I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 559 Chance, Flood Dragon Pearl!

"Xiang Qianqiu, you should die!"

Ever since Xiang Qianfeng recognized that the lines on Chen Yuan's body were the divine lines of the Xiang family's blood, he figured out some of the secrets.

Among the people Xiang Qianqiu ordered people to hunt down and kill Chen Xuanling back then, he was the one who was mainly responsible for this matter. He also knew Xiang Qianqiu's real secret. His son just disappeared strangely and did not perish.

But Xiang Qianqiu asked him to block the news. Most members of the Xiang family thought his son was dead, but now it seems that is not the case!

That child didn't die back then, not only that, but under the protection of Xiang Qianqiu, he grew up to the point where it can be called a powerful force, and this person is Chen Yuan!

The rich blood of the Xiang family on his body can prove this point!

No wonder Xiang Qianqiu didn't let him take revenge, and just sat and watched Ling Tian fall, so everything was prepared for this remnant!

Their father and son are probably pawns that Xiang Qianqiu planned long ago.

Xiang Qianfeng was full of resentment at the moment.

Xiang Qianqiu not only wants to use his son to lay the foundation of Chen Yuan's title of marquis and make Sima's trust, but also uses his life to help Chen Yuan pave the way for the future!

Xiang Qianfeng was a little dazed at the moment, he attributed everything to Xiang Qianqiu's plan, but in fact it was not the case, Xiang Qianqiu only did it to raise Gu.

Now it is also following the trend.

Chen Yuan was able to get to this point, all relying on his own efforts.

The terrifying magic flame burned Xiang Qianfeng's body bit by bit, his vitality was rapidly disappearing, and the skin of his body was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Chen Yuan, do you know the truth!"

Xiang Qianfeng roared angrily.

Chen Yuan's eyes moved, but he didn't stop his movements, and continued to manipulate the magic flame to consume the vitality of the Xiang family elder.

"You are also Xiang Qianqiu's pawn. Back then...you were the girl who committed suicide." Xiang Qianfeng roared unwillingly.

But the fire of the magic flame is getting bigger and bigger.

"I have known this for a long time, Xiang Qianqiu will come to accompany you father and son." Chen Yuan was not surprised, when he knew that Xiang Lingtian was ordered by Xiang Qianqiu to kill him.

Chen Yuan figured out something.

It's a pity that his current strength is still too weak to kill that guy. Just wait, if you dare to despise him and regard him as a pawn, you will be backlashed one day.

With Mo Luo around, he can be sure that Xiang Qianqiu has not appeared within a certain range around him, even if he is peeping in a certain place, it doesn't matter.

Chess players will eventually become chess pieces.

"Hahaha Xiang Qianqiu, Xiang Qianqiu, you are not worthy to be the patriarch of my Xiang clan!"

Xiang Qianfeng laughed maniacally.

The terrifying magic flames gradually devoured him. Although he was a strong man at the peak of refining gods and possessed extremely strong strength, he was still an ant under this kind of true king's means.

All his means could not resist the heat of the magic flame, and the surrounding void was completely covered by the magic flame. Even if he wanted to leave, he couldn't go, he could only wait for death.

Sensing the time, Chen Yuan was already sweating on his forehead. Seeing that Xiang Qianqiu was dying at this moment, he thought about it and took out the blood bead from the Tianshu space.

Then, Divine Sense rushed into the magic flame wrapped in blood beads.

Chen Yuan whispered to himself:

"Let you father and son become the nourishment for my future practice!"

Only when father and son sacrifice to heaven can they have boundless mana.

The blood was shining brightly, and the magic flame retreated under his control, and landed directly on Xiang Qianfeng's weak mummy, sucking the Xiang family's blood from him.

This is the power of the blood passed down from the peerless Martial God Chu Taizu. It is useless in refining Qi, but it can have miraculous effects in refining the body. It is no less effective than spiritual objects. For Chen Yuan, who has the blood of the Xiang family, It is also a great tonic.

However, he has no intention of devouring it now, and he will use it when he breaks through the supernatural powers of the physical body. At that time, he can make perfect use of these divine blood.

Even if this person's interception this time is Xiang Qianqiu's plan, then he is still eager to do so, it is best to have a few more sons of luck to contribute luck and blood to himself.

Apart from the Qingyun Sword Sect Xiao Qingmu back then, Chen Yuan once again found a force that could keep pulling wool.


