I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 601 Breakthrough! Heart fire refines the gods!

The fire unicorn's spiritual intelligence is not high, but after all, it has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and it cannot be just a beast that only knows how to kill. It can sense the greed in Chen Yuan's eyes.

He...wanted to swallow it!

Huo Qilin instinctively wanted to avoid it, but under the imprisonment of the magic net, he couldn't move at all, so he could only stare at Chen Yuan tremblingly and terrified, hoping that he would stop.

Chen Yuan looked at Huo Qilin with a faint smile on his lips.

The more frightened it was, the more excited he was.

When he was three feet away from the Huo Qilin, Chen Yuan stopped, and a brilliance flashed in his hand. A jade brocade box appeared in his hand, and he gently opened it, revealing the true face inside.

It is the Ice Essence Divine Jade!

Even at such a high temperature, Chen Yuan could feel the extreme chill emanating from the ice marrow jade, which made people feel refreshed.

Reaching out to pick up the Shenyu, Chen Yuan put it in his mouth without any hesitation.

The Ice Essence Divine Jade melts in the mouth, it doesn't look like jade at all, but like a ball of extreme ice water, just by entering it, all the dryness and heat are expelled from the body.


Chen Yuan took a breath.

With his terrifying physique, he actually felt a layer of goosebumps all over his body now, the ice water entered his heart veins along his throat, and a layer of ice balls formed at the corners of his mouth.

cold! Extremely cold!

This is the first time Chen Yuan has experienced such a powerful chill, but only such an extreme chill can resist the divine flame on Huo Qilin.

He didn't choose to refine, because the ice marrow jade is not used for refining, it is used to resist the flames on Huo Qilin's body. If it is refined, Chen Yuan feels that he has no means to resist the flames.

Perhaps it might be like what Mo Luo said before, when the cold air of the ice marrow collides with the unicorn fire, it will naturally blend into his limbs and bones.

At the entrance of Shenyu, Chen Yuan's first step has been completed, and the next step is the second step, making an opening on Huo Qilin's body.

Chen Yuan held the Emperor Butcher Knife tightly, threw it instantly, and slashed towards Huo Qilin with a powerful force. The other party was startled, and then spit out a mouthful of divine fire that had been brewing for a while.

If it was an ordinary treasure soldier, it might be turned into ashes directly under the fire of the fire unicorn, but the emperor butcher's knife was not an ordinary weapon.

It is a magic soldier!

Still a very strong soldier!

The peak magic weapon of the Six Tribulations is definitely a rare spiritual weapon even if you look at the world. Apart from that, the Emperor Butcher Knife is also a peerless murderous weapon with a ferocious intent.

A dragon's chant resounded throughout the cave, and the Emperor Butcher's Knife thrust against the fire unicorn's divine fire, and directly inserted into its neck!

In fact, the fire unicorn seemed aggrieved. It originally wanted to resist, but it turned out that it couldn't resist at all under that kind of power, and the magic fire in its mouth couldn't burn the Six Tribulations Divine Weapon.

Everything about Chen Yuan seems to be restraining it!

No, it's not as if, the reason why Chen Yuan prepared so much is indeed to restrain it, and then devour it even better!

The Emperor Butcher's Knife was inserted into Bo's neck, and drops of bright red unicorn blood overflowed along the blade. This was also the place Chen Yuan had chosen. The neck is usually the place where the blood is most abundant.

After fulfilling the two necessary conditions, Chen Yuan turned into an afterimage and appeared on Huo Qilin's body almost the moment the Emperor Butcher's Saber entered his body.

As soon as it went up, a layer of flames completely enveloped it.

Chen Yuan's eyes froze. Because of the chill of the ice marrow jade, he could barely bear it for a while. Without hesitation, he immediately lay down on the ground, drew out the Emperor Butcher Knife, aimed at the wound, and swallowed a big mouthful of unicorn blood.

Hot, very hot!

After swallowing a mouthful of unicorn blood, Chen Yuan seemed to have swallowed a mouthful of hot magma, the veins on his face burst out suddenly, and his eyes glowed red. The whole body is like a red-hot soldering iron!

