I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 590: Taking control of Shuzhou!

Chen Yuan was ordered by Jingtai to be the governor of the military affairs of the three states. It seems that he has great power. Even the former gods used Beijing to practice and did not have such an honor, but this is not the case.

In the land of three states, Nanzhou is basically similar to Liangzhou. The military and political power is in the hands of Zhennan Wang Nangonglie.

Everything depends on Zhennan Wang Nangonglie.

If he gave the imperial court face, the Nanzhou Sky Surveyor would have some power, but if he didn't give it, the Nanzhou Sky Surveyor would basically be a display.

The blood state has even bigger problems, its territory is comparable to two Qingzhou states, and its abundant resources are definitely the top three state capitals in the world, but the problem is that most of them are not under the control of the imperial court.

There are only two prefectures close to Tangshan Mansion and Shuzhou that are really directly under it.

As for this, I still have to worry about whether there will be rebellion from time to time by demons and monsters. It is not a common practice to slaughter officials, but it is definitely a sharp sword hanging over the heads of all blood state officials.

Therefore, Chen Yuan can only gain power in Shuzhou!

The territory of this state capital is not small, it is larger than Qingzhou, and its cultivation resources are also richer. It is considered to be a relatively advanced state capital among the thirteen middle schools of the Jin Dynasty.

Most importantly, there is a fairy gate in Shuzhou!

It is not a sect like Taixu Palace that has been hidden from the world, but a sect like Wudang Mountain that is directly established in the world, known as the sword sect in the world, the holy place for sword cultivation.

He is also the leader of the rivers and lakes in Shuzhou.

Shushan's personality has always been very rigid, unlike Wudang Mountain and other side branches of the Taoist sect, most of them act quietly and inactively.

Chen Yuan used to be very afraid of Shuzhou, and it is still the same now.

The only good news for him is that there is actually no grudge between Chen Yuan and Shushan. Back then, he was ordered by Jiang He to behead Zhao Hao, the sixteenth gentleman on the Qianlong List, and offended an alchemy elder in Shuzhou. .

But Jiang He was settled later, he was known as the sword god, and naturally he also went to Shushan to practice swords, and the people there would give him some face, and after that, Chen Yuan and Bai Changqing, the elder brother of Shushan Jianzong's generation, eased relationship.

It can be considered that they don't know each other, and the relationship is harmonious.

The last time when Chen Yuan was looking for his uncle Wu Daozi, Bai Changqing invited him after hearing the news, but he had already left after finishing his business.

But this time, he basically planned to operate Shuzhou as a base camp, which was the core of the three states, so he had to establish a good relationship with Shushan.

He doesn't ask for other help, and he doesn't want Shushan to get in the way. As long as the well water doesn't interfere with the river water, he is satisfied.

The last time Tang Xianzhuo killed many alchemy masters in order to revive his lover, which caused a lot of damage to the central Sichuan area. In fact, it was a disguised form of helping Chen Yuan.

The higher the level of cultivation, the more he despises the government and refuses to accept discipline. In fact, Chen Yuan is already ready to kill.

One is to search for resources and prepare for the rebellion, and the other is to get rid of most of the thorns and control Shuzhou. Although Jiang He has also been operating in Qingzhou for many years.

But the Dao Shrine originally wanted to gain a foothold and become an existence comparable to the Immortal Sect, and its power was simply not enough.

Moreover, the terrain of Qingzhou is mostly flat, easy to attack and difficult to defend. Once the imperial army arrives, they will give up depending on the situation and manage the land of Shuzhou well. However, after careful understanding, Chen Yuan found that this is not an easy matter.

The world favors martial arts, and because of border troubles in the north, there is only one Wudang fairy gate, which is relatively weak compared to other places.

The central region is firmly controlled by the Sima family, and the first choice of many warriors is the south.

This place has not experienced much war for hundreds of years, and its resources are very rich, even in coastal areas. Nearly half of the top ten fairy gates are in the southern region.

More than half of the five great aristocratic families are here, and there are many powerful forces second only to the top ten immortal sects. It can be said that they are intertwined. If there are hermit families, they will inevitably hide in the southern region.

Such chaos has created a prosperous martial arts, and it is even more difficult to control.

After Chen Yuan left the Tangshan Giant Buddha, he had already started thinking about how to transfer the white-clothed scholar Song Lun to Xuezhou and intercept him secretly. Of course, the other party must be very alert now.

He was going to take control of the situation in Shuzhou first, and then plan for the real big event.

Central Shu is divided into several parts, but Shuzhou City is not located in Central Shu, and because of avoiding the edge of Shu Mountain, after the founding of the Great Jin Dynasty, Shuzhou City was established close to Nanzhou.

The location is average. Although the resources are abundant, they are not conspicuous. A lot of light has been taken away by Shushan Sword Sect.

And Chen Yuan traversed more than half of Shuzhou, and finally arrived in Shuzhou City on July 22 in the ninth year of Jingtai in the Great Jin Dynasty.

