I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 584 The God of Refinement Falls! Uncle's true identity!

The void freezes!

This is the terrifying supernatural power brought about by Chen Yuan breaking the limit and raising the Yuanshen to ten inches.

There was an experiment on the way to Tangshan before, and it could solidify the range of ten feet around the body for about three times, but it was just an experiment at that time.

Haven't actually fought.

This time is an opportunity!

Long before the fight, Chen Yuan wanted to use Guan Hai to test how this supernatural power is. He has good cultivation and strength, and even with full combat power, he is not so easy to kill. He just happens to be a good test product. .

Therefore, since the fight, Chen Yuan has always been calm and calm, and he didn't care about other things at all. It was because of his confidence and confidence that he forced Guan Hai to use his trump card.

All are expected.

The distance of one foot is only three inches. Chen Yuan even sensed the sharp edge that was about to pierce the center of his eyebrows, but he still calmed down and raised his finger slightly.

The purple primordial spirit in the Lingtai burst into light, and the radius of ten feet froze instantly.

It's not a step-by-step muddy process, but a direct solidification.

At the moment of freezing, Guan Hai knew something was wrong, but it was a pity that it was already too late at this moment, with such a short distance, even if he could only imprison himself for a moment, he could kill him in an instant.

He just couldn't figure out why Chen Yuan would have such a means.

To solidify the void, Yangshen Zhenjun can't do it in the face of warriors of the same realm, right?

Guan Hai was incomprehensible, but it was useless.

Chen Yuan's raised finger seemed to be slow, even allowing people to see through the trajectory, but in fact it was only in an instant, and a finger was directly between the eyebrows.

Then, a violent force rushed into the Lingtai in an instant.

Imprisoning the contact, that violent force also fell on the primordial spirit.


Guan Hai clearly felt a roar in his ears, and then his eyes went dark, and he couldn't see anything else, that killing force crushed his primordial spirit.

One hit decides the outcome!

Guan Hai's body was like a kite with a broken string. It fell from the void and made a huge deep hole on the ground, and he never stood up again.

Yuanshen is the core soul of a warrior.

The body dies, but the primordial spirit survives.

The primordial spirit is destroyed and completely becomes a disabled body.

The surrounding space was extremely silent, Chen Yuan put down his raised hand, his expression didn't change at all, because the current scene had already gone through his mind many times.

And he is also very satisfied with the means of this void confinement.

Definitely a killer move.

After Chen Yuan finished groping Guan Hai's body, Mo Bai, who had rushed to kill the man next to Guan Hai, had already returned. As soon as he came, he saw Guan Hai who was like a dead dog on the ground and froze in place. .

Guan Hai is one of the high-level people in Liangshan, and his wealth is not small, and he also has the treasure of mustard seeds. From him, Chen Yuan got a Crescent Moon Saber at the level of a divine weapon.

Got more than a thousand yuan crystals, and some other treasures.

The harvest can be described as very rich.

The only pity is that the Blood Sword Sect was destroyed a little early, and all the wealth here had already been transported to Liangshan, otherwise, it would have become his spoils of war today.

Mo Bai's body froze, and he carefully looked at the corpse in front of him, feeling a little unreal.

Guan Hai, one of the top leaders of Liangshan, who had shaken the blood state for many years, just died like this?

He knew the horror of Guan Hai. He was the main force in destroying the Blood Sword Sect before, and it can be said that he was extremely powerful in suppressing the Blood Sword Sect. Now, he was suppressed and killed by Chen Yuan.

It seemed that it took him about the same time to kill Zhao Rufeng.

It's really shocking!

He killed Zhao Rufeng because he knew his ways and strength, and his own cultivation level was higher than him, so he could send him on the road in a very short time.

What about Chen Yuan?

As far as he knew, Chen Yuan's fighting strength was strong, but he was only a primordial spirit, but Guan Hai was a genuine old-fashioned spirit refiner, and the gap was the same as that of him and Zhao Rufeng.

Before reporting the Yuanjing mine to Chen Yuan, he wanted to use Chen Yuan to mobilize the strong men of the court to surround and kill this person, but he came here alone in a hurry, even if he tried to persuade him, he would not listen.

Now it seems that he looks like a worrying clown.

Chen Yuan dared to come because he was strong!

Strong strength brings strong confidence!

These thoughts are fleeting.

Mo Bai let out a long breath.

