I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 579 Ten Inches of Yuanshen! Self-generated magic!

The purple primordial spirit came out of the altar, with divine light radiating from its body, hanging three inches above Chen Yuan's head, and its original nine-inch primordial spirit suddenly became ten inches in size without knowing it!

Although it may seem inconspicuous, it actually makes people feel deeply.

It's like breaking the shackles, breaking the cage, and there is a sense of carelessness.

In Chen Yuan's cognition, the peak of Yuanshen is nine inches, and he has never heard of ten inches of Yuanshen, even the senior Mo Luo in the Huangbutcher knife has never said this.

It seems to be an iron rule for warriors to practice.

However, Chen Yuan broke the shackles unknowingly for some reason.

After he entered Ping'an County, he was in a trance, thinking of the beautiful figure in front of the shop secretly handing him eggs, and he fell into a rather strange state.

After entering the county town, I saw many of his old acquaintances. Like a bystander, I saw the previous scenes and met a few people who had a great influence on him when he came to this world.

Wu Qingfeng, Wang Ping, Zhao Nanshan

Feelings from the heart, I just feel that the mind is complete, and after a few sticks of incense, the state of mind tends to be complete.

Coupled with the previous accumulation, there is such a change.

Once in the battle in Liangzhou City, Chen Yuan was unable to mobilize the True Martial Immortal Sword. Based on the Wanmin Umbrella, he mobilized hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Liangzhou City, and fell into a near-death state.

On the top of Wudang Mountain, reincarnated thousands of times, laying a solid foundation.

In itself, it is equivalent to walking around in the world of mortals. At that time, the supernatural power he felt was not so heavy, but now he has accumulated a lot of money, and only then has he revealed his true power.

This also seemed to be one of the few opportunities where he did not contact the guidance of the luck altar, and directly broke through with his own understanding.

And when he thought about it, maybe even if he had the chance, he would not be able to do such a mysterious thing, because it was not relying on any spiritual thing, but relying on his own understanding.

Chen Yuan realized something, instead of looking at the ten-inch spirit floating above his head, he crossed his knees directly in front of the spiritual seat, keeping his mind on it.

The sky over Ping'an County.

There seemed to be a slight change in the originally clear sky. People subconsciously looked at the sky, and then someone shouted in surprise.

"Then what is that?"

"Yes Yes."

"Purple air from the sky!"

Starting from the east and coming out of the void, wisps of purple air flow appeared in the void, and under the shining of the sun, it was miraculous and extraordinary.

The purple air gathered very quickly, and in just a short moment, the sky over half of Ping'an County was covered with purple air, making people daunting and wanting to surrender.

"Heavenly miracle!!!"

"Vision! Vision!"

"There is a spirit in heaven."

"Could it be that my Ping'an County is going to produce a saint!"

The voices kept ringing one after another, the bazaar stopped, vendors, common people, scholars, and even Jianghu warriors couldn't help but kneel down and pay homage at this moment.

Saints come out, all living beings welcome!

County magistrate of Ping'an County, Wu Qingfeng heard the noise outside, frowned, put down the official document in his hand, walked out of the hall, looked into the void, only saw the sky full of purple air, and was stunned for a moment.

Seeing the officials around him kneel down, he couldn't help but go back to the room, and immediately knelt down and surrendered.

He didn't know why, when he saw the purple air for the first time, he had the idea of ​​surrender, not daring to blaspheme Tianwei.

Sanhe Boxing Gym.

Hundreds of disciples who practiced couldn't help bowing down and bowing down, constantly thinking of those rumors in their hearts, Zi Qi, this is the image of a saint!

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, kneeling on the ground seems to be nothing.

The teacup in Zhao Nanshan's hand fell to the ground, feeling an inexplicable sense of familiarity in his heart, hesitating for a moment, then bowed and knelt facing the sky and the earth.

Inside the Misty Rain Building.

Wang Ping, who was smoking a cigarette, couldn't care less. He pushed open the window, and the sky was clouded by purple air. For some reason, he suddenly thought of his playmate Fa.

"Brother Yuan, it's a miracle from heaven. It's a pity that you can't see it. I'll tell you about it when I come back another day." Wang Ping muttered, pulled a few girls who were smoking, and knelt down facing the vision of heaven and earth. .

