I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 613: The Demon Saint Escapes! Thousands of miles to kill!

From the moment Chen Yuan got close to Bai Niansheng and mobilized all of his body, the extremely short space stagnation had actually been lifted, but Bai Niansheng didn't react.

He clearly saw the Youguang bombarding Chen Yuan's body, completely obliterating it in the void, and before he even had time to rejoice, he raised his eyes, and the other party came in front of him.

How on earth did he get here?

How did you avoid the shadow?

Right now, Bai Niansheng has only one thought in his mind.

However, in such an urgent situation, his thought was only fleeting. Seeing Chen Yuan approaching, the first thing he had to consider was how to survive.

Bloodline. Burn!

In just a split second, Bai Niansheng's body was covered with a layer of scarlet shield. This is all he can do. If there is still time, he can certainly do better.

It's a pity, how could Chen Yuan give him the opportunity he worked so hard to create?

"Boom boom boom!!!"

This blow was Chen Yuan's full blow, which directly mobilized the dragon soul in the Emperor Butcher's Knife, and instantly hit Bai Niansheng's body. The first thing to shatter was his bloodline supernatural power.

After all, it was still too hasty to mobilize all the strength.

The shield shattered, and the dragon soul directly hit him. The huge body froze for an instant, and the next moment, it fell to the ground like a huge boulder.

A deep pit was smashed out, and the dust was raised tens of meters high.

There is also blood mist rising.

silence! Incomparable silence!

The whole world seemed to have froze, Su Ziyue, the Patriarch of the Su family, and the warriors who were watching were all stunned on the spot, their eyes full of disbelief.

How could this be?

Other warriors who were far away couldn't see clearly before, but with the cultivation base of Su Ziyue and the ancestors of the Su family, they could still see clearly. The fleeting faint light blasted on Chen Yuan's body.

And he was also smashed by that ray of light.

But before they could react, Chen Yuan actually moved his body, instead came to Bai Niansheng's side, and swung a decisive knife at him.

Su Ziyue's beautiful eyes rolled, and from the moment Bai Niansheng was blasted down, she breathed a sigh of relief. She understood that it was Chen Yuan's afterimage that Bai Niansheng's method killed just now.

It was the afterimage left by Chen Yuan moving too fast.

win. win!

It's just unbelievable.

Chen Yuan was able to turn defeat into victory when he was obviously at a disadvantage with the cultivation of gods, and directly blasted the great sage of the monster clan to the ground.

However, no matter how surprised she was, she was still happy.

It's better than losing.

Compared to Su Ziyue, the Patriarch of the Su family was obviously more shocked, even when he looked at the huge black figure, a hint of horror flashed in his eyes.

Elder Bai actually lost?


The majestic great sage of the demon clan, who was born in the nine-tailed sky fox clan, was defeated by a little-known warrior whose cultivation level was only in the realm of refining gods.

He couldn't believe it, and didn't want to believe it.

Because once Bai Niansheng loses, the Su family will almost be doomed

This strong human race will definitely not let the Su family go!

The sky and the earth are still silent, the breeze blows, blowing Chen Yuan's black hair, a faint light radiates from his corners, his eyes are full of murderous intent and pain

Bai Niansheng below was obviously not dead, but he didn't move, he didn't go up to take advantage of the victory and pursue him. The main reason for giving this person a stronger blow was that he had reached his limit.

At this time, it is very difficult to move.

In the past, when he experimented with the supernatural power of 'Void Stasis', he almost always used it at intervals of a moment, and never used it twice in a row, because he knew the consequences of doing so.

But this time, he had to.

If it is only used once, it is estimated that it can only avoid the old fox's methods. When he reacts, Chen Yuan will still end up defeated.

Therefore, he tried his best, regardless of any consequences, and used his supernatural powers twice in a row.

And the backlash it brought was almost unbearable for him.

The physical body is not bad, but the soul is really uncomfortable.

Even though he broke through the shackles and broke through the ten-inch soul, he still seemed to be blown up at this time, his mind was muddled, and he couldn't react at all in a short time.

The void stagnation that could be used once or twice, at least today must not be used again, otherwise, it may lead to unpredictable consequences.


