I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 619: All parties plan! Intended to rebel!

The Xiang family has been dormant for more than two hundred years. Under the frenzied pursuit of the Sima family, they never dared to show their heads at all, but they are not worthy of being the descendants of the Xiang family.

Therefore, the Xiang family has been looking for suitable candidates since more than a hundred years ago.

At that time, Liangshan was only a small force, and its development was very difficult, but since the Xiang family started to help Liangshan, it began to really expand.

Today, it has been able to compete with the Seven Killing Palace, one of the top ten immortal sects!

What is paid is not only resources, but also great painstaking efforts.

As Liangshan grew stronger, the Xiang family didn't trust Song Lun as much as before, so an elder from the Xiang family, aliased as Lu Guangsheng, became the second head of Liangshan.

The status is second only to Song Lun, a scholar in white.

Over the years, Lu Guangsheng has been constantly improving his voice and attracting other powerful people, but Liangshan was created by Song Lun himself after all.

The Liangshan tribe still trusted him the most.

The right to speak is more than one level stronger than him.

Xiang Qianqiu's eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice:

"If Song Lun gets in touch with Jingtai, I'm afraid the Xiang family has been exposed by now."

"Then we"

A flash of murderous intent flashed in Lu Guangsheng's eyes, he wanted to strike first and kill Song Lun, and then the Xiang family would take over the Eight Hundred Li Shuibo Liang Village with a thunderous force!

"This matter." Xiang Qianqiu's eyes were fixed, and he continued: "We can't do this first, let alone name the Xiang family."


Xiang Qianqiu explained: "The world seems to be in turmoil now, but in fact the foundation of the Sima family is still there, and it has not completely become chaotic. Once the Xiang family rises, even if Jingtai doesn't want to, it must gather all the forces of the court to besiege Liangshan."

Ordinary rebellion and rebellion by remnants of the previous dynasty are two different concepts. If the Sima family wants to maintain orthodoxy, they must spare no effort to kill all members of the Xiang family.

This point can be seen from the pursuit that has not stopped for more than two hundred years!

"If I wait for a rebellion and the heroes of the world follow suit, perhaps the Sima family will not dare to put all their eggs in one basket." Lu Guangsheng frowned and expressed his opinion.

"The Xiang family has been dormant for so many years. They can't bet on an uncertain thing. They must preserve their strength. Now is not the time." Xiang Qianqiu said in a condensed voice.

"Timing, timing, what exactly is the timing that the patriarch has been talking about?" Lu Guangsheng frowned, he didn't like the feeling of being kept in the dark.

"The real timing is the opportunity to split the world in an instant. The last northern barbarian invasion exacerbated this process. Recently, the world has been in turmoil, which is also gradually intensifying this process. But... this is not enough! Far from enough! "

Xiang Qianqiu's face darkened, he had nothing to be afraid of other things, the only thing he was worried about was the group of people who really destroyed the Xiang family back then!

Without the Immortal Realm, it is impossible to even contend.

"Then just sit back and watch Song Lun come into contact with the Sima family's thieves? If he thinks the time has come, it's probably time for the powerful imperial court to come to Xuezhou."

Lu Guangsheng continued.

Xiang Qianqiu raised his hand to stop Lu Guangsheng's words, narrowing his eyes slightly, thinking about the inaccurate information he got before, after a long silence, he said:

"We don't need us to kill Song Lun."

"The patriarch has other backhands?"

"Do you remember the Lin Mo Zhenjun who shook the south a few days ago?" Xiang Qianqiu asked in a concentrated voice.

"Is he also from the Xiang family?"

"There is some origin."

"But a Linmo Zhenjun doesn't have the strength to kill Song Lun head-on, right?" Deng Xianlou ranked more than 30 for Linmo Zhenjun.

And Song Lun is more than ten, the gap is not small.

"This person is also helpful." Xiang Qianqiu smiled faintly, as if he knew a lot of things, not just a little bit of one-sidedness.

"It's good that the patriarch has a plan."

"You don't need to worry about this matter. Song Lun used the resources of the Xiang family to rise up. Now he dares to rebel. He must pay the price in blood. All his family members are closely monitoring and are not allowed to leave the blood state."

"Patriarch, don't worry, Song Lun probably doesn't know yet that we have sensed his thoughts, and we have no defense against me now."

"Don't be careless, Song Lun is also a hero for a while, it's a pity, he is not very obedient."

A faint murderous intent flashed in Xiang Qianqiu's eyes.

"By the way, what happened to the matter you were asked to investigate earlier?" Xiang Qianqiu suddenly changed his voice and asked back.

"The traces of the Wusheng Cult are already in the making, but... our Xiang family seems to have never dealt with the Wusheng Cult. Why did the patriarch ask me to investigate the traces of these monsters?"

"Naturally, it is of great use. Continue to pay close attention to it. Don't let these monsters notice the abnormality. Jingtai is playing chess, and this seat is the same." Xiang Qianqiu's mouth curled up, revealing a meaningful smile.


