I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 598: Surprise in the South! Shenyu started!

Guang Liang died, very hastily, tragically, and quietly.

At least, except for Chen Yuan who would say a few words to this old acquaintance, the rest of the patrol angels didn't care about him.

A ray of blade sliced ​​across his whole body, his flesh and blood were separated, his real pill was shattered, he stared unwillingly and fell into a pool of blood, and his death also declared that there were no more monks in Guangming Temple.

Chen Yuan had nothing to sigh, he didn't even look at Monk Guangliang who was lying on the ground, he just stepped over him, as if he just stepped over a step.

Perhaps before Guang Liang went to the capital, Chen Yuan regarded him as a formidable enemy. After all, he was still relatively weak at that time, and he felt that the alchemy master was great.

but now.

Chen Yuan has experienced so many calamities of life and death. He has even beheaded a true king and a strong man under the sword, and even shattered the dharma body of a six-level barbarian god. His mentality naturally changed.

Although, it was not killed by his own strength.

In his current eyes, real people at the level of primordial spirit and refining gods are considered good, but they are no longer considered strong. Only those at the level of Yangshen Zhenjun are considered strong.

Only immortals are supreme.

It's not that he's ambitious, nor is he arrogant, it's just because he has strength in his hands, even if he doesn't use Mo Luo's means, he has few opponents under the real king.

Stepping across the temple of Guangming Temple step by step, as far as the eye can see, there are sky patrolling guards searching for property in Guangming Temple.

Destruction of the family, of course, is not done in vain.

The Yuanjing mine has just begun to be excavated, and he urgently needs a batch of resources to support the expanded iron cavalry in Tangshan Mansion, which is his future foundation.

In front of the Daxiong Palace, Chen Yuan raised his head and glanced, and stepped in calmly. The incense was still burning inside, and the smoke was lingering.

The several-foot-tall Buddha was covered in golden lacquer, with his eyes half-opened, as if he was overlooking the world, and met Chen Yuan's raised eyes.


The Buddha is very strong, he must be an immortal Buddha at the level of the six realms, but here is just a Buddha statue, not so powerful and oppressive, even if he looks at Chen Yuan, he can't feel any pressure, but there is a sense of equality in his heart Just thoughts.

Naturally, there is no need to compete with a dead sculpture. Chen Yuan walked to the front of Miaojue's unpacked futon and sat down cross-legged, his eyes as calm as water.

There were endless shouts outside, and many of them were surprise voices, as if they had found something good.

Chen Yuan just listened quietly, as if he was out of tune with this world.

He realized something in his heart, maybe this was melancholy.

He easily resolved a force that was once regarded as a great enemy, but he didn't feel the slightest joy. It seemed that this should be the case.

Time passed by, the noise outside was much quieter, and the sky was getting darker. Lu Renyi walked into the Daxiong Hall with a bow, glanced at the neither sad nor happy Buddha sculpture, cupped his hands and said:

"My lord, the inventory is almost finished now, and the value of the remaining things cannot be accurately estimated."


Chen Yuan opened his mouth and spat out two words.

"In Guangming Temple, there are 1,572 yuan crystals, 321 elixir plants, and spiritual objects"

Lu Renyi informed them of all the counted figures. The number of Yuanjing is still a small number. The Guangming Temple has been in Qingzhou for more than two hundred years, and the resources at all levels are very rich.

There is a special elixir garden to cultivate elixir.

Including the various cultivation resources under his control, the total value is estimated to be about 8,000 yuan crystals, which can be regarded as a bumper harvest, but it is a pity that Chen Yuan can't take these things alone.

"Distribute the pensions and rewards of the guards below, and send the rest to the Tangshan Sky Survey Department first. This officer is still useful." After a moment of silence, Chen Yuan said.

Lu Renyi froze for a moment, and asked tentatively:

"Where is the imperial court?"

According to the rules, as long as Xuntiansi ransacked the house and destroyed the family, half of the things he got had to be handed over, and those who were greedy for ink would be severely punished.

"My official from the imperial court will go to play, don't worry."

He is now a high-level executive of the Sky Survey Division, a divine envoy of the Heavenly Character, and it is only natural that he will be detained for a year. Anyway, he has decided to turn the tables, and there is no need to send resources to the court.

It is estimated that the headquarters will not come to inquire specifically.

"Yes, the officer obeys!"

