I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 560 High Rank, Divine Envoy of Heavenly Characters!

He is the secret son of the Xiang family, knowing that Chen Yuan can extract the blood of the Xiang family for his own use, so he naturally wants to cover it up now.

Sure enough, Jingtai and Puxian Bodhisattva did not become suspicious either. After all, they only knew a little bit about the blood of the Xiang family, not so clearly.

Not to mention that there is something that can directly extract the blood of the gods.

Looking at the pitch-black head in front of him, Jingtai was both pleasantly surprised and unhappy at the moment. What surprised him was that the more members of the Xiang family died, the happier he was, let alone such a very important Xiang family elder who died.

Master Huayang is definitely a strong man, and if one more person dies, the pressure on the court will be reduced by one point.

What's displeased is that after Chen Yuan made such great achievements, he has no other excuses to suppress the position of the envoy of Tianzi.

The officials of the Sky Survey Division below are all watching.

We all know that Chen Yuan has already competed for the position of God Envoy of Tianzi, and he is only waiting for the emperor to make a decree. Now that he has made great achievements, if he does not reward him for a long time, his prestige will be somewhat lost.

Once the news spreads, people will say that he is unfair!

He was also very surprised, why is this Chen Yuan so good at making trouble?

Every once in a while, it would be inappropriate not to confer a reward for making a contribution. If he had not agreed to the marriage, it would also be inappropriate.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Jingtai turned his gaze to Xiao Jing and asked:

"Does the governor think it is appropriate for Chen Yuan to serve as the envoy of Tianzi?"

Xiao Jing's heart trembled, and he said in a deep voice:

"Chen Yuan defeated the other competitors in the Xuntian Division. He has both a body and great achievements. The position of the god envoy of Tianzi, I think it must be him. If someone else takes the position, Xuntiansi will not accept it."

"You think he is suitable?"

"Weichen really thinks so."

Hearing Xiao Jing's resolute answer, Jingtai turned his attention to the national teacher Puxian Bodhisattva again, and asked:

"What does the national teacher think?"

"Your Majesty has already made up his mind, so the poor monk will not say much."

After pondering for a moment, Jingtai told a eunuch beside him:

"Go, pass the decree to Eunuch Cao, and ask him to order someone to go to Wu'anhou's mansion to proclaim the decree, and make Chen Yuan the envoy of Tianzi of Xuntiansi!"

"Yes, servant girl, let's go now."

The little eunuch quickly bowed, turned and left the imperial garden.

"Governor, come and see how I am playing Go."


Temporarily unable to suppress Chen Yuan, Jingtai will not suppress it anymore, but if that is the case, the means to contain Chen Yuan will be less. He only hopes that Chen Yuan will be more sensible and agree in the court meeting.

Otherwise, he will be angry!

the next day.

Marquis of Wu'an Mansion.

Chen Yuan is also playing chess in the backyard at the moment, and his opponent is Ouyang Zhi.

After staying in the Hou Mansion for two days, he is ready to leave. The capital city is indeed very exciting, but this place does not belong to him. It is enough to take a stroll around and learn a lot.

There is no need to stay too long.

"Going back this time will speed up the speed of making weapons in the Cangbing Valley." Chen Yuan slowly lowered the sunspot in his hand, and said to Ouyang Zhi without looking sideways.

"Just the hands"

Ouyang Zhi was a little hesitant. The Cangbing Valley was only a prefecture-level power, and the number of people was not large, especially the number of people who were qualified to forge precious soldiers was even smaller.

Even with Tangshan's help, the casting masters are still not enough.

"Don't entrust a single person to cast a weapon. Divide it into batches. One person only does one thing, and let the master check it out." He knew that he didn't have much time.

His identity is a hidden danger. There may be a thunderstorm one day, so preparations must be made in advance.

First of all, turn Tangshan's 10,000-strong iron cavalry into a heroic army!

Everyone mounts a different kind of war horse, and the supply of kung fu resources is unlimited. Naturally, the weapon, which is a handy weapon, cannot be held back.

After all, he still needs to expand his army in the future, and 10,000 people are not enough!

There is not enough manpower in the Tibetan Bing Valley, so the weapon is cast in an assembly line method.

"But in that case, the quality is above."

"As long as it is qualified, it doesn't need to be too perfect."

Chen Yuan set the tone.

"Yes, I understand."

