I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 565 Dragon Swallows Flood Soul! The Six Tribulation Divine Soldiers!

Longmen crosses the bottom of the river.

Looking at the dragon's soul drilled out of the cyan dragon ball, Chen Yuan's eyes froze for a moment, and a chill escaped from his eyes.

He didn't expect that after more than two hundred years, there was still a dragon soul left in that dragon. He was really surprised, but thinking about it, he didn't see the end, but after the Qing Jiao in the picture closed his eyes, The mind withdrew.

The reason why it is said to be more than two hundred years is because Chen Yuan is basically able to confirm that the dragon is the rumor that Jiang Xiong talked about last night.

Except for some exaggerations, everything else is correct.

The green dragon soul anthropomorphically stared at Chen Yuan and the black dragon soul with a slightly apprehensive expression.

No matter how strong it was before it was alive, it has little to do with it now.

After more than two hundred years of aging, his strength has already declined a lot. If Chen Yuan's mind had not sunk into the dragon ball and awakened him with the indomitable and indestructible martial arts, he would have passed away naturally within a few years.

The black dragon soul was several times larger than the green dragon soul, and there was a touch of anthropomorphic excitement in his eyes, and the thoughts of greed and longing were also transmitted to the heart of the master, Chen Yuan.

He knew that the Dragon Soul wanted to swallow it!

Perhaps, we can go one step further.

The atmosphere of the two sides looked at each other for a moment, and the dragon's soul changed his mind, and directly mobilized its blue dragon ball, which burst into dazzling light, as if it wanted to explode itself.

Chen Yuan frowned, and said in a low voice:

"court death!"

This Qingjiao has been dead for many years, and the Dragon Ball is his now, so the remaining power in it cannot be allowed to be dissipated, otherwise this opportunity will be lost.

The huge divine sense instantly enveloped the opponent, and the black dragon soul also moved instantly, opening its mouth to swallow it.

Seeing that the two of them were enraged, the Qingjiao Dragon Soul smashed the dragon ball at Chen Yuan, and it let out a long roar and broke through the water directly towards the sky. Chen Yuan didn't have time to take care of it, but gave the Dragon Soul an order:

"Eat it!"

After that, the Jiang Qing dragon ball was carefully controlled to prevent it from having any problems.

With Chen Yuan's consent, the dragon soul also rose up and broke out of the water.

Chen Yuan checked the dragon ball carefully, and after confirming that there was no problem, he carefully placed it in the space of the book of heaven. Then, sensing the aura of alchemy outside, he pondered for a moment, and took it out of his arms. A bronze mask covers the face.

At the same time, the clothes on his body also changed, turning blood red.

The dragon bone from which the dragon ball and the dragon soul have separated, but the white light around it has not dissipated and is still bright. It is definitely a good refining material. After thinking about it, I also included it in the space of the book of heaven.

The sky over Longmendu.

Jiang Xiong, Taoist Sloppy, and Monk Pu Su were discussing going into the water to see the situation first, and then discussing the matter of fighting for treasures. As a result, before Taoist Sloppy finished speaking, there was a roar that sounded like a dragon's chant.

Then, a cyan light flashed under the turbid water, before they could react.


The surface of the river exploded with a bang, more than a hundred carp jumping over the Dragon Gate exploded instantly, and the soul of the cyan dragon soared into the sky.

"It's a flood dragon!"

Monk Pu Su exclaimed immediately.

He finally understood where the dragon aura he was confused before came from, and it all escaped from the dragon's body.

If there is a dragon soul, it means that there are still dragon bones, dragon corpses... and the legendary dragon balls at the bottom of the water!

There was a hint of jealousy in the eyes of several people.

Flood dragons are full of treasures, dragon bones, dragon body, dragon balls, and dragon souls are all high-quality treasures. If it is normal, they are definitely not something that a few alchemy masters can get their hands on.

Now it's okay to come to watch the scenery, but luck has come.

However, before they could say anything else, the surface of the river was shaken again. This time, the real dragon's chant resounded, its momentum was overwhelming and its coercion was extremely strong!

After Chen Yuan's cultivation broke through Huayang, the dragon soul in the Emperor Butcher's Knife was able to mobilize all its power.

Simply put, it is very strong!

