I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 585 Anger at Song Lun, Goodbye Luck!

Black Blood Mountain Range.

This mountain range is very large, not smaller than Tangshan Mountain Range, otherwise the people brought by Guan Hai would not have searched it for half a year, the gate of Blood Sword Sect is in the mountain range.

After Chen Yuanzhu killed Demon Saber Guan Hai, Liang Shan and the surrendered disciples of Xuejianmen were still there, so there was no need for Chen Yuan to take action at this time.

These miscellaneous fish are not worth his hands.

Mo Bai and his wife surrendered to him, they had to give a real vote of honor.

As for the Yuanjing vein, that is his reward for doing it.

All the thieves in Liangshan were killed. After strict investigation, those disciples of the Blood Sword Sect who took the initiative to serve were also killed by the Mo Bai couple. As for the forced ones, they were not killed.

It's not unwillingness, but Chen Yuan gave the order.

After they found the Yuanjing veins, they still needed people to mine. These disciples of the Blood Sword Sect are all pretty good, stronger than ordinary civilians, so if they can keep it, they will naturally keep it.

After solving these matters, Mo Bai and his wife took Chen Yuan all the way to a certain place in the Black Blood Mountain Range.

The Blood Sword Sect was destroyed, and this Yuanjing vein was the main reason. Although it was not to blame, it was the fact that such a huge wealth, as long as the couple touched it, they would die.

In addition, Chen Yuan's revenge for the Blood Sword Sect was also the reward agreed in advance, so they naturally gave it to him willingly.

After staying in the sky for about a quarter of an hour, Mo Bai stayed in an extremely inconspicuous valley. There are at least dozens of similar valleys in the Black Blood Mountain Range.

Therefore, it is inconspicuous at all, and Zhao Rufeng and others will not focus on a valley.

"Master Hou, the Yuanjing vein is within the valley!"

Mo Bai looked at the valley below and said softly.

Chen Yuan nodded slightly, but after careful inspection, he found nothing unusual, and looked at the couple with questioning eyes.

Mo Bai then explained:

"Actually, the reason why the Zongmen was able to discover the mineral veins here was also a coincidence. This place is different from the usual places. The Yuanjing is located deep in the ground, and the vitality does not fluctuate much. It is similar to the rich vitality here, so it is not easy to be discovered. Later The head left a blocking formation here.

It is even less known. "

After finishing speaking, Mo Bai stretched out his sword finger without any hesitation, and a stream of sword energy rushed straight to an ordinary bluestone somewhere in the valley, and there was a roar with a bang.

This is the eye of the forbidden formation, as long as one is destroyed, there will be gaps in the formation.

Sure enough, in just a moment, Chen Yuan sensed a very inconspicuous fluctuation of vitality. From the depths of the ground, if any treasures such as spiritual objects were excluded, it must be that the veins of Yuanjing were correct.

Chen Yuan was very satisfied, and looked at the couple with a smile:

"With the help of the Yuanjing mine vein, this Marquis can breathe a sigh of relief. I would also like to thank you couple for your help. The previous promise is still valid. As long as you follow me with all your heart, you will definitely not regret it, even if it is rebuilding the Blood Sword Sect , it doesn't matter."

What he is most anxious about now is a large amount of resources. This Yuanjing vein can be said to be a timely help, and it can bring him great help right now.

"It's okay to rebuild the Blood Sword Gate. Since it has disappeared, it will return to ashes. The two of us don't have much ability. It is enough to follow Master Hou to seek peace."

Mo Bai smiled, his tone did not seem to be fake.

"Yes, my lord."

His wife beside him also echoed.

As early as the days when they fled, they actually had this idea, but Mo Bai still couldn't let go of these hatreds.

Now that his revenge has been avenged, Mo Bai is not even willing to change his name back.

It's fine now.

"It's up to you, I won't force it," Chen Yuan said.

"Master Hou, you just killed Guan Hai. With Liang Shan's ability, you probably already know that there are strong people coming now, and the Yuanjing vein can't escape here. Let's discuss it in the long run."

Mo Bai said it very euphemistically, but the meaning of the words was already very obvious.

He just hoped that Chen Yuan would stay out of the limelight for a while, he was really afraid that Chen Yuan would continue to be reckless.

