I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 582 Liangshan Bandit Bandits, Just Xiaoxiao.

While smoking, Chen Yuan told her how many good sisters he had found for her in the capital. Madam Xu, who was smoking right above her, couldn't hear clearly and just nodded.

In fact, for him, Mrs. Xu has actually done a good job in this period of time. She is not only a mascot in the Sky Survey Division, she is also capable.

In charge of scheduling, Tangshan runs very smoothly.

Now that he has returned to the south, he will definitely not go to the capital again. As her reward for this period of time, it is also to make her believe that she has completely believed in her.

Chen Yuan solved the God-controlling Gu directly in front of her.

The moment the God-controlling Gu disappeared, Mrs. Xu did not know why, but two lines of tears flashed across her face, which was still smiling, and she looked at Chen Yuan with red eyes, without saying anything.

He just hugged her tightly.

As she said before, she and Chen Yuan were shameless back then, and the other party didn't want it. For the safety of Cang Bing Valley, she took the initiative to use God Control Gu to let Chen Yuan control the lives of their mother and child.

Now, in a year, she has already gotten used to it, but she also knows that there is always a slight gap between Chen Yuan and her. There is not much she can do, but to help him as much as possible.

Endure loneliness and pressure, and return a better Tangshan to Chen Yuan.

Married from her husband, although she was not married by Ming Media, the whole Tangshan knew that she was his woman, and she was stigmatized as a good wife.

She had already regarded Chen Yuan as her reliance, and she only wanted to see him get better.

Sensing Madam Xu's emotion, Chen Yuan patted her head, but also didn't say much.

There is nothing to say about the previous things. He just couldn't trust their mother and son at that time, and he had to be sure to manipulate their lives, but now, she has withstood the test.

And he is no longer the Tongxuan Yaodao he used to be.

It is basically a breeze to kill anyone with Huayang cultivation base and refining gods' combat power.

Accompanied Mrs. Xu for a whisper, talking about the past when he left last time, in the blink of an eye, it was already dawn.

After soothing Mrs. Xu into a deep sleep, Chen Yuan was still full of energy. Now that he had learned the news about the Yuanjing mine, he would naturally not delay it.

Mo Bai made it very clear that the reason why Liangshanshuibozhai destroyed the Blood Sword Sect was because he knew the news about the Yuanjing ore vein. Although he didn't know the exact location, but if he searched carefully, he might search that mountain range soon. up.

In order to prevent the Yuanjing mine vein from being attacked by Liangshan bandit Kou, Chen Yuan must strike as soon as possible.

Early in the morning, an order was issued from the Sky Survey Department, asking Han Yu to mobilize five hundred elites in the shortest possible time and enter the blood state with him.

However, Han Yu was already prepared. When he left with Du Ming yesterday, he had already thought about this matter, knowing that with his master's style of action, he would never procrastinate.

If you can be one step earlier, you will definitely be one step earlier.

Outside Tangshanfu City, among the cleared forests and clearings, hundreds of elites are all dressed in black black robes. They are different from the Sky Patrol Guards, but they seem to come from the same source.

The leader is none other than Han Yu, the Sky Patroller!

Next to it, there were Mo Bai and his wife with long swords, looking at the man in black below with a dignified expression.

These are definitely the elite, the weakest in cultivation, and they also have bone refining cultivation. Among them are dozens of condensed martial arts masters and more than ten black martial arts masters. This is part of the results of Han Yu's recruitment for more than a year.

The reason why it is said to be a part is because this is the warriors who gathered in the shortest time, and there are still many elites lurking everywhere in the outer prefecture.

Most of these people are warriors in the rivers and lakes, some are depressed, some are attracted by rich benefits, and there are various reasons.

But being able to be summoned by Han Yu, there is basically no problem with their loyalty.

Their childhood experiences have been investigated several times, and their respective family members have been raised in various places in Tangshan Mansion with a lot of money. As long as there is a trace of love in their hearts, they will never betray.

Someone once felt that Tangshan was plotting something wrong, so he secretly left and went to Qingzhou City to report. As a result, he was killed on the spot on the charge of slandering the imperial court official, and his family members were all expelled behind him!

It also severely shocked some thoughtful people, knowing that behind Tangshan Mansion is not only the rivers and lakes, but also the imperial court!

