I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 571: Strong Jingtai!

"He's just lying to you. The Immortal of the Sima family was born, and the poor monk and you will pass away today."

Obviously, this time it was Mara's Buddha image that prevailed.

In fact, Chen Yuan himself didn't know whether it was Mara who was the compassionate Buddha, or Mara was the devil who was fierce and devouring people.

After all, in his memory, when he was in Wudi City, an old man who couldn't see clearly and covered the sky once called him the demon monk Mo Luo.

Known as a demon monk, this is definitely not a good monk.

It should be both good and evil, otherwise it would not be divided into Buddha and devil.

It's just that for some reason, it seems that after returning from Liangzhou, Mo Luo's Buddha image is no longer the only one who decides. Last time, it was a ray of power lent to him by the devil image.

It is still the demonic form that speaks.

"Fucking bald donkey, you fart, if you honestly merge with me, can't my strength not kill a guy who has just entered the sixth realm for more than two hundred years?"

The devil said coldly.

"You can't."

The Buddha's answer was very simple.

If you can't do it, you can't do it.

It was fine in its heyday, but it is not so easy to recover from hundreds of years of suppression. Even if you get a golden lotus, it will take a period of time to cultivate.

"Senior, don't quarrel. The point of today is not to kill any immortal, as long as you can escape from the capital safely." Chen Yuan said immediately.

Even if he could kill the immortals of the Sima family as the demon said, he was not willing.

What he wants is to survive, not the physical collapse of the primordial spirit.

His ambition is to live a long life in martial arts, not to fight to the death.

What's more, the Buddha also said that even if his physical body collapsed and his primordial spirit disappeared, he would not be able to kill an immortal, and he would have to fall in the capital, which is really not worth the loss.


The devil will say no more.

"This is a catastrophe in the practice of the poor monk. Don't need to worry too much." Mo Luo Buddha told Chen Yuan this sentence after gaining the upper hand.

After that, he stopped talking and cut off the connection with the divine sense.

Chen Yuan didn't say much, walking along the way, he had already arrived at the palace gate of the imperial city, and the gatekeeper was still his former subordinate. Although he didn't have a deep impression, it can be regarded as a few acquaintances.

Seeing Chen Yuan approaching, more than a dozen people immediately bowed and saluted:

"See Lord Envoy!"


Nodding at them, Chen Yuan walked into the imperial city with a blank face. During the period, he met some court officials on the road, and when he saw Chen Yuan, he came forward to say hello with some courtesy.

Everyone in the capital knows that the emperor intends to recruit Chen Yuan as his son-in-law, and the future is bright, and now he is regarded as a high-ranking and powerful man, so what will happen in the future?

Even if you don't make friends, it's always okay to be familiar with each other.

It's a pity that they didn't know that Chen Yuan didn't want this marriage, so they had already rejected Jingtai through Zhang Yantong's mouth.

After exchanging pleasantries for a few words, Chen Yuan's speed increased a lot, and soon he arrived outside the Golden Luan Hall, and the sky was almost completely bright at this point.

He stood on one side, without squinting, with a certain air.

Quietly waiting for today's meeting.

Not long after, more and more civil and military officials gathered at the entrance of the Golden Luan Hall, each talking about things, among which the most talked about was the death of Lu Renjia, the golden envoy of Shuzhou.

Although the man is called Lu Renjia, he is not without a sense of existence, and he can be regarded as a high-ranking official in the outer town, or an official in a violent yamen like the Xuntian Division, which is even more remarkable.

Now being beheaded by people, how can it not make people angry?

Even if he is dissatisfied with the Sky Survey Division, who would dare to gloat in this situation?

Without Xun Tiansi's action, the emperor would push him out of the Meridian Gate and behead him for public display.

After estimating the time, when it was about the same time, the gate of the Golden Luan Hall was pulled open by the eunuch, and shouted in a shrill voice:

"Go up!!"

The atmosphere of the civil and military officials who were discussing a lot suddenly froze, and there was no sound. Then, they entered the Golden Luan Hall in order of official rank to prepare for the court meeting.

Different from the last time, Chen Yuan is now the Marquis of Wu'an in the current dynasty, the third-rank Xuntiansi Tianzi God Envoy, although he is not a second-rank high-ranking official in the first echelon.

But it can be regarded as the leader of the second echelon.

For example, Zhang Yantong, Wu Tianxi, Zuo Tiancheng and the others made Chen Yuan stand at the head of the left, and his status was still higher than that of several generals in the army, which showed his power.

Civil and military officials were included.

