I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 614: Yu Jian Wanli! Push back the powerful enemy!

"Fellow Daoist, have you been waiting here for a long time?"

"Anyone else?!"

Su Ziyue was startled immediately, and also shrouded in scattered spiritual thoughts.

But Void was unusually calm, without any change, she didn't perceive anyone, but she still believed in Chen Yuan very much, it was impossible to let go of the demon saint of the fox clan for no reason.

There must be people peeping around!

Chen Yuan gripped the Emperor Butcher Knife tightly, his eyes were gloomy.


There was a faint laughter in the void, and waves appeared in the void.

"This demon saint has a very keen perception."

After the man said this, he stepped out slowly from the void. It was a middle-aged man, dressed in a gold-patterned python robe, with a strong build, long hair tied up, eyes like torches, and an aura of calmness and prestige all over his body. .

Although the appearance is very ordinary, but you can tell it is extraordinary at a glance.

"This seat is a human race, and that one is the demon saint just now." Chen Yuan looked at this person with a slightly cold gaze. Almost guessed who this person is.

"I, Nangong Lie, don't know the name of the demon saint? A demon saint of the Tianhu clan who can hunt down and kill him is in a panic, and his strength is good." Nangong Lie held one hand behind his back, while the other hand was stroking the long beard under his chin, With a smile on his face.

However, there was a murderous intent hidden in the smiling eyes.

He ignored the word "human race" in Chen Yuan's mouth, and firmly regarded him as the great sage of the monster race. The old fox let him go, but set his sights on him.

"It seems that King Zhennan's eyes are not very good."

There was also a dangerous aura in Chen Yuan's eyes, an imperceptible blue light flashed in his eyes, and then he was startled, because Nangong Lie had luck in his body!

He held the hand of Huang Tudao, and subconsciously tightened it a little.

"This king only believes in what he sees before his eyes. Human race, where in the world do human races with two horns and scales come from?" Nangong Lie twitched his lips.

Although the aura on his body was heavy, the aura was only faintly visible, but the more so, the more Chen Yuan dared not take it lightly.

Nangong Lie has not made a move for many years, but he is still listed in the top ten of the Supreme Ranking, which shows his strength. Chen Yuan knows that the Supreme Ranking does not mean anything.

That's just based on the record and the prediction of Deng Xianlou. It's normal for someone to hide their strength.

His heart sank slightly, with his current strength and state of being severely injured, not to mention fighting Nangong Lie, even escaping is just a luxury, unless he desperately awakens Mo Luo, or... Shows his real body.

But looking at Nangong Lie's appearance, even if he showed his real body and revealed his identity as Chen Yuan, I'm afraid he would not let him go.

As for its purpose, he also vaguely guessed it.

"The strange beast unicorn, I've been looking for it for decades, but I didn't expect you to be the first to get there. However, since fellow daoists have become unicorn demons, the blood must still contain unicorn blood, hehe. Very good."

Nangong Lie calmly looked at the man in black armor in front of him.

After receiving the news, he immediately put down the things in his hands and came forward, and chased their whereabouts all the way, and finally arrived here one step ahead of them.

The reason is the Qilin blood!

It doesn't matter whether the human race or the monster race, as long as the Qilin blood is in his hands, his trip will be worthwhile.


Hearing Nangong Lie's calm words, Chen Yuan's conjecture came true. Many people coveted the Fire Qilin. Although it fell, the Qilin blood was on his body.

Naturally, it will attract coveted.

It's just that I don't know what the majestic Zhennan King wants to do in need of unicorn blood!

He had a faint feeling that there was a lot of secrets inside.

"It seems that King Zhennan is sure to kill me?"

Chen Yuan took a deep breath and forced himself to remain calm.

Nangong Lie has good luck, he wants it very much, but at this time, he can't be the master. The current situation is that the enemy is strong and we are weak.

"Why, don't you believe me?"

Nangong Lie looked at him with great interest.


"You are exhausted, chasing and killing that fox demon saint is just a matter of strength, even if this king uses three points of his strength, he can easily suppress you.

How, did you take the initiative to lead the death, or did this king do it? If so, it may be more painful. "Nangong Lie smiled faintly.

