I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 569: Release to the South!

"Wait, I have one more thing to say"

Chen Yuan: "."

I just said let this guy speak straight, let alone hide half of it, but he opened his mouth at this time, it is even more hateful than a broken dog.

"What's up?"

"It's too dangerous for you to be in the capital this time. If Jingtai insists on forcing you, there will definitely be conflicts based on your personality. I'm fine in Qingzhou now, so I can go there."

Although it is just a simple sentence, there is a lot of content.

It is extremely dangerous to go to the capital.

But he still said this sentence, which warmed Chen Yuan's heart.

Jiang He is a nice guy, he can deal with him!

"No need, I have my own measure."

Chen Yuan refused.


"With Senior Moluo here, we can fight out even if it really comes to the point where we can't do anything, but you will be in danger if you come here rashly."

This sentence Chen Yuan is not polite, he really thinks so.

There may be immortals sitting in the Sima family, but they probably won't be guarding the imperial city all the time. They may be sleeping or practicing. With Mo Luo's strength, he doesn't want to fight, and it's not a small possibility that he wants to leave.

But if Jiang He came, there would be a big battle, and Chen Yuan would not be able to abandon him at that time, but if the war really started, with Jiang He's strength and the situation that Mo Luo couldn't last for too long, it was very likely that he would die. stay here.

It's really not as easy as coming by himself.

Jiang He pondered for a while, then said softly:

"It's good that you have some plans in your heart. If you really need me, you don't have to be polite."

"Don't worry, Chen has never been an outsider."

"That's good, see you later."

Jiang He said no more.

"Wait, I also have something to tell you." Suddenly, Chen Yuan said solemnly.

"What's the matter?" Jiang He asked.

"the thing is"

Halfway through the conversation, Chen Yuan directly cut off the contact.

Putting down the heavenly book in his hand, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Qingzhou, Xuntian Palace.

Jiang He froze on the spot holding the Heavenly Book of Heavenly Treasures, trying to wake up Chen Yuan again, but there was still no movement over there. There was a moment of silence, his face was not very good-looking, and he took a sip of the spirit tea.

With Senior Mo Luo present, Chen Yuan's own cultivation is also good, and it is absolutely impossible for him to have a problem in just a few breaths. It must be revenge for what he said just now.

Shaking his head slowly, Jiang He's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Imperial City, Star Tower.

Jingtai, who had postponed the court meeting, closed his eyes and exhaled, his whole body was condensed with a strong blood energy, and a strange and mysterious aura emanated from his body, which was hard to fathom.

Suddenly, Jingtai opened his eyes and frowned slightly.

Taking a deep breath, he concealed the bloody light covering his body, his eyes were calm.

After three breaths.

A hoarse voice came from outside the room:

"Your Majesty, Eunuch Cao is asking to see you."

"Let him in."

Jingtai's voice carried a hint of majesty.


The voice outside the door quickly fell silent, and after a few more breaths, Cao Zhengxian, the governor of the imperial factory, slowly walked into the hall, glanced at the emperor sitting cross-legged on the futon in the hall, and bowed:

"The old minister sees His Majesty."

"What happened?"

Jingtai stared at Cao Zhengxian with burning eyes.

He had told him before that if it was not a major matter, he should not come to disturb him, and Cao Zhengxian held a secret power different from that of the Sky Surveyor in his hand, so something must have happened.

"Under evasion, Lu Renjia, the golden envoy of Shuzhou, was assassinated in Shuzhou City, and the Shuzhou Sky Survey Division was almost wiped out, causing heavy casualties." Cao Zhengxian said in a deep voice.

This was the news from Xun Tiansi and his subordinates at the same time. The governor Xiao Jing knew that he was a close minister, and the emperor was in seclusion for the past few days, so he didn't come to the Star Observation Tower.

Jingtai's pupils shrank suddenly, and then his face became gloomy instantly.

Attacking the city of Shuzhou in public and assassinating the fourth-rank official Xuntian Jinshi is definitely a serious crime of treason, and it is also a slap in the face of the court.

"Who did it?"

"We haven't investigated clearly yet, but the information given by the subordinates and the Sky Survey Division is very likely to be Wushengjiao." Cao Zhengxian said solemnly.

"No Life Teaching"

Jingtai's eyes flickered, and he was silent for a while:


"There is no evidence for the time being. The man's action was too swift and violent. He directly shattered the formation of Xun Tiansi with one blow. At least he was at the level of refining gods."