Similar to before, when a eunuch shouted "Your Majesty is here", all the civil and military officials below greeted the emperor.

Naturally, the high-ranking ones only need to bow down, while the junior officials of the fifth and sixth ranks in the back must kneel down to greet Jingtai.

Following behind Jingtai, the three princes entered through the side door step by step.

Jingtai's face was calm, he couldn't see emotions, he stepped onto the dragon chair, watched the shouting below end, and said lightly:

"Everyone is in peace."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

A rather neat voice sounded, and the officials of the Jinluan Hall stood up in unison.

"If there is something to play, there is nothing to retreat."

A middle-aged eunuch shouted loudly.

Chief Governor Xiao Jing took a step sideways and said in a deep voice:

"My minister has something important to announce!"


Jingtai spat out a word.

"Report to Your Majesty, there was news from Shuzhou yesterday that Lu Renjia, the Jin envoy of Shuzhou,

Xiao Jing narrated what he said yesterday with a slightly gloomy expressionless face.

The main hall was immediately quiet, and then there was a loud reprimand.

"Presumptuous! How dare a demon dare to despise the imperial court so much!"

"Damn it!"

"Bold monster, please order to kill it!"

In the row of military officers, voices rose one after another, and a strong murderous aura enveloped the Golden Luan Hall.

Jingtai, who was sitting high on the dragon chair, also looked gloomy, and said sharply:

"Monsters who messed up in Sichuan must be severely punished. According to my will, I will dispatch elites from the Xuntian Division to investigate this matter with all my strength. No matter who it is, the nine clans will be punished!"

"Follow the order."

Xiao Jing accepted the order in a calm voice, and continued:

"The minister recommended Chen Yuan, the Marquis of Wu'an, to pursue this matter. His means of strength and means are all the best choices, and the practice of the Sky Survey Division is prior, so it should be out of town in Shuzhou."

Jingtai's eyes flickered, he stared at Chen Yuan who was not looking sideways, and said lightly:

"this matter"

Before he could finish his words, there was a red-robed eunuch outside the palace, kneeling anxiously in front of the Golden Luan Hall:

"Your Majesty, there is an urgent report from Youzhou and Lanzhou."

All civil and military officials looked back, Jingtai frowned and said in a deep voice:


The red-robed eunuch entered the Golden Luan Hall, put his head on his head and said in a low voice:

"Youzhou was in turmoil, and the blood sacrifice of the northern barbarians broke into the Youzhou military camp, poisoning more than ten thousand elite soldiers, destroying the vegetation, and dying for ten miles. The city of Lanzhou was attacked by warriors from the Western Regions, and over ten thousand were killed and injured."

quiet! ! !

There was another moment of silence in the Golden Luan Hall.

The previous excitement was repeated again.

Jingtai's pupils shrank deeply, as if he was shocked, his face was gloomy like water.

Chen Yuan, who was so self-sufficient, also raised his eyebrows in surprise. So many things happened, and a lot of big things happened in the north, south, and west at the same time.

Rare indeed.

The north and the south are fine, and it has not been peaceful.

But Western Lanzhou doesn't have a high sense of presence in the Central Plains, and there are very few times of turmoil. Now, if something goes wrong, it is a big deal, and more than ten thousand elite soldiers have been poisoned to death.

The city of Lanzhou was hit.

In addition to the fact that someone stormed the city of Shuzhou, it would be a bit chaotic.

However, this is beneficial to Chen Yuan's current situation.

If Jingtai was still a little rational, he wouldn't be able to persecute him too deeply, otherwise these things will be rushed together, and if they are not handled properly, it will cause a chain reaction.

He glanced at Jingtai, who was sitting tall, and saw the murderous intent on his face.

The whole hall could feel it, one can imagine how angry he is now.

"Where is Wu Tianxi, the envoy of the Heaven Surveying Division with the yellow character?"

Wu Tianxi, who was standing beside Chen Yuan, focused his eyes, stepped forward and bowed:

"My minister is here."

"You call the five hundred elites of the Imperial Superintendent to rush to Youzhou, investigate where the evildoers are causing the turmoil, and kill them all, as an example to others!"

"The humble minister obeys the order!"

Wu Tianxi immediately cupped his fists and bowed.

He didn't seem surprised, usually people from the Xuntian Division would do this kind of thing, but it was the first time that someone was transferred from the Imperial Supervision Division.

It's normal to think about it, other places also have to employ people, and the headquarters also has to retain part of the strength, which can only be used from the Imperial Supervision Department.

"Zhang Yantong, the envoy of Xuntiansi Xuanzi, where is General Wu Shu of Pingxi in Daying of the capital?"