The water surface exploded again, under the watchful eyes of everyone, a black dragon soul far surpassing the previous flood dragon soul burst out of the water in an instant, and several people retreated quickly, showing horror on their faces.

Another one?

And by the look of it, it's even scarier than the previous one!

The black dragon soul didn't care about the alchemy masters, but roared, soared into the sky, and went directly to Yukong to chase the fleeing Qingjiao soul.

"What's the situation?"

The sloppy Taoist was stunned for a moment.

"It seems that we have made a lot of money today, hahaha." Jiang Xiong was overjoyed. If he can get the dragon treasure, their Jiang family will definitely be able to go further.

"Good, good."

The simple monk has bright eyes.

"Everyone, how do you divide?"

The eldest princess guard who had not spoken all this time asked in a deep voice.

Several people looked at each other, and the sloppy Taoist spoke first:

"Since there are two dragon souls here, it is possible that they are two dragon corpses. I don't need much, one is a real dragon bone, and the other is a dragon pearl."

He has the strongest cultivation here, so he naturally wants to take advantage of it.

"The poor monk wants the dragon bones, and one-third of the real dragon balls."

"Three dragon horns, one dragon ball."

The black-robed guard said in a low voice.

"Hehe, you guys have a good plan. This is within the imperial court, don't you think it's too much?" Jiang Xiong looked unhappy, they took away all the good things, what is left of him?

"My lord, don't worry, we will take the dragon treasure below first, and then go after the dragon soul. Then let your lord take some more, how about it?"

The sloppy Taoist hurriedly said.

If the distribution is uneven, they will inevitably have to fight again, and the loss outweighs the gain. If the delay is too long and the real Huayang is attracted, they will get nothing.

"That's it for now."

Jiang Xiong frowned, but still nodded in agreement.

The value of the dragon soul is not low. He can choose a dragon soul at that time, which will definitely increase the Jiang family's heritage.

In a few words, the few people almost made the allocation.

The people watching the scenery around the Jiuhe River began to flee in panic after the two dragon souls came out of the water one after another. Only some warriors were moving, as if they wanted to get a share of the pie.

But as soon as someone wanted to speak, Jiang Xiong and the other four grandmasters all turned their eyes away. After distributing the spoils, it was naturally impossible for them to let other people share a share.

If someone really doesn't have eyes, they can only send them on the road.

Some ants are not qualified to distribute dragon treasures like them.

Zhang Wanshu looked very anxious and flustered in the crowd. She wanted to find Chen Yuan's trace, but she couldn't find it no matter how hard she searched. She was afraid that something might happen to him.

This is especially true after the dragon soul comes out of the water.

Princess Pingyang calmed down a lot, jumped up to Zhang Wanshu's side, and said softly:

"This place is chaotic, follow me."

"His Royal Highness, I..." Zhang Wanshu froze for a moment.

"I'll talk about it later. It's so chaotic here, there might be another fight. Don't you want Chen Yuan to worry about you?"

"No, it's not."

"Or, you can't trust me?"

"No, it's just that Divine Envoy Chen asked me to wait here."

Zhang Wanshu resisted a little.

She still has a talisman in her hand, as long as she shows it, I believe that even those alchemy masters will not dare to provoke her, and they are not very willing to follow Princess Pingyang, and always feel uncomfortable.

"Don't talk so much now, you go with me first." After speaking, Princess Pingyang didn't give her any rebuttal, and directly took her hand, and let the guards around her start to retreat gradually.

In just a short time, martial artists with some strength and background gathered on the shore. Most of them are martial artists with Ning Gang and Tong Xuan cultivation bases, and they can be regarded as having some means.

Seeing Baoshan now, he is naturally unwilling to let go.

A middle-aged man who was nominated, looked at several Alchemy masters, clasped his hands together and said:

"Seniors, we have been cultivating hard for many years, and now it is difficult to make any progress. I hope that seniors can see our weak cultivation base and share some leftovers."

"Yes, seniors, don't be too extreme."

"I am a disciple of Qijue Mountain in Lin'an Mansion."

"Below is Changshan Mansion."

"Below is the capital"

One after another voices sounded, announcing their respective identities, hoping to gain some right to speak.

