I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 586 I'm Your Second Uncle!


The white-clothed scholar, who had always been calm and composed, was directly shattered by Chen Yuan's words, every word stabbed at his heart, especially the useless poor and rotten scholar, which made his face livid.

I felt a little underestimated of this Marquis of Wu'an, Chen Yuan, but I didn't expect that not only was his talent in martial arts the best in the world, but he could even swear at people like this. Refreshing and refined.

"Presumptuous, you bratty lackey of the imperial court, you dare to scold my elder brother!" Fan Ying roared angrily.

Chen Yuan sneered, he has a clear conscience for scolding these words!

He killed a lot of people, many of them had personal grievances, but it was reasonable and legal, and he did not hesitate to risk his life for the Central Plains, so he couldn't say anything about scolding those high-spirited and upright people.

Let’s talk about these Liangshan bandits still standing on the moral high ground.

"How dare you scold me like a wild boar? Bullying the weak and fearing the strong, you are the one who will cause trouble, Fan Ying, if you still have a little courage, you can go forward and fight.

See if Ben Hou can skin you alive, you wild boar! "

"you wanna die!"

Fan Ying let out a low growl, completely enraged, and directly grasped the two huge axes the size of a millstone in her hand, and was about to go forward and hack Chen Yuan to death to vent her hatred!

"Fan Ying, come back!"

Song Lun still has a certain bearing, even if he is sprayed to break his defense, he can quickly adjust his mentality at this moment.

"Brother, this kid."



Fan Ying let out a long sigh, and slowly retreated behind her.

"Marquis Wu An is eloquent, he is indeed a world-renowned talent, both civil and military. However, you and I are also people of status, so it would be a bit tasteless to say these things."

Song Lun changed the subject, because he found that he really didn't have the confidence to say anything about Chen Yuan. No matter what, he was also a well-known hero in the Central Plains.

Just forgetting to die in Liangzhou city has made his reputation reach its peak in the north.

Those rebels who betrayed the imperial court really couldn't say anything.

As for the deal with the rebels in Tangshan, they all knew it well, but he just didn't have any evidence, because on the bright side, Chen Yuan left himself very clean in order to prevent future incidents from being discovered by the court.

He has never done anything for the expansion of Tangshan's power, but the main reason is that he is not around.

"What does Village Master Song want to say?"

"Since you are waiting for us here, I think you have some reliance on it. Now that I have arrived, you might as well use it if you have any abilities, and let me have a look."

Song Lun had actually been spying on Chen Yuan for a while, but he was farther away before.

At first, he thought that Chen Yuan had some kind of emboldened power, and the strong man who ambushed the court nearby invited the king into the urn, but he searched again, but found nothing strange.

I was really curious in my heart.

But it is somewhat impossible to say that Chen Yuan is really alone.

No matter how strong he is, he still doesn't have the ability to cross two realms to confront each other. Facing Yangshen Zhenjun with his Yuanshen cultivation base, there is really only one dead end.

"Reliance? Hehe" Chen Yuan's mouth curled into a sneer:

"To deal with Zhaizhu Song and a fool, what else do we need to rely on, can't I kill myself?"

"Joke, Chen Yuan, I respect you as Marquis Wu'an because of Liangzhou City, but if you want to fight me with the cultivation base of Yuanshen, you are still far away.

Forget it, since you don't want to say it, then I will try your depth, if you don't have any ability, today, let's be buried with Brother Guan Hai! "

Song Lun snorted coldly, closed the folding fan in his hand suddenly, and was about to do it after he finished speaking.

As for Chen Yuan, he couldn't wait to collect luck, a faint black flame pattern loomed between his eyebrows, and there was also a black line in the Emperor Butcher's Knife faintly matching Chen Yuan.

True Monarch Shura is officially here.

However, before he possessed Mo Luo and Song Lun hadn't made a move, subtle and subtle fluctuations appeared in the surrounding void.

There are people! ! !

Chen Yuan and Song Lun were shocked for a moment.

Mo Luo hadn't fully possessed him yet, and True Monarch Shura hadn't been fully online yet, Chen Yuan basically focused most of his attention on the white-clothed scholar Song Lun.

But even so, there is still one person lurking silently in the dark, which is amazing enough.

Because Chen Yuan and Song Lun didn't take the initiative to discover this, but the man himself leaked a breath, which made them perceive some movement in the surrounding void.