When Chen Yuan spoke, Lu Renyi naturally did not dare to have the slightest question.

"Continue to deal with the aftermath. I still have something to do, so I won't stay." Chen Yuan raised his head and looked at Lu Renyi. According to his prediction, Shangguan Tiehong would be able to return to Shuzhou City almost tomorrow.

He has more important things to do, so naturally he won't waste time here as a supervisor.

"Your Excellency, you can go to work if you have something to do. Just leave it to the humble staff here."

Lu Renyi quickly expressed his opinion.

"Well, it's been hard work."

Chen Yuan smiled lightly.

"It's a humble honor to work for an adult, and I dare not talk about hard work or hard work." Lu Renyi had a flattering smile on his face.

"Emissary Lu Jin."

"The humble job is here."

"You are very promising."

"Thank you for your compliment, my lord."

"Will you follow me in the future?" Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes and threw out an olive branch.

Lu Renyi held his breath, knowing the deep meaning of Chen Yuan's words. He wanted him to switch from Wu Tianxi's family to Chen's family.

This is a taboo in officialdom.

He was about to decline Chen Yuan's invitation, but for some reason, he couldn't get the words out of his mouth. He was thinking about Chen Yuan's legend and his terrifying power.

Taking a deep breath, there was a flash of firmness.

Chen Yuan didn't go to see him, thinking that he didn't have such thoughts, so he said lightly:

"Okay, go down and get busy."


Lu Renyi knelt on the ground on one knee, cupped his hands and cupped his fists, and said in a deep voice:

"Yi wandered half his life, and only hated not meeting the Lord of Ming Dynasty. Meeting Minggong today is really a blessing in life. If you don't give up, Yiyi will be the saddle of Minggong from now on, and he will never give up!"

Chen Yuan's eyes flickered, he stood up and helped Lu Renyi up himself, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile:

"Wu Shenshi's official will explain it in the future. You don't need to worry about other things. From now on, you will follow this official. As long as I have a bite of meat, you will have a bite of soup."

"Thank you, my lord."

Lu Renyi said quickly.

"Okay, let's go to work first."

"The subordinate will leave."

Lu Renyi quickly changed his title, very aware of current affairs.

Looking at the back of Lu Renyi going away, Chen Yuan nodded slightly. It was not on a whim that he opened his mouth to test, but he had been thinking about it recently.

If he wants to gain a foothold in Shuzhou, the position of Jinshi is very important, and he must be a confidant. Originally, he thought that if this person disagreed, he would find a way to transfer him away or even cause an accident.

Then let Jiang He transfer over, so that he can take over the power of Shuzhou.

But since he is so knowledgeable and interesting, then naturally he doesn't need to be so troublesome. After contacting him for a while in the future, let him completely give up and tell him about the big things.

If you follow, you will enjoy endless prosperity and wealth.

If you refuse, you will die with a sword and a body without a whole body!

After handing over the affairs of Guangming Temple to Lu Renyi, his 'caring subordinate', Chen Yuan rushed back to Shuzhou City non-stop, waiting for Shangguan Tiehong to bring him good news.

The news of Guangming Temple's collapse spread quickly throughout Qingzhou on the same day it was destroyed. In addition to the fact that Chen Yuan killed Yaoxin before, it directly established a profound image of revenge.

To put it simply, if you provoke me, I will kill you immediately.

Many forces were frightened, for fear that Chen Yuan's second fire would burn himself.

As the saying goes, there are three fires for a new official to take office. Many people saw Chen Yuan's very calm appearance before, thinking that his prestige was enough, and there was no need to establish it anymore.

As a result, Guangming Temple handed over the handle himself, it was courting death!

Qingzhou is located in the south, although it is not under the jurisdiction of Chen Yuan's governor, but he is the heavenly envoy of the Xuntian Division after all, and his power is enough to handle cases across states.

Directly leading people to destroy Guangming Temple, there is almost nothing wrong with it.

Even if there is, it is not something they can evaluate.

The news from Qingzhou spread throughout the three southern states in a short period of time, and the shock caused was obviously even greater than that of Qingzhou.

But this has nothing to do with Chen Yuan for the time being.

He has gotten used to it so many times, and every time it will cause some vibrations, it can be said that the vibrating stick is turned on to the maximum power, and the vibration is numb.

