I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 597: The Light Is Destroyed! Buddha kneels!

Qingzhou, Guangming Temple.

The Daxiong Palace was silent, and even the sound of breathing was very small. All the master-level monks above the Vajra Realm in the entire Guangming Temple were all summoned to the hall.

An old monk with old eyes, ears hanging down his shoulders, and wearing the abbot's cassock sat cross-legged, looking at the five masters in front of him, with a serious expression on his face.

He is the new abbot of Guangming Temple, Miaojue!

During Yaoxin's decades of retreat and seeking a breakthrough, he has always been in charge of the temple's affairs. He has already established authority and has a very strong reputation in Qingzhou.

But today, he looked like he was facing a big enemy.

Because the record in Shuzhou City had already reached his ears.

"I don't know why the abbot called us here?" Monk Guangliang, who was fat and had a mole at the corner of his mouth, looked at the new host with some puzzlement.

The rest of the powerful monks in Guangming Temple were also full of curiosity. They didn't understand why the abbot summoned them and why, logically speaking, they had already discussed the matter before.

Could it be that something major happened in the temple?

"Today, the chief seat is called because Guangming Temple has reached the moment of life and death." Monk Miaojue looked at the crowd with a serious expression and said.

The heads of several Guangming Temples were all shocked. Their Guangming Temple is a top power in Qingzhou, and there are not many who can stand shoulder to shoulder. How could there be a life-and-death crisis?

But the host must have a reason for saying this, and immediately asked:

"Master, what happened?"

"Could it be that there are demonic monsters coming to attack?"

"Also ask the abbot to speak clearly."

"Abbot Yaoxin left Karma before and went to Shuzhou, and the person who he ended Karma is Chen Yuan, Marquis of Wu'an, the envoy of Heaven Xunsi."

Miaojue spoke word by word, but these words were no less than a thunderbolt in the hearts of the chief seats, everyone was startled and gasped.

"What, is it him?"

"It turned out to be Marquis Wu'an."

"No wonder the abbot once asked about Marquis Wu'an."

A few people whispered, but they quickly grasped the point. Could it be that the crisis that the host said came from this Marquis of Wu'an, Chen Yuan?

Sensing the thoughts of several people, Miao Jue did not hide anything, nodded and said:

"The abbot failed and died at the hands of Chen Yuan."

Hearing this news, there was a sudden silence in the Daxiong Hall, and all the heads were stunned on the spot with expressions of shock. The abbot just sat down!

They originally thought that the abbot was reincarnated in Huiling Mountain and rebuilt, but in the end he didn't even have the chance to reincarnate, and fell into the hands of Chen Yuan. For a while, they couldn't accept it.

Yaoxin's prestige is very strong, almost single-handedly established the Guangming Temple, and he is the mentor of many of them.

Miaojue sighed lightly, before Abbot Yaoxin left, he didn't disclose this matter to anyone other than him, just to prevent the news from leaking.

But now that the abbot has fallen, he must tell them.

Because according to his prediction about Chen Yuan's character, he will inevitably take revenge on Guangming Temple, and they must make early preparations.

"Chen Yuan, the devil!"

"When suppressed in Lingshan confession."

The voice of anger sounded.

"According to the news that came back, Abbot Yaoxin was Chen Yuan who took the initiative to invite the battle outside the city of Shuzhou, but he lost to the enemy and was severely injured. Later, the abbot used the decree of Manjusri Bodhisattva, but was also broken by Chen Yuan, leaving no bones left.

Now, the focus of our discussion is how to meet Chen Yuan's revenge, whether to abandon Guangming Temple and flee in all directions, or stick to this place and wait for the support of other temples. "

The Buddhist sects in the world are one family. When Guangming Temple is in crisis, other temples will usually come to help, and even the Puxian Bodhisattva in the capital will speak.

This is also the reason for his entanglement.

"Of course it is to stick to the monastery. The abbot's karma is his own business. How can he implicate innocent people? This Chen Yuan has heard that he has righteousness, compassion and kindness, and he would never think about it."

"Brother Guangming, don't have too high expectations for this person." Guang Liang who had been silent all this time suddenly said.

"Guang Liang, you seem to have dealt with this person before?"

"Exactly, it was this person who caused Nephew Jingxin to fall into the Yuankong Realm. Later, the poor monk wanted to suppress this person and eliminate the evil for him. In the end, Elder Gu Chungu of the Qingyun Sword Sect shot him halfway and was killed by Jiang. He stopped and resolved the grievance.