"The minister is here!"

"The minister is here!"

The two stepped forward one by one.

"As Zhang Yantong mobilized 300 elite soldiers from the Sky Survey Division, Wu Shu mobilized 20,000 elite soldiers from various military camps in Lanzhou to quell the turmoil in Lanzhou in the shortest possible time. outside!"

Jingtai's eyes were full of murderous intent, and the cold air was overflowing.

Yumen Pass in Lanzhou is the largest pass with the Western Regions. Every day, huge caravans of warriors from both sides pass by. It is definitely a good place to serve as a warning to others.

"The humble minister obeys the order!"

"The humble minister obeys the order!"

Zhang Yantong and the capital general Wu Shu responded immediately.

"Governor Xiao Jing listens to the order."

"The minister is here."

"As you are in charge of this matter, all problems must be resolved in the shortest possible time." Jingtai stared at him.

"Your Majesty, Shuzhou."

Xiao Jing looked up at Jingtai, hesitant.

There was some hesitation in Jingtai's eyes. This time is really not the time to oppress Chen Yuan too much. Last night, he thought about temporarily suppressing Chen Yuan, and entrusted him with important tasks after he agreed to the marriage.

But he didn't expect that accidents would happen one after another in the north and west. It's really tricky at this time.

And his confidant still recommended Chen Yuan, which is really a bit tricky.

Looking at Chen Yuan who was hanging his head in thought, Jingtai took a breath and moved his eyes:

"Where is Chen Yuan, Marquis of Wu'an?"

Seeing that Jingtai finally called his name, Chen Yuan let out a breath, took a step sideways, and bowed:

"My minister is here."

He thought about the current situation, if Jingtai still forced the marriage, it would be a bit ugly, and he should temporarily suppress it, which is also a good thing for him.

If you can not tear your face, naturally it is better not to tear your face.

Being feared by the emperor and being valued by the emperor are two completely different things, and they will have a great impact on his future actions.

"I intend to divide you into Shuzhou for a period of time to track down these demons who dare to attack the city. Are you confident that you can do it?"

"The humble minister will live up to His Majesty's entrustment."

Chen Yuan immediately said loudly.

"Okay, you are worthy of being my Marquis of Wu'an. You have courage and heart. I am very relieved. You have made great contributions to me time and time again, and you have made great contributions to my country. I don't know how to reward you."

The gloom on Jingtai's face gradually dissipated, replaced by appreciation.

Hearing this, Chen Yuan's heart sank, and he understood that even at this time, Jingtai still did not give up the idea of ​​forcing marriage, he first suppressed and then raised, and he could think of the following words.

Taking a deep breath, he said:

"I am an official of the imperial court. I eat the salary of the imperial court and enjoy the title of the imperial court. It is the right thing to do for your Majesty and the imperial court. Your Majesty's merits and demerits are clear, and the rewards and punishments are right. I have already rewarded my humble ministers. I really dare not ask for any more rewards." .”

Seeing Chen Yuan's evasion, ordinary officials didn't notice anything, they just thought that Chen Yuan's words were beautiful, but Jingtai on the dragon chair frowned slightly.

He knows what he's talking about.

Chen Yuan also knew what he was talking about.

But he still refused, which made him a little unhappy. He didn't speak immediately, but moved his eyes to look at a civil servant on the right.

Cui Wenli, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, twitched the corners of his mouth, knowing what the emperor was implying.


It is inappropriate to mention this fact at this time.

But he also understands that if this matter is not finalized, it will be even more difficult to recruit Chen Yuan as his son-in-law after he leaves the capital.

Seeing the urging expression in the emperor's eyes, Cui Wenli took a deep breath, took a step sideways, bowed and said:

"Your Majesty, I have a way to reward Marquis Wu'an."

"Oh? Let's hear it?"

Jingtai said indifferently, showing no joy, anger, sorrow or joy.

But the civil and military officials of Jinluan Palace are a little confused. Just now they were murderous and wanted to deal with those monsters. Shouldn't they be excited now?

Why do you want to reward Chen Yuan suddenly?

He obtained the title of Marquis before, and he was still the Marquis of Ten Thousand Households, and now he has become the third-rank God Patrol Angel of the Sky Survey Division.

Thinking of this, many officials suddenly became sour and envious.

It is comfortable to have holy relatives.

But such a holy family, Chen Yuan, would rather not, and wanted to interrupt, but knew his situation, and remained silent, thinking in his heart that if it was too critical later, could he rush up and kill Jingtai directly?

