I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 593 Yaoxin is Fahai!

"Brother Chen, with our relationship, it shouldn't be a problem for me to be a brother-in-law, right?"

Shangguan Yu looked at Chen Yuan with a smile.

Chen Yuan: "."

There's something about these friends.

Sisters and sisters piled on him.

"Brother Zhang sent you a letter?" Chen Yuan picked up his teacup and took a sip.

"That's right, after you saw him last time, you immediately sent me a letter non-stop, saying that you have now become his second brother-in-law."


Shangguan Yu said seriously:

"So, Zhang Xuan's second sister, Zhang Wanshu, can accept her, and Xiaohong is not bad, right?"

"Brother Shangguan, you know me, but I'm actually not a good person." Chen Yuan pondered for a moment.

"If you are a decent and good person, my little sister may not like it. No one can say anything about feelings. You are so outstanding and you have saved her life. It is normal to have a secret love for you." .

You didn't agree before because you were concerned about the influence of the Shangguan family on you, I can understand, but now your power has surpassed the Shangguan clan.

No one dares to tell you what to do, and, to be honest, I know that Brother Chen, you have great ambitions, and you are not willing to be ordinary, and you are bound to do something great in the south.

Although the Shangguan clan is not as prosperous as it used to be, it still has a bit of background. If you marry a younger sister, the Shangguan family is equivalent to getting on your chariot, and if I sit in it, the Shangguan clan will never dare to have the slightest disagreement. "

Shangguan Yu's face was serious, and he didn't think it was a joke.

And for Chen Yuan, he also really wanted to get married. No matter how good his relationship with Chen Yuan was, in the future as his cultivation base and status rose, there would be a distance, not as close as before.

There must be a bridge beside Chen Yuan.

Marriage is the best way.

He has long seen that Chen Yuan is a potential stock, and has always wanted to invest in it, but neither Chen Yuan nor the old stubborn members of the Shangguan clan have any reason, so they can only shelve it in the end.

Now his premonition has come true, Chen Yuan dived out of the abyss, the roc spread its wings, and in just over a year stood at the upper echelon of the rivers and lakes and the court.

One foot is on the court, and the other is on the rivers and lakes.

When its foundation is solid, there will inevitably be big moves in the future.

From his observations, it can be seen that Chen Yuan is not a person who has lived under others for a long time. Now the world is in turmoil, and there are signs of war.

In order for Shangguan's family to regain its glory, he must place a bet in advance and find a potential stock!

Chen Yuan was the person he trusted the most.

Along the way, he has defeated all the heroes in the world, has a high reputation, has the opportunity to achieve great things, and they have known each other since childhood, and they have a deep friendship. If the Shangguan family wants to bet, it must be him.

Also, Shangguan Hong fell in love with Chen Yuan, and for the sake of his little sister's happiness, he had to take the initiative to say so.

"Brother Shangguan, are you serious?"

Chen Yuan stared at him.

"To tell you the truth, brother Chen, the family has long had the idea of ​​marrying, but I suppressed it and told my father that you and my younger sister are in love, so I put it on hold.

Otherwise, the younger sister is married now. "

"I see."

"Brother Chen, to be honest, do you really have no liking for my little sister? If so, I will refuse to my father." Shangguan Yu closed his eyes.

"Let's settle this matter for now, but there is no need to worry about getting married. I have too many things on hand now. I will tell you when I feel that it is about the same."

Chen Yuan gave Shangguan Yu a promise.

The Shangguan clan is indeed of great use to him in controlling Shuzhou. He cannot do without this help. He does not want to miss this help. As for Shangguan Hong

In the past, Chen Yuan had just come to this world, surrounded by dangers, and his strength was very low. Talking about love would only slow down his speed of drawing his sword, but now, he almost has this strength.

Isn't it for power, women and longevity?

He will not deceive himself and pretend to be a gentleman.

Moreover, as his cultivation base gets higher and higher, it becomes more difficult to have children. The best choice is naturally to marry a few more women to spread the branches.

Although it is not now, we have to plan ahead.

Besides, he wasn't bored with Shangguan Hong, as long as the relationship was slowly cultivated.