The right way is to give both grace and power.

In fact, from Chen Yuan's own point of view, he is similar to those Jianghu sects, and he prefers the kind of loyal dead warriors cultivated since childhood.

It's a pity that time is tight and the task is heavy. He must gather a group of forces for himself in the shortest possible time.

However, for the long-term plan in the future, Chen Yuan had already started to let Mo Dong, He Yueshan and others secretly recruit some good-rooted teenagers in Tangshan Mansion, and even searched in places such as Qingzhou and Shuzhou.

Most of the people who are looking for are lonely people without father and mother, so it is not a bad treatment for them.

In addition, all the forces under him in Tangshan Mansion, as long as they die for him, their children and parents will be raised by him, which is also the reason why there are many diehard loyalists in just over a year.

In Tangshan Mansion, whether it is the army in the Tangshan Mountains or the dark forces controlled by Han Yu, they all know a word promised by the lord at the top.

"Your wife, I will take care of her."

Not only did he support his family members, but he also set up memorial tablets for some subordinates who had no family members, and offered them a stick of incense during festivals and festivals.

With no worries, the cohesion of Chen Yuan's subordinates can be called the level of a dead soldier.

Chen Yuan wore a black martial arts robe with a few golden lines on his waist. Although he looked simple, his stern young face had an aura of calmness and prestige.

"Han Yu, you immediately take all the warriors under Tiangang to the Black Blood Mountain Range."

"Yes, this subordinate obeys!"

Han Yu's face turned serious. Yesterday, Mo Bai had said that the location of the Blood Sword Gate was in the Black Blood Mountain Range, and the Yuanjing ore veins were also hidden inside.

"The rest, go away with me in the sky."

Chen Yuan said lightly.

The quality of true energy of warriors under Tiangang is not enough, even short-term gliding is difficult. Only when the cultivation base of Tiangang is above, can they glide for a long time, and with him in control, it can completely support dozens of people to form a flying sky scene.

As soon as his words fell, dozens of voices sounded immediately.

"Yes, my lord!"

"Yes, my lord!"

The unanimous voice resounded.


With an order, dozens of figures jumped up, and with a thought in Chen Yuan's mind, an invisible force enveloped everyone and engulfed them, and they also regarded the weapons in their hands as things under their feet.

Looking from a distance, it feels like flying with a sword.

Mo Bai and his wife followed closely beside Chen Yuan and went straight to the Black Blood Mountain Range!

Xuezhou is one of the most extensive state capitals in the world. It is located in a fertile land with rich resources, otherwise it would not be able to raise two demonic sects and many top forces.

The territory is wide enough to cover two areas of Qingzhou. It is basically divided into three areas. The first area is the two prefectures occupied by the imperial court, which is near Tangshan.

The second area is a chaotic place dominated by the Palace of Seven Kills, supplemented by many top demon forces. Because the Palace of Seven Kills is too mysterious, it rarely shows up in front of people.

The third area is the world-famous 'Evil Realm'.

This is the old lair of the Temple of Heavenly Demon, bordering Nanzhou, and it occupies a large area, but there are very few other top forces to share the resources of the Temple of Heavenly Demon.

Only in the chaotic land can there be scenes of demons dancing wildly, and it is also the largest area.

Among the many top forces inside, the Blood Sword Sect is one of them.

Basically, those top forces are more or less related to the two great immortal sects, or they are related to Liangshan.

This is the case with Xuejianmen. He actually has a deep relationship with Liang Shan and has done a lot of transactions. It's just that Liang Shan has always wanted to annex Xuejianmen, but Xuejianmen doesn't want to be subservient.

Under the main cause of the Yuanjing vein, the contradiction between the two forces has completely intensified.

Originally, Xuejianmen thought that they could hold on. After all, Liangshan was only famous. In fact, over the years, the number of shots was very few.

But everyone estimated Liangshan's strength wrongly.

In that battle, the two top leaders of Liangshan, Demon Saber Guan Hai and Blood Halberd Wenhou appeared, leading more than a dozen Alchemy Masters and hundreds of Tongxuan, they shattered the Blood Sword Sect's protective formation and launched a bloody battle. slaughter.

Mo Bai and his wife don't know if there is any inside story. In fact, they were not inside the mountain gate during the battle, but outside, so they were not chased to death.