In this world, for ordinary people, although they are not uncivilized, they are definitely a little ignorant and superstitious. They believe that there are foxes and white snakes in the world.

Believe that the emperor's mouth contains the constitution of heaven, and what he says follows the law.

Naturally, I am in awe of this vision of purple air coming from the east.

This time it is not like Wudang Mountain, there are immortals to cover up the secrets and visions for him.

The purple air coming from the east appeared brightly in the eyes of all the people.

Ping'an County is quiet, as if stagnant in the void.

The purple air surged, manifesting a strange beast.

In the small courtyard of the Chen family.

The primordial spirit, which was already extremely deep, now received more purple energy, making it even more miraculous.

The purple light shone on the body, and Chen Yuan's cultivation base that had soared suddenly seemed to have stabilized at this moment, quietly experiencing this mysterious state.

The vision in the sky over Ping'an County is very large, even if it is far away, it can be seen by many people outside.

In the void not far from Ping'an County, a black-clothed figure slowly walked out with a solemn expression.

Looking at the purple air above Ping'an County, Xiang Qianqiu frowned slightly, but quickly relaxed it, thinking of the things recorded in the family secret history, which seemed to be somewhat similar to the present.

After a few breaths of silence, Xiang Qianqiu waved his hand, and an invisible dao aggregate enveloped the world, covering the purple air, only visible to the naked eye.

For the rest, no matter how close they are, it is difficult to find this vision.

"Destiny! Destiny!"

"Eight hundred years of Great Chu, it will be handed down forever!"

Xiang Qianqiu stood with his hands behind his back, muttering to himself.

Chen's courtyard.

After an unknown amount of time, Chen Yuan woke up from that mysterious state, looked at and sensed the ten-inch primordial spirit hanging above his head, with a thought, his body and body became one.

The purple primordial spirit turned into a ray of light and returned to the Lingtai.

In the sky above Ping'an County, the purple air that lasted for only a moment began to dissipate slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye, but Ping'an County could not calm down.

There was a series of shocks quickly.

The news was mixed with exaggeration and spread towards the outside world.

Chen Yuan disappeared into the void, erasing all traces of his appearance.

Originally, he wanted to take this opportunity to meet Wang Ping and Zhao Nanshan, but now that something like this happened, he must not show up, otherwise people would associate him with him.

Ping'an County was originally the place where he rose up, and because of him, he was recognized by the world.

If he returns to Ping'an County and triggers the vision, what will others think?

The usual vision is fine, but this is Ziqi.

The air of an emperor, the air of a saint.

In the cognition of this world, Ziqi is incomparably noble, and it has not yet gained momentum, so it cannot be feared by others, especially that old thing Jingtai.

What if he was ordered to return to Beijing?

Naturally, it was impossible for him to go back. In the end, even if he was tearing his face here, it still didn't meet his expectations.

After careful consideration, Chen Yuan quietly left Ping'an County.

When he reappeared, he was more than 200 miles away from Ping'an County, in a relatively deserted mountain range.

With the help of Ziqi, his cultivation base has been stabilized a lot without affecting other things, and he can't wait to see what's so amazing about the ten-inch primordial spirit who broke the limit.

If it is just to make the Yuanshen stronger and increase by a foot, it seems that it is not of much use.

It's a bit unworthy of such a big movement in Ping'an County.

Feeling a little anticlimactic.

The primordial spirit came out of the body, surrounded by purple air, like a god.

Horizontally in the void, Chen Yuan moved his mind and began to explore the secrets of the primordial spirit.

Not long after, the surrounding ten-foot void suddenly froze for a moment.

Although it was only for a short moment, Chen Yuan still felt it, as if the surrounding space had stopped, and even a blown leaf had stopped for a moment.

"This is." Chen Yuan's pupils shrunk deeply, a look of joy appeared on his face, and he said to himself:

"The void freezes!!!"

Although relying on the miraculous power of the ten-inch primordial spirit, it can only be frozen for a moment, but as a warrior, Chen Yuan can perceive the horror in it.

When martial artists fight, especially when they are at the same level, they suddenly froze for a moment during the fierce battle, what will happen?

Instant kill!

In particular, Chen Yuan is also good at close combat with the physical body, which is enough to reach in front of him in an instant and smash his physical body.

