I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 608: Battle of Shemale!

Nanzhou, Nanping Prefecture.

This place is in the vast territory of Nanzhou, which is relatively close to the 100,000 mountains in the southern border. Because it is too far away from the Central Plains, there are not many people here, and it looks a bit desolate.

However, desolation is desolation, but the product resources are extremely rich.

Most of these resources are not produced by the Nanping Mansion, but the spirits of spiritual cultivation that have been handed down from the 100,000 mountains in southern Xinjiang. Enter the 100,000 mountains in southern Xinjiang to hunt for treasures.

It is very dangerous there, it is the territory of the Yaozu, even in the outermost periphery, there are many tribes attached to the Yaozu, but as long as the profits are sufficient, there is nothing that cannot be discarded.

There are not many local rivers and lakes forces in this place, but many of them are branches established here by other state capitals. Wufeng is extremely prosperous, but what few people know is that there is also a hidden power in this place that can be called the top of the rivers and lakes. exist.

Su family!

This is a hidden family, except for a few people, no one knows where it is located. Even the well-informed Chen Yuan would not have known about the existence of the Su family without Su Ziyue's confession.

According to Su Ziyue, the Su family was left behind when the monster clan retreated hundreds of years ago, and they have been secretly delivering news for the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox lineage of the monster clan.

The clansmen also have the blood of the nine-tailed fox.

Since Chen Yuan left Shuzhou City, he rushed to Nanping Mansion without a moment's rest. During this period, he also contacted Su Ziyue and got accurate information about the Su family from her.

Right now, it is on the way.

This time coming to Nanzhou is the first time he has stepped into the southernmost part of the Central Plains. Although it is roughly the same as other places, it is still somewhat different in essence.

The most notable thing is that the population of Nanzhou is very small, which is not comparable to the hinterland of the Central Plains such as Shuzhou, Qingzhou, and Yunzhou, and is almost the same as Lanzhou and other state capitals.

The most fundamental reason for this is that it has only been a few hundred years since Nanzhou was established.

Five hundred years ago, the Xiang family dominated the world. At that time, Emperor Wu's ambitions were inflated and he was unwilling to be mediocre. In addition, the monsters in the southern border repeatedly made troubles, and immediately mobilized the most powerful force of the Great Chu Empire, and came to a southern expedition against the monsters!

Before that, the imperial court actually only controlled a few prefectures in Nanzhou. In essence, Shuzhou was the front line, which was why there were so many demon clans under the Demon Tower in Shuzhou Town.

Jianxiu prefers not to bend, and he has righteousness in his heart. It is said that the original intention of Shushan was to defend and guard the border for the human race just like Wudang Mountain. It has made great contributions to the human race.

Chen Yuan didn't know if this was true, but if it was true, then maybe the Wudi City in the East China Sea was located on the eastern border of the Central Plains for this reason.

In the process of getting along with Mo Luo, Chen Yuan asked him about the events hundreds of years ago, among which he mentioned the battle against monsters five hundred years ago.

In that battle, immortals fought, and both sides gathered more than a million troops. The dead bodies were scattered all over the field, and the evil spirit was overwhelming. The four major gods of the Yaozu were almost disabled, and they had to retreat thousands of miles to guard the mountain.

In that battle, Shushan, Wudang, Biyou, and other immortal sects, and even the Temple of Heaven and Demons all fought more or less. It can be said that they are the human race and the demon race, the second race since the Taizu ruled the world. war.

That battle broke the backbone of the Yaozu, making the Yaozu dare not look north to the Central Plains for hundreds of years, and laid a solid foundation for the current prosperity of the tribe.

Lingshan also obtained a lot in that battle. It secretly stole many rare monster race species from the southern border. The green lion sitting on Manjusri Bodhisattva is one of them.

However, the former Chu also lost a lot in that battle, which hurt the foundation and left hidden dangers for the Sima family's usurpation in the future.

The last time was a big victory for the human race, and all forces shared the fruits of the monster race. Now, through various information, Chen Yuan also knows that the monster race in southern border has changed a bit.

It is very likely that the battle of the monsters will once again be set off.

