I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 566: Overcoming Tribulation Successfully! Great rewards!

The Emperor Butcher Knife, whose blade was as black as ink, lay horizontally in the void, and the faint sound of the knife covered a radius of thousands of feet. Even if it had not been activated, its sharpness around it was still shocking.

Under Chen Yuan's control, the previous dragon skeleton seemed to come back to life, swinging its body and wrapping around the Emperor Butcher's Knife.

The vitality of the world was restless, and the temperature nearby suddenly rose a lot.

This is Chen Yuan manipulating.

With the power of heaven and earth, his own power, he who is in the Huayang realm can completely achieve this level, without the need for the heart of the earth to assist in refining.

A slightly blackened flame dissipated from nothingness. Chen Yuan had followed Mo Luo for a while, and he had seen him make a move, and he had used his magic flame himself.

I still have some understanding of the way of fire.

Therefore, controlling the fire is actually nothing to him.

The blazing flames burned, covering the Emperor Butcher Knife and the dragon. The dragon soul hidden in the blade was extracting the essence of the dragon bone while refining the soul of the dragon that had just been devoured.

Only by transforming into one's own power can it be considered a complete absorption.

Chen Yuan himself got the Flood Dragon Divine Orb. In fact, he couldn't wait to refine the Divine Orb to enhance his cultivation, but it was obvious that Huang Tu was more eager.

I have almost reached that threshold, I can't stop it, I can only follow the trend.

The moonlight was still bright, and even against the pitch-black night, it was even brighter than when I saw it at Longmendu before, sprinkled with a touch of silver gray.

Holy, noble, and blasphemous.

The moonlight illuminated the sky and the earth, and the pale black flames burned slowly, and the time passed by every minute and every second. Chen Yuan stood with his hands behind his back, and it was only enough to be activated by his spiritual thoughts.

The body of the Jiaolong skeleton was originally like white jade, but at this moment, perhaps because the essence of the bone was extracted, it started to become a little dull.

In this way, it was close to a quarter of an hour.

Suddenly, the space between heaven and earth seemed to have come to a standstill, and the slowly rotating Emperor Butcher Knife no longer moved, but was suspended in the void. Chen Yuan glanced at it, and slowly retracted his spiritual thoughts.

The flames surrounding the Emperor Butcher's Knife quickly faded away.

next moment.

A heaven-shattering dragon chant resounded in a radius of dozens of miles. In the dark night, it seemed that the earth was splitting and the sky was collapsing. It was just a roar, and it frightened many birds, beasts, fish and insects to death.

The white bones of the flood dragon surrounding the Emperor Butcher's Knife were also completely annihilated under this roar, turning into dust!

Swallowing the essence of the green dragon is complete!

Chen Yuan immediately retreated far away, afraid that the thunder calamity would affect himself later, he has just condensed his soul, although he is tough, he has not experienced the thunder calamity, and he is most afraid of this kind of thunder The most yang thing.

If he accidentally got a trace of it, it would definitely be a big trouble for him.

Sure enough, after Chen Yuan retreated nearly a thousand feet away, the Emperor Butcher's Knife rose suddenly, and there was another dragon chant, as if he wanted to call out Lei Jie actively.

After three breaths, the slightly cold wind began to blow, and the originally cloudless void gathered a cloud of cloud in just a short moment, like a heavy summer rain.


Amidst the dark clouds, the muffled sound of Jie Lei began to gather rapidly.

Bright shines among the dark clouds.

The handle of the Huang Tu Dao was facing upwards, and the blade was facing downwards, exuding a fierce and tyrannical aura, as if it was about to touch this thunder.

The sky was filled with thunder, and the aura of Jielei began to dissipate quickly.

Within the space of Huang Tu's blade.

Mo Luo, who was intertwined with the magic light and the Buddha light, felt an unusually dangerous feeling, his brows frowned suddenly, and the pure magic energy in his body quickly dissipated.

Some curiously watched the outside world through the Emperor Butcher's Knife.

Just keep it closed.

How come there is the aura of tribulation thunder all over the place?

As a result, he was stunned for a moment when he saw it, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Jielei is really Jielei! ! !

If you say that he has become a primordial spirit, he is no longer afraid of tribulation thunder, and has a trace of yang energy, but this does not mean that he will be able to resist thunder calamity.

Thunder Tribulation is the power of heaven and earth, the power of heaven's punishment.

If he was aware of his existence, Jie Lei would definitely surge again, quickly made up his mind, and quickly escaped from the Emperor Butcher's Knife.

