I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 567 Refining Flood Dragon Beads! The cultivation base skyrocketed!

"I think His Highness seems to have some affection for you. If we are like this, His Highness won't be angry?"

Hearing the tea-like words, Chen Yuan smiled, stepped forward and said:

"Second sister, how are we doing?"

"Well, nothing. Nothing."

Zhang Wanshu stammered.

His face turned even more blushing, and he didn't know if it was just pretending or really shy.

"Second sister, don't worry, Princess Pingyang is right, we have nothing to do with each other, not before, not now, in the future" Chen Yuan opened his mouth.

I thought that there would be no future.

But this flag is not necessarily accurate.

Who knows what will happen in the future?

"What about the future?"

Zhang Wanshu raised her head and looked at Chen Yuan expectantly.

She knew that Chen Yuan wanted to be a promise, and if he said it, it probably wouldn't matter in the future. She didn't mean that he insisted on the position of a doctor.

Just getting along with Princess Pingyang made her feel uncomfortable.

Always feel like a little one.

"In the future. Well. Naturally. By the way, after I left, has anyone come to see me?" Chen Yuan paused and changed the subject.

Zhang Wanshu glanced at her mouth, knowing that Chen Yuan didn't want to make a promise, so she didn't force her anymore, and replied:

"Shortly after we came back just now, Jiang Xiong, the Youth Envoy of Lin'an Mansion, came to ask to see you, and left only when he saw that you were not here."

Chen Yuan nodded.

Most likely, Jiang Xiong came because of the incident at Longmendu before, and wanted him to help out, but unfortunately, he picked the wrong person, so he can't let him kill himself, right?

"The good times of Longmendu have passed, but unfortunately we haven't seen it. We can only wait for next year."


Zhang Wanshu's eyes were a little disappointed, and she didn't accompany Chen Yuan to see the end.

Now Yuyuelongmen is over, and the people of Lin'an Mansion are starting to fish after that. That thing is not worth seeing, and there is no such atmosphere.

"Let's go back tomorrow morning. Zhang Shenshi knows that you came out with me and stayed overnight. Maybe why are you worried?" Chen Yuan saw the disappointment on the second sister's face, and said a word of relief.

"Well, let's go back."

Zhang Wanshu smiled.

"Next time, come again next time."

Chen Yuan chuckled.


Zhang Wanshu's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Really, as long as there is still, come back next year."

It's a pity that the dragon's skeleton has been wiped out, and the dragon ball is also in his hands. Without the dragon's energy to escape, it is estimated that it will not be able to attract so many carp to leap over the dragon's gate.

"Don't lie to me?"

"Do not lie to you."

"it is good."

"Rest early, I'm leaving first."

Chen Yuan glanced at her, turned around and prepared to leave.


"What's wrong?"

"It's okay, go to bed early."

"it is good."

In the early morning of the next day, it was Zhang Wanshu who bought some breakfast food for Chen Yuan and told him the big news that the eldest princess Pingyang had left!

Chen Yuan did not show any surprise.

His spiritual thoughts enveloped the entire inn with ease, knowing that she left before dawn, and did not say hello, but looked at his room for a while before leaving.

It looks a little weird.

It's just that Chen Yuan didn't see her.

He just doesn't dislike this woman, although he doesn't know if it will have any relationship in the future, but it is definitely impossible to get close to her in this situation.

The power called 'Shen He' in the dark is too terrifying.

After eating too early, Chen Yuan and Zhang Wanshu didn't waste time, they came the same way when they came, and left the same way when they left, and took her back to the capital in a short time.

Zhang Wanshu didn't want to delay Chen Yuan's affairs, she could see that Chen Yuan seemed to have something to do, so she rushed to send her away, and the scene of Longmendu had already ended, so it was useless to stay.

Unless she can break through Chen Yuan's psychological defense and take him directly!

But it's obviously very difficult.

Chen Yuan did have something on his mind. He wanted to refine the dragon balls to improve his cultivation. At present, it was quite urgent, and it was not his wish to waste time meaninglessly.

When sending Zhang Wanshu back to the Zhang Mansion, Chen Yuan saw Zhang Yantong, who was smiling, but Chen Yuan keenly sensed that the other party was staring at him.

It seemed that he wanted to see that he didn't take this opportunity to do anything to Zhang Wanshu.

