I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 563: A Fish Leaps Over the Dragon Gate! Flood Dragon Sacred Bone!

"Okay, tell your father about this. Tonight, I will wait for him at Jiujiang Tower."

Chen Yuan waved his hand casually.

"Thank you so much, envoy, thank you girl."

Jiang Yun was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect to pass the level so easily, it seems that the rumors are wrong, the famous Chen Qingshi is still very kind, not as fierce as in the rumors.

As for the maid's life

It was her own fault, even his master didn't dare to say anything, but she chose to find trouble, even if Chen Yuan didn't kill her, she would have to be expelled from the mansion after returning.

Such a wicked slave is simply causing trouble.

After finishing speaking, he immediately bowed and left, causing discussions among the people around him.

Chen Yuan watched the other party leave, a chill flashed in his eyes.

The ray of vitality he injected just now will gradually wear down Jiang Yun's vitality in the next hundred years, and it will be silent, no one will notice.

There are too many people here, Chen Yuan doesn't want to make too much trouble, but it is impossible to let it go.

Although the other party was not too arrogant and domineering, it was all based on Zhang Wanshu's extraordinary temperament. Jiang Yun didn't dare to treat her as an ordinary person.

If it was another woman with no background strength, it might not be so simple.

This can be seen from the maids raised by her side.

This can be regarded as his extermination of harm for the people.

Zhang Wanshu didn't know what Chen Yuan was doing, and she didn't want to know. She just grabbed Chen Yuan's arm at the moment, as if she had found some sense of security, and asked softly:

"What did you just go shopping?"

Chen Yuan's eyes moved, and the brilliance in his hands flashed, and two green oranges appeared.

These are a few that I bought casually at noon, and I just need to refill them now.

"How do you know I love oranges?"

Zhang Wanshu narrowed her eyes, her face was full of joy.

"Listen to Brother Zhang."

Chen Yuan talked nonsense without blushing.

"That's it."

Zhang Wanshu smiled, and suddenly discovered another side of Chen Yuan in her heart.

Tell a lie without blushing.

She clearly said that on purpose, but the other party was so cooperative. In fact, as long as it was bought by Chen Yuan, she liked to eat it, and it didn't matter.

Therefore, she does not expose the other party.

That's fine.

As everyone knows, Chen Yuan has also discovered another side of Zhang Erjie, who is a little teasing

After driving away Jiang Yun, this Longmendu couldn't stay any longer, and the people around looked at them a little strangely, as if they were guessing who they were.

It was so frightening that the other group knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Let's go?!"

Chen Yuan looked at Second Sister Zhang and asked.

"Well, I listen to you."

Zhang Erjie nodded with a smile.

Chen Yuan has already checked the bottom of the Longmendu River, and now he can't find anything at all, and he can't find the dragon orb guided by chance, so he can only wait until tomorrow night.

Fortunately, he has plenty of time and can afford to wait.

That night.

In a first-class room in Jiujiang Building.

Chen Yuan sat cross-legged, refining the vitality into his body.

Suddenly there was a cool wind blowing around, and a humble voice sounded outside the window:

"Jiang Xiong, a low-ranking Lin'an Mansion Sky Patrol Envoy, has met God Envoy."

"come in."

Chen Yuan opened his eyes and looked straight ahead.

The next moment, the cold wind blew open the closed window, and a middle-aged man in the official uniform of the Sky Patroller knelt down in front of Chen Yuan:

"grown ups."

Lin'an Mansion is different from ordinary places. Although it is a government-level yamen, it is one level higher than ordinary mansions. Only in this way can it be worthy of being a big mansion that guards the capital.

Jiang Xiong is a genuine alchemy master!

According to common sense, even if Chen Yuan is the heavenly envoy of Xuntiansi, his immediate superior, there is no need to be so humble, all he needs to do is bow down and salute.

But he is different. His son Jiang Yun, who is not long-sighted, bumped into Marquis Wu'an, who is famous in the surrounding capital.

Although the Jiang family has some strength in Lin'an Mansion, but there is not even a real person in the family, it is impossible to stand shoulder to shoulder with someone like Chen Yuan, so they can only surrender in order to resolve the grievances.

Still the same sentence, the shadow of a person, the name of a tree.

