I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 592 Su Ziyue's True Origin!

Of course it is to do what I love to do.

Naturally, this sentence should not be said indiscriminately. Chen Yuan pondered for a moment, and just about to say something, unexpectedly, Su Ziyue interrupted him, and said, "What, there is Yu Qingyan?"

"Fellow Daoist Changqing misunderstood. Chen and Fairy Yu actually have some relationship. Let her come here this time just to talk about one thing. Chen will act upright all his life, and he will never do what you think. Otherwise, Just let Jiang He."


Jiang He interrupted immediately.

"It's just a joke. In short, Taoist Changqing don't misunderstand." Chen Yuan just wanted to quickly round up those words just now. It would be fine if we talked privately, but how can we talk about that kind of thing in front of so many people? Looks a little bit wrong.

Li Suqing couldn't believe it, although Chen Yuan seemed to be a gentleman and not close to women, but if he really wasn't close to women, he would be like Jiang He, instead of being surrounded by so many Yingying Yanyan.

"Daoist Seven Emotions, you said earlier that Fellow Daoist Asura had something to do with Taoist Changqing, but where did you say that?" Chu Changfeng saw that several people were silent, and immediately broke the silence.

Li Suqing's expression was a little strange, and he immediately covered it up and said:

"Sister Su has already said just now that she is backfired by her kung fu, and she is just a little delirious."

"Even if it's delirious, there should be some source. We are all our own people, so why don't we keep it from us?" Chu Changfeng smiled lightly, only feeling that a few people were very interesting.

Yang Huatian: "The old man seconded the proposal."

Jiang He: "Second."

Li Suqing: "."

My mind is full of question marks, I just turned around, why did I suddenly talk about her again?

"A few fellow daoists misunderstood, and they were just talking casually just now. How could fellow daoist Shura be interested in Sister Suqing?" Su Ziyue coughed lightly.

"The Master of Seven Emotions is right." Chen Yuan responded immediately.

But after speaking like this, Li Suqing inevitably felt a little uncomfortable. What's wrong with her? Although it is not as good as Su Ziyue in terms of appearance, it is definitely rare in the world.

His cultivation base has reached the peak of god refining, and his status is also the great elder of the immortal sect. I don't know how many warriors admire him.

But at this time, you must not say that, otherwise you will always feel a little jealous. She is quite old, but she has no interest in talking about love.

The most important thing is that Shen Yanshu is her disciple, and Yu Qingyan is also her disciple. If she and Chen Yuan become married, how will the two disciples deal with each other?

Isn't it becoming a master and apprentice.

No, absolutely not!

She, Li Suqing, the Great Elder of the Goddess Palace, needs face!

"Zi Yue, just now you said that it was the backlash from the Book of Desires, and you need the Lord Asura to help you suppress it?" Li Suqing coughed twice, and quickly changed the subject.

Outside the Tianshu space, in an invisible secret room, Su Ziyue's face turned red and then white, pondered for a long time, and said in a deep voice:


"Then why didn't you say it sooner? You made my sister worry for so long?" Li Suqing laughed.

At first, she thought that Su Ziyue had encountered some serious incident, but she was uncharacteristically not active in the Tianshu space, and it turned out to be because of this reason.

She didn't expect Su Ziyue, who was always carefree, to be so embarrassed.


Su Ziyue smiled awkwardly.

"Fellow Daoist of the Seven Emotions, the Book of the Immortal of the Six Desires was created by Senior Mo Luo based on many exercises, and it is very suitable for you. How could there be such backlash because of the eagerness for success?"

Yang Huatian and the others quickly regained their minds after teasing them.

After all, they had expected that Su Ziyue looked at Chen Yuan differently. If it wasn't for this, Su Ziyue would not have just healed Chen Yuan's spiritual injuries after the battle in the imperial city.

"That's right. We also want to know about this matter. Of course, if this matter is really important, it's okay not to disclose it." Li Suqing's tone was positive.

Chen Yuan didn't speak while holding the Heavenly Treasure Book, obviously listening quietly.

Su Ziyue pondered for a long time before slowly opening her mouth and saying:

"My background is unusual, and I didn't deliberately conceal it before, it's just"

"It's okay, I'm an elder of the immortal sect, fellow daoist in hell is a giant in the devil way, fellow daoist evil ghost is a member of the evil way, fellow daoist heavenly sword is a dark son of the imperial court, and fellow daoist Asura has extraordinary backgrounds. almost."

