I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 583 One finger punishes the gods!

Dark clouds cover the top, fierce and powerful!

The image of Chen Yuan at this moment is not like a just court official at all, but a fierce and powerful demonic powerhouse, his angry reprimands echoed in the sky.

Zhao Rufeng's body trembled slightly.

Although I don't know who it is, but looking at his arrogance and arrogance, I know that this person is definitely a strong person at the level of a five-realm real person, and a mere Shidan master can crush him to death with a single finger.

Guan Hai's eyes turned red, and he was instantly furious, especially when he heard the word Liangshan bandits. Liangshan was established in Xuezhou for more than a hundred years.

Apart from the imperial court and a few fairy sects, who would dare to say the word 'Liangshan bandits'?

This is totally courting death!

"You bastard, how dare you speak wild words!" Guan Hai took a step forward, and the mountain peak under his feet was immediately shaken down, like a shell fired straight into the sky, carrying a surge of courage.

Yan Yuedao pointed obliquely at the black-clothed man in front of him, Guan Sheng frowned, feeling that this man was unusually familiar, such a young man with such a domineering aura around him.

Thinking about the recent rumors, he narrowed his eyes slightly and said word by word:

"You are. Chen Yuan!"

"Chen Yuan!"

Zhao Rufeng, who was below, was startled immediately, and subconsciously took a few steps back. This name has been well known to him recently.

At that time, the Marquis of Ten Thousand Households, the God of Heaven Xuntian, once killed the barbarian god in the battle of Liangzhou City and became famous all over the world. Recently, he was appointed by the imperial court to be the governor of the three southern states.

High position weight!

Even looking at the entire imperial court, those who can surpass him can be counted on one hand.

Why did you come to Blood State today?

Zhao Rufeng was puzzled, but he didn't dare to talk nonsense.

On the side of the Blood Sword Gate, dozens of figures stood, followed Mo Bai and his wife silently, looking at the figure in the void like a sea needle with awe and enthusiasm.

Mo Bai and his wife looked at each other, and some didn't know what to say.

They thought that Chen Yuan's surprise attack was to find an opportunity to intercept the Demon Saber Guanhai, and then execute the execution, but they never expected it.

The world-famous Marquis of Wu'an was a little too reckless.

Knowing that Demon Knife Guan Hai was in charge of the Blood Knife Gate, he led people to kill him, not caring at all whether the mountain guard formation here was repaired by those Liangshan thieves.

"It's the official!"

Chen Yuan stared at Guan Hai, but there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes.


Not even luck!

He thought that he would meet a child of luck when he came this time, but now it seems that he paid wrongly after all, and this thing also depends on fate.

Hearing the accurate answer, Guan Hai frowned slightly, just as Zhao Rufeng thought, he was almost familiar with this name.

"You came to Xuezhou instead of investigating Lu Renjia's death in Shuzhou. Could it be that you see no one in Xuezhou?" Guan Haining said.

"I now suspect that you are the murderer who attacked Lu Renjia, and I am here to take you, what do you do?" Chen Yuan looked down at Guan Hai, his voice was soft but powerful.

"Joke, Chen Yuan, it seems that you are really arrogant and arrogant, and you want to take me with mere Yuanshen cultivation? Who gave you the confidence? The court?"

Guan Hai's cultivation base has reached the state of refining gods, and he is even very close to the peak of refining gods. Although Chen Yuan has a bad reputation, he is not a vegetarian.

If he wanted to kill him, Chen Yuan didn't have the qualifications.

"Then what are you waiting for? Just do it, grind and chirp, is this the behavior style of Liangshan bandits?" With the Huangbutcher knife hanging in front of him, Chen Yuan's momentum changed suddenly.

When he found that Guan Hai had no luck, he didn't want to waste any more time.

Kill early and finish early.

He still has to find the Yuanjing vein.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Guan Hai said three good words in succession, and the evil spirit around him instantly condensed:

"You did not hesitate to die in Liangzhou to defend yourself against foreign enemies. Guan Mo didn't want to kill you, but since you asked to die, you can't blame Guan Mou. Today, let my Yanyue knife bring one more dead soul of Tianjiao!"

After saying that, his aura rose instantly, and when he took a step, the color of the void around his body changed, and with a single slash, hundreds of meters of blade light appeared in the sky, and the blade's intent filled the sky.

Just the aftermath alone cut through the black clouds gathered in the sky, and Chen Yuan, who was under the greatest pressure in the middle, would naturally meet Guan Hai with a full blow.