Jiang Xiong's eyes sank, he snorted coldly, and just about to speak, a hoarse voice resounded in the ears of everyone around him.

"You guys deserve it too!"

"That's right, you're worthy too? How dare you try to steal the treasure with mere cultivation in the lower three realms? I'll give you a chance to get the hell out of here, or you'll die."

Jiang Xiong coldly snorted and echoed, then turned to look for the fellow Taoist who spoke just now.

It really means that his heart is on the line.

A group of low-level warriors are also worthy of their benefits?

But when he turned his gaze, he found that the sloppy Taoist and the simple monk were both frozen in place, as if they had seen something extraordinary.

Following their gazes, Jiang Xiong turned around and found that beside the four of them, a man with a bronze ghost face and a blood-colored robe looked at them coldly.

"Your Mightiness."

Before Jiang Xiong finished speaking, the sloppy Taoist at the side bowed and saluted, and said in a deep voice with shock:

"I have seen the seniors."


Jiang Xiong froze for a moment, then froze in place.

Sensing the unfathomable aura of the other party, the guard of Princess Pingyang started a layer of hair on his body, holding his sword in salute:

"I have seen the seniors."


Monk Pu Su quickly lowered his head.

Jiang Xiong didn't see the fighters who were facing down just now, but they could see clearly that the blood-clothed man stepped out of the void without a sound, exuding an aura as deep as the sea.


Definitely a real person from the Fifth Realm!

Without stepping into Huayang Realm, it is absolutely impossible to integrate into the world.

They are still very clear about this common sense.

"Senior, you."

Jiang Xiong reacted and saluted quickly.

"Go away, they are not worthy to come to grab things, and neither are you." Chen Yuan stared at the four masters with indifference in his eyes, as if they were just a few insignificant people.


Several people looked at each other, a little unwilling.

That's a real dragon treasure!

If they give up, they will probably regret it for the rest of their lives, but if they fight, they don't have any of the two heavenly pills, and they will die if they go up.

The man in black with the sword was the first to say:

"Senior, I am the guard of Shenjing Imperial City, who belongs to the clan."

"Senior, I come from Yangzhou Daomen, Lingxu Temple."

This is a top power with real people in charge.

"The poor monk is a loose person, but he has some connections with Xiaoleiyin Temple."

"Senior, I'm going to inspect the sky in Lin'an Mansion." Jiang Xiong looked up, as if he felt that he couldn't control him, and continued: "I am the Tianzi God Envoy of Xuntian, Marquis Chen Yuan of Wu'an, Lord Chen Hou is in the mansion. ,if."

He didn't finish the sentence, but the meaning was self-evident.

Several people each raised their identities, hoping to make concessions from the other party, even if it was not as much as before, it would be great to get a share of the pie.


With his hands behind his back, Chen Yuan glanced around at the few people, and the power around him instantly enveloped the world. Some low-level warriors couldn't bear the terrifying coercion, and knelt on the ground with a 'plop'.

"Get out after finishing speaking, three breaths of time, if you don't get out, then stay here."

After Chen Yuan finished speaking, he silently counted the time.

All the people present were silent for a moment, seeing that Chen Yuan did not seem to be lying, but really dared to kill someone, someone swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and ran away.

Several alchemy masters looked at each other, with some unwillingness in their eyes, but there was nothing they could do.

The opponent's power was too terrifying, even standing there, it made them a little uneasy, and the surrounding void seemed to be frozen at this moment.


"Senior, calm down, and the poor will leave now."

"The poor monk bids farewell."

"Senior, calm down."

"Senior, calm down."

Several alchemy masters spoke one after another, and then, without waiting for Chen Yuan's response, they quickly moved away from the sky, using all their life's speed.

I'm afraid of dying here.

In a blink of an eye, the Jianghu warriors present disappeared without a trace, only some people in the distance were running in the direction of Fucheng in a panic.

Chen Yuan's gaze was still calm, and when he saw Zhang Wanshu following Princess Pingyang, he no longer worried, and turned towards Yukong in one direction.

That is the position of the dragon soul, and as the master, he can still perceive it.

And just when Chen Yuan glanced at Princess Pingyang and her party, Princess Pingyang frowned, with some inexplicable feeling in her heart, she looked back, but found nothing.

