I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 576 Leaving the capital again! Subduing Dragon Arhat!

Cigarettes linger and mist rises.

Chen Yuan let out a long breath, and completely entered a state of selflessness and no distracting thoughts, as if he had no desire or desire for everything, which was very mysterious.

At this moment, he is a saint.

After a long time, Lao Yang finally finished smoking. The throat-choking smoke was so strong that he rolled his eyes and almost passed out.

This farewell will last at least a year, and must leave a relatively deep impression on each of them.

Chen Yuan sat upright, without looking sideways, and pondered for a long time.

Concubine Yang came back to her senses, both sides were speechless.

Speaking of which, they were still hostile to each other before. Chen Yuan abolished her own brother and sent her to the Liangzhou border. They almost fell in the last war, but they were also half disabled.

But she couldn't hate it anyway.

Especially when he was about to send him away, he was even a little bit reluctant.

She couldn't put it into words, but it really existed in her heart.

So, after knowing that Chen Yuan was going to leave, she took the risk and sneaked out of the harem, just to see Chen Yuan again and smoke another cigarette from above.

"Be careful in the south, safety is the priority, and don't try to be aggressive when things go wrong." Concubine Yang lowered her head, sipped a cup of herbal tea, and exhaled like blue.

"You don't know my character yet?"

"I'm only worried if I know."

Concubine Yang Gui snorted softly, quite like a little girl.

Chen Yuan's personality is well known, but anyone who has been in contact with him will understand that although he is not hot-blooded and impulsive, he is definitely not a stable temperament.

Either he kills, or someone kills him.

If you count Chen Yuan's deeds after he came out of Ping'an County, you will find that he really came to this step stepping on the bones under his feet, ruthless and ruthless.


"I've heard a little bit about what happened in the Golden Luan Hall the day before yesterday. In fact, you don't have to refuse. In that case, if the two state officials didn't help each other and you didn't have any major faults, the emperor would not Let me go."

"I know."

What kind of character is Jing Tai? Although he doesn't have much contact with him, he still knows a little bit. Not to mention a domineering and domineering tyrant, but there are also signs of this.

The most taboo is that the courtiers below commit crimes above.

Even if Chen Yuan had made great contributions to the imperial court, he was still just a courtier and could not resist the emperor. This was despising the imperial power.

It's just that at that time, it was impossible for him not to resist.

If he just suffers some losses, he will endure it as long as it is for the future, but if he wants to tie a rope to him, he still has the strength to fight, that is absolutely impossible.

One of them must die!

Sooner or later.

"I have met Pingyang before, and tested her meaning. I still have great hopes." Concubine Yang was silent for a long time, but she still spoke.

This is one of the few things she can do for Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan glanced at her, although this kind of thing is unnecessary, but he still has his heart, nodded:

"I understand, it's getting late, you have to go back later, do you want to smoke another one?"

Concubine Yang Gui hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly.

In a blink of an eye, it was the next day.

Last night, Mr. Chen, who smoked several times, woke up early, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and he opened his eyes. He let himself go on the bed for a while, and finally got up after a long time.

Looking at all the familiar decorations in the room, Chen Yuan let out a long breath.

There is nothing to be reluctant about.

No matter how good the capital is, it is not his home.

No matter how broken Ping'an County is, it will always be his first home in this world. Although it is dilapidated, it is heart-warming.

The news of his departure spread all over the capital, but not many people knew when he would leave, and he didn't want to delay the time with much fanfare.

The person who should say goodbye has met before.

There is no need to say goodbye, and there is no need to meet people who have no friendship.

He didn't see Sima Ke, but it didn't mean that this person was not important. On the contrary, this guy was still very useful to him. As Jingtai's fourth son, with his current momentum, his influence was not small.

But Jingtai must be afraid of the relationship between him and Sima Ke. In Xuntiansi, he has already greeted several divine envoys. They will not vote for his camp, but they will never make trouble.

That's enough.

For the rest, he will try to avoid suspicion as much as possible.

When he was smoking yesterday, he told Concubine Yang Guifei about it, and asked him to pass a word to Sima Ke. Recently, there have been more disturbances.

