I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 564: Dragon Balls Are Mysterious! Qingjiao came out of the river!

A tail of carps stirred their bodies and roared up into the moonlight. The fish scales on their bodies shone brightly under the moonlight, like a warrior's armor.

Black carp, silver carp, herring, and the most numerous carp have different shapes. There are all golden, half golden, and red carp.

Longmen Ferry seems to have some panacea, attracting thousands of fish to jump in.

The common people and warriors who watched by the river bank were amazed.

Shout out, this time is not in vain.

This is definitely a magnificent scene.

It also made a few frustrated warriors look at the scenery, and hope rose again in their hearts.

Even fish have a leap, let alone humans?

The turbulent river was rushing, and there was no other strange sound in the whole world, and everyone watched this scene attentively.

After all, according to the memories of many people in previous years, it won't take long for these scenes of thousands of fish jumping together to end, leaving only a few scenes of fish jumping.

Princess Pingyang stood in an excellent position, with her hands behind her back, watching the galloping scene below, and a surge of emotion could not help but arise in her heart.

The gaze in his eyes was in a trance, as if he saw all kinds of disputes behind the scenes in the capital.

Fish jumping over the dragon's gate.

Those who fight for the crown prince and the throne, why not?

Just as she was thinking, Princess Pingyang's eyes subconsciously turned to a direction. That was the place where Chen Yuan took Zhang Wanshu to watch the scene before. When she arrived, she saw them in the crowd.

But now, only Zhang Wanshu was left.

Where did Chen Yuan go?

Where did Chen Yuan go?

Naturally, after hiding his whereabouts, he quietly entered the water from the void. Although there were some waves, no one noticed such a strange phenomenon not far away under the beautiful scene of thousands of fish jumping over the dragon gate. .

Of course, even if you want to observe, you probably don't have the ability.

All these people watching the scenery by the river bank were scanned by Chen Yuan's spiritual thoughts. Except for the eldest princess who was guarded by a master of alchemy, there were only three masters.

A lazy Taoist in tattered clothes with a wine gourd hanging around his waist was lying on a branch watching the scenery.

A monk with a bright head, a dull cassock around his body, and twisting dirty Buddhist beads.

And Jiang Xiong, the Sky Patrol Envoy of Lin'an Prefecture.

Among the four, the lazy Taoist with the wine gourd was the most, but he was only a real dan cultivation base, and he was not even aware of his existence.

Now that he is covering up a little, no one will notice him naturally.

Without a real person of the fifth realm at the same level, Chen Yuan acted much bolder, directly entered the Longmen Ferry in a grand manner, and propped up a layer of emptiness around his body to separate all the turbulent water.

No moisture at all.

At the same time, the Sky Eye pupil technique was also opened!

In the night sky, the high moon was extremely round tonight, and it sprinkled silver dust on the ground. Even if Chen Yuan was in the middle of the river, he could still see the round white jade disc.

Stepping into the water step by step, hesitating the willingness of the rushing river, the river water is actually very muddy, but this does not prevent Chen Yuan from being able to see the situation below.

Countless fish crazily drilled downward, bringing along a lot of silt.

At the same time, his sky eyes finally changed.

Under the mud, there is a translucent blue light, about several feet in size, which is very magical.

Chen Yuan secretly said that it was true.

He had actually guessed before that his chance should be under the mud. After all, there was no sign of instability in the void around him, so it couldn't be a secret realm.

Moreover, the phenomenon of Yueyuelongmen attracting it doesn't seem to be caused by the magic coming from the secret realm.

It's just that this ferry is a bit big, with a depth of more than ten feet, about forty to fifty meters, and a width of one hundred feet, and the silt accumulated underneath is extremely huge.

It's not an easy thing to find.

The most important thing is, no one knows how deep the dragon ball is buried. If Chen Yuan makes too much noise, it is inevitable that people will come to investigate and scramble.

The blue light below was not as big as a bead, and Chen Yuan also had an unconfirmed guess in his mind.

Dragon Ball Dragon Ball is naturally condensed from the essence of the dragon. It is obtained from the dragon and cannot be born for nothing. This also means that the thing below may be a dragon corpse or dragon bone.

