I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 589: Qilin Demon! The old friend is now! (seeking a monthly ticket)

"The fire unicorn is a strange beast in the world. It is as famous as Qinglong, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and White Tiger. It itself has the purest flame power in the world. Under the true king, if you are seriously injured, you will die if you burn it.

Although your physique is strong and your soul is strong, but with your current strength, you can't avoid the divine fire at all. "

Mo Luo didn't look at Chen Yuan, his eyes were always on the Tangshan Buddha in front of him, his tone was light, but there was a force that made people believe.

"Isn't it okay to have seniors to help?"

Chen Yuan's expression froze. He knew the horror of Huo Qilin, otherwise he would not have been suppressed by the people of Lingshan for more than 200 years. His own reliance was Mo Luo.

Isn't the power of the six realms enough to extinguish the fiery flames of the Huo Qilin?

"I can, but you can't, because you are the one who wants to devour the blood of the unicorn, not me. If you want to devour the blood of the unicorn, you must get close to it. Even if the poor monk imprisons it, you still have to swallow it."

Moro shook his head.

It would be great if it was that simple, but both the Fire of the Huo Qilin and the Divine Fire of Suzaku are the most powerful divine fires in the world, and they are not so easy to be wiped out.

"Is there no way?"

Chen Yuan frowned slightly. It was not his character to have a treasure mountain but not be able to use it. As long as there was a way, he had to try it. If he wanted the supernatural power, he could only count on this way at present.

"Everything in the world is mutually restrained, and naturally there will be no invincible thing."

"Also ask the seniors to teach me."

Hearing this, Chen Yuan's expression froze.

"Ice Essence Divine Jade!"

"Ice Essence Divine Jade?"

This name is very unfamiliar to Chen Yuan. He has read a lot of information about the spirits of heaven and earth, but there seems to be nothing called this name.

"When the poor monk was in Lingshan, he heard the name of this kind of spiritual thing. It is a strange thing in the world. It is naturally raised and restrained from flames. As long as you can find this thing and swallow it to protect the heart of the soul, with The Xiang family's divine blood in your body may be able to suppress the Qilin's divine blood and devour it to refine it."

"Senior, do you know where it is?" Chen Yuan asked.

"The wonders of heaven and earth are extremely rare, even poor monks can't count them, but you have hope."

Moro looked at him very seriously.


Chen Yuan frowned, a little surprised.

Even Moro can't figure out where the wonders of heaven and earth are, can he? Could it be that he is more powerful than a fairy?

"The poor monk has been following you for nearly a year, and I see that you are a man of heaven, with strong luck, stronger than all the Taoist masters in the Taoist Palace.

Perhaps, it is not necessarily true that you will be able to meet it when you walk someday. "

Mo Luo's words are not fake at all, but he really thinks so, and only after being in contact with Chen Yuan for a long time can he know how terrifying he is.

It seems that all the good things in the world are reserved for him, and many times he can encounter spiritual things by chance, which can boost his own cultivation.

Once is a coincidence, twice is a coincidence, but three times and four times, you can't just use the word "coincidence" to describe it, because there are not so many coincidences in the world.

He had no intention of exploring Chen Yuan's secret, and he couldn't find it, so he could only attribute it to the fate of heaven.

Therefore, illusory, rare objects that are hard to find in the world may be difficult for others, but for Chen Yuan, he thinks it is not difficult.

Of course, even if he couldn't find it, Chen Yuan would be able to devour the Qilin's blood for his own use when he reached the Yangshen level.

Chen Yuan's eyes were thoughtful. If so, all he can count on now is the guidance of Ji Yuan from the Altar of Luck, but it seems that Senior Mo Luo has already seen that he is different.

However, he should not be clear about the existence of the 'Altar of Good Luck'.

"Senior is right. I'm afraid this junior can only count on his luck in the future." Chen Yuan smiled and didn't say much, but his murderous intention towards Song Lun was more profound in his heart.

Perhaps, only by killing Song Lun can we know the trace of the ice marrow jade.

But according to the trajectory, Song Lun seems to have nothing to do with Huo Qilin. Could it be said that when Liangshan rebelled in the future, he would come to Tangshan and discover the secret of Tangshan Buddha?

No wonder he thinks this way, in fact, after carefully calculating Chen Yuan's chance treasures, he can find that many times, the chances he gets are related to the son of luck.

He killed the other party and took away their luck, which is equivalent to taking away their future opportunities.

It wasn't necessarily accurate, and sometimes it wasn't, but he had it all the time.

