I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 612 Must kill!

After a blow back, the two didn't hesitate at all, and in an instant, they turned into two meteor-like rays of light and collided together again.

A louder roar erupted!

This is definitely the highest level of competition that Chen Yuan has encountered since he stepped into the rivers and lakes. Of course, it is only for himself.

If Moro was there, it would be different!

The battle of Zhenjun's holy realm gave Chen Yuan an extremely powerful experience.

At the same time, he also has a very accurate understanding of his own strength. With Qilin's real body activated, if he uses all means, he can barely reach the level of a real king.

Although it didn't take long to last, it was definitely achieved.

However, the disadvantages are also obvious.

There is still some obvious gap between his hard power and the great sage of the demon clan. Except for the close match at the beginning, now, he has already fought fiercely for less than half an hour.

And he has gradually fallen into a disadvantage!

After all, he is not yet a true king, he has not even reached the peak of refining gods, and his cultivation of supernatural powers is not particularly deep. A large part of the credit for being able to reach this point is his incarnation as a unicorn demon.

This also shows how easy it was for him at the beginning. Without Senior Mo Luo's help, it would have been very, very difficult for him to kill Huo Qilin solo.

It was Mo Luo who easily restrained the fire unicorn that gave him the opportunity to devour the unicorn's blood.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Chen Yuan and Bai Niansheng had already reached the extreme heat, and the balance of victory was gradually moving towards Bai Niansheng's side. He snorted coldly, and was still not satisfied with his current strength.

It is indeed a shame for a great sage to fight against a human race god, even though he is a Qilin demon and has a magic weapon in his hand, it has been so long and he has not been taken down.

However, the fact is here, he really can't take down the opponent in a short time.

"Qilin Demon, you are not my opponent, why don't you catch him quickly? I think you are not easy to practice, and your talent is extremely high. I am willing to give you a chance to join the demon clan."

Bai Niansheng wanted to destroy this person's fighting spirit, so he tried to persuade him to surrender.

However, this is just talk, the fighting talent of this human race is too amazing, it must be eradicated completely, and, although its current appearance is somewhat similar to that of the monster race.

But he is still a human race after all, so he doesn't worry about such a person joining the monster race.

"Noisy, old fox, let's save this little trick." Chen Yuan snorted coldly, not at all interested in the other party's very tactful imitation of the human race to persuade him to surrender.

A backhand is a straight punch.

The void oscillates endlessly, and blood is like a torrent.

"There is an old saying in the human race, which is called the one who knows the current affairs is a good man. Qilin Demon, with your current state, you can't last too long. I will give you a chance to survive, but you don't know what is good or bad!"

"Hahaha" Chen Yuan let out a long laugh and shouted:

"Monster, do you think this place is a hundred thousand mountains in the southern border? Based on the news of you and I fighting, such news must have spread outside.

Once the strong human race arrives, you will surely die, and this seat will definitely strip your fox fur. "

When Bai Niansheng heard this, his heart sank. What he was most worried about was this. Although Nanping Mansion was very close to the southern border, it was very far away from the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan.

In a short period of time, there is no way to have strong people from the clan to help him, and if he delays for too long, when the strong people from the human race arrive first, he has no hope of winning under the siege.

Nanzhou is the southernmost part of the Central Plains. On the surface alone, there is a Daoist Biyou Palace, the imperial court suppresses the King of Nan, and there are two major forces.

Just as the monster race likes to devour the primordial spirit of the human race to cultivate and nourish the body, the strong of the human race also like the flesh body of their monster race, almost full of treasures.

Chen Yuan couldn't hold on for too long, so naturally he couldn't either.

In fact, the status of both sides is the same.

That is... a quick fix!

Seeing that Chen Yuan didn't intend to surrender at all, but wanted to delay the time instead, Bai Niansheng stopped talking nonsense, mobilized the power of heaven and earth, and killed the past again with the real body of Tianhu.

