I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 572: Regicide! ? (updated)

"I don't want to get married for the time being, please Your Majesty take it back."

Originally, the atmosphere in the Golden Luan Hall was quite friendly. Many civil and military officials looked at Chen Yuan with intertwined envious and admiring eyes, envious of his status, and being able to get a marriage gift from the emperor himself.

What a great honor.

Moreover, the person who bestowed the marriage was the eldest princess Pingyang, who is well-known in the capital. peak.

There are many of these officials in the Golden Temple.

Now, a spiritual flower bred in the capital is about to be picked by Chen Yuan.

I really don't know what to say.

Let's talk about envy, it must be there.

Who is not envious?

With becoming the son-in-law of the emperor, in the future, in the Great Jin Dynasty Hall, relying on his own ability, can't he be sideways?

But if you talk about jealousy, that's not always the case.

Although the eldest princess is good, Chen Yuan is obviously better.

His supernatural powers are unrivaled, his fame moves the world, his talent is unsurpassed in his generation, he is known as a strange man who overwhelms an era, and he has made great achievements repeatedly, which is unmatched in the world.

In fact, in the eyes of many people, the rumors in the capital are actually true, the eldest princess Ping Yang and Chen Yuan are indeed a match made in heaven, a perfect match.

Currently only Marquis of Wu'an, Chen Yuan, can match the eldest princess.

As for Chen Yuan, there is only one Princess Pingyang in the capital.

Seeing that he is about to reach the pinnacle of his life.

However, Chen Yuan's answer shocked many people's jaws.

How dare he reject the emperor? ! ! !

"What did you say?"

Jingtai's original face with a slight smile on his lips instantly became extremely gloomy, as if a heavy rain was about to hit and overwhelm the world, and the temperature in the entire Golden Luan Hall seemed to drop a few degrees.

The small officials behind the Golden Luan Hall trembled subconsciously.

The civil and military officials in front focused their gazes on Chen Yuan.

There are shocks, surprises, and puzzles, which are quite complicated.

Shocked by Chen Yuan's audacity, stunned by Chen Yuan's refusal of such a noble and strange woman as Princess Pingyang, I don't understand why he is.

Doesn't he know the benefits of marrying Princess Pingyang?

Didn't he know the horrors that angered the Emperor?


Why exactly?

Many people were puzzled, and even seemed to be frozen in place.

Zhang Yantong frowned slightly, and took a deep look at Chen Yuan.

What he said was true. He said that he didn't want to marry a wife. Even if the emperor himself offered the marriage, he refused to agree. It was really courageous.

After the eldest prince Sima Gan and the second prince Sima You were shocked for a moment, there was a subtle look of joy in their hearts.

It is best not to marry!

Not only will it offend the emperor, but it will also greatly weaken the power of the fourth child.

It's just God helping me!

They really wanted to win over Chen Yuan, a well-known figure in the world, but he chose the fourth prince Sima Ke, no matter how they tried to persuade him, he would remain indifferent.

Now it is naturally hostile.

Chen Yuan angered the emperor, which means they will get more benefits.

They were happy to see this.

"Your Majesty, please take it back!"

Chen Yuan stared at the figure on the dragon chair word by word, his eyes were fearless, and there seemed to be a strong momentum of generosity.

To say no is to say no.

No matter how good Jingtai's plan was, no matter how well-spoken he was, he would never agree to wrap a chain around his body. This thing is easy to put on, but not easy to take off.

What warriors seek is a clear idea, so that they can make great strides and advance by leaps and bounds.

What's the point of being aggrieved and aggrieved?

Chen Yuan couldn't agree, didn't want to agree, let alone agree.

When Chen Yuan looked directly at Jingtai and said these words, the atmosphere in the Jinluan Palace had dropped to freezing point visible to the naked eye, even as if the void had froze.

Everyone froze in place.

This time lasted for about three full breaths before someone reacted.

And the response was huge.


"Bold Chen Yuan, how dare you be rude to the Holy One!"

"Dare! Chen Yuan, you are so courageous, you dare to utter wild words to the Holy Master in the Golden Luan Hall, where are the palace guards? Quickly suppress this person!"

The officials were furious and reprimanded Chen Yuan.

There seemed to be raging flames in the eyes, trying to burn Chen Yuan to death.

