I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 575: The curtain falls on the capital!

"Since we are at a dead end, there is no need to go down again. My character will directly turn the table. I will have a hard time, and everyone will have a hard time. What does the Taoist think?"

Rather teach me to bear the world, don't let the world bear me!

This is Chen Yuan's behavior style all along.

Walking in such a dangerous world, it is not enough to not have a ruthless heart.

The old Taoist Tianxu's gaze was slightly astonished, then he chuckled lightly, agreed with what Chen Yuan said, nodded and said:

"Life is like chess, and chess is like life. But Hou Ye's strength alone is not enough to turn the table."

Chen Yuan is just a Yuanshen warrior if he is exhausted, but he can fight and refine the gods if he is invincible, what can he use to turn the table? But with this heart, it will not be difficult in the future.

"It's not enough now, but it doesn't mean it won't be enough in the future. Chen has only spent two years since he stepped into the martial arts, and he has reached this point.

Give me another two years, does the Daoist think I can stand on top of the world? "

Chen Yuan smiled lightly, his strength was not enough, but he was strong enough.

In front of the old Taoist Tianxu, he showed a touch of extraordinary self-confidence. He regarded the heroes of the world as nothing, and the emperors of the world as ants, with extraordinary courage.

"Let's just believe it, Pindao."

"That's good."

"Master Hou, have you ever thought about changing the world?" The old Taoist Tianxu saw that Chen Yuan did not hide his self-confidence and desire in front of him, and he knew in his heart that his thoughts were known to him.

No longer cover up anything.

"Change the world. It is better to say that it is to restore the world's eternal peace, to establish a heart for the world, to establish a life for the people, to inherit the sage's knowledge, and to serve the world.

Open Taiping! "

Chen Yuan's gaze was indifferent, and his compulsion reached its peak in an instant.

At the very least, Taoist Tianxu, who was still calm and composed at first, felt a little dazed at the moment, and muttered to himself the few words Chen Yuan said:

"Set up a heart for the heaven and earth, a life for the living and the people, a legacy for the saints, and peace for all generations!"

Four sentences, the meaning is higher than the sky.

When he looked at Chen Yuan again, seeing his indifferent expression, he was instantly shocked, and felt the incomparably stalwart figure, which made him see the Taizu Chu who had brought peace to the world for eight hundred years in the history books.

However, Taoist Tianxu is not an ordinary person after all, it is impossible for Chen Yuan to bow his head and bow his head after Chen Yuan said a few words, he was only shocked by the few words just now.

Perhaps Chen Yuan had already prepared the words, but thinking of these proves that he is not an ordinary person.

Originally, he still had some hesitant thoughts, but at this moment, he suddenly became more determined.

"Taixu Palace has been hiding from the world for many years to eliminate disasters, but the hundreds of years of seclusion have made Taixu Palace more and more declining. Therefore, Pindao came to Shenjing City,

I want to really see how the Sima family lives.

It's a pity that the poor are very disappointed, even the current situation can't be stabilized, the emperor has no real grandiose talents, he can't stabilize the country at the top, and can't stabilize the people at the bottom, he will only take advantage of some evil spirits and heretics.

When the general trend is unified, the Jin Dynasty will definitely fall apart, and now it is only barely stable. "

Chen Yuan smiled lightly, the current situation is indeed as the old Taoist Tianxu said, but it is not so dangerous, he knows some secrets of the Sima family.

Even the immortals can only take every step of the way, the horror of the Sima family can be seen.

Suddenly, he frowned, and Mo Luo didn't say anything about those things, so, would this Taoist Taixu, who is extraordinary at first glance, know?

Thinking about this, Chen Yuan said softly:

"It's not entirely true what the seniors said. It's better than the great Chu of the previous dynasty. It can be destroyed in one fell swoop. The Sima family still has some reliance."

Taoist Tianxu shook his head:

"No matter how strong outsiders are, they are still outsiders. If their foundations are not stable, they are just duckweeds in the water. The Sima family does have some support behind them, but if they can really rely on them completely, where did the current situation come from?"

Chen Yuan's eyes flickered, and he had a vague guess in his heart.

"Thousands of years ago, in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, human life was like worthless, big monsters devoured flesh and blood, and the world was like a prison. With such a scene, even if I just read it from the history books, I would feel a chill down my spine.

If Hou Ye's ambition is in the world, Taixu Palace will help Hou Ye when necessary. "

Taoist Tianxu said in a deep voice.