The commotion between the two is getting bigger and bigger, and the trajectory of the fight is uncertain. Sometimes when Chen Yuan is repelled, Bai Niansheng will come forward to get close, and if Bai Niansheng backs away, then Chen Yuan will do the same, and he doesn't want to react to him. Opportunity.

And more and more onlookers gathered around. Many people knew that this would be very dangerous, but they couldn't hold back their curiosity. They felt that it was extremely rare for two demon clan great temples to brazenly fight in the human race territory.

The sub-building of Dengxian Tower in Nanping Mansion used the most critical sound transmission token almost instantly to spread the news, and the branches established by other Central Plains forces also spread the news rapidly.

It can be imagined that at this time, there must be a lot of strong people to investigate the truth.

Su Ziyue had already left Qiyue Mountain. Although it was best not to do anything, she was not a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. She was concerned about Chen Yuan's safety and did not want to leave at all.

Of course, you can't.

Because, the ancestor of the Su family's refining gods has been staring at her all the time, and he didn't do anything for other reasons, but if she leaves, it's not necessarily true.

Su Ziyue was the one named by the gods of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan. Even the great sage of the demon race had to send her back first. If he let her go at this time, the entire Su family would be destroyed.

"Purple Joy."

The Patriarch of the Su family frowned and glanced at the huge exchange of hands in the distance, and couldn't help but move closer, staring at Su Ziyue with flickering eyes.

"Is something wrong with the ancestor?"

Su Ziyue's face was cold, and she glanced at him, already vaguely intending to draw a clear line.

"Who is this person?"

The ancestor of the Su family asked in a deep voice.

He is also well-informed. Although the Su family hides in Nanping Mansion of Nanzhou and rarely shows up outside, the power and intelligence behind the scenes are actually not weak at all.

After all, their Su family is the nail planted by the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan in the Human Clan, and they have to pass various news to the Monster Clan.

But even so, he didn't detect the real identity of the Qilin Demon through the characteristics of the Qilin Demon, as if he appeared out of nowhere.

The strength is really terrifying!

That strength, at least in a short period of time, is no less than that of Elder Bai. If it is placed in the Central Plains, there is even a great hope that it can be listed on the supreme list representing the top combat power in the Central Plains!

With such an existence, he didn't know how Su Ziyue met, and he seemed to be very close, so he didn't know what they were doing with Su Ziyue in the cave.

"Is this important?"

Su Ziyue replied with a flat gaze, but she was a little anxious in her heart.

Of course, she could see that Chen Yuan's condition had started to go downhill, and he couldn't hold on for too long. Once he was defeated, then maybe he had to take the risk of waking up Senior Mo Luo.

At this time, Jiang He was still on his way.

The speed of his sword is extremely fast, and he can span several miles almost instantly, but Qingzhou City is really far away from Nanping Mansion, even if it is a straight line distance, it is tens of thousands of miles away.

Although Zhenjun's speed is fast, he can't reach it in a short time.

The ancestor of the Su family's eyes flickered, and he hesitated in his heart. Their Su family is a pawn of the nine-tailed sky fox, and there is almost no possibility of escaping.

However, if there is a force that can protect them from being oppressed by the strong human race, it seems to be a way out.

Therefore, he did not do everything wrong, but mobilized the strength of the Su family to attack the current Su Ziyue.


After hesitating for a long time, the ancestor of the Su family could only sigh softly.

A life is a pawn, a life is a pawn, a traitor like the Su family, no matter whether it is in the monster race or the human race, there is no way out.

Su Ziyue didn't care about the Patriarch of the Su family, and her mind was on the fight between Chen Yuan and Bai Niansheng, her brows were furrowed, and she was very worried.

"Brother, what is the situation ahead?"

From a long distance away, the crowd of warriors gradually increased, and they were a little horrified and inexplicably watching the scene of the earth and sky collapsing in front of them, and their hearts were full of doubts.

"I don't know very well, I only know what grievances and grievances are suspected between the two monster clan powerhouses."

"Hmph, monster race. This is the territory of the human race. These two monsters are fighting here openly. They simply don't pay attention to the human race.