With a movement of the divine mind, huge pressure instantly enveloped the entire bottom of the Longmendu river, and countless silt boiled and was washed up under the turbulent current, with thousands of fish engulfed in it.

However, because the confluence of the river tonight was too fierce, not too many people paid attention.

Continuing to go deeper, more and more silt was washed away. There were corroded swords and humanoid bones. In the silt under the Longmen Ferry, I don't know how many filthy things are hidden.

Chen Yuan didn't care, but he was getting closer to the direction where the blue light was shining.

After ten breaths of time passed, a small portion of the blue light below finally appeared, shaped like white jade, extremely translucent, if it weren't for the turbid river water, it could even emit white light.


Very large bones!

Not humanoid at all.

Chen Yuan's guess was accurate. As more silt was washed away, more of the things below were exposed, in the shape of nodules, and each section was the size of a washbasin.

At least several feet long, majestic posture.

There was an inexplicable and powerful coercion all over his body, covering the entire bottom of Longmendu River, and Chen Yuan keenly discovered that the dragon-shaped skeleton was still floating up.

It seems that it is under the traction of the moonlight.

I don't know how deep it is buried.

With a wave of his hand, countless silts were blocked, and the whole dragon corpse showed its true face. To be precise, it was not a dragon corpse, but a dragon corpse.

Because it has no double horns, only a single broken horn in the middle.

Scaleless and eyeless, obviously dead for many years.

This is just a sweep of Chen Yuan. The place where he really freezes is almost above the dragon bone, where a cyan bead the size of a disc in a restaurant is emitting a strong light.

Dragon Ball.

Flood Dragon Ball!

The essence gathered from the entire body of the flood dragon, and the huge light shining from the body are all obtained from the dissipation of this dragon ball.


There was a flash of jealousy in Chen Yuan's eyes.

Every opportunity will mean that his cultivation base can skyrocket once, and it is impossible for him to be calm if he replaces it.

It's not that he doesn't want to move, but that he doesn't dare to move rashly.

The dragon has been dead for many years, and its flesh and blood withered, leaving only the keel, but no one knows if there is any magic on this dragon corpse. After all, in Chen Yuan's perception, there is still a lot of power radiating from it. pressure.

Let's call it Dragon Qi.

He reckoned that the reason why the fish jumping over the dragon's gate and scrambling to get in here should be the escaping dragon's aura.

This thing, for ordinary aquatic creatures who have not developed their spiritual intelligence, is no less than a chance to change their bones and change their lives. It is not an exaggeration to call it Leaping Dragon Gate.

Staring carefully for a few breaths, Chen Yuan raised his vigilance to the highest level, and slowly enveloped the dragon corpse with his spiritual thoughts, hoping to take the dragon ball into his hands.

At least under his careful perception, he didn't find anything wrong.

Naturally, there is no need to be too jittery and confront a dead bone here.

The powerful divine sense had just shrouded the dragon's bones, and suddenly, as if it had aroused a miraculous reaction, the dragon's bones moved suddenly, and the dragon ball also burst into dazzling light.

Before Chen Yuan withdrew his spiritual thoughts, he felt a sense of unwillingness.

His mind was instantly drawn into the dragon ball, unwilling to be in his mind.

The black cloud covered the environment and spread hundreds of miles away.

Chen Yuan seemed to be like a bystander, staying in the void, and at a glance, he saw a huge body in the river.

At least several tens of feet in size, with a single horn on the top of the head, and a body like fish scales, exuding a powerful power all over his body, and this power is almost the same as that of the Yangshen Zhenjun.

Calculated in this way, it is almost equivalent to a strong man at the level of the Great Saint of the Monster Race.

Chen Yuan, a vain bystander, didn't attract any attention, even he himself felt as if he didn't exist.

The dragon in the river was wrapped in the huge waves, rose against the wind, and roared in the void, the sound was like a dragon's chant, revealing a powerful coercion.

Then, soar into the sky.

And when it just jumped up, the scene in the void also began to change, the thunder billowed in the black clouds, the light shone brightly, and it took a while to crash down.