It's just that he didn't panic, and gently lifted the Emperor Butcher Knife as if he was strolling in the garden.

The next moment, the long knife came out of its sheath, and the dragon roar shook the sky.

Under Chen Yuan's full urging, the Six Tribulations Divine Soldier erupted with real power, and a black blade light was like a gust of wind blowing on the sky-shrouding blade light.

The two seemingly unequal attacks had a mysterious change at this time.

The blade light cracked inch by inch, and a roar erupted.

The aftermath of the violent wind swept across the world, but disappeared invisibly three feet away from Chen Yuan's body.

The world is silent.

Guan Hai's pupils shrank deeply, a little shocked.

That knife was his angry blow, even if he didn't have 100% of his strength, he still had 80% or 90% of it, but it was wiped out by Chen Yuan's light knife, which is really unbelievable.

Who is the dominant side among them?

Could it be that Chen Yuan's primordial spirit is stronger than him?

The method of controlling the world is higher than him?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Chen Yuan is definitely not so relaxed, he is holding on, he is bluffing!

Chen Yuan held the Emperor Butcher Knife and didn't say much, but his eyes seemed to say:

"That's it?"

A blow to test each other, resulting in a very strong motivation, the sea of ​​clouds churned, vitality surged, and the ground trembled under this blow, as if an earthquake was coming.

Chen Yuan didn't talk too much nonsense, no matter what, Guan Hai must die today.

Who can't stop it!

Coincidentally, the mysterious supernatural powers brought by my ten-inch primordial spirit can be tested on this person.

When he moves, the world moves with him.

The true meaning of martial arts that merged into the heaven and the earth was as magnificent as an abyss, and his state of mind was calm, and he slashed out again.

This sword contains sword intent.

It also contains the ultimate murderous intent, and the void trembles for it.

And at the moment he moved, Guan Hai didn't stay idle, his heart was shocked, but it was impossible to wait for death, he couldn't believe it, this kid really has such strong strength?

Or, it's just pretending to be garlic.

He wants to try the depth of this person.

Holding the Yanyue Saber tightly with both hands, the vitality rioted, and the primordial spirit in the Lingtai burst into light, and it was directly slashed out with a single knife, which was even stronger than before.

This time, it was the real collision of two sword glows that were as strong as yang.


Like a thunderbolt falling, the sword lights collapsed, and the aftermath stretched far and wide.

Zhao Rufeng was terrified in his heart, he didn't dare to stay in the center where the real people of the five realms were fighting, and fled towards the rear left, wanting to stay away from this place and protect himself wisely.

However, when he moved, Mo Bai quickly noticed the movement. Sensing this somewhat familiar figure, Mo Bai seemed to have thought of something, comforted his wife, and Yu Jian chased after him.


Sensing the astonishing sword intent behind him, Zhao Rufeng looked back, and then, he was taken aback, and lost his voice:

"Yan Yue!"

Yan Yue is Mo Bai's real name, and he is also his younger brother. He is one of the most talented people in the Blood Sword Sect in the past hundred years, and he is expected to inherit the Blood Sword Sect's mantle.

It's just that this person has no intention of doing this, and has kind thoughts in his heart, which is not in line with the purpose of the Blood Sword Sect, so he can only live in a corner.

But because of his talent, he still gained the trust of the leader, and he also knew the real location of the Yuanjing vein.

"Zhao Rufeng, why are you still following Demon Saber Guan Hai while you're not dead?" Mo Bai asked sharply.

"Didn't you already see it? You want me to say it myself?" Zhao Rufeng sneered.

"I want you to tell me!"

"Okay, then I'll tell you, I disclosed the news of the Blood Sword Sect Yuanjing mine vein to Liang Shan, and I also secretly tampered with the Blood Sword Sect's guardian formation.

Yan Yue, are you satisfied? "


Mo Bai took a deep breath and stared at him firmly.

"Why, of course it is to destroy the Blood Sword Sect, what else can it be for?"

"The sect treats you well and teaches you martial arts. Is that how you deceived your master and exterminated your ancestors?"

"Yan Yue, you are so naive, what is this place? This is the blood state, the most evil place in the whole world, for the sake of status and interests, anything can be done.

The sect master looked down on me and only asked me to be an elder, why? I don't accept it, I want him to die, it's as simple as that, don't talk about bullying the master and destroying the ancestors, being ungrateful.

