I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 577 I want to be emperor!

Monk Xuyan is not out of his mind, he doesn't believe in Xiang Qianqiu's paintings at all, and he doesn't want to be some kind of national teacher or establish any orthodoxy.

More than 200 years ago, there was a great chaos in the Lingshan Mountain, and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva escaped into the magic way and was suppressed under the Lingshan Mountain. He was the closest Arhat to walk with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

I had the opportunity to be promoted to Bodhisattva and was taught by him many times.

After King Ksitigarbha was suppressed, he had doubts and wanted to see Buddha to defend Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, but he was reprimanded by Manjusri Bodhisattva, and he was forgiven only after 30 years of chanting.

Thirty years of reciting sutras to nourish his mind did not wipe out his mind at all. Seeing that he was not in harmony with Lingshan, he left Lingshan and turned into a false statement, meaning false words, and has not returned yet.

All I have in this life is to be at ease, and it is impossible to be restrained any more.

"It doesn't matter how many people you tell, as long as you promise, I will definitely do what I promised." Who said that there can only be one national teacher? Just give it a false name.

As long as Jianglong Luohan is willing to do things for him, the position of a national teacher is nothing more than nothing.

This person used to be an arhat, and he had already advanced a step further in a hundred years of practice, and his strength was not weak, so he had to be recruited.

"What the poor monk is asking for is nothing more than a sense of comfort, the benefactor Xiang should get rid of this thought." Xu Yan shook his head and refused.

Staring at him for a moment, Xiang Qianqiu let out a sigh of relief:

"Forget it, think about it for yourself. My promise has always been valid. Since there is nothing wrong now, please do one more thing for me."

"It won't work recently, the poor monk has one more thing."

"Add money to this seat."

"How much?"

"How much do you want?"

"Just kidding, the poor monk really has something to do, and he can't get away for a while. The benefactor, please ask someone else to be wise. I will meet again in the future."

Monk Xuyan laughed, turned and left.

He took out a wine gourd from his sleeve, although it contained ordinary wine, it was a rare strong wine in the world, and to him, the taste was much better than some spirit wine.

"Wine and meat pass through the intestines, but the Buddha keeps it in his heart"

Monk Xuyan shook his head and hummed, gradually drifting away.

Xiang Qianqiu kept staring at him, seeing that his figure was no longer visible, and frowned, but he didn't force it, but turned around and escaped into the void.

The surroundings are extremely peaceful, just like before.

In Qingzhou City.

Chen Yuan, who was dressed in a plain blue shirt, took just over a day to arrive at Qingzhou City, where he had been away for nearly half a year. As the most elite gathering place in the entire Qingzhou, there was still a lot of people.

Official servants and military guards of the Sky Survey Division can be seen everywhere, as can Ninggang warriors and Foundation Establishment warriors, except that there are fewer Xuanwu masters.

Compared with the capital city, this place is obviously two grades lower.

But for Chen Yuan, this is the best.

His cultivation has reached Huayang, but he is only average in the capital, not the top level, but in the state capital below, the strong man who can fight and refine the gods already belongs to the top level.

Even setting up a top sect is nothing.

It's just that this is slapping the court in the face, which is almost impossible. One day being a patrol angel, one must be a patrol angel for the rest of his life, unless Chen Yuan's strength can make the court afraid, so he can only sit back and slap him in the face.

There was nothing to stop in Zhongzhou. After meeting Princess Pingyang that day, he didn't stop to rest on the way, and there was no disturbance.

After leaving the capital, with Chen Yuan's current status and strength, it is no exaggeration to say that the sea is wide enough for fishes to leap, the sky is high for birds to fly, and dragons to dive out of the sea.

Passing through the territory of Qingzhou, it is naturally similar to the previous journey, first go to see Jiang He once, convey the words of his sister-in-law Li Hongshuang, and then ask about the situation in Shuzhou.

And at this moment, within the Qingzhou Sky Survey Division.

The Jin envoy Jiang He, the two alchemy envoys, and the eight sky-scanning green envoys who had no missions formed a big battle, preparing for the upcoming new envoys of Tianzi.

If Jiang He didn't stop him, even the state shepherd and the military general would have to come.