After realizing that there was no, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The two chatted for a few words, and the incident in Lin'an Mansion also spread to the capital, which caused a lot of trouble. Many people were secretly investigating the identity of the mysterious real person, hoping to get the treasure of the real dragon into their pockets. middle.

Zhang Yantong knew that Chen Yuan was in Lin'an, and had asked insinuatingly, but Chen Yuan didn't admit it at all, so he had no choice but to give up and told Chen Yuan the good news.

Jingtai occasionally feels cold and needs to recuperate for a few days. The court meeting has been postponed in recent days.

This is definitely good news for Chen Yuan. He originally wanted to find some excuse to avoid suspicion, but now it seems that there is no need for it.

The few days of delay are enough for him to refine the Dragon Ball.

After staying in Zhang Mansion for half an hour, after Zhang Wanshu sent him away, she left the capital area very quickly and came to Changshan Mansion where she stayed before.

It was also on the mountain where Chen Yuan broke through the peak of Xudan and refined Yin and Yang Qi.


Chen Yuan exhaled a long breath of turbid air, which turned into a wisp of puffy air, like white smoke, and the state of his body had been raised to the point of perfection at this moment.

Since he came to the mountain peak, half a day has passed without knowing it, and his state has been promoted to the current peak, which is the time to refine the Dragon Ball.

With a flash of brilliance in his hand, a cyan dragon ball the size of his face floated in front of Chen Yuan.

There was a strong coercion.

Chen Yuan straightened his face and stared at it for a moment. The Taixuan Scripture quickly began to operate, and invisible forces shrouded the Dragon Ball.


The slightly purple primordial spirit sat upright with a dignified expression, condensing the power in the Dragon Ball and began to improve his cultivation.

It is very difficult to improve the cultivation base of Huayang realm, no, to be precise, the further the cultivation base is, the more difficult it becomes. Sometimes what is needed is not only spiritual objects, but also one's own destiny method.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be possible for the Sima royal family, who possess all the treasures in the world, to pile up warriors to the Yangshen casually?

Nature is not that simple.

In fact, on the bright side, there is only one true monarch in the Sima royal family, and last year he was directly beheaded by Chen Yuan Xiuluo Zhenjun.

On the surface, there is no real king anymore.

However, neither Chen Yuan nor the imperial court nor the various forces in the world think that there is only one true emperor in the Sima royal family, and there must be one in secret.

But no matter how many, it's just one or two.

If there were seven or eight, not to mention the peace of the world, all barbarians would be subdued, and the Sima family's country would be extremely stable, and it would definitely not be in the current precarious state.

The dragon orb in Chen Yuan's hand is very powerful. After all, it was inherited from a powerful monster at the level of a great saint. But at the beginning, he was exhausted, and after two hundred years of erosion.

How much more is left, no one knows.

Even Chen Yuan, who hadn't completely refined it, didn't know.

The dragon orb hangs above Chen Yuan's head, and traces of cyan light shine down, covering Chen Yuan's whole body. It can be felt that his cultivation base is improving bit by bit at this moment.

The speed is far faster than the time of penance before.

Sometimes, it's really cool to hang up!

If there were not so many methods, no matter how powerful Chen Yuan was, it would be impossible for him to step into the fifth realm from the beginning of martial arts to become a real strong man in the primordial spirit realm in two years.

If calculated according to the speed of his painstaking cultivation, even if he has practiced for two and a half years, he is probably still at the level of Tong Xuan.

It's not like now, two and a half years has made him a strong man in the world, and in another two and a half years, he may be able to rely on his own efforts and the help of opportunities to stand at the top of the world.

In fact, there are not too many bells and whistles in the division of the Yuanshen realm, and the cultivation of the three-inch Yuanshen to the nine-inch Yuanshen is the peak of the Yuanshen.

You can start to think about triggering the second calamity of wind and fire to start refining gods.

Chen Yuan had the opportunity before, almost as soon as he stepped into the Yuanshen, he came to the five-inch Yuanshen. If it really counted, it was almost in the middle stage of the Yuanshen.

That's why he can have such a powerful strength.

Qualified to fight with Lian Shen, and can easily fight against two in the Xuntian Division Yanwu Field without any effort.

Flood Dragon Pearl is the essence of Qing Jiao, which is completely equivalent to a great tonic. In fact, it doesn't need to be refined too much. Most of what he does is actually to stabilize the explosive growth.

