, and ripples appeared, as if a big fish was about to break out of the water.

Chen Yuan's eyes were deep, and a faint blue light flashed in his eyes.

He wanted to see if the person who came was his son of luck. If so, his cultivation might increase dramatically in a short period of time.

"Very good, Chen Yuan, you came as scheduled, I am very satisfied."

A thick man's voice came from the lake, and a water dragon jumped out of the lake with a bang, hovered in the void for a while, and rushed into the lake again, forming a road.

A middle-aged man in a black robe came out of the lake step by step and walked on the water. The lake water on both sides flowed backwards, forming a vacuum.

There is an extremely strong power all over his body, but he does not have the Dao Yun of Yangshen Zhenjun.

According to his estimation, the strength is by no means inferior to the four great envoys of the Xuntian Division.

This also means that this person is very likely to be a strong man at the peak of refining gods.

However, it doesn't matter, as long as the real king doesn't come personally, he can deal with it.

Finally, the middle-aged man in black stopped at a distance of forty feet from Chen Yuan.

Strange, very strange!

This was definitely the first time Chen Yuan saw this person, and he had never seen his face before, but for some reason, an inexplicable connection shrouded him, as if he had something to do with this person.

"Who is your Excellency? Why did you invite me here?"

While Chen Yuan was asking the question, he was also looking at that person himself, a faint blue light flashed in his eyes, and then he was overjoyed.

Because he saw the strong blue light on this person.

That's luck!

It's finally here again!

My previous hunch was not wrong, it was really accurate, it really was a guy with good luck.

Sometimes, a man's sixth sense is also very accurate.

"Benhou?" The man in black snorted coldly, with anger in his eyes, he said in a concentrated voice:

"It's just a fluke to get the favor of the Sima family and confer the title of Marquis. Now you dare to call yourself this Marquis. Hmph, do you know who this seat is?"

Chen Yuan frowned. He had already asked who the person was, but instead of answering directly, he asked him instead. There was something wrong with his mind:

"Then who are you, why haven't you reported your name yet?"

Chen Yuan asked with indifferent eyes.

This middle-aged man with a majestic face and divine eyes, since he is pregnant with luck, must die, and he will not give him a chance to live.

But it would be better if he could know the details of this person.

It's also good to prevent the forces behind this man from counterattacking him.

With the power given to him by Senior Mo Luo, Chen Yuan felt that this person's real strength could handle him, so he didn't rush to kill him.

This is self-confidence, a strong self-confidence that comes from strength.

Of course, self-confidence is self-confidence, and Chen Yuan was not careless. At the same time, he was also scanning the changes around him to see if there were any accomplices ambush this person.

However, it is unlikely that he has accomplices. After all, no matter how famous he is in Jianghu, he is still just a real warrior who has just entered Huayang.

It is enough to look up to a guy who is at the peak of refining gods, there is no need to be too much.

"This seat is Xiang Qianfeng."

The black-robed man said coldly.

When Chen Yuan heard this name, his pupils shrank suddenly, his brows furrowed, and he said in a low voice:

"Xiang Qianfeng!"

"Well, have you heard of my name?"

Xiang Qianfeng narrowed his eyes.

"You are from the Xiang family?!"

Although it was a question, Chen Yuan was a little certain. It was the name that made him think too much. He knew that his cheap father was named Xiang Qianqiu, and he was the former prince of Chu.

This person is only one word different from him, it is impossible to make him think too much.

"Yes, this seat is the elder of the Xiang family."

There was a cold light in Xiang Qianfeng's eyes.

"Xiang's royal family, dare to call themselves the royal family after the country is destroyed?" Chen Yuan sneered. Although he is also the blood of the Xiang family, he has never recognized it.

Especially after knowing that Xiang Qianqiu wanted to kill him.

He is Chen Yuan in this life, and he will be Chen Yuan in his whole life.

"Bastard, do you want to die?"

Seeing Chen Yuan insulting the Xiang family, Xiang Qianfeng became even more angry.

"What is your relationship with Xiang Qianqiu? He asked you to kill me?" Chen Yuan's eyes flickered coldly, and a strong murderous intent radiated from his body.

'He actually knew the patriarch. ’ Xiang Qianfeng frowned, then nodded and said:

"That's right, if you dare to provoke someone from the Xiang family, you will be hunted down by the whole Xiang family!"

"Sure enough!"

Chen Yuan calmed down at this moment. He didn't have any expectations, so why should he be disappointed? Xiang Qianqiu, when the strength is sufficient, I will definitely take your soul out.

He thought to himself.

"Xiang Lingtian is my son, and you dare to behead him and dedicate it to the Sima clan. Today, I will kill your head and all your relatives and friends in the same way as a sacrifice to Lingtian's spirit in the sky! "

The black robe on Xiang Qianfeng's body was windless and automatic, and a majestic voice sounded slowly.

"Xiang Lingtian is a waste, and you are also a waste, but you are destined to be with me. Xiang Lingtian helped me to become a marquis, and you also help me to sit on the position of God Envoy!"