When I entered the Blood Sword Gate, it was his mother's Blood Sword Gate that destroyed my whole family! Shouldn't I kill him? "

Zhao Rufeng laughed wildly.

"So, have you gained power and status?"

Mo Bai asked back.

"As long as you find the Yuanjing vein, you can get these things, Senior Brother Yan, can you help me?"

"Okay, I'll see you on your way!"

Yan Yue stretched out his hand and turned it into a sword finger, and the iron sword on his back pierced the sky, pointing directly at Zhao Rufeng.

On the other side, the battle between Chen Yuan and Guan Hai was the most important thing. After the initial trial, the two did not hold back and fought head-to-head.

It has reached a fever pitch at this moment.

The roaring sound continued.

The vitality riot between the heaven and the earth triggered changes in the celestial phenomena, which changed for tens of miles around, billowing black clouds, as if the sky was filled with demonic energy.

Chen Yuan didn't use his physical strength, it was just his own cultivation of Qi.

Originally, relying on the strength of the Yuanshen realm alone, it would be difficult to stop a genuine old-fashioned master of refining the gods, but Chen Yuan is not an ordinary Yuanshen warrior after all.

He is the Ten Inch Primordial Spirit!

At least in his cognition, there seems to be no such rumors, and right now, he is the only one.

What it brings is not just that supernatural power.

Chen Yuan's various abilities have increased dramatically. Even if he doesn't rely on physical strength, he can still fight back and forth with a martial artist, even if he is equal.

Guan Hai's strength had already been estimated by Chen Yuan when they were fighting for tens of breaths.

The strength is not bad.

A little something, but not much.

At least with his strength, as long as his real combat power is fully activated, under the blessing of physical strength, his soul can be wiped out in no more than a quarter of an hour.

The reason why he doesn't do this now is that Chen Yuan wants to hide his own strength, and the other main reason is to follow Guan Hai to polish his cultivation.

He had relied on the Flood Dragon Divine Bead to skyrocket his cultivation and directly reached the peak of Yuanshen. In the next few days, when his cultivation had just stabilized, he had a new opportunity.

Taking advantage of the trend, he achieved the ten-inch primordial spirit and reached the realm of perfection.

These skyrocketing cultivation bases made his primordial spirit a little vain. Now that there is a suitable whetstone, why not do it?

Then, there was the following evenly matched scene.

Mobilize their respective strengths and vent their madness.

Several mountain peaks were knocked down, and the Blood Sword Gate Mountain Gate, which had experienced a great battle before, was plowed again and became even more unbearable.

Chen Yuan only felt happy at this moment.

Correspondingly, the same is true for Guanhai.

He felt that he had tested Chen Yuan's strength, which was indeed very strong, but he was able to handle it, and he was no longer as shocked as before.

He felt that Chen Yuan had a sword, and he also had a sword.

Chen Yuan has strength, and so does he.

What is there to be afraid of?

With the sword glowing across the sky and the fighting spirit soaring, Chen Yuan swayed his strength to his heart's content, and moved the battlefield to the Black Blood Mountain Range step by step.

Guan Hai felt that he was not inferior to Chen Yuan, but in the end, his strength was the truth. Chen Yuan was stronger than him, because his strength was improving step by step.

Guanhai can only retreat.

Although he was not powerless to fight back, he was still extremely aggrieved by being suppressed.

On the other hand, Mo Bai had already settled the battle. It only took about half an hour from the fight to the end, and he inserted the long sword in Zhao Rufeng's chest.

It is true that he was injured before, but his strength is still there. It won't take long to deal with a real alchemist. Zhao Rufeng is not some kind of arrogance in the world, and he doesn't have the strength to fight beyond the ranks.

With the long sword stuck in his chest, Zhao Rufeng was nailed to a stone wall where he practiced swords in the Blood Sword Gate. The blood quickly stained the stone wall red, and the bloody smell quickly dissipated.

"Yan Yue!!!"

Zhao Rufeng's mouth was full of blood, and sword marks were all over his body. The opponent not only wanted to kill him, but also wanted him to atone for his sins, leaving hundreds of sword marks on his body, and every trace was as deep as the bones.

The robe also turned blood-colored.

"Junior brother Zhao, you betrayed the master, and according to the rules of the sect, you have to suffer from Wan Jian Wen Xin, and now I only left three hundred and fifty sword marks on your body.

