I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 573 Thunder Fury!

Afterwards, I sat on that high throne, commanding hundreds of millions of living beings in the world, with the constitution of heaven in my mouth, and my power shook the world.

This is Chen Yuan's idea.

He has never been a contented person, he wants to climb higher until he reaches the point where there is no way to go.

It's just that the time is really not yet!

Even he himself is not sure that he can really kill Jingtai head-on. As the king of a country, his own luck is even different from the noble purple qi of ordinary people. How could he die so easily?

The aura on Jingtai's body was rising and rising every breath of time. He stared at Chen Yuan without saying a word.

On the other hand, Chen Yuan's gaze was as calm as the surface of the sea, without any disturbance.

It seems that he doesn't care about Jingtai's anger, nor is he afraid of his methods.

"I'll give you one last chance to follow orders!" Jingtai issued an ultimatum.

Now that he is riding a tiger, if he backs down, the majesty of the royal family will be damaged.

But Chen Yuan couldn't kill him, at least now it was impossible to kill him in court, the impact would be too great.

You can't kill a prince of ten thousand households for no reason just because you can't get a marriage. You still have made great achievements for the court and have a very high reputation in the world.

However, if Chen Yuan is really ignorant, then he doesn't mind confinement until he lets go and is willing to give his allegiance to the Sima royal family.

"Your Majesty, please come down!"

Chen Yuan still answered like this.

All the civil and military officials in the surrounding Jinluan Hall had their hearts in their throats.

I'm afraid that the next moment, someone's blood will be splashed on the spot in the Golden Luan Hall.

"Good, good, good!"

Jingtai nodded heavily, waved his sleeves of the dragon robe, and said in a low voice:

"Come on!"

Chen Yuan calmed down, traces of demonic energy began to appear in the body under the clothes, and the momentum was undergoing subtle and undetectable changes.

"Hold on, Your Majesty, please listen to the old minister."

Suddenly, just as Jingtai's words fell, and Chen Yuan was about to take this opportunity to try to kill the king, a somewhat rough voice slowly sounded from outside the hall.

Most of the civil and military officials turned their heads to look, feeling that this voice was very familiar.

Then I saw an old man in black armor with a tiger pattern standing outside the Golden Luan Hall. The guards of the palace did not dare to stop him and could only look at him.

The person who came was none other than the titular Generalissimo of the World's Army and Horses, Li Hongshuang's father, Jiang He's cheap father-in-law, and now the Lord of the Town with 100,000 households in Shicheng, Li Kuangxiu!

There were not many courtiers who dared to directly interrupt the emperor's speech, and Shenwu Zhenjun Li Kuangxiu was one of them. He had the qualifications and qualifications.

Not to mention its incomparable dignity, it is comparable to the title of duke of a vassal king.

The strength of his Yangshen cultivation base alone can make the emperor pay attention.

What's more, he has made great contributions, and he has been one of the top generals since the founding of the court, and he has made great contributions to the Sima family.

There was a period of time when he was in charge of one-third of the soldiers and horses of the imperial court, and the power was overwhelming.

But in the face of such powerful power, he was not greedy at all, and took the initiative to disarm and give up his military power. Although he still had a lot of influence in the military, it was far worse than before.

A veteran of several dynasties deserves the emperor's caution.

Seeing Li Kuangxiu coming in person, Jingtai frowned imperceptibly, not understanding why he interrupted his words to speak for Chen Yuan.

There is no connection between them.

"What did Lord Zhen Guo say?"

Jingtai took a deep breath and asked.

"The old minister is admonishing His Majesty to suspend the anger of the thunder. Marquis of Wu'an Chen Yuan is an important minister of the court. He is loyal to the court. He sacrificed himself to save countless people in Liangzhou.

He has a very high reputation in the world, if His Majesty is so angry just because of a marriage that has not yet been settled, he is really not a wise gentleman. "

Li Kuangxiu said in a deep voice.

He is qualified to teach Jingtai a lesson. Although he paid a high price, he has always been cautious in his words and deeds. He has not had much contact with Jingtai, but now he speaks for Chen Yuan.

The hearts of all the civil and military officials present were shocked, and they speculated about the relationship between Chen Yuan and the Li family.