Guan Hai has done a lot of evil, there were rumors of eating people alive, and now his soul is annihilated by life, which can be regarded as the reincarnation of heaven, it's not that there is no retribution, it's just that the time has not yet come.

"Man, this Marquis killed for you!"

Chen Yuan folded his hands and glanced at Mo Bai.

The meaning right now is that when the job is done, the reward should be paid.

If not, the couple would have to be buried today!

Mo Bai knew the truth, but he was still grateful to Chen Yuan. He knelt down on one knee and said in a deep voice:

"Thank you, Lord Hou, for helping me avenge the death of my family. There is no way to repay me in this life. Only this crippled body is loyal to Lord Hou. Since then, there will be mountains of swords and seas of fire, and I dare not refuse."


Chen Yuan nodded.

Fortunately, Mo Bai also knew Chen Yuan's purpose, and he didn't dare to waste time by rambling, lest Chen Yuan get angry, and continued:

"Don't dare to lie to Master Hou, now I will take Master Hou to see where the Yuanjing mine is located."

"Well, lead the way!"

The location of Liangshan is very good. It is surrounded by lakes and is about 800 miles long. Even the shortest diameter is about 100 miles away from the land, enclosing the mountain Liangshan in the very center.

Relying on a strong navy and geographical advantages, it is not easy to stand for a hundred years and develop step by step to the point where it can barely compete with the Seven Killing Palace, and its reputation is also very large.

Even when he was in Ping'an County, he had heard about Liangshan from a group of rebels.

Weishi has a very good reputation and is almost a benchmark of power in the world. Although he is called a thief of the Devil's Dao, he has never called himself that.

The slogan they played is to do justice for the sky!

This place is thousands of miles away from the Blood Sword Gate, which is relatively far away, but for a master of martial arts, it is still possible to learn some of the outside situation in a very short period of time.

Soul Lamp!

The main thing to rely on is the soul lamp and the sound transmission talisman.

After fighting Chen Yuan, he realized that he was a little helpless to that guy, so he immediately activated the sound transmission talisman secretly, hoping to delay for a while to wait for reinforcements.

It's a pity that his soul lamp went out just as Liang Shan was about to summon experts to support him.

Eight hundred miles away, Liang Shanshui Bozhai, Juyi Hall.

The leader Song Lun's face was extremely gloomy, and several Liangshan high-level executives sitting below were also full of anger, brewing a strong murderous intent.

Although Liang Shan is strong, the loss of a real person who refines gods is also extremely heavy. Most of the forces they gather are low-level warriors, and there are very few real people in the fifth level.

Almost all grew up gradually.

He also has a deep brotherly relationship with Guan Hai.

When I heard the news of the death, I was extremely saddened.

A bearded black man was silent for a long time, couldn't help standing up and said:

"Big master, this son of Chen Yuan bullied me Liangshan too much. At the beginning, I admired him for daring to resist foreign enemies, but now he kills the strong Liangshan without any kindness. He really deserves to die. You give me an order, brother, I will go and kill him Cut it into eighteen pieces!"

The black man is nearly ten feet tall, more than two meters tall. He walks the way of body training, with majestic energy and blood, and his voice is as loud as a bell. He has a good reputation in the Blood State.

Known as Fan Ying the Blood Axe, his reputation was even more vicious than Guan Hai.

It's just that he is only famous, and his strength is still far from Guan Hai's, only the strength of Yuanshen.

"sit down."

Song Lun frowned, not angry.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the disobedient Fan Ying could only open his mouth and sit down with a soft hum.

Sitting in the top spot, he built the 800-mile Liangshanshuipo village with one hand, and has a great reputation in the rivers and lakes. He is called a white-clothed scholar, and he is a real monarch who is close to the top ten on the supreme list.

"Why does this Chen Yuan declare war on Liangshan? The Tangshan Mansion under his control has been in close contact with us." A man in Tsing Yi held a feather fan, his brows were slightly frowned, and he couldn't figure out the key point.

"This person must have come here for Lu Renjia's death. I heard that he had a one-year agreement with Emperor Dog, which included recovering the territory of the Blood State. Maybe he regarded Liangshan as a soft persimmon!"

"Hmph, looking for death!"

"This seat has only one question. Chen Yuan seems to have broken through the primordial spirit not long ago. Where did he come from to kill Brother Guan? Could it be that the news from Brother Guan was wrong, and Chen Yuan has other helpers?"

A Huayang strong man couldn't help but speak.

