I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 588 Tangshan Giant Buddha! Qilin true blood!

"A man lives between the heaven and the earth, how can he be depressed for a long time?!"

Chen Yuan has always believed in this idea.

People are forced out!

If you stay at the bottom all the time, you will lose your fighting spirit, and you must climb up at all costs until you reach the top.

Looking at his nephew who had almost the same thoughts as Xiang Qianqiu, Chen Huaiyi shook his head and refused.

"Back then I came to the Hall of Seven Kills with serious injuries. Although it was an exchange of equal value, the Lord of the Hall still took care of me. He guessed that I was seriously injured and was a little secretive.

But I never asked about it. I always remember these feelings. As long as he doesn't attack me first, I won't do anything to him. Also, just now I told you that the fairy gate is not that simple.

The Lord of the Seven Killing Palace is not so easy to kill, you are a little too confident. "

"Well, I'm just a suggestion. Since the second uncle is unwilling, I won't force it, but I must kill Song Lun. Even if it's not now, I can't delay it for too long.

When the time comes, you have to help me. "

"You have made up your mind, and I won't ask you why. Just let me know when you will do it." After finishing speaking, Chen Huaiyi's hand flashed, and three sound transmission symbols appeared on the desk.

"Thank you, Second Uncle."

"Okay, it's getting late, I'll go back to the Palace of Seven Kills first." Chen Huaiyi put the Yan Luo ghost mask on his face, and his aura suddenly changed. From a good second uncle who took care of his nephew, he became a seven kills The king of Chujiang, who is shrouded in shadow in the palace.

"it is good."

Chen Yuan stood up and sent it off respectfully, and only looked away after it completely disappeared into the void.

Although he didn't kill Song Lun this time, it wasn't a loss, at least he got a helper. The news that his second uncle is still alive is probably already known to the uncle, otherwise he wouldn't let himself go to Shenxue Lake.

It seems that if there is a chance in the future, I have to go to Shuzhong.

In addition, there is an extra cousin.

In the future, I am afraid that the second brother will also be salty.

About a thousand miles away from the Blood Sword Gate, Song Lun, a scholar in white, and Fan Ying, a blood axe, quickly walked out, their expressions a little unsightly. They thought they could kill Chen Yuan to avenge Guan Hai, but it turned out that Bai No one would be happy about making a trip, even being humiliated by Chen Yuan this time.

"Village Master, why don't we just turn around and go to Tangshan, slaughter Chen Yuan's foundation, and let him know what price we have to pay for angering Liangshan!"

Fan Ying had a murderous look on her face, wishing she could eat Chen Yuan's flesh and drink his blood.

"Reckless." Song Lun, a scholar in white, raised his hand to stop Fan Ying's movement. If he directly slaughtered Tangshan Fucheng, he would completely tear himself apart from the court.

Such a big movement had too much impact, and he couldn't make the decision by himself.

"Then let's go back like this?"

Fan Ying was very unwilling.

"Let's go back and make a long-term plan. This Chen Yuan is not that simple. Don't act rashly. Brother Guan Hai's enmity must be avenged, but not now.

The Palace of Seven Kills is now our great enemy. "

Song Lun's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

"Hey, this guy."

Fan Ying let out a long sigh, intending to kill the enemy, but the village owner had an order. Although he was a little reckless, he never dared to resist the order of the village owner.

"Let's go."

Song Lun turned his head and took a deep look in the direction of the Blood Sword Gate, snorted coldly, turned and left.

On the other hand, Chen Yuan, who sent away his second uncle, basically solved some of the current difficulties. After this battle, Liang Shan may be able to calm down for a while.

As long as his people don't make too much noise, there is probably no problem.

After all, the Yuanjing vein is just a piece of news. Neither Liangshan nor Qishadian have a complete grasp of the specific situation. In addition, this place is adjacent to Tangshan, even if it is mined, it will not be a big deal.

Of course, even if there is a risk, he must do it.

Tangshan is already preparing, and the military expenditure must keep up.

In fact, Chen Yuan didn't wait too long. Han Yu arrived at the Black Blood Mountain Range with the elite behind him. Under Chen Yuan's order, this most likely medium-sized Yuanjing vein began to be mined officially.

Because he hoped to excavate Yuanjing earlier, Chen Yuan even did not hesitate to solve more than half of their troubles by himself. He went deep into the ground for more than a hundred feet and mined a mine.