It is not easy to recklessly destroy a Guanhai, but how can it be reckless to recklessly conquer Liangshan, which has shaken the blood state for decades? You know, now, Liang Shan dares to stand against the Palace of Seven Kills.

There is more than one true king.

Xuejianmen seems to be a top force, but in front of Liang Shan, it is just a bigger ant, and it will be destroyed if it is said to be destroyed. No matter how strong Chen Yuan is, it is impossible to kill the real king.

The Yuanjing mine was temporarily covered, and it was impossible for people in Liangshan to find it in a short time. They could use the power of the imperial court to force Liangshan back.

But what he didn't know was that the Yuanjing vein was a resource he prepared for himself, and it was the most important cornerstone for his subordinates to expand their army by tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands. How could they let it out?

What's more, what he lacks most now is time, and he can't even delay it.

Yuan Jing must be reclaimed as soon as possible in order to keep up with consumption.

"The Marquis knows this matter well. Since I dare to kill Guan Hai, I am not afraid of the revenge of Liangshan Zhenjun. What's more, I can escape for a while, but I can't escape for a lifetime."

Even if he leaves the Black Blood Mountain Range and the Blood State now, can he still leave Tangshan? Liang Shan, who had a very close deal with Tang Shan, must have guessed that he was the mastermind behind the scenes. When the time came to kill Tang Shan directly, his situation would be even more passive.

With Mo Luo around, the True Monarch is not incapable of beheading!

Even if he can't kill him, he can still force the opponent back and completely draw out the Dao Dao. Only in this way can he get these Yuan Jing safely and securely.

This place is close to the second border mansion of the imperial court, and the geographical location is favorable to him, so it is very unadvisable to retreat.


Seeing Chen Yuan's refusal, Mo Bai secretly said in his heart that it was almost as expected, but he couldn't help but worry in his heart.

Chen Yuan helped him, even if he got Yuanjing veins as a reward, he didn't want him to perish here.

"Okay, let's arrange the place here, and you and your wife will take the people from Tangshan and hide in the Black Blood Mountain Range. After I repel the Liangshan bandits, we will talk about the reclamation."

Chen Yuan didn't want to waste any more words.

If he really wanted to leave, why did he ask Han Yu to mobilize the elite to come to Blood State?

They are all preparing for the transportation of Yuanjing ore veins.

Seeing that they couldn't be persuaded, Mo Bai and his wife looked at each other, but they could only give up, and they both cupped their hands and said:

"Yes, I would like to follow the order of Lord Hou!"

The Blood Sword Sect is on a mountain that was not affected by the aftermath of the previous confrontation.

Chen Yuan sat cross-legged, recuperating his breath, his expression remained calm.

Just as he ordered, Mo Bai and his wife had already led dozens of people to hide in the Black Blood Mountain Range, and they would only come out when he appeared in person.

One is for their safety, even if it is difficult for them to bear the aftermath of a fight between a true king-level powerhouse, it is better to hide away earlier.

The second is to conceal their identity.

Demon Lord Shura and Dao God Palace cannot be exposed in front of them, at least not yet, even if Chen Yuan believed in their loyalty, he would not take the risk.

Before the rebellion, once Jingtai found out about the Taoist Palace and Lord Shura, they would change in an unpredictable direction, which was not in line with Chen Yuan's plan.

What he likes is that everything is under control step by step.

Follow the route planned in advance, step by step.

They were hiding in the Black Blood Mountain Range, and he was facing the enemy head-on.

As for Liangshan's information, the Headquarters of the Survey Department has a lot of information. He was previously the envoy of Tianzi, and he specially made up a lot of things about the south.

Not all, but almost enough.

Among them, he paid special attention to Liangshan.

This faction has been in use for a very short time. Relying on the reputation of being well-known in the world, it was able to stand in the Blood State in just a hundred years, and now it is indistinctly rivaling the Palace of Seven Kills.

Needless to say, this was quite a miracle.

After all, there are countless forces that have been passed down for hundreds of years in the Jianghu, but most of them maintain the status quo, and few can rise against the trend. It is not easy to stabilize the foundation passed down from their ancestors.

Therefore, although Chen Yuan was not sure, he also had some guesses that this Liangshan might not be as simple as it appeared on the surface, and there should be powerful forces behind it.

There are quite a few Huayang real people in Liangshan on the bright side. Since the various forces have been taking refuge in the past century, there are seven or eight Huayang strong people on the bright side alone.

