I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 596: Opportunity starts and shakes Shuzhou!

Even Manjusri Bodhisattva's dharma body was shattered, Yaoxin didn't think he could still resist, if he couldn't beat it, he couldn't beat it, there was no shame in it, the karma was over when he died.

If you say regret, you can only regret that distracted Fa Hai provoked such a terrifying Chen Yuan.

For the rest, no one can blame it.

Manjusri Bodhisattva left, and the only person present who could stop Chen Yuan was Subduing Dragon Arhat, but he was a heretic. He had once betrayed Lingshan, and just now he took the initiative to help Chen Yuan, and he was not on the same side as him.

Therefore, he will not speak.

The only hope is that Guangming Temple will not be implicated. He closed his eyes and said in a low voice:

"Chen benefactor, today's fault is all my fault, and I hope Chen benefactor will not implicate too many people because of his personal grievances."

"If you come out to hang out, you have to pay it back. Even without you, Chen and Guangming Temple still have karma to settle. You are just an excuse now."

Chen Yuan grabbed the Emperor Butcher Knife and slashed out.

There was only a sigh left in the void, which lasted for a long time.

A glint of blue light flashed in Chen Yuan's eyes, watching Yaoxin's luck penetrate into his body like a dragon, and then absorbed by the altar of luck.

Then, it was the same as usual, and a new understanding came to my heart.

"Shangguan clan with five surnames in Shuzhou, the cold pond in the clan raises spiritual objects, the ice marrow and cold jade stabilize the fire, and swallows the blood of the gods to transform the demons."

Ice Essence Divine Jade!

It really is the Ice Essence Divine Jade!

His prediction was not wrong, the opportunity guided by the Altar of Luck was indeed guided according to his current situation, he currently lacked the divine fire of the ice essence jade to suppress the fire unicorn, so the opportunity would give the direction.

The only thing that surprised him was that this time the opportunity was within the Shangguan clan. If he had known this earlier, he should have asked in advance.

Maybe there will be new opportunities.

But this thing, no one expected, he actually put his hope on the chance guidance of the Altar of Luck, because Mo Luo said that the ice marrow jade is rare in the world.

It is not easy to find.

Knowing that there are still many people around him paying attention to him, after sensing the opportunity, Chen Yuan opened his eyes without thinking too much, glanced at some of Yaoxin's stumps on the ground, and turned his gaze to Xu Yan The monk cupped his fists and said:

"Thank you Master False Words."

If Xu Yan hadn't helped him at the most critical moment and shattered Manjushri Bodhisattva's Dharmakaya, he might not have been able to defeat him at that time.

If Mo Luo is unwilling to show up, there is little hope of killing Yao Xin.

Mara's appearance could easily shatter Manjushri's dharma body, but the consequences would be too great, which he could hardly bear at present.

"It's just a matter of convenience. After all, benefactor Chen, you and I are old acquaintances." Monk Xu Yan smiled lightly, without any intention of taking credit for himself.

"Master Xu Yan, why don't you come to the house and have a talk?" Chen Yuan invited, and he really wanted to win over this person now.

The blow just now was definitely at the level of a true monarch. Looking at the world, it is enough to be called a strong man. The most important thing is that Chen Yuan also wanted to find out about himself.

For example, in Ping'an County, who arranged the Xuyan and what is the purpose.

Seemingly seeing Chen Yuan's purpose, Xu Yan shook his head:

"The poor monk still has some things to do, so I won't bother you. See you and me by fate."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Chen Yuan to continue to stay, he glanced at a certain direction of Shuzhou City, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and quickly disappeared into the void.

Looking at the direction where Monk Xuyan disappeared, Chen Yuan frowned, and said to Mo Luo in the Emperor Butcher's Knife:

"Senior, since Xu Yan yearns for you so much, why don't you show up and see him?"

He reckoned that based on the conversation between Manjusri and Xu Yan just now, if Mo Luo came forward, it was very likely that he would be able to win over the combat power of this true king.

"The appearance of the poor monk will not only harm him, but also harm himself. Now is not the time."

Chen Yuan squinted his eyes, and didn't say anything more. The other party had already left, and it was useless to say anything now. The most urgent thing to do was to get the Ice Essence Jade from the Shangguan clan and swallow the Qilin blood as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, he turned his head and his eyes fell on Shangguan's group. He ordered the patrolling guards below to deal with these traces, and then returned to Shuzhou City.