After that, Chen Yuan asked Mo Bai and his wife to sit here together with Han Yu, and let those disciples who surrendered to the Blood Sword Sect be slaves to mine at all costs.

Later, when Chen Yuan finished disposing of the two prefectures of Blood State, more miners would flock to him.

After everything was arranged, Chen Yuan went back to the mansion, ready to go back to Tangshan mansion, and then formally took office in Shuzhou, gathering power and accumulating strength.

And the news that he killed Demon Sword Guan Hai head-on in the battle of Blood Sword Gate also spread from Liangshan.

All of a sudden, it caused quite a stir in the south.

It is a rare thing for Huayang real person to do something, and one of the two parties involved is a veteran of the magic way, and the other is the world-renowned Marquis Wu'an, so the shock caused is naturally even greater.

Most importantly, Chen Yuan also beheaded Guan Hai!

Use the primordial spirit to punish the refining gods!

Fight over the ranks.

This is not an easy task, it can almost be regarded as very difficult, but it seems to be reasonable for Chen Yuan who has always been like this.

Some people lament that the south will no longer be peaceful.

Some people regret that Dengxianlou did not set up another list on the Fengyun list, otherwise, the aftermath and influence of Chen Yuan's battle would definitely cause even greater turmoil.

Chen Yuan who returned to Tangshan did not cause much movement, and went back almost silently.

And the previous confrontation with Song Lun, a white-clothed scholar at the Blood Sword Gate, did not spread, otherwise he felt that the impact might be even greater. Compared with the real person of Yuanshen Lianshen, as long as the Yangshen Zhenjun shows up, the impact will be very great big.

This is especially true when there is a lot of turmoil in the Blood State, and it is even more so when there are True Monarchs in Liangshan and Qisha Hall.

Chen Huaiyi, who returned to the Hall of Seven Kills, settled the matter of the Yuanjing Mine for Chen Yuan. The Hall of Seven Killers is also focusing on Liangshan now, and does not pay much attention to an undetermined situation.

Liangshan didn't know, but Chen Yuan was relieved.

After returning to Tangshan, Chen Yuan summoned Liu Zhengsong and Du Ming again, and told them to go ahead with their hands and feet. The resources in the future would not be short of them, nor would it affect the normal life of Tangshan people.

After arranging these things, Tangshan will not be affected in a short time, but Liangshan is still a serious problem. Chen Yuan is not in the character of sitting and waiting to die.

He is used to taking the initiative!

But attacking Liangshan is definitely not a very good choice at present, not to mention Liangshan's strength is extraordinary, there are two real kings and digital Huayang sitting in charge.

Unless Dao Shrine comes out for the second time, otherwise, it will be difficult to solve this matter perfectly.

Moreover, the Xiang family is behind Liangshan.

This is unfathomable, with strength stronger than that of Xianmen, it is definitely not that simple, other people don't say, it is not that simple for Xiang Qianqiu alone.

To make Chen Huaiyi so fearful, at least he has the strength to be in the top ten of the supreme list.

Even stronger!

Chen Huaiyi commented that his heart is higher than the sky, and he has a lot of plans. If he dares to restore the country, it must not be that simple. He still needs to increase his strength dramatically.

It is not enough to fight against the gods, only by relying on one's own strength to fight against the real king, can you have a place.

It's just that he still thinks too much about these after all. He has just reached the consummation of Yuanshen, and his realm has only just stabilized.

The divine calamity is not static, it is determined according to the warrior's own soul, Chen Yuan is far superior to the warriors of the same realm, naturally speaking, the two calamities of wind and fire he arouses are even stronger.

In Tangshan, Chen Yuan stayed for another day, followed Mrs. Xu to smoke cigarettes several times, and did not stop until his eyes were full of stars and his dizziness stopped.

A few cigarettes on the top, I think Mrs. Xu's smoking addiction can be given up for a while.

During the sage time, Chen Yuan also told Mrs. Xu one thing, asking her to invite Shen Yanshu and Yu Qingyan in his name, don't go into details.

Mrs. Xu rolled her eyes, feeling a little sour:

"This concubine already knows that the fish fairy looks like a fairy, and if she falls into your eyes, can she escape?"

