I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 578: Blessed Spirit Hearts Arriving, Primordial Spirit Consummated!

Jiang He's answer was very straightforward, without any hesitation.

Due to his personality, he wouldn't say much at first, but he kept everything in his heart. In the same way, he also knew what kind of personality Chen Yuan had.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have thought about going to the capital with him to grab his wife.

Jiang He has helped Chen Yuan many times. Whenever Chen Yuan has the strength, he will never say anything else, just help.

The grace of dripping water is reciprocated by the spring.

The two looked at each other and smiled without saying anything.

True Monarch Jianghe has unparalleled fighting power and sword intent. If Chen Yuan wants to investigate the truth of Wushengjiao's collusion with Jingtai, he will definitely rely on his strength, and at present he can only rely on his strength.

The two didn't say much about this matter, because it would take some time to investigate.

It's not just about talking.

Careful investigation is needed, and the root cause should be traced without making any fuss. After all, this matter is really too big, and Jingtai and Wushengjiao will definitely try their best to hide it.

Of course, Chen Yuan will not be idle either.

After he takes control of the power of the three states, he will also take the initiative to investigate this matter.

"Apart from that, I actually want to know one more thing." Chen Yuan's expression was still serious.

"About the Daoist Seven Emotions?"


This time Chen Yuan returned to the south, not only because of his own plan, but also partly because of Su Ziyue. When she contacted her last time, she had asked for his help.

It's just that I didn't say anything more later, I just said it after returning to the south.

Also, very few are online.

The Taoist masters of the Taoist Palace knew that she probably encountered some kind of problem now, but when they asked her, she was unwilling to tell, so she had to give up.

Now that Chen Yuan is back, he naturally wants to know about Su Ziyue.

Jiang He came from a small family in Zhongzhou, and now the family has been exterminated. Li Suqing grew up in the Goddess Palace since she was a child, but failed to compete for the palace master and became the Great Elder.

The evil ghost Taoist Yang Huatian came from southern Xinjiang, and his own background is also very simple. It is nothing more than a good talent since he was a child, but he suffered from no way to get started, so he got the help of Mo Luo.

According to Chen Yuan's estimate, he was also the first Taoist master to join the Taoist Palace.

Chu Changfeng became famous at a young age, founded a sect and established a sect, ranking among the top sects in the world.

Mo Luo and Chen Yuan don't need to say much, the only one who has some questions is Su Ziyue. Chen Yuan once asked her, but she never revealed it.

The rest of the Taoists are rarely mentioned.

Now that Chen Yuan wants to help Su Ziyue, it is better to know her background, but unfortunately Mo Luo has fallen into silence again, otherwise Chen Yuan would not ask Jiang He.

Jiang He pondered for a moment, then said:

"Seven Emotions Daoist and I joined the Taoist Palace one after the other, but I don't know her origin, I only know that she came from the southern region, and where she came from. In fact, I don't know too much."

Chen Yuan frowned and nodded slightly.

Before leaving the capital, he had also asked Li Hongshuang when he met Li Hongshuang, but the answer was similar to Jiang He's. He didn't know much about the background of his good sister.

It's just that both she and the Taoist masters of the Taoist Palace know that Su Ziyue definitely has some origins, and there are forces behind her to support her, otherwise, she wouldn't have the ability to take out spiritual objects from time to time.

The cultivation base is also growing so fast.

Naturally, she can't compare with peerless geniuses like Jiang He and Chen Yuan, but she is about the same age as Jiang He, and she broke through Huayang in just a few decades, and she is definitely the first in the world.

It's just that he has not shown his dew in the rivers and lakes.

"However." Jiang He hesitated for a moment, seeing that Chen Yuan really wanted to find out, and continued:

"However, several Taoists like us once guessed that the Taoist Seven Emotions should come from a hermit family."

"Aristocratic family?"

Chen Yuan raised his brows, but he also doubted it.

"That's right, just like Taixu Palace and Kunlun Mountain, there are still some aristocratic families in the world who were once glorious, but due to various reasons, they seldom walk around in the rivers and lakes.

Most of these aristocratic families are low-strength and possess heavy treasures, so they have no choice but to do so. "

This is not a lie. If the strength is really terrifying, there is no need to hide from the world. If you really want to grow, you still have to gain a foothold in the Central Plains and compete with other forces for resources.