Can only continue to evacuate.

There is no such thing as a long princess here, she is red-eyed, and no one cares, it is better to save her life.

Downstream of Longmendu, about ten miles away.

In just a short moment, the two dragon souls separated a considerable distance, the black dragon soul biting each other tightly, no matter how the opponent moved, it only had one thought.

swallow it!

As long as it swallows it, it can go one step further consciously.

An absolute tonic.



The dragon's chant resounded, the river exploded, the rocks crumbled, and the deep forest was disturbed.

Jiaolong looked back, seeing that he couldn't get rid of this person, he felt ruthless, Yukong flew towards Mingyue, then, recovering some strength under the moonlight, he turned his head and bit him directly.

Flood Dragon Soul VS True Dragon Soul!

When Chen Yuan arrived, what he saw was such a scene. The motives caused by the two dragon souls were not too great, at least not as good as the existence of real people in the fifth realm.

But this is normal.

Dragon Soul seems to be powerful, but it is not.

The human race cultivates the primordial spirit, and the monster race refines the body.

Although this sentence can't represent all, it can definitely represent most of them. For the monster race, the flesh body is their strongest means, the soul is not good at all, they only have the demon soul.

Unless transformed into a human form, you can switch to the way of the primordial spirit.

According to Chen Yuan's understanding, that's how he understood it anyway.

However, there are no exceptions.

After all, the world is so big that there are so many wonders, not to mention him, even Mo Luo, the Immortal of the Six Realms, is not always able to know everything in the world.

Chen Yuan was just watching the battle, and didn't intend to help.

It's not that I don't want to, but it's not necessary.

Because the black dragon soul has the absolute upper hand, the flood dragon soul that has been silent for more than two hundred years is not an opponent at all. He wants to fight to the death, but he doesn't know that the black dragon soul with a fierce and tyrannical nature is even more ruthless.

Completely ignoring his own injuries, he directly bit the opponent's Jiaolong's body.

Like eating meat, swallowing the opponent's strength and body.

"Ho! Ho! Ho!"

The cyan dragon moaned a little, but was still unwilling.

It failed to cross the catastrophe in its real body, and the remaining ray of dragon soul was quietly cultivated in the dragon ball. Who knew that it would end up like this when it was awakened today, and the dragon ball was taken away.

The dragon soul was swallowed, and there was no life at all.

It is unwilling! ! !

But there is no way.

Not to mention that there is an even more terrifying human warrior guarding not far away. Just now, it has already swallowed half of its body. It wanted to bite this hateful black dragon, but was caught by the tyrannical force on it. Qi is troubled, and it is impossible to refine it.

In contrast, the black dragon soul roared very freely, and ended the battle in just a quarter of an hour, swallowing the head of the green dragon soul for the last time.

There was a look of satisfaction on his face.

Swimming around Chen Yuan as if to please.

Chen Yuan nodded slightly, but found that the dragon soul had no intention of entering the emperor's butcher's knife at all, and immediately sensed the situation. Just as he was about to ask, a touch of divine thought came into his mind.

No, Dragon Soul, to be precise, Huang Tu is about to cross the catastrophe!

That's what it means.

Although it didn't follow Chen Yuan for a very long time, its harvest has not been low. The Suolong River in the East China Sea, the ferocious killing spirit outside Liangzhou City, and the current Qingjiao Dragon Soul.

Plus those scattered gains.

Crossing the catastrophe is actually a matter of course.

For Chen Yuan, it is also a good thing to increase his strength. It is impossible to stop it, but to help him. He immediately took out the previous dragon skeleton and offered it to Huangtu to devour.

Although there is no ground fire to help refine it, Chen Yuan is not the master of Tongxuan cultivation after all. With some strength, he can still let the emperor butcher knife extract the power in the keel.

The black dragon roared, seemed to be cheering, and swam around Chen Yuan several times.

Then, it plunged directly into the body of Huang Tu's knife.

The Emperor Butcher's Knife hangs in the void, its power is shocking.

Chen Yuan looked solemn.

If he succeeds in crossing the tribulation, this will be the Divine Weapon of the Six Tribulations, and his strength can also be improved in disguise.

After all, the magic weapon has gone through calamities, and every subsequent step is extremely difficult!


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