"You have the divine blood of the Xiang family, you have an extraordinary physique, and you also practice the three ways of Taoism, Buddha and demons. If you devour the fire unicorn, you may become a unicorn demon."

Moro changed the subject and didn't say much about the previous topic.

"What is the Qilin Demon?"

"It's just a change. The fire unicorn is born with a different species, and there are tyrannical thoughts in its blood. Although it has the magical effect of improving the physical body, there is no small chance that it will breed a trace of real magic.

However, you are carrying Huang Tu, the divine weapon of the Six Tribulations, and you are the most evil thing in the world, and after a lifetime of meditation in Liangzhou City, your state of mind is already complete, even the Yangshen Zhenjun is not as good as you.

That trace of demonic nature should not do you any harm, it will only increase your strength, which is considered a good thing. If you have a chance, you can take this opportunity to completely integrate Taoism, Buddha, and demon into one, or become a demon, become a Buddha, or maintain yourself , and then the strength increased greatly! "

Mo Luo talked eloquently, and was not worried about Chen Yuan, but felt that this was more like another opportunity for him who was in a perfect state of mind.

If it is another person, as long as the state of mind is not perfect, it is possible to be affected by that tyrannical demonic nature, and then become a demon.

"Thank you for your advice, senior."

Chen Yuan nodded solemnly.

After finishing speaking, he temporarily gave up the idea of ​​taking Huo Qilin by force, but instead tried to kill Song Lun first, and relied on his luck to find the Ice Essence Jade.

Mo Luo also returned to the Emperor Butcher Knife and continued to be silent.

As his cultivation recovered faster and faster with the help of Jinlian, his time of silence became longer and longer. If it was not necessary, Chen Yuan could not disturb his recovery.

Otherwise, the time will only get longer and longer.

It's just that sometimes, Chen Yuan has nothing to do.

Standing on top of the Tangshan Giant Buddha in silence for a long time, Chen Yuan looked at the calm lake below, with no waves in his mind, and went to Shuzhou.

At this moment, in Qingzhou, in front of Guangming Temple.

Six hundred warrior monks sat cross-legged on an open space in front of the temple, chanting Buddhist scriptures, and the world was quiet. Before the six hundred warrior monks, there were several alchemy masters sitting cross-legged.

Among them was an old acquaintance of Chen Yuan.

Fat head with big ears and nine ring scars on top of his head, a mole at the corner of his mouth, and facial features resembling a big word "囧".

It's just that Bi Jianghe was forced to convince him later.

He is also the master uncle of the Jingxin monk that Chen Yuan beheaded in Yuankong secret realm.

In fact, Chen Yuan has been thinking about getting back the scene, the original interception can't be counted, but because he is too busy, he can't spare to put Guangming Temple on the line.

Only then did they gradually put it on hold, preparing to wait until after the incident and then push again.

In front of several alchemy masters, an old monk with benevolent brows and kind eyes in cassock of the prison temple sat cross-legged in the front, reciting Buddhist scriptures in his mouth.

The vitality of the heavens and the earth seemed to be trembling.

Guangming Temple is regarded as the strongest Buddhist power in Qingzhou, and it is also one of the most powerful top powers in Qingzhou. There is more than one Huayang Arhat in the temple.

At the beginning of the Great Jin Dynasty, Lingshan preached the Central Plains, and sowed many seeds. Guangming Temple is one of the most powerful representatives. It has been connected with Lingshan Holy Land all these years.

In fact, it's not just Guangming Temple, all the Buddhist temples in the world are orthodox passed down from Lingshan, and Lingshan is regarded as an orthodox holy place, and the cohesion is many times stronger than that of scattered Taoism.

There is only one Buddhist school in the world, and that is Lingshan.

But Taoism is not like this. Taixu Palace, Biyou Palace, and Kunlun Mountain are actually considered authentic Taoism, and even Wudang Mountain is also a side branch of Taoism.

Shushan Sword Sect is also inextricably linked with Taoism.

When it comes to the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism alone, it is obvious that Taoism is stronger.

It's just that sometimes when the strength reaches its peak, the Taoist sect will start to split. The Biyou Palace and Taixu Palace were split during the chaotic period of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.

Today, the Guangming Temple is so solemn, the temple is splashed with water, and the scriptures are all over the sky, it is also because of a major event.

The strongest person in Guangming Temple, the once famous Buddhist arhat in Qingzhou, and the head of Guangming Temple, Monk Yaoxin, has been in retreat for too long, and has not left the retreat for decades.

But in recent days, its soul lamp is also flickering, and it seems to be extinguished.