Although Qingzhou is not directly under the Governor's Sanzhou Tianxun Division, it still has to welcome the adults to come. The court officials of the third rank and the title of Marquis of Wanhu are basically equivalent to violent killings in the state capital below.

Except for the Duke of the State and the king with a different surname, no one has a higher title than Chen Yuan.

Just ask one question, who would dare not obey.

It took less than two and a half years to get to where it is today. To be honest, many people were in a daze. The two deputy envoys and the several young envoys were all existences who had dealt with Chen Yuan before.

In a blink of an eye, he was still standing still, and that person had become an important minister in the court. The sense of gap was really not ordinary.

During the process of greeting, many people were still sneaking glances at the golden envoy Jiang He at the front, with meaningful eyes, and they all had such a gap.

What will happen to Jiang He, who was once the immediate boss of Lord Chen Hou?

It was natural to see him well, but I felt uncomfortable thinking about it.

It's a pity that they were wrong, Jiang He didn't have a gap at all, and his face was still very calm, as if he was just welcoming an envoy of God.

To say that the only one with a sense of gap is just the title.

When Chen Yuan met him before, he never left his mouth to call himself a subordinate, a lowly position, and a low official, and he will call him that later.

Quite interesting.

Not long after, Chen Yuan arrived at the Sky Survey Division. When he arrived in Qingzhou City, he had already informed the local officials. This time, he was not performing any mission, and there was no need to cover up his whereabouts.

He is ordered to town the three states and return to his hometown!

As far as vanity is concerned, there is some, but not much. Essentially, he is announcing his arrival in the south, laying the groundwork for future events and building momentum.

Wherever the eyes are, there are eyes of admiration and worship.

With calm eyes, Jiang He bowed and clasped his fists:

"Xiaguan Jiang He, I have met Lord Angel!"



As soon as Jiang He moved, a group of people behind him bowed down and saluted at the same time, with respectful expressions.

Once upon a time, when Chen Yuan saw Jiang He for the first time, it was such a scene, but now it is a bit interesting, he smiled and nodded slightly.

As soon as the divine mind moved, an invisible heaven and earth vitality supported everyone present.

"You are all old acquaintances, so there is no need to be polite."

"Thank you, my lord."

"Thank you, my lord."

The voices kept ringing one after another.

Jiang He welcomed Chen Yuan into the Palace of Xuntian. This time, Chen Yuan was at the top, while Jiang He and the patrol angels at all levels below sat obediently at the bottom.

Chen Yuan actually had nothing to say to these people, after encouraging them, he let them go down, leaving Jiang He alone.

In an instant, the Xuntian Palace was shrouded in an invisible restraint, covering up outsiders' investigations, and Jiang He, who was still a little respectful, quickly returned to his original appearance.

It is still cold, and there is no wave in the ancient well.

Can't see the joy, anger, sorrow and joy.

"It's good to come."

Jiang He's words were still very concise.

"Getting out of the sea of ​​suffering in the capital is a blessing in the world."

"Hehe." Chen Yuan smiled lightly:

"When I came back this time, my sister-in-law asked me to convey a few words to you."

"What words?"

"Let you go to the capital quickly, if it doesn't work, she will leave secretly."

"There is no need for this. She is the daughter of the Li family. How could she do such a thing as eloping? If it is spread to the world, it will not look good." Jiang He shook his head, disapproving.

"It's good that you know it in your heart. After all, this is your private matter. Elopement is nothing. There is no need to care about other people's opinions. However, from my point of view, I don't approve of this kind of thing.

Before you and I made an agreement to go to the capital to snatch a marriage together, this is the grandeur. "

"You are not strong enough, practice as soon as possible."

Jiang He took a sip of the spirit tea.

"I can't wait for too long, you just need to start preparing now, by the way. Is the cause of Lu Renjia's death now conclusive? Chen thinks it shouldn't be done by the Wusheng Sect." In front of Jiang He, He also has nothing to hide.

"How did you see that?"

"According to my guess, Wushengjiao may have something to do with Jingtai."

Chen Yuan told Jiang He this somewhat outrageous guess.

But Jiang He frowned, looking at Chen Yuan with a weird look.

The emperor of a country colluded with demons and monsters?

No matter how you listen, it feels like you are joking.

"Brother Jiang, don't you believe me?"

"Talk about the source of your guess first."