"You'd better contact Daoist Seven Emotions first and ask what is going on. If you really encounter a problem, you will be supported by the Daoist Masters of the Dao God Palace. Even if you are a fairy sect, you may not be able to fight!"

The source of Jiang He's self-confidence still comes from the power of Dao Shrine.

Needless to say, the forces all over the south, just the body strength of a few Taoist masters is an extremely powerful force in the world, Immortal Mo Luo.

The Yang God Jiang He, Yang Huatian, Li Suqing, and Chu Changfeng are all at the peak of refining gods, and their combat power is not bad.

There are also high-ranking court officials like Chen Yuan, who possess more power than Xianmen.

There may still be some gaps in the top few fairy sects, but the fairy sects that have begun to decline like the Goddess Palace are definitely not as powerful as the Taoist Palace.

This is also one of Chen Yuan's confidence.

"I see."

Chen Yuan nodded solemnly.

Chen Yuan didn't stay in the Tianxun Division of Qingzhou City for a short time, and it was only a few hours when he was full of business and calculations.

Declining the invitation of Qingzhou State Shepherd and some officials, Chen Yuan quickly disappeared here.

However, the news of his appearance quickly began to spread from Qingzhou City to the outside. At the same time, Jiang He also began to order to secretly track down the traces of the Wusheng Cult demon in the territory.

The meeting with Jiang He was generally very good.

Chen Yuan officially showed his ambition for the first time, and Jiang He expressed his full support, and he was also the first among several Taoist masters in the Taoist Palace to support him.

The rest are Chu Changfeng and Li Suqing.

Yang Hua was not fond of rules by nature, and his reputation was too bad and too fierce, so he was not suitable to be the person in power introduced by Dao Shrine Palace. The people who could compete with Chen Yuan were Chu Changfeng and Li Suqing.

Among them, Chu Changfeng's attitude is crucial.

He formed a school of his own, founded a family and became an ancestor. He is a very ambitious character. He may not support Chen Yuan's superiority.

Gather the power of the entire Taoist Palace, plus some of his own forces, condense into one body, and help him rise to the top!

Nanling Fucheng, within the Sky Survey Division.

The Qing envoy Zhang Xuan closed his eyes and exhaled, surrounded by more than a dozen yuan crystals condensed into the Yuan Gathering Formation, which is very precious below, and maybe a power can only save a few of them.

But Zhang Xuan is different after all, he has a background behind him.

As the most gifted son of Zhang Yantong, he has been tempered since he was a child, and he has no shortage of resources. In order to facilitate his future, he even sent him to the state capital below to accumulate qualifications.

But it is impossible to fail in practice.

Because this is the most important thing, if he has the cultivation base of Chen Yuan, Zhang Yantong will not be willing to let him go out at all, so he will raise his cultivation base first.

Because many strong men from the previous session had already broken through, Zhang Xuan has now entered the Qianlong list in his previous life, and got the nickname of Cold Sword, which is similar to Demon Sword.

He used to be called Lengmian Zhangxuan, but now he is called Lengmian Handao.

It has a great reputation in Qingzhou.

The world does not revolve around Chen Yuan alone, as he grows, so do his friends and enemies.

He is already very close to the Alchemy Realm, and he is now polishing his cultivation. The matter of being transferred back to the capital has been settled. He just waits for the transfer order from above to arrive, and he will return to the capital to make a breakthrough.

The road ahead has already been paved. Zhang Yantong will do his best to help him ascend to the position of the Eight Commanders.

It's just that although his growth rate is fast, compared with his good brother Chen Yuan, it is inevitable that he is too far behind.

Wanhuhou, the envoy of Tianzi.

Each one is a status that is admired by thousands of people.

The reason why he practiced desperately and reached the peak of Tongxuan in less than two years was because he was stimulated by Chen Yuan.

There is a gap, but not too large.

Waves of vitality poured into his body, and Chen Yuan's figure quietly appeared behind him. After watching for a while, he said lightly:

"It's reached the limit, if you continue to practice, the acupoints on your body will not be able to bear it."


Faced with a sudden voice, Zhang Xuan was startled for an instant, and was about to pull out the icy blade in front of him immediately, but when he took a closer look, his heart fell, and he hummed softly:

"Come on, why are you scaring me?"

"Just give Brother Zhang a surprise."

Chen Yuan didn't look outside and didn't put on airs, as if it was the same as before.