The monk of Guangming Temple felt a little horrified when he realized this, and quickly sealed the Guangming Temple, preparing to receive the Lingshan Bodhisattva, hoping that he could help him reincarnate and return to Lingshan.

Ordinary monks naturally do not have this qualification, nor do they have this ability, but the cultivation base of Arhat Realm is enough to have the opportunity to be reincarnated with the help of the magic method of Lingshan.

Just like the monk Xuanming who was the top three in the Qianlong list before.

The Guangming Temple has been chanting scriptures for three days. According to the usual practice, the devout Lingshan Bodhisattva can use the power of incense to manifest the Dharma body in Guangming Temple with the help of great supernatural powers.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and in the blink of an eye, it was the third time at noon. In the Daxiong Hall of Guangming Temple, a golden light suddenly rose into the sky.

In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the sky was filled with golden light for a hundred miles around.

A sense of compassion enveloped the heaven and the earth. In the Guangming Temple, nearly a thousand monks of the Guangming Temple who were chanting sutras and Buddhas looked up at the sky as if they had realized something in their hearts.

In the sky above Guangming Temple, a group of golden light clusters tens of feet in size condensed, like a bright sun, the golden light gradually converged.

A phantom appeared in front of everyone.

The phantom is a Bodhisattva Dharma image, wearing a Buddha crown, ears hanging shoulders, holding a golden staff, a little red light condenses on the staff, under it seems to be an illusory blue lion, standing like a sculpture Do not move.

The supervisor of Guangming Temple was startled, and immediately bowed to salute after seeing clearly behind the incense stick:

"Disciples see Manjusri Bodhisattva, and welcome the arrival of Manjusri Bodhisattva!"

"Welcome to Manjusri Bodhisattva!"

"Welcome to Manjusri Bodhisattva!"

The monks behind Jiansi spoke in unison, with deep piety in their eyes.

The head of the four great Bodhisattvas in Lingshan is definitely one who has attained Taoism and immortal Buddha. His status in Buddhism is second only to Buddha, and he is listed as the third highest in the list of supreme beings by Dengxianlou.

Above him, there is only Ye Xiangnan, the lord of Wudi City.

"Where is Yaoxin?"

Manjusri Bodhisattva's incense body is not flexible, but just like a Buddha statue, his eyes are indifferent, as if all living beings are nothing.

"Reporting to the Bodhisattva, I have presided over the retreat for decades. Recently, the soul lamp has been flickering and dimming, and there are signs of being extinguished. The disciples are terrified, so I invite the Bodhisattva. I hope that the Bodhisattva can see that the presider has worked hard for many years, and bring the presider back to Lingshan to reincarnate. .”

The old monk of Jiansi folded his hands together.

Manjushri Bodhisattva in the void was silent for a while, and turned his eyes to the retreat on the back mountain of Guangming Temple. His voice was like a bell, and he said:

"Yaoxin Arhat, show up and see!"

In the back mountain, the retreat place of Guangming Temple, in a pagoda tens of feet deep underground, a bald monk who was as thin as a stick and his lamp was burnt out lightly twitched his fingers after seeing that sentence.

The long eyebrows also moved without wind, and there was a clicking sound from his body, and he regained his vitality, and opened his eyes like abyss, which seemed a little sad.

With a light sigh, he rose from the ground and arrived in Guangming Temple in an instant.

Looking at his skinny appearance with torn clothes, the monks and monks below saluted one after another:

"See host!"

"See host!"

Monk Yaoxin glanced at the monk below, his eyes were neither sad nor happy, he looked up at the incense body of Manjushri Bodhisattva in the sky like a big sun, bowed and put his hands together:

"Disciple Yaoxin, see Manjusri Bodhisattva."

"Yaoxin, you still failed to break through the Bodhisattva realm." Manjusri Bodhisattva said a calm voice.

"The disciple is stupid."

Yao Xin bowed.

"Yaoxin, you were originally an Arhat of the Lingshan Mountain, and you broke through to the Arhat Realm in just over a hundred years. You have a deep foundation. I thought that you could take the opportunity of preaching the Central Plains to make you go further, but unexpectedly, you were trapped in the Arhat Realm for the rest of your life."

Even the Dharma Body of Incense and Fire has a trace of the charm of Manjusri Bodhisattva's body. Although his eyes have not changed, his tone is a little regretful. At the beginning, Yaoxin had hoped to become the Eighteenth Arhat, and even replace the Subduing Dragon Arhat.

But going out to experience, but in this life did not take the most critical step. It is a pity that the Arhat has not entered the Yang God, and no God of the Sun can escape the pain of reincarnation. Even if reincarnated, he has no memory, and cannot even awaken. lifetime.

