I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 568 Breakthrough, the peak of the primordial spirit!

The three of them used the fastest speed in their lives, for fear of being targeted by that strong man.

That's really the end.

Provoking people to clean up, this is not a small crime, if you have a good temper, you can still ignore it, but if you have a bad temper, so what if you wave the three of them to death?

The forces behind each of them can't stop a mysterious real person with unknown origin.

Just looking at the black dragon soul hovering in the void, one can know that the strong man's methods are very impressive.

The three of them were not stupid, they didn't run in the same direction, if they didn't run in the same direction, if the real person behind them chased them, they could delay for some time.

As for the person being targeted, he can only consider himself unlucky.

It's a pity that the fear in the three people's hearts didn't come true. The black dragon soul in the void didn't stop them, but just watched them leave.

Still no action.

A long howl shook the sky, spreading far and wide.

The world seemed to tremble, and one could imagine the power of that roar.

The vitality of heaven and earth in the void trembled endlessly, and the wind and clouds were stirring.

The top of the mountain.

After a long cry, Chen Yuan slowly opened his eyes, and a look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes. On top of his head, the cyan dragon orb that was originally the size of his face was now only the size of a baby's fist.

The light is basically completely dissipated.

The Flood Dragon Divine Orb has been refined!

On the other hand, Chen Yuan's condition at this moment is also unprecedentedly good, and his aura is even more terrifying, as deep as the sea.

There was a flash of inspiration all over his body, and the purple primordial spirit, which was exactly the same as Chen Yuan's body, escaped from the altar. After a little look, it happened to be nine inches in size.

This also represented that Chen Yuan's cultivation had successfully broken through to the peak of Yuanshen in just over a month!

As for the few grandmasters who were frightened away, Chen Yuan didn't take it seriously at all, and didn't intend to kill them. They were just a few ants, and they didn't anger him. The killing attracted too much attention.

Of course, this is not his pity, if those guys really dare to fight the dragon soul, he will let the dragon soul swallow their whole body's blood alive.

And now, just leave, he doesn't care.

All his attention is now on his own cultivation.

At the peak of Yuanshen, this has basically reached the extreme state, and it is only one step away from refining the gods. However, cultivation is not that simple after all.

If he wants to trigger the disaster of wind and fire, he probably needs another chance.

Also, it will definitely not work in a short time.

The power of the Flood Dragon God Orb is basically equivalent to the elixir, and his cultivation base has skyrocketed this time too much. In just one month, he has grown his Yuanshen by a circle, so vainness is inevitable.

At least it will take a period of time to fully stabilize the cultivation base.

The Yuanshen is the cornerstone of Huayang, and the cultivation of the three realms of Huayang is above the Yuanshen. It is impossible for Chen Yuan to destroy the foundation for a moment of cultivation.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Chen Yuan's mouth.

This time overall it went quite smoothly, except that it took a little longer to absorb the power of Dragon Ball, no other disturbances occurred.

The result is also good.

On the road to the peak of martial arts, he took another big step forward, and he was already very close to refining the gods. If he completely condensed the primordial spirit, then he would be able to peek into the realm of the Yangshen, and become a rare true king in the world.

At that time, Chen Yuan will have the preliminary strength of self-protection, whether it is to turn the table to rebel or do other things, he has his own confidence.

Since then, there is no need to rely on Moro's power.

The purple primordial spirit exudes a faint light, and its body is extremely condensed. If it is bigger, it may be regarded as a real person.

In fact, Mo Luo's primordial spirit is also the same, but he deliberately becomes illusory.

Immortal Yuanshen is no different from ordinary people.

Yuanshen opened his mouth, and the dragon ball entered his stomach.

Naturally, Chen Yuan couldn't let go of the remaining power of the Flood Dragon Pearl. Even if it is not needed now, it might be used in the future.

As Chen Yuan stopped absorbing the power of the dragon ball, the vortex of heaven and earth vitality condensed in the void quickly began to dissipate.

Seeing this, the very intelligent Huang Tu Dao Long Hun seemed to understand that Chen Yuan's retreat was almost over. There was a knife sound in the void, and it just hung in front of Chen Yuan.

With the long knife back in its sheath, Chen Yuan took a deep breath.

After thinking about it, I decided to leave.