Ouyang Zhi nodded solemnly.

As long as Chen Yuan's words are enough, he doesn't want his speed to catch up, but the weapons are not as good as the previous batch to be reprimanded.

With Mrs. Xu's relationship, he and Chen Yuan are already grasshoppers on the same line. If he is powerful, he will be rich, and if he is in trouble, he will undoubtedly die.

"Well, keep playing chess."

Chen Yuan nodded expressionlessly.

During the chat, Chen Yuan taught Ouyang Zhi a lot of practice experience. Now he is a real person in the fifth realm, much stronger than Ouyang Zhi.

The experience is also richer, and it is more than enough to give him advice.

Ouyang Zhi didn't dare to neglect this matter, and took this good opportunity to humbly ask for advice.

A game of chess just finished, and Chen Yuan was about to go back to his room to continue his hard work, when Fu Bo, the chief steward of the Hou Mansion, hurried up to him, with a tinge of joy on his face:

"Master Hou, someone is coming from the palace."

Chen Yuan was stunned for a moment, knowing that Xiang Qianfeng's head had played a role, and it would be inappropriate for Jingtai to suppress the envoy of Tianzi again, so he immediately stood up and led the housekeeper to the front yard.

The person who came today was Liu Yong, a little eunuch. Seeing Chen Yuan's appearance, he quickly put on a smile on his face, as if Chen Yuan was his own father.

"The servant has seen Lord Hou."

"Father-in-law is polite, what is His Majesty's will?"

Chen Yuan asked.

"It's a good thing. My servant first congratulates Lord Marquis on his promotion to a noble rank." Liu Yong chuckled.

"Let's declare the decree."


Liu Yong stood up, put away the sneer on his face, turned his face straight, and winked at the eunuch behind him, who immediately offered the yellow cloth tray.

Liu Yong cleared his throat and said loudly:

"Fengtian Chengyun Emperor, the imperial edict said: Marquis Chen Yuan of Wu'an has won my heart deeply, and he has repeatedly made great achievements. My heart is very comforted. I specially confer the Marquis of Wu'an Chen Yuan as the envoy of the Xuntian Division to take charge."

There is a lot of nonsense in the imperial decree, but in summary it is one thing.

That is, Chen Yuan has made great progress in his official position. From today onwards, he is the envoy of Xuntiansi, an official of the third rank, and he is definitely an important minister in the court. Except for the governor of the state and a few official positions, he is counted. Your Majesty!

"The humble minister obeys the order!"

Chen Yuan nodded slightly, took the imperial decree in his hand, looked at the handwriting on it, his eyes suddenly became a little dazed, it was almost exactly two years since he traveled through.

From a small, low-level catcher in Ping'an County, he officially became a third-rank official in the current dynasty. His speed can be said to be unprecedented, and no one can match it.

However, this is not enough!

Chen Yuan wanted more.

He once set a goal for himself, to climb to the highest step by step, step by step, but now it is only a high place, not yet the highest.

His eyes subconsciously turned to the location of the imperial city in the center of the capital, and a trace of coldness flashed across his eyes.

Soon, soon.

"Hou Ye." Liu Yong called softly.

He didn't think too much about Chen Yuan looking in the direction of the imperial city, he just thought that Chen Yuan was grateful for the emperor's kindness, and would not think about those outrageous aspects at all.

No, I dare not!


Chen Yuan responded.

"Since the imperial decree has been sent, the slave will go back to the palace first?"

Liu Yong said cautiously.

Today's Chen Yuan is more powerful, not only the Marquis of Wanhu, but also an important minister of the Sky Survey Division, and he is even more afraid when facing Chen Yuan.

Don't dare to stay here any longer.

"Eunuch, go slowly, Uncle Fu, see it off for me."

"Yes, my lord."

Uncle Fu bowed, stretched out his hand and said:

"Eunuch, please."

"No need, just leave by yourself." Liu Yong hastily declined, and was sent out of Marquis Wu'an's mansion amidst the pleasantries, while Chen Yuan heaved a sigh of relief and put the imperial decree in his hand aside.

The Divine Envoy of Heaven is already in place, and besides the matter of chance, it is almost time to plan to leave.

With this level of status, the envoys of gold in the various state capitals below must obey orders, which is extremely useful to him, otherwise, he would not try his best to seek this official position.

