I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 580 I want to rebel, what do you think?

"Since His Majesty ascended the throne, he has worked hard and never dared to neglect state affairs for a day. The auspicious auspiciousness that comes from the east of Qingzhou must be due to His Majesty. The old minister congratulates His Majesty!"

Looking at Jingtai's expression, Cao Zhengxian knew what he was thinking, so he naturally wanted to agree.

Jingtai's face was indifferent, but there was a lingering joy in his brows. It was obvious that he thought so too, although there was still a lot of turmoil in the court.

But the border troubles in the north have temporarily dissipated, leaving only the demon clan in the south and the monsters of the blood state, and he has been planning for this for many years.

And the plan was in the south, and now that the purple qi has come to the world, he will naturally think that it is the congratulations from the heavens.

Although he didn't help with the affairs in the north, and even dragged his feet on purpose, but after all, he beat the barbarian back, and it doesn't seem to be an exaggeration to count it as his merit.

"There are still more things I haven't done. The purple air comes out of Qingzhou, and the next time the capital will be full of purple air!" Jingtai smiled lightly, feeling relieved in his heart.

Even the fatigue of the previous days of practice has been relieved a lot.

"Your Majesty said so."

"I see this Ziqi appeared in Ping'an County. I seem to remember that Marquis Wu An was born here, right?"

As Chen Yuan's reputation grew, there would naturally be people who wanted to explore his past, and knew that he came from a small county in Qingzhou.

It can be regarded as one of the representatives of the poor family.

"Your Majesty remembers well that the Marquis of Wu'an grew up here. Both his parents died when he was young, and he was brought up by his uncle, but he also passed away before.

Now Ping'an County is Chen Yuan's fiefdom. "

Cao Zhengxian told Jingtai about Chen Yuan's resume, and there was no progress during that time.

Jingtai frowned, and for some reason, he had an idea just now, maybe the purple air was not caused by him, but this kind of thing must not be said.

Otherwise, wouldn't it mean that he doesn't have the appearance of a king?

"How is Chen Yuan doing now?"

Jingtai asked in a deep voice.

"Return to Your Majesty, Chen Yuan has already left Qingzhou, and now he wants to visit his family in Tangshan Mansion."

"It seems that he doesn't have much confidence in the one-year agreement, and he should have given up on it. That's fine, it's his honor that I bestow on him a marriage.

Without the backing of Zhen and the imperial court, how could he become the Marquis of Wu'an who is now famous all over the world? "

Jingtai snorted softly, but was not angry.

The more so, the more relieved he is.

This can only prove that Chen Yuan is soft, otherwise, if he really went to Shuzhou to investigate the cause of Lu Renjia's death, it would only prove that he really had no intention of getting married.

Facing his oracle, he wanted to break free and resist.

"The old minister also feels that Marquis Wu'an has already figured it out. After a year, he will come back honestly to get married and become His Majesty's son-in-law."

Cao Zhengxian followed Jingtai's words very much.

Although he didn't like Chen Yuan, and he didn't want to see him reach a high position and become the emperor's son-in-law, but Jingtai's will was hard to disobey, so he could only admit it with his nose.

No matter what, Chen Yuan is also the number one genius in the world, and it is a good thing to be used by the court.

"If I had known this before, why bother?" Jingtai's mouth curled into a slight sneer, and he continued:

"The news from below may not be accurate, you can send someone to confirm whether there is really purple air in Ping'an County, if there is, investigate carefully, and if there are treasures, take them back to the court.

Purple air is the essence of heaven and earth, and the air of saints and kings should not fall into the folk. "

"The old minister obeys the order!"



Tangshan Mansion, Xuntian Temple.

When Jingtai learned that Ziqi had come to Ping'an County, he was complacent about it, thinking that he was working hard to be recognized by God, even if he did some cruel things, it would not be too much.

Chen Yuan returned to Tangshan Mansion early.

As an important hub of Qingzhou, Shuzhou, Xuezhou, and the three states, and after Chen Yuan took control of Tangshan, the real potential of this place was stimulated.

It has become a must for many warriors.

Coupled with the caravans from all over the place, Tangshan Fucheng is very lively.

At a glance, they are all prosperous.

Chen Yuan is also very satisfied. After all, he is just a hands-off shopkeeper who has delegated the power of his subordinates. With such achievements, what can he criticize more?

"Thank you for your hard work."

