I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 587 She Is My Cousin!

Chen Yuan was stunned for a moment, seeing the second uncle for the first time, he still took care of him, and he was naturally close to him, and with the strength of the second uncle's cultivation base and status in the Seven Killing Hall, he would definitely be able to help him in the future on him.

Originally, he wanted to ask about the Palace of Seven Kills, but before he could ask, he suddenly asked whether he had a favorite woman now.

Before he could react, Chen Huaiyi continued:

"You have a cousin"


Chen Huaiyi sighed softly, his eyes seemed to be somewhat reminiscent:

"Thirty years ago, I had just recovered a little at that time. I took the opportunity to go out to perform a mission in the Palace of Seven Kills to take a look at Xuan Ling's situation, but I accidentally met a woman. Maybe it was fate at that time. , we naturally came together and left a daughter.

Now that I have grown up, and my appearance is considered top-notch in Jianghu, I am going to betroth you to you. "

Chen Yuan: "."

"Second uncle, isn't this a bit too fast? I have never met my cousin, how can I be so urgent, I"

He deliberately refused, maybe in this day and age it would not be a problem for cousins ​​to be together like this, but after all, he was incompatible with the thinking of people in this world.

Some reject the matter of close relatives.

What's more, he has already incurred enough romantic debts, and he really doesn't want to add another one.

"Listen to me first."

"You say."

"I'm sorry for this child. In order not to let them be implicated in Jianghu's affairs, I returned to the Palace of Seven Kills cruelly. I was going to settle some things before going back, but later I heard that her mother died unexpectedly.

She was left alone, and later, I secretly used some tricks to send her to the Goddess Palace, where she stayed for more than twenty years. I knew her all these years, but she didn't know where I was, nor did she know where I was. face to see her.

You are a child of my Chen family. I trust you and will not treat her badly. I betrothed her to you. In fact, I hope you can help me take good care of her. "

"Goddess Palace doesn't know who the second uncle is talking about?"

Chen Yuan's eyes flickered.

Goddess Palace is no stranger to him, the Great Elder is his friend, and he also has a woman practicing there, so there is absolutely no problem in taking care of her.

"Boy, don't be so resistant, you should have dealt with my daughter's name before."


"She follows her mother's surname, Yu."

"Yu Qingyan?"

Chen Yuan's pupils shrank.

"That's right, Yu Qingyan is your cousin. With her appearance and aptitude, she should be worthy of you, right?" Chen Huaiyi glanced at Chen Yuan, as if to say that she was taking advantage of you.

Yan Luo, who has been the Hall of Seven Killers for so many years, can only relax in front of his nephew.


Chen Yuan frowned, and did not answer immediately.

If it is a good match, Yu Qingyan's appearance and aptitude can definitely match him.

After all, no matter what, Yu Qingyan is the most beautiful fairy in Yunzhou and even the younger generation. She has a great reputation and has attracted the pursuit of Furukawa before.

And he also helped Yu Qingyan and solved her troubles.

I remember that at that time, Yu Qingyan agreed to one condition, as long as it was not too much, it was a pity that after he returned to Qingzhou, he was transferred to the capital.

It's been a year since they parted, and the two passed by like two lines. Since then, they have never seen each other again.

I thought it would be difficult to get in touch with him in this life, but I never thought that she was his cousin!

"Not satisfied?"

"No, Second Uncle was joking, I've heard the name Fish Fairy before."

"Qingyan's talent is very good. She has the body of the Taiyin. I heard that you have the body of the dragon chant. Although it is not as compatible as the body of the phoenix marrow, it can also benefit your practice."

Chen Huaiyi seemed to see Chen Yuan's resistance, and told Yu Qingyan's biggest secret.

The body of the sun!

He has known this physique before, and it is also a relatively rare physique. The talent is very good, but the best match is the body of the sun, but Furukawa has already grown grass on his grave.

Chen Yuan squinted his eyes, thought for a moment, and said in a deep voice:

"Since Yu Xianzi is my cousin, no matter what, I will take care of her. Don't worry, Second Uncle."

"Of course I am at ease with you, as long as you don't repeat my mistakes again, the reason why I say this is not because of anything else, mainly because your cultivation level is getting higher and higher, and your life level is also separated from ordinary people. distance.