On a flat ground connecting Longmendu and Lin'an Fucheng, Princess Pingyang stopped slowly with a few guards and Zhang Wanshu. The battle they expected did not happen.

A mysterious fifth-level powerhouse has taken away all the benefits, and his aura is so profound that the four masters dare not provoke him.

After hearing that the black-clothed guard came back to report the situation, Princess Pingyang unconsciously showed a hint of suspicion on her face, always feeling a little weird.

Suppressing the thoughts in her heart, Princess Pingyang looked at Zhang Wanshu with a smile on her face and asked:

"Where did Marquis Wu An go?"

"It's said that there are some things, and Wanshu doesn't know the details." Zhang Wanshu shook her head, not revealing too much.

Of course, the main reason is that she really doesn't know either.

"Just that?"

"That's all."


Princess Pingyang nodded thoughtfully, and didn't ask any more questions, just said:

"It's a bit uneasy tonight, and Marquis Wu'an may not be able to come back, so Miss Zhang and Bengong will wait in Lin'an Fucheng, right? Marquis Wu'an is a smart man, knowing that Bengong is here, he won't worry about your safety. "

Zhang Wanshu pursed her lips, hesitated for a moment and nodded:

"Then thank you, Your Royal Highness."

In the current situation, it seems that she can only be with the eldest princess, and Chen Yuan will not be too worried. After all, Chen Yuan probably knows that she has some cards in her hand.

"Your Highness, Jiaolong is a treasure. Do you want to pass this matter on to the capital and send a strong man to intercept that real Huayang?" The black-clothed guards were still a little reluctant.

The treasure that he had just watched disappeared like this, but it was still such an important treasure, and his heart ached.

"Realist Huayang travels thousands of miles every day, and it is hard to find traces. Even if it is spread to the capital, it is almost impossible to find this person. Besides, the other people will not let it go. Let's wait and see for a day or two."

The eldest princess raised her hand and stopped the black-clothed guard's proposal.

Because she always felt that there was something wrong with the Huayang real person who suddenly appeared, and it was a bit too coincidental.

In the entire Longmen Ferry, and even in Lin'an Mansion, the only real Huayang person she saw was Chen Yuan, and his strength was also unfathomable. However, after such a big commotion, Chen Yuan never showed up.

It was hard not to make her suspicious.


Princess Pingyang looked at the calm Zhang Wanshu, and felt that she should be able to guess something in her heart, but she just didn't say it.

"Yes, Your Highness."

The man in black bowed and cupped his fists, and could only nod in agreement.

"Let's go, it's getting late."

Princess Pingyang hadn't finished speaking when she suddenly saw thunderclouds gathered tens of miles away, as if a torrential rain was about to fall.

"It's raining, it seems that tonight is really a coincidence."

Princess Pingyang smiled, but didn't think much about it.

It was already summer, and it was the season of torrential rain. It was very normal for it to rain at any time, so there was no need to suspect anything.

"Your Highness said so"

Under the thundercloud, the black dragon roared.

The terrifying tribulation thunder is ready to go.

When Chen Yuan was concentrating on it, he suddenly frowned, and looked to the void on the left, and Mo Luo in white came out calmly, without a trace of ripple.

"Senior's retreat is over?"

Chen Yuan frowned, as if he was a little surprised.

It's a good time to come, maybe I will tear my face in a few days.

"It's not over yet."

Moro shook his head slowly.

"What about the senior?"

Moro didn't answer, just kept silent.

Could it be that he was awakened by Jie Lei? Didn't dare to face the catastrophe, so he quickly escaped from the Emperor Butcher's Knife?

"Six layers of tribulation thunder, not bad"

Mo Luo looked at Huang Tudao who was about to cross the catastrophe and nodded.

Even though he has seen extensive knowledge and cultivated to the sky, the Divine Weapon of the Six Tribulations is still a very good treasure, although it will not be coveted by an immortal of the Six Realms like him.

But if you look at the realm of Yangshen, it will still make many people jealous.

There are not many pieces in the whole world.

"Follow me all the way, this knife can be regarded as a chance." Chen Yuan smiled.

While the two were talking, the tribulation thunder that had been brewing in the void for a long time finally fell.

With just one blow, the void was pierced, and the radius of thousands of feet was instantly illuminated by thunder, just like daytime.


The sky thunder landed on the blade of Huang Tu, surrounded by traces of thunder light.