With such terrifying fiery blood, Chen Yuan's three major kung fu techniques of Dao, Buddha and Demon are simultaneously activated, and the divine blood of the Xiang family is also stimulated. Coupled with the completely stimulated power of the ice marrow divine jade, it is finally comparable to the original fire unicorn. of blood.

And that's just the beginning!

Now that it has started, it cannot be stopped before the end. Chen Yuan's eyes widened with anger, his eyeballs were bloodshot, and he tightly grasped the horns of the restless fire unicorn with both hands, desperately absorbing the unicorn's blood.

Not crazy, not live!

If you want to succeed, you must work hard!

Qilin blood is a hurdle that Chen Yuan must pass through. If he can't pass it, there is no need to talk about the great cause of annexing the world.

He knows this, so he won't back down.

But he also felt the blazing heat and dominance of the unicorn blood. No wonder Mo Luo asked him to find the ice marrow jade. If there is no such thing to protect the heart veins, once the unicorn blood enters the body, it will only rely on its own physical strength. Absolutely irresistible.

The Qilin blood was swallowed mouthful, and the temperature of Chen Yuan's body was also rising minute by minute, even the fine hair was burned off, and after that, it was the hair.

Regardless of everything, Chen Yuan didn't back down even if there were any injuries on his body.

Inside the altar, the purple primordial spirit sat cross-legged, and the temperature had already spread into the altar. Chen Yuan, who was still some distance away from breaking through to refine the gods, now had a new change.

The Fire Qilin angrily turned his head to look at the humanoid creature lying on his body, with an anthropomorphic mockery flashing in his eyes.

For thousands of years, although its whereabouts are elusive, it has come into contact with humanoid creatures, fought with some humanoid creatures, and can roughly know the source of their strength.

It is Yuanshen!

As long as the primordial spirit has not passed through the thunder calamity and becomes an existence at the same level as him, the primordial spirit is extremely fragile, especially the humanoid creatures of the lowest level.

The unicorn blood on its body is unbearably hot and can spark a fire in the hearts of warriors.

The two kinds of flames are added together to burn the primordial spirit to ashes.

Its purpose was achieved, and above Chen Yuan's primordial spirit, a layer of strange nothingness flames suddenly ignited on himself, covering his whole body, causing his eyes and pupils to shrink suddenly.

Not good, the heart fire was aroused in advance by the power of the unicorn blood!

It didn't take long for him to reach the consummation of Yuanshen, and he had just stabilized his realm not long ago. At this time, it is very dangerous to refine the gods, let alone the unicorn fire.

He is well aware of the dangers of cooking oil over a raging fire.

It's just that it seems unavoidable now, so I can only guard my mind and rely on my strong soul and perfect state of mind to overcome the hurdle of refining my mind.

There are two calamities of wind and fire in refining gods. Although most of them go through the calamity of wind first and then the calamity of fire, sometimes it is not necessarily the case. When the time comes, no one can fully control it.

At this moment, Chen Yuan's mind was completely immersed in the burning pain, and he didn't notice the change in Mo Luo not far away at all.

At this moment, when Chen Yuan was crossing the catastrophe, Mo Luo had a new change.

The black-clothed Moro's body, which was originally fierce and terrifying, faded quickly, and turned into a symbiosis with white, with Ksitigarbha and Moro each occupying the general body.

Jizo in white said lightly:

"Chen Yuan upholds great luck and is a man of heaven. You and I have already seen it, why bother to see it again?"

The black-clothed Mo Luo laughed bitterly:

"I help him suppress Huo Qilin, he has to pay some price, besides, don't say it so reluctantly, when I proposed it, you didn't object."

Jizo in white: "That's what I know, Chen Yuan will definitely be able to pass the test of cultivating the mind."

They had long expected that Chen Yuan would most likely encounter a scene where the Qilin fire would arouse his anger during the process of devouring the fire unicorn, but due to various considerations, they did not say anything in advance.

Furthermore, even if he said it in advance, Chen Yuan would not necessarily shrink back.

"How can you be sure?"

Moro in black said to himself.

"The ten-inch primordial spirit, which has never been seen before or since, has completely reached perfection, and even derived the supernatural power of solidifying the void. It has experienced the perfect state of mind of tens of thousands of creatures, and three times the purple energy has overflowed the sky. These are enough to prove Chen Yuan is amazing." Baiyi Dizang said softly.