This time Chen Yuan came to Nanzhou, in addition to helping Su Ziyue, he also wanted to see how strong the monster clan was, so as to gain some experience for the future.

In the city of Nanping Prefecture.

Chen Yuan changed his appearance, restrained his aura, and pretended to be a alchemy master. However, even so, most of the people around him stayed away from him after sensing his aura.

The alchemy master is definitely a first-class powerhouse, and there are not many existences who can establish a sect, even in Nanping Mansion, which is prosperous in martial arts.

In essence, most of them are Condensed Gang warriors.

Walking on the wide streets of Nanping Fucheng, Chen Yuan's spiritual sense looked around, as if wandering around. After walking for a quarter of an hour, he was inevitably a little disappointed.

Not to mention the monster race, he didn't even sense the aura of Huayang Daoist, and as for the son of luck, there was no hope at all.

Seeing this, Chen Yuan restrained his thoughts, took out the heavenly book, and began to hook up with Su Ziyue, the master of the Seven Emotions.

Nanling Mansion, at the foot of Qiyue Mountain.

There is a relatively outstanding family in the Nanping Mansion here, called the Qiyue Su family, which is very powerful. In the family, there is an ancestor who is at the peak of Tongxuan and is in the hopeful alchemy realm.

It has been passed down for hundreds of years and directly occupies the entire Qiyue Mountain.

The Qiyue Su family is very low-key, and their daily business is to buy spiritual objects from the 100,000 mountains in southern Xinjiang. They are famous for their fair prices and honesty.

Attracted a lot of casual martial practitioners flocked to.

Someone once coveted the wealth of the Su family and wanted to take it by force, but died violently at home within a few days, even the alchemy master was no exception. Therefore, there were also rumors that the Su family had hidden considerable strength.

At least, there are ways to kill alchemy masters.

Once such rumors came out, it saved a lot of trouble for the Su family, and it also cast a veil of mystery. Few people dared to provoke them, and the Su family seldom went out for activities, so they were always safe.

But what no one in Nanping Mansion knew was that this Su family was one of the hermit families in Nanzhou.

The Qiyue Su family was just a disguise that the Su family put on when they were hidden from the world.

At the foot of the mountain is the compound of the Su Mansion, while at the top of the Qiyue Mountain is the real strength of the Su Clan. Su Ziyue is now retreating in a cave on the mountainside.

The cave she lived in was quite gorgeous, with all kinds of furniture, and it was very large, no less than six houses in size.

The cave is illuminated by luminous pearls. There are several bookshelves, a bed of rare treasures and cold jade, and a table. It is very simple and simple, but its value is very high.

Ordinary treasures like the Ye Mingzhu are naturally not on the table, and the real treasure is the cold jade bed.

This object is taken from the North Sea and a treasure handed down from the southern border. Practicing on it will get twice the result with half the effort. In the entire cave, two layers of gathering arrays are engraved.

If you count the entire large formation on Qiyue Mountain, it is a triple formation!

Su Ziyue wore a long purple dress, her long hair was simply tied up with a phoenix hairpin, and her long hair fell to her shoulders. She sat cross-legged on the cold jade bed, showing her graceful figure.

The little watermelon swelled greatly, but her waist did not bend in the slightest. Various temperaments were intertwined, and she was still holding a treasure from the heavenly book in her hand, and an unconscious red cloud flashed across her face.

Just now, Chen Yuan had contacted her through Tianshu, told her that she had arrived at Nanping Mansion at this moment, and asked her what to do next, should she go directly to the Su family to snatch people, or slowly sneak in secretly?

No matter what the Su family is, it is also her family. It is absolutely impossible to bring her up and kill her. Moreover, she heard that a strong man of the nine-tailed sky fox family came to the Su family.

A real fight is actually not advisable.

So I can only secretly break through the Su family's big formation based on the information she gave, and help her suppress the backlash. With her current cultivation base, if it weren't for her blood and kung fu backlash, even if there was a member of the Nine Heavens Fox family outside. The strong can also slip out in secret.

It's a pity that under the counterattack of her skills, her strength is not even one in ten, and she can't leave the cave, otherwise the consequences will be very serious.

Thinking of Chen Yuan's coming, Su Ziyue's face flashed a trace of shame again.