With just one blow, it was as if the sky fell apart, and the thunder light filled the sky, and landed directly on the body of the cyan dragon, blasting a wound the size of a fist.

Half of his body was scorched black.

Jiaolong let out an unwilling roar, as if dissatisfied.

But Tianlei didn't have any emotion. After three breaths, another thunderbolt fell from the sky. This thunder couldn't be avoided, couldn't be dispelled, and could only be resisted.

"Ho! Ho! Ho!"

The cyan dragon was bombarded by thunderbolts, and it was full of overwhelming power, but under one blow, it began to slide at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The cyan dragon's body was about to turn black.

The thunder is like maggots on the tarsus bone, entwined around the dragon's body, the scales began to fall off, and the dragon's tail also had a deep bone scar. The most miserable thing is the single horn.

Already broken in half.

The heart is also faint.

Chen Yuan stared solemnly at the terrifying Heavenly Tribulation.

If he were Qing Jiao at this moment, would he still dare to face Lei Jie?

After pondering for a long time, Chen Yuan sensed the terrifying thunder, and the true meaning of martial arts in his heart became more and more solidified.


He dares!

If he is the Jiaolong at this moment, he definitely still has the strength to fight.

Go all out and dare to change the sun and the moon into a new sky!

If he didn't have this courage, how could he have achieved this step in only two years from being weak? If he didn't have the courage to put all his eggs in one basket, how could he have dared to rebel?

If you succeed, you will open the road to transforming into a dragon, and if you fail, you will never recover.

It's a pity that he is not Jiaolong, and Jiaolong doesn't have his heart. Chen Yuan can clearly feel that Jiaolong no longer has the courage to endure the thunder disaster.

He lowered the proud dragon's head, lowered it slowly, and disappeared into the river, and the huge waves it raised quickly dissipated.

And Lei Jie in the sky seemed to have sensed this, and the clouds of robbery in the sky began to gradually dissipate, and the black clouds also disappeared without a trace.

In the world, only Jiaolong, who has been seriously injured, is left licking his wounds.

It's a pity that the more dispirited it is, the more terrifying the thunderbolt on its tarsal bones will be. A trace of blood began to scatter in the river, and soon the river was dyed red.

Down the river, the vitality of Jiaolong became weaker and weaker.

And Chen Yuan stood less than ten feet away from it, quietly watching this scene.

One day, two days, three days.

The sun has reincarnated nine times, and the dragon seems to have realized something before it died. If it had fought desperately at that time, it might not have been this scene.

Although he might be bombarded and killed by Lei Jie on the spot, there is still a glimmer of life.

But now, it's too late to say anything.

Its vitality can no longer sustain it to rise again.

There is only a feeling of unwillingness lingering in my heart.

Gradually close your eyes and sink to the bottom of the river

Chen Yuan sighed softly, his eyes serious.

Qingjiao crossing the catastrophe and transforming the dragon, isn't it the scene of a warrior climbing step by step?

On the road of martial arts, there is only courage and diligence.

Once defeated, once the spirit is scattered, there will be no more chances.

Not to mention the illusory Dao of Longevity.

The picture in his eyes ended here, and Chen Yuan's mind, sinking into the unwillingness of the Dragon Ball, gradually turned around, looking at the dragon's skeleton lying in the mud with a little complexity.

People are like dragons, and dragons are like people.

Even if you were magnificent and powerful in life, you will be just a dead bone in a tomb after death.

Under the years, the flesh and blood and scales are still gone. Perhaps, in a few years, even this dragon's skeleton will be wiped out in the world, and there will be no trace of its existence.

Staring at the corpse for a moment, Chen Yuan just wanted to collect the dragon balls, when suddenly, the Emperor Butcher Knife that was collected in the space of the book of heaven trembled, and Chen Yuan's eyes moved, and he took his thought out of the space of the book of heaven.

I saw, on the Emperor Butcher's Knife, a huge dragon soul as black as ink appeared, circling around the bottom of the river, staring at the cyan dragon ball.

As if wanting to swallow it in one gulp.

Chen Yuan frowned, this was his chance, and he was going to rely on the Flood Dragon Ball to go one step further, if the Dragon Soul swallowed it, it would be a big loss.