Chen Yuan's name is too strong, and his personality is well known in the world, so few people dare to confront him.

"Emissary Jiang Qing get up."

There was no movement of Chen Yuan. In short, an invisible force of heaven and earth enveloped Jiang Xiong, and he stood up involuntarily, but he didn't dare to breathe a sigh of relief, because he suddenly found that he couldn't mobilize the emptiness in his dantian. The power of Dan!

Suppress directly!

"Thank you, my lord."

Jiang Xiong lowered his head and cupped his fists.

"Do you know why I asked you to come here this time?"

"It was the dog who offended the lord, and the officials were terrified. Today, the dog has been taught a lesson, and he is not allowed to go out for half a year, and he will be severely punished by the law of the Heaven Surveyor."

As he said that, Jiang Xiong looked at Chen Yuan, as if he was afraid that he would be dissatisfied.

"Emissary Jiang Qing is upright and strict."

"I'm ashamed to be an official. I have neglected to discipline that wicked son these years."

"Okay, since you've already been punished, let's let this matter go for now. Mr. Chen has always been broad-minded, and never cares about little things."

"Thank you, Master God Envoy!"

Jiang Xiong breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly let go of his heart.

As long as this matter is over, it will be fine, he is afraid that this matter will not be able to pass, and Chen Yuan has a decisive personality, so maybe he will kill first and act later, the imperial power has granted it.

After all, as an upper official, Chen Yuan had the right intention to punish the lower officials.

And their Jiang family has been in Lin'an Mansion for so many years, and their foundation is not clean.

"Your Jiang family has been here in Lin'an for more than a hundred years, right?"

Chen Yuan asked.

Speaking of Lin'an, one has to say that although the Jiang family is far from being a family, it is not far behind. As long as there is a Huayang real person in the family, it will immediately create a reputation in the Jianghu.

According to the situation he investigated, the Jiang family has a lot of influence in this place and is deeply intertwined, not only the Sky Surveyor, but also people in the officialdom and the Jianghu.

It's just been relatively low-key.

Jiang Xiong was startled again, hesitantly said:

"It's been a while."

"Don't be afraid, this envoy is just asking you some questions."

"It's been one hundred and seventy-six years now."

"How much do you know about Jiuhejiang?"

"Jiujiu River?"

Jiang Xiong was taken aback, he didn't expect Chen Yuan's question to change so quickly.

"Yes, I want to know more about it."

The Flood Dragon Divine Orb should not have appeared out of thin air. Now that there is such an opportunity, it is natural to understand it in detail. At the fifth level, Chen Yuan began to have the desire to explore the secret of the luck altar that can guide opportunities.

Can you guide without giving luck?

If this is the case, then Chen Yuan will have a smoother life in the future.

"As far as I know, the Jiuhe River."

Under Jiang Xiong's detailed description, Chen Yuan also has some understanding of the origin of the Jiuhe River. It was first a big battle in the previous dynasty, which caused the river to change its course.

After hundreds of years of development, it gradually evolved to this point.

And Chen Yuan also asked insincerely, in the past hundred years, has anything unusual happened here.

Jiang Xiong didn't know why, and racked his brains to tell what he saw and heard, and the one that caught Chen Yuan's attention the most was a river named Qingyu River among the nine rivers.

Around the time when the Jin Dynasty was founded, it was rumored that there was a snake that transformed into a dragon, causing thunder and catastrophe to fall from the sky, spilling blood on the Qingyu River, and black clouds covered a hundred miles around.

This vision lasted for an hour before many warriors ventured to check it out, but they found nothing.

This rumor was recorded, but not in detail.

It is also one of the most inconspicuous of the many rumored incidents that Jiang Xiong mentioned.

But according to the direction guided by the chance, he has taken care of it.

"Emissary Jiang Qing is really knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and I have some understanding of Lin'an."

Chen Yuan gave encouragement after the other party finished speaking.

"It is a humble honor to be able to contribute to adults."

"Okay, it's getting late, envoy Jiang Qing should go back, tomorrow will be a big event, and there must be no big mistakes."

"Yes, I understand, I will take my leave."

Jiang Xiong let out a breath imperceptibly, bowed and retreated, and helped Chen Yuan close the window before leaving.

Chen Yuan's spiritual thoughts radiated and enveloped the entire inn. Seeing that nothing happened, he slowly closed his eyes and continued to close his eyes and breathe out.