Sima Ke was overjoyed, he didn't expect Chen Yuan to be able to invite the Duke of Zhen, he couldn't believe it.

Xiao Jing took a deep look at Chen Yuan.

Guessing in my heart, could this be Chen Yuan's reliance?

It didn't seem right, his attention had been on Chen Yuan just now, and he could see the anger he was suppressing. If Li Kuangxiu didn't show up, he might have reached the point where he couldn't bear it, and he would do it.

What a coincidence that Li Kuangxiu came here!

Compared to the shock of others, Chen Yuan recovered himself. When he went to Shuanghe Temple last time, he mentioned to Li Hongshuang that he would not agree to this marriage.

And she should also know something about his character, so she probably tried to find a way to make a fuss and let him help to say something nice.

At least, a current Duke still has a great say.

Much stronger than Chen Yuan.


Jingtai frowned after hearing this, and didn't immediately agree, but he didn't refute Li Kuangxiu's words, as if he was thinking about something.

"The old man also thinks so. Your Majesty should suspend the anger of thunder and not go to war because of a trivial matter. Now the world is unstable and surrounded by enemies.

If His Majesty is furious because of a gift of marriage, what will the world think if it is spread out? "

This is the voice of Duke Wei Gu Tianqiong.

He also showed up.

As Gu Tianqiong stepped into the Golden Luan Hall, his voice was as loud as a bell.


Gu Tianqiong's eyes fell on Chen Yuan, and he froze for a moment. Originally, he didn't want to get involved in this matter, but he couldn't bear the old fellow Li Kuangxiu's approach.

Thinking about what he promised Chen Yuan before, he didn't do what he promised, and was suppressed by the emperor. It was his own efforts that made him finally sit on the position of the God Envoy of Tianzi.

It doesn't seem too much to say something for him now.

He still values ​​this kid very much. He is extremely talented and has the qualifications of a real king. If he hadn't grown to this stage, he would have thought of taking him as an apprentice.

It's a pity that his personality is too stubborn, and he dared to refuse the olive branch offered by the royal family, which is not ordinary courage.

The appearance of the two dukes directly relieved the huge pressure on Chen Yuan, but they were still calm and calm, not daring to relax at all, and it was the appearance of two real kings and powerhouses.

If he did it, the chances would only be slimmer.

It is still possible to escape.

But now it seems that there is no need for this.

Li Kuangxiu and Gu Tianqiong still have some weight. Unless Jingtai is crazy, he will definitely have scruples, and this is actually more in line with his wishes.

Not enough time.

This is the biggest problem.

Otherwise, Chen Yuan would not be able to do these things at all, so he would just start doing them.

Xiao Jing saw this step with his own eyes, and his thought of being wise and safe before gradually receded. He decided to help Chen Yuan again, and immediately said in a deep voice: "The two dukes are right. Please rest your majesty's anger."

The three of Zhang Yantong looked at each other, and then agreed with one voice:

"Your Majesty, please suspend the fury of Thunder!"

"Your Majesty, please suspend the fury of Thunder!"

"Your Majesty, please suspend the fury of Thunder!"

With these senior officials taking the lead, those officials who felt that the emperor was indeed bullying others also spoke in line:

"Your Majesty, please suspend the fury of Thunder."

Jingtai took a deep breath and looked around the scene in the Jinluan Hall. Most of the officials had already spoken. If he insisted on going his own way, the consequences would be unpredictable.

It's a pity, it's not time yet!

Jingtai's eyes flickered.

After three breaths, he suppressed the anger in his heart, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said with a loud smile:

"The Marquis of Wu'an is my humerus minister. How can I be really angry? I just saw Chen Qing's response. Now I see it, and I feel very relieved. An official should be so hard. He doesn't have a few bones. Can it support my Dajin Jiangshan Sheji?"

"Okay, very good!"

"I dare not, I have offended His Majesty, and I beg His Majesty to come down!"

Seeing that Jingtai seemed to be relieved, Chen Yuan also heaved a sigh of relief secretly, and immediately gave Jingtai a step. As long as the current predicament is over, he will immediately go to Shuzhou to sit in town according to Jingtai's previous instructions.

Since then, the sea is wide enough for fish to leap, and the sky is high for birds to fly!