Li Suqing laughed.

"I have a relationship with the demon clan in the south."

Su Ziyue continued.

There was a moment of silence in the Tianshu space, as if they were taken aback by Su Ziyue's origin. They originally guessed that she was a member of the Hidden World Family, but they never thought about the Yaozu.

"Monster race?"

"What's the meaning?"

"You don't seem to be the true body of the demon clan, do you?"

Facing the ensuing inquiries, Su Ziyue didn't hide anymore, she said in a deep voice:

"My concubine comes from a hidden family in Nanzhou, the Su family. The Su family is unknown. Although their strength is good, they seldom show up in the Jianghu, because this family is a chess piece left by the Yaozu in the Central Plains. "

"After the former Chu swept across the southern border, the demon clan retreated, but the Su family survived by chance, and has been passing on news for the demon clan. All the children of the Su family have the blood of the nine-tailed sky fox clan, the four major god clans of the demon clan. The body is particularly pure.

At the beginning, Senior Mo Luo also saw this, so he taught me the Sutra of the Six Desires to practice. It was just a step-by-step practice, but recently, there has been a change in the monster clan, and it has returned to the southern border, and the connection with the Su family is even deeper. , and based on a sacred object of the nine-tailed sky fox family, I noticed the blood of the sky fox in me.

It may be a good thing for the Su family to let me lose my human body and become a complete nine-tailed sky fox, but I am very resistant.

It's a pity that I'm not strong enough, I can't get out, so I can only find a way to refine the blood of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, and in my eagerness for success, the foundation of the Six Desires Scripture is not stable, which affects my mind."

Su Ziyue didn't hide anything, and told all about her current situation.

"Why didn't you say this earlier?"

"According to you, the Su family is not much stronger, why bother to cover it up?"

"It's just some demons, they're nothing, I'll fight together, what a shitty nine-tailed sky fox, just kill it!"

The Taoist masters of the Taoist Palace did not feel alienated because of Su Ziyue's identity. Instead, they said that she was confused. This matter should have been mentioned earlier.

The strength of the Su family is at most at the level of the five great families, and even worse, it is impossible to be the opponent of Dao Shrine Palace. If it was mentioned earlier, it would not be in the current predicament.

"Actually, I didn't want to bother a few fellow Taoists. I figured it out a long time ago. Refining the blood of the nine-tailed sky fox can make my potential stronger, and my cultivation base will increase dramatically in a short period of time. In fact, I don't have deep resistance now.

And I have already thought of a countermeasure, Senior Mo Luo possesses Fellow Daoist Asura, and it is easy to kill the Su family."

Su Ziyue has always been shrewd. After doing some calculations, she came up with such a plan. She originally didn't want to disturb other Taoist masters, but she didn't expect that by accident, the private chat became a group chat, and she could only explain her current situation. out.

"I see."

Only then did the Taoists suddenly realize, and at the same time they breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Su Ziyue is not in danger.

"You just said that the Yaozu have started to walk out of the 100,000 mountains in southern Xinjiang?" Chen Yuan caught the key point and wanted to find out some more accurate questions.

He is located in the south, adjacent to Nanzhou, and Nanzhou has 100,000 mountains bordering on the southern border. If there is any disturbance in the Yaozu, it will definitely affect him.

Su Ziyue responded: "I don't know about the others, but the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox clan should have regained their vitality, and there may even be big moves in the near future. You have to be careful."

"I see."

Sitting high in the Heaven Xun Temple, Chen Yuan looked a little dignified.

The situation is getting more and more complicated, but for him, this seems to be a blessing and a misfortune, and it can't be regarded as a bad thing. It took hundreds of years to recover from the great Chu's heavy damage to the monster clan.

Now that the Great Chu is destroyed and the Great Jin is in control of the Central Plains, no matter what the Yaozu want to do, they cannot do without the court, so they will definitely find ways to weaken the power of the court.

"Since you have thought about it, we won't say more. However, if the Taoist Asura can't solve it, you must contact us. The Taoist masters of the Taoist Palace have always advanced and retreated together."

Chu Changfeng said.

"Thank you Brother Hell Prison."

"This old man also meant the same thing, that's all, you go ahead and talk to Master Asura, this old man is going to retreat first." They all knew that Su Ziyue and Chen Yuan should have something to say.