"who is it!"

Chen Yuan's eyes were fixed, his heart was startled, and he turned his eyes away.

To deal with him, a true Yuanshen, Song Lun actually made preparations in advance, which was a bit of a loss, but before he could say anything, Song Lun spoke first.

"Hehe, I just said that you don't have that much courage, and there are still people around, who is so sacred, why don't you come out and see?"

Song Lun's eyes were vigilant, and the distance he had just approached was quickly pulled away at this moment.

my people?

Chen Yuan showed suspicion, but was surprised in his heart.

He knew what he had done himself, and he had never prepared anything in advance, but from Song Lun's mouth, he could judge two possibilities.

One is that there are third-party forces, but for some reason they show up on their own initiative.

The second one was that Song Lun was deliberately letting him relax his vigilance, preparing for a surprise attack.

Of the two possibilities, it is more likely that Chen Yuan is definitely the first one.

A faint chuckle came from around:

"Master Song, long time no see."

After the words fell, the ripples in the void just now became bigger and bigger, and a man in a black robe with a ghostly face slowly appeared, exuding a strong aura of cultivation.

True Monarch Yangshen!

"Yan Luo, the Palace of Seven Kills!"

Chen Yuan's eyes sank, and there was a trace of killing intent in his eyes.

He had already killed Yan Luo in Shenxue Lake before, but according to the rules, the Palace of Seven Kills actually did not retaliate. Now that he came here, maybe someone wanted to assassinate him again.

On the contrary, Yan Luo might have been a little too confident, and actually showed up on his own initiative, wanting to kill him face to face.

Two true monarchs, and they are not weak.

To be honest, Chen Yuan's thought of having some chances of winning has been suppressed at this moment.

It's not that Mo Luo can't deal with them, but because once the fighting time is too long, Mo Luo's newly recovered injuries may have to be aggravated.

Fighting against each other is not worth the candle.

Mo Luo followed him to seek safety and prepare to recuperate his injuries, but he repeatedly borrowed his strength, not only failed to recover from his injuries, but aggravated them a lot.

I'm really sorry.

"King Chujiang."

Song Lun, a white-clothed scholar, frowned, with a dignified expression on his face, while Fan Ying, a big black-bearded man beside him, had a fright in his eyes. A few years ago, the Palace of Seven Kills once attacked Liang Shan.

It was the King of Chu Jiang who made the attack. If Song Lun hadn't blocked the attack, the Grandmaster, who is rough-skinned and thick-skinned and majored in the body, would have been beaten to death.

When Chen Yuan heard this name, his eyes flickered slightly, showing a trace of solemnity.

The Hall of Seven Kills is famous all over the world with the seven Yan Luos, and its appearance is quite mysterious, but with the power of the court, the strength of the Hall of Seven Kills is basically understood.

Apart from the Seven Killer Palace Master in the top ten of the supreme list, the most noticeable one is the second Yan Luo, King Chujiang!

The strength is only lower than that of the Seven Killing Palace Master, and he has shot nearly ten times without missing a single shot. He is a real ace killer.

"I haven't seen Village Master Song for a long time." King Chujiang smiled faintly.

"Why, the Palace of Seven Kills, as the sect of demons and immortals, is going to cooperate with the imperial court now?" Song Lun frowned. This is not good news.

"The purpose of the Palace of Seven Kills is to only kill people. No matter who the employer is, someone has paid me for the Palace of Seven Kills to save Chen Yuan's life. Songzhai is mainly for knowledge, so it's best to retreat."

"This is not enough for the master of the Seven Killing Palace, but with you, King Chujiang, I'm afraid it's not enough?" Song Lun responded, standing with his hands behind his back.

"Why doesn't the village master Song know that the palace master is not here? You Liangshan has gone too far in recent years. If you kill you, the village master of Liangshan, here.

It is also good news for the Palace of Seven Kills. "

King Chujiang didn't panic at all, and even wanted Song Lun to stay.

Someone save my life?

who is it?

Listening to the conversation between the two, Chen Yuan frowned, showing thoughtfulness on his face. Not many people knew the news of his coming to Blood State, and few people could afford to pay the second Yan Luo Chujiang of the Hall of Seven Killers. king.

It was so weird that he couldn't figure it out.

Song Lun's face turned green and pale, a little ugly. He knew very well that the King of Chujiang had extraordinary strength and had never shown his true strength.