The seven or eight of them are all the top combat forces in Liangshan. Headed by Song Lun, the relationship is relatively harmonious, so they dare to speak unscrupulously.

"Brother Lu, what do you think?" Song Lun turned his gaze to a middle-aged man at the bottom left and asked.

The middle-aged man in black called Brother Lu said in a deep voice:

"This Chen Yuan is not simple. He became famous at a young age, and in just a few years he was able to shake the world. There must be some way to suppress the bottom of the box. It is not impossible for the magic knife to die in the blood sword gate.

However, the point of the problem now is not how Guan Hai died, but that he is already dead. As the top five leader of Liangshan, we have not made any movement after his death. How can we gather in the rivers and lakes? Attract thousands of people to vote?

Therefore, the immediate priority is to avenge Guan Hai, hang the murderer Chen Yuan's head in front of Liangshan Po, and let the heroes of the world come to watch!

This person is favored by the emperor and has a great reputation. Now the governor of the three southern states has a high position and authority. If he doesn't do anything to us, we won't be able to do anything to him because of his reputation in Liangzhou. Now that he is actively looking for death, then Just let him know, let him know that the disputes between the rivers and lakes and the court's grievances are not about the younger generation fighting for the top, but about dividing life and death! "

"Second Master is right!"

"That's right, as it should be!"

"The reason why Liangshan has come to this point is all because of a word of justice. If you don't kill this Liao, you won't be able to convince the brothers below."

The crowd in the Juyi Hall was excited, while Song Lun frowned slightly. He always felt that it was not that simple, but right now it was indeed as the second leader said.

Not killing Chen Yuan is not enough to anger the common people!

He had to be killed, and his head had to be hung in Liangshan for a hundred days to give the imperial court a blow.

"Okay, since all the brothers think so, then this Chen Yuan really has to be killed, because of Chen Yuan's strange methods, this time, I will personally come forward to suppress this person.

Fan Ying, you follow me, you must do it as soon as possible, lest Chen Yuan leave Blood State after killing Guan Hai. "

Song Lun stood up and said in a deep voice.

"So what if he ran away, let's kill Tangshan and destroy his foundation, so we don't believe that he won't come out!" Fan Ying snorted coldly, full of killing intent.

"it is good!"

Song Lun didn't delay any longer, and ordered the second head of the family, Tota Tianwang, to guard Liangshan, and he hurried back and went straight to the Blood Sword Gate!

Seven Killing Palace Mountain Gate.

The meeting hall.

Today's Hall of Seven Kills is quite busy, the hall master hasn't shown up for many days, and the other five Yamas are also busy with their own affairs, except for a man in black robe with a mysterious mask sitting on the left hand of the chief seat.

Yan Luo, who is ranked second in the Hall of Seven Kills, is the King of Chujiang!

Although he joined the Seven Killing Palace for less than a hundred years, relying on his strong strength, he still defeated the others below.

Became the number two figure in the Hall of Seven Kills.

It is no exaggeration to say that he has a high position and weight.

But today, when he was thinking about something, he suddenly frowned, a light flashed between his sleeves, and a talisman appeared in his hand, followed by a low voice.

After finishing speaking, the talisman was automatically destroyed, and the sound transmission talisman was considered useless.

King Chujiang frowned slightly after hearing this, and muttered to himself:

"This kid, it's really troublesome to be so non-stop when he first came to the south, but he's the son of my Chen family, he can kill even Guan Hai, but... if he kills Guan Hai, he has to find a way to resist Liang Shan.

Or, what does this kid know? Deliberately feuding with Liang Shan? "

That's right, King Chu Jiang of the Hall of Seven Kills is the uncle Chen Yuan thought had long since fallen. Back then, his traces were leaked and revealed to the court by someone.

Attracted the court powerhouses to lay a net to surround and kill him.

It's just that he still has a little foundation after all. He seems to have fallen, but in fact he still has back hands. In fact, he is just a fake death, but the injuries on his body are real, and it will take at least decades to recover.

At that time, because he suspected that it was the conspiracy of the Xiang family, he did not reappear, but found a way to hide in the Palace of Seven Kills, and gradually grew into Yama of the Palace of Seven Kills.

But when he wanted to check the whereabouts of his sister, he only found out that she had fallen. At that time, he was so angry that he wanted to find Xiang Qianqiu, but later he figured out something.

Knowing that he was not Xiang Qianqiu's opponent, if he went there, he would just take his own humiliation, so he gradually dormant.