Hour by hour passed, Chen Yuan's aura became stronger and more unstable, and the vitality of the surrounding world had already condensed into a whirlpool.

They frantically gathered towards Chen Yuan's body.

Almost every hour, Chen Yuan could feel that he was getting stronger.

The Emperor Butcher's Knife guards in all directions by itself. Its spiritual wisdom has greatly increased, and it is hardly weaker than humans. Even if no one pushes it, the alchemy master can't get close.

What's more, beside Chen Yuan, there is Mo Luo, who is at the level of a six-level fairy.

Therefore, he didn't even use the protective formation, he just started doing it!

And when Chen Yuan refined the dragon balls and his cultivation base skyrocketed.

The main hall of Qingzhou Sky Survey Division.

Qingzhou Jinshi Jiang He, who was dressed in white, held a pot of unknown spirit wine in his hand. Just sitting there, he was in harmony with the heaven and the earth, and at the same time, he was faintly alienated.

Obviously, after lifting the secret technique that suppressed his cultivation, his cultivation, which is second only to Chen Yuan's astounding genius, is also growing rapidly.

Thinking back to what Chen Yuan used the Heavenly Book to transmit sound to himself today, he sensed that the time was almost up, so he sank his mind into the Heavenly Book space, and began to wake up other starlights.

Soon, except for Chen Yuan and Mo Luo, all the Taoist masters of the Taoist Palace lit up.

"The time is wrong, why are you contacting us now? Could it be that something happened to you, Fellow Heavenly Sword?" Yang Huatian was the first to speak through voice transmission.

"Yeah, what's going on?"

"Where's Fellow Daoist Asura? Heavenly Sword, didn't you contact him?" Chu Changfeng asked.

"Yeah, how is he doing in the capital?"

"When are you going to leave the capital?"

One after another voices came from the space of Tianshu.

Jiang He waited quietly for them to finish speaking, and then said after falling into silence:

"He is practicing and contacted me today."

"What are you contacting for?"

"Have you encountered any problems?"

"The old emperor still has to marry his daughter to him?"

"And hear me out."

Jiang He said lightly.

"Okay, tell me."

"Say it."

After brewing for a moment, Jiang He continued:

"The current situation of Daoist Asura is not very good. Although he got the position of God Envoy of Tianzi, Jingtai probably can't bear it any longer. He must be let out."

"What method is he going to use? Making trouble in the capital or something?"

Chu Changfeng spoke in a concentrated voice.

Chen Yuan opened his mouth, saying that these Taoist masters who share the same hatred must definitely help. They have said this before, and they will not be stingy in helping.

"He wants to go back to the south to plan. It's not suitable for me to sit in Qingzhou. The southern border is the territory of King Zhennan. The golden envoy is just as dispensable as Liangzhou. Xuezhou has only two prefectures, which is not suitable for development."

Jiang He came one by one.

"He wants Shuzhou?"

someone said.

"Shuzhou is one of the wealthiest state capitals in the world, and it is also one of the main places for grain production. The mountains are high and the water is deep, making it suitable for dormancy. He intends to do so."

"He is the envoy of Xuntiansi, so it is not suitable to be the envoy of Shuzhou gold?"

Yang Huatian was silent for a moment.

"He has just taken office, so he should stay in one or two states temporarily to accumulate qualifications as usual, but he won't leave once he comes."

"Understood, as I said before, kill Lu Renjia, the golden envoy of Shuzhou."

Yang Huatian said in a deep voice.

"Yes, but at this critical moment, it is necessary to keep it a little more secretive, so as not to make Jingtai suspect that Chen Yuan did it. It is best to plant it on someone else."

"The Temple of the Heavenly Demon? The Sect of No Life? The Temple of Seven Kills? The Monster Clan?"

Chu Changfeng gave several options.

Jiang He thought for a while:

"There's no need to pour water on a force, just muddy the water so that Jingtai doesn't suspect Chen Yuan."

"Well said."

"Which one of you is free?"

Jiang He continued to speak.

The Golden Envoy of Shuzhou is not as good as the cultivation base of Tiandan, and his strength is not bad when he dies, but all the Taoist masters of Dao Shen Palace are strong in Huayang realm, and it is easy to get rid of a Dan realm.

"I've been a little bit stuck lately."

Su Ziyue, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

"What happened to you?"

Li Suqing hurriedly asked.