Wei Guogong Gu Tianqiong, Zhen Guogong Li Kuangxiu, and the national teacher Puxian Bodhisattva were all absent, which seemed to be a possibility.

I just don't know if there are no strong people around to guard secretly, or if Jingtai has any backhands in his hands.

This guy is a bit weird, Chen Yuan thinks it shouldn't be that easy to kill.

Zhang Yantong knew the inside story, frowned, and subconsciously glanced at Chen Yuan.

Xiao Jing also knew the inside story, but he couldn't ask for help, and if there was a conflict, he couldn't help, otherwise the Xiang family's many years of planning would be ruined.

Anyway, no matter what, it is impossible for Jingtai to kill Chen Yuan directly.

Otherwise, the impact will be too great.

More than a dozen eyes were on Cui Wenli, but after he made up his mind, his face remained normal, and he continued:

"Although Marquis Wu'an is young, but he is approaching his thirties, it is really a pity that he has not married yet. Recently, I heard about the disturbance in the capital, saying that Marquis Wu'an is compatible with the eldest princess Pingyang. One is the world's number one martial arts genius. The youngest Wan Huhou's fame shook the world.

One is the eldest daughter of His Majesty, with both civil and military skills, both moral and ability, beautiful and beautiful, she is the most suitable couple in the world, this minister thinks the same in his heart, so...

How about rewarding Marquis Wu'an with a marriage, marrying the eldest princess, and marrying the royal family, so that both Marquis Wu'an and the eldest princess can be satisfied, wouldn't everyone be happy? "

Cui Wenli read a lot eloquently.

Chen Yuan was as immovable as a mountain.

Nearly standing?

he doesn't even have twenty five

Where did the 30th year come from?

The fourth prince above, Sima Ke, grinned unconsciously, ecstatic in his heart.

The first prince Sima Gan and the second prince Sima You frowned, but they didn't dare to say anything more.

The civil and military officials below discussed in low voices.

After Cui Wenli had finished speaking, several officials from the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Household Industry immediately stepped forward and said:

"My minister seconded the proposal. Marquis Wu'an and the eldest princess are a match made in heaven. Marriage and marriage are also a matter of course. With the eldest princess here, I think Marquis Wu'an will be able to do his best for the court even more."

"Master Zhao is right, and this minister also thinks it is suitable. Only the Marquis Wu'an is worthy of His Highness the Eldest Princess, and only Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess is qualified to be the wife of the Marquis of Wu'an."

"Several adults are right, this is a match made in heaven."

Immediately, a series of voices rang out, completely forgetting the murderous scene where the crowd was excited and angrily scolded the demon before, but it became a scene of urging marriage.

It made many officials who didn't know the inside story feel dazed.

Chen Yuan calmed down, slightly clenched his fists between his sleeves.

If it is so neat, it is obvious that it has been rehearsed long ago.

Jingtai really did not give up.

In order to maintain the face of the royal family, let the officials below propose.

However, this is also within his expectation, so the temporary reaction is not very big.

Zhang Yantong thought that Chen Yuan was about to acquiesce, and the scene of his daughter sitting at home in a daze for the past few days flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help sighing softly.

The emperor's order is hard to break, I hope Chen Yuan knows the current affairs.

A faint smile flashed across the corner of Jingtai's mouth, and he nodded slightly:

"I didn't expect such rumors to exist in the capital, which is very interesting, but Cui Aiqing's words are indeed reasonable. Not to mention other things, Marquis Wu An has made many great achievements for the court, but he has not yet married. This is also my negligence."

"En." Jingtai pondered for a while, fixed his eyes on Chen Yuan, and said with a light smile:

"Marquis of Wu'an."

"The minister is here."

Chen Yuan lowered his gaze, staring at the black jade that was somewhat reflective on the ground, a sternness flashed in his eyes.

"You are loyal to me, and you have made great contributions to the court. I originally wanted to use other things to reward you, but now you are a third-rank heaven patrol officer, and you are a prince of thousands of households. Even some rewards will not be in your eyes.

Since you have no marriage so far, then I will decide to marry the eldest princess Pingyang to you as my wife. Well, you have taken my order to go to Shuzhou,

Time can't be delayed too long, let's choose a date to get married. "

The emperor made a final decision with a smile on his lips.

Chen Yuan let out a long breath, and said:

"I don't want to get married for the time being, please Your Majesty take it back."

"What did you say!"

Jingtai's face turned cold, and the atmosphere of the Jinluan Hall changed drastically in an instant.

Chen Yuan raised his head, looked at the figure on the dragon chair, and said word by word:

"Your Majesty, please take it back!"

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