Therefore, some turmoil has long been ignored by him.

After temporarily subduing Lu Renyi, the golden envoy of Shuzhou, he didn't care about any influence, because the news from Shangguan's family was more important.

Ice Essence Divine Jade!

As long as he has this spiritual object, he can start devouring the blood of the unicorn. At that time, his physical body and even his qi refining cultivation base may break through together and step into the realm of refining gods.

The increase brought about is not a star and a half.

Shuzhou City, Sky Survey Division.

Chen Yuan had already learned from Shangguan Hong that Shangguan Tiehong would come in person, and to show his sincerity, he brought Shangguan Hong to wait in front of Xuntiansi's gate for a while.

"Brother Chen Chen, when do you think it's appropriate for me to go to Tangshan to meet Sister Xu?" Shangguan Hong, who had always been quite heroic, was a little embarrassed now.

It's as nervous as a concubine meeting a big woman.

"You can go when you are free these few days. I have sent someone to deliver a message to my wife. She is also idle and bored. I wish I could have a playmate to accompany her."

"That's good"

It's not that Shangguan Hong has never met Mrs. Xu. She had met her several times when she was in Cangbing Valley and then passed through Tangshan Mansion, but this was the first time she met her in this capacity.

How much is still a bit tweaked.

After chatting for a few words, Shangguan Tiehong rushed to the gate of Xuntian Division alone, cupped his hands and said:

"Thank you, Lord Marquis, to welcome you personally."



Chen Yuan and Chen Yuan exchanged hands to greet each other, and invited Shangguan Tiehong to enter the main hall. After entering, Chen Yuan backed away so that no one could find out what was going on.

"Uncle, sit down."

Shangguan Tiehong shook his head, with a flash of brilliance in his hand, a jade brocade box appeared in his hand, and put it on the table, with complicated and curious eyes.

At the beginning, he was a little skeptical about what Chen Yuan said. After all, not many people in the Shangguan family knew about Hantan.

As an outsider, Chen Yuan, how could he know that there are spiritual things inside that even he doesn't know?

However, the fact slapped him hard in the face. After he returned to Shangguan, he went to the cold pool without stopping, protected his body with vitality, and entered the bottom of the cold pool.

After some searching, he really found a piece of spirit jade emitting a cold light.

That is, the spirit jade contained in the jade brocade box.

"Let's see if it's this thing first."

"Okay." Chen Yuan nodded, stepped forward and opened the jade box. In an instant, the surrounding temperature dropped a lot, and a chill escaped from the jade box.

Inside the jade box, a transparent white jade the size of a palm was quietly placed there, like curdled fat, its meaning was icy cold, it was the icy marrow jade he was looking for so hard!

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Chen Yuan put the jade box into the Tianshu space calmly, turned around and looked at Shangguan Tiehong and said:

"This thing is of great use to me, thank you uncle for letting go."

"It's okay, it's okay, as long as it works for you."

Seeing that this thing was exactly what Chen Yuan needed, Shangguan Tiehong also breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what mysterious channel Chen Yuan learned about it.

It's good to satisfy him.

Such means are really unimaginable, he even suspects that Chen Yuan's intelligence network has entered the Shangguan clan, among other things, only Shangguan Yu and Shangguan Hong are very towards him.

Although it was nothing, what really made him ponder was, what kind of plan did Chen Yuan have? He has only risen for a few years, how could he have such a terrifying intelligence network?

He couldn't figure out this question, but that didn't stop him from making up his mind.

It is indeed unfathomable to guess that there is another force behind Chen Yuan who is helping him.

After getting the ice marrow divine jade, Chen Yuan never mentioned this matter again, but set up a banquet in Xuntian Division, chatted with the future father-in-law for a while, and sent him away when he was very happy.

After today's conversation and the marriage with Shangguan Hong, Chen Yuan reckoned that if he caused trouble in the future, the Shangguan clan would not stand idly by and use the power of the family to help him pave the way.

The alliance has been formed, but it is not a way to retreat halfway.

If this is the case, it will be difficult for the Shangguan family to gain a foothold in the Jianghu in the future.

Of course, perhaps Shangguan Tiehong knew this too, and told Chen Yuan on the sidelines that no matter what he wanted to do, Shangguan would not stand idly by.

After sending Shangguan Tiehong away, Chen Yuan arranged the matter to the officials below as quickly as possible, and took Shangguan Hong towards Tangshan Mansion.