Of course, if there is anger, there will naturally be someone who speaks for him.

The remaining three envoys were the first to bear the brunt. Chen Yuan was the envoy of the Sky Xun Division, an absolute high-ranking person. As long as such people are not rebellious, they must be defended. This is the rule of the Xun Tian Division since its establishment.

No matter how ruthless the trouble is in private, at least on the bright side, there must be no mistakes.

Zhang Yantong: "Your Majesty forgive me, Marquis Wu'an just said it unintentionally, and never intended to contradict His Majesty. I hope His Majesty will forgive him once for the sake of Marquis Wu'an's hard work."

Zuo Tiancheng: "Your Majesty, forgive me, Marquis Wu An is just talking for a while, and he is loyal to His Majesty."

Wu Tianxi: "Angrily scold Wu Anhou at the villainous villain. He has bad intentions and wants His Majesty to punish Wu Anhou severely. He will lose his morals in front of the people of the world."

Seeing that in just a short moment, the previous peaceful scene suddenly changed, the fourth prince Sima Ke was subconsciously startled into a cold sweat, and also froze in place.

Chen Yuan actually refused!

It is a disaster to refuse the emperor's marriage offer in this golden palace!

Who in the entire capital doesn't know how close Chen Yuan is to him? Now that I offended the emperor, can I still get it in the future?

Suppressing the fear in his heart, Sima Ke gritted his teeth and bowed immediately:

"Father, please calm down, Father, please calm down, Marquis Wu An just said something carelessly, and absolutely did not mean to look down on Father, please be careful!"

The atmosphere in the hall was like a raging fire cooking oil for a moment, brewing a terrifying pressure.

As an ordinary person, I am afraid that he could no longer bear the pressure at this moment, and knelt down in the Golden Luan Hall to pray for the emperor's forgiveness, but Chen Yuan ignored the scolding and begging for mercy around him as nothing.

He stared at Jingtai firmly, without any sign of remorse.

It is like a stubborn stone standing still despite the storm and waves on the sea.

The atmosphere in the hall was tense. At this moment, it seemed that everyone around had become illusory, only Jingtai on the dragon chair and His Highness Chen Yuan were left.

Their eyes met, as if there was a trace of fire burning.

Jingtai supported the dragon chair with both hands, and held it tightly tightly. If it wasn't for the fact that the dragon chair was an extremely hard treasure in the world, he might have successfully crushed it to pieces.

"Chen Yuan, do you think my daughter is not good enough for you?"

As if a long time had passed, Jingtai on the dragon chair looked at Chen Yuan with a livid face and asked word by word.

He knew Chen Yuan's resistance to this matter, maybe he knew something, so he was indifferent to his hint, and asked Zhang Yantong to convey his meaning.

That's why he talked about it in the court meeting.

The emperor's ninety-five-year honor, with one word and one word, represents the supreme imperial power.

But now, Chen Yuan is using his own strength to offend the superior and despise the imperial power. If it were another official, he would have ordered someone to push him out of the Meridian Gate and behead him.

The imperial power cannot be humiliated!

The surrounding voices gradually subsided, Chen Yuan clasped his fists and said:

"I don't dare. Princess Pingyang is beautiful and beautiful. She is rare in the world. She has both ability and virtue. I don't know how many people can't ask for it. It's because the men in the world are not worthy of her."

"Then why do you dare to disobey me? If there is no reasonable answer, today... even if I value you again, I will punish you severely."

Jingtai's voice was flat.

But all the civil and military officials in the Golden Temple knew the meaning and anger hidden in this sentence.

If the answer is not good, today Chen Yuan, the rising star of the Great Jin Empire, will fall into the world under the watchful eyes of countless people.

Thinking of the words he had prepared, Chen Yuan said loudly:

"Now the world is uncertain, the northern barbarians invaded the frontiers and harassed the people, the southern demons were ready to move and wanted to devour the Central Plains, and the thirty-six countries in the West coveted the fertile land of the Central Plains and harassed Lanzhou.

Overseas in the East China Sea, countless barbarians are sharpening their knives. Blood State has not been regained, demons and monsters frequently rebelled, exhausting their souls and refining their souls, and treating the people like pigs and dogs. "

"Foreign aggression is not settled, and internal worries are uncertain. Every time I think of it, my heart is filled with grief and indignation. Why did I end up in such a state when I was in the Great Jin Dynasty?