He wasn't sure about beheading this person. If there was still the Lord of the Seven Killing Palace in secret, plus a Chen Yuan with extraordinary means, once they fought, it would be difficult to leave.

It's not that he didn't think that King Chu Jiang was deceiving him, but he didn't dare to bet.

The Palace of Seven Kills has always acted like this, making people confused.

"Okay, Marquis Wu'an, you are prepared today, I can't kill you, but the Palace of Seven Kills can protect you for a while, but it can't protect you forever, there is still time in the future.

Let Marquis Wu'an pay off the enmity of Brother Guan Hai. "

Song Lun stared at Chen Yuan and threatened.

"Master Song is probably a bit confused when he is a bandit. It's just a bunch of bandits. What is the Marquis afraid of? If you have the guts, you can come and kill me.

If you don't kill me, don't blame me for going to Liangshan! "

To tell the truth, Chen Yuan really wanted to make a move at this time, but Yan Luo, who couldn't figure out his mind, was peeping from the side, which made him a little apprehensive.

For the sake of safety, don't act rashly.

"Okay, okay, okay, as expected of the Marquis of Wu'an, you are so courageous, then I will wait for you in Liangshan for a while, and see if you dare to go up to Liangshan alone!"

After saying a few harsh words, Song Lun snorted coldly:


As soon as the words fell, rays of light flashed all over his body, enveloping Fan Ying and him, and disappeared without a trace in an instant, as if he had never been there.

Chen Yuan heaved a sigh of relief, with regret in his eyes.

If Song Lun approached, and with the help of Mo Luo's strength, he would definitely be able to kill this true king and take away his luck.

"Why, want to kill him?"

King Chujiang watched Song Lun leave, and turned to look at Chen Yuan, seeing his regretful expression.

"This person is the leader of Liangshan bandits, if he is killed, it will be a great achievement."

Chen Yuan naturally wouldn't reveal too much.

"You can't kill him." King Chujiang shook his head:

"I know that you have some strength, and you may be able to surpass ordinary true monarchs, but Song Lun is not that simple, and he is extremely vigilant. He seemed to make a move just now, but in fact he has already left a way out.

As long as he senses something is wrong, he can leave quickly, and the void ban alone cannot stop him. "

"Your Excellency knows this man very well."

"I think you have heard about the matter between the Seven Killing Hall and Liangshan. If this person is so easy to kill, the current situation will not exist."

"Why do you say so much?"

Chen Yuan showed suspicion, feeling that there was something wrong with Yan Luo.

"I just wanted to say it."

Seeing Chen Yuan's somewhat resemblance face, King Chujiang was a little dazed, and also sighed that after decades, he finally saw his sister's child.

It is worthy of being the seed of the Chen family.

"Chen would like to know, who invited the Palace of Seven Killers to protect me, can you tell me?" Seeing that this person seemed to be quite talkative, Chen Yuan also asked this question.

There are many people related to him, but few people know that he is in Blood State now.

If you can't figure it out, it's always a bit embarrassing.

"It's your uncle."

King Chujiang stared at Chen Yuan and said in a deep voice.

"Uncle." Chen Yuan instantly thought of what he had said when he met his uncle Wu Daozi, that his uncle was besieged and killed by the court decades ago.

There were no heirs left in the entire Chen family, only some family members, women and children remained.

"Isn't he dead?"

Chen Yuan stared at King Chujiang.

King Chujiang: "."

"He's not dead."

After pondering for a moment, King Chu Jiang continued.

"Where is he? Can you tell me?" For this blood-related uncle, Chen Yuan said that he was not close, but this person specially found someone to protect him.

Even if you do bad things with good intentions, you have to remember the love.

Perhaps, it can help him in the future.

"in front of you."

King Chu Jiang laughed.

Chen Yuan's complexion changed, and he asked:

"You are"

"That's right, I'm your second uncle, Chen Huaiyi!" King Chujiang sighed softly, and took off the ghostly face from his face, revealing a somewhat pale face.

But if you look closely, you can also find that this person's face is also somewhat similar to him.

nephew like uncle

Chen Yuan was stunned on the spot. He always thought that the uncle he had never met was dead. He never thought that this person not only did not die, but also became the number two figure in the Palace of Seven Kills, King Chujiang!

Now I'm here to help him.