Absolutely incredible magic.

It is even possible to touch the edge of the 'rules of the Dao realm'.

And he is just a Yuanshen warrior.

In this way, isn't he invincible under the Yang God?

As for the Yangshen Zhenjun, Chen Yuan thought that even if he was stagnant in the void, he would not be able to kill him with one blow, and there was almost hope in facing the real Lianshen.

Breathing out a long breath, Chen Yuan suppressed the excitement in his heart.

In order to prevent myself from feeling wrong, I quickly tried again.

The result he obtained made him completely relieved.

The induction just now was not wrong, he was indeed able to freeze the void for a moment with the help of the purple primordial spirit, and the specific reason may come from the purple qi.

In his perception, the mystical and mystical technique similar to supernatural powers that activate the primordial spirit can only have a range of about ten feet, and if it is desperate, it can be expanded by another circle.

Obviously, this is not fixed.

When Chen Yuan's primordial spirit becomes more powerful, after going through the two calamities of wind and fire, it is very likely that the scope will be larger.

But before he was too happy, an inexplicable sense of weakness came to his heart.

It is not easy to motivate the primordial spirit to do such a heaven-defying thing, because this is not an ordinary supernatural power and secret method, it can solidify the void, as long as it is within this range, it will be affected.

It's a pity that it can't be like this one after another, otherwise, as long as the opponent gets close, he can kill them instantly by surprise.

Although it can only last two or three times, Chen Yuan is actually very satisfied.

This kind of supernatural power can definitely be counted as a trump card for killing.

The ten-inch primordial spirit did not come in vain!

Not only that, when Chen Yuan was exploring the supernatural powers of the ten-inch soul, he felt that he had broken through this limit, and perhaps he had more than just possessed such supernatural powers.

This thing is more of an accessory.

He hadn't discovered the real magic yet.

Although it was just his inexplicable feeling, Chen Yuan was somewhat inexplicably certain.

The ten-inch primordial spirit will definitely bring him great improvement in the future.

Sure enough, along the way, it was all misfortunes and blessings.

Without the foundation of state of mind laid by thousands of reincarnations by the power of all beings in Liangzhou City, Chen Yuan would not have such feelings when he returned to Ping'an County. Without such feelings, the soul would not have changed.

After the Nine Inch Primordial Spirit, perhaps it will directly start to attack the realm of refining the gods.

With one more hole card, Chen Yuan's strength has become stronger. No matter what he does, he has the confidence. When he was at the peak of Yuanshen before, he hoped to be able to fight the real person of Lian Shen.

And with this hole card, he can hope to kill.

Confrontation and beheading are two completely different concepts.

After staying in this unnamed mountain range for half a day, most of the feeling of weakness was eliminated, so Chen Yuan didn't stay too long, and went straight to Tangshan Fucheng.

After more than half a year, it seems that the power under his hands has become stronger.

Although there is a little distance from him, it can't be blamed on the people below. The main reason is that his growth is really different from ordinary people, and it is impossible for any force to catch up.

But these are the foundation after all, even if some forces are annexed, the skeleton must be filled, otherwise, relying on some warriors who have just joined, he really won't feel relieved.

Sometimes status is directly proportional to strength, but sometimes it is not.

As long as he favors and trusts him, even an ordinary foundation-builder can still do well among the alchemy masters, and no one will dare to make trouble.

And in the process of Chen Yuan rushing to Tangshan Mansion quickly.

The news of the purple air falling from the sky in Ping'an County also quickly spread in the surrounding counties. Some hidden posts even used some secret methods to spread the news to the outside.

All of a sudden, it caused a huge commotion in Nanling Mansion and its surrounding areas.

After hearing about this, many warriors quickly began to gather towards Ping'an County.

Natural vision, there must be miracles.

Many people think that there may be some rare treasures in Ping'an County, and those who are virtuous treasures live there, and those who dare to go to Ping'an County think that they are such virtuous people.

The rumors have intensified, and there are already signs of human-to-human transmission.

At the end of the transmission, the purple air that covered most of Ping'an County suddenly became the entire hundred miles of Ping'an County, covered by purple air.

The people inside got the rain from the sky, which can prolong their lives, and the warriors broke through the realm one after another.