The humble minister is single and weak, but he has a passion to serve the country. He once made a martial arts oath in his heart, and today he said it to His Majesty and all the officials in the palace. "


Jingtai stared at Chen Yuan.

"The world is not settled, why should we do it at home!"

Chen Yuan spit out this sentence word by word, and turned to face the officials behind him, looked around, and said in a deep voice:

"Speak this oath to the world, listen to it in the netherworld, and pass it on to the world!"

quiet! quiet! quiet!

The Golden Luan Hall fell into silence again. Those civil and military officials who had scolded Chen Yuan angrily before, froze in place in astonishment, when they looked at the black-clothed figure again.

It was as if he had seen his arms stretched above the sky, suppressing everyone, his incomparably stalwart.

The world is undecided, why should the family be.

How bold is this? How imposing? What ambition?

Some people felt ashamed, lowered their heads, and no longer dared to look directly at Chen Yuan, feeling that they were treating a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart, and shouldn't misunderstand a loyal minister with a heart for the world.

Someone shook his head and let out a long sigh.

Chen Yuan's wish is also the imperial court's wish.

Some people closed their eyes and breathed out, trembling all over, and their blood was boiling, only feeling that the heart that had been obliterated by intrigues and intrigues in the officialdom was once again shining brightly.

There were also people who kept silent and their eyes were heavy.

Chen Yuan's words reached their hearts.

They did not doubt that Chen Yuan was just talking about the scene, whether it was trying to turn the tide in the capital to save the face of the court, or in Liangzhou to change his life, go to death generously, and kill the body of the barbarian god, it can prove that Chen Yuan is a man of his word. To, a person with great ambition, boldness, and fearlessness.

Only such a person can be praised by all the people in the north, and be honored by the rivers and lakes as 'adult'.

However, it is not that no one has thought about the doubts.

Caring for the world

Is this what a courtier should do?

However, this idea was only fleeting in some people's minds, and no one took it to heart.

Seeing the scene where all the civil and military officials in the Jinluan Palace were silent after Chen Yuan's impassioned speech, Jingtai's face was a little ugly, and he realized something was wrong in his heart.

This is Chen Yuan's campaign!

Shape yourself into a loyal minister of the humerus of the court.

If such a person is suppressed by the emperor and spread the word, what reputation will there be?

Compared with such ambitions, it seems justifiable to contradict the emperor.

Clenching his hands tightly, Jingtai took a deep breath, looked at Chen Yuan's body, and a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes. If other kings saw that their subjects were so ambitious and loyal, they would naturally be overjoyed.

But he was different, looking at his stalwart figure, Jingtai only felt disgust in his heart.

A courtier should have the consciousness of a courtier.

No matter how high-spirited and loyal you are, you can't stand against the imperial power with the general trend!

Seeing that the civil and military officials in the Jinluan Hall had been suppressed by his majesty, Chen Yuan's gaze was calm, because it was all in his expectation.

The only thing that is unpredictable now is Jingtai's reaction.

Should we stop there, or continue to threaten?

If you stop, you will be praised by the world, but if you threaten, you will be condemned by countless people.

He scolded Jingtai as a fatuous and senseless king who didn't know people well and harmed Zhongliang.

In this way, even if he broke his face today, Chen Yuan could still deal a heavy blow to the Sima family's reputation. If he raises troops to build momentum in the future, many people will understand.

He, Chen Yuan, was forced to rebel step by step by the court.

It is a helpless move, and it is a sad thing.

Turning around, Chen Yuan faced the figure on the dragon chair again, bowed and said in a deep voice:

"Is your Majesty satisfied with this answer?"

With a few words, Chen Yuan overwhelmed his courtiers and transferred the pressure to Jingtai, which made him very angry, but he even showed an expression of admiration for Chen Yuan on his face.

"The Marquis of Wu'an really lived up to my expectations. If all the officials in the court have such ambitions, why worry about the world's instability? Why worry about the injustice in the world? My heart is very comforted,

It's just that the world is too big, and it's not a day's work to get rid of these worries. You are my humerus minister, why do I have the heart to see you alone? "

Jingtai's words were already shameless, and many officials present frowned.