With the Ice Essence Divine Jade in hand, he didn't want to wait any longer!

Shuzhou City is almost thousands of miles away from Tangshan Mansion, but it is nothing compared to Chen Yuan's current speed. He arrived in Tangshan Mansion in less than a day.

After arriving, they went straight to Tangshan Fucheng.

Shangguan Hong was even a little embarrassed, but she had already arrived here and there was no need to make any further adjustments. She Shangguan Hong was not a vegetarian, and if Madam Xu dared to bully her, she would not promise her promise.

Respect is due, but humility is impossible.

Soon, Chen Yuan crossed the void and arrived at the headquarters of the Tangshan Sky Survey Division. At this time, Mrs. Xu was concentrating on her official duties. The next step was to expand the army, expand the power, and open mines.

Every expense has to be seen by her personally.

In addition, there are some things about foreign trade in resources in Tangshan Mansion that also require her, Dinghaishenzhen, to make decisions, and she is actually not idle.

However, she is also used to being in charge of the family in the Cangbing Valley. Apart from feeling a little troublesome at the beginning, the rest quickly entered the state.


Chen Yuan quietly appeared behind Mrs. Xu. Under the cover of her breath, Mrs. Xu, who was weak and focused on the account book, couldn't notice his existence at all. She woke up suddenly when she heard the voice next to her ear.

In order to prevent anyone from leaking out in the entire hall, Madam Xu didn't need to be around to wait on her. When she looked up, she happened to see Chen Yuan's smiling face.

"You're back?"

She breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm in a hurry to come back this time. You don't have to worry about the resources. In a few days, Lu Renyi, the Jin envoy of Shuzhou, will bring a large number of Yuanjing and elixir."

Chen Yuan told her the good news.


Mrs. Xu's eyes lit up.

Tangshan Mansion has some foundations. Chen Yuan wiped out the Qishan Tribe in the Beiman Grassland before and robbed a lot of resources, but there will be a day when there will be a shortage, and it is definitely a big hole to expand 100,000 cavalry.

She has actually been a little bored these days.

"Am I still going to lie to Madam?"

Chen Yuan smiled faintly, put his arms around Mrs. Xu's soft waist, and squeezed it lightly.

Mrs. Xu pushed Chen Yuan shyly, and looked at Shang Guanhong:

"Sister Shangguan is still here."

"It's okay, Hong'er is not an outsider."

Chen Yuan opened his arms towards Shangguan Hong.

A blush flashed across Shangguan Hong's face, and he hesitated and said:

"You... you chatting, I will go out first, staying here will disturb... you."

Mrs. Xu is someone who has been here, and she knew at a glance that Shangguan Hong and Chen Yuan had something to do, so she gave him an annoyed look, but quickly changed her attitude, and said kindly:

"Sister Shangguan, look at what nonsense you are talking about, now is the time for you."

She had expected that Chen Yuan would accept Zhang Xuan's sister, and she would definitely not leave Shangguan Yu's sister behind.

In any case, it can be regarded as an acquaintance, and it is completely acceptable.


At this juncture, Shangguan Hong was even more embarrassed, how could the three of them be together, and wanted to leave the room as she backed away, and talk about those things another day.

But as soon as she took a step back, a strong suction enveloped her body, and Chen Yuan smiled faintly:

"Come on you!"

"Chen Farewell."

"Don't what?"

"no no no no"

Capital City, Imperial Study Room.

Puxian Bodhisattva waited in front of the door calmly, and was able to enter after being summoned. There were only two people inside, the emperor Jingtai and the governor of the imperial factory Cao Zhengxian.

"The Samantabhadra Bodhisattva did not know what he was doing today?"

Jingtai was a bit puzzled, after all, Puxian usually practiced in meditation, unless he was summoned, he rarely came to the palace.

"Report to Your Majesty, the poor monk wants to impeach Wu'an Marquis Chen Yuan."


"The poor monk just got the news that the Marquis of Wu'an disregarded the law and slaughtered all the monks in Guangming Temple for his own personal grievances. Your Majesty, please condemn Wu'an Marquis."


I solemnly recommend the new sci-fi book "I Can Embalm Everything" by author friend Han Tang Fengyue. Not much to say, everyone will know after reading it. If it's not good, feel free to kill me!

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