There's no need to bother them, anyway, they already know what they should know and what they shouldn't know.


Chu Changfeng left behind a laugh, and the lit starlight disappeared without a trace.

Jiang He didn't say a word, and the light quickly dimmed.

They can't help Su Ziyue, only Chen Yuan can do it, and they will feel annoyed if they are here all the time, but Chen Yuan is really a guy.

Swear to take him as punishment.

In just a few moments, Yang Huatian, Chu Changfeng and Jiang He quickly went offline, leaving only Li Suqing as an 'outsider'. After all, she couldn't help it, and warned Chen Yuan:

"Fellow Daoist Asura, you and I are of the same generation. Yan Shu has already followed you. Qing Yan will definitely not do it. She has high hopes from the Goddess Palace and may become the Palace Master in the future. You"

She has made it very clear that she will not interfere with Chen Yuan's private life, but after all, Yu Qingyan was raised by her. She is said to be a master and apprentice, but she is actually half a mother.

Chen Yuan was indeed outstanding, but there were too many women around her, and with Su Ziyue, a goblin, by her side, she felt that she would not be too happy if she followed him.

"Don't worry, Taoist Master Changqing, there are indeed some secrets that cannot be revealed, and you will know in the future." Chen Yuan said vaguely, and the others were unwilling to express their opinions after they left.

Yu Qingyan is his cousin, who was betrothed to him by his second uncle himself. Only by handling Yu Qingyan's matter well, can Chen Huaiyi do his best to help him in the future.

It doesn't have to be accepted, but the relationship must be good, and by the way, let's resolve the grievances between her and the second uncle.

"You just need to understand in your heart." Li Suqing sighed lightly, and then said:

"Su Ziyue, being a concubine has nothing to do with your lover brother, you are not allowed to talk about such things in the future, you understand?"

"Sister Suqing, I was just now."

"Okay, I've said it all, there's no need to explain, as long as you're safe and sound, and I'm leaving first, you can continue talking." Li Suqing snorted and quickly disconnected.

Within the entire Tianshu space, only the two of them were left in an instant.

"Miss Su?"

Chen Yuan broke the deadlock.

"Remember what I just said."

"When will I go to Nanzhou to find you?"

"I haven't completely refined the holy object of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan yet, you can do it within a month."


"Let's talk about it first, I just ask you to help me suppress the backlash."

"I know, we are just a very pure fellowship." Chen Yuan smiled.

"Also, you have heard what Sister Suqing means. You are not allowed to have any ill thoughts about her, and you must not have any ill thoughts about Yu Qingyan. You have not accomplished anything now, so don't indulge in womanizing."

Su Ziyue couldn't help but mention it again.

She didn't even know why she said those words, but when it came to her lips, she couldn't suppress it.

"A man lives between the heavens and the earth, and he must not be addicted to wine and sex. I know this sentence. Miss Su, don't worry."

Li Suqing looks very graceful, with a sense of nobility, not inferior to Concubine Yang Gui, he is almost familiar, if there is no trace of evil thoughts, it is naturally impossible.

But it was just a trace, Chen Yuan was able to restrain it.

"Well, well, it's getting late, let's rest earlier."

Su Ziyue said goodbye, and before Chen Yuan could reply, she cut off the contact. She couldn't help reaching out to touch her flushed face, and let out a sigh of relief:

"The bloodline of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan, how could there be such a change? I've lost all face today."

On the other side, after sensing that the Tianshu space had completely fallen into silence, Chen Yuan rubbed his temples, frowned slightly, and the private chat changed to a group chat. Even he felt unusually uncomfortable.

However, he can still accept some of today's social deaths, mainly because he was overwhelmed by Su Ziyue's help, and he was still thinking about how to get in touch.

I didn't expect it to happen directly

Sure enough, he, Mr. Chen, has accumulated virtue and done good deeds all his life, and it is normal to have such a blessing.

A month's time, so far, is relatively plentiful, but the Yaozu made Chen Yuan vigilant a lot. He seldom deals with the Yaozu, but this does not prevent him from being jealous.

The border troubles of the northern barbarians are only a serious trouble in the past few hundred years, while the monster race in the southern border is a sharp sword hanging over the heads of the human race. In the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, they completely regarded the human race as blood, if it weren't for Chu Taizu turned out to suppress the world, and now I am afraid that the fate of the human race will be even more sad.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

The next day, there was nothing to say all night.