"These damn demons are so daring and reckless, really the imperial court can't do anything to them?"

Jingtai said to himself coldly.

Cao Zhengxian didn't speak, but secretly thought in his heart.

Since they dared to do this, they were certain that the imperial court would not do anything to them.

"How does His Majesty plan to deal with it?"

"Send the decree to the Xuntian Division, and try our best to investigate this matter. I don't think this matter will be simply done by Wushengjiao. I will order the world to hunt down the Heavenly Demon Palace and Wushengjiao. In the shortest possible time, give these demons The demon was hit hard."

Jing Tai condensed his voice.

"Your Majesty wants all the Sky Surveyors to be dispatched?"

Cao Zhengxian froze for a moment.

This is a big event, and the world will be in turmoil because of it.

"It doesn't have to be like this, let the Xuntian Division send an envoy to Shuzhou, and another envoy to sit in the north to prevent the demons from making trouble." Jingtai frowned and said.

"Yes, the old minister complies."

"Also, the governor general Wei Guogong is invited here, I have something to say."

"The old minister will do it now."

Cao Zhengxian turned around and prepared to leave, but he frowned as soon as he moved, and said in a low voice:

"Your Majesty Shuzhou has such a big event, the court meeting"

"Tomorrow morning meeting."

Jingtai said in a deep voice.

There was a great disturbance in the south, and even the face of the imperial court was damaged. If he was still in the "dragon's body", it would cause some unnecessary disturbances in the capital.

He is the God of Dinghai in the world, and he must keep clear at all times.


Cao Zhengxian nodded.

When Cao Zhengxian was going to meet Wei Guogong and Xuntiansi in person, at the same time, Xuntiansi also caused a storm because of the incident in Shuzhou.

After notifying Cao Zhengxian of the incident, the governor Xiao Jing immediately summoned the four envoys of the Xuntian Division to discuss this embarrassing matter.

And Chen Yuan, who had been in seclusion for a long time, obviously couldn't do it any longer.

After receiving the order from the Commander-in-Chief, he quickly headed towards the headquarters of the Sky Survey Division.

Inside the Heaven Survey Hall.

Everything was still the same, with Chief Governor Xiao Jing sitting at the top, and the other three envoys sitting at the bottom, Chen Yuan was the last one to arrive, and sat down calmly after seeing the ceremony.

There was a dignified atmosphere in Xuntian Temple, and he didn't pay too much attention to him.

But even just looking at it casually, it still shocked several envoys, including the governor Xiao Jing.

Chen Yuan's cultivation has improved again!

Others can be recognized, but some fluctuations in his body that have not completely dissipated cannot be recognized. Low-level warriors can't see anything, but they are all a level higher than Chen Yuan, so it is not difficult to detect.

Inevitably shocked.

this. this. this young man

How long has it been since he broke through Huayang?

People are more annoying than people.

It feels like one month of practice is better than their ten years.

Several people suddenly felt sour, even Zhang Yantong who had been close to Chen Yuan was the same.

He knew that Chen Yuan would surpass him in the future, and it wouldn't even take a few years, and he was ready for the back wave to beat the front wave, but a month or so left him at a loss as to what to say.

Damn, it's scary!

But the current situation is obviously not the time to ask questions, nor is it the time to congratulate. The governor Xiao Jing hurriedly summoned them back, something must have happened.

After a brief shock, he quickly regained his senses, and turned his gaze to Xiao Jing at the same time.

"Great governor, but what's going on down here?"

Wu Tianxi, the envoy of the yellow character, was the first to ask.

There are strong people in the capital like a cloud, with them and Zhenjun sitting in the town, except for the ancestor worship before, nothing major will happen in normal times, it can only be that there is something wrong with the state capital below, and the problem is not small.

Chen Yuan knew in his heart that it must be the death of Lu Renjia, the Jin envoy of Shuzhou, but he couldn't show anything unusual, otherwise it would arouse suspicion.

It's a pity, originally Lu Renjia's life was intended to be taken by the Taoist Palace, but he never expected that someone would take it first.

The water is getting more and more muddy.

"That's right, something happened next." Xiao Jing nodded solemnly, valued the angelic envoys and said directly:

"Just received the news that Lu Renjia, the golden envoy of Shu Prefecture, was assassinated in the state city. The entire branch of the Sky Survey Department was completely wiped out, and there were heavy casualties."

silence! silence!

After Xiao Jing finished speaking, the entire Heaven Xun Temple fell into silence instantly.