Hearing Chen Yuan's affirmative answer, a smile appeared on Shangguan Yu's face:

"As long as this matter is settled, the Shangguan clan is not an unreasonable character. Using this can better restrain the Shangguan clan and use it for Brother Chen."

Chen Yuan: "."

At this moment, he had an illusion that Shangguan Yu was really the young master of the Shangguan clan?

Why do you seem to be on his side, not Shangguan's?

This big injustice, bah, good brother is indeed very good!

Chen Yuan was a little moved at the moment.

"Brother Shangguan, the marriage is agreed, but there is one thing I want to say in advance." Chen Yuan coughed twice and continued.

"Brother Chen, just open your mouth."

"It's about the wife."

Chen Yuan said half of what he said, but the meaning in his words was already very clear. Even if he married with Shangguan's family, he would not be the wife of Shangguan Hong.

Shangguan Yu frowned for a moment, but soon relaxed it. In the meantime, he had indeed prepared for this, not to mention other people, such as Zhang Xuan has a sister.

There is only one wife.

Furthermore, in Shangguanhong's view, with the improvement of Chen Yuan's status, there may be more powerful forces to marry, or Chen Yuan himself still has good friends.

To fight for this, the Shangguan clan must first have power at the level of the top ten immortal sects.

"As long as Brother Chen doesn't treat my little sister badly in the future."

"Brother Shangguan, don't worry, I will definitely not treat Ah Hong badly in the future." Even if she is his own woman in the future, Chen Yuan is not a heartless and cold temper.

"With your words, I feel relieved."

After simply talking about the alliance with the Shangguan clan, both Chen Yuan and Shangguan Yu were very happy in their hearts. They met at Weimo and had a long friendship.

If they turned against each other because of some interests, it would be something no one wanted to see.

After staying with Shangguan Yu for a few hours and having a meal together, Shangguan Yu got up to say goodbye, Chen Yuan sent him out of the gate and went back to continue his practice, preparing to go to Nanzhou.

On the other hand, after returning from Xuntiansi, Shangguan Hong became a little impatient, pacing back and forth in the inn, thinking why Shangguan Yu hadn't come back yet.

How are things going?

I don't know how to send someone to send a letter or something.

It was not until the night was dark that Shangguan Yu hurriedly arrived at the inn where he was staying. As soon as he opened the door, a smile appeared on Shangguan Hong's face. He quickly brought a cup of warm tea and asked softly:

"Brother is back."

"Wait in a hurry?" Shangguan Yutiao laughed a few words, thinking that Shangguan Hong would shyly avoid it, but in the end he nodded very seriously:

"Wait in a hurry, hurry up and tell me, what does Brother Chen mean?"

Shangguan Yu stared at her for a moment, sighed softly, and sat down slowly.

Shangguan Hong's heart skipped a beat, a heart-wrenching pain welled up in her heart, she gritted her teeth, turned her back, blinked her eyes, then turned around again, and said with a smile:

"It's okay, brother Chen is famous all over the world and powerful, it's normal to look down on me, don't hurt the feelings between you brothers because of me.

In fact, I, Shangguan Hong, also don't like to marry. I devote myself to martial arts, and I may become the first female Huayang in our Shangguan family someday. "

She really likes Chen Yuan very much, especially when she came out to save her when she was desperate, she reached the peak of her thoughts.

Later, the incident in Liangzhou City spread to Shuzhou. If Shangguan Tiehong and Shangguan Yu hadn't teamed up to imprison her at home, she would have gone straight to Liangzhou City with one sword.

As a human being, one must have a thought.

But it doesn't mean that she has no dignity, she likes what she likes, she doesn't want to be so humble, it's best to be in love with each other, if it's very reluctant, it's better to be single.

Her personality is actually somewhat similar to Shen Yanshu's, both have a heroic spirit.

"It's getting late, brother, you should go to bed early, I...I went out to get some air, and my father followed me recently, but it bored me to death."

With a smile on Shangguan Hong's face, he turned and left.

As soon as he opened the door, Shangguan Yu's faint voice came to his ears:

"Really willing?"

"The sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes never care about the love of their children. He has great ambitions, and so do I."

Shangguan Hong stepped out of the room with one foot.

"Since that's the case, then forget it. Just now I wanted to say that this marriage is settled. Since you don't want to, forget it. Let's go, let's go out and get some air."