You can also rest in peace. "

Mo Bai's eyes were as calm as water, as if he was looking at a stranger.

"I'm dead, don't be happy. It's too early. The Blood Sword Sect was destroyed by Liangshan. Do you think... only Chen Yuan can resist it?

Hehe, wait until the strong men from Liangshan arrive, all of you will die, and I will wait for you below! "

Zhao Rufeng stared, a little unwilling, but the rapid loss of vitality still prevented him from saying any other threatening words.

The only thing people can do is die, so what is there to be afraid of?

He dared to betray his master, he had thought about this day, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

"You wait below."

After Mo Bai finished speaking, he stopped talking, stretched out his hand, and the iron sword inserted on the stone wall fell into his hand. He took a deep look at the blood sword gate that was almost in ruins, and sighed softly.

The past is like wind, and the blood sword gate has officially come to an end.

"Chen Yuan, you can't kill me!"

Guan Hai shattered a blade glow that had reached in front of him, and growled in a low voice.

"It's not until the last moment, don't be too absolute." Chen Yuan's eyes were always calm, and there was not much change from the beginning to the end. It was just a cultivation of gods, and he was not the true king of Yangshen, so he was not worthy of his fear.

"I admit that your strength is very strong, but you absolutely can't do anything to me. If you are willing to retreat today, Guan can pretend that nothing happened."

Guan Hai couldn't help but said.

He is at a disadvantage now, and he can't last for too long. If Chen Yuan still has hidden strength, he might fall here today.

"Punishing rape and eradicating evil is Chen's lifelong wish. The bandits in Liangshan do all sorts of crimes. Gathering people to rebel is even more of a thorn in the court's side. Can you and I live in peace?"

"Don't you want your foundation in Tangshan anymore? Do you know the consequences of angering Liangshan?" Guan Hai threatened.

For some discerning people, it is not a big secret that Chen Yuan is the person behind Tangshan, especially Liangshan has close contacts with Tangshan.

"I'll just bear the consequences. Guan Hai, you don't need to delay. I know that you have sent a message to Liang Shan. It won't be long before someone will come to help you."

"You know how dare you stay here!"

Guan Hai took a deep look at Chen Yuan, feeling something was wrong.

Because this kid is really too calm, dare to do this in the face of Liangshan, it is really a bit wrong, as if he has some backhand.

Is he really not afraid of Liangshan?

"A group of bandits in Liangshan can't do anything in a hundred years, so what is there to be afraid of? Even the top ten immortal sects are not in my eyes, let alone you."

Chen Yuan pretended to be a little bit.

"I hope you can still laugh later." Guan Hai said sharply.

"You don't need to know too much about what will happen later, because you won't be later." Chen Yuan smiled lightly, as if Guan Hai was bound to die.

Guan Hai's heart sank, he knew that Chen Yuan was going to use his real trump card, otherwise he wouldn't have said such a thing, but, he has been a vegetarian for more than a hundred years in Guan Hai with his magic knife?

With Chen Yuan's strength, there is a chance to beat him, but it is almost impossible to kill him.

"Then use your real power, and let me see what kind of ability Marquis Wu An, who can kill the body of a barbarian god, is capable of!" Guan Hai roared angrily.

With a sudden grip of the Yanyue knife in his hand, he directly used the secret method.

A wave of emptiness soared into the sky, wrapped around him, and a powerful wave of primordial spirit erupted undisguisedly, directly locking onto Chen Yuan.

You can't kill Chen Yuan with vitality alone, you have to rely on your own strengths to kill Yuanshen with Yuanshen!

He didn't believe that Chen Yuan, who had just entered the Yuanshen, could have any means above the Yuanshen to restrain him. With the breeze blowing, Guan Hai stepped out in one step.

Spanning a distance of hundreds of feet, he arrived in front of Chen Yuan in the blink of an eye, and a primordial spirit surrounded by evil energy and fire rushed out of the altar and pointed directly at Chen Yuan.

But at this moment, Chen Yuan didn't make any movement, just looked at him quietly, as if he didn't realize it.

The corner of Guan Hai's mouth twitched into a smile, as if he had seen the dawn of victory. His weakness was indeed the case. He used the secret method to destroy the primordial spirit by himself, and he couldn't stop it at all!

It's just that he was happy a little too early, when he was only one foot away from Chen Yuan.

The surrounding void froze in an instant, while Chen Yuan raised a finger and pointed it between his eyebrows!



There is another one tonight

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