"Okay, let's go back first. In a few days, it will be Song Lun's 120th birthday. At that time... there will be a big gift for him."

After saying that, the void in front of Xiang Qianqiu was filled with waves, and he stepped in with one leg.

"The patriarch returns to the secret realm?"

"No, go see the Lord of the Seven Killing Palace. He stopped at this time. If there is no accident, he is waiting for me. It just so happens that there is an old acquaintance who has not seen for many years, hehe."

In the capital, in the Imperial Study Room.

Jingtai was still the same as before, with a calm face, not angry, with a cup of steaming spirit tea in his hand, and on the table was the latest Supreme Rank published by Dengxianlou.

His eyes swept over the many names on it one by one, and stayed on Demon Lord Shura for a moment, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and then he turned his gaze to True Lord Lin Demon who had just entered the supreme list.

"Have you found out the real identity of Linmo Zhenjun?"

Jingtai raised his head and asked Cao Zhengxian.

"Uh, not yet, Your Majesty." Cao Zhengxian lowered his head.

"Not at all?"

"The subordinates and the Sky Survey Division are already doing their best to investigate, but this person seems to have appeared suddenly. After comparison and judgment, there is no one similar to the strong man who has disappeared.

Therefore, the old minister ventured to speculate that this Lin Mo Zhenjun might be a hard-working martial artist who lived in the deep mountains of southern Xinjiang all the year round, and it was just a coincidence that he showed up this time. "

"Continue to investigate. Even if we can't find out the real identity of this person, we still have to track down his current whereabouts. I am looking for strange beasts. If I can get the blood of the unicorn on him."

Jingtai squinted his eyes and didn't finish speaking.

"The old minister must do his best."

Cao Zhengxian expressed his position immediately.

"Also, have you found any traces of the Taoist Palace? It has been nearly a year since the imperial city worshiped the ancestors. What's the use of only capturing some demonic people?

What I want is to save the court and the royal family's face! "

Jingtai's tone was not very good, and he directly reprimanded Cao Zhengxian for his ineffectiveness.

"Your Majesty calm down, the old minister is guilty, but this shrine is really difficult to deal with. The old ghost ghost has never shown his face since the battle of the imperial city."

At that time, the evil ghost Taoist Yang Huatian took the initiative to expose his identity, so the court also set the target of the breakthrough on him, but unfortunately, until today, they have not found his whereabouts.

It is true to say that the work is not effective.

"The Taoist Palace has a mysterious origin, and the map is not small. It is a heart disease of mine, and it must be completely eradicated. I will give you another half a year. No matter what method you use, you must find the trace of Yang Huatian. If you want to see people, you must die." See the corpse!"

Jingtai issued an ultimatum.

"The old minister understands!"

Wanting to find the traces of a real person who refines gods in the world is no less than looking for a needle in a haystack, but the emperor was furious, he had to agree and mobilize all spies to investigate this person's whereabouts.

"Duke Wei and Marshal are leaving now?" Jing Tai took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and quickly changed his face.

Moody, nothing more.

"Returning to Your Majesty, the old minister has already given His Majesty's personal imperial decree to Duke Gu and Duke Li yesterday. If there are no accidents, I am afraid that he has already left Beijing!"

Cao Zhengxian said quickly.

Jingtai nodded slightly, picked up the spirit tea on the table and took a sip, there was an inexplicable look in his eyes, in order to stabilize the court and the Sima family, he actually used many means.

For example, Liangshan this time!

If Song Lun hadn't approached him on his own initiative, he really wouldn't have noticed that the Xiang family was behind Liangshan, using the flag of Liangshan to win over warriors and train troops.

Only to restore the country one day.

It's a pity that, let your Xiang family plan in every possible way, Liang Shan's strength accumulated over the years will now be taken under the command of the imperial court, and the Xiang family will be weakened by the way.

When the country is destroyed, one should honestly linger on, instead of always thinking about ZTE and Dachu.

Now, it is their Sima family's world!

With Liangshan attached, the strength of the imperial court will increase by one point, and it will also be able to truly take back most of the blood state's territory and improve its prestige in the world.

In this way, what he wants to do in the future will be much simpler.

Of course, the premise is that Song Lun doesn't play tricks, and does things for him honestly!

"Go on, I'm a little tired too." Jingtai waved his hand.

Cao Zhengxian hesitated for a moment, then whispered:

"Your Majesty, the old minister actually has one more thing to report to you."


"The spies below have received news that something is not quite right in Tangshan Mansion."

"Tangshan." Jingtai frowned:

"I remember that this seems to be the state capital where Marquis Wu'an once served as the envoy?"

"Yes, exactly."

"What's wrong?"

Cao Zhengxian continued in a low voice, thinking about the news that was not confirmed to be true or false:

"The spies discovered that the people of Tangshan Mansion only knew of Marquis Wu'an, but not His Majesty. In addition, recently, Tangshan Mansion and even the surrounding prefectures, many young and strong men disappeared for various reasons."