Before Shangguan Yu finished speaking, Shangguan Hong, who stepped out of the door with one foot, took it back again, closed the door with a 'bang', drew out the long sword at his waist, and stared at Shangguan Yu:

"Shangguan Yu, you dare to tease me?!"

"I didn't tease you, I just sighed that the girl is not allowed to stay. I didn't expect you to have such an ambition. When my brother supports you, let's be a heroine, isn't it better than being someone else's little wife?"

Shangguan Yu chuckled.

As for this matter, Shangguan Hong's long sword was already glowing coldly, and she couldn't help stabbing out with the sword, her predicament just now was clearly seen, this was definitely Shangguan Yu's intention!

"Little sister, don't be impulsive, do you still want to marry Chen Yuan?"

When the long sword was still a foot away from the eyes, Shangguan Yu quickly replied.


The long sword is put into the scabbard.

Shangguan Hong stared at him and said in a deep voice:

"What's going on?"

"The matter has been settled, I will talk to my father here, just draw up a marriage certificate, but the specific time of marriage has not yet been set, and it may not be possible in the next year or two.

Brother Chen has too many things to do, and he has no time to do them. "



"It means that I have become his fiancée now?"

Shangguan Hong suppressed his joy and kept as calm as possible.

"It will take a few days."


Shangguan Hong let out a long breath, sat down and suddenly covered his face:

"Thank you brother."

"However, this matter is settled, but there is one more thing that depends on your opinion." Shangguan Yu sat opposite him and knocked on the table.

"what's up?"

"Brother Chen, tell me that you are afraid about the first wife."

Shangguan Hong raised his head:

"I can't do this either, as long as I can stay by his side."

"After all, you are also the daughter of Shangguan's family, can you be a bit promising?" Shangguan Yu immediately agreed when he saw her, without any reservation or hesitation, with a look of hatred on his face.

"So, big brother, you can let me be the official wife of the Chen family?" Shangguan Hong looked suspicious.


"Then what are you talking about?"

Shangguan Yu: "."

"You haven't married yet, so you're just facing him like this. If you marry, you'll be fine?" Shangguan Yu coughed twice, feeling that his younger sister was a bit unfamiliar.

"Don't talk about me, don't you also turn to Chen Yuan?"

"Forget it, I have nothing to say to you, just rest yourself. Brother Chen has time these few days. If you have nothing to do, talk to him and communicate with him. I won't get involved."

Shangguan Yu waved his hand, turned and left.

"What are you doing in such a hurry?"

Shangguan Hong frowned.

Shangguan Yu turned his head and smiled faintly:

"Didn't Zhang Xuan say that Chen Yuan is his brother-in-law? Now I am Chen Yuan's brother-in-law. According to the rules, he has to call me brother. I have to tell the surname Zhang because I have a higher seniority!"

Shangguan Hong: "."

She suddenly felt that the matter between herself and Chen Yuan had come to an end, and it was not her who was the happiest, but Shangguan Yu, who also said that she was not promising, just like this, she didn't look promising.

For three days in a row, Chen Yuan left the Tian Xun Department, and while practicing, he dealt with the affairs of the Shu Province Xun Tian Department, installed cronies, and selected patrol angels who were willing to take refuge in him.

In addition, they are still waiting for the Jin envoy of Nanzhou and the two youth envoys of Xuezhou to see them.

And in this spare time, Shangguan Hong also abandoned her previous shyness, and took the initiative to chat with Chen Yuan, and the Shangguan clan had basically made a decision.

Although it has not been made public, Shangguan Hong has already made Zhang Wanshu one of his fiancées one step ahead.

With this level of identity, neither Shangguan Hong nor Chen Yuan was fudged, and their relationship quickly heated up in just a few days, reaching the level of second base.

Shangguan Hong also saw another side of Chen Yuan's aloofness, and was a little at a loss.

He didn't expect that Chen Yuan's lust would be so serious. It didn't damage his image, but he had a deeper understanding of Chen Yuan.

And under Chen Yuan's suggestion, he planned to go to Tangshan Mansion in a few days to meet Mrs. Xu and recognize her family.

Everything is changing for the better.