But Zhang Xuan's eyes flickered, and he bowed and said:

"My subordinate Zhang Xuan, see Lord Hou!"

"When Chen was the commander, why didn't you visit the shrine? Let's save it now."

"Okay, this is what the envoy himself said, so don't blame me for being rude." Zhang Xuan retracted the spirit knife into its scabbard, and hung it on the wall casually.

"Why would Chen blame you for being rude? You're out of touch."

"Hey, yes, what should you call me now?" Zhang Xuan looked at him with a smile.

"brother in law."

Chen Yuan also laughed.

In the past, he was Zhang Xuan's subordinate, but he did not pay less salutes, and now he has earned all the money back, no matter what, he will be his brother-in-law in the future, even though he is not close yet.

"Aren't you a womanizer? Why, did you see my second sister's heart move?" Zhang Xuan glanced at him.

At that time, he wanted to introduce his second sister to this guy, but he kept refusing. He thought that there was no chance, but he didn't expect that there was another village, and suddenly there was another door.

A few days ago, the second sister's letter had just arrived, and she vaguely mentioned that she and Chen Yuan had made great progress, and asked him to be honest with Chen Yuan in the future and not be rude.

"Wanshu is really good, but you are far behind."

With a wave of Chen Yuan's sleeve, a jar of spiritual wine appeared on the table immediately. It was something brought from the capital, and it was considered top-notch.

Zhang Xuan stepped forward and opened the wine jar, moved his nose, his eyes lit up:

"Good wine."

"It's specially brought for you."

"You are a majestic Marquis of Ten Thousand Households, why don't you bring an altar?"

"Drink or not?"


With four dishes of side dishes and a pot of priceless spirit wine, Chen Yuan and Zhang Xuan had a drink in the room of Nanling Mansion and drank three jars of spirit wine in a row.

The hesitation did not use his true energy to dispel it, and Zhang Xuan's face was already slightly red.

It's a pity to tell Chen Yuan that he had to go back to the capital to take up a post as soon as he was transferred to the south, and it was difficult to get together. If it was possible, it would be okay to work under his command.

With a decisive boss, who would dare to mess with him?

But Chen Yuan just smiled. He used to be a boss, but now he is a subordinate. Ordinary people are really awkward. They just took it as Zhang Xuan's drunken words and didn't take it to heart.

With the improvement of status, there are fewer and fewer people who are qualified to be Chen Yuan's friends, most of them are based on the balance of interests, not as pure as before when we were weak.

Therefore, Chen Yuan cherished these few guys who were willing to do anything for their friends.

After several hours of drinking, Zhang Xuan lowered his head and lay on the ground, muttering:

"My surname is Chen, my second sister was very kind to me before, if you still treat me as a friend, then don't let her down, otherwise we will be together in the future"

Before he finished speaking, he fell unconscious.

Chen Yuan folded his hands and smiled:

"Do not worry."

After confirming that Zhang Xuan was only drunk and had no other problems, he didn't stay too long, and announced his complete return in Qingzhou.

There is no need for this in Nanling Mansion.

It quickly disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

About thirty breaths after Chen Yuan left, Zhang Xuan, who was still unconscious before, raised his head from the table, with deep eyes, and sighed softly.

From Nanling Prefecture to Ping'an County, Chen Yuan used even faster speed and covered a distance of hundreds of miles in almost a moment. When looking down on this small county, he quickly found the palace under construction.

From the moment he became Marquis of Wu'an, Ping'an County was his fiefdom.

Come to think of it, it's really interesting.

Definitely a homecoming.

It's a pity that the girl who sold buns with a ponytail on the street has disappeared, and no one secretly stuffed eggs for him anymore. After she moved away, they didn't see each other, and each was safe.

Chen Yuan could find her, but it was not necessary.

The road to rebellion is vigorous and vigorous. Regardless of Chen Yuan's ambitions, no one knows whether he can succeed. Being an ordinary person like Wang Ping and living a stable life is already the dream of countless people.

Chen Yuan hid his breath and walked on the streets of Ping'an County. The people on both sides of the road turned a blind eye to him. Today was a lively market, and he saw many familiar faces.

There is Mrs. Tie, the former widow, Zhu Sihai from the Four Seas Gang, his former neighbors, and his colleagues and subordinates when he was in the county government.

Walking all the way, just like a stranger.