Nothing to say all night.

Chen Yuan practiced hard all night and didn't feel tired at all. Instead, he felt refreshed. The path of getting stronger little by little is really exciting.

"Boom boom boom"

There was a knock on the door.

"come in."

Although separated by the door, with Chen Yuan's divine sense, he could still clearly perceive Second Sister Zhang outside.


The door was pushed open, dressed in a blue dress, the gentle and virtuous Second Sister Zhang came in with breakfast in her hand, looked at Chen Yuan with a faint smile and said:

"I practiced all night, are you tired? I just bought some meat buns and soy milk for you outside, you can eat while it's hot."

"Thank you, Second Sister, it doesn't need to be so troublesome."

Chen Yuan sighed lightly.

He has cultivated to the point of transforming yang, and he can refine the vitality of heaven and earth traveling between heaven and earth to replenish his strength, not to mention a few months, even if he doesn't eat for three to five years.

Once the primordial spirit is condensed, it has gradually begun to transform into a fairy.

As for the sixth realm, Chen Yuan also asked Senior Mo Luo. According to him, warriors in the sixth realm do not need to eat any ordinary food at all, and it may even be harmful.

"I bought everything, and I can't eat it."

Zhang Wanshu moved a stool closer to her.

Chen Yuan smiled and didn't refuse any more, stepped forward and started to eat, if as an ordinary person, he could marry a woman like Zhang Wanshu, it would be a high incense for eight lifetimes.

But he is not an ordinary person.

Thinking about what to do in the future, Chen Yuan just shook his head silently when he communicated with Zhang Xuan and Zhang Yan.

After eating too early, Chen Yuan and Zhang Wanshu didn't go down. Today is June 15th, the busiest day in the entire Lin'an Mansion, and they planned to wait until evening before leaving the inn.

In the inn, Zhang Wanshu didn't want to disturb Chen Yuan's practice, but silently looked at him with her face curiously, as if there were flowers growing on his face.

From time to time, I don't consciously smirk.

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes and glanced at Second Sister Zhang, feeling that she seemed hopeless.

It should be completely sunk in love.

Time passed quickly, and the hustle and bustle outside became more and more serious. Seeing that the time was almost up, and the sky began to get dark in two hours, the two of them tidied up and walked out of the inn.

Chatting all the way, headed towards the direction of Longmendu that I visited yesterday.

Compared with yesterday, there are obviously a lot more people today. Along the way, there are men and women who go to watch the scenery, some snuggle together, and some distance themselves.

From time to time, there are warriors from the Sky Survey Division and the government's yamen servants patrolling back and forth.

If possible, it is natural to take a car. After all, Fucheng is still some distance away from Yanshan Longmendu.

Chen Yuan didn't really need it, he held Zhang Wanshu's hand, and there seemed to be a gust of wind under his feet, as light as if he was walking on air, very fast.

It didn't take long to reach the destination.

The night life of the people in this era is still very boring, otherwise they would not have so many children, without others, they are just idle and boring. Therefore, when the Lantern Festival is held in Lin'an, those restless people intend to come here to have fun.

By the time Chen Yuan arrived, tens of thousands of people had already gathered here. At a glance, there were crowds of people rushing in, occupying the open space near Longmendu.

The vendors yelled and hawked, and the storyteller slapped the chopping board, talking about the myth of Longmendu. The jugglers, with more than ten steel forks on their heads, danced like tigers and tigers, which perfectly contrasted with the floating people.

What a picture, the fireworks in the world!

Taking Zhang Wanshu and Chen Yuan to wander around for a while, suddenly, Chen Yuan froze in place, and through more than a hundred meters, he saw a handsome young man in the crowd.

The man held a folding fan, his face was as white as jade, his eyebrows were like swords, and he had an extraordinary bearing.

And this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that Chen Yuan saw the true identity of this person.

The eldest princess of the dynasty, the elder sister of Sima Ke, Pingyang!

She is just disguised as a man, not to change her breath. For Chen Yuan, it is not too easy to recognize her.

Zhang Wanshu, who was looking around, sensed Chen Yuan's footsteps, and subconsciously stopped, looking at him curiously and asking:

"What's wrong?"

"Ahead is the eldest princess."

