I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 562 Five hundred sixty-one shadows of people! The name of the tree!

Lin'an Prefecture City.

Chen Yuan brought Second Sister Zhang slowly down from the void, while she snuggled up to Chen Yuan's side, holding Chen Yuan's hand tightly in her arms.

His eyes were closed tightly, and there seemed to be some lingering horror on his face.

On this trip from the capital to Lin'an Mansion, after Chen Yuan left the city, he walked directly in the air, at least a few thousand meters away from the ground.

Although the two were protected with vitality, Second Sister Zhang was still a little terrified.

After all, she only has the cultivation base of Ning Gang, and she can't even do a short gliding, let alone fly directly in the void. some joy.

"Second sister, here we are."

Chen Yuan's calm and clear voice rang in Zhang Wanshu's ears. She tremblingly opened her eyes, blinked her eyelashes and scanned the surroundings, feeling the thick ground, and then exhaled a long breath of foul air. :

"Hoo hoo. So fast"

The capital city is hundreds of miles away from Lin'an Mansion, but she feels that she will be there as soon as she closes her eyes and then opens them again, so she can't help but sigh, no wonder everyone in the world is martial.

Who wouldn't be envious of such godly methods?

It's a pity that she has ordinary bones and mediocre understanding. Even with the large amount of resources piled up by the Zhang family, she has only cultivated Qi so far. She has a chance to condense evil spirits. .

"It's good to get back to your senses. Since you and I have decided to watch the grand event at Longmendu, it's always a little bad to waste time in Lutu Mountain." Chen Yuan said with a smile, looking at his right arm .

At this moment, it is being strangled tightly by the second sister Zhang, and through the dress, it can also feel a little different from ordinary people.

I can't see that the second sister still has something.

Following Chen Yuan's gaze, Zhang Wanshu's face also suddenly flushed slightly imperceptibly, as if she had been electrocuted, she quickly let go of his hand, and subconsciously hooked a strand of hair hanging from her ear.

"Then let's take a good look."

"it is good."

Chen Yuan smiled, and led Zhang Wanshu to wander around the streets of Lin'an Mansion.

Today is June 14th, and tomorrow is June 15th. Although the good scene of the carp jumping over the Dragon Gate has not yet begun, this does not prevent the current flow of people.

Many people arrived ahead of time, fearing that something might go wrong on the way, so as not to miss it.

The streets of Lin'an Mansion are very lively. As far as one can see, there are dense crowds of people, including the people of the city, warriors from the rivers and lakes, and rich young masters and ladies who come to watch the scenery.

There are also government arresters and sky patrol guards, all wearing official uniforms, with long knives in their waists and hips, patrolling with cold faces.

As one of the four prefectures of Zhongzhou, Lin'an Mansion is undoubtedly very large, many times larger than ordinary state capitals, and as one of the important towns defending the capital, this place is also very strong in terms of the number of people and the quality of warriors.

He didn't notice Master Huayang, but the Alchemy Grandmaster had already met several people. Those who mastered Xuanwu and those who were Ninggang, not to mention they can be seen everywhere, but they are definitely not unusual.

In order to prevent some unnecessary things, there is always a hint of sincerity hidden in him. Ordinary people can't see the problem, but if there are some Jianghu warriors with some cultivation, they can tell at a glance that he is profound. Test, often take a deep look, and then quickly look back.

Zhang Wanshu also adhered to Chen Yuan's previous warning. Although she was very interested in this kind of lively market, she always followed Chen Yuan firmly.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yuan thought for a while, and let her do as she pleases.

With him following, at least there won't be any problems in Zhongzhou, besides, he may not have been wandering around like a mortal for a long time.

It's good to come here once in a while to relax.

It is also beneficial for spiritual practice.

With Chen Yuan's approval, Zhang Wanshu was naturally overjoyed. She dragged Chen Yuan to the roadside stalls for a long time. Some sold ordinary jewelry, and there were also food stalls, such as candied haws, sugar figurines and other fresh things. .

These Zhang Wanshu hadn't eaten for many years, this time in front of Chen Yuan, she made a little girl pose again.