The name Chen Huaiyi was not unfamiliar to Chen Yuan. He had heard it from his uncle Wu Daozi back then, and for a while, he didn't know what to say.

Seeing the changes in Chen Yuan at this time, a trace of memory flashed in Chen Huaiyi's eyes:

"Back when the Great Chu was destroyed and the dynasty collapsed, the remnants of the Xiang family fled the capital and fled to the south. My Chen family has been loyal to the Xiang family for generations. After my father, your grandfather, fell, I left with the Xiang family.

After more than a hundred years of development, my cultivation has also improved rapidly, and I have reached the realm of a true king, but once I went out to help Xiang Qianqiu find something.

My whereabouts were accidentally leaked, and I was chased and killed by the real monarch of the imperial court. In the end, seeing the situation of ten deaths and no life, I could only feign death and escape into the turbulent void.

Because I have some backhands in my hands, I didn't die in the turbulence of the void, only ended up with a serious injury. "

"Because I suspected that the leakage of my traces was related to the Xiang family, I did not show up for the next few decades, changed my name and surname, and joined the Palace of Seven Kills without whereabouts, step by step to the position of King Chujiang.

It's just that when I climbed to a high position and was recovering most of my injuries, I wanted to ask your mother to take her away from Xiang's house, but I accidentally learned of your death.

For so many years, I have always regretted not finding you sooner. I thought about destroying the Xiang family to avenge my sister, and found out that you were not dead by chance.

It's just because of Xiang Qianqiu that I haven't recognized you for the time being."

Chen Huaiyi murmured, talking about the past, and there was a hint of sadness in his body.

What he loved the most back then was that little girl, but in the end he didn't even see her for the last time. There was hatred in his heart, hatred for the Xiang family and Xiang Qianqiu.

"Then now?"

"Now the time is ripe, and you have grown to this point. Originally, I wanted to find a chance to meet you, but I didn't expect you to be so nonstop.

There was a commotion in Liangzhou just now, and now there is a grudge with Liangshan. "

Chen Huaiyi shook his head and smiled wryly.

"How did you know that my mother died in the Xiang family?" Chen Yuan stared at this person.

"Although the Xiang family lost the throne, the background of the 800-year-old family is not so simple. If they were not really invincible back then, the Sima family alone would not have the qualifications to dare to seize the throne.

Your mother has always been well protected by the Xiang family, and her cultivation is not weak, how could she die so easily? Although there is no proof, I just have this feeling.

Xuanling's death has a lot to do with Xiang Qianqiu. "

"The King of the Wheel and the Lake of Shenxue were also related to you, right?" Chen Yuan's mind quickly connected, thinking of some things back then, it was really a coincidence.

The place directed by chance was Shenxue Lake, and his uncle also asked him to go to Shenxue Lake. As a result, Chen Jiajun's heroic spirits were sleeping in Shenxue Lake, and they took away the wheel-running king who was at the peak of refining gods.

"That's right, the Japanese Japanese slave wants to kill you, please move the runner king, even if I am the king of Chujiang without a reasonable reason, I can't refuse, I can only let the runner fall there.

By the way, let you know that half of the Chen clan blood still flows in your body. "

"After the death of King Zhuanlun, the Palace of Seven Killers did not take action against you according to the usual practice, and I had nothing to do, so I killed a few Japanese slaves to help you vent my anger. I am afraid that I have just recovered."

"Thank you, Second Uncle!"

Chen Yuan stood up and bowed.

In any case, at least according to the current situation, this uncle who has never met has no bad intentions towards him, and deserves to be worshipped.

"You are Xuanling's only son, and your surname is Chen. You are from my Chen family. If you don't help me, who will you help me?" Hearing Chen Yuan's uncle call, although Chen Huaiyi's expression did not change much.

But my heart is full of joy.

The Chen family has successors!

If Xuan Ling saw that her son was not dead and had grown up so well, she would feel at ease under the Nine Springs.

Chen Yuan smiled, but did not speak.

"You don't have a favorite girl yet, do you?"

Suddenly, Chen Huaiyi's voice changed abruptly, and even became a little too fast, so that Chen Yuan didn't react for a while, and said in amazement:

"Second uncle, what does this mean?"

"You have a cousin"


Guess who the cousin is. She has appeared in a few chapters before, but she doesn't have a high sense of presence afterward. There is a verbal reward for guessing correctly.

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