Now Jingtai intends to suppress him, it is very difficult to win this seat if he is not married, but it will be different if the head of the Xiang family elder is beheaded, many credits are spread, Jingtai will never suppress him again.

An explanation must be given to the officials below.

The father and son are really his blessing.

Thinking of this, the corners of Chen Yuan's mouth curled up slightly, as if a little contemptuous.

"Arrogant and conceited, you are only a mere primordial spirit, how dare you be so arrogant?" Xiang Qianfeng didn't understand where this kid's self-confidence came from, he simply didn't know what it meant.

"You are just a mere god, what qualifications do you have to dare to be sure that you can kill me?"

Chen Yuan sneered.

"It's easy to kill you."

Xiang Qianfeng laughed, and with a movement of his divine sense, rays of light lit up in the void with a radius of thousands of feet, and the Qingjiang Lake below also surged. Dozens of water dragons shot up into the sky, blocking all of Chen Yuan's escape routes.

"For you, I have been planning for a long time. With this great formation here, you will definitely die today. I thought you were cautious before, and maybe I will bring a few divine envoys from the Sky Survey Division to help. If that is the case, today I will will not appear, but there is no wave around the void, you come alone,

So, isn't it suicide? "

When Chen Yuan spoke before, the reason why he didn't answer immediately was because he was surveying the surrounding space and making sure no one was around before he appeared at ease.

"Kill you, why do you need others to help? The members of the Xiang family are as arrogant as ever, and you don't use your brain to think about it. Benhou still dares to show up in the face of unknown dangers. Isn't there no support?" ?”

"Huh? What else do you have?"

Looking at Chen Yuan's confident appearance, Xiang Qianfeng was a little confused for a moment.

Chen Yuan smiled, instead of answering Xiang Qianfeng's words immediately, he stretched out his index finger and tapped his forehead lightly. In an instant, a deep and strange magic pattern quickly condensed.

Then, the aura around him also began to rise rapidly.

The purple primordial spirit in the altar was also tainted with a trace of demon energy at this moment.

Chen Yuan opened his arms and smiled lightly:

"It's easy to kill you."

The next moment, infinite magic flames rose from Chen Yuan's body, and in just a short moment, they covered the world with a radius of thousands of feet. The terrifying magic flames were burning, and waves appeared in the void.


The water in the Qingjiang Lake below is also evaporating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Burn the sky and boil the sea!

"Damn it!"

Xiang Qianfeng sensed the terrifying changes around him, which made his heart palpitate, and his formation was broken almost instantly, and his expression changed drastically.

Shenjing City.

In a small deserted courtyard somewhere in the north of the city, a young man in a blue shirt stepped over the courtyard wall, stepped on the dust accumulated by fallen leaves on the ground, and pushed open the door of a room.

The dust inside also rises.

When the dust fell, the man in the green shirt turned his head and quickly closed the door. The light flashed around him, and his appearance changed in an instant.

Dressed in the official uniform of the Sky Survey Division, with deep eyes, if there is an official of the Sky Survey Division here, he will definitely be surprised, because he is the newly appointed governor, Xiao Jing!

Xiao Jing closed his eyes, meditated for a moment, and scanned the entire small courtyard with his spiritual thoughts. When a breeze blew, he opened his eyes instantly, and bowed in one direction:

"Xiao Jing has met the Lord!"

"That's right, I'm already the governor of the Sky Survey Division."

Right in front of it, ripples appeared in the void, and a vague human face slowly emerged.

"Thank you, Lord, for nurturing!"

Xiao Jing's expression was calm, without any arrogance.

"How is Chen Yuan?"

The blurred face asked.

"Returning to the lord, the subordinates have recommended Chen Yuan to Jingtai, but the palace seems to have suppressed this matter for the time being, and there may be changes to the envoy of Tianzi."

"Hehe." The fuzzy face sneered:

"Jingtai wants to use Pingyang and the oath to completely restrain Chen Yuan, and he already understands this, and will not agree to this marriage. It is normal for Jingtai to suppress it."

"That day's envoy?" Xiao Jing frowned.

"Chen Yuan will have a chance."

"Why did the Lord say such a thing?"

"Chen Yuan has already made great contributions, and he is the only candidate for the Heaven Surveyor to be the God Envoy today. As long as he is given a breaking point, even Jingtai can't suppress it too much and damage the court's face."


Xiao Jing was still at a loss, and didn't quite understand what the Lord meant.

"The head of an old Xiang family is enough to make him go further." The blurred face is Chen Yuan's cheap father, the current head of the Xiang family, Xiang Qianqiu!

Xiao Jing's face changed slightly:

"The head of the elder Xiang's family?"

"It's Xiang Qianfeng. Xiang Lingtian's head was brought back to the capital by Chen Yuan. He intentionally killed him to vent his anger and pay homage to his good son, the spirit of Zaitian."