However, Chen Yuan's son always kept this hatred in his heart. Although the Qingyun Sword Sect did not fall under his hands, Xiao Qingmu, the only daughter of Xiao Yunsheng's benefactor, did.

This son's heart is very cruel, and he will be repaid, so we have to guard against it. "

Guang Liang uttered his past grievances in one breath.

"so what should I do now?"

"Just now the host also said that Chen Yuan must have suffered a lot of injuries in the battle in Shuzhou City. He may have to rest for a while. The host can send a message to the national teacher Samantabhadra to ask the emperor to pardon the sins of Guangming Temple. "

A chief seat suggested.

"The poor monk has sent a message to the Bodhisattva, but maybe the time will be too late." Miao Jue shook her head, thought for a moment, and said in a deep voice with firm eyes:

"To prevent accidents, first send away the disciples below the Condensation Realm in the temple, and call them back after this catastrophe has passed."



The complexions of the first few were shocked.

"Just do what the poor monk said, without delay"

Miaojue hadn't finished speaking when suddenly, deafening bells rang throughout the Guangming Temple.

The bell continued for nine times, immediately making the warriors in the Daxiong Hall quiet.

The bell rang nine times, and foreign enemies attacked!

"not good."

Miaojue's eyes were fixed, and he didn't even have time to think about why he came so quickly, and immediately jumped out of the Daxiong Palace, followed by several leaders behind him.

Hundreds of Guangming Temple monks held sticks and guarded the door with solemn faces.

At this time, there were already two hundred patrol angels at all levels blocking the door, and all the other exits were also blocked. The leader was Lu Renyi, the Jin envoy of Shuzhou.

Monk Miaojue's face was calm, he took a step forward, walked to the front, looked around, found that there was no figure of Chen Yuan, frowned, put his palms together and asked:

"I don't know the name of the benefactor?"

"My official Shuzhou Jin envoy Lu Renyi."

"Since you are an official from Shuzhou, why did you come to Guangming Temple in Qingzhou?"

"Under the order of Marquis Wu'an, Marquis Chen Yuan, Lord Chen, the envoy of Tianzi, Xun Tiansi, we are here to exterminate the monstrous monks who harbor Wusheng sect demons." Lu Renyi raised his head and chest, and held the handle of the knife.

"Guangming Temple is a pure place of Buddhism, how can it be related to demons and monsters, Lord Lu, you are so blatantly slandering, aren't you afraid that the national teacher Puxian Bodhisattva will read your book in the court hall?"

A Guangming Temple head stood up and scolded.

"Hehe, do you think I would come here if I was afraid? You guys, these monster monks not only harbored the monsters of the Wusheng Cult, but also dared to attack Shuzhou City with the intention of murdering Mr. Chen. They deserve death. Put down the stick now , arrest with nothing, I can still forgive you the crime of disrespect, otherwise, today's Guangming Temple will be punished by everyone!"

Lu Renyi said calmly, and behind him, hundreds of sky patrolling guards stretched their hands to the handle of their waist.




Listening to Lu Renyi's words of condemnation, all the monks in Guangming Temple were furious both on their faces and in their hearts. They only felt that this mere alchemy master was a little too presumptuous.

In any case, Guangming Temple is a top force in Jianghu, and has a very high reputation in Qingzhou. A single Jinshi does not have such strength to dare to speak so directly.

"Amitabha, Master Lu, this statement is a bit too heavy."

Miao Jue still maintained his composure, although he was also a little angry, but his emotions were not visible.

"Grandmaster Miaojue, try it and see if I'm talking too much." Lu Renyi sneered. He was the only Alchemy master in the room, but this did not prevent him from raising his posture.

There are adults from my own family, Guangming Temple, Tuji Wagoer.

"The abbot's settlement of grievances with Marquis Chen of Wu'an is a matter of his own, and has nothing to do with my Guangming Temple. I hope Master Lu will pass this on to Master Chen.

In addition, the poor monk dared to swear a blood oath with the demon in his heart, Guangming Temple has absolutely no connection with demons and monsters, how good is that? "

Fighting is not a wise choice, because he can't figure out what the confidence of these surveying divisions is, if they make a move, they will be unreasonable, even the national teacher can't speak for him.