Although this battle is over, the impact of this battle has just begun, because in this battle, there are too many warriors watching in Shuzhou City!

I don't know how many pairs of eyes witnessed that battle, and there was no need for anyone to provoke it. After Chen Yuan left, there was a lot of discussion.

One side is the feudal official in the south of the newly branched town, the world-famous Marquis of Wu'an, and the other side is the veteran real man Yaoxin Arhat of Qingzhou. Such a head-to-head confrontation is itself controversial.

Coupled with the third Manjushri Bodhisattva in the world who appeared later, and Jianglong Arhat, no, it is more accurate to say that Jianglong Bodhisattva is more accurate, and the confrontation between these two Yangshen Zhenjun is even more exciting.

No matter where the battle of the true king is, it is the focus of everyone's attention, and this time is no exception.

However, the focus of many people's attention was not just this one. What they were concerned about was that Chen Yuan was able to rely on his own strength to stand in a stalemate with Manjushri Bodhisattva, the head of the four great Bodhisattvas in Lingshan!

That's the most shocking thing.

Although Chen Yuan relied on the power of all beings in the world, isn't this also his means?

If you were someone else, you wouldn't be able to mobilize such power at all.

The news quickly began to sweep towards the outside like a hurricane, and Chen Yuan, who returned to Shuzhou, ordered someone to quickly summon several members of the Shangguan clan.

Now that he has learned of the whereabouts of the Ice Essence Divine Jade, he must get it as quickly as possible to be at ease.

The opportunity this time is relatively simple, similar to the process when he took the opportunity from Wei Xin when he was in Nanling Mansion, I only hope that the Shangguan clan can be considerate.

After being ordered to go down, Chen Yuan sat at the head of the Xuntian Palace again, and began to routinely summon Cao Nianhua, the golden envoy of Nanzhou, and the two young envoys of Xuezhou.

"Cao Nianhua, the humble Nanzhou gold envoy, has met the envoy of God."

"The youth envoy of the blood state."

"The youth envoy of the blood state."

The attitude of the few people was very respectful, and they did not dare to go beyond the slightest.

They were also fortunate enough to observe the battle just now, and saw with their own eyes the strength of this envoy, not to mention the host of the top forces, even the top Bodhisattvas in the world would not give face.

It is almost strong to the extreme.

Although I didn't dare to take it lightly at first, but after watching the battle, I was obviously more respectful. I was afraid of offending this lord, so I would kill him first and play later.

"Emissary Cao Jin and Envoy Li Qing, please sit down."

Chen Yuan pointed to the seat below.

"I don't dare to be humble."

"Humble job."

Several people quickly declined, feeling that they were content to stand and listen to the teaching.

"I let you sit down!"

Chen Yuan stared at the three of them and said in a deep voice.

The three of them looked at each other, and hurriedly said "obey", and then sat obediently, not even daring to raise their heads, basically they would agree with Chen Yuan's words.

Chen Yuan was not polite, and started to ask several people about some things, focusing on Nanzhou Jinshi, and learned something about Zhennan Wang Nangonglie from his mouth.

It is a little more detailed than what he investigated before.

This person should still have his heart towards the imperial court. Although the King of Zhennan is as powerful as King Wei Jinfeng of Beiliang, they are not fools, and they know how to save some face for the imperial court.

Anyway, the military and political power is in the hands, so it's okay to give some insignificant rights.

Cao Nianhua saw Chen Yuan's detailed understanding of Nanzhou's affairs, and felt that he had a backbone in his heart, and kept talking about his suffering and Nangonglie's strength.

In the past, Miemensi, who made Jianghu warriors fearful, can only behave with his tail between his legs in Nanzhou. It can be said that he is not aggrieved.

When they met for the first time, Chen Yuan just gave him an impression, and he didn't expect to be able to subdue this person, as long as he didn't hold him back. Now Shuzhou is not in his hands, let alone Nanzhou, which has a more complicated situation.

After chatting for a while, Chen Yuan asked Cao Nianhua to go down to rest, and began to review the two blood state youth envoys step by step. They were not important, but their positions were very important.

It is related to the transportation of Yuanjing to Tangshan, so we must be cautious.