The person they want to kill the most is the famous and vicious Demon Sword Guan Hai, who gave the order to slaughter the Blood Sword Sect, leaving no one behind.

This is a method different from orthodox practice, which can make the primordial spirit more tenacious and more powerful.

In the land of the two government offices occupied by the imperial court, the two former Qing envoys were attacked and killed, and the government office was massacred openly. However, Lu Renjia and Jiang He still received the order from the capital headquarters and re-appointed the various departments of the Xuntian Division. level officials.

But even so, in today's Blood State, the majesty of the imperial court was once again hit.

Everyone knows that the forces that attacked and killed the officials of the imperial court did not take advantage of the victory to pursue them, otherwise, it would not take much effort to occupy the land of the two prefectures.

Even after more than half a month, the officials in the two prefectures were still terrified. They had arranged a suicide note before taking office. Later, when they heard that the court was angry and sent Wu'anhou governor to the three states, they were relieved.

Without Huayang powerhouses in charge, they would have no confidence in their hearts.

It's a pity that they will be disappointed in a short period of time, because Chen Yuan has no intention of seeing them now, and with his subordinates, he crossed two mansions from the void and entered the most famous place of chaos.

The position of Blood Sword Gate is still relatively close to Shuzhou, not the hinterland of Xuezhou, otherwise, even if the Yuanjing is reclaimed, if you want to transport it out, you can only rely on the treasure of Mustard Seed Sumeru.

It will also attract many people to covet.

Because the people around him slowed down the speed, when Chen Yuan arrived near the Black Blood Mountain Range from Tangshan, a full day had passed.

Black Blood Mountain Range, on a mountain peak of Blood Sword Gate.

A middle-aged man with a face like a jujube and a long beard half a foot below his jaw sat cross-legged, his eyes were slightly closed, his body was surrounded by evil spirits, and he was full of blood and iron.

Beside him, there was a seven-foot long knife stuck in the ground.

The handle occupies more than half, and the blade occupies a small half, which is the type of Yanyue Dao.

In fact, this kind of sword is more like a general who kills in a battle formation.

And he is Guan Hai, the magic sword who became famous in the Blood State and even the Jianghu in the previous battle!

It is also one of Liangshan's most powerful generals.

During the blood sword gate battle half a year ago, Liangshan's reputation resounded again, and the number of ferocious warriors who attracted him was in full swing. However, because of this, the conflict with the Hall of Seven Killers further intensified.

The Blood State is just that big, a small part is firmly controlled by the Heavenly Demon Palace, and the other small part is occupied by the imperial court. They dare to kill, but dare not occupy, otherwise, the true king of the imperial court will come.

Only more than half of the resources can be competed for.

The Palace of Seven Kills is a fairy gate that has been passed down for hundreds of years and nearly a thousand years.

If the Blood Sword Sect was honest and knowledgeable, Liang Shan would not rashly expose his strength, but he had some other thoughts, and dared to hide the Yuanjing ore veins, and even had contact with the people in the Seven Killing Hall.

This is the way to die!

The Yuanjing vein, even a small Yuanjing vein, cannot be occupied by a small Blood Sword Sect.

top power

The forces with Huayang real people can be called top forces, but the gap at this level is very large.

Weak as the Blood Sword Sect, the Qingyun Sword Sect, only the ancestor of Yuanshen sits in the sect.

The strong one is like Liangshan, the ancient family, one of the five great families, has a true king in charge!

Immortals don't come out, in fact, they have nothing to be afraid of facing the immortal gate, their power is very terrifying.

Liang Shan didn't even need to put in all his strength, as long as he sent out two god-refining powerhouses, and with the internal support from the Blood Sword Sect, it would be easy to break the formation of his mountain gate.

Completely annihilate the Blood Sword Sect in the world.

Both sides stand in their own positions, no one is right or wrong, if they insist on saying something, they can only say that it is the fault of Xuejianmen.


Because being weak is the original sin!

Everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty.

It is a great sin to carry a treasure, but not to keep it.

Therefore, all the disciples with integrity in the Blood Sword Sect were exterminated.

Even if there are a few who escaped from the bleeding state, that's not a big deal.

Guan Hai was willing to give them a chance to catch up until they couldn't even see their backs.