If you want to have children, it will become more and more difficult in the future. Your cultivation speed is extremely fast, so it is better to focus on this matter. After you break through the sixth realm and transform into a fairy, it will be almost impossible. "

"Our old Chen family is thin. Your grandfather had two sons and one daughter. The eldest brother fell when the Great Chu was destroyed, and your mother died at the hands of the Xiang family. Now there are only three of us left.

I have no other wishes, I just hope that the Chen family will prosper and be passed on for thousands of years. "

Chen Yuan also knew about this.

The higher the level of cultivation, the more difficult it is to pass on to offspring, because the level of life is different. For example, the alchemy master has begun to leave the mortal body gradually. If he is with a mortal without the slightest level of cultivation, it will be difficult to give birth to offspring.

Of course, if the cultivation bases of a man and a woman are equal or the gap is not obvious, there is a great chance of having an heir.

Except when Chen Yuan was smoking with Concubine Yang, he would take some precautions, and basically would not do anything deliberately at other times, but neither Mrs. Xu nor Shen Yanshu made any movement.

"Don't worry, second uncle, I understand."

Chen Huaiyi walked up to Chen Yuan, and with a wave of his hand, a desk appeared in the void with a pot of spiritual wine on it. He sat down slowly, and said in a deep voice:

"You always have a purpose in your actions. This time you killed Guan Hai but didn't leave, but waited for the strong man from Liangshan to come. It must be because there is a reason why you can't leave. If my prediction is correct, it should be because of Yuan Jing. A mine?"

"That's right, it's because of this thing."

Chen Yuan was not surprised that Chen Huaiyi knew about the Yuanjing vein, because Mo Bai had told about it long ago.

The Blood Sword Sect was originally close to Liangshan, but for some reason, they got in touch with the people from the Seven Killing Palace, and the matter of the Yuanjing mine must be clear.

"found it?"

"I found it, it's in the Black Blood Mountain Range."

"Very well, in fact, the Palace of Seven Kills is also staring at this mine vein. As long as the people from Liangshan find the Yuanjing mine vein, the Palace of Seven Kills will start to fight for it. It's fine if it falls into your hands now, the Hall of Seven Kills Leave it to me, no one will shoot you."

"Thank you, Second Uncle."

"You and I are a family, there is no need to thank you, but Liangshan needs to be careful. It's not that simple." Chen Huaiyi looked a little dignified.

"What's the secret? In fact, when I met my uncle today, I had an idea. Together to destroy Liangshan, I can invite a Yangshen Zhenjun."

Chen Yuan said seriously.

If he had the help of the Seven Killing Palace, it would be no problem to hit Liangshan. The accumulation inside would definitely allow him to complete the original accumulation in the shortest possible time.

He can also win Song Lun's luck with ease.

"Who can you please move?"

Chen Huaiyi looked suspiciously.

He had already guessed that Chen Yuan was not simple, and there should be strong support behind him, otherwise he would definitely not be able to make it this far, and he did not have the confidence to wait here for Song Lun to come to his door.

Just looking at his tone, it seems that he can invite a true monarch casually.

It's really surprising.

In the years when the immortals were not around, the Yangshen Zhenjun was the peak combat power in the world, everyone was very strong, and their status was unattainable, but Chen Yuan had this confidence.

He investigated Chen Yuan, but he couldn't see through the secrets.

"You can't tell the second uncle before you do it, because the matter is too important, but it is definitely not an ordinary true king." Chen Yuan shook his head, unwilling to say more.

"Wei Jinfeng, King of Northern Liang?"

Chen Huaiyi had heard about Chen Yuan's desperate efforts in Liangzhou, and it seemed that it was not impossible to get Wei Jinfeng's appreciation.

"No, second uncle, stop guessing. If you can't guess, you should consider my proposal just now." Chen Yuan smiled mysteriously.

The name of the Asura Demon Lord is too heavy. Once the peerless true emperor in the top five of the supreme list is leaked, the consequences are unpredictable. If the court finds out that he has something to do with him, it will basically be considered exposed.

"This is inappropriate." Chen Huaiyi shook his head, and continued in a deep voice:

"Do you know what forces Liangshan is related to?"


"Liangshan is behind the Xiang family."

"Xiang Family!"

Chen Yuan's eyes were fixed, and a trace of murderous intent escaped.