Chen Yuan clenched his fists tightly, let out a long breath, and slowly opened his eyes, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, through the dust that had not yet fallen, he saw at a glance the great sage of the monster clan whose arm was almost cut off.

At this time, his state was even more miserable.

Half-kneeling on the ground, his whole body was stained red with bright red blood, which kept dripping on the ground, the glare in his eyes dissipated, and the forelimb of his left arm was almost severed.

At that time, he blocked Chen Yuan's full blow with his arms across his body.

He was seriously injured almost instantly, and his breath was extremely sluggish.

"You, are you a supernatural power?"

Bai Niansheng still had some fear and horror in his eyes, he hadn't reacted from the shock just now, even now, he was still thinking about what happened just now.

That kind of instant close-up speed, even the void can't stop it, I'm afraid. Except for those peerless demon saints, no one can do it.

It was as if the entire void had been sealed off.

It is unbelievable that such a method was used by a martial artist.


Chen Yuan nodded slightly, and quickly recovered the backlash he had caused just now. He knew what the old fox below was asking. It wasn't the knife, but the magical power of stagnant void.

"This is... ahem, what supernatural power?"

Bai Niansheng raised his head, staring at the huge figure in the void.

"Want to learn, you?"


Bai Niansheng smiled wryly. At this time, it is useless to say these things. He was severely injured, and his strength was less than half. If the other party used that method again, he would die here today.

Hmm. Wait.

Bai Niansheng, who already had the will to die, looked at the Qilin Demon who was not moving at all, and suddenly thought, why didn't he continue to attack him when he was knocked down just now?

You know, that was his weakest moment.

Could it be

Bai Niansheng's eyes became brighter and he thought of a possibility.

The peerless method just now is definitely not something that can be used easily, otherwise he would not have used it until the end, otherwise he would have been defeated long ago.

He thought, maybe there is only one possibility that can explain it.

That is... the opponent has also reached the limit!

There was a flash of life in his eyes again, who wants to die if they can live?

Looking at Bai Niansheng whose eyes were constantly changing below, Chen Yuan's heart sank. Sure enough, no matter whether it was a monster race or a human race, there was hardly a single good person who had cultivated to the realm of a true king and a monster saint.

They are all human spirits of hundreds of years, how could they fail to figure out the key to this?

"You and I will end up exhausted now, and now we are both in danger. If you don't use the method just now, you can't kill me.

Instead of letting other people profit, why don't you and I retreat separately? "

Bai Niansheng stared at Chen Yuan and said.

As soon as he uttered these words, it meant that he had begun to admit defeat. Although he didn't want to do so, he could only choose this when he had no chance of winning.

If there is any further delay, he will have no chance when the true emperor of the human race arrives.

"It makes sense"

Chen Yuan nodded approvingly.

Bai Niansheng immediately showed joy:

"Okay, okay, then Bai will."

However, he was interrupted by Chen Yuan just after he finished speaking.

"But I don't want to be like this. I said that I peeled your skin, and today I have to take off at least one of your legs!" Chen Yuan's face was fierce, and his primordial spirit and supernatural powers could not be used.

But he still has a lot of strength. Now that he has recovered, he may not have a chance to kill the old fox.

This is his purpose, as long as there is a grievance with him, he will not let the other party go if there is such a chance, unless there is a force majeure reason.

"Do you want to die too?"

"It's not your business to worry about!"

Chen Yuan snorted coldly, and having recovered some of his strength, he stopped talking, waved his hand and slashed out with a single blow, and the terrifying sword light came crashing down with the force of the sky.


Bai Niansheng cursed angrily, and quickly dodged. A knife mark hundreds of feet long was slashed on the ground in an instant, extending nearly a thousand feet like a spider web.

As soon as the blow fell, Chen Yuan quickly attacked.

Bai Niansheng cursed again, glanced in the direction of the ancestor of the Su family, and began to burn the blood of the sky fox, turning into a stream of light, and fled towards the direction of Nanjiang.

In the state of serious injury, if he still continues to burn the divine blood, the consequences will be very serious, and it may even leave an irreversible original injury, but still the same sentence, he... has no choice.