It took a long time for him to break through before. Although he was located in a barren mountain, it was inevitable that he would be noticed. The three people before him were a good example.

Moreover, with his current cultivation base, if it is only a stable cultivation base, it is no problem to return to the capital.

As long as you don't contact him carefully, you won't find any problems.

Do as soon as you think about it, Chen Yuan has never been a procrastinator, put away the Emperor Butcher Knife, erased some traces left by the mountain himself, and quickly disappeared into the void.

And it took about half an hour for Chen Yuan to leave.

The three people who ran for their lives in a panic before turned back again.

They looked at each other with a look of surprise in their eyes.

They did run desperately before, but after running for more than ten miles, they didn't find anyone chasing them. They were relieved and thought of leaving immediately. It is not easy to save their lives.

But after thinking about it for a while, knowing that the senior didn't care, he began to turn back gradually.

When they came back, they saw that the strong man had indeed left, and the three of them met again in silence, stayed on the mountain for a quarter of an hour, and then left separately.

Not long after they left, someone came again.

It's just that Chen Yuan didn't know it. He had already left this place and went straight to the direction of the capital.

When he returned to the Marquis of Wu'an's Mansion, everything was still calm and did not attract any attention, but Fu Bo, the chief steward of the Marquis Mansion, told him that Zhang Wanshu had visited today.

Seeing that he was not in the mansion, he didn't stay long, and went back to Zhang's mansion directly.

After exhorting Uncle Fu, Chen Yuan returned to the room, exhaled a long breath, took out the futon and sat down slowly, and began to stabilize his cultivation.

Jingtai deliberately recruited him as his son-in-law, and completely became a knife and a dog in the hands of the Sima family. For this reason, he did not hesitate to lose face, suppressed his position as the envoy of Tianzi, and even stirred up news in the capital to cut off Chen Yuan's life. retreat.

Because once he refused, it would be disrespectful to the royal family and the emperor.

After making so many preparations and knowing that he has no intention of marrying a wife, how can he let it go?

If he was Jingtai, he would have given him a marriage at the court meeting, completely settled the marriage, and given him no chance to react, he would have found a chance to get married in the near future.

But after knowing Lu Maotai's ruthless thoughts, Chen Yuan naturally couldn't agree. On the one hand, several Taoist masters of Fangdao Shrine caused him some troubles in the south, and on the other hand, they wanted to increase their strength as much as possible. Prepare for the unpredictable.

In all fairness, before seeing Jingtai, Chen Yuan already had the heart of not wanting to be inferior to others, and after seeing the huge purple luck on him, he was determined to win his fate.

Everything you do now is to prepare for the future.

Although the imperial court said that the current situation is precarious, it only moved some restraints, and did not show signs of depression. It is not yet the time to destroy the country and kill the king.

He is not powerful enough, not powerful enough, and not powerful enough.

If you do it rashly, the possibility of success is extremely low.

Also, there is a terrifying force behind the Sima family, so strong that even Senior Mo Luo, who is at the level of a Six Realm Immortal, is afraid. Now that he has small arms and legs, how can he resist it?

The advantage is not with him.

Therefore, as long as there is a chance of redemption, Chen Yuan will definitely not turn back.


Everything has a contingency.

If Lvmaotai was really shameless and insisted on tying a chain around his neck to hold him completely, then he wouldn't swallow his anger and agree.

People live for a lifetime, and what they live is one breath.

He doesn't kneel down to the emperor, the Buddha, the Taoist priest, or anyone else, so it is impossible for him to be imprisoned by the Sima family. If Jingtai really dares to threaten him, he doesn't mind showing him off.

The big deal is to temporarily hide in the rivers and lakes in the future, secretly accumulating strength.

It is impossible to be so angry.

Therefore, Chen Yuan has been making two-handed preparations all the time. If there is room, he will not turn against it for the time being. If there is no room, he will directly start the Golden Luan Palace, Shura Zhenjun will go online, and go out of the capital.

Even when the distance is close, it is not impossible to steal Jingtai's luck.

And these are all based on his strength.

The stronger his primordial spirit, the stronger the power Moro can exert.

He has already learned from his mouth that before possessing the body, he only exerted a small part of his strength, for fear that his physical body would collapse first.

And if you want to truly burst out the power of the immortal, you mainly rely on the primordial spirit!