"Senior can represent Taixu Palace?"

Chen Yuan frowned.

Daoist Tianxu caressed his white beard lightly, smiled lightly and said:

"Poverty Dao Tianxu, the current head teacher of Taixu Palace."

"How strong is the Taoist priest? Can he fight Ye Xiangnan, the second in the world?"

Chen Yuan stared at him closely.

Taoist Tianxu opened his mouth and pondered for a moment:

"I haven't fought against them before, so I should be able to block them for a while."

"Can you fight against the fourth Demon Lord Shura in the world?"

"I have never fought before, so I should be able to retreat safely."

"Can you fight against the sixth Dongfang Sheng in the world?"

"Cough cough." Taoist Tianxu coughed twice and took a deep breath:

"The last twenty-six on the supreme list can all fight."

"Where are the top ten on the supreme list?"

"I haven't played against each other, so I don't know yet."

Taoist Tianxu remained calm.

The strength is actually not weak, after all, the top eleven of the supreme list are all peerless true kings, don't think Chen Yuan can beat Gu Tianqiong, and killed the true king of the Sima family in front of him.

But that is relying on the means of immortals, which is considered not to talk about martial ethics.

In fact, those few are very terrifying.

"Senior said he wanted to help me, but he still doesn't know the strength of Taixu Palace? He has been dormant for many years, how many real monarchs are there at the level of senior?"

"Master Hou has not yet gained momentum. It is too early to say these things now. What Pindao said is that he may help Lord Hou in the future, not now."

"The senior thinks, when will the time come?"

"The general situation is impermanent, and no one can count."

Chen Yuan smiled, this is still drawing cakes for him.

Don't dare to bet on giving charcoal in the snow, the icing on the cake will come.

"Okay, then Chen will thank you senior. It's getting late, and we will meet again someday." Chen Yuan waved his hand without any sincerity, and it's not very interesting to talk about it.

When he becomes powerful in the future, Taixu Palace will come out to help him.

"Master Hou, wait a moment."

As if seeing what Chen Yuan was thinking, Taoist Tianxu took a deep breath, thinking that he still had to make a big bet, otherwise, if this person really had a chance to win the world, it would not be Taixu Palace's turn.

"Master, please tell me."

Chen Yuan's change of address was very smooth and unobtrusive.

"There are many hidden dragons in the south, so it should not be underestimated. Biyou Palace is located in Nanzhou, and it comes from the same source as Taixu Palace. The south is trapped, but with this thing, they can find Biyou Palace for help, and they will never refuse."

At some point in Taoist Tianxu's hand, a jade tablet emitting white light appeared. It was crystal clear and translucent, and one could tell it was extraordinary at a glance, and it was a token that could represent him.

"Biyou Palace"

Chen Yuan took the order of Taixu and looked it over carefully.

He had heard Su Ziyue mention Biyou Palace, one of the Ten Great Immortal Sects. He lived in Nanzhou and had always been known for teaching without distinction, and his reputation was not low.

It can definitely stand shoulder to shoulder with Wudang and Shushan.

"Then thank you senior."

Chen Yuan turned his face faster than a book, showing a faint smile.

Since it is a strong support, it is impossible for him to refuse.

Taixu Palace placed a bet on him, asking for future rewards is not a kindness, it just needs to be kept in mind.

"I hope Lord Hou will not disappoint the poor Taoist, remember the few words just said, and bring peace to all generations." Taoist Tianxu said solemnly.

"Sweeping the four barbarians and setting the world, if I hold the Ninth Five-Year position, I will definitely conquer an unprecedented empire."

"it is good."

"Senior, are you going to stay in the capital forever?"

"Look at the general trend of the world, gather the dragon and tiger in your heart. Concentrate the five qi in your chest, and gather the three flowers on the top. I am poor in Tianxu, and wait for the return of Lord Hou." Taoist Tianxu bowed his head.

"Senior, just wait."

Chen Yuan turned and left, leaving behind a long voice that lingered for a long time.

Chen Yuan was in a good mood after boasting in Qingyun Temple, and he had drawn himself a potential ally, which was a worthwhile trip, and he would have more confidence and confidence in acting in the south in the future.

However, the card of Biyou Palace cannot be revealed in a hurry for the time being, and it may be of great use in the future.