Fighting is not a good way, and it may not be possible to fight, so you can only run for your life.

Thinking of his famous name in his first life, he felt extremely aggrieved like a bereaved dog, but there was nothing he could do.

As soon as he left, Chen Yuan's eyes instantly fell on the Patriarch of the Su family, which made his heart tremble, and he ran for his life in another direction. Even Elder Bai could only run for his life, so what could he do?


Chen Yuan stepped out and came to Su Ziyue's side. His body of more than ten feet tall shrank rapidly, and hugged Su Ziyue directly.

"Let's go?"

Su Ziyue looked at Chen Yuan who was close at hand and asked softly.

"Why are you going? I took the old fox's skin and made you a robe!" After finishing speaking, Chen Yuan quickly chased after the old fox in the direction where he was fleeing.

Su Ziyue is not a burden. To Chen Yuan, an object weighing one hundred and ten catties is better than nothing, and Su Ziyue can't do anything now, it would be dangerous to stay where she is, so it's best to keep it with her.

Bai Niansheng frantically ran for his life in front, while Chen Yuan was chasing after him, staring at him steadfastly.

Surrounded by Chen Yuan's big hands, Su Ziyue raised her head to look at his profile and eyes. At this moment, even if Su Ziyue didn't want to admit it anymore, she knew that she was hopelessly in love with him!



Still chasing and killing!

It has been hundreds of miles away from the place where they fought before, and has even crossed Nanping Fucheng, but Chen Yuan's pursuit still hasn't stopped.

From time to time, he would slash with a knife, but Bai Niansheng did not dare to fight back at all, because once he fought back and was held back by Chen Yuan, he would not be able to leave even if he wanted to.

He felt extremely aggrieved, and felt that this human Qilin Demon was deceiving too much.

Obviously, he also had serious injuries, but he just ignored him and kept staring at him, as if he had to kill him.

Did you provoke him?

What a bad luck!

And the commotion between the two of them chasing and killing was far more than when they fought before. The thunder swept all the way, and the city of Nanping was smashed to pieces.

The scene of the two chasing and fleeing also shocked the warriors below.

How fucking ruthless!

This is like killing that guy.

"Is this strong man from the human race?"

Some people have doubts, Qilin's real body recedes, and Chen Yuan lives in the sky again. The people below can only see a humanoid creature, but cannot see the double horns on his head clearly.

Subconsciously, he thought he was a strong human race.

"It must be, otherwise why would you chase and kill them all the way?"

"Strong! Strong!"

"It's worth dying to see this scene in my lifetime."

"Hahaha, if the old man's prediction is correct, after this battle, the matter of this strong human race chasing and killing the strong monster clan will definitely shake the world."

"That's right, it's very likely that the top list will be named."

"Kill, kill that evildoer!"

The martial artist who saw this scene below only felt his heart agitated.

It's really exciting. Some time ago, the monster clan came out of southern Xinjiang, but they committed a lot of murders in Nanzhou. There is a small town in Nanping Prefecture, which was swallowed alive by monsters.

Many people already had a stomach full of anger in their hearts, but now they vented it out.

"Hey, I just don't know the name of that strong man."

Along the way, Chen Yuan read all the warriors and common people of the human race, without slowing down at all, and his main focus was on the old fox. He looked down at Su Ziyue, and asked:

"Are the people from Dao Shrine here?"

"still on the way."

Su Ziyue put down the book and replied.

Yes, at this time, Jiang He is still on his way.


Chen Yuan nodded and didn't say much.

"You also have injuries on your body, otherwise let this old fox go first." Su Ziyue whispered as she touched the blood oozing from the scales on Chen Yuan's chest and the scars that showed deep bones.

There is some distress in the eyes.

Chen Yuan pondered for a moment:

"This time is a good opportunity, let's chase after it!"

The monster clan is full of treasures, not to mention that the old fox is still a great sage of the monster clan. The muscles, bones, fur, blood, and eyes of his body are all extremely valuable treasures.

And in his pursuit, he caused a lot of injuries, and that guy is still burning with divine blood, if he is let go, it will be really difficult to have this kind of opportunity again in the future.