Chen Yuan was very low-key, and thought he was very low-key, but when he arrived in Shuzhou City, he was a little surprised. The elite Xuntian Division who came here, together with Shuzhou State Mu and Shuzhou Zhengsipin General Pingnan, went out of the city to greet them in person.

The scene was so big that tens of thousands of people couldn't help but watch it.

In fact, this is quite normal, Chen Yuan is now a third-rank military officer, the Heaven Surveyor God Envoy, and has a huge reputation, as well as the right to control the three states in name.

In terms of official position, at least in the whole south, no one can compare to him except Zhennan Wang Nangonglie.

The prefects of each state only have the rank of third rank, and they are weak civil servants. Facing military officers, they are equal gestures, and now they are more than a step weaker than Chen Yuan.

They all wore official uniforms solemnly, welcoming Chen Yuan's arrival.

"Welcome Lord Hou to enter Shu!"

Lu Renyi, who had just taken over as his elder brother, saluted first.

A crowd of officials in the back, including Zhou Mu and General Pingnan, also bowed and saluted.

"Welcome Lord Hou to enter Shu!"

"Welcome Lord Hou to enter Shu!"

"Welcome Lord Hou to enter Shu!"

"You are welcome."

Chen Yuan was dressed in the official uniform of a marquis, stepped on the void, and with a movement of his divine sense, the vitality of heaven and earth supported everyone, stepping down from the void step by step, with a slight smile on his face.

The Marquis of Che with thousands of households in the food city, his status and fame are indeed respected.

"Thank you, Lord Hou."

"Thank you, Lord Hou!"

"Thank you, Lord Hou!"

"Master Hou, my subordinates have hosted a banquet for Lord Hou together with Envoy Lu Jin and General Pingnan in the Tian Xun Division. All the officials above the sixth rank in Shuzhou City want to support Lord Hou's demeanor. I hope Lord Hou will not refuse."

Mu Chuhe of Shuzhou State bowed and smiled, with a flattering smile on his face, as if Chen Yuan was really his immediate superior.

"Since that's the case, then this Marquis would be more respectful than obedient."

Chen Yuan glanced at the officials behind him and nodded slightly.

Some people may not want to be extravagant, or even reprimand these self-assertive officials, but Chen Yuan will not, he will win over later.

Furthermore, Lu Renjia's death was really unnecessary.

It was the court and He Jingtai who hit the face, not his face.

If Lu Renjia hadn't been killed in advance, he might have died in his arrangement.

"Master Hou, please."

"Lord Hou."

"Hmm." Chen Yuan strided forward, striding forward, receiving the visits of dozens of officials, the reverence of countless people, and the envy, awe, or disdainful gazes of many warriors on both sides of the road.

After walking about a hundred steps, Chen Yuan felt that there were no less than a thousand eyes on him, but some of them seemed to be familiar, so he turned his eyes away.

Although it was thousands of feet away, Chen Yuan could still sense who that person was at a glance.

Shangguan Yu, as well as Shangguan Hong, seemed to have a few strong warriors beside them, but of course they couldn't go there due to the current situation. superior.

"Such a keen mind, this Marquis of Wu'an, Chen Yuan, really lives up to his reputation." On a tall building a thousand feet away, a man in a brocade robe stroked his long beard under his chin and nodded slightly.

Seems very satisfied.

Beside the middle-aged man, there were still a few people standing, including Chen Yuan's good brother and big grievance, Shangguan Yu, and Chen Yuan's little lover, Shangguan Hong.

In addition, there are three warriors guarding by his side.

They are all the elders and guards of the Shangguan clan, and their status is usually very high.

And that middle-aged man in a brocade robe was none other than Shangguan Tiehong, the patriarch of one of the five great aristocratic families, the Shangguan clan!

"Yes, only such an outstanding person can take good care of Hong'er."

An old man in white with long hair was also smiling.

Shangguan Hong blushed and didn't know what to say.

On the other hand, Shangguan Yu glanced at his lips, looking down on his family members. At the beginning, they were not in the current attitude. At that time, he had a friendship with Chen Yuan. For him, Chen Yuan offended the Yun family and killed the young master of the Yun family. cold.

As a result, the family was unwilling to help Chen Yuan stand out, and he put on a posture of shrinking his head. At that time, he was very angry, and even directly asked his father, Shangguan Tiehong, to argue, but was reprimanded.

The same is true in the future, Chen Yuan is also alone under the pressure of the Gu family.

As a good brother, Shangguan Yu felt that he had failed.

Jianghu is the first to take the lead, and he feels that he has not done it well.

Later, I saw clearly what Chen Yuan was like, and I didn't want my sister to marry someone who didn't want to because of the marriage, so I introduced him to him, but it turned out to be a disappointment.

Unexpectedly, in another village, Shangguanhong was rescued by Chen Yuan once again, and she secretly promised her.

