I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 607 Copy!

These things that happened in the world seem to be some problems in a corner, but there is a very big crisis in it. However, for Chen Yuan, the crisis of the court is his opportunity.

He doesn't know what other people are planning, he just needs to know what he should do.

The more chaotic the better, only when the conflict is stimulated to the peak, can it be completely intensified one day, and the chaotic world will really come!

Chen Yuan didn't think about it too much, but asked Mrs. Xu to order to increase the speed of army expansion and food purchase, and to set up formations in all the main roads of Tangshan, just in case!

When he made up his mind to rebel, he had already started preparations, accumulating food widely, building high walls, and training troops quickly, but now that signs of all parties in the world have appeared, he must speed up even more.

The commotion in other places, such as Overseas, Youzhou, Lanzhou and other places has nothing to do with him, but the battle between Blood State Liangshan and Seven Killing Palace has something to do with him.

He was about to start attacking Liang Shan and collect luck from Song Lun.

Of course, this has to be after Nanzhou comes back!

After retreating for half a month, Shen Yanshu and others had already arrived in Tangshan. Chen Yuan put aside his practice and spent a few days with Mrs. Xu and Shen Yanshu.

His time is limited, and it is impossible to be with them all the time. In the limited time, he must make up for them.

And after his cultivation in the physical realm has skyrocketed, his physique is far superior to before, even a threesome is no problem. Mrs. Xu and Shen Yanshu's calligraphy is good, after all, they are girls from rich families.

Chen Yuan was much worse, so after getting their consent, he took their copybooks and started copying them all night long.

The writing power is greatly improved.

Although it can't be called a master of copying pens, it can definitely be regarded as extraordinary.

At the beginning, Chen Yuan copied and copied vigorously. Afterwards, Chen Yuan felt that his calligraphy skills were sufficient, so he asked the seal to be opened and his name was printed.

Afterwards, he began to write cursive cursively, with strong strokes and sharp edges like swords, and each stroke was like a martial arts move. Such terrifying cursive calligraphy immediately surprised Mrs. Xu and Shen Yanshu.

Shocked and frightened by Chen Yuan's talent, each of them insisted on lighting a cigarette, and it took half a quarter of an hour to recover.

At this time, Chen Yuan's strong and strong mad grass had already read through the paper below, let out a sigh of relief, shook the black ink on the brush, and wrapped it around his waist

Since Shangguan Hong and Yu Qingyan still couldn't let go of it for the time being, and he didn't want Chen Yuan to copy their copybooks, he had no choice but to give up. Originally, he wanted to see the teaching level of Shangguan's family and Goddess Palace.

Now it seems that I am afraid that I will have the opportunity to copy them in the future.

His time was relatively tight, and he had promised Su Ziyue to go to Nanzhou to help her suppress the backlash of her skills, and she gave her a one-month grace period.

So far, more than twenty days have passed.

Naturally, Chen Yuan would not arrive in a timely manner. Su Ziyue said that it would take a month, and he estimated that he could only last for a month at most. If he went earlier, he could help her better.

After arranging some matters to Mrs. Xu, Chen Yuan was ready to leave again.

Mrs. Xu's prestige in Tangshan is very high. After all, she has been sitting in town for a long time, and Chen Yuan is also relieved to entrust the matter to her. Besides, Shangguan Hong and Shen Yanshu are not going to leave in a short time.

Before coming to Tangshan, Shangguan Hong had already informed his father, Shangguan Tiehong, and the other party didn't say much, and was even happy to see this. Anyway, the marriage contract had already been established, and if they really wanted to do something in advance, they could accept it.

As for Shen Yanshu, it's even simpler. She hasn't seen Chen Yuan for a long time, and she misses Chen Yuan very much. Before she came, she also asked the elders of the teacher's school for leave, and planned to travel in the Jianghu for a period of time.

And Tangshan prefecture is the rivers and lakes she chose.

They didn't leave, and Yu Qingyan was too embarrassed to leave, so she didn't mention the matter of leaving. It's worth mentioning that Chen Yuan had already given the Huo Qilin's body to Mrs. Xu.

She sent people to the Valley of Tibetan Soldiers to gather all the master soldiers who forged weapons in the Valley of Tibetan Soldiers, and forge him a top-quality spiritual weapon, or even a divine weapon.