When Chen Yuan used Void Stasis to kill Guan Hai, he was actually a little awake, and he witnessed the horror of the entire Void being sealed.

That is a powerful force similar to rules!

"This kid is quite powerful, much stronger than you were back then."

Moro Ksitigarbha is a symbiotic body, and memories are naturally connected.

"Otherwise, why do you think I put the treasure on him? Chen Yuan has the demeanor of Chu Taizu, and he has the opportunity to become that peerless martial god in the future."


"The poor monk didn't stop you, apart from Chen Yuan's own conditions, but also because of one thing."

"What's up?"

"You are right in saying that the state of refining the gods is very important, if it is just the ordinary mind fire refining the gods, it is not enough to make Chen Yuan's primordial spirit potential go further.

It would be different if there was the blessing of Qilin Shenhuo. It would definitely be able to completely strengthen his soul and make his perfect soul truly and completely stable.

Moreover, the predicament he is facing now is too serious, and his opponents are almost all Yangshen True Monarchs. He must have the strength to rival Yangshen in the shortest possible time.

It's not enough to rely on the supernatural powers of the physical body alone, but if you add the primordial spirit tempered by the extreme fire of the heart, it's probably not enough." Baiyi Dizang smiled lightly.

It is not that simple to enter the Sixth Realm. Although Chen Yuan's potential will greatly shorten the time for him to break through the Sixth Realm, the time is still too long, at least more than a hundred years.

However, he couldn't wait that long, and those so-called immortals wouldn't wait so long either, so Mo Luo, who had been there before, decided to help him.

With his various means and the mysterious power of heaven, basically there will be no loss, so when the devil proposed to try Chen Yuan, he acquiesced.

It is also to take this opportunity to let the devil take a look, the person he personally values ​​is not that simple.

It is worth them planning for it, not simply being a guardian.

"Then let me take a look and see how strong this descendant of Chu Taizu is." Demon Xiang said in a concentrated voice.

"You'll see."

Moro chuckled.

Then, he opened his mouth to transmit the voice:

"Keep your mind and use double divine fire to refine your spirit. It is very beneficial to you. You have great ambitions and want to swallow the world. This is just an insignificant hurdle on your growth path."

Chen Yuan was so heartbroken that he kept his eyes on the clear and bright, when he heard Mo Luo's words, he cursed Mo Luo secretly in his heart.

Obviously, he already knew it would be like this. Although it is for his own good, you should at least give him a warning in advance so that he can be prepared!

As a result, it was so abruptly ignited.

"Understood, thank you for your reminder, senior."

Discussing in his heart, but still humble and polite on his lips.

"The poor monk knows what you are thinking, in fact, it is the devil who wants to see your ability, but the poor monk is definitely not harming you. You have the blood of the Xiang family, which is extremely miraculous in itself, but it has not fully stimulated its power all the time. Now through Qilin Shenhuo and its own Shenhuo, it is just right to use this opportunity to discover its magic."

Morrow continued.

"okay, I get it."

Chen Yuan responded immediately.

Afraid, he has nothing to be afraid of. This time the training of gods is indeed quite scary, but still the same sentence, the greater the danger, the greater the benefit, even if he knew it in advance, he would try it.

If you miss such a good opportunity, you will never know if there will be another one in the future.

With Mo Luo's suggestion, Chen Yuan quickly gained confidence, and with a thought, the Xiang family's divine blood hidden in the depths of his blood was completely activated, and the simple and mysterious lines covered his whole body.

Together with the Ice Essence Jade, it suppressed the sudden flames.

In the depths of the altar, the purple soul remained as still as a mountain. When the fire in the heart reached its peak, a purple qi rose from the body of the soul.

The mysterious purple energy seemed to have a spirit, filling his primordial spirit, fighting against the inner fire in the altar.

Because he was cultivating the gods, Chen Yuan had stopped drawing the blood of the unicorn at this moment, and instead sat cross-legged on the huge body of the fire unicorn, enduring the pain with a flushed face.

But Huo Qilin's eyes flashed a glimmer of pride.

Even if it will die in the hands of another person today, it is a good choice to drag a humanoid creature on the road before dying. Anyway, the Fire Qilin family will not be cut off.