"Congratulations to Brother Chen for taking the next step and ascending to the position of God Envoy."

Ouyang Zhi beside him said with a wink.

At the same time, the admiration for Chen Yuan was also elevated.

Mother was right!

Chen Yuan's future has already seen some clues.

The names of the four great envoys of the Xuntian Division are basically known in the world, and they know what this official position means, let alone the identity of Wanhuhou!

Absolute height and weight!

Even the top sects in the Jianghu have to be given a bit of face, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are rampant in the Jianghu.

Chen Yuan smiled and didn't say much.

He told Ouyang Zhi not to call himself 'baby' again, he sounded very awkward, so Ouyang Zhi reluctantly changed the name.

After all, when he faced Chen Yuan's gaze, he really didn't have the courage to go against it.

"This time, brother Chen is going to make his name in the capital and even the world!"

"You know, Chen has never been very concerned about these false names." Chen Yuan waved his hand.

"Yes Yes"

Ouyang Zhi's guess was not wrong at all. After Chen Yuan boarded the Tianzi God Envoy, his name once again resounded throughout the capital. Although he didn't care about it and didn't want to cause a sensation again, these things were not something he could do. Lord's.

The capital city has a population of over one million, and many of them are warriors from the rivers and lakes. They have nothing to do on weekdays, and when they encounter interesting things, they naturally want to talk about them endlessly.


Positive third product!

High position weight!

Now Chen Yuan is not only famous and famous, but also has the most important real power. He has officially become one of the few big figures in the capital.

It is frightening and admirable, with complicated emotions.

Chen Yuan supported many people, and one of them was a storyteller. Before, they felt that the section in Liangzhou City was a bit tired of talking, but now they are coming to work again?

The specific reason for Chen Yuan's promotion has not been disclosed, but this does not prevent those storytellers from making up and racking their brains to think of countless credits for Chen Yuan.

This also leads to a problem, that is, the stories told in the east of the city and the south of the city are completely different, which is surprising.

I feel that Chen Yuan's current reputation is probably unmatched in the capital.

Chen Yuan's friends, such as Guo Peng, Guo Zifeng, Tao Qingyuan, and sister-in-law Li Hongshuang, were all happy for him and congratulated him.

In addition, the fourth prince Sima Ke was also overjoyed when he heard the news, thinking that with Chen Yuan around, why worry about the big things not happening? Why worry about the uncertain position of the prince?

But he was happy, but his two elder brothers Sima Qian and Sima You couldn't be happy at all, and they just got a congratulatory gift while their hearts were in turmoil.

Chen Yuan's attitude is very clear, even if he supports Sima Ke, no matter what they do, it will be irreversible. As for coercion? That is completely impossible.

It is good to be able to maintain the current situation.

Several divine envoys of the Sky Survey Division also sent someone to invite him to discuss matters with the Sky Survey Division after they learned that the matter had been completely settled.

Chen Yuan originally wanted to send Ouyang Zhi away, but he had no choice but to let Ouyang Zhi leave by himself, while he left for the headquarters of the Xuntian Division.

As soon as he entered, he was sized up by many eyes.

There were his former subordinates, as well as many colleagues who had met once, cupped their hands together, bowed and said:

"I've seen Lord God Envoy!"

"I've seen Lord God Envoy!"

"I've seen Lord God Envoy!"

Tianzi divine envoys, this is definitely one of the top five in the Sky Survey Department. If the chief governor is not there, then it is their divine envoys who make up their minds to look at the world.

Everyone, no matter the young envoy or the golden envoy, is his nominal subordinate.

With a movement of Chen Yuan's spiritual thoughts, an invisible heaven and earth vitality lifted up all the people present, and after saying a few words, they disappeared without a trace under the envious and respectful eyes of the crowd.

When he entered the Heaven Xun Temple again, Chen Yuan no longer needed to go through the notification. On the contrary, it seemed that to congratulate him, all the patrol angels and guards who guarded the gate bowed and saluted, calling him "Master God Envoy".

Entering the Tianxun Temple, four eyes fell on Chen Yuan in an instant. Chen Yuan thought for a while, and took the lead in clasping his fists and saying:

"I have seen you adults."

"Haha, Divine Envoy Chen, you are now on the same level as us, and you are also the Marquis of Ten Thousand Households. I don't dare to be called an adult." Wu Tianxi laughed.