He is very confident, and he is sure that he can easily suppress this place. From his perception, he can accurately perceive that this person's cultivation has not reached the Yangshen realm.

The demon saint who can hunt down and kill a nine-tailed sky fox relies only on the Qilin Demon.

However, with his insufficient cultivation base, after a bloody battle, how much strength can he still have left? The most important thing is, don't say that he is seriously injured now, even if this Qilin Demon is not injured and is still in its heyday, he is confident that he can suppress this person.

It is not easy to rank in the top ten of the Supreme Ranking.

Those who can make the list are all peerless true monarchs, either kings with different surnames from the imperial court, or strong men from the immortal sect of the Central Plains, and there is almost no one who is good at it.

Such an existence cannot be matched by just a Qilin Demon.

The unicorn blood is of great use to him. He has tracked down the news about it, but unfortunately there has been no news. He didn't expect to meet him by coincidence now.

Chen Yuan's heart sank. He naturally knew how strong the top ten in the supreme list were. Don't look at the fact that he could easily block Gu Tianqiong, the former governor of the Sky Survey Department, but that was all the power of Mo Luo.

On his own, he is still far behind!

However, even so, it is impossible to capture him without a fight!

Jiang He was already on his way here, and he also had a token given to him by the old Taoist Tianxu in his hand. In fact, it was not that he was powerless to fight back, but unfortunately

He didn't expect Nangong Lie to come so quickly, and he came here specifically for him. Even if he passed the news to Biyou Palace, it was a bit far away.

Su Ziyue snuggled into Chen Yuan's arms, hugging him tightly with both hands.

"I heard that Zhennan Wang Nangonglie's strength is extraordinary, and he is the best in the world. I have long wanted to compete in my heart. Since Zhennan Wang wants to fight, then come, I am afraid!"

Chen Yuan's gaze was fixed, without retreating at all.

Even if Jiang He couldn't arrive, he wasn't powerless to fight back. At most, Senior Mo Luo would suffer serious injuries, but he wouldn't lose his life.

"How courageous!" He praised, but Nangong Lie was not surprised. Those who can cultivate to this stage have an extremely tenacious heart of martial arts, and there are very few people who can be captured without a fight.

"Your courage is commendable, and this king appreciates it very much. Maybe there is no righteousness in your heart, but it is good to be able to contribute to the human race. This king will give you a chance.

Surrender to the king's command, guard Nanzhou with the king, and resist the monsters. However, how about drawing half of the unicorn blood from your body? "Nangong Lie was not in a hurry to act, but instead began to persuade him to surrender.

Just now, he was just defrauding the other party. He needs Qilin blood, but he doesn't need all of it. As long as this person is willing to surrender to him and donate half of the Qilin blood, he can give him a way out.

Of course, as a price, he had to make a heart demon blood oath.

"Why, King Zhennan now sees clearly that I am a human race?" Chen Yuan sarcastically said.

"It's not important. What matters is how this king sees you. You are a monster race and you have to fall here today. You are a human race and you can survive." Nangong Lie replied.

Its meaning is already very obvious.

If he wanted to survive, he would surrender. Nangong Lie would regard him as a human race, and if he wanted to die, he would resist. Then he was dealing with the great sage of the monster clan. Whether it was a human or a monster depended on how he judged.

This level of shamelessness. To be honest, Chen Yuan only felt inexplicably familiar after listening to it, because he has such a character. Looking at Nangong Lie, he said indifferently:

"A man lives between heaven and earth, how can he live under people?"

"So, that's your answer?"

"If you want me to surrender, you don't have the qualifications yet."

"Okay, okay, okay." Nangong Lie nodded without getting angry at all, but continued:

"Since that's the case, let me see if the Qilin Demon's power is really as powerful as it is recorded in the ancient books."

As soon as the words fell, a terrifying aura instantly rose from his body, which directly stirred up the sky, like a black vortex condensed on top of his head.

Imposing momentum, powerful and unparalleled.

Chen Yuan reckoned that even compared with Gu Tianqiong, it was about the same. Sure enough, the ranking on the supreme list does not mean everything. As long as you deliberately hide your clumsiness, you will not be able to find it even if you go to the fairy tower.