Chen Yuan put down the things in his hands, and looked at Han Yu, Liu Zhengsong and others below with a smile of praise.

"It is our honor to do things for the Lord."

"Tangshan can be what it is today, all thanks to the prestige of the Lord."

"There are many warriors who actually come for the Lord."

Du Ming and the others immediately bowed and saluted.

There is no intention of taking credit for pride, but more humility.

Tangshan is gradually becoming prosperous, but Chen Yuan, the real person in charge of Tangshan, is also rising. The reason why they dare to expand their power unscrupulously is also due to Chen Yuan's prestige.

At that time, the Marquis of Ten Thousand Households in the Dynasty, and the Heaven Xunsi Tianzi God Envoy, the battle of Liangzhou shocked the world.

It can be said that as long as Chen Yuan maintains a strong pace of progress, the people below will never dare to have second thoughts, and even sometimes they are still panicking.

Because the gap between them and Chen Yuan was already a little too big.

The strongest Han Yu has not formed an alchemy so far, there is a long distance, and Chen Yuan has become a real person in the fifth realm, what if one day he dislikes them as too useless and unworthy to follow him.

Even if they still take them in, but because of their strength, they are reluctant to take away most of the power under their hands.

It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.

In Qingzhou, with the care of Chen Yuan and Jiang He, two big mountains, not to mention walking sideways, but it is almost the same. Few people have the courage to dare to provoke them.

And more and more so.

Chen Yuan is not in Tangshan, Jiang He is in Qingzhou City, most of these powers fall on them.

Not to mention Master Huayang, at least the masters of the Alchemy Realm treated them as equals, and even faced them with a subterranean attitude.

They are also used to it now.

In order not to lose this power, they can only develop Tangshan better to give back to Chen Yuan, and let this power stay with them forever.

One person attains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven.

They aspire to be chicken dogs without falling behind.

The future of Chen Yuan's development is known all over the world. As long as he does not fall, the possibility of becoming a true king of Yangshen in the future is very high, and once he becomes a strong person at the level of a true king.

In the imperial court, he didn't say that he covered the sky with one hand, but he also had power over the government and the public.

There are not many people in Jianghu who offend a real king in the world.

They don't ask much, they just want to keep their wealth forever.

"Hehe, all of you are also the old subordinates of this Marquis, so you don't have to be cautious in front of me. You have done a good job, and you should be rewarded. Well, from today onwards, your salary will be higher than that of a master.

You should also improve your strength more, don't be complacent just for the petty gains in front of you, in the future, Tangshan will only get better and better, and you will also get stronger and stronger. "

If you give some sweet dates, you will naturally have to hit a stick.

Just let them think about it.

None of them are stupid, and they must understand the meaning.

"Thank you, my lord, my subordinates will definitely live up to my lord's high expectations!"

"Thank you, my lord, I will keep this in mind."

"Thank you, Lord." After clasping his fists, Han Yu saw that Chen Yuan was in a good mood, so he continued:

"Returning to the Lord, there is one more thing I want to report to the Lord for decision."


"Some time ago, there were two casual cultivator masters in Jianghu who wanted to serve the Lord, but they were undecided in their humble positions, so they stayed in Fucheng after asking their wives.

Do you want to take some time to see me, my lord? "

Xuanwu practitioners can make a decision, but the alchemy master is still afraid, and he is also afraid that the other party will overwhelm the master, so he has always had some hidden worries.

Now that Chen Yuan has returned to Tangshan, he doesn't know if Mrs. Xu told him about it, but his attitude must be in place.

"I have free time today, so it's okay to see her."

When Chen Yuan returned to Qingzhou, he had to be half-disclosed about Tangshan's influence, and now it was necessary to meet some masters who had joined him.

Since they came to work, they knew that Chen Yuan was behind them.

"The subordinate understands."

Han Yu stood up and walked out of the hall.

Chen Yuan also turned his gaze to Du Ming, and said in a deep voice:

"How's the situation in the Tangshan Mountains?"

"Returning to the Lord, the iron cavalry has been supplemented by the alien war horses from Liangzhou. It is already quite powerful at the moment. Some generals from Liangzhou said that this iron cavalry is almost the same as the Northern Liang army."

The Beiliang army is the first-class iron cavalry in the world, and it is definitely worth using such an elite soldier.

"very good."

Chen Yuan is very satisfied.

It took more than a year to train a strong army, which is definitely not an exaggeration.