Unlike Bodhisattvas like them, who rely on the incense and fire of Lingshan to have a very high life expectancy, even if they are reincarnated, they have a high chance of returning to their original bodies with their memories.

"I let the Bodhisattva down, it's because I'm too stupid." Yao Xin didn't dare to say more.

"Since you have run out of fuel and have devoted yourself to Lingshan for many years, this seat will help you reincarnate and be reborn." Manjusri Bodhisattva continued.

"Thank you Bodhisattva."

"But before that, you need to do one thing for me." Manjusri Bodhisattva nodded, and all the incense accumulated in Guangming Temple instantly enveloped Yaoxin's skinny body.

In just a short moment, Yaoxin used this power to regain its heyday, and its emaciated appearance was quite different at the moment, if Chen Yuan looked carefully here, he would be able to find it.

Monk Yaoxin is so similar to Fa Hai who he killed in Jinshan Temple

"I also ask the Bodhisattva to send down the decree."

Yao was full of energy and returned to the peak.

The golden light enveloped the two of them, and the monk below couldn't hear what was said above, but his eyes did not dare to have the slightest doubt.

"More than two hundred years ago, when I traveled to the Central Plains, I accidentally discovered a fire unicorn in Tangshan Mansion, Qingzhou. However, this fierce beast was born with nature, fierce and unruly, and extremely tyrannical. No one under the immortals can subdue this beast. murderous thing.

Later, I used my supernatural powers and the teleportation circle to move a Buddhist golden body from thousands of miles away, and suppressed the evil thing deep in the ground. It took two hundred years to suppress and wipe it out. When surrendering, you will go to Tangshan to subdue him with the decree of this seat, and bring it to Lingshan together. "

Manjusri Bodhisattva raised his head, stretched out a hand, and a golden beam of light instantly appeared in the void, falling into his hand, and a golden dharma decree hung in the void.

"Follow the Bodhisattva's decree."

Yaoxin greeted the decree with both hands, and responded immediately.

"This seat uses the incense of Guangming Temple to restore your strength, but there is only one month. If the time is up, if you can't return to Lingshan, your soul will return to heaven and earth, and your life will be useless."


"Close all karma as soon as possible, surrender the fire unicorn and return to Lingshan, I am waiting for you at Lingshan." After Manjusri Bodhisattva said, the golden light disappeared inch by inch and disappeared without a trace.

As if it had never appeared before.

Yaoxin held the Bodhisattva's decree, clasped his hands together, and bowed slightly:

"Congratulations to Manjusri Bodhisattva!"

"Congratulations to Manjusri Bodhisattva!"

"Congratulations to Manjusri Bodhisattva!"

Seeing the golden light fading, the monks in Guangming Temple below also knew that the Bodhisattva's incense and Dharma body had disappeared and had returned to the Holy Land of Lingshan, so they put their hands together.

"Finish cause and effect." In Yaoxin's eyes flashed the figure of a young man dressed in black, and put away the edicts brought by Manjusri Bodhisattva from Lingshan with the teleportation array.

Step by step, he walked down the void, facing the monks of Guangming Temple below, clasped his hands together and said:

"The poor monk failed to make a breakthrough, and he was about to die. Fortunately, the Bodhisattva gave me the grace to allow me to go to Lingshan to reincarnate and rebuild. From today, Miaojue Arhat will be the abbot of Guangming Temple. I will continue to spread the Buddhist principles of Lingshan and educate Qingzhou."

The benevolent old monk at the head sighed lightly, clasped his hands together, nodded slightly and said:

"Follow the host's orders!"

"Follow the host's orders!"

The presider's dying words are decrees, and all monks in Guangming Temple must obey them. Besides, besides Yaoxin, Jiansi Miaojue's cultivation is the most advanced in Guangming Temple, so it is reasonable to take over the position of presiding officer. middle.

"Junior Brother Miaojue, Guangming Temple will be handed over to you from now on, remember to follow the teachings of Lingshan."


Miaojue nodded, knowing that Yaoxin was about to fall, and now it was just Manjusri Bodhisattva helping him to return to the light, and asked with a dignified expression:

"I don't know if the host still has unfulfilled wishes?"

Yaoxin was silent for a while:

"The enmity against the Dao must be settled before reincarnation. Have you heard about the whereabouts of the demon sword Chen Yuan?"


Now the monthly ticket ranking is 250, a bit less, not more, it is a bit true to be true

If you still have votes in your hands, I really don't want to be in this ranking!

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