When the strongest of our human race arrives, these two people will be suppressed here. "

Some people harbor prejudices and wish that all the monster races would die.

"It is estimated that almost all the news here has been spread, and I don't know who the first true monarch is." Some people commented.

"Of course it's Zhennan Wang Nangonglie, he is probably the only one who will come the fastest in the entire Nanzhou."

"Hey, brothers, who do you think will win out between the fox and the two-horned sage?"

"How can a confrontation at the level of a true monarch be something we low-level warriors can see through?"


"Gentlemen, do you think that these two monster clan powerhouses found some treasure here, and they fought each other because they didn't share the spoils equally?" Someone suddenly thought.

"It's possible!"


Someone gasped.

The treasure that can be contested by two terrifying monster clan powerhouses is definitely a shocking treasure without even thinking about it, but it is a pity that it is not something they can peek at.

Regarding the conversation outside, Chen Yuan and Bai Niansheng didn't know anything about it, and they didn't want to know, they had already put all their attention on each other.

However, both of them know one thing, as more and more people are watching, it won't be long before the real monarchs from other state capitals will arrive here.

This may be good news for Chen Yuan, but not for Bai Niansheng.

Chen Yuan tried his best to maintain his own strength. Although he was already at a disadvantage at this time, if he was defeated, it was not always true, and he could hold on for a while.

He also took advantage of this opportunity to gradually gather all his power into one.

After fighting for more than half an hour, the strength of Qilin's real body has almost been deeply realized, but other aspects have not been integrated.

The clash of fists and palms caused a huge earthquake in the void.

The real body of the two is only more than ten feet long, but the movement is not small at all. Chen Yuan has the real body of the sky demon, and with the powerful Qi and blood of the Qilin Demon as the cornerstone, he has condensed a phantom image of more than a hundred feet.

Bai Niansheng had already summoned the real body of Tianhu, the huge body exuded an extremely terrifying aura.

It's like two giants are fighting!

The two of the true king's battle strength have already reached a terrifying level of control over the vitality of the heavens and the earth. Fighting at high altitude is no less than thunder falling again and again.

Every time they collide, the gathered black clouds can be shaken away.

The two of them didn't say much, let alone ridicule each other. Some of them just tried their best to kill each other.

"Can't wait any longer!"

As time passed, his heart became more and more heavy. Before, he felt that the unicorn demon on the opposite side would retreat if he couldn't hold on for too long, but at this moment, he still persisted.

And in a short period of time, there is no sign of retreat and extinction.

Then, it is necessary to use the real trump card method.

The other party can procrastinate, but he cannot.

An ultimate murderous intent flashed in Bai Niansheng's eyes, and when he had made his decision, he stopped hesitating and prepared to strike this human Qilin Demon with a decisive blow.

Even though he will lose his strength because of this, it can only be like this.

It seems that he has seen Bai Niansheng's plan, maybe Chen Yuan has been estimating the time, in short, he also feels that it is almost time for the final decisive battle.

More than half an hour has passed since the fight, and the news they made must have spread throughout Nanzhou, and even beyond Nanzhou.

The old fox must also know this.

It is impossible to delay any longer, I am afraid, what I want is to kill him with one blow.


This is also a good opportunity that Chen Yuan has been waiting for for a long time.

Because, besides Mo Luo, he still has a real hole card that has not been used yet!

The void freezes!

This is definitely the real trump card to turn defeat into victory.

Before Chen Yuan tried his best, except for this hole card, the rest had already been revealed, and the reason why he still kept his methods was that he couldn't seriously injure the old fox after being frozen for a moment.

Just prepare to give him a real surprise.

Only at the most critical moment can the victory be decided.

As early as not long after the previous fight started, Chen Yuan knew that if there was no other way based on his own strength, it was impossible for him to be an opponent.

Even, it may not be able to last for too long.

It is necessary and necessary to find an opportunity.

Now, the old fox finally couldn't bear it anymore.


It was another extremely powerful confrontation, the void shook, one-fifth of the black scales on Chen Yuan's body had been dyed red at this moment, and there was a deep wound on his back.