After bidding farewell to the old Taoist Tianxu and his sister-in-law Li Hongshuang, Chen Yuan only had two people in Shenjing City, and he couldn't see him alone in the palace, so naturally he came to Zhangfu very smoothly.

Xu knew that he would come, but Zhang Yantong was not in the mansion.

After saying hello to Uncle Chen, the housekeeper of the Zhang Mansion, Chen Yuan quietly appeared in the backyard of the Zhang Mansion, and looked ahead. The always weak Second Sister Zhang was drying clothes on a bamboo building.

This is her own small courtyard, and there is a small two-story bamboo building that is out of place with this high-ranking family, but if you look closely, it seems to have a special taste, and it doesn't seem obtrusive.

This is not the first time Chen Yuan has come here, so he seems to be familiar with the road, and with his cultivation, even if he didn't deliberately hide it, Second Sister Zhang would not be able to find him.

It wasn't until Chen Yuan walked downstairs and looked up that Second Sister Zhang found that Chen Yuan was standing below. A gleam of joy flashed across her face for an instant. I don't know whether it was intentional or not, a small bamboo pole supporting the clothes fell straight down.

Caught by Chen Yuan, his eyes were thoughtful.

The second sister Zhang blushed, and quickly walked down from the bamboo building, glanced at Chen Yuan, and asked softly:

"How did you come?"

"Second Sister, is this intentional or unintentional?"

"Of course it was unintentional, otherwise what do you think?"


Chen Yuan's eyes flickered, and he felt something was wrong.

Some time ago, when he accompanied Zhang Wanshu to Lin'an Mansion to watch Yuyuelongmen, he took her through the streets of Lin'an Mansion City, and even pestered him to tell a story when he was bored.

Then Chen Yuan talked about "Shui Xu Biography".

Because the space is not long, Chen Yuan told a story about Qinghe County. Now it seems that the second sister is really learning and using, and she has a lot of thoughts.

"Are you here to say goodbye?"

Second Sister Zhang knew that Chen Yuan was about to leave until her father was about to leave. After all, his father told him about the important events in the court meeting when he came back.

Decided to give Chen Yuan a deeper memory.

"Yes, I'm leaving tomorrow, I can't let my second sister go, come and see." Chen Yuan smiled.

It would be a lie to say that he has no feelings for second sister zhang. But if you want to say how deep it is, that's not the case, after all, they have only known each other for more than half a year.

The contact is not deep.

But in just a few short contacts, he has remembered Zhang Erjie as a person, and now that the worries are gone, he shouldn't give an explanation.

"Why don't we go sit in the house?"

"Do it. This. This is not appropriate, is it?"

Chen Yuan felt around, and always felt that Lao Zhang was nearby, and he didn't know if it was an illusion or he was really peeping from a distance.

"It's not the first time we've met. What's the matter? Come on." The second sister Zhang saw that Chen Yuan seemed to let go, and she didn't hold back anything. She pulled Chen Yuan into the bamboo house with a red face.

After pouring Chen Yuan a cup of spiritual tea, Second Sister Zhang took him and told him many things about the past. These are her memories, and now she wants to be Chen Yuan's memories too.

"That." Second Sister Zhang pondered for a while without opening her mouth.

"Second Sister, just say something, it's okay."



"You are not allowed to say other strange things."


"Well, that, that... When will you marry me?"

After brewing for a long time, Second Sister Zhang lowered her head and muttered.


Seeing that Chen Yuan still wanted to pretend to be stupid, Second Sister Zhang took a deep breath, raised her head, looked solemn, and said word by word:

"You, Chen Yuan, when will you marry me!"

"It's going a little too fast."

"I went out with you to spend the night." Second Sister Zhang stared at him.

"Two rooms."

Chen Yuan said seriously.

"My family doesn't know. Anyway, they know that I have gone out with you and stayed for two days. This matter has been accidentally spread.

Anyway, I can't get married, you have to worry about it! "

Second Sister Zhang blushed and was very imposing.

After being in contact with Chen Yuan for so long, she has figured out the character of the other party. If she pretends to be stupid, she doesn't know when she will have to wait.

"Can you please give me a good word."

Seeing that Chen Yuan was silent, Second Sister Zhang pursed her lips and continued.

"Wait for me to come back and take you away."

Seeing the appearance of the second sister, Chen Yuan was not teasing her, and said very seriously.

"Why are you taking me there?"



"Take you home."

Chen Yuan smiled lightly.

"how long?"

