I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 600 Suppressing the Fire Qilin!

Divine Ability Realm, God Refining Realm.

No matter which of these two realms Chen Yuan breaks through, his strength will usher in another surge. If he enters both realms, then Chen Yuan reckons that he will almost have the strength to rival Yangshen Zhenjun.

Chu Changfeng, the Taoist master of the Underworld of the Taoist Palace, is an example. His cultivation has reached the supernatural power level and the peak level of refining gods. He can be called the first person in the Taoist Palace besides Mo Luo and Jiang He.

However, there is still some gap between him and Zhenjun. It can be seen in the last battle in the imperial city. Although the injury is the lightest, he still does not have the strength to fight against Zhenjun.

But if he can't do it, it doesn't mean Chen Yuan can't do it.

His physical body is extremely powerful, and if he breaks through by swallowing the blood of the unicorn, his physical strength will surpass Chu Changfeng's. Although he estimated it himself, Mo Luo did not object.

Moreover, he also broke the limit of Yuanshen, breaking through from nine inches to ten inches, and also brought a supernatural power that can solidify the void, which is also his hole card and decisive technique.

The Realm of God Refining is actually quite easy to say, after all, this is only one of the three realms of Huayang. Ordinary Yuanshen real people can basically step into this realm as long as their origin is not damaged and resources are abundant.

Although the increased combat power brought by it is also very strong, there is an upper limit after all.

But the Divine Ability Realm is different.

Supernatural Realm, the full name is Supernatural Self-Derivation.

It is the fourth realm of the flesh body realm, and the target is the entire Huayang realm. Every step up will bring him a huge increase. In this regard, Chen Yuan has already been in the realm of the mortal body, the blood energy like a dragon, and the true essence. It has already been experienced in the Tong Xuan Realm and Vajra Immortality Realm.

Along the way, he was almost invincible in the same environment. Although there were reasons for his cultivation and sword skills, the increase brought by his physical strength could never be ignored.

Qi refining and body refining are both in the realm of martial arts, the two are distinct and at the same time complement each other and complement each other to the same goal.

Far stronger than one plus one greater than two!

While chatting, Chen Yuan had already crossed the Tangshan Mountains, and after nearly ten days, he saw the gigantic Buddha with a height of hundreds of feet again.

Tangshan Buddha!

Chen Yuan stared at it for a moment, stepped out, and sat cross-legged in the air opposite the Buddha. Below him was the vast and boundless lake, with the breeze blowing and the waves rolling.

With closed eyes, Chen Yuan was adjusting his breath, and after a long time, he opened his eyes, a flash of light flashed across his eyes, staring at the huge Buddha statue neither sad nor happy, and said lightly:

"Senior, show up."

The Emperor Butcher's Knife on his back trembled slightly, emitting a ray of light, and the white-clothed Moluo with a compassionate face slowly walked out of the space inside the Huangbutcher's Knife.

At this time, his body has solidified a lot, which is completely different from when he just left the predicament in the imperial city. If he didn't look carefully, he couldn't even tell that it was the body of the primordial spirit.

Golden lotus does work.


Mo Luo in white clasped his hands together, nodded slightly, and a complicated look flashed in his eyes, but he didn't feel too sentimental, instead, rays of light escaped from his hands, covering a range of thousands of feet around him.

One is to shield the sky, and the other is to prevent outsiders from seeing the scene here.

Recovering the Fire Qilin is not an easy task, and it will inevitably cause great commotion. If you don't want to be noticed, you have to make some preparations in advance.

Chen Yuan didn't have enough means, so Mo Luo had to do it himself.

Between heaven and earth, Xiao Feng was lonely, extremely silent.

It's like the weird bottleneck before something big happens.

Soon, formations were engraved around it, linking the power of heaven and earth.

The great Buddha connects the veins of the earth, so he should use his way to return it to his body.

The demon monk Mara came from Lingshan. He was once the head of the four great Bodhisattvas of Lingshan, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. However, his own Buddhist principles did not agree with Lingshan, so he was regarded as heresy and was suppressed.

But his background is extremely deep.

The Tangshan Buddha here was moved by Manjusri Bodhisattva with great supernatural powers, using the power of heaven and earth to wear down the power of the fire unicorn. For Mo Luo, it can completely break the Buddha.