Although the Zangbing Valley has declined, in recent years, with the secret support of Chen Yuan, its strength has far surpassed that before. With its solid background, it has now returned to the No. 1 military casting force in Shuzhou.

He could trust the Fire Qilin to Cang Binggu, and besides, he didn't know any other foundry masters, so if he went to look for it again, the delay would be even longer.

It's not as easy as this.

And if it is casting magic weapons, it can also enhance the power of Cang Bing Valley and let those foundry masters accumulate experience. Anyway, the materials are already top-notch in the world, and no matter how bad they are, they will not be so bad.

On this day, Chen Yuan left.

He didn't alarm too many people, only a few people like Mrs. Xu and Yu Qingyan knew about it, oh, and his cheap apprentice Shi Yi and Yue Shan and others.

In addition to practicing calligraphy in the past few days, he also took time to meet with these old subordinates and mentioned a lot. He also hoped that Yueshan Mo Donghe and the others would grow up as soon as possible.

The current cultivation base is still too weak.

"You must be careful when you are outside." Mrs. Xu exhorted with a flash of love and worry in her eyes.

"Don't worry ma'am."

Chen Yuan patted Mrs. Xu and Shen Yanshu's hands, blinked at Shangguan Yu, then looked at Yu Qingyan again, and nodded slightly.

There are many things to say before parting, but it seems that there is nothing at the time of parting.

After a few breaths of calm, Chen Yuan turned around and prepared to hide into the void. Seeing his back as he turned and left, Yu Qingyan struggled for a moment, then suddenly said:


Chen Yuan looked back at her:

"Is there something else for the fish fairy?"

"I..." Yu Qingyan showed a look of hesitation, and couldn't help but glance at Mrs. Xu and Shen Yanshu, and they immediately understood, the corners of their mouths curled up, and they looked at Yu Qingyan with deep meaning.

"Well, the concubine is busy, please say goodbye." Mrs. Xu smiled faintly, nodded at Chen Yuan, turned and left.

"I'm going too."

Shangguan Hong also noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the yard, and quickly followed Mrs. Xu's footsteps.

In a blink of an eye, only Chen Yuan, Shen Yanshu and Yu Qingyan were left in the small courtyard. Shen Yanshu looked at her always cold senior sister with some scrutiny.

The look in her eyes was the same as Mrs. Xu's, full of deep meaning.

"Senior sister, then I will leave first."

After finishing speaking, he giggled and turned to leave.

After Shen Yanshu closed the gate in the yard, Chen Yuan continued to ask:

"What does the fairy want to say?"

Yu Qingyan felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by Chen Yuan, she was silent for a long time before saying:

"Before you said that you wanted the Qi of Taiyin to improve your cultivation?"


"I owed you a favor before. If you really want it, I will repay you." After Yu Qingyan finished speaking, she quickly turned her head away from looking at Chen Yuan.

And Chen Yuan raised his eyebrows:

"Didn't my cousin say no?"

"I don't like to owe people favors. After thinking about it, it's better to pay back as soon as possible."

"You are my cousin, how can Chen repay her kindness?" Chen Yuan said in a deep voice.

"You..." Yu Qingyan was dumbfounded. He obviously said this before, but he mustered up the courage to say this, but Chen Yuan refused.

For a moment, I didn't know how to answer.

"Okay, Fairy, let's go back first, let's talk about this later." Chen Yuan's mouth curled up into a smile, it would be meaningless if he just did that kind of thing.

And he doesn't need the yin energy to improve his cultivation now. His cultivation has just skyrocketed, and he has only stabilized his realm at the moment, so he can't be too impatient right now.

Furthermore, Yu Qingyan's current cultivation base is too weak, and that yin aura is of little use to him.

If she can break through Huayang, devouring this power is the way to maximize the benefits. In addition, although the second uncle Chen Huaiyi betrothed Yu Qingyan to him, if it is so fast..., I guess he will Dad was also upset.

"Chen Yuan!"

Yu Qingyan couldn't help roaring, as if she was a little angry.

When Chen Yuan said it before, she was not happy and resisted in her heart. After passing the barrier in her heart and speaking in person, Chen Yuan was not willing anymore, and she was even more unhappy in her heart.

"Cousin, see you later!"

With a smile, Chen Yuan looked at Yu Qingyan, who was a little out of breath, and turned around to hide in the void, leaving only a shy and angry Yu Qingyan clenched her fists.