From the beginning to the end, Chen Yuan didn't use other means except Mo Luo's magic flame. There was no need for that. His strength had been verified before.

There is almost no opponent in the primordial spirit realm, and a newcomer to refining the gods may be able to fight, but this kind of strong man who is at the peak of refining the gods is not what he can match now, and it is natural to be able to solve it as soon as possible.

Qingjiang Lake is located more than forty miles outside the capital city, and it is not a rare place where people live. It could be said that someone has seen the movement here and reported to the capital city.

He doesn't have much time.

A quick fight is the way to go.

Xiang Qianfeng's appearance at this moment was very miserable, his whole body was scorched like black charcoal, and his hair was completely burned off, leaving a dark trace.

There are also quaint Xiang family blood lines on his face, maintaining the last ray of life.

This was the case when Chen Yuan kept his hand, if he desperately urged the magic flame, Xiang Qianfeng would not even be able to keep his body, the blood beads hung on his body and turned slightly, and the blood light enveloped his whole body.

Constantly drawing his divine blood and vitality.

After about a dozen or so breaths, the blood bead shone inwardly, and the divine blood was completely drained. Under the control of divine thoughts, it slowly returned to Chen Yuan's hands, and he put it into the space of heavenly books.

Xiang Qianfeng was still breathing his last breath. He opened his almost blinded eyes, as if he had seen the scene where the blood bead was drawing the divine blood from Xiang Lingtian's body.

The hatred in my heart is lingering.

He didn't expect that Xiang Qianqiu would secretly refine the beads specially for extracting the blood of the Xiang family. What did he want to do? Could it be that he still wants to suck out all the clansmen who bear the blood of the Xiang family?

Does he want the Xiang family to be completely exterminated!

It's a pity that no one gave him the answer, and he didn't have the strength to think about it.

Step by step, Chen Yuan walked towards him step by step on the magic flame, slowly raised a finger, a sharp ray of sharpness appeared on the fingertips, and instantly chopped off Xiang Qianfeng's head.

He didn't even give him a chance to say his last words.

Because in his opinion, this is a complete waste of time.

At most, he would say harsh words. He was already tired of hearing these things.

Opening the eyes of the sky, one could clearly see that a ray of cyan light of luck gushed out from Xiang Qianfeng's body, and penetrated into his body like a swimming dragon, and the altar of luck in the depths of consciousness slowly turned.

Exactly the same as before, new guidance for luck flooded into Chen Yuan's mind.

"Lin'an Yanshan Jiuhe River, carp fragrance on June 15th. On the night of the full moon at Longmendu, the blue light on the bottom of the river shows the pearls!"

Chen Yuan opened his eyes, his eyes were a little thoughtful.

Of course he has heard of Lin'an, one of the four prefectures of Zhongzhou, located in the southeast, it is one of the largest prefectures in the world, and one of the important towns defending the capital.

However, this rocky mountain is rarely heard of. The Jiuhe River has been mentioned before. It is the nine rivers and rivers of Zhongzhou that converge into one, hence the name.

The downstream of the Jiuhe River is Yunzhou, which flows to the East China Sea through Yunzhou.

As for the 15th day of June, which is guided by chance, there are only three days left from today. Fortunately, there is plenty of time, just wait until the full moon night.

As for the guiding Jiaozhu, it is also easy to understand.

It should be the Flood Dragon Ball.

In just a short while, Chen Yuan understood everything and prepared to go back to the capital to investigate this rock mountain and Longmendu, and then set off for Lin'an Mansion.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Chen Yuan put Xiang Qianfeng's head away and kept it, and prepared to take it back to claim merit. With this merit, as long as it is publicized, it would be unreasonable for Jingtai to suppress his position as the envoy of Tianzi again.

It's quite complete!

If you have won luck, realized the opportunity, and drawn the blood of the gods, you will also make great achievements because of it.

This is equivalent to getting three benefits for Chen Yuan.

Very good, and the Xiang family is also very good.

With a movement of the divine mind, the deep magic flame with a radius of thousands of feet began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a moment, it disappeared into nothingness, and the deep magic pattern on Chen Yuan's forehead also quickly disappeared.

It can be felt that the power is gone, not at all left.

Chen Yuan touched it, and secretly thought that Senior Mo Luo was really serious, not leaving any remaining strength, shook his head and squinted his eyes at the Qingjiang Lake below.

Although there was still a lot of water below, he could feel that one-fifth of the water in this huge Qingjiang Lake was evaporated in that short moment.