"You also heard about what happened yesterday, and I will take you away in a year, a year later."



"Don't lie to me."

"Will not."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you."

Second Sister Zhang said seriously.

"One year is very short."

Seeing the reluctance in his eyes, Chen Yuan comforted him.

"Actually, you can take me away now."

Chen Yuan shook his head slowly, and pointed in the direction of the palace:

"Taking you away now will harm Uncle and Brother Zhang."

He just rejected Jingtai's marriage proposal, and then turned around and took away Zhang Yantong's daughter. What would Jingtai think? What rumors will come out?

You can't put the Zhang family in danger for your own self-interest.

Zhang Yantong paid him as he had done, and he is still an ally now, but he didn't know if Lao Zhang would turn against him if he revealed his true thoughts.

The time has not come!

Zhang Wanshu is a generalist, knowing the pros and cons of it, she stopped talking, and started to talk about other things, such as if she would be older with Chen Yuan.

What are the personalities of the sisters?

Is the lady settled?

Does it look good?

Chattering on and on like this, Chen Yuan could only tell her some things about him, Mrs. Xu and Shen Yanshu.

Zhang Wanshu bit her lip and said in a low voice:

"Sister Xu and Sister Shen won't be angry if they know that you have been treating me so well in the capital?"

Chen Yuan: "."

"No, don't worry."

"Sister Xu is beautiful, she is the most beautiful woman in Shuzhou, and she also helps you manage some things in Tangshan. It's really hard work. Sister Shen went to the Goddess Palace to practice for you, just to help you, really worked hard.

Unlike me, only "

The second sister Zhang, who was full of tea, was quite interesting. Chen Yuan reached out and held her hand, looked at the sky outside, and said softly:

"It's getting late. Uncle Zhang will be back soon. I'll be leaving first. You should rest early. Don't come to see me off tomorrow. I'm leaving very quickly."

"Safe on the road."


After a while, Chen Yuan left Zhang Mansion, Zhang Wanshu held her chin, stared blankly at the teacup left by Chen Yuan, and whispered to herself:

"One year is not long."

After leaving the Zhang Mansion, Chen Yuan basically said goodbye to those who should say goodbye. He glanced at the direction of the palace, walked on the streets of the capital without saying anything.

This walk is at least a year.

He only has one year at most.

When the one-year appointment is up, Jingtai's patience will probably wear off completely. If he doesn't go back, the two parties will be completely embarrassed.

It may not be necessary to arrest him directly, but some methods will definitely be used.

Therefore, the best choice for him is to raise his strength to the top level in the world within one year, that is, the strength of the real king.

At that time, there was room for maneuver whether to directly rebel or kill the capital.

Walking along, Chen Yuan came to Marquis Wu'an Mansion. The guard at the gate saluted, and he nodded slightly. His treatment now is the same as that of Zhang Yantong.

It is not necessary to be able to mobilize the sky patrol guards to guard him, but everyone else has done it, and he is not good at being out of the group.

Just entering the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion, Chen Yuan's calm gaze suddenly moved, and his spiritual sense sensed a familiar figure appearing in his room.

With a chuckle, he walked in.


Pushing open the door, a glamorous woman in palace attire was sitting dignifiedly, her eyes were calm, and she met Chen Yuan for a moment:

"came back."


"when are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning."

"Why don't you ask someone to say hello to Bengong?"

There was some resentment in Concubine Yang's eyes, and she gave him an angry look.

"The wind is too tight. I'm afraid Jingtai has been paying attention to my movements. Going to the palace is not good for you or me." Chen Yuan shook his head.

"Then I'm here this time." Concubine Yang Gui was stunned for a moment, afraid of causing trouble for Chen Yuan.

"It's fine in the Hou's Mansion. It's impossible for Jingtai to send a real king to guard me. It's probably just to see where my movements are."


"How did you come?"

"My status is inconvenient, so I will see you off. This farewell will last at least a year, and I don't know if we can meet again in the future." She forced a smile.

Chen Yuan nodded and stopped talking, understood what she meant, took out two homemade cigarettes from his sleeves, lit one of them, and handed it to the imperial concubine.

After a long time, Chen Yuan had finished smoking, and she was still smoking

The plot of the capital city is basically over, and a new chapter will start tomorrow, I will think about it carefully

Every day is tense, and the plot is indeed a little watery.

But in this situation recently, we can only restrain ourselves, everyone forgive me.

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