The Tangshan Giant Buddha seems to be made of bluestone, but the texture is not like that, it is extremely hard. Chen Yuan, who was once in the first realm of Tongxuan, tried it, but the Buddha was unscathed, and he could only enter it when the lake water rose to the Buddha's knees. Look for Blood Bodhi.

Mo Luo sat cross-legged in the void, with the Buddha's radiance shining in the world, and a touch of compassion lingered around his body, even if he was thousands of feet away, he could feel it.

In the void, the sky was clear, but at this time, it seemed that a hole was exposed, and the golden Buddha light descended from the sky, covering the entire Tangshan Giant Buddha.

Looking from a distance, it seems that the Tangshan Buddha has appeared.

However, it's a pity that no one came near the Tangshan Giant Buddha, and Mo Luo sealed the surrounding heavenly secrets with mysterious means, so no one would notice the movement here.

However, if there is too much movement, this is not the case.

The golden Buddha's light sprinkled on the Tangshan Giant Buddha, shining brightly under the sunlight, and after three breaths of time, the Tangshan Giant Buddha suddenly shone with golden light.

The golden light soars into the sky, like a golden pillar.

On the huge Buddha statue of more than two hundred feet, there was a huge change. The outer layer of bluestone peeled off inch by inch. In an instant, the entire Tangshan Buddha was covered with cracks, like a piece of porcelain that was about to break.

But in the crevices of the cracks, there are streaks of even more eye-catching golden light.

That is almost the same golden body of Buddha as in Guangming Temple!

The bluestone shattered and fell into the lake.

The Tangshan Giant Buddha has turned into a golden Buddha at this time, and the mysterious Sanskrit characters of the Western Regions are densely carved on it. Chen Yuan took a closer look and found that it was similar to the Sanskrit characters on the stone gate that suppressed Mo Luo under the harem of the imperial city. resemblance.

Mara in white was neither sad nor happy, put his palms together, and pointed out that the golden body of the Buddha drew a crack between his eyebrows, and then extended downward from the center in an instant.

It seems that the Buddha's golden body is to be divided into two.


The cracks gradually expanded, and the surrounding ground veins also began to change. The huge movement was comparable to an earthquake, as if the whole world was shaking.

The surrounding mountains are separating, and the lake below is stirring.

Chen Yuan frowned, and turned his gaze to Mo Luo.

He didn't look back, just said lightly:

"This golden body has been connected to the earth veins for more than two hundred years, and it has been integrated into one. If you want to break the seal of the golden body, you must first separate the connections of the earth veins."

Chen Yuan quickly understood the meaning, nodded and said:

"Thank you senior for answering."

In later generations, there is a record in the annals of Tangshan Mansion that in the ninth year of Jin Jingtai, on the first day of August, the earth dragon rolled deep in the Tangshan Mountains, and the mountains collapsed for a hundred breaths, which shocked three people to death, but the investigation failed.

Tangshan Giant Buddha, deep underground.

A statue like a red lantern opened its eyes, exuding a bloodthirsty fierce light, with two horns on its head, its head was like a dragon, its shape was like a horse, its tail was like that of an ox, its back was covered with scales, and its whole body was covered with The flames are several feet in size.

If Chen Yuan was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this murderous creature was exactly the same Qilin as recorded in the book, the Fire Qilin that was suppressed underground.

After more than 200 years of suppression and obliteration, the Huo Qilin in its heyday was seriously injured at this time. He thought that his life would end, but he was sleeping, and suddenly felt the trembling of the earth's veins.

At the same time, the powerful force of repression is gradually shrinking

However, there was no joy in his eyes, more anger and panic. He was not very intelligent, but he was also aware of his situation.

Having been suppressed here for hundreds of years, and now his vitality is seriously injured, the humanoid creature that suppressed him must have felt that the time had come and wanted to subdue it completely.


The fire unicorn was raised by nature, but it is a strange beast in the world, how could it be possible to submit to other people's hands?

Even death is impossible.

It wants to fight hard at the last moment, even if it dies, it has to severely injure the humanoid creature.

After a few breaths, he closed his fierce eyes like red lanterns again.

Apart from the Buddha, at this time, tens of breaths of time had passed, and the cracks on the golden body of the Buddha were getting bigger and bigger. Chen Yuan held his breath and his face was solemn.

When the time was about 100 breaths away, a hole the size of Zhang Xu had opened on the crack, and at a glance, it was all darkness.