"That's right, otherwise, do you think Liangshan's reputation alone could bring together so many strong men in just a hundred years? Without the support of the Xiang family's resources, Song Lun would not be able to break through the Yangshen so quickly, even if he had some talent. .”

"I see."

Chen Yuan was a little stunned. Chen Huaiyi's words solved his previous doubts. He was still guessing what was behind Liangshan, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

Chen Huaiyi has some longing and memories in his eyes:

"Eight-hundred-year-old Chu has an extraordinary background. It is passed down from the first Chu Taizu in the world at that time. He once conquered all directions, conquered the grasslands in the north, exterminated the demon clan in the south, conquered overseas in the east, and suppressed Lingshan in the west.

Hundreds of years ago, Great Chu was the real kingdom of the heavens. It was surrounded by the whole world, and it was many times stronger than the current Sima family. It even had more than one immortal.

Even though it was destroyed, the secrets and backgrounds that were taken away in advance for more than two hundred years still restored the vitality of the Xiang family, and also allowed Liang Shan to grow to the point where it threatened the fairy sect in just a hundred years.

This is only Liang Shan's strength. If the Xiang family who has been hiding in the dark is counted, if the immortal does not come out, this power can almost divide the world with the Sima family. "

"If Liangshan is moved, the true strength of the Xiang family will be revealed. Otherwise, why do you think the Palace of Seven Kills has been hidden? It's because you are afraid of the power behind Liangshan.

It's just that they haven't fully investigated Xiang's family yet.

As one of the top ten immortal sects, the Seven Killing Hall has been passed down for nearly a thousand years, and its strength is not limited to the seven great Yamas on the surface, but there is actually some power in the dark. "

"Is this the case for all ten immortal sects?"

"I don't know about the others. Anyway, the Palace of Seven Kills is like this. The imperial court does not only have a few real monarchs. Even if Wei Jinfeng and Nangong Lie are removed, there are still some trump cards.

Before the Dao God Palace made a big disturbance in the capital, the imperial clan Zhenjun that Shura Zhenjun beheaded was the fourth son of the old thief Sima, and there were three others in front of him.

Although not all of them may become True Monarchs, at least there should be one more. "

When Chen Huaiyi told Chen Yuan what he knew, he actually hoped that he would act more cautiously and not be impulsive.

The world is far from being as simple as it appears on the surface. Only after truly experiencing the battle where the Great Chu destroyed the country can one understand the secrets of it.

"Great Chu is so strong, there is more than one immortal in charge, why is it still extinct in the end?" Chen Yuan had a guess in his heart and knew something, but he still wanted to know more.

Chen Huaiyi pointed at the sky with a finger, and laughed:

"Some old and immortal things don't want the world to be peaceful, they want to go back to the era of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, and the era of chaos in various places. They were killed by Taizu Town, and now they have recovered.

Don't look at the peace of the world today. In fact, the Sima family is just a transitional period. It won't be long before the world will fall apart. Even if you don't do anything, someone will push you.

Overseas barbarians, northern barbarians, southern monsters, bald donkeys in the west, and the demons of Blood State, sometimes, even if you know it yourself, it is still just a chess piece in the eyes of some people, unknowingly Just entered the chess game.

Over the years, I have seen this clearly, so I didn't make many big moves, because I knew that I didn't have the bravery of the great ancestors, and I couldn't be a person who lifted the chessboard. "

"What does Second Uncle think of me?"

Chen Yuan smiled faintly. Regarding what he said, in fact, he already understood a lot in his heart, but he said it more bluntly, and revealed a more important news.

The Sima family is just a transition.

No wonder the Sima family had no choice but to distribute the benefits after being able to destroy Qiang Chu. It turned out that some people didn't want their family to be too stable.

Two or three hundred years is almost the same.

When the conflict accumulates to the peak, it will be a day of complete explosion.

"You have the qualifications of the great ancestor, and you have more hope than me, but your bastard father, I am afraid that he has always regarded himself as another great ancestor, and he didn't even think about it. Back then, the great ancestor swept the world in just over ten years.

What about him? If you really have this ability, can you still waste more than two hundred years? So far, I still dare not show up, I can only do some small tricks behind my back, and dare to use our Chen family as a pawn.

Stupid people can't become masters! "

Chen Huaiyi scoffed at Xiang Qianqiu, a little disdainful.