Jingtai laughed, the murderous intent dissipated in his eyes, and said:

"The world is uncertain, so what is a family! This sentence is very good. Outside the court, there are northern barbarians, southern demons, eastern barbarians, and western barbarians. There is a big trouble in the blood state. It is indeed not the time to relax, but these problems are too big. It won't be settled for a while, and it is impossible for Chen Qing to stay away from a family and leave an incense for the Chen family.

Well, so be it, since Chen Qing has big ambitions, then I will give you a chance, one year, I will give you one year to lead the three provinces of Shu, Xue, and Nanzhou to inspect the sky.

If you want to quell the troubles, I promise you, as long as you can recover one-third of the blood state, wipe out all the demons and monsters in Shu state, and sneak into the monster clan in Nanzhou in one year. Mie Kill, stabilize the south for me, and never force the marriage.

Vice versa, if you can't do it, after the one-year period is up, if it's still the same as it is now, then it means that these things are really not easy to solve, you just accept my marriage offer honestly, start a family first, and then How about starting a business? "

This is Jingtai's bottom line. Today, it was the two state officials who spoke, civil and military officials obstructed it, and it seemed impossible for Chen Yuan to compromise, so he had to back down, otherwise the impact would be too great.

But it is also one of his plans to completely tie people like Chen Yuan to Sima's house, and it is impossible to give up.

The trouble has reached this point today, the relationship between them can no longer be intimate, and Chen Yuan will not be as loyal to him as before, for example, he must completely let him take care of him.

The one-year agreement is Jingtai's plan.

This time is too short, even if Chen Yuan is talented, it is impossible to regain one-third of the territory of the blood state, and put down the evil plague that makes Nangong Lie a headache.

He could only honestly come back and get married, and then completely surrendered.

And this in itself is not harming him, he didn't say any punishment, it's just a promise, and he will betroth the princess to him when he comes back, no matter how you look at it, outsiders will think it is a good thing.

Chen Yuan nodded solemnly:

"Thank you for your majesty's kindness. After one year, no matter whether I succeed or not, I will come to the capital again."

One year is indeed a short time, but it is enough for his strength to skyrocket again.

At that time, it is not up to Jingtai to decide whether to come or not.

As long as he can get through the difficulties right now, isn't that what he says?

Even if he came, he didn't marry Princess Pingyang, but took Jingtai's dog's life!

"Okay, I'll give you a high five!"

Jingtai nodded, stepped forward a few steps, and raised his palm.

Chen Yuan also stepped forward, and under the witness of civil and military officials, he stretched out his palm.


A crisp sound sounded.

Chen Yuan and Jingtai were about the same height and looked at each other.

Withdrawing his palm again, Chen Yuan slowly backed away.

Jingtai turned around step by step and walked up to the high platform, looking down at the civil and military officials below:

"My lords retreat!"

"Long live my emperor!"

"Long live my emperor!"

A tide-like chorus sounded, and then retreated quickly, leaving the Golden Luan Hall one by one according to their ranks.

Jingtai watched the crowd leave, focusing on Chen Yuan, a slight chill flashed in his eyes.

A courtier who dares to face him today without giving in, and tomorrow he dares to ride on his head to show off his might, and in the future he will dare to enter and leave the palace and harem like nothing in the history books of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.

Chen Yuan, the possibility of a powerful minister!

One year later, if Chen Yuan still doesn't know his face, he won't hold back any more, and try to find a way to charge him with several crimes, swallowing his flesh and blood to practice.

Let him know that courtiers are different from kings.

He...will fear the king!

With a soft snort, Jingtai flicked his sleeves and left.

At the entrance of the Golden Luan Hall, Chen Yuan stepped out of the threshold with one foot, stopped for a while, and looked back at the empty dragon chair with a slightly cold look in his eyes.

It's quite like the eagle watching the wolf!

Although he didn't completely tear his face today, it was almost the same. Jingtai knew his attitude well and had no respect for imperial power.

He also knows Jingtai's attitude. Today, he can only suppress this matter because he has no crimes and hinders civil and military officials and the two princes from interceding.

But he wanted to tie him down completely, and he would never give up so easily.

I'm afraid they will start targeting him in the future.

As long as he doesn't become Sima's dog for a day, Jingtai can't be at ease with him.