The crown prince will be appointed.

If not, Chen Yuan will do his best to help him succeed.

This is Chen Yuan's painting cake, but Sima Ke can only eat it.

After staying in the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion for half an hour, after exhorting Uncle Fu a few words, Chen Yuan quietly left the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion as if he was wandering around on a daily basis.

Then quietly left Shenjing City.

Not to say that no one knows, but it's not much to think about.

Chen Yuan came out from the south gate of Shenjing City, and headed straight for Changshan Mansion. As soon as he left the city, Chen Yuan, who had nothing to worry about, immediately flew across the sky like a shooting star.

In the eyes of ordinary people, such supernatural powers similar to Huahong cannot be perceived.


Chen Yuan, who was walking high in the sky, stopped his forward body in an instant, looked suspiciously at the front left position, and the sound of killing pianos filled his ears and filled the surroundings.

Taking a closer look, a woman in a white skirt is plucking the strings under her body thousands of feet in front of her, and the sounds of the piano are intersecting one after another, which is both dignified and parting.

The woman in the white skirt was wearing long hair, with only a wooden hairpin inserted on her head, she looked unusually free and easy.

The skin looks like suet white jade from a distance, and it seems to be emitting a shimmer.

The eyebrows are like willow leaves, and also like sword eyebrows, which look very heroic.

The bridge of the nose is high, the eyes are bright and the teeth are bright, the long hair moves with the wind, and the white skirt on the body is also moving slowly.

Such a scene is no less than a landscape painting, both tranquil and beautiful.

And the appearance of the woman in the white skirt was also seen by Chen Yuan at a glance, and he was a little surprised in his heart.

Because this woman is the eldest princess of the dynasty, Pingyang!

Looking at what he did today, he should be seeing him off.

After the end of the song, Princess Pingyang stood up, looked at the stagnant figure in the void, raised her hand and bowed.

It seems to be saying, safe journey.

She didn't know that Chen Yuan would leave today, but according to his movements, it could be counted, so she waited here today, and she didn't know what she was waiting for.

But it finally came.

Just like going to Lin'an Mansion.

Looking at each other, the atmosphere froze.

Neither Chen Yuan nor Pingyang said much, just looked at each other calmly, after about ten breaths, Chen Yuan nodded slightly, cupped his fists in a salute, and walked away.

Princess Pingyang stood on the mountain peak, looking to the south, like a watchman stone, she did not move for a long time.

This day is the ninth year of Jingtai in the Jin Dynasty, June 26.

The palace, the imperial garden.

Jingtai, who was dressed in a plain robe, held a jade slip in his hand, and looked at the contents indifferently.

There are several eunuchs and maids serving around.

In the garden, the fragrance of flowers is overflowing.

"Your Majesty, Eunuch Cao is here."

A young eunuch bowed and said.

"Let him in."

Jingtai put the jade slip in his hand on the stone table, but after a while, Cao Zhengxian walked from the door to the emperor, bowing slightly:

"The old minister sees His Majesty."

"sit down."

Jingtai pointed to the side.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Cao Zhengxian sat on the emperor's side very familiarly.

"Chen Yuan is gone?"

"At this time, there is no trace of him in the capital, and he probably left." The emperor's supervisor's eyeliner spread all over the capital, trying to track down a person, even if the person's cultivation was extremely high, he couldn't get rid of him.

Finding someone is easy.

But if you can't find it, it can only prove two things, one is that this person has thrown off the hidden eyeliner all over the capital, and the other is that this person has completely left the capital.

"Your Majesty, there is another piece of news from the old minister." Cao Zhengxian smiled lightly. Now that the emperor is not in a hurry or angry, he has relaxed his speech a lot.

"what news?"

Jingtai glanced at him.

"It was discovered by a secret that at midnight today, a plump and beautiful woman sneaked out from the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion. I wanted to investigate who this person was, but because I was afraid of Chen Yuan, I didn't move in the end."

Cao Zhengxian said so.

Jingtai let out a laugh:

"You old guy is still staring at this kind of thing. Chen Yuan has never married a wife, and it's normal to have a woman who is close to others, but it seems that the rumors are true. This person is a good wife, different from ordinary people, and she is indeed a young man."