"The Xiang family once wanted to kill me. I must pay back this enmity and the Chen family's enmity. Since the second uncle thinks that I have the wealth of the Taizu, I hope that the second uncle can help me and lift the chessboard. Chess player!"

Chen Yuan's gaze was indifferent, quite domineering.

Chen Huaiyi frowned, and suddenly felt that his nephew was making cakes. He didn't have much of the Chen family style, but he was somewhat similar to that guy Xiang Qianqiu.

"You are my real uncle, blood is thicker than water."

Seeing Chen Huaiyi's hesitation, Chen Yuan poured him a glass of spiritual wine.

"I've killed the Wheel-Running King for you and scared Song Lun away." Chen Huaiyi smiled, picked up the wine glass and drank it down.

"These are not enough, second uncle, you still have to help me."

"If you help you rebel again, will I still be the Yama of the Seven Killing Palace?"

"I avenged our Chen family."


"If I marry Qingyan, you will not only be my second uncle, but also my father-in-law."

"You said it yourself, you must marry Qingyan."

Chen Huaiyi responded immediately.

Chen Yuan is his nephew, who else would he help?

If he didn't want to help him, how could there be such a thing as Shenxue Lake? How could it be possible to scare away Song Lun by showing up and recognizing each other? The reason why he hesitated just now was mainly because he was still short of a promise.

"Second uncle, don't worry."

Not to mention the Taiyin body on Yu Qingyan's body, he couldn't let go of his second uncle alone. The second Yan Luo Chujiang King of the Seven Kills Hall is almost the deputy head of the Seven Kills Hall.

There is also Yangshen Realm, True Monarch's combat power, definitely a rare thug, and also his helper outside the Taoist Palace, it may not be so difficult to convince the other Taoist masters by then.

It's my good brother who suffered

"Now you kid can tell the truth, right?"

"To be honest with my second uncle, I really can't say much about the specific situation, but there are still a few true kings around me to help, without this bit of confidence, how dare I have the heart to rebel?

The reason why Guanhai was killed this time to make Liangshan angry was because of the Yuanjing vein below. I want to expand the army by 100,000 in Tangshan, which cannot be separated from the support of a large number of resources.

You have heard about the one-year agreement with Jingtai. After one year, maybe it will be time to tear my skin apart. I must make preparations in advance and take the initiative in my hands! "

Chen Yuan revealed some, but not much.

But rebellion is almost enough.

"Is this true?"

Chen Huaiyi was a little suspicious.

Without relying on the Xiang family, it is not easy for Chen Yuan to reach the Huayang realm in just two and a half years. How many true kings can he get to help in this process? It's really a bit of a blessing.

Wasn't that the case with Taizu back then?

"You are my second uncle, can I still lie to you?"

Chen Yuan's face was sincere, and after drinking a few glasses of spiritual wine, he talked a lot more, and he felt a lot of intimacy with Chen Huaiyi.

Maybe it's the blood connection.

"If it is true as you said, it is not hopeless to seize the seat of the Sima family, but it is still too risky to rely on Zhenjun alone, you have to think twice.

Also, Xiang Qianqiu is a guy with deep plans, I'm afraid it's not that simple in your case, you have to be careful at all times, the tiger's poison does not eat the child is said to people with conscience.

That guy does whatever it takes to achieve his goals, and his wife, children, and parents can all abandon him. "

Chen Huaiyi showed a dignified expression, and reminded Chen Yuan again, not wanting him to relax his vigilance just because Xiang Qianqiu is his father.

"Second uncle, don't worry, my nephew knows it well."

"That's good."

"Second Uncle, you have been dormant in the Palace of Seven Kills for so many years, do you have any hope of becoming the Lord of the Palace?"

"What do you mean?"

Chen Huaiyi frowned.

"Kill the master of the Seven Killing Hall, you come to the position, so that you can help me more in the future."

Chen Huaiyi took a deep look at Chen Yuan, always feeling that his nephew was a little too thoughtful.

"I heard a saying once."

"What words?"

"A man lives between the heaven and the earth, how can he be depressed for a long time?!"


Has the wet picture book friend entered? It's worth 3,000 followers.

It's not that I deleted the comment, it's that the entire starting point can't be posted recently, and it will be deleted as soon as it is posted.

In response, it is estimated that it will not be released until next month.

There are quite a few guesses wrong, Su Ziyue didn’t make a few appearances, this was written before it was put on the shelves

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