Jingtai won't die for a day, he is not at ease!

Some people work hard for the equality of all living beings.

Some people work hard to become a master.

Some people work hard for no one else.

And his hard work is to make himself the only master!

The look in his eyes became more firm and cold, and he stepped out from the threshold of the Golden Luan Hall without hesitation.

Outside the main hall, there were relatively few civil and military officials who left, most of them walked very slowly, and kept looking at him with complex expressions in their eyes.

In the Golden Luan Hall, the emperor is tough and unyielding.

It's really stupid, but it's also really stiff!

In the past, many people didn't believe it, thinking that Chen Yuan was just indifferent to people with lower strength and lower official positions than him, but now, they have witnessed the scene between Chen Yuan and Jingtai with their own eyes.

They believed it!

Admiration, incomparable admiration.

No matter how stubborn the official censor is, he never dared to hate the emperor like this. Even when facing the imperial daughter, he would be dismissive, as if looking down on him.

After taking a deep look at Chen Yuan, seeing his gaze sweeping away, those officials quickly retracted their gaze, turned and left.

The two princes stood with their hands behind their hands, looking ahead, as if they were waiting for someone to come.

Chen Yuan didn't even need to think about it, he knew he was waiting for him, so he immediately stepped up, cupped his hands and said:

"Thank you for the great governor, the true king's help, Chen will remember it in his heart."

Li Kuangxiu turned his head and took a look at Chen Yuan. He had already heard about this rising star who had become famous in the past two years, but he belonged to a different sequence and basically had no contact with him.

I also don't want to get too close to him, so as not to arouse the emperor's suspicion.

But it happened that his worried daughter begged him, hoping that he would help him, but he couldn't bear it, so he had no choice but to agree.

Back then, because of that person, their father and daughter almost parted ways. They only went back to the Marshal's Mansion every year when their mother sacrificed.

I just suspect that the relationship between this kid and Hongshuang may not be that simple.

I heard that Chen Yuan and Jiang He were very close, maybe the two of them came together again.

These thoughts were fleeting, Li Kuangxiu said lightly:

"It's good to be young and energetic, but it's not advisable to be too rigid. Too rigid is easy to break. You were originally favored by His Majesty, but now you have won this favor yourself. In the future... you can do it yourself."

After finishing speaking, he didn't say any more, turned around and walked away.

"Go slowly, Zhenjun."

Chen Yuan nodded and didn't say much.

The other party said a word for him, no matter whose sake it was, at least he did him a favor and had to write it down.

"I wanted you to be the envoy of Tianzi before, but was rejected by His Majesty. I thought you would come to me, but I didn't expect that I would successfully sit on it. Yes, I did not misunderstand the person.

Now that His Majesty is still angry, you must not offend him again. It is a good thing for you to become the son-in-law of the Sima family. You should think about it carefully.

Come back a year later and get married. "

Gu Tianqiong said softly.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu, for your suggestion, I know that well."

"Well, you are a smart person, so I won't say much, so let's do it for ourselves."

Gu Tianqiong shook his head, he was no longer a member of the Sky Survey Division, and it would be useless to say more, after all, it was up to Chen Yuan to figure it out by himself.

Only with the help of the Sima royal family can he go further in martial arts.

Li Kuangxiu was like this, he was like Gu Tianqiong, and so was Chen Yuan.


"Let's go."

Gu Tianqiong took a few steps and disappeared into the void.

After they left, the governor Xiao Jing came over:

"The commanders-in-chief of Shu, Nan, Xue, and Sanzhou have great power, but they have even greater responsibilities. These state capitals have not been peaceful recently. You must act carefully and not be reckless.

Caution is the first priority in all things, and life is the most important thing.

A year is too short to say, but it is actually a long time for you, so practice hard, if you step into the Yangshen Realm after you come back, the situation you are in today will not reappear. "

Chen Yuan naturally understood this truth.

Fist is truth!

Whoever has big fists and hard fists can decide everything.

If he had Yangshen cultivation, would Jing Tai'an dare to threaten him like this?

If he has six levels of cultivation, Jingtai can only kneel down in front of him, begging for forgiveness.

"Thank you, Commander, for your reminder."

Chen Yuan smiled slightly.

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