Leaving Tangshan again, Chen Yuan went straight back to Shuzhou City and met the Jin envoy Lu Renyi. The other party has done a good job during this period of time. On the one hand, he maintained order, and on the other hand, he tried his best to track down the traces of the Wusheng Cult monster .

And because of the reason why he surrendered to Chen Yuan before, Lu Renyi was more respectful to Chen Yuan. After seeing him, he immediately reported the harvest of Guangming Temple and the movement of the court in detail.

"Good job." Sitting on the table, Chen Yuan encouraged and praised.

"It's an honor for my subordinates to be praised by adults." Lu Renyi's face was filled with joy. Although a little flattering, it didn't seem to be fake, but it seemed to be speaking from the heart.

"Renyi, you are too modest."

"Minggong, you."

Lu Renyi laughed, and was about to compliment Chen Yuan when a guard came in outside Xuntian Temple and bowed:

"My lord, Shushan Bai Changqing is seeking to see you outside."

"Bai Changqing?" Chen Yuan's eyes moved. He hadn't seen this person since the last battle of ascending immortals. Apart from him, he had many old acquaintances, such as Xuanming from Lingshan, Wei Wuya from Tianmo Temple and others. .

They are said to be practicing in retreat.

Unexpectedly, he came now. As for the meaning in it, if he expected it well, it should be the meaning of Shushan. After all, he is now the highest official of the three southern states in name.

Well, except Zhennan Wang Nangonglie.

"Please come in."

Chen Yuan ordered.


The patrol bowed and quickly retreated.

Bai Changqing is an old acquaintance, but the friendship is not deep. Therefore, Chen Yuan did not stand up to meet him in person, but just waited in the hall.

Not long after, Bai Changqing, who was dressed in white and had a dusty demeanor, walked into the Skywatching Hall under the leadership of a Skywatching Guard, and at a glance, he saw Chen Yuan sitting at the head.

His eyes are a bit complicated. Compared with the previous meeting, the gap between them is too big now. Even Shushan's status as a contemporary big brother is not qualified to be on an equal footing with him.

Danjing and Huayang are not at the same level at all.

Chen Yuan's current status is comparable to the existence of the Five Elders of Shushan.

And just a year ago, they had fought against each other, and their cultivation bases were comparable, only stronger than him by a line.

"Shushan Bai Changqing, I have met Marquis Wu'an!"

Bai Changqing quickly sorted out his thoughts, cupped his hands and said.

"Brother Bai is very polite, come, please." Chen Yuan nodded and signaled.

Lu Renyi was very tactful, and when he saw someone visiting, he didn't bother him, so he bowed his hands and left. Before leaving, he nodded to Bai Changqing and said hello.

"Long time no see, Brother Bai's demeanor is even better than before." Chen Yuan could perceive that Bai Changqing's current cultivation base should be at the peak of the virtual alchemy and below the real alchemy.

The speed of practice is actually very fast.

Bai Changqing shook his head:

"Compared to Brother Chen, Changqing's meager cultivation is really not on the table." Bai Changqing smiled wryly, but it was also true.

Chen Yuan smiled, and didn't want to continue talking on this topic. He had already heard enough compliments, and he had already won enough. Instead, he asked, "Brother Bai is here today, what's the matter?"

It has been a while since he took office in Shuzhou, and there has been no movement on the side of Shushan Mountain. He only came here now. He reckoned that something must happen, so he cut straight to the point.

"There are indeed some things. A few days ago, Mr. Bai retreated. Otherwise, he would have come to Shuzhou City to see Brother Chen. This trip was entrusted by the teacher to send invitations for Brother Chen."

Bai Changqing replied.


Chen Yuan was a little surprised. He has been quite busy recently, and he really didn't pay attention to the movement of Shushan.

"After more than a month, it will be the Sword Sacrifice Conference held every ten years at Shushan Sword Tomb, and I am here to invite Brother Chen to watch the ceremony." Bai Changqing quickly explained to Chen Yuan.

"Who is attending the meeting?"

"All real people above Huayang in Shuzhou will send an invitation card. In addition, swordsmen all over the world, as long as their cultivation level reaches Tongxuan and above, they can come."

In Bai Changqing's narration, Chen Yuan also had a little understanding of this sword sacrifice meeting. The sword mound was the place where the protective swords left by the disciples of Shushan were stored after their deaths.