"You don't understand. She has a deep relationship with me. She is entrusted by others and is a matter of loyalty. She must be taken good care of." Because of Chen Huaiyi's current situation, he didn't say much.

"Okay, go get busy, I'll take care of these concubine matters for you."

Mrs. Xu snorted softly.

After the God-controlling Gu was taken out, she also became closer to Chen Yuan. When they were just together, she never dared to put on such an air of jealousy.

Most of them are gentle and virtuous, for fear that Chen Yuan will not be satisfied.

"It's not a concubine, madam thinks too much."

"It's okay to take a concubine, you have a high status, and you are a prince of thousands of households, even if you follow the rules, it is normal to have a few concubines, but no matter how you say it, I have worked a lot for you.

The position of the eldest wife and concubine is well known in body and mind, and I can't afford it, and I don't have the family background to help you, but I will be the second child and help the eldest wife manage the inner house for you. What do you think? "

Madam Xu looked at Chen Yuan expectantly.

"Don't worry, I won't treat you badly."

Chen Yuan caressed Mrs. Xu's bright long hair, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Mrs. Xu has done a lot of hard work, and at this age, it is definitely not an exaggeration to be a second wife, but he also treats women equally, and he doesn't like to have one, two, three, four, five in the inner house.

It must have made him feel awkward.

"Okay, then I'll take it as your consent."


"Okay, okay, go get busy. I know you have to go to Shuzhou City to preside over important events. I will help you look after the rest. If there is nothing to do, I will notify you with a sound transmission talisman."

Mrs. Xu babbled on.

"Thank you, Wenxiu."

This is Mrs. Xu's destiny, Xu Wenxiu, Chen Yuan had known about it long ago when they first got together, but he never called her by her name.

It always feels a bit awkward, but Madam is more fluent.

"No matter how hard you are fighting outside, Marquis, you are not alone now, there are me and Sister Shen, Sister Zhang, and Sister Yu in the future, and there are so many subordinates in Tangshan Mansion who are pointing to your life.

Life must be the most important thing. If necessary, as long as you save your life, everything else is fine. "

"Don't worry, there is no one in the world who can kill me." Chen Yuan laughed loudly, and after comforting Madam Xu, he turned and left.

Seeing the direction Chen Yuan left, Xu Wenxiu looked at it for a long time, as if he was insane.

Saying goodbye to Mrs. Xu, Chen Yuan did not rush to Shuzhou, but plunged into the Tangshan Mountains. According to the previous route, he directly found the 10,000 cavalry hidden in the mountains.

At this moment, these cavalrymen are still training, all of them are wearing armor, and they are very mighty. Sitting on the alien war horses produced in Liangzhou, there is an air of iron and blood killing.

Spending money can really get things done.

These cavalry may not have reached the level of Liangzhou iron cavalry, but as long as they go through experience, they can quickly catch up or even surpass them.

Afterwards, using the 10,000 cavalry as the skeleton to expand the armament by 100,000, as long as the resources can keep up, it is definitely not too difficult.

Tangshan is not young enough, so it will be transferred from Qingzhou, and Jiang He will suppress it. Even if the court notices something, it will not be clear for a while.

After leaving the capital, Chen Yuan basically began to let go.

No matter how much he grinds, until the one-year agreement arrives, he still won't be able to achieve a big deal, even if the court notices something, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, tearing up his face was something he had already prepared for.

After being dormant for a long time, Chen Yuan also wanted to be the real master of the house for a while.

After observing the training of 10,000 cavalry and confirming that there were no mistakes, Chen Yuan disappeared into the void again, and when he reappeared, it was in front of the Tangshan Giant Buddha.

Chen Yuan has always kept this place in mind.

After all, one of his opportunities is here.

Water flooded Tangshan Buddha's knees, and met the blood Bodhi all the way!

It was here that he went deep into the Great Buddha and found the blood bodhi spirit, which was of great help to his cultivation, and more than once.

It's a pity that the lake below the Tangshan Giant Buddha will rise sharply every other year, opening a channel for people to enter.

But now that April to June has passed, he was in Liangzhou during that time, and he didn't care about this place, and he didn't reveal anything to the people in Tangshan, so he missed an opportunity to find Xuebodhi.

Of course, whether he can find it is also a problem. After all, he took all the blood Bodhi away at that time.