Guan Hai is just the upper middle class, besides there are many murderers, this is only the upper class, in fact, the fighters in the middle and lower classes are even more elite.

According to the news from the imperial court, there are nearly 30 masters in Liangshan Alchemy Realm, and they have more than a hundred masters!

The main reason why there are so many, even comparable to or even surpassing the level of Xianmen, is that as mentioned before, this force does not cultivate disciples steadily.

Instead, they gathered directly from the rivers and lakes

Someone who offended the imperial court or the local forces, as long as they can't get along, they may go to Liangshan and fight for the name of one hundred and eight generals.

Therefore, this force is developing very fast, but it is also mixed with good and bad people. There are all kinds of people, who do all kinds of evil, and there are also people who rape, plunder, and have no conscience.

What Liangshan pays attention to is not character, but whether it can be used by him.

A hundred years of development, can you not be fast?

If it were changed to the top ten immortal sects recruiting masters to serve as elders at all levels, the power would be even greater, but the reason why the immortal gates are called immortal gates, and they can be passed down for thousands of years depends on Ning Que Wu Lan.

Disciples must be cultivated from an early age, and outsiders wanting to get started, it is difficult to reach the sky, and they are not trusted.

Among the many strong men in Liangshan, there are only two people who are most worthy of Chen Yuan and the court's attention. These two people are also the real power holders of Liangshan.

The first one is Liang Shanda, a white-clothed scholar Song Lun, who is ranked sixteenth on the Supreme List. He was once said to be a powerless scholar who has read a lot of poetry and books but failed repeatedly.

Later, due to some accidents, he abandoned literature and joined the military in a rage.

As a result, he was not good at studying, but he was a top-notch aptitude in martial arts, and he reached the Yangshen realm in just a hundred years, which is very extraordinary.

The second one is Liangshan's second head, Tota Heavenly King Lu Guangsheng, who is ranked nineteenth on the supreme list. It is said that he was once the head of a small hermit family.

As a last resort, he and Song Lun came together and established Liangshan together.

Of course, this is just a rumor. In fact, regarding the origins of the two of them, especially Lu Guangsheng, even the Sky Survey Division did not find out very clearly.

These two people are the real power figures in Liangshan, controlling all the power, and at the same time they are very close, just like brothers. The court once thought of splitting and wooing, but ended in failure.

As for their strength, in fact, if they were only the sixteenth and nineteenth in the Supreme Ranking, Chen Yuan would not be afraid at all.

The true emperor of the Sima royal family that he had beheaded in the imperial city before was barely on the list in terms of overall strength. It was easy to kill him at that time, and it didn't take much effort.

Sixteen and nineteen people are not taken seriously.

But the ranking does not completely represent the strength. The rankings obtained by ascending the fairy tower are just sorting out their respective records and making speculations. The actual situation is not necessarily accurate.

Just like now, it is very difficult for the Palace of Seven Kills to win Liangshan without the action of an immortal, and this can be proved.

One must know that the Lord of the Seven Killing Palace is the top ten peerless True Monarch on the Supreme Ranking, and Chujiang King who is second in the list has also had a record of single-handedly killing the Yang God True Monarch.

It's just because this news is just speculation, and Deng Xianlou doesn't know the details, so he didn't put it on the supreme list.

The two guys who can't even deal with the top ten immortal sects, can it be said that they are just ordinary true kings?

Therefore, Chen Yuan despises them strategically, but attaches great importance to them tactically, and will never have the idea of ​​underestimating the Yangshen Zhenjun.

No matter what, the real king is also the real king.

But he only has the cultivation base of Yuanshen, without the support of Mo Luo, the weakest true king can crush him to death.

As the time passed, Chen Yuan did not go to practice, but recalled the information about Liangshan in the Sky Survey Division, and on the other hand, he was thinking about the next path to take.

In the blink of an eye, half a day passed.

Adding in the time for killing Guan Hai and searching for the Yuanjing ore veins, almost a full day has passed, and the sun that was originally high has already set.

The faint afterglow of the setting sun, sprinkled on the world, outlines a wonderful picture.

If it were placed in winter, it would already be dark at this moment.

Thousands of miles is a long distance, and it would take at least a few days for low-level warriors, but for Yangshen Zhenjun, three thousand miles in one day is definitely enough.