It wasn't until later that the secret of Chen Yuan's body was broken, and when he tried his best to track down Wu Daozi, he saw Chen Yuan's portrait by accident, and his heart was shocked at that time.

Because this child is very similar to Xiang Qianqiu and Xuan Ling, after confirmation, he is completely sure of him.

At this moment, he thought of where Wu Daozi would go, and unexpectedly learned that the Japanese slaves in Dongying wanted to kill Chen Yuan with the help of the Seven Killing Palace.

It's best not to reveal his identity for the time being, but he can't watch his nephew die.

Then he disclosed the news to Wu Daozi, and guided Chen Yuan to take the Chen family battle flag to the Shenxue Lake, where he had sacrificed it with a formation method, and the Chen family blood dyed it red, and more than 100,000 heroic spirits were sleeping.

Let him know his identity first, get favors, and help him grow step by step.

It's just that his nephew is really a bit perverted, and his growth rate is too fast, which shocked his uncle who used to have eyes above the top.

Just thinking about Chen Yuanfeng going to the south, almost the time has come, so I wanted to help him, but this kid got into a fight with Liangshan's people again.

If these thieves could be dealt with so easily, the Palace of Seven Kills would not have a headache.

Immortals don't come out, it is very difficult to deal with Liangshan,

Even the ninth Hall Master on the supreme list is not very sure, and is now in the middle of a tug-of-war.

"Huh" King Chujiang let out a long breath of foul air.

A shot is a must.

Chen Yuan was the hope of their Chen family, and also the hope of him and Xuan Ling. With him alone, he would not be able to break through the Sixth Realm in this lifetime, and without the strength of the Sixth Realm, it would be impossible to destroy the Xiang family.

Therefore, I have to help Chen Yuan get through this hurdle.

Who told him that he was his own uncle whose blood was thicker than water?

After a moment of silence in the hall, he took out something and said via voice transmission:

"Hall Master, I just accepted a mission, which is very interesting."

"What mission?"

The cold voice of the Lord of the Seven Killing Hall came from the sound transmission object.

"Chen Yuan killed Liang Shan's magic knife Guan Hai. Some people were worried about his safety and hoped that the Hall of Seven Killers would stand up for him and stop Song Lun and others."

"Guan Hai is dead?"



The Hall Master of the Seven Killing Palace asked very solemnly.

Liang Shanbo and the Palace of Seven Killers are fighting against each other and competing for various resources. They are still very clear about several top powerhouses. It is not easy for Chen Yuan to kill him.

However, it is not impossible.

Chen Yuan could even kill the wheel-running king who was at the peak of god refining, so it was reasonable to be able to kill Guan Hai.


"Do you want to take on this mission?"

"I've already picked it up."

King Chu Jiang replied.

"The pay is high?"

"It's not high, but our Qisha Palace is in conflict with Liangshan, and this time is not too bad. In addition, I also want to meet Chen Yuan, who can kill Zhuanlun in the alchemy realm, and see what kind of abilities he has. .

If possible, it would be nice to cooperate with him to deal with Liang Shan. "

"As soon as Guan Hai dies, Liangshan will definitely send out the real king. The second head of the Tuota Heavenly King seldom takes action. His strength is unknown. It is Song Lun who should make a move. Are you sure?"

The Hall Master of the Seven Killing Hall asked.

He didn't simply think that Chujiang King was no opponent. In fact, even he would be cautious about this person. It was more than enough to be at the top of the supreme list, but it was not certain whether he could deal with Song Lun.

"How do you know if you don't try?"

King Chujiang smiled faintly.

"Since you are so confident, go for it."

The master of the Seven Killing Palace didn't say much.

This is how they behave. They have no grievances with the warriors in the Jianghu. Today they send someone to kill the target, but they fail to be killed, and they can be hired by the target tomorrow.

What they care about is profit and practice, not pure grievances.

The King of the Wheel will die if he dies, and there will be no talk of revenge, otherwise, even if the Palace of Seven Kills can stand shoulder to shoulder with Lingshan several times, he will not be able to survive at all, without him, there will be too many enemies.

"Okay, the hall master can continue to retreat."

King Chujiang said lightly.

"Well, be careful, you can't do anything, and withdraw immediately."

King Chujiang is different from King Zhuanlun. He is the true king of Yangshen with a very high status. If he is only under him, if he dies, the Qisha Hall will be seriously injured.



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