The dragon's chant resounded, and the soul of a hundred-foot black dragon whizzed out, wrapped in the imperial butcher's knife, and faced the might of the thunder.

Fierce, tyrannical, tenacious, unyielding.

The Emperor Butcher Knife seemed to be a copy of Chen Yuan, even in the face of the thunder disaster, he did not flinch, as if he was not afraid of being chopped into pieces and wiped out on the spot.

One after another thunderbolts crashed down, endlessly.

The nine thunder tribulations are one level, and after the first level of thunder calamity, the magic weapon will greatly increase in spirituality.

The sixth level of thunder tribulation is definitely the extremely strong one.

Even at a distance of thousands of feet, Chen Yuan can still feel the horror in it.

Compared with when he was in the Tibetan Army Valley, the power has increased by at least several times.

Chen Yuan straightened his face, and watched Huang Tudao closely.

Time seems to be very uniform, about three to ten breaths, a tribulation thunder will fall, and in just a moment, eight tribulation thunders will fall on the Emperor Butcher Knife.

Only one hit left!

The Emperor Butcher Knife also seemed to be damaged, but it was still not afraid.

Finally, after nine breaths of time, the last tribulation thunder fell.


The power of this last tribulation thunder was several times stronger than before, making the Emperor Butcher's Knife a little unstable, and the pitch-black dragon soul unconsciously let out a mournful cry.

"Block it!"

Chen Yuan felt relieved.

After the Nine Dao Thunder Tribulation, it means that the Emperor Butcher Knife in his hand has officially been promoted to the Divine Weapon of the Six Tribulations, and there will be another wave of growth in his strength.

But before he could heave a sigh of relief, he suddenly found that the Emperor Butcher's Knife had not flown into his hand, and the tribulation thunder in the void had not dissipated, as if it was still brewing.

"Do you want to go through the seventh layer of tribulation and thunder?"

Chen Yuan was startled suddenly.

With the current strength of the Emperor Butcher Knife, it is not easy to survive the sixth level of thunder tribulation, and the chance of successfully surviving the seventh level of thunder tribulation is definitely no more than one in ten.


But at this time, he couldn't do anything, he could only sit and watch.

The thunder calamity brewing in the void became more and more terrifying, but unexpectedly, after a full hundred breaths of time, the thunder calamity in the sky did not fall, which is really a bit weird.

When in doubt, ask Moro.

Chen Yuan immediately turned his gaze to him.

The immortal who is knowledgeable and has survived for hundreds of years may be able to give him the answer.

Mo Luo was thoughtful and exhaustive, and he could see what Chen Yuan was thinking at a glance. He didn't even need to ask him, so he replied directly: "This knife has not yet reached the category of the Seven Tribulations Divine Weapon. The odds are only one in ten."

After a moment of silence, he continued:

"But it's coming soon. It seems that this divine weapon has gained a lot of benefits during the period of following you."

"I see, thank you senior."

With Mo Luo's answer, Chen Yuan finally let go of his concerns.

Sure enough, what Mo Luo said was right, the tribulation thunder in the void brewed for about a hundred breaths, and then it strangely and slowly dissipated. After a while, the night sky became cloudless again.

The moonlight hanging high also sprinkled on the world again, and everything has not changed much from before.


The black dragon soul roared in the void, and the vitality of heaven and earth poured into the Emperor Butcher Knife crazily. It circled around the blade nine times, and with an idea of ​​excitement, it finally got in.

After passing through the thunder tribulation, the Huang Tu Dao, whose spirituality soared, quickly flew to Chen Yuan's position and stayed in front of him.

With just a glance, Chen Yuan discovered the difference of the Emperor Butcher Knife. Its appearance remained the same, but its spirituality was more abundant, and its aura was much stronger.

Reaching out to hold it, Chen Yuan slashed with his backhand.

The blade glow of hundreds of feet fell suddenly and cut on the river. Because it was cut along the river, it caused extremely high waves, and this knife also widened the river a lot.

Even more powerful!

Heaving a sigh of relief, Chen Yuan put away the Emperor Butcher Knife in his hand again, looked at Mo Luo, and began to ask about the situation of the retreat, as well as the previous ray of magic flame.

Mara didn't explain much, he just said that the Buddha image and the devil image are entangled.

Chen Yuan chatted for a while, and then told some of his situation to see what Mo Luo's answer was.

Not contrary to his expectations, Mo Luo also told him very solemnly after thinking for a while, that he must never agree to the marriage and be implicated with the Sima family.