Wei Jinfeng wanted to restore the vitality of the Northern Liang Army, which required many years of cultivation, because it consumed too many resources, and Chen Yuan only had an iron cavalry of 10,000 people, so natural resources would be crazily thrown at it.

Maybe it's not as good in terms of combat power, but as long as they have experienced a few battles and can develop an iron-blooded killing spirit, it's almost the same.

"Since this army has been trained, there is no need to hide it all the time, find a way to let them see more blood, and expand another ten thousand."

10,000 cavalrymen are just enough to fight against an ordinary Tiandan Grandmaster, which is far from enough.

Chen Yuan didn't have much time, one was that he grew up too fast, and the other was the one-year agreement with Jingtai, he reckoned that it would be time for a showdown after one year.

There must be some strength under the hand.

Du Ming hesitated for a moment:

"My lord, Tangshan is more than enough to support 10,000 cavalry, but if it is 20,000, we have to draw resources from Brother Han."

He is in charge of military affairs, and Han Yu is in charge of Jianghu forces. Now that they have expanded to Shuzhou and Xuezhou, the resources consumed are not much less than him. It would be inappropriate to draw resources from there to support the cavalry.

"Just do what you want, and don't worry about resources. Here, I will give you a solid foundation. Within a year, I will have at least 50,000 available troops.

There will be no shortage of resources for you, and the rest depends on your recruitment and training. "

Chen Yuan straightened his face and said in a deep voice.

He has many years of experience in the Qishan tribe, and his staff is very rich. It is more than enough to raise another 10,000 cavalry. The resources have been handed over to Mrs. Xu, and she will take control of the matter.

As for the gap of the other 30,000 cavalry.

In the past, he was only capable of cultivating profound knowledge, so he dared to venture alone into the famous and fierce Tangshan Mountain. Now that his soul is complete, he can fight against the strong gods, and he is also in charge of the big and small affairs of the three states.

It is easier to obtain resources.

There have been no major incidents in the south for many years. The power in the rivers and lakes is many times greater than that in the north, and the wealth and resources are even different. He mainly pursues Wushengjiao. Isn't it about who is who?

There is only one year of preparation time. Chen Yuan is not going to boil the frogs in warm water. We will talk about the later things later. Now we are searching for resources in the south!

Strive to have a stronger strength before turning your face!

Qingzhou, Shuzhou, Xuezhou, and Nanzhou, which was molded into an iron bucket by Zhennan Wang Nangonglie, he has already regarded these three states as nourishment!

If you want to win the world, you have to be more ruthless than others.

"Fifty thousand elite cavalry!"

Du Ming almost lost his grip on the wine glass, and couldn't help but tremble slightly.

These are not 50,000 civilian husbands, but 50,000 armored cavalry!

Once the battle is over, Huayang Daoist can also suppress and kill them.

However, in the mere district of Tangshan, it is completely impossible to support 50,000 elite cavalry, and it is not considered crazy to use military force.

Liu Zhengsong frowned and frowned. He knew that Chen Yuan raised private soldiers, and he also knew that he had a heart of disobedience, but facing a benefactor who pulled him out of the quagmire and gave him power, he could only obey and be loyal.

But fifty thousand is really not enough.

Tangshan, which had just recovered people's livelihood and had a bit of prosperity, couldn't stand such devastation, sighed, and knelt down in front of Chen Yuan:

"My lord, my subordinates think that 50,000 cavalry is really inappropriate. I hope my lord will restrain myself for the sake of the hundreds of thousands of people in Tangshan."

Liu Zhengsong knelt on the ground and lowered his head.

He knows the character of the benefactor, he has always been tough and iron-blooded, perhaps with this sentence, the power he has already obtained will be wiped out, and it will even harm his family.

But for the sake of the people of Tangshan, he must speak.

"Liu Zhengsong, you are presumptuous, why don't you apologize quickly."

Du Ming's expression changed, and he quickly scolded him, not even daring to look at the leader Chen Yuan.

But Chen Yuan was not angry, just as these subordinates knew him, he also understood these subordinates, Liu Zhengsong was famous for his courage to speak out, and he also valued this.

There will be no room for people, just put down the wine glass and said:

"Zhengsong, raise your head."


Liu Zhengsong's expression was determined and ashamed, he did not dare to look directly at his superior benefactor.

"Benhou's intention is not to increase the 50,000 immediately, but gradually. Don't you understand me? Will I do things I'm not sure about?"