After wandering around with Second Sister Zhang for half a day, Chen Yuan himself felt a lot more relaxed, and the ferocious aura in his body also dissipated a lot invisibly.

Chen Yuan also enjoys seeing all kinds of things in the world and understanding all living beings in the world.

It wasn't until noon that the two stopped and had some meals in a restaurant in Lin'an Prefecture. Zhang Wanshu looked at Chen Yuan happily and said:

"Thank you for today."

"Second sister is polite."

"Don't call me Second Sister in the future, it makes me look like I'm much older than you."

Zhang Wanshu gave him a blank look.

"Good second sister."

"Call me Wanshu."

Second Sister Zhang stared at Chen Yuan.

"So sweet"

Chen Yuan looked at her posture with a light smile, and responded quickly.

"This is more or less, come on, try this."

Zhang Wanshu picked up a dish with chopsticks for Chen Yuan.

After eating, Chen Yuan originally thought that Zhang Wanshu would go shopping again, but unexpectedly she said:

"Just take a walk around, why don't we go and see Longmendu?"


Chen Yuan nodded. He was originally here for Longmendu, so he naturally wanted to see it in advance. If he could get it in advance, it seemed to be very good.

Doing what they said, the two left Fucheng and went straight to the rocky mountain outside the city.

Although they said they were wandering around at noon, they were not really idle. They could easily hear the location of Longmendu, so they were not unfamiliar.

The location of Longmen Ferry is about ten miles to the east of Lin'an Prefecture. When Chen Yuan arrived, there were already more than a hundred people gathered here.

Standing on the high platform, looking at the turbulent Jiuhe River below.

Similar to Dujiangyan in Shuzhou, a gorge was built here, with nine rivers converging into one, which looks rather spectacular from a distance.

On the bank of the river, someone has already started to set up lanterns, as if preparing for tomorrow night.

Accompanied by Zhang Wanshu, Chen Yuan stared at the scene where fish leaped from time to time, pondered for a moment, and said in a low voice:

"Wanshu, stand here and don't move. I'm going to buy something. If you are in danger, just call out my name."

"Oh, well, I see, you can go to work."

Zhang Wanshu froze for a moment, then said hastily.

Although the sparse crowd around did not look like someone was selling things, smart women never asked too many questions. There must be a reason for Chen Yuan to do so.

Seeing Zhang Wanshu being so sensible, Chen Yuan stroked her hair subconsciously, then turned and left.

Zhang Wanshu's face seemed to be drunk, a little flushed, and she was stunned for a long time.

This seems to be the first time Chen Yuan took the initiative.

Chen Yuan, who left Zhang Wanshu, naturally hid in the void, and the cultivation of the people around him was relatively low, and no abnormalities were found, and most of the people's attention was on Longmendu.

Therefore, it was very peaceful, and it was not surprising that Chen Yuan was missing.

Chen Yuan went into the water, and from the guidance of chance, it can be seen that the Flood Dragon Pearl must be near Longmendu, so it's better to look for it.

In the turbid river, Chen Yuan walked on the water as if walking on flat ground. The bottom of the river more than ten feet deep was slowly filled with silt from other nine rivers. Chen Yuan opened his eyes, but searched carefully many times. , and didn't notice any problem, which made him frown.

Could it be that only when the carp jumps over the dragon gate on the night of the full moon, can the divine dragon bead condense?

After thinking for a long time, Chen Yuan could only give up.

On the bank of the Jiuhe River, Zhang Wanshu looked around suspiciously. Although she didn't know how to ask questions, it didn't mean she wasn't curious. On the contrary, she was very curious.

At the same time, there is also an inexplicable worry.

She was born in the God's Envoy's family, and she knew the dangers involved. Maybe Chen Yuan met some martial arts masters or enemies around him, so as not to implicate her, she left quickly.

It has to be said that her imagination is still very rich.

While Zhang Wanshu was looking around, a young man in white, holding a folding fan, looked at the woman in front of him with some appreciation.

Although her cultivation base is not high, she has a decent bearing and her appearance is also top-notch. When she first came here, he had already paid attention to her.