After finishing the conversation with Su Ziyue, Chen Yuan thought deeply for a long time before returning to the courtyard of Xuntian Division to rest and practice.

For Chen Yuan today, it is enough to sleep without rest, and practice is rest.

And the news of his entry into Shuzhou is also spreading outward at a very fast speed, first Shuzhou, then Nanzhou and Xuezhou.

On the first day of taking office, Chen Yuan didn't burn any fire, Lu Renyi was honest, and the headquarters of the Shuzhou Sky Survey Division had just been rebuilt, so there was no need to set fire to it.

However, he still selected a few young envoys and deputy envoys to talk to each other, first to test it out, and then gradually win over.

The greeting card from Shangguan Yu has also been delivered, and Chen Yuan will not put on any airs, he has already discovered their existence yesterday, so there is no harm in seeing them.

The Shangguan clan is deeply rooted in Shuzhou, and friendship is beneficial and harmless.

At noon, Shangguan Yu brought Shangguan Hong, Shangguan Tiehong, the patriarch of the Shangguan clan, and several elders of the Shangguan clan, and arrived at Xuntiansi with a lot of congratulatory gifts.

After Chen Yuan got the news, he went out to greet him in person, giving enough face.

"I've seen Lord Hou!"

"I've seen Lord Hou!"

Shangguan Tiehong smiled lightly, after being beaten by Shangguan Yu, he didn't dare to put his posture too high. With Chen Yuan's record, it is not difficult to overcome his scruples.

"This is Uncle Shangguan, right? You don't have to look outside like this. Brother Chen and Brother Shangguan are like brothers, and it's too distant to see outsiders." Chen Yuan stepped forward and cupped his hands with a smile.

Shangguan Hong also raised her head, a blush inadvertently flashed across her face, she raised her hand and said:

"Brother Chen Chen."

"Ah Hong's cultivation is getting higher and higher."

"Etiquette cannot be discarded." Shangguan Tiehong hastily declined.

"Several please"

Seeing this, Chen Yuan didn't say much anymore, and led a few people into the Heaven Xun Temple with a smile.

After the spirit tea was served, the atmosphere in the hall was somewhat quiet. After all, Shangguan Tiehong was the patriarch of a clan with a lot of knowledge, so he stepped forward to smooth things over and praised Chen Yuan's previous achievements.

To say that he can do this at his age is unprecedented.

"Uncle is too much, brother Shangguan is also a hero for a while."

"This time Lord Hou is in charge of the south, and he is also in Shuzhou. He has the relationship with Yu'er. In the future, whenever there is something that can be used by the Shangguan clan, he will definitely help him with all his strength."

Shangguan Tiehong quickly expressed his opinion.

"Thank you very much. The Shangguan family has been rooted in Shuzhou for hundreds of years and has a high reputation. There is indeed something to leverage in the future." Chen Yuan, Shangguan Tiehong's witty son, was very happy.

Completely forget some of the unpleasantness of the past.

In fact, even if he used the name of Shangguan Yu to make enemies before, he didn't actually count on the Shangguan family, he just gave himself a name as a teacher.

He had deliberately dragged them into the water, so it was normal for Shangguan Tiehong not to help.

If this is all grudges, then the mind is too narrow.

"very good, very good"

Chen Yuan's attitude made Shangguan Tiehong heave a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Chen Yuan would hold grudges as rumored, which was not a good thing for Shangguan's family.

There have always been rumors of the county magistrate who broke the family and the magistrate who killed the family.

Chen Yuan's power is many times stronger than that of the county magistrate, even the five great families would not provoke the envoy of the Xuntian Division, lest it bring disaster.

Several clan elders also interjected a few words in a timely manner, and generally speaking, they had a pleasant conversation.

Shangguan Tiehong is very smart, he didn't delay too long, it is good to have an impression when meeting for the first time, there will be more opportunities in the future, originally Shangguan Hong wanted to stay a little longer, but was sent away by Shangguan Queen's eyes.

Soon there were only the two of them left in the Tianxun Temple.

"Brother Shangguan, do you have something to say?" Chen Yuan looked at him curiously.

"I heard from Zhang Xuan that you became his brother-in-law?"


"Brother Chen, with our relationship, it shouldn't be a problem for me to be a brother-in-law, right?"

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