Chen Yuan said so.

Zhang Wanshu froze for a moment, this sentence was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue to her, she subconsciously grabbed Chen Yuan's sleeve, her heart tightened slightly, for some reason, there was always a feeling of being caught raped.

"Don't panic."

Chen Yuan patted the back of Zhang Wanshu's hand and comforted her.

On the opposite side, Princess Pingyang seemed to have 'discovered' Chen Yuan, and walked straight over with a few entourages. The difference was about three feet before she stopped and cupped her hands and said:

"Mr. Chen is very elegant, and he still has the time to take the beauties to the lantern festival."

As he spoke, his eyes were still fixed on Zhang Wanshu.

Chen Yuan frowned and asked:

"Isn't Mr. Pingyang also very elegant?"

"Brother Chen said that the girl belongs to the Zhang family, right?" Princess Pingyang said, looking at Zhang Wanshu.

"I have seen His Highness."

Zhang Wanshu bowed slightly.

"Today is a good day. It is said that this time Yuyuelongmen is the most grand event in the past ten years. I don't want to miss it. I didn't expect to meet Brother Chen. What a coincidence."

Princess Pingyang smiled lightly.

"It's a coincidence."

Chen Yuan lowered his gaze, not believing this sentence at all.

But why?

Is it possible that Princess Pingyang is still here for him?

It was made clear before that he...has no interest in Princess Shang.

According to Princess Pingyang's cold temperament, it seems that she shouldn't have such a posture, which really makes Chen Yuan a little confused.

"Why don't you watch the moon with Brother Chen? The night is coming soon, and the moon should be very round tonight." Princess Pingyang invited.

Zhang Wanshu clenched her hands, and pulled Chen Yuan's sleeve a little.

Chen Yuan raised his head and glanced, today is indeed a good time, there is no cloud in the sky, but let’s forget it with Princess Pingyang, this is a smart woman, he doesn’t want to be noticed, and he refuses strangely:

"Wanshu is a bit cautious in front of His Highness, let's forget it, let's go to another day, and watch the moon with His Highness when I have free time."

"That's fine." Princess Pingyang pondered for a moment, then nodded imperceptibly.

"Your Highness, let's continue shopping. Mr. Chen still has some things to do, so I won't accompany you any longer."

"it is good."

Princess Pingyang stretched out her folding fan and fanned herself, her eyes were cold.

Chen Yuan nodded and didn't wait too long. After finishing speaking, he led Zhang Wanshu and walked past Princess Pingyang directly, and gradually moved away with some distance.

"Your Highness."

A guard disguised as a man hesitated.

"Let's go to Longmen Ferry. I haven't seen a fish jumping over the Dragon Gate for several years." Princess Pingyang said calmly.

After walking away, Zhang Wanshu looked back subconsciously, and couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief, her palms were already sweating.

There are only rumors between Chen Yuan and Princess Pingyang, and there is no real relationship, but she is a little flustered, inexplicably flustered, as if she has been noticed.

As the night gradually fell, the lanterns on the banks of the Jiuhe River began to hang up, and the moonlight began to illuminate the night, like a huge white jade plate.

Chen Yuan took Zhang Wanshu to find a location that wasn't too good, and quietly looked at the rolling river below, feeling as calm as water.

"Look, everyone, here we come, here we come."

Suddenly, someone exclaimed, making the viewers couldn't help turning their eyes away.

It can only be seen that all kinds of fish from the other nine rivers began to leap from the rolling river to the mainstream river, which is Longmendu, shining brightly under the moonlight.

This is quite a spectacular sight, with tens of thousands of various fishes, especially carp, constantly jumping up.

It's as if you want to break your own limit and look at the sky.

The moonlight was extremely bright, illuminating the Jiuhe River very brightly.

In the deep silt, a dragon-shaped skeleton also glowed at the bottom of the water, emitting wisps of dragon energy, and began to float up unconsciously.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Chen Yuan exhorted Zhang Wanshu:

"I'm going to do something, I won't be back for a while, don't worry."

Zhang Wanshu looked up at him, helped him straighten his collar, and said with a smile:

"Go, go and come back quickly."

Chen Yuan smiled, looked at the people around him, and seeing that no one was paying attention, he slowly pushed behind everyone, and then disappeared into the void.


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