One can imagine how high the temperature of the magic flame is.

And most of this is just aftermath. If all the magic flames are aimed at the lake, Chen Yuan feels that at most half an hour later, the entire Qingjiang Lake will be evaporated.

Looking back, after the magic flame receded, a martial artist stepped into the air, probably wanting to see what was going on, but he had no intention of touching it, turned around and disappeared into the void.

Even the back is not left behind, but this does not prevent the vicinity of the Qingjiang Lake from then on, and there will be another legend.

Well, the fire from the sky descends to the mortal world, scorching the rivers and lakes.

Because there are still a few days before June 15th, Chen Yuan does not call for opportunities. In his opinion, chance guidance usually only appears at that point in time, and will only appear by chance and coincidence.

It's useless for him to go early now.

It is best to follow the guidance. Anyway, he has other things to do now, so there is no need to fight for this moment.

After staying in the Marquis of Wu'an's Mansion for a while, Chen Yuan deliberately made the aura around him a little sluggish, pretending to be seriously injured, and was going to meet several divine envoys and Xiao Jing.

Use this great achievement to establish your position as a divine envoy.

When Chen Yuan rushed to the Xuntian Division, it happened that Zhang Yantong, Zuo Tiancheng and Wu Tianxi were all there. When he saw his sluggish aura, he was startled for a moment, and asked quickly:

"Chen Yuan, what's wrong with you?"

"Could something have happened?" Zuo Tiancheng asked.

"Someone shot at you?"

Zhang Yantong frowned, his eyes were deep.

Chen Yuan nodded one by one, and didn't say much. On the surface, the envoys of the Xuntian Division were relatively friendly, and turned to look at Xiao Jing, who was above him, and said:

"Great governor."

"What happened?"

Xiao Jing frowned and asked.

Of course, this was just a pretense. He had already learned about Xiang Qianfeng's plan to attack Chen Yuan from the master before. At that time, the master was still very confident in him. Now it seems that it is so.

Although Chen Yuan was sluggish, his injuries were not too serious, and Xiang Qianfeng probably died at his hands.

But on the surface, he still pretended not to know anything, so as not to be caught by this cunning Chen Yuan, but Chen Yuan had already sensed that there seemed to be something wrong with Xiao Jing.

"My lords, please take a look."

Chen Yuan didn't talk nonsense, and took out Xiang Qianfeng's scorched head from the Tianshu space and it was still on the ground. There was a moment of silence in the Xuntian Temple, and the three envoys frowned and observed the thing carefully.

Xiao Jing's pupils contracted imperceptibly.

Although he knew that Chen Yuan must have beheaded Xiang Qianfeng when he returned safely, but he was a little horrified when his head was in front of him.

He knew some strengths of the Xiang family, which naturally included the conspicuous Xiang family elder Xiang Qianfeng, and also knew that his real cultivation had reached the peak of god refining, comparable to the level of the four great envoys of Xuntian Division.

But now, it was thrown on the ground by Chen Yuan majesticly and calmly, which is truly astonishing.

He really couldn't figure out what method Chen Yuan used. Could it be that, as Xiang Qianqiu said, there was an unknown force behind Chen Yuan helping him?

"Who is this?"

Zhang Yantong stared carefully at the scorched black head on the ground, a little curious.

"The remnant of the Xiang family from the previous dynasty, the elder Xiang Qianfeng!"

Chen Yuan said in a deep voice.

And this sentence also seemed to stir up a wave of waves. The pupils of the several envoys shrank deeply, and they couldn't help but went forward to investigate carefully. As the top executives of the Sky Survey Department, they naturally knew something about the Xiang family.

There have been fights before, and this Xiang Qianfeng is one of them.

After confirming that it was correct, several people looked at each other, looked at Xiao Jing and said:

"This person is indeed Xiang Qianfeng!"

Although the head was scorched black, they still have a way to identify this person, there is no fake.

"How did you kill this person?"

Xiao Jing coughed lightly and asked.

Hearing this, Zhang Yantong, Zuo Tiancheng, Wu Tianxi and the other three also stared at Chen Yuan, a little curious and a little shocked.

They have seen Chen Yuan's strength a few days ago, and he can be said to have few opponents in the Yuanshen realm, but he is definitely not able to deal with the powerhouse at the peak of the gods.

Chen Yuan already had a draft in his stomach, and replied calmly:

"To be honest with the governor, beheading this person is indeed a bit of a trick."