"It's nothing, it can be dealt with for the time being, you don't need to worry." Su Ziyue responded after pondering for a while.

"Old man, come on."

Yang Huatian was the first to respond.

He is hiding in the south, and he himself is being hunted down, and he has no fixed place for the time being. It is most suitable for him to do this kind of thing by hand.

"Okay, I'll trouble you, Daoist Brother Evil Ghost."

Several people did not compete, and the candidate was quickly determined.

"When does Fellow Daoist Asura want to do it?"

"The sooner the better."


Yang Huatian responded.

The Tianshu space fell into silence again.

In the state city of Shuzhou, the main hall of Xuntiansi.

Lu Renjia, the golden envoy who wore the robes of the patrolling sky, frowned unconsciously. Recently, he always felt a little uneasy, especially today.

As if something was going to happen.

But no matter how I think about it, I can't think of it.

It can only be attributed to the possibility of an accident in Shuzhou, and the Demon Cult demons are starting to become unstable again. They have just received a summons from the headquarters to rush to help Xuezhou in the shortest possible time.

It gave him quite a headache.

"Forget it, let's take a step and see."

Lu Renjia shook his head, and poured a mouthful of strong wine into his mouth.

Changshan Mansion, the top of an ordinary mountain.

There were visions in the area for several miles. It was the huge movement caused by Chen Yuan. The vortex of vitality was getting bigger and bigger, and there were even occasional sounds similar to dragon chant.

Even Chen Yuan himself did not expect that with the improvement of his cultivation base and the acceleration of refining dragon balls, such a movement would actually be caused.

As I said before, Changshan Mansion is one of the largest mansions in the world, with a vast territory, many sects, and the number of warriors far exceeds other prefectures.

If the movement caused by Chen Yuan was just a glimpse and then quickly dissipated, it would not attract attention in this remote place in the barren hills.

However, it has been more than half a day since Chen Yuan refined the dragon ball, so it will naturally attract some attention.

The three alchemy masters were the fastest to come.

They looked at the vortex of vitality in the distance, and a deep gleam flashed in their eyes. After all, those who can become visions must have spiritual objects, but it is also possible that they are practicing martial arts.

Therefore, after each of the three of them discovered the existence of the other, they gathered together in a very tacit understanding, suppressing the jealousy in their eyes.

Instead, fear.

"Ahem. Brother Cao, there may be a spiritual creature ahead, why don't you go to grab the treasure, but stop here instead?" A middle-aged man in a fancy dress found a topic.

"Master Xu, why don't you go?"

The man surnamed Cao asked back.


"Brother Xu, Brother Cao, why are you and I arguing? We each understand it in our hearts, and we all covet the treasure in the vision, but we are worried that the seniors are practicing, so we are hesitant."

"What do you think, brother Han?"

"Wealth and wealth are in danger, we have been waiting, we will only wait for more Taoist friends, it is better for you and me to go in and have a look, if it is a treasure, you and I will share it, if it is a senior practice, the three of us share the same hatred , whether it is praying for forgiveness or fighting against that fellow Taoist, there is a guarantee, how about it?"

The two looked at each other after hearing the words, fell silent for a moment, then nodded and said:

"Just as Brother Han said."

"it is good."

"Then the three of us will go there together."


All three nodded, and then took a step forward, directly wanting to enter the vitality vortex, but just after walking within a hundred feet, they suddenly stopped.

A dragon chant shook the sky, and from above, a hundred-foot black dragon stared at the three of them with ferocious eyes, silently as if warning that if they dared to go further, they would definitely die today.

The faces of the three froze, and they looked at the void at the same time, and their hearts were covered in cold sweat.

"this is."

"Equipment spirit?"

"Dragon Soul?"

The hearts of the three sank instantly, as soon as the dragon soul came out, they guessed that it was not a spiritual creature born here, but a senior expert was practicing, and they quickly felt the intention to retreat.




The three of them quickly settled their attention, and began to back away slowly, for fear of provoking this dragon soul that was exuding a ferocious aura.

But just left about a hundred feet away.

Suddenly, a long howl rose into the sky, shaking the sky and the earth.

This person's echo echoed throughout the entire area, and I was horrified in my heart.

What kind of cultivation is this?

It is estimated that it is not the real person of Yuanshen, but the real person of Lianshen.

Several of them were knowledgeable people and quickly realized this.


Immediately cast the secret technique, burn qi and blood, flee away

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