Chen Yuan didn't respond, but with a movement of his divine sense, the void with a radius of hundreds of feet was distorted instantly, and terrifying black flames emerged from the void, turning into a sea of ​​flames in an instant.

He stood among the sea of ​​fire, holding a beauty in his arms, like a god of fire coming out of the abyss!

"This fire is not bad, but it's only good." Nangong Lie commented, affirming the strength of the Qilin Demon. Such a flame is definitely capable of injuring Yangshen Zhenjun.

But it's still a little bit worse to hurt him.

The momentum on his body changed, and the force of the sky was like a flood bursting a bank, and it enveloped Chen Yuan in an instant.

The atmosphere was extremely quiet, like the tranquility before the storm, and perhaps the next moment would be a terrifying scene of heaven falling apart.

Chen Yuan is fearless, holding the shape-changing imperial butcher knife in his hand, his whole body is surging, ready to show the real Qilin body at any time, and face Nangong Lie with the strongest posture.

He was seriously injured, and he was definitely not Nangong Lie's opponent. However, he didn't think about defeating him. Although he was chasing the old fox before, although he was always heading towards the direction of Nanjiang, he also changed his direction halfway. In fact, he was delayed. After a long time, Jiang He should still be on the road at this time.

As long as he persisted for a while, he would be able to wait for Jiang He to arrive.

At that time, with the two working together, there is hope to block this person, and even if the primordial spirit is damaged, and then perform Void Freeze again to surprise Nangong Lie, it is possible to keep him.

The breeze was blowing, and the world was still. Nangong Lie raised his hand, and a golden magic mace appeared in his hand, and what came out of it was the breath of the magic weapon of countless calamities.

At least not inferior to the Zhuxian Sword in Jiang He's hand.

The flames in the void seemed to have spirituality, gathering and dispersing, condensing around Chen Yuan's side.

And at this moment, suddenly, a sharp edge piercing the sky swept across the world, Chen Yuan and Nan Gonglie frowned at the same time, and looked into the depths of the void.

The endless black clouds were cut to pieces by the sharp edge, and an invisible divine sword hung above the nine heavens, with a raging sword intent and sky-high aura of sharpness radiating from the whole body.


Nangong Lie frowned suddenly. There is no sword cultivator in the world better than the Shushan Sword School, and besides Shushan, few people can possess such a terrifying sword intent.

Nangong Lie frowned, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Compared to Nangong Lie, Chen Yuan frowned, because he sensed that this familiar sword intent came from Jiang He, and he would never admit his mistake.

It's just that I didn't expect it to come so fast!

It's really unbelievable!

However, no matter how Jiang He came so quickly, as long as he came, it would be good news for Chen Yuan.

"I don't know where your Excellency is? But the Holy Land of Shushan?"

Nangong Lie asked in a deep voice.

He could feel that the opponent's sharp sword intent was directed at him. Obviously, it might be the helper invited by this unicorn demon.

"This is a personal grievance between this king and this fellow Taoist, please don't interfere." Nangong Lie said to this king, and directly reported his family, hoping that the other party would retreat.

"If you dare to do it, I will kill you today!"

An indifferent voice came from the long sword shrouded in sword intent, revealing a coldness that strangers should not enter.

"Your Excellency is very arrogant. You want to kill this king? Even if the two of you work together, it's not enough." Nangong Lie narrowed his eyes and stared at the long sword in the void.

It's not that he is talking big. To be his opponent, at least the top ten of the Supreme Rank must exist, and these people are all the top of the world.

But he won't show up easily.

However, what made him uncertain was that he couldn't sense that person's aura, but could only sense a sharp sword intent, so he didn't act rashly.

"Then King Zhennan might as well give it a try and see if I can kill you!"

As soon as the words fell, the sharp sword intent on the long sword instantly subsided, but the more it was like this, the more dangerous it made him feel. That sword fairy really dared to do it!

Coupled with this powerful Qilin Demon, Nangong Lie hesitated for a while.

It's not that he can't fight, it's just that there will be major events after a while, if the injuries are left to delay the real major events, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

"King Zhennan, please!"