Chen Yuan took the initiative to reveal the location of Qingjianghu, anyway, there were no deep traces left, even if he wanted to find out, he couldn't find it.

Chen Yuan said that he had felt that someone was staring at him before, but he was not sure, so he did not report to Xun Tiansi, but set up a formation in Qingjiang Lake in advance.

Sure enough, when he left the city today, he was attacked by Xiang Qianfeng not long after he left, saying that he wanted to pay back his son's life, so Chen Yuan had no choice but to lure him to the Qingjiang Lake.

In the end, it took a lot of effort to rely on the power of the big formation to kill this person.

There are some loopholes in it, but generally there will be no problems. There are indeed some traces of the formation that he deliberately left in Qingjianghu, but those are laid by Xiang Qianfeng.

After listening, Xiao Jing took a deep look at Chen Yuan, put his head away, and said lightly:

"You are injured, go back to the Marquis Mansion for recuperation. This matter will be reported to His Majesty by the governor."

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief."

Chen Yuan cupped his hands slightly, and bowed to several envoys, then turned and left the Xuntian Palace.

Xiao Jing pondered for a moment, then nodded and said:

"This matter is of great importance. The governor will go to the palace immediately. You should record Chen Yuan's achievements first."



The palace, the imperial garden.

Today, Jingtai, who is quite upbeat, invited the national teacher Puxian Bodhisattva to prepare for a game. Since the last battle in the capital, Puxian spent most of his time recuperating in Xiaoleiyin Temple.

Now, after nearly half a year or so, it has almost recovered.

"Your Majesty, Chief Governor Xiao Jing is asking to see you."

A guard bowed to report.

Jingtai paused holding the chess pieces in his hand, and said lightly:

"Please come in, Commander."


Not long after, Xiao Jing walked into the imperial garden alone, saw the emperor and the national teacher Puxian who were playing chess, clasped his fists and said:

"His Majesty."

"National Division."

Putting his palms together, Pu Xian nodded slightly:

"Great governor."

Xiao Jing's strength is indeed far inferior to him, but in terms of official position, he is not inferior to him, especially because he is still in control of the court's number one force yamen, so he dare not underestimate him, and he is basically in an equal state.

"Why is the governor free to come to see me today?"

Jingtai put down the chess pieces in his hand and said with a light smile.

With a wave of his hand, someone gave Xiao Jing a seat.

"Back to Your Majesty, it's about Chen Yuan."

Jingtai frowned imperceptibly:

"I'll think about it again, don't be in a hurry."

"Weichen didn't come here for this."

Xiao Jing stepped forward and sat beside him.

"Why is that?"

Jingtai frowned, a little curious.

Seeing this, Xiao Jing took out Xiang Qianfeng's head from the space treasure of Mustard Sumeru, suspended it in the void and said:

"Your Majesty, please take a look. This person is the elder of the Xiang family in the previous dynasty, Xiang Qianfeng. He was beheaded by Chen Yuan in the Qingjiang Lake today. I have confirmed it, and there will be no difference."


Jingtai was startled for a moment, and with a wave of his hand, he held the head in front of him, and stared at it carefully:

"Is this person beheaded by Chen Yuan? If what I know is correct, Xiang Qianfeng seems to have cultivated a god."

"Your Majesty is right. This person is indeed a cultivator, and he has reached the peak."

"Then how did Chen Yuan have the ability to kill him?"


Xiao Jing repeated what Chen Yuan had said, Jingtai's eyes were deep and he didn't speak for a while.

"Your Majesty, can the poor monk take a look at this thing?"

Puxian came to have some interest.

"The national teacher can just look at it."

The golden light in Puxian's eyes flashed slightly, he scanned the head carefully, and frowned involuntarily, the burn marks on it seemed a little familiar.

"What can the national teacher see?"

Seeing his frown slightly, Jingtai thought he saw something wrong.

Puxian said softly:

"This fire is extraordinary. I didn't expect Marquis Wu'an to be proficient in the formation of formations, but this person's identity is indeed from the Xiang family."

"How do you get it?"

"Under the poor monk's clairvoyance, there is nothing to hide from this object, and it can be seen that there used to be Xiang family's divine blood in it, but now this divine blood has disappeared without a trace, it is really strange."

The top figures in the arena know some details about the Xiang family, including the world-famous Xiang family's blood.

"It should have been wiped out in the formation." Xiao Jing said lightly.

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