"I'm afraid Chen Yuan is not Xiang Qianfeng's opponent right now, do you want your subordinates to help him?" In Xiao Jing's view, no matter how strong Chen Yuan is, it is impossible for Chen Yuan to be the opponent of Xiang Qianfeng, who is at the peak of god refining.

It is very difficult to survive, let alone use his head to go one step further.

"There is no need for that. Chen Yuan is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Now they should have started fighting, and I don't know if it will be over."

"It is enough to disrupt Xiang Qianfeng's plan. I have to deal with it hastily. I am sure that he will not be able to kill Chen Yuan, and he will draw out his divine blood to improve his cultivation."

Xiang Qianqiu sneered.

The reason why he sternly urged Xiang Qianfeng was to make him give up other plans and take the initiative to act rashly. Everything was planned.

He has observed Chen Yuan for a long time, and from his growth trajectory, he can also see that there should be a force behind him to help him grow, a peak of refining gods, absolutely unable to kill him.

"The subordinate understands."

Xiao Jing's face straightened.

He also learned of his true identity from Xiang Qianqiu some time ago when Chen Yuan was dying in Liangzhou. At first, he couldn't believe that he was the only son of the Lord who had disappeared.

Also re-emerged with another identity.

As expected of a child of the Xiang family.

"When Chen Yuan kills Xiang Qianfeng, he will still need your help to ascend to the position of God Envoy of Tianzi."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, as long as Chen Yuan can return with this great achievement, the subordinates will be sure to help him ascend to a high position, but I don't know how to arrange him in the future."

Xiao Jing stared at the blurred face and said.

"This kid has an assertive personality, and he will definitely find a way to distribute it. Well, the north is not suitable. You can see if you can help him distribute it to the south and give him time to practice.

If not, that's all. Be careful not to let him know who you are. "

Xiang Qianqiu felt that with Chen Yuan's character, once he knew what happened back then, he might kill his father. Although he was not afraid, Xiao Jing was an important pawn he had cultivated for many years, so he must not make mistakes because of it.

"My lord, don't worry, my subordinates will do their best in this matter, and it won't be too obvious."

"Okay, let's talk about the power distribution of the Sky Survey Division in the south."

Xiang Qianqiu knows that after a hundred years of development, the Xuntian Division has not only simply established branches in various state capitals, but also planted some hidden chess pieces in the world.

These chess pieces may be bad for the Xiang family in the future, so we must be careful in advance.

"My subordinate has just taken over the Xuntian Division, so I only know part of it, and it's in Qingzhou." Xiao Jing solemnly told all the things he knew, without any concealment.

After all, he was a member of the Xiang family from beginning to end.

Decades after the fall of the previous dynasty, Xiang Qianqiu began to plan step by step, killing and injuring countless pawns before he was placed under Gu Tianqiong's command.

After that, secretly give him resources to solve some opponents for him.

After more than a hundred years of growth, he finally grew up to be an important minister of the imperial court, and it was he who served as an internal support in it that minimized the loss of the Xiang family.

Now that luck has come and Jingtai has taken over power, he has naturally become the chief inspector of the Sky Survey Division.

Of course, in terms of another identity, he was also accepted by Jingtai before, and he was regarded as his confidant, otherwise, the position of the governor would not fall on him.

Qingjiang Lake Center.

The terrifying deep magic flame covered the sky and the earth, covering a radius of thousands of feet. The lake water was evaporating at a speed visible to the naked eye. Xiang Qianfeng, whose face changed drastically, realized something was wrong and wanted to escape.

But Chen Yuan would not give him a chance for this lucky son.

Just as he was about to make a move, the terrifying magic flame enveloped him. Even if he tried his best, he could only delay it, watching helplessly as the magic flame gradually devoured him.

Xiang Qianfeng was not the only one brought by the strong pressure. Without Mo Luo's help to resist the pressure, the pressure of this force fell on him.

It made his muscles and bones creak, and his qi and blood surged accordingly.

On the arm, the blue veins popped up, the Tao, Buddha, and demon three cultivation techniques were running at the same time, and the strength of the body skyrocketed rapidly, but this was still not enough. With a thought, the divine blood of the Xiang family deep in the blood was mobilized, and the ancient and simple divine lines appeared one after another. Covering his whole body, his red eyes looked down at Xiang Qianfeng who was trying his best to resist the magic flame.

Today, he wants to slay the gods and seize luck!

The strangely hot temperature quickly burned Xiang Qianfeng's clothes to ashes, and even the vitality that protected his body was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye. He turned his head and glanced at Chen Yuan, just in time to see the simple lines on his body.

I was taken aback for a moment.

Because he had seen this kind of divine pattern before, it was the bloodline divine pattern that belonged exclusively to the Xiang family, it was exactly the same as the one on his body, no, to be precise, it was several times deeper than his.

Almost instantly, Xiang Qianfeng figured out something, his eyes widened, a little unwilling.


"Xiang Qianqiu, you should die!"


I would like to recommend a new book to everyone. I am competing for Sanjiang. It is very good. If you like it, you can read it.

Black Mythology: Datang

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