There are ordinary precious soldiers, precious spiritual soldiers, and top magic soldiers.

The Sword Sacrifice Conference is to sacrifice these swords. In addition, qualified disciples will go in and choose a sword for their own use. Although Shushan disciples have raised swords since childhood, if they break accidentally or have other ideas, There is also a chance to go to the sword mound again. If it is compatible with the sword, the elder Shushan will help the disciple eliminate some of the obstacles.

Let the disciples be more handy.

The Sword Sacrifice Conference is held every ten years, and it is a grand event once every century. Usually, only the century-old grand ceremony invites the strong from the world, and the ten-year small event invites masters from Shuzhou.

Those who practice swords can also enter the sword mound. If there is a chance to match the sword, Shushan will give it directly.

It can be called the well-deserved Holy Land of Sword Dao, and the fairy gate that sword cultivators in the whole world yearn for.

And this time, it was just a small meeting.

It stands to reason that such a small meeting is not worth letting Chen Yuan go in person, but he is in Shuzhou, and he is an upstart in the world today.

As for whether to go or not, that's the next thing to do.

Chen Yuan was silent for a moment, then replied:

"If there is nothing wrong, Chen will go and have a look, but if he can't get away, then he won't be able to go to Shushan in person."

He has too many things on hand, just for a small meeting of sword sacrifice, there is no need to make a special trip.

"It doesn't matter. Brother Chen is an important minister of the imperial court. He is busy with official duties. Bai is just sending an invitation card. It will all depend on whether Brother Chen is free."

Bai Changqing smiled faintly.

For the number one immortal sect in Shuzhou, and even the power that can be counted in the whole world, Chen Yuan actually values ​​it very much. He puts the foundation of the future in Shuzhou, and it is bound to be involved with Shushan.

If a good relationship is established, it will be beneficial to the future and will not cause any harm.

If they turned against each other, with his current strength, if he wanted to overthrow a fairy gate, he would still be powerless, and he was far behind.

"I heard the name of Shushan Fairy Mountain earlier, there are strange places such as Zhenyao Pagoda, Sword Enlightenment Stone, and Nine-story Sword Pavilion. Even if I don't go to the sword sacrifice meeting, I will visit in person in the future."

Chen Yuan said to Bai Changqing, which can be regarded as a release of goodwill.

"Okay, if Brother Chen goes to Mount Shu in the future, Bai will definitely show Brother Chen to see him," Bai Changqing said with a smile.

"Then it's decided."

In Xuntian Palace, Chen Yuan chatted with Bai Changqing a lot, the main aspects were their respective cultivation and their experiences after ascending to the Immortal War. After a short while, they returned to their previous state, and the unfamiliar atmosphere subsided a lot.

Bai Changqing's experience is relatively average. After returning to Shushan, he practiced hard and prepared to break through the alchemy realm, but he didn't encounter any difficulties after that.

Under the care of the elders of Shushan, he broke through in Shushan.

Chen Yuan asked him if there was any vision at that time, Bai Changqing did not hesitate, nodded and admitted, saying that when he broke through, the Shushan Sword Tomb was restless.

A long river of sword energy was condensed in the void, which can be called a long river of sword energy!

However, the matter was sealed by the elders of Shushan and did not spread to the outside world, but in front of Chen Yuan, there was no need to hide it, because he was also a visionary alchemy.

After talking about Bai Changqing, he talked about Chen Yuan again.

Compared with Bai Changqing, Chen Yuan's experience is simply not too much. Slashing the capital with a knife, destroying the Tang clan in the middle of Sichuan, beheading the barbarian gods in Liangzhou, one by one, has long been widely known in the world.

When it comes to fame, the top ten of the original Qianlong list can't compare with Chen Yuan, and the saying that he overwhelms an era is really not a random word.

Now he is even more valuable as the Marquis of Ten Thousand Households in the current dynasty, the God of Heaven Xuntian, the governor of the three southern states, even if he is as strong as Shushan, he is very valued by him.

This can be seen from the fact that the person who sent the invitation was Bai Changqing, a great disciple of Shushan.

The two chatted very happily, and the atmosphere was harmonious. The chat did not end until it was getting dark, and Chen Yuan also personally sent Bai Changqing out of the gate.

After sending them off, Chen Yuan arranged for Lu Renyi again, and took advantage of the night to leave Shuzhou City and head for Nanzhou

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