Seeing that what Chen Yuan said doesn't seem to be fake, Jiang He is half-believing now, although Chen Yuan would occasionally make some harmless jokes, but obviously not at this time.

"I have three guesses. First, we made a big fuss in the imperial city before."

Chen Yuan told Jiang He all the information he knew, whether it was the ancestor worship of the royal family before, or the weirdness of Jingtai, he told Jiang He all the information.

Jiang He was regarded as Chen Yuan's most trusted person besides Su Ziyue among several Taoist masters in the Taoist Palace. He knew his character well, and such things would never be rumored.

And the reason why he said it was because he still had his own plan.

I didn't say it before, but he still couldn't decide whether he would have a conflict with Jingtai. If he did it directly, it would be useless to say anything.

And now that he hasn't completely broken his face with Jingtai, he will naturally start planning for the future.

Jiang He has the strength of Yangshen, and his combat power is extremely strong, so he can definitely help him a lot.

After listening to Chen Yuan's statement, Jiang He, who was still dubious at first, gradually turned serious at this moment, his eyes flickered, and he was obviously shocked by the news.

The king of a country, the lord of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, the nominal co-lord of the entire world, is involved with Wushengjiao, a demonic force that commits all kinds of crimes, extracts souls and refines souls, and everyone yells to beat them. No matter who hears it, they will be shocked.

He is also included.

After a long time, Jiang He looked at Chen Yuan and said in a condensed voice:

"This matter may not be true. Do you know that the imperial court has always had a relentless attitude towards Wushengjiao? If Wushengjiao has something to do with Jingtai, why do you want to suppress it so hard?"

Chen Yuan naturally knew about this matter. After all, when his cultivation was weak, no matter whether it was in Ping'an County or Nanling Mansion, as long as he encountered a monster of Wushengjiao, the government would kill them all.

I would rather kill a mistake than let it go.

An iron-blooded attitude.

However, who said hostility is the enemy?

"The more this is the case, the more suspicions can be cleared. You also know that once the identity of Jingtai and the identity of the Wusheng Sect monster are spread, it will definitely be a scene of ruin and the world will be angry.

Jingtai can be regarded as a bit smart, how can he not know the pros and cons? "

"What you said makes sense."

Jiang He affirmed Chen Yuan's statement.

There is a difference between good and evil, if he is Jingtai, he will definitely take a clear-cut attitude, and kill this kind of demonic forces that draw souls and refine souls and condense blood pills.

"Furthermore, if what I know is correct, the Wusheng Sect has become the top demon sects in the world in the past few decades.

In just a few decades, how could it have developed so fast if there was no blood transfusion from big forces? "

The first monster Chen Yuan met was a member of the Wusheng Sect. Naturally, he had some understanding of this force, and it developed very quickly. In just a few decades, he became a well-known master of magic.

The forces spread all over the south, and the imperial court suppressed it many times without any results, and even the more they suppressed, the stronger it became. No one can figure out who the true leader of the Wusheng Sect is.

I only know the old mother of Wusheng, the ancestor of Wusheng, these slogans shouted by the monsters of Wusheng Cult.

There are many alchemy masters alone, and some of them have even appeared at the Huayang level.

"what do you mean"

"Jingtai is in his fifties and has been in power for many years. He was just a prince who was not favored. If so, his rise and Wushengjiao began to show up in the arena. There is some overlap."

Chen Yuan thought about this question not long ago, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that there was a problem.

"But what is his purpose in doing this?"

This is very puzzling, and Jiang He only had some doubts in a short time.

After all, the emperor has power all over the world, and has the richest cultivation resources in the world. What can he want and not get? Why do you want to cooperate with Wushengjiao?

Once this kind of thing is exposed, the world will be shocked, and he will not be able to sit on the throne at all.

It is impossible for a normal person to do such a dangerous thing.

Chen Yuan smiled mysteriously, staring at Jiang Hedao:

"Everyone in the world knows that after the founding of the Great Jin Dynasty, the emperor will not live forever, and the emperor who is under pressure from the country can't practice at all, can't perceive the vitality of the heaven and the earth, let alone form the elixir and transform the yang.

And Jingtai is known as the number one genius of the Sima royal family. He forcibly relied on his talent to cultivate to Tiandan and won the longevity of the top three. But...if his talent is really unrivaled, would the Sima royal family not know?