But at that time, there was a man in black beside her, so he couldn't see through her, and he didn't dare to make trouble rashly.

After all, there are not many things in Zhongzhou, except that there are many officials.

Nobility, officials, martial arts experts, and even royal children.

No one knows how big a fish can be thrown out when you go down with a hammer.

However, he felt that the man in black should be a first-class guard, maybe he had gone to do something, so he didn't return. After thinking about it, he decided to contact him.

If you have a background, make friends. If you don't have a background, just get to know each other briefly.

Thinking of this, the man in white pondered for a while, calmly stepped forward with one hand behind his back, nodded and smiled very gracefully:

"Miss, are you looking at the scenery alone? Today is not a good time, and tomorrow is the day to jump over the Dragon Gate."

The atmosphere stagnated for a few moments. The man in white looked up and found that the woman in the blue dress didn't pay attention to him at all, and her eyes were still turning, as if she was looking for something.

There was some displeasure in his heart, but the man in white didn't show it, and continued:

"The girl is looking for someone? Jiang Yun, I have some power in Lin'an Mansion, maybe I can help the girl."

Zhang Wanshu frowned and stared at him:

"Are you talking to me?"

"Yes, exactly."

Jiang Yun's face froze for a moment, and he nodded quickly.

"Need not."

Glancing at him coldly, Zhang Wanshu straightened her face, she didn't have the slightest attitude of her little daughter in front of Chen Yuan before, like a cold fairy.

Jiang Yun's face was a bit uneasy. Few people in Lin'an Mansion dared to speak to him like this, but the other party's tough posture made him confused for a while, and asked with a frown:

"I don't know the girl's name? Where is she from?"

Jiang Yun wanted to know who this person was.

Holding a talisman in her hand, Zhang Wanshu turned her head indifferently:

"People from the capital, if Mr. Jiang is fine, leave quickly, so as not to cause trouble."

She is the daughter of a third-rank official, no matter how virtuous and gentle she looks on the surface, but that is only in front of Chen Yuan, and she will not pretend to be in front of outsiders.

So as not to let Chen Yuan misunderstand.

"Young lady's words are a little too much, right? Jiang is just asking."

Jiang Yun frowned, staring at Zhang Wanshu.

"One more thing, get out, if you don't get out, you'll die here." Zhang Wanshu took out the talisman directly from her sleeve, her eyes full of impatience.

Jiang Yun's gaze was fixed on the talisman, his pupils shrank instantly, and froze in place.

He has seen this thing before, it is a talisman!

"Presumptuous, how dare you talk to my son like that."

Jiang Yun didn't say anything, but a maid beside him reprimanded her instead.


A crisp slap sounded, Jiang Yun slapped the maid to the ground, bowed quickly and said:

"Miss forgive me, it's because I have blind eyes and failed to discipline the people around me. Miss forgive me."

"Young master."

The maid whose face was rapidly swollen into a pig's head froze on the ground, watching this scene in disbelief.

"Shut up."

Jiang Yun stared at her.

What does the person with the talisman represent? He couldn't be more clear about it. It is almost equivalent to having a real strong man of the fifth realm behind him. How could he dare to offend such a person?

Even if his father came, he had to be careful when facing the talisman.

Seeing that the woman in front of her is not very cultivated, she may not be able to activate the talisman, but who knows if she has any strange treasures? If he angered the other party, he would not even leave a bone in one blow.

Never risk it!

Moreover, is the person who can take out the amulet amulet casually an ordinary person?

Maybe there is some powerful force behind it.

Although he can be regarded as a bit romantic, he has always been a witty character, knowing who can be messed with, and who is a sin to even look at.


Zhang Wanshu looked down at Jiang Yun with a cold face.

"Yes Yes."

Jiang Yun didn't care about face at the moment, so he quickly agreed.

"What is it?"

A faint voice resounded in everyone's ears, and Chen Yuan, who was dressed in black, slowly walked out of the void, and frowned as he looked at Jiang Yun and his party who bowed their knees.

Just went there for a short while, is it really that bloody?