Suppressing backfire, but you need to practice with her. At that time, you will lose yourself with him. Although she didn't resist much, she took the initiative to ask Chen Yuan for help.

But I still don't feel right.

She has lived for decades, and this is the first time she has been like this. Don't look at her very charming on weekdays. Her every move is full of style, but in fact she is very conservative.

For so many years, the only person who has a slight liking for him is Chen Yuan.

At the beginning, it was appreciation, then shock and curiosity, and after that, an inexplicable affection. Maybe the exercises have had an influence since then, or it may be other reasons.

In short, he was the first person who popped into her mind when she was burning with fire and suffering unbearably.

At that time, he was still in Wudang Mountain and had just broken through Huayang.

Although he asked Chen Yuan to help, he was still quite conflicted in his heart and never revealed the truth, but after several months of suppression, the backlash of the kung fu was about to reach its peak.

It's like a water bag has been filled and is still accumulating, if it can't find a vent, it will burst.

When he was struggling, Chen Yuan approached her and told her that he had come to the south.

And she took the opportunity to reveal the truth.

But now that Chen Yuan was approaching, she hesitated again.

It's nothing else, but it's because of Chen Yuan's fickleness. If Chen Yuan has kept himself clean and didn't have so many women around him, she would have contacted Chen Yuan long ago.

But if she shared Chen Yuan with other women, she would be a little entangled.

The majestic Huayang Daoist, the Taoist master of the Taoist Palace, and a strong man who has been in the rivers and lakes for many years, but wants to share a man with other women, no matter how you look at it, it makes her feel uncomfortable.

But that was the end of the matter, and there was no other way.

We can't let Chen Yuan abandon all other women, not to mention that she didn't say it, even if she did, Chen Yuan probably wouldn't agree.

If she regretted it, the only thing she regretted was that she didn't put Chen Yuan under her skirt sooner.

She used to be at the peak of Tiandan, but when she first met Chen Yuan, he was just a small foundation-builder warrior. As long as she wanted to, even if the other party wanted to resist, he didn't have the strength.

As for now, the opponent's cultivation base and strength have surpassed hers. If there is a real fight, she feels that she will not be able to last three breaths, so she can only accept it.


Su Ziyue sighed softly, and looked down at the big watermelon with melancholy in her eyes.

Suddenly, her ears moved, and she heard an approaching breath from outside, she frowned:

"Old Ancestor, why are you here?"

Outside the cave, an old man with white beard and hair, dressed in a white robe, slightly thin, and with small eyes slowly appeared, holding a walking stick with a beast head in his hand.

It was the ancestor of the Su family who refined the gods.

His cultivation base can only be regarded as a beginner in refining gods, and he only survived the catastrophe of the wind with the help of the nine-tailed celestial fox clan. Half a year ago, he was only a warrior at the peak of Yuanshen.


The ancestor of the Su family outside the door sighed softly.

Hearing the old ancestor's sigh, Su Ziyue felt something bad in her heart, and asked in a deep voice:

"Is something wrong?"

"Today, that strong fox clan came to me and said something."

"What's up?"

"The news that you have the pure blood of the gods and the extremely high cultivation talent has spread to the nine-tailed sky fox gods in the southern border, over there"

The ancestor of the Su family hesitated.

"The ancestor said it directly."

"The other side hopes that you can return to the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox God Clan to practice, and will give you the best resources, and use the Sky Fox God's Pool as a tool to thoroughly purify your blood."

"What's the price?"

Su Ziyue continued to ask.

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. She had already raised the bloodline of the sky fox through a sacred object of the nine-tailed sky fox clan before, and now she wants to use the god pool, so the picture must be not small.

"The price is to let you marry the contemporary god son of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan."

Su Ziyue frowned, and immediately refused:


"Zi Yue, that son of God is the most talented existence of the Nine-tailed Sky Fox Clan in the past hundreds of years. He has the real blood of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan. You still have to be stronger, the reason why you want to marry you is."

"That's enough, the ancestor doesn't need to say any more, it is absolutely impossible for Ziyue to agree to this matter." Su Ziyue snorted coldly.