Quickly pass your thoughts to Dragon Soul.

But the dragon soul still stared at the dragon ball as if he was aware of it.

Seeing its appearance like this, Chen Yuan also sensed something was wrong, narrowed his eyes, and fixed his eyes on the Dragon Ball.

Time was deadlocked for ten breaths, and the dragon soul released a trace of ferocious dragon power to cover the dragon ball, and a small cyan dragon soul suddenly drilled out of the dragon ball.

With a trace of human fear, he glanced at Chen Yuan and Long Hun. The next moment, there was a roar like a dragon's chant, and he wanted to break through the water.

escape from here.

The banks of the Nine Rivers.

As time went by, the carp jumping up in the river not only did not end, but more and more, and became more restless, as if something was attracting them.

The bright moon in the void also became brighter and brighter.

And such a strange state also made the alchemy masters who came to watch Jing'er aware that something was wrong. It's not that none of them have seen the vision of a fish leaping over the dragon's gate.

But there has never been a day as weird as it is now.

There are too many jumping fish and shrimps, and if you look carefully, the river water will become more and more turbid. If they haven't found anything unusual before, after all, such a turbulent current and such dense fish jumping, It is also normal to stir up the silt on the bottom of the river.

But... this silt is a bit too thick.

It seems more accurate to call it a quicksand river.

Zhang Wanshu's fists were clenched under her sleeves, and there was a hint of worry in her eyes. It was almost a quarter of an hour since Chen Yuan left.

Why haven't you come back yet?

What exactly did you do?

It is estimated that there is not much time left for Yuyuelongmen in this river.

It would be a pity to miss this once-a-year opportunity, after all, this is not manipulative by warriors, it is completely Yu'er's spontaneous behavior.

Second Sister Zhang felt a little regretful.

But with so many people gathered here, he didn't dare to cheer. If Chen Yuan was doing something important, wouldn't it be a bad thing if she shouted it down?

Zhang Wanshu was staring at the river, and someone was also staring at her.

Ever since she noticed Chen Yuan's departure, Princess Pingyang looked in her direction frequently, her gaze a little thoughtful.

Chen Yuan is traveling with beauty, so he shouldn't have left alone.

Is there something else she doesn't know?

"Your Highness."

While thinking about it, an ordinary man in black beside him bowed and called softly.


Princess Pingyang withdrew her mind and turned her head to look.

"There is something wrong in the water, be careful, Your Highness."

The man continued.

"What did you notice?"

Ping Yang frowned and asked.

"I don't know about this subordinate for the time being, I'm afraid we can only take a look underwater."

The man said hesitantly.

"and you."

Princess Pingyang just wanted to order something.

Suddenly, three powerful auras rose from all parts of the crowd, a slovenly Taoist, a simple monk, and a middle-aged man in the uniform of a sky surveyor.

The three alchemy masters are still hanging on Longmendu at this moment.

"You go too."

Ping Yang ordered.

"Yes, Your Highness."

The man in black nodded slightly, and quickly rose into the sky, carefully scanning the other three alchemy masters. They had already noticed each other when they were watching the scenery, but they didn't mean to deal with each other.

Now is the first time.

The four figures stretched across the void, causing the onlookers and warriors to exclaim immediately, thinking that something important had happened, they felt a little uneasy, and some even started to flee when they saw that the situation was not good.

However, there are also some warriors who can't help but step forward, wanting to see what's going on.

"It seems that several fellow Taoists have already discovered something is wrong here."

The sloppy Taoist looked around at everyone.

"Dragon spirit."

The simple monk clasped his hands together.

"Dragon Qi."

The rest of the people were startled, and their eyes instantly fell on the river below Yuelongmen. Their eyes were a little suspicious and surprised, but when they looked at the people around them, they were also a little apprehensive and defensive.

With the treasure in front, maybe something will happen.

"Fellow daoists, if you don't know what's going on, you might as well first." The sloppy Taoist hadn't finished speaking.

The moon was shining brightly in the night sky, and the river water rolled up a whirlpool, and a roar resembling a dragon's chant suddenly came to mind, and then, everyone saw a cyan light and shadow breaking out of the water!

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