Marquis Wu'an has already said this, why is he still obsessed with it? Even if he is amiable, he is still suspected of bullying his courtiers.

But Jingtai can't do anything about it, he has already developed a little jealousy towards Chen Yuan who is now showing his arrogance, the more he is like this, the more he will firmly control this person in his hands.

Otherwise, it will be even more difficult in the future!

It doesn't matter if some notoriety spreads, he doesn't care about it, but if he can't catch Chen Yuan, with his current state of mind, no one can tell what will happen in the future.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. A warrior must not break his oath. Otherwise, it will be difficult to make progress in the future. It is because the humble minister does not want to, and it is really impossible to agree."

Chen Yuan let out a long breath and continued.

"Oh, what if I insist on bestowing this marriage?"

There was a strong pressure in Jingtai's eyes.

Frightening, panic in the heart.

It's gotten to this point, it's hard to stop.

"Your Majesty, please take it back."

Chen Yuan didn't make any other answers, but responded in a deep voice.

In the silent Golden Luan Hall, only these two voices echoed.

The words have been said, and there is no need to say more.

Since it can't be good, then it can only turn the table directly!

He knows that Jingtai is determined to settle this matter today and will not give him a chance to respond. As long as he agrees, he will control him today, get married quickly, and force him to swear.

But he was determined not to agree.

Today, there is Ling Yunzhi, killing the king and killing the real husband of the emperor!

Chen Yuan had already made the determination and preparation to flip the table before, if he can't be soft, then he will be tough.

Chen Yuan's spiritual thoughts communicated with Mo Luo, the demon monk in the Emperor Butcher's Knife, and faint traces of power merged into Chen Yuan's body. It seemed that there was no change at all, but in fact, great terror was brewing.

Killing the emperor is not that simple, you must gain a power far beyond what you used to have in the shortest possible time, so that you can have a chance to kill with one blow.

After Chen Yuan refused, the atmosphere in the Golden Luan Hall fell into silence for the third time.

This time, no one dared to yell at Chen Yuan again, even if someone wanted to make a good impression in front of the emperor, seeing how cautious the people around him were, they could only suppress this thought.

There was a pounding heartbeat, and some people could no longer suppress the restlessness in their hearts.

Jingtai stared at Chen Yuan for a moment, seeing that he was still unmoved, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, he stood up from the dragon chair, and walked down the high platform step by step.

Every time he takes a step, the momentum on his body will rise once.

The fortune of the Jin Dynasty, invisible to the naked eye, turbulently converged on Jingtai. At this moment, he seemed to be holding the sky alone, blocking everyone's eyes.

There was still a distance of three feet away from Chen Yuan, Jingtai stood with his hands behind his back, the dragon robe on his body seemed to be alive, entrenched on his body, reflecting his supreme dignity.


Jingtai spit out two words slowly.

As soon as this sentence came out, people immediately fell silent, even the senior officials around Chen Yuan did not dare to look directly at the emperor, feeling inexplicably terrified in their hearts.

Zhang Yantong immediately sent a voice transmission, wanting Chen Yuan to back down, he must not offend the emperor, this is the end of beheading!

I'm afraid that if the emperor gave an order, the strong men in the Golden Luan Hall would suppress him. Even he would not dare to disobey the emperor's golden words and could only attack him.

Chief Governor Xiao Jing's eyes were calm, but he sighed in his heart.


Even after making a lot of noise, Jingtai still couldn't change his mind, but Chen Yuan dared to face the emperor without giving in.

You must know the consequences in your heart.

So, what is his reliance?

How dare you have such courage?

Or is it just a strong support?

Sima Ke's eyes were extremely anxious, but in the situation of being blind, he really didn't dare to speak, otherwise, the furious father might punish him severely!

Tough Emperor!

Yafu really has the guts!

no wonder dare to humiliate

The powerful oppressive force on Jingtai's body was all on Chen Yuan's body, but he didn't seem to notice it, and he didn't care, most of Mo Luo's power had merged with him.

Such a short distance can definitely cause Jingtai to be seriously injured or even killed!

Unless he still has some fairy treasure.


This idea kept flashing in Chen Yuan's mind, and he was even a little excited, almost unable to hold back his heart, and wanted to kill this self-proclaimed superior guy.

He doesn't like anyone taller than him.

If so, pull him off his throne!

Make up the first change, finish it today!

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