"This person may have a lot of contact with Chen Yuan. If she is found and used as a threat, Chen Yuan may fall into a trap." Cao Zhengxian said very seriously.

This can be regarded as a handle that is not a handle.

"What do you think of Chen Yuan's personality?" Jingtai didn't answer Cao Zhengxian's question, but asked instead.

Cao Zhengxian pondered for a moment, then whispered:

"He has a ruthless heart, is decisive and ruthless, puts interests first in everything, and acts step by step."

"Then do you think a person with such a personality will do bad things because of a woman?"

"What Your Majesty said is that the old minister has some"

Jingtai waved his hand: "I understand Chen Yuan's character a little bit, she is just a woman, she will never risk her life for her, and now he has not dared to break his face with me, this kind of trick is just, needless to say.

As long as Chen Yuan is not committing a great treason, committing the following crimes, liking a few women is nothing. "

"Your Majesty's lesson is, old minister, remember."

Cao Zhengxian nodded seriously.

"How's the investigation going on with those few things?"

Jingtai asked casually.

Cao Zhengxian knew what Jingtai was asking, and said in a low voice:

"Lanzhou is not clear, but the latest news from Youzhou seems to be a bit wrong, and it may have something to do with the remnants of the Xiang family who showed up in the north before.

As for Shu Prefecture, it is still unclear whether there are traces of Shengjiao activities, traces of Tianmo Temple, and "

"What else?"

"There are still some traces of monster activities. Lu Renjia's death may not be that simple."

"The south is going to be unstable."

Jingtai looked solemn.

"Yeah, with so many things coming together, there are indeed signs of instability in the south. It's better to transfer Chen Yuan to another place. Otherwise, with his character and talent potential, he may not be able to come back alive."

"This kid is lucky. He has survived so many dangerous situations before, and this time is not bad. He has no intention of marrying a wife, and his ambition is in the world.

I don't know if it's true, but I can satisfy him. If I can't meet my requirements within a year, I have to come back to get married and tie a rope to him.

His talent is too terrifying to keep, and the next time, not to mention Duke Wei and Zhen Guogong, even if counting the national teacher, there is also Wei Jinfeng,

I will never compromise again! "

"Your Majesty said so."

"However, if he really died in the south, he would have to transport his body back to the capital. I'm actually curious as to what he relied on to catch up with ordinary people for decades in just a few years. time."

Jingtai added another sentence at the end.

Cao Zhengxian was stunned for a moment, before he had time to appreciate what was inside, he could only nod his head and say:

"Yes, the old minister understands."

"It's been so long, have you found the trace of the painting saint?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, the scope has been reduced by half, leaving only the central, southern, and western areas of Shu that have not been investigated. Wu Daozi should be within these areas."

"I'll give you another year, just like Chen Yuan, if you can't bring Wu Daozi back to the capital after one year, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Jing Tai said in a condensed voice.

One year is definitely considered relatively generous.

And his time is running out, and there will be more than a year to die, if he still can't complete his plan, the impact will be too great.

"The old minister obeys the order, and within one year, this person must be brought before His Majesty."

Cao Zhengxian looked solemn and dignified.

"Okay, remember what you said, go down."

"The old minister will leave."

Qingzhou, Nanling Prefecture, Ping'an County.

The small courtyard of the Chen family, which has not been disturbed for a long time, does not appear to be messy, not even dusty. This is due to Wang Ping, who has flourished in Ping'an County for the past two years.

All the brothels in Goulan all over the county know his name.

Who doesn't say a word about Lord Ping when they see it?

However, although Wang Ping's power is astonishing, he is always clear in his heart, knowing where his power comes from, and even the adults in Fucheng dare not do anything to him. Chen Yuan, his brother.

Knowing in his heart, he would naturally not be negligent, the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion is still under construction, he spends a lot of free time cleaning and cleaning the yard apart from supervising the construction.

He knew that Brother Yuan was a nostalgic person, even if the palace was built, it might not be as important as this small courtyard.