"Master Chen said yes, then there is. The Xuntian Division has always done things first, and the imperial power chartered it! Mr. Chen said that the Xuntian Division dared to do things that other yamen dared not do, and he dared to provoke people that other yamen did not dare to provoke. You are just a few temples, if An dares to obstruct the Heaven Surveyor from doing things, is he looking for death?"

Lu Renyi snorted coldly, with an arrogant and domineering attitude.

But he just felt really comfortable in his heart, this kind of unscrupulous character is the character of Xun Tiansi, and he had never felt so comfortable during his time in the capital.

No wonder Marquis Wu An has always acted like this.

"Benefactor Lu must do something now?"

Miaojue stepped forward, and the cultivation base of the Yuanshen realm exploded, and the aura soared to the sky, and the faint golden Buddha light enveloped a radius of more than ten feet, like a fairy Buddha.

Lu Renjia took a deep breath:

"Guangming Temple wants to rebel?"

"It's just that the Xuntian Division deceives people too much. Although the Buddhist sect is merciful to save the world, there are also those who glared at King Kong." Guang Liang immediately took a step forward, wanting to make a move.

As soon as he moved, hundreds of monks moved behind him, and the atmosphere instantly became extremely dignified, as if the next moment would be the disaster of swords and soldiers.

The atmosphere was stiff and tense.

All the patrolling guards on the Sky Surveying Department set up their crossbows and drew out their long knives. Lu Renyi, the leader, frowned and looked around for a week. Suddenly, there was a light movement in his ear, and he suddenly felt confident, and raised his hand:

"Since you are looking for death, you can't blame others."

After finishing speaking, he cupped his hands to the left on one knee and said:

"Lu Renyi, the gold envoy of Shuzhou, the low-ranking sky surveyor, welcome the envoy of God!"

"Shuzhou Youth Envoy of the Humble Sky Surveyor."

"Humble Surveyor"

"Welcome, Lord God Envoy!"

Everyone shouted in unison, and a magnificent aura instantly enveloped the void with a radius of thousands of feet, enveloping everyone in it, which was shocking.

Ripples appeared in the void, and Chen Yuan, who was wearing a black official uniform, stepped out expressionlessly.

Miaojue suddenly felt a little immortal, and hurriedly clasped his hands together and said:

"Chen benefactor, the poor monk Guangming Temple presides over Miaojue, and the matter of Yaoxin Arhat before."

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Chen Yuan, who raised his palm and said lightly:

"Qingzhou Guangming Temple colluded with Wusheng Sect demons and murdered the court's third-rank Tianzi God Envoy. The crime should be punished. Today, all his families will be destroyed to make an example to others."

"Benefactor Chen, the poor monk has already reported this matter to the national teacher Puxian Bodhisattva. I hope the donor can take care of the Bodhisattva." Miaojue quickly moved out of Puxian Bodhisattva.

It's a pity that Chen Yuan doesn't like this.

"Xuntiansi is not a Buddhist sect, and is not affiliated with the National Teacher. Master Miaojue can use whatever means he can. After a while, there will be no chance."

Miaojue took a deep breath, knowing that it was irreversible at this time, so she stopped talking immediately, but spread her arms, and a phantom slowly appeared:

"The avatar of the Arhat in Guangming Temple, I have asked Master Chen for advice."

After finishing speaking, a huge pressure pressed towards Chen Yuangai, like the sky was pouring down, but such a strong pressure stopped abruptly when he got close to Chen Yuan's body, and it burst inch by inch.

Chen Yuan took a step forward, and a ray of sword light fell from the nine heavens, slashing down with lightning speed, Miaojue wanted to resist, but all means were broken and could not stop the blow.

The flesh body exploded into blood mist with a bang, and the next moment, a golden primordial spirit came out from the spiritual platform and pointed straight at Chen Yuan.

The people around were extremely silent, they didn't react at all, they saw their abbot's physical body bursting, his soul came out of his body, and he attacked Chen Yuan.

But their hopeful eyes still ended.

In the heyday of Miaojue, he couldn't stop Chen Yuan's sword light, let alone his soul. As soon as his soul approached, a sharp thorn shot out from the soul.

It directly penetrated the primordial spirit of Monk Miaojue.

This is the meta-mysterious method that Mo Luo passed on to him back then, the divine thorn!

The surrounding void seemed to be silent, and even the sound of breathing could not be heard. As time passed by, Miaojue's primordial spirit widened its eyes, and the breath fell from the nine heavens into the nether world, and began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye. , disappeared in front of everyone.