The last time Chen Yuan was dying in Liangzhou, if he hadn't stopped her, his younger sister would have gone straight to Liangzhou.

And this matter was also known by the family. At that time, they strictly stopped it, and they didn't want to get too involved with Chen Yuan. Their basic base is in the south. No matter how strong Chen Yuan is, he can't help the family, and it is not good for both parties.

Moreover, Chen Yuan was still on the verge of death at that time, and his soul might return to the west. How could they marry the patriarch's daughter to him?

But here comes the key point again.

Chen Yuan did not die in Liangzhou!

Not only did he not die, but he successfully broke through Huayang and became a real person in the fifth realm. He also had a great reputation. At that time, the Shangguan family was a little loose.

Afterwards, Chen Yuan was granted the title of Marquis of Ten Thousand Households, and his status was unparalleled for a while, and he also had the post of Xuntiansi Tianzi God Envoy. He was a unique young hero in the world.

At this time, the attitude of the Shangguan family was very aggressive, and they hoped that Chen Yuan and Shangguan Hong would get married as soon as possible, so that the Shangguan family could go one step further.

However, before he could move, Chen Yuan was promoted again.

The governor of the three southern states is extremely powerful.

At this time, the Shangguan family already knew that Shangguan Hong was not good enough for Chen Yuan, but they still had some thoughts, hoping to get married with Chen Yuan, and hoped that Shangguan Yu, a good brother, would help them make peace.

Shangguan Yu wanted to scold the old immortals in the clan at that time, can he still show some face?

When people are down, you can't avoid them, but now that they are brilliant, you catch up instead.

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor. This sentence may not be suitable for Chen Yuan, but it fits the current situation very well.

Shangguan Yu didn't want to do this, but Shangguan Tiehong talked to him and told him, could he still watch Shangguan Hong live a lonely life, or marry someone else?

At the beginning, the Shangguan family also had difficulties. Although they were also one of the five great families, in recent years, because of their closeness to the imperial court, they were disliked by many forces in the world, resulting in a sharp drop in family income.

At that time, it was really necessary not to help Chen Yuan.

But now that Chen Yuan is in charge of Shuzhou, his power is astounding. If he can take advantage of Chen Yuan's power to make further progress, the Shangguan family will surely be restored to its former glory.

It can also allow Shangguan Hong to find a home, which is actually a win-win situation.

A family is not a person, so you can't be arrogant. I hope Shangguan Yu can understand him.

Shangguan Yu, who had pondered for a long time in the family, finally agreed to this matter, and decided to take his father and several elders of the Shangguan family to meet Chen Yuan.

But he can't guarantee whether the relationship will be good.

He couldn't guarantee whether Chen Yuan could accept Shangguan Hong.

Now it is completely different from before. The former Chen Yuan was also a genius. He showed his talents early and was famous in Qingzhou and some parts of Shuzhou.

At that time, Shangguan Hong had the status of the first daughter of the Shangguan clan, so she was actually very hopeful to be the first wife.

But now, a Huayang family is married to another person who is a prince of ten thousand households in the dynasty, a third-rank official, and a person who controls the great power of the three southern states.

There is no hope of becoming a regular wife.

Chen Yuan was tough on the emperor in the Jinluan Palace, and he had already expressed his attitude by not marrying the eldest princess Pingyang. He even looked down on the emperor's daughter, let alone you, the daughter of a small family?

If Chen Yuan speaks out, I'm afraid that all ten great immortal sects intend to marry.

This is Chen Yuan's current status and power.

"Yu'er, when are you going to see Chen Yuan?" Shangguan Tiehong's eyes turned to Shangguan Yu, and there was still some earnestness in his eyes, and he wanted to be Chen Yuan's father-in-law.

"Brother Chen has just arrived in Shuzhou City, and he is welcoming officials from all over Shuzhou. It's a busy time. Let's do it tomorrow. I'll send people to send greeting cards tomorrow.

But father, don't have too much hope. This matter may not be possible, and it is no longer what it used to be. "Shangguan Yu said lightly.

Shangguan Tiehong smiled awkwardly, but didn't say anything else.

Only Shangguan Hong looked up at Shangguan Yu and blinked her eyes. Shangguan Yu didn't say that before, but she also knew the pros and cons of it, so she pretended to sigh.

Several elders of the Shangguan family around looked at each other, feeling a little embarrassed, but they didn't know what to say, because what Shangguan Yu said was right now.

Today's Chen Yuan is no longer the former Chen Yuan.

It is true that the Shangguan clan is among the top five families, but that is just the reputation in the Jianghu. In fact, the power is not that strong. Even as long as Chen Yuan wants to, he can destroy the Shangguan clan at any time.

They could only secretly regret that they didn't see Chen Yuan's potential at the beginning, they only saw that he was making enemies everywhere and the crisis was fourfold, but it was too late to say anything!


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