Since there is not much you can do, do your best.

The original appearance of the small courtyard has been maintained. Anyone who dares to damage a brick or tile in this courtyard will have to pay a huge price.

On this day, as usual, Wang Ping cleaned the yard as usual, and after offering a stick of incense to Chen Yuan's parents and uncle, he turned around and closed the door to leave.

As soon as Wang Ping left, the surrounding space changed, and there were faint waves. Wearing a black robe, Xiang Qianqiu, who was somewhat similar to Chen Yuan, walked out slowly.

After looking around in the small courtyard for a while, he opened the door and entered. A tiny strand of hair fell from it. Xiang Qianqiu narrowed his eyes, grabbed it, and walked into the room.

As far as the eye can see, there are three spiritual bits.

No name, but he knew one of the pieces was his.

After staring at the room for a long time, Xiang Qianqiu's eyes remained indifferent, as if nothing could arouse his interest. After observing for a while, just as he was about to leave, he found an ordinary paintbrush on a shelf.

Xiang Qianqiu's mouth twitched into a faint sneer, he put the paintbrush out of his bag, put his hair back, and quietly left the small courtyard of the Chen family.

When he reappeared, he was in the back mountain of Ci'en Temple outside Ping'an County.

A green-robed monk with some vicissitudes was sitting cross-legged on the back mountain. His face was a bit unusual, as if he was in his twenties or in his thirties.

The eyes are a bit vicissitudes.

If Chen Yuan was here, he would definitely be able to find out that this person is the empty monk who gave him the Vajra Glazed Body Kung Fu back then, and he was also the one who gave Chen Yuan a Crucial reminder.

Although it was paid for.

"The benefactor."

Monk Xuyan looked at the void in front of him, nodding his head and laughing.

"Is it done?"

Xiang Qianqiu walked out of the void expressionlessly, and stopped in front of him with indifferent eyes.

"The countries in the Western Regions have already begun to make movements. If they move, they will inevitably drive the Lingshan Mountain behind. As long as the imperial court and the Western Lingshan Mountain are at odds, Xiang's chance may come."

Xu Yan smiled lightly.

"These are just trails, not that important. The bald donkey in Lingshan is not stupid, how can he not understand the truth?"

"Hehe, Amitabha."

"You lazy monk, have you done what I entrusted to you?"

Xiang Qianqiu looked directly at him.

Monk Xuyan smiled and said nothing, and stretched out his palm.

With a cold snort, a water spirit bead emitting black light was thrown into his hand.

"The poor monk is not the subordinate of the benefactor. You and I are just a transaction. Since it is a transaction, it is natural to speak with benefits."

"Okay, let's talk."

"It's already done, but the poor monk is a little puzzled. Why does Xiang benefactor, who has always regarded himself as the orthodox world, get involved with the monster race in the south?"

False looked directly at him.

Xiang Qianqiu remained silent, and also stretched out his palm, the meaning of which was self-evident.

"Forget it, the poor monk will stop asking."

Seeing that he still needed to get something, Xu Yan no longer wanted to ask.

"How many things you have taken from me these years, you lazy monk, and now you are reluctant to return them at all. Fortunately, you were once the number one person under the Lingshan Bodhisattva, the golden dragon subduing Arhat who shocked the Western Regions."

Xiang Qianqiu snorted coldly.

Xu Yan smiled:

"The Dragon Subduing Arhat is the past, the Xuyan monk is the present, and the natural materials and earth treasures are the future. Since the great change in Lingshan more than 200 years ago, the poor monks are no longer the members of the Lingshan tribe.

Also, the poor monk made a deal with you and stayed in Ping'an County for you for nearly twenty years, shouldn't he take something from you? "

"Shou? You sleep here every day, can you count as a guard?"

"At least, that benefactor Chen is safe and secure."

"With Wu Daozi around, nothing will happen to him."

"But you still let me come."

Xiang Qianqiu looked at him, changed the subject, and said in a deep voice:

"Follow me, and when I succeed in restoring the country, I will appoint you as the national teacher, and let you establish a moral lineage to last forever."

"How many people has Master Xiang told you this?"

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