He will definitely lead him to the martial arts, not the emperor of the world. After all, the Sima family's throne can be more stable with one more Yangshen Zhenjun.

Therefore, I suspect that Jingtai's Tiandan cultivation base may have something to do with this matter! "

Although Chen Yuan's voice was flat, there was strength in it, which made Jiang He frowned and thought of this matter.

"It's possible."

"I don't think that's a small possibility."

"What are you telling me about this?"

Jiang He's eyes flickered, and he vaguely guessed Chen Yuan's purpose. When he was still in the capital, he had exchanged things in this regard with Tianshu.

But at that time, Chen Yuan didn't say much, it was just a guess.

But now it is obviously not right to draw so many words because of such a question.

"Brother Jiang should have guessed it."

A smile appeared on Chen Yuan's face. Although Jiang He didn't talk much and was relatively cold, he had a lot of thoughts. He had a personality that was cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

"Since you came to me, you should speak clearly."

Jiang He took a sip of herbal tea and looked directly at him.

"I hope Brother Jiang will take advantage of this period of time and the other Taoist masters of the Taoist Palace to help me investigate this matter with all my strength. The Wusheng Sect is very powerful in the south, and its lair is likely to be in the south.

The power of Dao Shrine is not weak, and there is a chance to investigate the truth. "

"and then?"

"Then?" Chen Yuan seemed to have a sneer at the corner of his mouth:

"Then I have a handle and a reason in my hands. As long as this matter is exposed, Jingtai, an old man, will definitely step down. As long as I continue to follow the trend, the world will be in chaos!

The opportunity for our Dao Shrine has come. "

"I'm afraid it's more than that?"

"I want to kill Jingtai, and want to raise an incident to restore the world's complete peace. These need an upright excuse, so this matter must be investigated clearly."

"One year, you don't want to go back to the capital?"

News from the capital spread quickly, so he naturally knew about it.



"Didn't you and I say it before? Wouldn't it be nice to go to the capital to snatch a relative, and then do something big by the way?"

"How courageous."


"Spoke this matter out, after killing Jingtai, what do you want to do?"

"It's not what I want to do, it's what the Taoist Palace wants to do. You have been with the Taoist Palace longer than me, and you also know the meaning of the other Taoist masters and the meaning of Senior Mo Luo.

If you want to counterattack Lingshan, this level of strength is not enough, unless you gather the power of the world, and only the Ninth Five-Year Lord has the qualifications to mobilize the power of the world. "

"You want to take that seat?"

Jiang He looked at him.

"Who wouldn't want to? Become the supreme being in the world, keep the constitution in your mouth, follow the law when you say it, and sit on thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, the world will dare not to follow." Chen Yuan said in a deep voice.

This is also the first time he has shown his thoughts in front of Jiang He without fear.

"Do you think Jingtai has the ability to do this?" Jiang He felt it was funny when he heard Chen Yuan say that he had the constitution in his mouth, followed the law with his words, and surrendered to the world.

An emperor can't do these things, only strength can do it.

"That's because he is too useless, and the Sima family has too many constraints. If they want to centralize power, they can only slowly withdraw their power. The great immortal sects are not afraid of the court at all. He really doesn't have that power."

"Then you mean...you can?"

"How do you know if you don't try? In life, you shouldn't live under others for a long time, but climb to the top and truly control your own destiny,"

Chen Yuan's eyes were deep. At this moment, his whole body seemed to be enveloped by a great majesty.

"Are you also greedy for worldly imperial power?"

"If God doesn't take it, you will be blamed instead. It's really impossible not to sit in that seat."

"You have also seen the fate of Jingtai and the emperors of the Sima family. If you become an emperor, you will be suppressed by the fate of the country. Don't you want to enjoy a long life?"

Jiang He asked back.

"Do you know Grandfather Chu Yu?"


"If he becomes the co-lord of the world, he won't have any influence. It's not that simple."


"It's been decided a long time ago, otherwise, why do you think I raised private soldiers in Tangshan? Why do you think I worked so hard to gain fame in Liangzhou?

Jiang He didn't speak, his eyes were pensive.

"Old Ginger."


"help me."

"it is good!"

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