"The old man also refused for you at the beginning, but... the arm couldn't hold back the thigh, the strong fox clan didn't back down, and gave the old man seven days to persuade you to agree."

"What if I still refuse?"

Su Ziyue asked.

The ancestor of the Su family didn't speak, but sometimes, not speaking is the best answer. Their Su family is just a pawn of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan in the Central Plains.

When will the chess piece be able to resist the chess player?

He can't help it either.

Su Ziyue is also the most talented heir of the Su family for hundreds of years. She has reached the realm of Yuanshen in her forties, and her future is boundless.


The ancestor of the Su family sighed softly.

Su Ziyue was silent for a moment, then took a deep breath:

"Old Ancestor, is our Su family really the eternal pawns of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan? You know, pawns can be discarded. The Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan can abandon the Su Family at any time. Strength is the only way to stand tall in the world."

"What do you mean?"

Hearing this, the patriarch of the Su family's expression changed, feeling Su Ziyue's killing intent.

"Being separated from the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan, I can let the Su family leave Nanzhou and go to other state capitals, and I can protect the safety of the Su family. I have been a mouse for hundreds of years, and it should be over."

"No, Ziyue, do you know that the reason why the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan supported our Su Clan as pawns is to make sure that we dare not resist, and we and the Su Clan are all of the blood of the Fox Clan.

Once it gets out, there is no place for us in the Central Plains, and only here can we thrive by relying on the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan. Don't mention this matter again. I just pretend that you didn't say this. "

The ancestor of the Su family had an ugly expression on his face.

There is a blood feud between the human race and the monster race, and it has always been an endless situation. Their Su family is inherited from the nine-tailed sky fox, and they have done a lot of things that endanger the human race.

Once word got out that they were carrying the blood of the monster clan, not to mention that the imperial court would order to destroy the entire Su family, even the powerful sects in the world would not let the Su family go.

Don't look at the fact that the human race is divided and fighting, but he knows that when facing the big enemy of the monster race, they can quickly reach an agreement.

Non-my family, its heart must be different!

This is an old saying spread in the Central Plains, and it also contains the truth.

The only way out for this kind of "human traitor" of the Su family is to return to their ancestors by blood, break away from the human body, and truly transform into a nine-tailed sky fox and be accepted by them.

If not, how could the Su family be willing to be controlled as pawns for hundreds of years? If not, how could the nine-tailed celestial fox believe in the Su family?

He was well aware of the pros and cons, so it was impossible for him to agree to Su Ziyue's words.

Because, he will not let the Su family, which has been passed down for hundreds of years, be buried in his hands. The lives of tens of thousands of direct and collateral families are all in the hands of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan!

"Is the ancestor determined?"

"The Su family only has this way, Ziyue, although I don't want you to marry a monster, but this is the only way out for us. The old man knows that you are resisting, and will try to delay it for you for a few days. You should weigh it carefully. , it would be best if you can figure it out, after all, once you marry the young patriarch of the fox clan.

The situation of our Su family can be greatly improved, and we won't be just pawns forever."

The ancestor of the Su family continued to persuade.

"If Ziyue still refuses?"

"That old man can't stop that strong monster from the monster clan"

Su Ziyue's eyes were flickering, and a trace of coldness flashed in her eyes. After a moment of silence, she said:

"What is the cultivation level of that strong fox clan?"

"Great Sage!"

Great Saint of the Monster Race!

Su Ziyue frowned slightly, she naturally knew what this meant, which meant that the status of the strong fox clan might be very high even in the fox clan.

At the same level as the true king of the human race!

"Ziyue knows, I'll think about it in the next few days, Patriarch, let's go back." Su Ziyue said lightly.

The patriarch of the Su family nodded. As long as Su Ziyue is willing to consider it, it proves that there is hope. Perhaps, things won't get too tense.

"Think about it carefully. If there is something missing in your practice, let someone tell me."

After finishing speaking, the Patriarch of the Su family shook his head and left the cave on the mountainside.

"Thank you, ancestor." Su Ziyue said with cold eyes. Behind her, a fluffy white fox tail grew out of her body, swaying slowly in the void, extremely strange.


Chapter push! Title: "I am the Emperor of Heaven, I Rule the Universe in the Darkness"

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