Therefore, Chen Yuan has never dared to slack off in practice, especially after his cultivation has skyrocketed, especially after stabilizing his primordial spirit and carrying the power of a real immortal.

After being warmed by the golden lotus, a rare treasure of the northern barbarians, for so long, Mo Luo probably recovered some strength.

Chen Yuan sat cross-legged with a peaceful expression. If it wasn't for the slow movement of a strand of hair on his cheek, he might be regarded as an anthropomorphic sculpture.

The primordial spirit in the Lingtai is mobilizing the greatest power to digest the sudden surge in the cultivation of the primordial spirit.

Everything is developing in a smooth and fast direction.

In this way, another two days passed in a flash.

Chen Yuan didn't know anything about the movement outside, he was only practicing penance, and he had already told Uncle Fu not to disturb him, no matter who or what.

The other party naturally obeyed orders.


Chen Yuan, who was dressed in a simple black martial arts robe, spat out a long mouthful of white horses, surrounding the entire room, his eyelashes moved slightly, opened slowly, and shot out a golden light.

The whole room is much brighter.

He moved his body slightly, with a relaxed look on his face.

In two days, the surge of primordial spirit was initially stabilized.

All that's left is time to wipe out vanity once and for all.

He summoned the butler Uncle Fu via voice transmission, and asked him what had happened in the past two days, but what happened.

The other party replied that Zhang Wanshu came again, but because of his order, she was not allowed to come in to disturb her, and Second Sister Zhang seemed to breathe a sigh of relief after learning the news of Chen Yuan's return.

After a few words of advice, he turned and left.

Besides Zhang Wanshu, Fourth Highness Sima Ke also came and asked Uncle Fu to convey a message to Chen Yuan that he has now entered the Sky Survey Department for training.

When he leaves the customs, let him know.

Also, the Eldest Princess Pingyang once sent an invitation to invite him to a banquet.

These three were relatively heavyweights, and there were invitations from other honorable families, all of which were rejected one by one.

After understanding, Chen Yuan asked Uncle Fu to go down to rest, meditated for a while in the room, took out the rare treasures from the Heavenly Book, found the starlight belonging to Jiang He, and activated it with his divine sense.

After about three breaths, there was a gleam of light in the starlight.

Jiang He is online.

"How is your practice?"

Jiang He has never been very polite, and he just went straight to the point. Chen Yuan was no stranger to it, and replied seriously:

"Everything is going well, and my cultivation has reached the peak of Yuanshen."

Facing Chen Yuan's confession, Jiang He was obviously stunned for a while, before reacting after a while, he said very calmly:

"Yes, Not Bad."

It seems that there is no fluctuation in expression, but Jiang He, who is located in Qingzhou Xuntian Temple, almost splashes the tea in his hand on the table, and his mood is very disturbed.

Originally thought that Chen Yuan retreated for a day or two, but he only raised his soul by an inch or so.

Unexpectedly, he directly killed the peak of Yuanshen!

It seems that it has only been a little over a month since he broke through in Wudang Mountain?

Thinking of Chen Yuan, Jiang He fell silent.

This guy's talent is rare in the world, unprecedented, and there may not be anyone in the future.

If he didn't know that Chen Yuan's cultivation base had always been stable, he would have thought that Chen Yuan had taken drugs directly for his cultivation base.

But even drugs can't be that fast.

He really couldn't figure it out.

Almost thought that Chen Yuan was reincarnated and rebuilt.

"It's a pity, there is still a little distance from refining the gods."

Chen Yuan sighed lightly.

Jiang He: "."

"It's a pity, Jiang thought you were a Yang god."

After another moment of silence, he said directly.

He didn't give Chen Yuan any chance to act aggressive.

"How is Brother Jiang's cultivation?"

Chen Yuan asked casually.

"Well, it's okay, it should be possible to kill an ordinary Yang God."

Chen Yuan: "."

Yangshen is Chinese cabbage?

But thinking about Jiang He's talent, he is relieved, he is not much weaker than him, after many years of precipitation, no one knows where he has reached.

Last time, he was able to directly match Puxian.

I haven't seen you for half a year, and I'm sure he's stronger.

it is good.


very good.

The stronger the better.

If Jiang He could kill an immortal, he would be even happier. In that case, why worry about Kumba? It would be best to kill Jingtai directly and kill the hidden immortals of the Sima family.