Chen Yuan closed his eyes, scattered his spiritual thoughts far away, and always paid attention to the movement nearby, not daring to relax.

Finally, another quarter of an hour passed.

Chen Yuan also sensed something unusual, and a very faint gaze fell on him. His eyelashes trembled slightly, and then he opened his eyes, turned his gaze to the front left, and said lightly:

"If friends from Liangshan come, just show up, hide and hide and don't dare to see people, but you will lose your reputation of being respected in the rivers and lakes."


A faint chuckle came from all directions, and the clouds were light and the wind was light, moving with the wind.

"When it comes to reputation, the Marquis of Wu'an who shocked the world in the first battle in Liangzhou City is really famous. How can Liangshan's little reputation in the rivers and lakes win the eyes of Marquis Wu'an?"

The voice was very soft and indifferent, and it didn't look like he came to ask for guilt.

After the words were finished, waves appeared in the void of more than a hundred feet in front of Chen Yuan's left, like a fallen leaf on the surface of the water. A figure in white clothes with a folding fan and a scarf on his head appeared.

The masculine temperament is as light as a breeze, his eyes are deep and bright, his face is thin, and he is dressed like a scholar.

The scholar in white, the head of Liangshan Dazhai, Song Lun!

Chen Yuan immediately thought of this person.

After Song Lun, another person came out. It was a black man like an iron tower. He was nearly ten feet tall and more than two meters tall.

Even though they were hundreds of feet away, Chen Yuan could feel that his physical strength should be very strong, and he probably had already broken through the realm of King Kong's indestructibility, but he shouldn't be far away in the magical realm.

Although the aura coming from his body was strong, it made him feel that there was no danger.

According to the information, it is estimated that it is Fan Ying, the blood ax of Liangshan.

"Hmph, it was you, a weak brat, who killed Brother Guan Hai?" Fan Ying stared with eyes the size of bull's eyeballs, with a rather ferocious air.

"Fan Ying is so rude."

Song Lun raised his hand to stop him from continuing to speak.

There was some scrutiny in the eyes looking at Chen Yuan.

And Chen Yuan just glanced at Fan Ying, ignored this little character at all, but turned his gaze to Song Lun, and smiled lightly:

"That's just the love of the heroes in the world. In fact, dying for the country is what every man in the Central Plains should have. It can't compare to the reputation of Song Zhaizhu, who is famous for his troubles and chaos."

Seeing Chen Yuan ignoring her, Fan Ying was a little angry, but because of the face of the village master, she just gave him another look, her face turned blue and white, obviously very angry.

Song Lun was not angry when facing Chen Yuan's ridicule, but said:

"Ming people don't talk dark words. Marquis Wu An knows why Song came here today. You killed me, the fifth head of Liangshan, and you should give an explanation."

"Guan Hai has done a lot of evil, and the number of lives in his hands is unknown. There are even rumors that he cannibalize living people. At that time, why didn't the village master Song give an explanation?

If you want to explain, I will tell you that Guan Hai deserved his death, and he deserved his crime. As the official of the imperial court, the governor of the three southern states, he has the right to be famous, so why can't he be killed? "

Chen Yuan answered directly, but a cyan light flashed in his eyes.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Guan Hai didn't have any luck, but he didn't expect it to fall on this white-clothed scholar, which was a bit tricky.

"People in the Jianghu should do what they do in the Jianghu. It is true that Guan Hai has killed many people. Why, when you, Marquis of Wu'an, slaughtered people all over your house, you were on the side of the court's law?

Saying this is biased. "

Chen Yuan smiled heartily and nodded slightly:

"You're right, I've killed many clans and slaughtered many people, but as you said, except for accidental wounds, everyone I killed was in accordance with the court's laws.

I am an official of the imperial court, and I am the envoy of the sky surveyor, and the law can't control me. "

"I may have harmed personal morality in private, but why have I been lacking in righteousness? I still slaughtered the barbarians in the north. The generals of the barbarians also fell under my sword, and the corpses of overseas barbarians were also separated by my hands.

what about you? There is nothing wrong with Xiaoju, but how many of the things he has done are beneficial to the people and have a clear conscience for the world? Song Lun, you are a useless and posturing rotten scholar, and you are worthy of accusing me! "

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