It is completely different from the opening that Chen Yuan entered through the knee of the flooded Buddha before, this time the passage leads directly to the depths of the ground.

The rumbling sound like a thunderclap slowly stopped, and Mo Luo had already opened a hole in the leylines, but it didn't break through completely.

In case Huo Qilin had any accidents.

The golden light has subsided, but the top of the Buddha is still bright, and the outer layer seems to be coated with a layer of gold paint, which is extremely shining. Mo Luo stood up slowly, stared at it for a moment, and said lightly:

"Go in, the Buddha's golden body still has the power to suppress, but it has been greatly reduced, and it can prevent the fire unicorn from escaping with the help of the earth's veins."

"Thank you, senior!" Chen Yuan nodded solemnly, looking at the cave deep in the crack, a flash of determination flashed, success or failure depends on one move, and there must be no loss!

Chen Yuan no longer cared about the influence of the outside, and his mind was on the fire unicorn. After he said he wanted to go in, he didn't delay, and followed Mo Luo Yukong into the depths of the crack.

Their cultivation has reached a high level, and night vision is just a piece of cake for them.

The ground is very deep, and Chen Yuan didn't see any traces of the fire unicorn when he traveled a hundred feet, but he didn't relax his vigilance because of this.

The Emperor Butcher's Knife was tightly held in his right hand.

He knows well that the Fire Qilin has been wiped out and suppressed for more than two hundred years, but it still has a lot of power. Otherwise, Mo Luo would not have let him find the ice marrow jade to counteract the fire unicorn. God Flame.

Walking to more than two hundred feet, Chen Yuan has already sensed some fiery breath. This place looks like a tunnel, but it is different, like a deep well.

There are always hole mouths around, and he is still under Moro's suggestion, without distraction.

When it was about 400 zhang, the temperature was already a little high. If a martial artist from the lower three realms came in, it would be difficult to resist, and he also discovered the spiritual object he had obtained before.

Blood Bodhi!

Those blood bodhisattvas are like scarlet eyes in the darkness. Red vines grow on the cave wall, about the size of a thumb, but they are not the crimson red they saw last time.

Probably not fully mature yet.

However, since you have encountered them, there is no reason to let them go. Who knows if these spiritual objects will be destroyed later? He directly removed all the blood bodhisattvas and put them in the brocade box.

Continuing to go deeper, the temperature will increase with every foot of the distance. When walking to about 700 feet, Chen Yuan has already condensed a layer of vitality shield on his body to isolate the temperature.

Eight hundred feet.

Nine hundred feet.

one thousand feet

Chen Yuan finally arrived at the destination of this trip. As far as he could see, there was a deep red magma with a very high temperature, which was many times higher than the magma below the Cangbing Valley.

I don't know if it's because of the fire unicorn.

Such a high temperature, even with the shield of vitality, can still make Chen Yuan feel very hot, and his face will also be dignified. He has never seen such a high temperature before seeing the fire unicorn.

If you touch it, I don't know how terrifying it will be.

Chen Yuan turned his eyes to Mo Luo, he nodded slightly, put one hand on his chest, and recited a Buddha's name, the huge pressure instantly enveloped the entire magma.

The Huo Qilin, who was pretending to be sleeping below, was under the heaviest pressure, snorted and let out a long howl.


The roar was like a dragon's chant, and the sound was like thunder. It was exactly the same as the last time I entered the Great Buddha to collect blood and Bodhi. The only difference was that the sound was louder.

The magma rolled and condensed into a whirlpool.

The surrounding atmosphere gradually became solemn, and Chen Yuan was also ready to deal with unknown situations as if he was facing a big enemy. The void was stagnant and ready to go, but Mo Luo was always calm.

Even the Huo Qilin in its heyday is probably not his opponent who is seriously injured now, let alone it has been suppressed by Buddhism for more than two hundred years.

Yes, he is not worried.

Asking Chen Yuan to wait a little longer was just to allow him to better refine the blood of the fire unicorn.

one breath.

two breaths

three breaths

Finally, at the seventh breath, a change appeared. A huge beast several feet tall jumped out of the magma instantly, surrounded by a crimson flame.

The surrounding temperature suddenly increased several times, and a huge sea of ​​flames rushed towards Mo Luo and Chen Yuan in an instant.