The breeze blows, and the long beard moves with the wind.

Demon Knife Guan Hai opened his eyes, and a strong evil spirit flashed in his eyes. In front of the left, a figure quickly came from the sky, and when it landed on the mountain peak, he knelt on one knee and said in a low voice:

"I have seen Senior Guan."

"Zhao Rufeng, have you found the Yuanjing vein?"

Seeing sweat on Zhao Rufeng's forehead, he said hastily:

"Returning to Senior, I have already searched with all my strength, and now I am almost searching the entire Black Blood Mountain Range. Give me another three months, and I will definitely find it."

Guan Hai snorted coldly, the temperature around him plummeted, and with a wave of his hand, the man in front of him was thrown aside like a kite with a broken string, creating a hole.

"This seat has given you half a year, even if it is a pig, it should be found, or is it that you lied to me about the Yuanjing vein you swore at the beginning?"

"Senior, calm down, the villain must not dare to deceive the senior, dare not lie to Liangshan, I heard the news that the Yuanjing vein is in the Black Blood Mountain Range from the head of the sect.

It's a pity that the old ghost was guarding against me, didn't tell me the specific location, and even sealed the fluctuation of vitality with a big formation, otherwise the villain would have found it long ago. "

Zhao Rufeng quickly agreed.

I'm afraid that this murderous magic knife will kill him directly.

"Liangshan's patience is limited, and this seat's patience is even more limited. Give you another month. If you still can't find it, you can go to hell. It's useless to keep it."

"Yes, yes, the villain understands."

"Don't think about running for your life. You have the soul-locking Gu planted by my Liangshan master. Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, you will not be able to escape from the palm of my seat."

Guan Hai's face was slightly cold.

"Don't dare, dare not, the villain knows the advantages and disadvantages of it, how dare he deceive the seniors like this? It's a pity that Yan Yue and his wife escaped from the Blood State, otherwise they would definitely be able to get news of the Yuanjing mine.

Although these two guys are not suitable for the Blood Sword Sect, the head of the sect trusts them very much, and the Yuanjing mine is ready to let them lead the excavation. "Zhao Rufeng said in a panic.

"Why, are you blaming me for not catching these two guys?" Guan Hai's eyes were fixed, his pupils as deep as an abyss cast a strange light.

"No, no, no, the villain is talking too much, the villain is going to search the Yuanjing Mine right now, senior calm down." Zhao Rufeng quickly kowtowed, stood up and prepared to leave Guan Hai's side.

This guy is a bit cruel, and he already has a shadow in his heart.

He really dared to eat a living person!


Guan Hai glanced at Zhao Rufeng, who was as humble as a dog, with contempt in his eyes.

He wanted to keep his eyes on the top, and the thing he looked down on most on weekdays was the spineless waste. This Zhao Rufeng betrayed the sect because of his personal grievances, secretly sabotaged the formation, and caused the Blood Sword Sect to be destroyed in just a short quarter of an hour.

If it wasn't for the fact that this person took refuge in Liangshan, he would kill every one he saw.

"Yes, yes, villain, get out now."

Zhao Rufeng turned around, heaved a sigh of relief, and prepared to leave Yukong.

Suddenly, there was a voice in my ear:


"Senior, what else do you want?" Zhao Rufeng's face quickly turned into a flattering smile.

The speed of change is beyond human reach.

But Guan Hai didn't pay attention to him any more, but looked towards the north, his brows were slightly frowned, his eyes were a little dignified, and based on his perception, he could feel an undisguised murderous intent heading straight for the blood in the distance. Jianmen came.

After a breath, a thousand meters away from the Blood Sword Gate, the sky was covered by black clouds, and a terrifying and fierce aura swept out, and a man in black slowly approached.

Guan Hai held his right palm empty, and the Yanyue long knife inserted on the ground fell into his hand. Looking directly at the figure, he shouted sharply:

"He Fangxiao is young, dare to offend my Liangshan realm!"

"Is it the king's land in the whole world, all the kings and ministers in the four seas, Liangshan bandits, how dare you speak such wild words!"

It was like a thunderbolt sounded between the heaven and the earth, and the sound like a bell resounded through the air, pouring into everyone's ears.

Unruly! Domineering! Arrogant! Madness!


make up

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