"Then be careful."

Seeing that Chen Yuan had made up his mind, she also knew that she couldn't persuade him.

"Do not worry."

Chen Yuan patted Su Ziyue on the back, he wasn't really crazy, he only chased after him now that he had the advantage, if there was any danger, he would have already run away.

Besides, leaving Qiyue Mountain meant that Su Ziyue had been rescued. After taking a walk around, he took a detour and left Nanzhou.

The supernatural power of 'Frozen in the Void' cannot move, Chen Yuan can only chase at his own speed, otherwise, he may have already gotten close, but his primordial spirit can no longer bear it.

"Qilin Demon, are you really crazy and really want to follow me into Southern Border?"

Bai Niansheng looked back, his face was full of anger.

"There's so much nonsense, stop fighting if you have the backbone!"

Chen Yuan snorted coldly.

"Do you think this seat is stupid? There is only one dead end if you stay."

Bai Niansheng roared angrily.

"You're not much smarter." Chen Yuan curled his mouth, feeling that he had almost saved up, the two corners of his head glowed instantly, and a samadhi real fire supernatural power that was compressed to the extreme burst out.


The flame hit the old fox instantly.

This is also one of Chen Yuan's methods, but he hasn't had the chance to use it yet. Now is a good opportunity, and he has successfully slowed down the old fox's speed a lot.

It hit him hard again.


Bai Niansheng spat out a mouthful of old blood, his eyes were full of madness, but it wasn't desperate, it was burning blood like crazy, trying to escape

The guy in the back has come up with endless tricks, and he actually has a second hand. He really doesn't talk about martial arts!

Bully him a hundreds of years old demon.

"Qilin Demon, can't kill this seat, you feel uncomfortable all over?"

Bai Niansheng turned around again and cursed angrily.



Bai Niansheng was so anxious that he wished he could swallow the guy behind him.

The speed of the two of them was extremely fast, like two shooting stars, across the sky, and in just a quarter of an hour, they straddled the distance of nearly a thousand miles abruptly.

Almost passed Nanping Mansion, and saw the Hundred Thousand Mountains in Southern Xinjiang from afar.

Bai Niansheng looked back at the Qilin Demon who was still chasing after him, and said coldly:

"This place has left the territory of the human race. If you dare to come, you will definitely fall here!"

"That's not something you can worry about."

Chen Yuan snorted coldly, the opportunity finally came, thousands of miles away, he is now approaching the opponent.

"How are you willing to retreat?"

Bai Niansheng said angrily.

This is just the outskirts of the 100,000 Mountains in Southern Xinjiang, and there is still a long distance from the residence of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan. If the opponent keeps chasing, it is not known whether they will meet the strong monster clan, but he probably will die.

"You..." Chen Yuan retreated just as he was about to say kill him. Suddenly, he sensed a very obscure aura that was peeping at them nearby.

My heart suddenly trembled, I felt the danger, I was silent for a moment, and shouted:

"Leave your fur, let your life go!"

"You..." Bai Niansheng's tone faltered again, but looking at the undead Qilin Demon behind him, under consideration in his heart, he instantly shed the fur of the nine-tailed celestial fox on his body and threw it to Chen Yuan.

"You fucking remember, I won't let you go!"

Putting down the harsh words, Bai Niansheng's speed suddenly increased.

But Chen Yuan stopped, stretched out his hand to grab the huge black fox fur, and put it into the space of Tianshu with a flash of light, at the same time, he also stopped his body.

"Why don't you chase after me?"

Su Ziyue was stunned for a moment, now is the best opportunity, the old fox has shed its skin, and its strength must have decreased a lot, so the chance is even greater.

Seeing that the people behind were no longer chasing him, Bai Niansheng heaved a sigh of relief, but he still ran desperately, and disappeared into the mountains of southern Xinjiang in the blink of an eye.

Chen Yuan's eyes were calm, and he hugged Su Ziyue tightly with one arm. Just now, he felt a vague killing intent towards him.

He suddenly turned his gaze to a void in the front left:

"Fellow Daoist, have you been waiting here for a long time?"


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