There are also many rare treasures that fell from the sky and landed somewhere in Ping'an County, waiting for someone with predestined relationship.

When Zhang Xuan of Nanling Mansion heard about this incident, his first reaction was shock. It's a pity that he didn't see such a natural phenomenon.

The second reaction somehow came to Chen Yuan's body.

When the second brother-in-law left Nanling Prefecture, he would definitely go to Ping'an County, but based on his traveling speed, it seemed that when he arrived in Ping'an County, the vision was born.

Could it be?

Zhang Xuan suddenly had a bold idea.

Could it be that this vision of purple energy coming from the east was caused by Chen Yuan?

It's no wonder he thinks so, it's really a poor village in Ping'an County, only a real dragon like Chen Yuan has been born in hundreds of years, and in just a few years, it stands on the top of the temple.

Talent is even rarer through the ages.

It seems that it is not impossible to be the child of destiny.

According to the rumors, every existence with great achievements in the future is born with a vision, a miracle from heaven.

Chen Yuan fits the rumor very well.

But if it is an ordinary vision, Zhang Xuan doesn't mind helping him to make a name for himself, but if Zi Qi is said to have the image of an emperor, if it is pressed on Chen Yuan, what will the emperor think?

That's not helping him, but hurting him!

Wait, King's Elephant!

Zhang Xuan was startled, suddenly thought of this thing, and couldn't help feeling goosebumps on his body. He was 50% sure that the purple energy was related to Chen Yuan.

Doesn't it mean that Chen Yuan has the image of the legendary emperor?

Today, the court situation in the world is in turmoil, the world is unstable, and the forces of all parties are ready to move. The court has declined to the lowest point since the founding of the country.

The contradictions and pressures accumulated for hundreds of years are about to explode.

His father once sighed about this matter, and he remembered it very clearly, but he rarely thought about it, because his status was too low, why bother about the court affairs?

but now it's different

The world is in turmoil, the child of destiny, born with vision

It does seem to be possible to connect.

Chen Yuan's methods are extraordinary, his killing is decisive, his talent is unmatched, and he has righteousness in his heart. It's okay if he didn't think of it before, but now it's connected, it seems that he really looks like a king.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Xuan pushed these thoughts out again. This idea is too dangerous. If it spreads, Chen Yuan will undoubtedly die.

It must be kept secret, and even fish in troubled waters.

First of all, the news of Chen Yuan's visit to Nanling Mansion should not be leaked out, and secondly, someone should be sent to spread some rumors, saying that it is just a normal phenomenon, not so magical.

He doesn't know if he can help Chen Yuan, and he can only do his best.

Of course, when thinking of that thought, Zhang Xuan had a new thought.

Chen Yuan had already become his brother-in-law, and he and the Zhang family were both prosperous and harmed. Chen Yuan rebelled against him, and as the Zhang family closest to him, he would definitely be suspected, not to mention copying and beheading all his families.

Unless Chen Yuan really caused trouble, and the Zhang family abandoned their power to help him, and fight for a success!

He couldn't make up his mind, and decided that after returning to Beijing, he would try to find out what his father meant, whether to be loyal to the imperial court and have a stable family, or to turn his back on the Sima family and strive for wealth and wealth.

"Brother-in-law, you have created a problem for our Zhang family!" Zhang Xuan frowned, rubbing his temples, feeling extremely depressed.

With Zhang Xuan's instructions, many people believed the news that the purple qi in Ping'an County was fake. They felt that the ignorant people in Ping'an County had no knowledge and believed it only when they saw the change in the sky.

In fact, as long as they are alchemy warriors, they can cause changes in the world.

Maybe it's just someone pretending to be a ghost.

The state government below said so, and Jiang He, who was at a higher level, immediately muddied the water after receiving the letter from Chen Yuan, trying not to make people think of Chen Yuan as much as possible.

The grand plan of the Dao Shrine has not been accomplished, and there must be no mistakes.

It's just a natural phenomenon. The fact that the purple qi came from the east is a bit of a myth. After investigating some situations, the hidden piles left by the imperial court quickly spread the news to Shenjing City.

Then it also spread into Jingtai's ears

In the imperial study room, looking at the brochure presented by Cao Zhengxian, which said that it was auspiciousness from heaven, also gave him an illusion.

"Could it be that I am destiny!"

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