Miaojue, the presiding officer of Guangming Temple, fell on the spot after ten breaths of time!

This is actually quite normal, Miaojue's cultivation is only the primordial spirit, he has not even reached the peak, the gap with Chen Yuan is too big, he can even kill the gods, let alone the primordial arhat.

After all, that slash just now was almost as much as his full strength.

Cut off the flesh with one knife, and destroy the primordial spirit with one stab.




The people in Guangming Temple who had reacted saw the abbot falling in front of them, and they were shocked. Apart from anger, they also felt panic. Even the abbot was wiped out by Chen Yuan with a wave of his hands. What about them?

Regarding the thoughts of these monks, Chen Yuan didn't care about them, he just waved his hand casually, and killed the two Alchemy masters on the spot with a force, and said coldly:

"Punish all families, kill!"



In an instant, Guangming Temple was filled with blood, surrounded by evil spirits!

Half an hour later, the confrontation at Guangming Temple was almost over. Without the presiding officer Miaojue and several alchemy masters, even though these monks were all elites, the result was a one-sided massacre.

Chen Yuan didn't care about these low-level massacres, it's boring, he is not a murderer, he is addicted to killing, just let these elites transferred from the capital see more blood, Guangming Temple is the first, but definitely not the last one.

Chen Yuan wanted to expand his power in a short period of time, so he had to raise his butcher's knife and smash all the enemies who dared to stand in front of him.

"Master Guangliang, long time no see." Chen Yuan looked at the fat monk with his arms broken and kneeling on the ground under strong pressure, and said with a pleasant face.

This is his old acquaintance. Back in Yuankong Realm, Gu Hao and Jingxin joined forces to kill him, but he turned back and the fat monk wanted to kill him.

If it wasn't for Jiang He's great display of power, beheading Gu Chun, and forcing Qing Yunzi's distraction back, he might have fallen, and he always remembered this "gratitude".

However, because there were too many things around him, and Jiang He had settled his grievances last time, he did not make any counterattacks against Guangming Temple.

Just because he doesn't do it doesn't mean he doesn't remember.

The kindness of dripping water is repaid by the spring, and even a trace of hatred should be settled.

He must take revenge, so he just took this opportunity to settle the old and new worries together, and wiped out Lingshan's claws in Qingzhou.

"The devil!!!"

Guang Liang's mouth was full of blood, and he glared at Chen Yuan as if he wanted to eat meat.

"I saved hundreds of thousands of people in Liangzhou City, brought peace to hundreds of thousands of people in Tangshan Mansion, and raised my eyebrows for Erlang Zhongyuan. You say I am a devil?"

Chen Yuan looked at him with interest and asked back.

"Aren't you afraid of retribution for killing the whole family of Guangming Temple?" Guang Liang cursed viciously.

"Guangming Temple, Master Guangliang of Guangming Temple, you don't think that Guangming Temple has really brought light to the people of Qingzhou, do you? You monks don't do production, don't pay taxes, you only know how to practice martial arts and meditate, collect money from the people, and occupy the cultivation Resources, what they say is high-sounding, and all living beings are equal.

But is that really the case? "

"Of course, the Buddha said: All living beings are equal."

"Then why does the Buddha cast a golden body high above, and the poor people sell their sons and daughters? Why do Buddhist disciples shout that all beings are equal, but believers must kneel to show their sincerity?

Why does Buddhism say that if you put down the butcher's knife, you can become a Buddha immediately? Do you think that if you put down the butcher's knife, the sins on him will really be washed away? "Chen Yuan looked at him with a smile.

"Sophistry, heresy!"

"Yeah, it's sophistry if you can't say it, and heresy if you can't fight it. In this world, fists are the most important thing, and they can solve everything.

Chen did not believe in Buddhism, faith, ghosts and gods, or heaven and earth all his life. The only one I believed in was myself. If I didn't have the determination to climb up, how could I have made it this far? "

Chen Yuan looked down on Guangliang, just like the Buddha in the Mahavira Hall looking down on all living beings.

"Devil, devil! One day, my Buddha will suppress you at the foot of Lingshan Mountain, and let you spend your whole life to repent of the sins you have committed!"

"Okay, then let's make an agreement under the nine springs, and see if one day, I was suppressed in Lingshan to repent, or the Buddha knelt in front of me and said that all beings are equal!"

Chen Yuan laughed, ignoring Guang Liang's shocked gaze, a ray of blade cut through his heart.


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