After it falls, a new fire unicorn will be born in a fire vein somewhere in the world.

It didn't even struggle at the moment, and wanted to watch the soul of the guy who sucked its blood disappear before its own eyes at the last moment, before it died.

It was very quiet in the huge cave, only the sound of flames and magma tumbling.

Chen Yuan's state at this time has almost reached the most dangerous moment. His own exclusive Xiang family blood completely covered his whole body, and it was extremely mysterious under the reflection of his red body.

Although Chen Yuan did not control the three ways of Dao, Buddha and Demon, but with previous experience, he was able to operate on his own. After all, they are already mature skills.

The Xiang family's divine blood was inherited from the peerless Martial God Chu Taizu, and it was reserved for the descendants of the Xiang family with real great supernatural powers. As long as the blood is sufficient, the talent is enough to be the best in the world.

What kind of spiritual body, sacred body, and Taoist body are all nothingness under the blood of the Xiang family.

Qilin blood is overbearing, but it is only the divine blood of the fifth realm. No one in this group can break through the shackles, break through the sixth realm, and become a fairy beast.

How to eliminate the divine blood of the Xiang family?

Even though Chen Yuan's divine blood was not fully activated, he did not lose at all at this time, forcibly blocking the Qilin's true fire contained in the Qilin's blood.

The purple qi is to resist the fire of the heart

Chen Yuan's state at this time seems to have entered the state of a sage again. No matter how his heart is burning, he remains unmoved, and even his state is gradually improving.

Even if the wind blows and the fire burns, I stand still!

The fire unicorn under him seemed to have guessed this point, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he seemed to be saying:

"how can that be?"

It was ready to see this humanoid creature completely wiped out, but the breath became more and more stable, which completely exceeded its expectations, and it froze in place for a while.

However, Huo Qilin quickly reacted, actively mobilized the essence and blood on his body, and wanted to add another fire to this guy and burn him to death.

The majestic unicorn blood seemed to be splashed on Chen Yuan's body, completely dyeing him bright red. The blood soaked his skin and merged into his limbs, and the flames rose again.

However, the stronger the unicorn blood, the stronger the Xiang family's divine blood will be stimulated.

Chen Yuan kept his eyes closed, but after sensing the situation, he still wished for more fire unicorns, the true fire refining the gods, the stronger the training, the better!

Mo Luo, in black and white, watched the scene quietly, without stopping or reminding, because Chen Yuan has basically passed the most difficult point of this level.

For the rest, no matter how much fire the fire unicorn adds, it will not be able to bring Chen Yuan back into danger.

"Not bad, not bad." Moro in black was full of praise.

Jizo in white smiled lightly:

"If there is no preparation, how can the poor monk really put him in danger?"

Moro in black continued:

"Dizo, what do you think of this kid's physical body?"

"What do you want to do?" Baiyi Dizang asked.

"It's very difficult to take out the body that was suppressed in Lingshan. If you take away this boy's body, you can recover faster." Mo Luo in black urged.

"Since you have such an idea, why don't you give it a try, the poor monk will never stop you."

"What you said was for you to try it." Moro in black said in a concentrated voice.

Dizang in white smiled softly, and said to himself:

"How can people with great luck be so easy to seize homes? Besides, the poor monk is on the path of compassion, and he would not do such a thing. It is against the heart of the Tao."

"Sounding, did you also guess something?" Black-clothed Moro continued.

"Hehe, the poor monk doesn't know what fellow daoist means."

"You Buddhists are hypocrites. You never say anything clearly. If you don't say it, then I will say it for you. This kid is far more terrifying than he looks.

Back then, when you were not cultivating in his altar, you probably sensed a deadly danger during the Battle of the Imperial City, right? "

Dizang in white smiled without saying a word, and said lightly:



Mo Luo in black turned his eyes, just in time to see that the red color on Chen Yuan's body, which was like a branding iron, was fading rapidly, and this could only prove one thing.

Chen Yuan has entered the realm of refining gods!

Their perception was not wrong, Chen Yuan had indeed finished his mind-fire training, more than an hour had passed before, and it was almost done.

In the Lingtai, it was clear and bright, and the fire in his heart completely disappeared!

The purple primordial spirit seems to be the same as before, but after this refinement, it is already fundamentally different from before.


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