The indifference and coldness on Zhang Wanshu's face quickly faded away, she put away the talisman, and hurriedly walked to Chen Yuan's side, letting out a long breath, as if she was a little scared.

"You are here, I almost want to call you."

Zhang Wanshu said in a pretty way.

Chen Yuan looked at Zhang Wanshu, who was pretending to be quite similar, and almost laughed. If it wasn't for his divine sense that enveloped the surrounding area in advance, he really almost believed it.

Unexpectedly, Second Sister Zhang, who has always been gentle and cold, actually smells like tea.

Tut tut, interesting.

Seeing that Zhang Wanshu didn't want to return to her previous cold appearance, Chen Yuan didn't let it go, and stroking the restless back of her hand, asked kindly:

"Wanshu, what's wrong?"


Zhang Wanshu quickly and briefly described the process just now.

Jiang Yun, who had fear on his face, also froze in place, what about that cold look just now?

Why did it suddenly change?

If he hadn't experienced it himself, he would almost have thought that this gentle girl was not the cold-faced girl just now.

Seeing Chen Yuan scanning over with coercive eyes, Jiang Yun only felt a little toothache.

Obviously, this man may have a stronger background, and his cultivation base is very terrifying. At least he with Tiangang cultivation base cannot see the slightest clue.

Just now he was afraid of this person, so he didn't dare to make any substantive strike-up.


He suddenly felt a little scared, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he quickly bowed and cupped his fists and said:

"Brother, don't get angry. It was just a misunderstanding. Jiang just asked the girl what she was looking for, to see if she could help. She never expected to make the girl unhappy. Everything is my fault, brother. Taiwan forgives sins, brother Taiwan forgives sins."

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes and looked at the white-clothed man in front of him. He looked pretty good, but his cultivation was a bit useless. He was already in his thirties, and his cultivation was only solid, and his aura was very vain.

The appearance of a dude young master.

Not interested in talking nonsense with him, Chen Yuan had a mental thought, and the rude maid just now vanished into the void in the blink of an eye. If it weren't for the pool of blood on the ground, no one would have been able to tell that she had ever existed.

To the current Chen Yuan, this man in white and that maid are undoubtedly nothing more than ants.

Not much better than a grasshopper.


Jiang Yun looked at the maid who suddenly disappeared, subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, already understood the horror of this person in her heart, and quickly lowered her head:

"Brother, forgive me, brother, forgive me, my father is the Qing envoy of the Sky Survey Division of Lin'an Prefecture"

He quickly reported himself.

Seeing this, Chen Yuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and a burst of energy instantly penetrated into this person's body, and said lightly:

"Press me with family background?"

This person is not too arrogant, he had thought of teaching him a little lesson and let him go, but now it seems... this kid is very clueless.

"Don't dare, dare not, brother, forgive me, I really didn't offend this girl down here, I hope you have a lot of people, brother, don't be as knowledgeable as me."

"Go back and let your father come to see me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Yuan opened his mouth.

"My father?"

"My official is Chen Yuan, the envoy of Tian Xun Tian Si Tian Zi, what's the matter, is there a problem?"

"Marquis Wu Wuan?"

Jiang Yun froze for a moment.

The shadow of a person, the name of a tree!

Recently, this name has almost made cocoons in his ears. He did not expect that the famous Marquis Wu'an, who is powerful in Zhongzhou and even the world, is this person.

It's over! Woe!

His heart tightened, as if he had seen the tragic situation behind him.

I heard that the Marquis of Wu'an is cruel by nature, he frequently destroys his family and family, and he once had the title of Killing God. He really didn't read the almanac when he went out today, it's really bad luck.

"No problem."

Although this person didn't show his identity badge, he was basically completely determined in his heart, and he didn't dare to neglect at all. Now he just begged the other party to spare his life because he didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

Don't get involved with the family either.

At this moment, he even had the idea of ​​suicide to calm down his anger.

Zhang Wanshu tugged on Chen Yuan's sleeve, as if she didn't want him to do too badly, and the other party was quite sensible, otherwise, if she dared to speak rudely, she would have wiped him out with a talisman.

Chen Yuan glanced at her and didn't say much.


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