Otherwise, it will be very troublesome in the future.

Even if you turn your face in advance, you can't agree.

Now, Chen Yuan became firm in his thoughts and asked for help, hoping that Mo Luo's retreat would be postponed for a few days, and the court meeting would be held in a few days.

He felt that after Jingtai gave him the envoy of Tianzi, he would definitely force the palace.

There can be no further delay.

Mo Luo naturally agreed, and then returned to the Emperor Butcher Knife, but the thunderstorms that had not completely dissipated made him a little uncomfortable.

Huang Tudao succeeded in crossing the tribulation, and has since become a divine weapon of the sixth tribulation, and is only one step away from the divine weapon of the seventh tribulation. As the master, Chen Yuan is naturally happy.

The stronger it is, the stronger he is!

Originally, Chen Yuan planned to take advantage of the trend to refine the Green Flood Dragon Ball himself to increase his cultivation, but after asking Mo Luo's opinion, he gave up this idea for the time being.

If his cultivation base soars, it will definitely delay for a few days.

It would not be too late to wait for Zhang Wanshu to get settled first, at worst she would not attend this court meeting on the grounds of seclusion.

Thinking of this, Chen Yuan let out a long breath.

Turn around and go back to Longmendu.

It's just that there are not many people here, and the remaining few people are also bold, wanting to seek wealth and wealth, and go to Longmen to cross the river bottom to find some treasures.

Chen Yuan glanced at it but ignored it, and continued to Yukong and came to Lin'an Fucheng.

Before he left, he saw Zhang Wanshu with Princess Pingyang, so he didn't worry about anything. He had no intention of marrying this girl, but he still admired her very much.

If it wasn't too much involved, he wouldn't mind letting her be his little princess.

The kind that only eats Kumba and doesn't suffer

The city of Lin'an Prefecture is very large, and it is unrealistic and too time-consuming to use spiritual thoughts to search for it. Chen Yuan originally wanted to find Jiang Xiong, and asked him to spread his hands to search for it.

But after thinking about it, I felt that they might also be in the restaurant where they lived before.

Immediately, Yukong came directly to the inn.

Then, under the search of the divine sense, I found Zhang Wanshu and Princess Pingyang. They were in the same room at the moment, and they seemed to be chatting about something.

for example.

"When did you meet Chen Yuan?"

"How far has it developed?"

"Wanshu, don't worry, I'm just curious, and I don't really have any feelings for Marquis Wu An."

"Your Highness, don't say that, the concubine and Marquis Wu'an are still innocent."



"Cough cough."

Chen Yuan coughed twice, unable to listen any longer, knocked on the door immediately.


The cold voice of Princess Pingyang came from the room.

"it's me."

"Master Hou is back."

This is Zhang Wanshu's voice.

"Marquis Wu An just came in, there is no need to worry about anything."

Hearing this sentence, Chen Yuan let out a "squeak" and pushed open the door. Princess Pingyang and Zhang Wanshu were both sitting obediently. The only difference was that Second Sister Zhang's face was slightly red.

It seems that Chen Yuan heard what he said before.

What if there is a misunderstanding?

"Thank you, Your Highness, for taking care of Second Sister for me."

Chen Yuan groaned with a smile.

"Wan Shu is also very angry with Ben Gong, Marquis Wu An needs no thanks."


"Speaking of which, I'm also a little curious. Before Yuyuelongmen started, I saw Marquis Wu An. Why did Marquis Wu An leave after it started? Only Wan Shu stayed where she was."

Princess Pingyang looked at Chen Yuan with a faint smile.

"There are some things that need to be dealt with."

Chen Yuan didn't want to say more.

Princess Pingyang is also a smart woman. Seeing that Chen Yuan didn't want to say more, she didn't ask any more questions, so she got up and said goodbye:

"My palace is in a nearby inn. If the envoy needs help, please don't be polite."

"Okay, then I would like to thank Your Highness in advance."

Princess Pingyang nodded, and when she walked past Chen Yuan sideways, she paused and said softly:

"Congratulations to Marquis Wu'an for having a great harvest tonight."

"Your Highness, you might as well make it clearer."

Chen Yuan didn't know what she was talking about, and knew that he was probably exposed, but as long as she didn't admit it, what could she do?

Princess Pingyang smiled and stopped talking, turned and left, and closed the door smoothly.

Zhang Wanshu's face turned red, she lowered her head and said:

"I think His Highness seems to have some affection for you. If we are like this, His Highness won't be angry?"

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