And the reason why he has been worried about it is because there is indeed a fierce beast suppressed here, a fierce beast that can breathe flames. According to his investigation later, judging from its roar, it is suspected to be the rumored alien beast, the fire unicorn!

This beast is an extremely rare ferocious beast in the world, each one is very powerful, even the Yang God True Monarch may not be able to subdue it, of course, if it can be subdued, it will naturally benefit a lot.

Not to mention his flesh and blood, just the blood essence dropped by him can become the blood Bodhi, the spirit of heaven and earth. What if he swallowed his blood alive?

Chen Yuan has always had this idea, but has not implemented it so far.

Before Senior Mo Luo met him, he didn't have this strength, so he could only put it on hold. Moreover, there is a Buddha statue suppressing here, which is absolutely inseparable from Lingshan.

After his investigation, the rumors in Tangshan Mansion were basically true. There was indeed a monk who carried a big Buddha thousands of miles away to stand here, but the time was a bit wrong.

It was almost a few years after the founding of the Jin Dynasty, and it has been almost two hundred years so far. The time is neither too far nor too close.

Lingshan is related to the strange beast that is suspected to be the fire unicorn below, and it is always a hidden danger, but now Chen Yuan can't wait so much, he just wants to swallow the spiritual blood and break through the supernatural powers.

His physical body has already reached the peak of King Kong's indestructibility, but there is only one missing opportunity to go further. The blood essence of strange beasts in it may help him.

And once he breaks through to the supernatural power realm, coupled with his peak primordial spirit cultivation base, even without the supernatural power of 'void stagnation', it is estimated that he can kill the peak of the refining god head-on.

The help brought to him is not ordinary.

Looking at the Tangshan Giant Buddha, which is hundreds of feet high, Chen Yuan's spiritual thoughts were instantly enveloped, trying to find a loophole, but he was greatly disappointed in the result.

This Buddha statue is actually connected to the earth veins, there is no loophole to be found, unless the entire Buddha statue is destroyed.

But if this is the case, there may be something unpredictable.

"Senior Moro!"

In any case, Mo Luo was once the Lingshan Bodhisattva, and this Buddha statue was obviously related to Lingshan. If he wanted to destroy this big Buddha that connected to the ground, he would be right to ask him.

After calling three times in a row, the Emperor Butcher Knife finally made a movement.

"What is it?"

"This Buddha statue has some origins. I want to break through it. Will Lingshan perceive it?" Chen Yuan said solemnly.

Hearing this, Mo Luo in white walked out of the Emperor Butcher's Knife, looked at the Buddha statue, frowned, and seemed to be reminiscing in a trance.


Seeing that Mo Luo didn't respond, Chen Yuan called out again.

"This is the method left by Manjusri Bodhisattva, the head of the four great Bodhisattvas in Lingshan. No one under the real king can break through it. It seems that there are some treasures below."

"There should be a fierce beast of the fire attribute below. I heard a roar once. After investigation, I set the target on the fire unicorn."

Chen Yuan answered truthfully.

"Fire Qilin, it turned out to be this thing, no wonder Manjusri left Lingshan because of it." Mo Luo nodded slightly.

"It seems that the seniors know something?"

"Manjusri Bodhisattva has a spiritual treasure called the Fire Spirit Bead, which has been sacrificed for many years, but he lacks a fire beast. This fire unicorn is born with extraordinary powers. It is normal for him to look at it.

With the Fire Spirit Orb and the Fire Qilin, I am afraid that the supernatural power will appear in a sea of ​​​​fire, and it will be called invincible under the immortals. "

"I see."

Chen Yuan's eyes flickered, wanting to try this feeling, but what he needs is not these, and he can't suppress the ferocious and unruly beasts, and getting their essence and blood is already enough.

"The fire unicorn is a treasure. You want to use the spiritual blood on it to break through the supernatural powers?" Mo Luo saw Chen Yuan's general thoughts at a glance.

"Senior is right. If what I lack most tonight is strength, please help me!" Chen Yuan clasped his hands together.

"This Buddha statue is the treasure of Lingshan. I can break its restriction, but... with your current ability, you can't swallow the blood of the unicorn as you wish."

"What do you mean by that?"


Moro: "Because you haven't cast your monthly vote yet!"

It's the end of the month again, everyone who has a ticket in hand, give it a go! 3000 soon

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