It is an absolute disgrace to be beheaded by a fourth-rank golden envoy who surveys the sky!

Not only is it a disgrace to the imperial court, but it is also a disgrace to the Sky Surveyor.

Several envoys, including Chen Yuan who just took office, all looked enraged.

Wu Tianxi: "Presumptuous, which force dares to be so presumptuous!"

Zuo Tiancheng: "Damn! Court death!"

Zhang Yantong: "Bold and bold!"

Chen Yuan: "The envoys are right."

"Great governor, can you find out who is causing the chaos? Your subordinates are asking for an order to destroy all of their families." Wu Tianxi immediately said in a concentrated voice.

Lu Renjia, the Jin envoy of Shu Prefecture, and his younger brother Lu Renyi are both masters of his faction. Now that something like this happened, if he didn't help the people below deal with it, who would dare to be loyal in the future?

"It hasn't been fully identified yet, but Wushengjiao is the most likely possibility."

"These monsters are looking for death!"

Wu Tianxi was furious.

"Xiaguan has dealt with this monster a long time ago, and he is really bold, like something they can do." Chen Yuan interjected in a timely manner.

"What does His Majesty mean? Let me do it myself." Zhang Yantong asked in a calm voice.

In the face of these external issues, several envoys have abandoned the so-called factions, and even if there are factional disputes, they all belong to the yamen of Xuntiansi.

is one.

If the yamen loses its majesty, it will not be easy for them.

"There is no news from the palace yet, but we can't be idle. The most important thing now is to handle the situation below well, so that there is no chaos in Shuzhou. Which of you is willing to go to the town to investigate this matter?"

Xiao Jing asked with a gloomy face.

"The next official is willing to go!"

"The next official is willing to go!"

"The lower officials seconded the proposal."

Chen Yuan: "Second."

Several envoys have expressed their opinions, and it is impossible for him to keep silent. In fact, according to the routine, he, the newly appointed envoy, will basically go out of town for a few years.

But not too much.

The entire capital knew that the emperor wanted to recruit a son-in-law, but he was not very willing. If he was too proactive, besides making people think that he didn't respect the royal family, there might be more associations.

For example, did he deliberately cause some trouble in Shuzhou in order to avoid it?

Xiao Jing's eyes were calm, and he frowned slightly as he looked at the angels who were all willing to go.

"Nonsense, is it possible that a Shu state will send all four of you there? What about the capital city? What about other state capitals?"

Several divine envoys looked at each other and said nothing more.

"There can only be one envoy from Shu Prefecture." Xiao Jing looked around the people below, and finally stopped on Chen Yuan:

"Chen Shenshi."

"Great governor."

Chen Yuan secretly said "here we come" in his heart, and turned his eyes to him calmly.

"According to the old rules of the Sky Survey Division, the envoys will take office for a few years. Originally, the governor wanted to send you somewhere, but now... would you like to go to Shuzhou?"

"Lu Renjia, the golden envoy of Shuzhou, died tragically. The lower official was very angry. He wished he could eat the demon's flesh and soak in the demon's skin. If the governor entrusted this important task to the lower official, he would definitely be promoted in the shortest possible time. The prestige of my Sky Survey Division.

Let those monsters who make trouble know that my Xuntian Division is called Miemen Division, and it is never a joke. Only the blood in Shuzhou can wash away these humiliations. "

Chen Yuan said with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Okay, as expected of the Demon Sword Killing God!"

Xiao Jing nodded appreciatively.

Although I don't know if it was the master who wanted to get Chen Yuan out of the capital as soon as possible, but now that there is an opportunity, he must seize it.

No matter how much he cares, as long as Chen Yuan leaves.

"What do you think?"

Xiao Jing looked at the other three envoys.

They looked contemplatively, did not express their position immediately, and did not know what they were thinking.

Zhang Yantong raised his head to see if Chen Yuan really wanted to go, or if he had to do so under such circumstances, but what he saw was Chen Yuan's slight nod of his head, and he knew it in his heart, and said:

"Marquis Wu'an's ability to handle affairs is well known to the Xuntian Division. If he goes to Shuzhou to investigate the case of Lu Renjia and hunt down those demons, I can trust him."

"This envoy."

Before Wu Tianxi finished speaking, everyone present turned their eyes to the void in the center of the hall at the same time. The next moment, Cao Zhengxian, a eunuch in plain green robes, appeared here.