"Marquis Wu'an, you and I will be colleagues from now on, you can't do that."

"It's extremely, it's extremely."

Zhang Yantong also nodded with a smile and stroked his beard.

He is sincerely happy for Chen Yuan, especially now that the emperor intends to suppress him, he can go against the trend and become an envoy of God, which is really not easy.

He was a little impressed.

But it's just admiration, not jealousy.

Thinking that Chen Yuan, the envoy of the heavenly character, was exchanged for his own life, how dangerous is it to kill the elder Xiang family who is at the peak of refining gods? Even he was not so sure.

He deserves what he has achieved now!

"sit down."

This time, the seat that Xiao Jing pointed to for Chen Yuan was on the left, and it was also the seat of the God Envoy of Tianzi. At first glance, it was even higher than the other God Envoys.

Originally, Xiao Jing intentionally assigned Chen Yuan to the second seat from the right. After all, compared to the other envoys, Chen Yuan's foundation is still shallow, and his cultivation level is also somewhat behind.

But it was jointly rejected by several divine envoys.

Xiao Jing had been the envoy of Tianzi for decades, and now he was on the position of chief governor, and they did not dare to put this seat down.

This is not appropriate.

Although it was inappropriate for Chen Yuan to sit in this seat, they thought carefully that it would be even more inappropriate for anyone else to sit in this seat except him.

Zhang Yantong, Wu Tianxi, and Zuo Tiancheng have been equal for decades, but they will not let anyone else sit in this seat.

But for a seat to quarrel or even fight, it seems that they have no structure, it is better to let Chen Yuan, a junior, sit.

After all, in terms of title, Chen Yuan is stronger than them.

In terms of potential, it is even a few streets ahead of them.

Under various measures, there is the current scene.

Chen Yuan hesitated for a moment, watched Zhang Yantong nod slightly to him, then walked forward, waved his robe and sat down slowly, smiling calmly:

"Several God Envoys have accepted it."

"Chen Yuan."

"Great governor."

"Today you officially took office, and the governor will not divide your responsibilities for now. Recently, you will learn about some yamen responsibilities of Xuntian Division first, and then I will let you take charge of some things."

The official position of the sky survey department is not only the sky survey department at all levels below, but also many yamen in the headquarters, which is almost a self-sufficient behemoth.

The strength is even more powerful, and Chen Yuan must understand it in detail first, which is also the usual practice.

"Yes, this subordinate obeys."

Then, under Xiao Jing's signal, Zhang Yantong began to describe to Chen Yuan the yamen that the Xuntian Division has divided since its establishment.

Zuo Tiancheng and Wu Tianxi also added from time to time.

It wasn't until a quarter of an hour later that Zhang Yantong finished speaking.

"There are a lot of important information in the headquarters of the Xuntian Division. You should take a look at it soon." Xiao Jing said with a smile.

"The subordinate understands."

Several people chatted for a while in Xuntian Hall, with Zhang Yantong as the host, and several people gathered in Xuntian Division, the atmosphere was very harmonious at least on the surface.

I can't see who has any grievances with whom.

The banquet was over, several envoys left one after another, Zhang Yantong glanced at him with a smile, and went back home, only Chen Yuan and Xiao Jing were left alone.

"Since Tianzi Divine Envoy has this name, there is a gap with the other three divine envoys below. Chen Yuan, you are a person with potential, don't let the governor down."

Xiao Jing encouraged with his hands behind his back.

"Don't worry, Governor."

Chen Yuan replied with a solemn face.

His character is not subservient to others, but he has reached the ceiling in Xuntian Division, even if Xiao Jing is transferred, he is not able to get his hands on it.

Therefore, after ascending to this position, the next plan he has to do is to start how to overthrow this corrupt court.

It's just a secret, and you can't tell others.

"The governor believes that you can do it, hehe." Xiao Jing looked at Chen Yuan with some deep meaning for a moment, then waved his hand, stepped out, trembling in the void, and then disappeared without a trace.

Only Chen Yuan was left behind.

There was a smile on his face, he smiled presumptuously, and his eyes became more and more cold.


It’s quite late today, mainly because something happened to this book,,, the whole book was almost blocked. I have been rectifying and deleting this afternoon, and I don’t know if I can pass it.

Please support as much as you can!

thank you all!

I also hope that this book can go on in its entirety. . .

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