"The specific resources have been given to Madam Benhou, and the expansion of 10,000 cavalry is more than enough. Don't forget who Benhou is now, the governor of the three states of martial arts.

In the south, I have the largest official position and the most powerful power. Do you think I can't provide the resources to support the army with my ability? "

Chen Yuan asked in a condensed voice.

Liu Zhengsong's face froze, thinking of Tang Shan who had been bloodbathed once, understood what Chen Yuan meant, and thought about it in his mind, it seemed that he really had this ability.


"The subordinate understands."

"The two of you and Han Yu are both Ben Hou's old team members, and they are loyal to me. Now I will tell you a few words, I am hated by Jingtai, and sooner or later there will be a confrontation.

What I do now is to plan for a rainy day. It is impossible for him to want me to die, so I will die. You know my character, I usually kill people who want me to die.

What kind of shitty emperor, the old thief Sima usurped the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, and took the Xiang family's country, he can, I can't? "

"It can be as short as one year, or as long as two years. The Marquis will be rebellious. Jingtai has been plotting to cut down the domain for many years. The king of Beiliang was a lesson from the past. Now the court is precarious and turbulent.

It's not that I want to start a turmoil for my own self-interest, I just want to restore peace to the world as soon as possible.

Princes and generals, I would rather have a kind! If I succeed, you will enjoy inexhaustible prosperity and wealth in the future, and will leave a legacy for thousands of years. However, this Marquis does not force you to do such things as killing the nine clans. If you want to leave now, this Marquis will not stop you. When we meet again in the future, we may be able to toast and drink together. "

Chen Yuan's tone was very indifferent, and his eyes were fixed on the two people below. If there was any change, he would send them away today.

With his cultivation strength, no subtle perception of these two people could escape his eyes.

There was no sound in Xuntian Hall, and the words Chen Yuan just said still echoed to this day.

He wants to rebel!

They used to be very thoughtful, and they could tell from various aspects that Chen Yuan had a heart of disobedience, and they had completely surrendered in their hearts, but now they were shocked by showing their attitude nakedly.

He froze in place, not daring to move at all.

Showdown directly!

Du Ming's reaction was the fastest. After listening to Chen Yuan's words, he just froze for a moment, then fell to his knees:

"The lord has the world in mind, and things will definitely happen in the future. After killing the old dog Jingtai, the subordinates have no talents, only a heart of loyalty. The lord will use it.

Follow the master to blog a monstrous wealth! "

He has already boarded the boat, and now he knows the real purpose of Chen Yuan. It is not difficult for him to imagine that if he hesitates at all today, he will surely fall on the spot.

Maybe the Lord will think that their merits and hard work will not harm their families, but if they can live, who wants to die?

Who wouldn't want to learn from the power of the dragon?

His master is wise and martial, his civil and martial arts are the best in the world, his fame is rare in the world, and his talent is even rarer in the ages. He really has the qualifications to compete for it.

He, Du Ming, is willing to risk his life for a gamble!

If you win, the oiran of the capital can be chosen at will, but if you lose, you will be punished by everyone.

He didn't want to choose, and he didn't have to choose!

After Du Ming finished speaking, Liu Zhengsong's mind froze in place moved a bit, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice:

"The subordinates have long surrendered to the Lord and dare not have the slightest dissent. From today onwards, all family members will be sent to the Sky Survey Division, and Madam will be taken care of on their behalf.

As for the subordinates, everything is obeyed by the master. In the Great Jin Dynasty, the subordinates were hidden in the snow and depressed, and when the master appointed me, there was only one life to dedicate to the master! "

"The family members of the subordinates are also willing to send to the Xuntian Division, and the wife will teach a few incompetent children. I also ask the Lord to teach me a lesson!"

Seeing this, Du Ming didn't dare to hesitate and bowed immediately.

While Chen Yuan was observing, Han Yu, who had sent someone outside to notify, walked in and saw Du Ming and Liu Zhengsong kneeling on the ground, and the atmosphere in the hall was also very dignified.

Thinking in my heart that something was wrong, I immediately bowed and saluted:

"My lord, what did Brother Du and Brother Liu do wrong?"

"Old Han."

"The subordinates are here."

"I want to rebel, what do you think?"

I would like to recommend a new book by an old author, "The Lady Guards the Borderlands, I Lean on the Bar and Listen to Music in the Capital"

You can try to read it.

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