Chen Yuan had already known the resumes of these two people. In Shuzhou and Qingzhou, they also had relatively little right to speak, and they didn't have any strong backing. Otherwise, they wouldn't be sent to Xuezhou.

When faced with the olive branch faintly revealed by Chen Yuan, they knew it in their hearts, and expressed their allegiance in a hurry, and they almost swore to show their loyalty.

Chen Yuan secretly revealed some things to them, and they also promised to do their best to maintain the safety of the trade route. As for whether they were transporting Yuanjing or some spiritual objects, they dared not ask, nor did they want to ask.

Chen Yuan is now the governor of the three southern states, and he is a big mountain on the heads of all the officials of the Sky Survey Division. They are not qualified to bargain and can only follow orders.

His plan is actually very simple, that is to use some of Jiang He's confidantes gathered over the years to gradually replace the youth envoys in the capitals below Shu Prefecture, and in addition, select some of the officials transferred from the capital to make them swear allegiance to the death.

Full allegiance is not advisable, the territory of Shuzhou is vast, unlike the corners of Tangshan, once he controls everything on the bright side, it will definitely reach Jingtai's ears.

lead to unpredictable consequences.

Letting the two green envoys retreat, those members of the Shangguan clan had already arrived at the Xuntian Division, and some suspicions inevitably arose in their hearts. What did Chen Yuan ask them to do just after the war ended?

Could it be that they want to use the Shangguan clan to deal with Guangming Temple?

Shangguan Tiehong's eyes were full of contemplation. After entering the Heaven Xun Temple, he saw Chen Yuan standing up to greet him at a glance, and immediately cupped his hands slightly:

"Lord Hou."

"Lord Hou."

"Lord Hou."

On formal occasions, neither Shangguan Tiehong nor Shangguan Yu put on the posture of a father-in-law and a brother-in-law, especially just now when Chen Yuan showed his might and shattered the Dharma body of Manjushri Bodhisattva, the shock in their hearts is not just suppressed now That's all.

"Uncle, brother Shangguan, it's a little strange to call him that." Chen Yuan smiled lightly, motioned for a few people to sit down, and ordered them to serve spiritual tea to drink.

"I don't know why Master Hou asked us to come here suddenly?"

Shangguan Tiehong straight to the point, without closing the door.

The marriage contract has been made, they are regarded as an alliance, and they don't have to be as cautious as before. If Chen Yuan can use them in anything, they will naturally not refuse if they can do it.

Hearing this, Shangguan Yu and Shangguan Hong also looked up at Chen Yuan.

"Since my uncle is straight to the point, my nephew won't be too tight-lipped. I have invited you all over today. There is actually one thing. I hope the Shangguan family can help me."

Chen Yuan laughed.

"Master Hou, just open your mouth."

"Chen needs a spiritual object to practice, and according to the information obtained, this spiritual object is now in Shangguan's house, so whether it is an equivalent exchange or buying it with Yuanjing, Chen hopes that his uncle can give this object Give it to me."

"Master Hou is out of touch. Since Shangguan's family has this spiritual object, I should give it to Lord Hou for use, but I don't know what kind of spiritual object it is?" Shangguan Tiehong asked in response.

"Ice Essence Divine Jade."

Chen Yuan opened his mouth and spat out four words.

"Ice Essence Divine Jade?"

"Ice Essence Divine Jade?"

A trace of confusion flashed across Shangguan Tiehong and Shangguan Yu's faces. Shangguan Yu had never heard the name of such a spiritual creature, and Shangguan Tiehong knew his own situation, and it seemed that there was nothing similar to it.

Frowning, he said:

"Did Lord Hou make a mistake? Ice Essence Divine Jade, but there is no such thing in the treasure house of my Shangguan clan, or does this thing have another name?"

Chen Yuan's eyes flickered, and he understood the secret, the chance of being guided by the altar of luck, so even the Shangguan family didn't know about it, but it was in line with past experience.

He calmed down and went on:

"Uncle, don't be anxious. Although this thing belongs to the Shangguan clan, it is not known to several people, because this thing is at the bottom of a cold pool in Shangguan's family."

"How did Lord Hou know that there is a cold pool in my Shangguan family?" Shangguan Tiehong felt a chill down his spine, because the cold pool was a secret place of Shangguan's family.