Chen Yuan also opened his mouth at this moment, and stepped forward, ready to fight Zhennan King at any time, and even prepared to burn the blood of the unicorn.

The surrounding atmosphere froze again.

Nangong Lie stared at the Qilin Demon in front of him, then raised his head to look at the strong man hiding in the dark above, thought for a while, and chuckled lightly:

"That's all, it seems that God doesn't want me to get Qilin blood, so let's let it go today, you two leave."

"Hit if you want, and leave if you want, Nangong Lie, you are thinking too much, if you want to leave, you can take the sword first!" The voice in the void snorted coldly.

The next moment, the void condensed into a long river of sword energy, falling from the nine heavens, and the cover was pressed down.


Nangong Lie's pupils shrank, and he immediately sacrificed the golden mace in his hand, blasting together with the sword energy, and in an instant, a terrifying roar erupted, and the infinite sword energy leaked out.

"Dare to do it!"

Nangong Lie frowned. What he said just now was just a deceit to these two people, to see if they were bluffing. Now it seems that it is not the case.

Seeing Qilin Demon raise his arm and prepare to strike, Nangong Lie snorted coldly, held the golden mace in his hand again, turned around and quickly disappeared into the void.

Only one sentence remained:

"That's the end of today's battle. We will meet again another day. This king will definitely compete with the two of you!"

After saying that, the breath completely disappeared without a trace.

Chen Yuan heaved a sigh of relief, and raised his head to look into the void. At this moment, the strength of the Zhuxian sword that cut out that sword was almost exhausted, and it slowly hung down in the air, staying in front of him.


Yes, Jiang He was bluffing.

From the moment Zhu Xianjian appeared just now, Chen Yuan quietly asked Su Ziyue to contact Jiang He through Tianshu, but the answer he got was that he was still on his way.

It's just that he hesitated and worried about his situation, so he sacrificed the Immortal Execution Sword and rushed from Qingzhou City across thousands of miles to Nanping Mansion at the fastest speed. The scenes are almost identical.

The only difference is that that sword easily wiped out the grandmaster of the Yun family, but this sword that gathered Jiang He's almost full strength couldn't even hurt Nangong Lie.

Otherwise, depending on Nangong Lie's luck, how could Chen Yuan let him go?

As long as there is a chance, he will do it without hesitation.

"It's a coincidence to come here."

Chen Yuan smiled faintly at Zhu Xianjian.

If Jiang He had come one step later, he and Nangong Lie would have really fought each other.

"It's better to come early than to come early. You are lucky." Jiang He, a wisp of Jiang He in Zhu Xianjian, said distractedly.

With his strength, he might be able to fight to the death on his own body and severely injure Nangong Lie, but now he only has the power of a sword, and it is almost impossible to win.

It was precisely because he guessed what Nangong Lie meant that he dared to gamble.

Lost the bet, Chen Yuan was seriously injured, Mo Luo appeared injured, won the bet, Nangong Lie retreated after a blow, fortunately, they won the bet, although I don’t know why Nangong Lie didn’t really fight, but they were safe just fine.

"Where are you now?"

Chen Yuan continued to ask.

"We're almost at the border of Nanzhou."

After all, the speed of the main body was still much lower than that of Zhu Xianjian, and he was also worried that he used such a method when Su Ziyue first contacted him.

"Thank you Brother Tianjian."

Su Ziyue distanced herself from Chen Yuan, cupped her hands and said in a low voice.

There is no longer the same attitude as before.

"It's not easy to thank you, hehe, when can I drink your wedding wine?" Jiang He also talked a lot more than before, and began to tease.

Su Ziyue glanced at Chen Yuan, but said nothing.

Chen Yuan understood, and it would be a little inappropriate to say that it was for cultivation at this time, so he murmured:

"The time has not come yet, let's do it together after you rob sister-in-law out of the capital!"

Jiang He: "."


Brothers who have a monthly pass in their hands, give it a try, and keep updating it for birthdays. There are not many people who are as dedicated as I am at the whole starting point. Also, everyone, stop spraying water.

If there are too many fights and fights, you talk about water, but if there are too few, you say it is boring and lacking passion.

Make it difficult for me!

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