"What's going on?"

The two sides chatted briefly, and Chen Yuan began to ask about serious matters.

Jiang He didn't stop to cover up:

"This matter is handed over to the evil ghost Taoist brother, and he will kill Lu Renjia, the golden envoy of Shuzhou."

"Is he dead?" Chen Yuan asked.


"That's good"

Chen Yuan heaved a sigh of relief. Naturally, a grand master of alchemy was not in his eyes now, but the fall of the golden envoy was a major event, and it would also catch Jingtai's attention if he thought about it.

It would be more appropriate for Beiman to knock on the pass again, to see if he is still interested in giving him a marriage.

It's a pity that without one or two years of training, the Gu Jin Royal Court would not know how to do it.

"But he didn't kill it."

Jiang He continued.


Chen Yuan frowned when he heard this.

It wasn't killed by people from Dao Shrine. Could there be anyone else who would have thoughts on this Lu Renjia?

"Who killed it?"

Chen Yuan asked immediately.

This matter is beneficial to him, but he doesn't want to be kept in the dark. The more information he gets, the easier it is to judge the current situation.

"do not know."

"It's such a big deal, you don't know who killed it?"

"do not know."

"Why didn't you say it before?"

Chen Yuan's frown got deeper and deeper, and he always felt that something was wrong.

"You are retreating, there is no need to be distracted."

Chen Yuan: "."

"But although I don't know who killed it, there are rumors here that the monster of the Wusheng Sect did it. They directly wiped out the headquarters of the Shuzhou Sky Survey Division, and even the Shuzhou government was also damaged. The state shepherd almost died."

Jiang He continued.


Chen Yuan came up with this idea subconsciously.

Wushengjiao has only been established for a few decades. Although it is powerful, its background cannot be too strong after all. How could it have the courage to directly tear itself apart with the court?

The Sky Survey Division has put out all the best, under the wrath of the court, how can they survive?

After all, this is a big deal to slap the court.


Chen Yuan frowned and looked towards the direction of the imperial city. He knew that something was wrong with Jingtai, and he might have something to do with demons and monsters, and the object of his suspicion was Wushengjiao.

This is not just speculation, groundless.

There is such a shred of basis.

It originated from the battle when the royal family worshiped their ancestors and the Taoist Palace made a big fuss in the imperial city.

In order to make the commotion even bigger, Su Ziyue, who was in charge of this matter, passed the matter on to the Seven Killing Hall, the Heavenly Demon Hall, and the Lifeless Sect, which has been gaining momentum in recent years.

But during that battle, the Heavenly Demon Palace came, the Seven Kills Palace was silent, and the Wusheng Cult, which was always willing to make trouble, was also silent.

Most importantly, Jingtai also learned about this matter in advance.

There was a possibility of the news being leaked during the dissemination process, but Chen Yuan still focused on Wu Shengjiao, and even secretly asked Su Ziyue and the forces of Tangshan Mansion to investigate and investigate.

It's a pity that so far, there is not much to gain.

The Palace of Seven Kills has killed the princes and important ministers of the Jin Dynasty, and even assassinated some strong men of the Sima family. It is one of the top ten immortal sects and has existed for at least hundreds of years.

It is impossible to have a relationship with the Sima family.

Although the Wusheng religion is also unlikely, but all possibilities have been ruled out, and the last impossibility may be the truth.

Therefore, Chen Yuan has always been suspicious.

After hearing that it was Lu Renjia, the golden envoy of Shuzhou who had been killed by Wusheng, his first thought was that it was impossible.

"No one knows the truth. Maybe it was Wu Shengjiao's hand, maybe it wasn't. In short, the goal is achieved, and you can be cleared of suspicion."

Jiang He said in a deep voice.

Chen Yuan frowned tightly, feeling that there was something wrong inside. Such a big commotion in the south was indeed good news for him, but the water was also muddied.

People can't see clearly.

"Brother Jiang is right."

"Okay, since you have already broken through, then I won't bother you anymore, just continue to practice." Jiang He said immediately.




Chen Yuan stopped the other party.

"What else?"

"Next time, let's finish talking together, don't let it go."


Jiang He responded.


Chen Yuan was about to cut off contact.

Unexpectedly, Jiang He opened his mouth again and said:

"Wait, I have one more thing to say"

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