Although it is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, under the continuous fierce confrontation, it will soon be shaken away again, and the cycle will start again.

Of course, Bai Niansheng's condition was not much better. Although he was much lighter than Chen Yuan, he still left a lot of wounds.

The two pairs of eyes stared at each other, wishing to eat your flesh and sleep on your skin.

The two sides retreated violently, and each retreated a distance of a hundred feet, but during the process of retreating, Bai Niansheng unexpectedly stopped his retreating body, and endured the shock for a long time.

In the next moment, the real body of the Sky Fox, which was more than ten feet in size, instantly crossed the void. This speed was almost invisible to the naked eye. This was also a real sure-fire method he had prepared for Chen Yuan.

The strength of the whole body gathered in one body, and he had been prepared for a long time, and his pupils changed instantly, from brown to black as ink, and the hair all over his body was trembling.

"Human race, fall!"

Bai Niansheng shouted in a low voice. At this time, he was already thirty feet away from Chen Yuan. Compared to their huge bodies, it was almost no different from being close to him.

His black pupils gathered a gloomy light, fixedly staring at Chen Yuan's eyes, a cruel sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the next moment, all the gathered power exploded.

Two extremely dangerous black beams of light shot straight at Chen Yuan's head!

This is the hole card he left behind, and it is the strongest supernatural power he has comprehended in the blood of the sky fox. It is named by him, the mortal eye, and needs to be prepared in advance.

In the nick of time, one blow to the opponent will kill him.

Maybe he couldn't kill him, but at least he could injure him heavily, and once he was inflicted heavily, he would be able to rely on his own strength to overwhelm the opponent and destroy the Qilin Demon.

He didn't think Chen Yuan could stop it.

Such a fast distance came in an instant, he did not have such a strong strength, otherwise, he would not be gradually overwhelmed by him, he reckoned that this Qilin Demon might have some tricks, but he would definitely not be able to stop it.

Unfortunately, he guessed wrong.

He is so close and bursts out a powerful force in a short period of time, the main body will inevitably be weakened for a short time, and this is the opportunity Chen Yuan is looking for.

Anti-kill, he wants to counter-kill!

At the moment when the other party gathered the dark light, no, when the other party suddenly stopped his retreating body and stepped forward quickly, Chen Yuan realized what he was doing.

At the moment when the gloomy light bloomed, he used Void Stasis.

The light is so fast that it is difficult for even a true king to avoid it, but his method is capable of solidifying the void.

He could see a look of joy on the other side's face, and he was ready to deal with it.

When the ten-inch primordial spirit began to bloom, the distance of ten feet around seemed to freeze instantly, like a mirror, and nothing could move.

With such an extreme reaction, Bai Niansheng couldn't even react.

The faint light froze at a distance of one foot in front of Chen Yuan, and Chen Yuan could even feel a shiver involuntarily in his whole body.

He knew that if Youguang fell on his body, he would be seriously injured if he didn't die, even if he had the real body of Qilin.

But, it’s okay to avoid it.

A moment is short, but enough.

He moved his body abruptly, but due to his speed, in the eyes of outsiders, he was still frozen in place. Su Ziyue's eyes were startled, and her whole body trembled.

It seemed that he didn't want to see that scene.

In Chen Yuan's extreme state of void stagnation, he can only use it two to three times. Once exhausted, he will fall into extreme weakness, but he hesitates to cultivate the gods.

He can try it, and he can support it one more time.

The distance of thirty feet is very short, but it is also very long. In order not to waste this long-awaited opportunity, Chen Yuan forcibly withstood the pressure and used it twice in a row.

These two times of stagnation in the void were used almost instantly, which brought unparalleled pressure to Chen Yuan, and his soul seemed to be about to explode.

With red eyes, he spanned a distance of thirty feet in an instant, holding the Emperor Butcher Knife tightly in his hand, and slashed out with all his strength.

From such a close distance, he could even see Bai Niansheng's horrified and astonished gaze.

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