It is undoubtedly a bit rude to rely on the badge of the palace to escape the detection of the formation without a notification. The envoys immediately frowned and scolded:

"Bold Cao Zhengxian, dare to trespass on the important place of the Sky Survey Division!"

"Boldly castrating a dog, how dare you be presumptuous?"

"Could it be that you deceive me that there is no one in the Sky Surveyor?"

One after another voices sounded, and several envoys glared at him, as if they were about to put him on the spot for Fa-rectification in the next moment, and put him in the prison of the Sky Surveyor.

"Eunuch Cao, do you know what crime you should be guilty of trespassing on the most important place of the Sky Survey Division?" Chief Governor Xiao Jing frowned, a little displeased.

It's impossible to do it manually, but it's okay to scold a few words.

"My lords, please don't be angry. This superintendent has followed His Majesty's orders. He just met Duke Wei again and only ventured in with his permission." Although Cao Zhengxian was annoyed by being scolded for being a dog, he still insisted Keep calm.

It's unreasonable to do it, and it's the same with the emperor.

And as long as he turns a blind eye to these abuses, he doesn't believe that these fellows from Xuntiansi really dare to attack him?



"Her dog!"

All the envoys snorted coldly, showing no face at all.

Especially Wu Tianxi, when he opens and closes his mouth, he exhales fragrance.

It's not their fault either, if they've been living in peace, they won't provoke the emperor's close ministers, but a few years ago this old thing was too arrogant relying on the emperor's favor.

Squeezing the Sky Surveyor everywhere has already made them dissatisfied.

After the former governor and current Duke of Wei Gu Tianqiong left the customs, they all ran to complain and complained, hoping to punish Cao Xiongou, which was indeed the case later.

Gu Tianqiong squeezed a few words, but because of the emperor's face, he didn't take the initiative to teach him a lesson.

Now that Gu Tianqiong is resigning and Xiao Jing is taking office, the eunuchs of the Imperial Supervision Department have started to fight for power and profit again, and their words of abuse are light.

Cao Zhengxian was still like this when he saw a few people, no matter how good his energy-raising skills were, he was a little gloomy.

I regret not coming in through the main entrance.

Only the governor Xiao Jing and the envoy Chen Yuan did not scold Cao Zhengxian, but looked at Cao Zhengxian quietly, as if they were thinking about something in the depths of their eyes.

Xiao Jing raised his head, stopped several envoys from continuing to scold, and asked with a frown:

"What purpose did His Majesty ask you to come here?"

"Oral instruction."

Even if it was an oral oracle, it still represented the emperor. Several envoys, including the governor, couldn't take it seriously. They stood up one after another, cupped their fists, and listened quietly to the oracle.

"Your Majesty has a purpose."

Cao Zhengxian quickly repeated what Jingtai said in the Star Observation Tower.

Ask the Xuntian Division to send an envoy to Shuzhou, and another to Youzhou in the north to guard against chaos.

"Who is the governor going to let go?"

Cao Zhengxian asked in a deep voice.

Xiao Jing stared at him and said lightly:

"Eunuch Cao went back to report to His Majesty that the Sky Surveyor is going to let the envoy of Tianzi, Chen Yuan, go to Shuzhou to sit in the town, and investigate and pursue the death of Lu Renjia, the golden envoy of Shuzhou."

Cao Zhengxian's eyes fell on Chen Yuan, and he frowned immediately. He took a deep look at him, as if he was thinking of something, and nodded:

"My Lord will bring it."

As if fearing that Jingtai might misunderstand Chen Yuan, Xiao Jing continued:

"This is also the practice of the Sky Survey Division. Originally, it was also necessary to release the envoy of the Tianzi God for a period of time. It happened that the few of us felt that Chen Yuan was suitable, so we handed over this important task to him."

"It seems that the Marquis of Wu'an is really trusted by the envoys." Cao Zhengxian looked at Chen Yuan with a smile and said.

"Eunuch Cao has won the award. Chen is just a brick of the Sky Surveyor and the imperial court. Wherever it needs to be moved, Shuzhou, the north, the capital, no matter where it is, it doesn't matter."

Chen Yuan looked at Cao Zhengxian and smiled faintly.

He didn't explain too much, but his attitude was revealed.

"What Marquis Wu'an said is really good. No wonder His Majesty values ​​it. Not only is his potential strong, but his loyalty to the imperial court is rare."

Cao Zhengxian was not unusual, still smiling.

"Eunuch Cao, is there anything else? Please come back if you have nothing to do."

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