On this day, the two youth envoys from Xuezhou and the Jin envoy from Nanzhou, who received strict orders from Chen Yuan, did not dare to delay at all, so as not to cause any unforeseen consequences, they came to see Chen Yuan, a genuine superior official, non-stop.

"My lord, the Nanzhou gold envoy is here."

Lu Renyi walked into the Xuntian Palace, bowed and said.

"Well, let them"

Before the words fell, a sky patrol guard rushed into the hall, bowed and saluted:

"My lord, there are people outside the city who want to see you, and it seems that the person who came is not kind."

Chen Yuan frowned, coming to challenge such a thing, he has not met it for a long time, asked in a deep voice:

"Who is it?"

"My lord, that old monk claims to be the former abbot of Guangming Temple, Yaoxin!"

"Guangming Temple host, Yaoxin?!"

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes, and a trace of puzzlement and curiosity flashed in his eyes.

He had some personal grievances with Guangming Temple before, but it was settled by Jiang He. He wanted to deal with these bald donkeys after he finished his work, but he didn't expect someone to come to his door.

He has heard the name of Monk Yaoxin. He is an arhat at Huayang level. He has some reputation in Qingzhou, but he has disappeared for decades. Call outside the city.

It's just courting death!

"That's right, the old monk sat cross-legged in the void outside the city, calling the roll. Rolling the roll wants you to go, my lord, but it's karma."

"cause and effect."

Chen Yuan raised his head, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Coincidentally, the karma between him and Guangming Temple has not yet come to an end, so let's use this top sect in Qingzhou as the first stop in the south!

"Order the various departments of the Tian Xun Department in Shuzhou City to dispatch troops and generals to gather at the city gate." Chen Yuan looked at Lu Renyi and ordered.

"My lord, do you want to form an formation to take down this person?"

"No, just let them observe."

Chen Yuan stood up, exuding a powerful aura around him. Only by competing in front of the warriors who surveyed the sky can he show his strength most intuitively and effectively!

"Yes, I obey!"

Lu Renyi immediately cupped his fists and bowed.

Three thousand feet outside the northern city of Shuzhou, a golden light filled the sky, and an old monk with long eyebrows in cassock sat cross-legged, surrounded by a powerful aura.

This person is the abbot of Guangming Temple, the monk Yaoxin who was incensed by Manjusri Bodhisattva to return to the peak.

In the past few days, he had arranged the affairs of Guangming Temple, and rushed to Shuzhou City without the slightest delay, preparing to end the enmity that once blocked the way.

At that time, he knew that no matter how difficult it was to improve his cultivation base, he used the name of retreat, but in fact, he had already separated a ray of true god in secret, and with the help of strange treasures, he was reincarnated into a baby, and he was going to cultivate his body at that time. Peek into the realm of the Bodhisattva.

Perhaps under his influence, the reincarnated baby's heart turned to Buddhism, and he grew up with Jinshan Temple in Nanling Prefecture, Qingzhou.

The first half of his life was peaceful and steady, but just when he was about to enter the Vajra Realm, he encountered a catastrophe, and the source of the catastrophe came from a seemingly ordinary condensed martial artist.

After Fahai's death, his whole life flashed before his eyes like a mirror, and he personally experienced the life that Fahai experienced.

I saw that young man with a fierce heart, broke through several trials in a short period of less than a year, and was narrow-minded. Because of a past grievance, he secretly planned to destroy Jinshan Temple.

In the end, the young man succeeded.

Killing Fa Nan, killing Fa Hai, and burning Jinshan Temple completely shattered his hopes!

This is the demon of his life, and this grievance must be settled before reincarnation, otherwise, even after reincarnation, he will be trapped to death in this checkpoint even if he awakens his past and present lives after reincarnation.

So here he is!

Prepare to end karmic grievances.

But what he never expected was that the young man in Fa Hai's memory was out of control after breaking through Tongxuan, defeated all the heroes in the world, and won the first place in the Ascension to Immortal Battle.

Later, he became famous for the country, died for the country, and became the number one on the Billboard.

Now, he has become a high-ranking official of the imperial court who is not easy to provoke even Guangming Temple. He is a prince of thousands of households and has the shocking power of governor of the three southern states!

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