Mo Luo clasped his hands together and spoke out a word lightly:


In an instant, the world seemed to be silent, and the raging flames were instantly suppressed by a mysterious force, as if a more terrifying beast was born.

Huo Qilin's eyes were frightened, and he looked at Chen Yuan and Mo Luo suspiciously. He clearly remembered the appearance of the humanoid creature that attacked it more than two hundred years ago.

Similar to these two, but not the same.

In the process of its own power being suppressed, it could only stop, staring at the two vigilantly, ready to attack or escape at any time.

The movement was suppressed, and Chen Yuan and Mo Luo also saw the true face of the fire unicorn. Its head was like a dragon, it had two horns, it was shaped like a horse, like a deer, its tail was like that of an ox, and it had scales on its back.

It was the image of the fire unicorn, and this fierce beast also made Chen Yuan feel a strong pressure. If Mo Luo was not here, he alone might not be able to suppress this thing.


Huo Qilin let out a low growl.

Moro said lightly:

"Huo Qilin, you are a divine beast born with a unique destiny. It is rumored that your longevity is extremely strong, and there can only be one Fire Qilin in the world. Unless you die, there is no way a new Fire Qilin will be born.

You have been suppressed by the Buddha's light for two hundred years, your vitality has been severely injured, and your lifespan is approaching. If the poor monk recites your blessing, you can leave a trace of your blood, and no one will disturb this place. "

Huo Qilin stared at Mo Luo, his eyes full of murderous intent.

It knew the meaning of this humanoid creature, let it leave blood, it is to let him take the initiative to seek death and sacrifice everything about himself, which is naturally impossible to agree, and a cluster of divine flames spewed out when he opened his mouth.


The surrounding void seemed to be distorted by being burned under this flame, but no matter what magical powers it displayed, after all, its vitality was already seriously injured, and it could not hurt Moluo at all.

The flames were completely extinguished ten feet in front of Mo Luo.

Seeing that he was no match at all, a trace of fear and panic flashed in Huo Qilin's eyes, and he turned his head as if plunging into magma to avoid it, but, it has already come up, so the rest can't be controlled by it.

Mo Luo stretched out a hand, and the white clothes on his body gradually turned into darkness, a black divine pattern appeared between his eyebrows, and his face seemed to have been painted with dark-style makeup.

The black magic flames that were as black as ink shot out from the void, condensed into a fire net, enveloped the fire unicorn, and there was a strong sense of banning it.

No matter how much the fire unicorn struggles and bites the magic net, it has no effect, and the red flame it spouts is also blocked by the magic net. Not to mention the divine flame that is better than it, at least it can be stalemate for a short time.

"Don't eat the toast and eat the fine wine, Dizang, you are still the same ink as before, a bastard with low intelligence, why bother to waste so much tongue?

It's a pity that such a delicious thing has to be given up to this kid. "

Moro in black was a little upset.

This is the first time Chen Yuan has seen the real body of the demon. Although the demon possessed him many times before and gave him strength, he has never seen the real face. He just has this preparation in his heart.

Seeing the attitude of the devil in black, Chen Yuan immediately cupped his hands and said:

"Senior Moro, the stronger the strength and cultivation of this junior, the better you will be able to restore your strength in the future, help you reach the Spirit Mountain, and regain your physical body."

Demon Xiang snorted coldly and did not refute. He had already reached an agreement with Jizo, that is, to train this person so that they can recover better, and he does not look like an ungrateful person.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have helped him many times.

"Huo Qilin has been suppressed, you swallow the ice marrow jade, approach him, open an opening for him with the imperial butcher's knife, and just swallow his blood."

"Thank you, senior."

Chen Yuan nodded, looking at Huo Qilin eagerly.

This time, it was basically a lie to win, he didn't make a move at all, and the fire unicorn was suppressed by Mo Luo, and it was unbelievably smooth.

But although it was unexpected, it was also reasonable.

How could the fire unicorn, a ferocious beast that had been suppressed for many years, be the opponent of Moro of the Six Realms? Even Manjushri can suppress its heyday here, let alone Moro.

Even though he hasn't fully recovered, it's not comparable to the Fire Qilin at the Yang God level.

Step by step approaching the fire unicorn, the magic net tightened, and the fire unicorn was directly imprisoned in place, and it was difficult to even move. Seeing the gradually approaching humanoid creature, it kept growling.

As if to say:

"Don't come here!"


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