No one knows except the owner.

Even Shangguan Yu doesn't know now.

But now he learned the news from Chen Yuan, an 'outsider', and I have to say that it was hard for him to accept.

"It's not that Mr. Chen deliberately snooped, it's just that there are other channels. This ice marrow jade is at the bottom of the cold pool, and there will be no mistakes. Therefore... I hope uncle can give up his love."

Chen Yuan didn't explain too much, because he didn't understand it either.

The more you say, the more mistakes you make, so I simply skip this question.

"I don't know what the Marquis needs this thing for?"

"For practice."

Shangguan Tiehong didn't respond immediately, while Shangguan Yu and Shangguan Hong wanted to agree, but they also knew their surnames, so it would be too unruly to speak directly, so they immediately kept silent.

Looking down, Shangguan Tiehong was a little hesitant, and subconsciously glanced at Chen Yuan, just in time to see his smiling expression, for some reason, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

He suddenly understood in his heart that with Chen Yuan's methods and abilities, if he wanted this thing, he could definitely get it, because it was inevitable.

Saying this now is only based on the relationship between them.

If he refuses, he may turn his back on him. Of course, he may skip this matter, but this kind of matter is obviously not a gamble. How can he be bad because of a spiritual thing because he just got involved with Chen Yuan?

With the power and means Chen Yuan displayed today, the future is simply unimaginable.

Yuanshen Realm can use the power of all beings in the world to confront the Yang God, no matter what the price is, but this is what the Shangguan family looks up to, and this person's future is limitless.

We must better grasp this potential stock.

"Don't worry, Lord Hou. Since you have opened your mouth, the old man will definitely promise that as long as there is really ice marrow jade in the cold pool of the clan, it will be sent to Shuzhou City within a few days."

"Then. Thank you uncle, this thing is not in vain, you can make a condition."

Needless to say, the preciousness of the Ice Essence Divine Jade, this kind of rare spirit in the world cannot be measured by a few Yuanjing, and he is not someone who takes advantage of it.

As long as he can take it out, he must make up for it.

But Shangguan Tiehong waved his hands and said with a light smile:

"This thing will be Hong'er's dowry."


A blush flashed across Shangguan Hong's face, feeling a little embarrassed in front of so many people.

"Okay, since my uncle said so, my nephew will not refuse, and I will definitely give the Shangguan family a satisfactory dowry in the future." Chen Yuan nodded after thinking for a moment.

Seeing several people discussing good things, Shangguan Yu interjected:

"Brother Chen, what are you going to do with Guangming Temple?"

He knew Chen Yuan's character well, and he always felt that because of Yaoxin's incident, Qingzhou and even the south would never be peaceful again.

"Guangming Temple presided over the attack on the imperial court official, and the crime should be executed. Since this person is the mastermind, the monks of Guangming Temple are the accomplices, and he should be dealt with according to the court's law."

The initiative before the action was controlled by Yaoxin, but after the action, Chen Yuan had an excuse to exterminate the family. The Guangming Temple, which has been built for more than 200 years, can add a lot of resources to him.

Shangguan Yu and Shangguan Tiehong looked at each other, and continued to ask:

"Does Shangguan need to intervene?"

"No need, this is not a Jianghu matter, it is an imperial court matter, and I don't need you for the time being. You just need to send the ice marrow jade as soon as possible, and you will be of great help to Chen."

"In that case, we will take our leave first, and the old man will go back to the clan immediately to find the whereabouts of the spiritual object." Seeing that Chen Yuan was so eager, Shangguan Tiehong didn't waste any more time.

"Thank you uncle."

Chen Yuan got up to see him off, and sent him outside the gate of Xuntiansi.

Only Shangguan Yu and Shangguan Hong stayed.

"My lord, the three hundred patrolling guards have assembled." Lu Renyi hurried forward and said.

"Let's go first, and we will recruit elites along the way and go straight to Qingzhou Guangming Temple!" Chen Yuan said lightly.

After killing Yaoxin, he had already ordered to mobilize some elites in the city of Shuzhou to prepare for the first real fire.

Although it is not Shuzhou, but Qingzhou is also nearby, so the effect is still there.


Lu Renyi bowed and left.

"Brother Chen, do you want to do it now?" Shangguan Yu asked.

"No Overnight Enmity"


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