The time has only been less than two years, but it seems like the sea has changed, and things have changed.

Chen Yuan's current state is a bit strange, he looks like a passer-by, but also seems to be involved in it, because this is his starting point, where he rises.

Inside the Lingtai, the purple primordial spirit closed its eyes and exhaled. The dragon ball that had not been refined before was suspended above the primordial spirit, and traces of pure aura were poured into the primordial spirit.

Walking step by step, as if measuring the land.

Chen Yuan came to the county government of Ping'an County, saw more familiar faces, and also saw Wu Qingfeng, who was handling official duties seriously at the moment.

It seems that he dare not slack off.

Wu Qingfeng doesn't comment, but at least he is qualified as an official, better than Li Mingqi.

After looking at the county government office for a while, Chen Yuan moved again, his feet seemed to shrink into an inch, and when he reappeared, he came to the Hou Mansion built for him by the Ping'an county government office.

It occupies a large area, as large as a thousand feet.

Although it hasn't been built yet, it has extraordinary momentum.

The materials used are all high-quality. No one dares to break ground on the head of the famous and fierce Wu Anhou. Moreover, he is the pride of Ping'an County. Who would dare to steal and play tricks?

His journey is not over yet, so keep going.

Inside the Misty Rain Building, Wang Ping was very happy, playing hide-and-seek with a few girls blindfolded, with a wretched smile from time to time, enjoying it.

He likes to practice, but his talent is too poor. Even with his help, the upper limit is very low, so he never left Ping'an County from the beginning to the end.

Relying on Chen Yuan, everything was in chaos.

that's enough.

No matter how many people dream of it, they can't get such a life.

Chen Yuan was also happy to see this brother who was so kind to him so happy, life is short, he should enjoy himself in time.

After watching for a while, Chen Yuan came to the south of the city, the Sanhe Boxing Gym.

Just like Wang Ping borrowed from Chen Yuan, Zhao Nanshan also borrowed from him, and the return on investment was astonishing. At this moment, the entire boxing gym has been expanded several times.

Nearly a hundred disciples performed the San He Fist in unison, supervised by Guo Xu, Zhao Nanshan's first disciple, holding a bamboo stick in his hand, and whoever's airs were not standard would be whipped with a stick.

Seeing that the disciples below were a little unconvinced, he walked slowly to a wooden stake and swung his fist for a blow.

The stake exploded, looking back and saying coldly:

"Practicing martial arts first connects the piles, the foot is not stable, how can you resist? This fist has twelve years of skill, can you stop it?"

"Continue to practice!"

In the backyard, Zhao Nanshan's long gray hair had turned black, and most of the wrinkles on his face had disappeared, as if he had rejuvenated himself.

Thanks to the black jade ointment that Chen Yuan gave last time, his injuries have also recovered.

It's just that I'm a little older, and I have no hope of passing through the mystery in this life.

However, retirement in Ping'an County is also very good. Perhaps, he should be very thankful that his investment back then gave Chen Yuan a lot of help.

In exchange for a lifetime of peace.

Chen Yuan straightened his face, faced Zhao Nanshan, and bowed far away.

This bow is to thank him for his tireless help.

Zhao Nanshan, who was sipping his tea lightly, seemed to be aware of it. He looked to the front left, rubbed his eyes, and saw that there was nothing there, so he laughed, thinking that he was wrong.

Continue humming a ditty.

Keep going, this time, Chen Yuan came to the Temple of Mercy.

But he didn't go in, stopped for a moment, turned and left.

The dragon ball above the primordial spirit has basically melted at this moment, and an inexplicable Dao Yun is radiating from Chen Yuan's body, like a ray of cool summer wind, which makes people feel refreshed.

The last stop, Chen's courtyard.

Chen Yuan passed through the door, as far as he could see, there was no overgrown weeds in the small courtyard, everything was as it had been many times before, he didn't know why, and suddenly smiled.

Entering the room, there are three spiritual tablets on it, which are father, mother, and uncle in turn.

He leaned over and picked up the three incense sticks on the table, lit them and bowed.

The Taoist aggregates of the whole body have reached their peak.

Suddenly regaining consciousness, the primordial spirit is complete and flawless!

The audience lives in all kinds of states, refines the moral heart of the world of mortals, comprehends the past of 100,000 people, and breaks the limit of the primordial spirit!

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