"Moreover, not long ago, there was a burst of dragons turning over in the depths of the Tangshan Mountains, and spies entered the investigation, but no matter how many people entered, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, and there was no news."

"Why is there no news from Qingzhou?"

Jingtai frowned.

"I don't know about this old minister."

Did Cao Zhengxian really not know?

Of course not, but, let him finish everything, what should the emperor say?

Sure enough, after he said he didn't know, Jingtai's next sentence came out:

"I heard that Qingzhou Jinshi Jiang He is very close to Wu Anhou?"

"As far as I know, when Marquis Wu'an Xiu was weak, he provoked many enemies in the world, and it was Jiang He who came forward to eliminate these grievances for him."

"It seems that my Marquis of Wu'an is a little careful." Jingtai's eyes were slightly cold, and a faint killing intent flashed in his eyes.

There are so many layouts to be an emperor, Jingtai is naturally not stupid, although the truth of the news Cao Zhengxian said is not yet known, but sometimes the truth is not important.

The important thing is that Chen Yuan is indeed not a law-abiding person.

He didn't feel that Chen Yuan dared to rebel, but he still had the idea of ​​​​separating one side and wanting to bargain with the court.

"The Marquis of Wu'an is young and energetic after all, and His Majesty has to take care of him." Cao Zhengxian echoed in a timely manner.

"It's okay to be a little careful, as long as you don't think too much." After speaking, Jingtai turned his gaze to Cao Zhengxian and asked:

"According to Cao Qing's opinion, how should we deal with Marquis Wu'an?"

"Your Majesty, the spies there are just guesses, and there is no real evidence. It is not appropriate to arrest Chen Yuan with these things, and it will make the officials below have other thoughts.

The veteran thought that one method could be used to determine whether Marquis Wu An had other intentions. "

Cao Zhengxian said in a concentrated voice.

"what way?"

"Show Marquis Wu'an to Beijing to report on his duties! He has been in the south for several months, and he has made a lot of contributions. With his cultivation speed, he can reach Shenjing in a few days. As long as Marquis Wu'an dares to come, it proves that he has no other intentions. But if you push back and delay and delay with various reasons, then... Your Majesty may have already made preparations."

Jingtai heard the words and nodded thoughtfully:

"According to Cao Qing's opinion, but let's suppress it for now, and wait until this period of time passes."

He is not in a hurry, even if Chen Yuan really has other small thoughts, it will not be so short of a few months, and besides, he can't pull any powerful influence in a few months.

"Your Majesty said so"

"Okay, step back first, and remember to do what I told you."

"The old minister obeys the order!"

On the border of Shuzhou, Tangshan Prefecture.

After leaving Nanping Mansion, Chen Yuan brought Su Ziyue all the way towards this direction, and was planning with her how to transfer Song Lun out of the Liangshan base camp.

If they fight directly, even if they have three True Monarchs on their side, they may not be able to win anything.

Liangshan, which has been established for a hundred years, seems to have not been established for a long time, and it is not even comparable to a family like the Shangguan clan, but its strength is worlds apart. The Shangguan clan is a family with one surname.

But Liangshan is actually taking in warriors from all over the world.

On the bright side alone, there are two True Monarchs, Huayang Daoist with the palm of one hand, if Senior Mo Luo is excluded, then Liangshan's strength is only stronger than Dao Shrine's.

The most important thing is that there is an unknown Xiang family behind Liangshan.

Going through Liangshan alone is no less than entering the dragon's pool and tiger's den.

Not advisable at all.

The only way to lure Song Lun out is the right way.

"If you want Song Lun to show up in a short time, I'm afraid... you need to spread the news of the Black Blood Mountain's Primordial Crystal Vein." Su Ziyue thought for a moment and said.

If you want to lure a True Monarch, ordinary methods are not enough, it is better to be a temptation that the other party cannot refuse.

It's just that once the Yuanjing mine vein is exposed, the Liangshan family may not be the only one fighting for it, and other blood state forces will inevitably intervene. If he wants to keep it, he needs to send more forces to station in the blood state.

"Let me think."

Chen Yuan also thought about this before, but he didn't make up his mind. Because of this, it might not be worth it, but at present, there is only one way.

Just like last time, killing a strong man like Guan Hai and forcing Song Lun to come out is no longer advisable. Liang Shan is confronting the Seven Killing Palace, and Song Lun cannot possibly not consider this.

"Tangshan is really a good place."

Chen Yuan and Su Ziyue walked in the air, looking down at the scene below, even if it wasn't a prefecture or county town, there was still a constant flow of people on the official road, a scene of prosperity.

"Located at the junction of the three states, it is a battleground for military strategists, but at the same time, it is also subject to the enemy. If you want to hold this place, you need a state to rely on as a backing."

"What do you think I sit in Shuzhou for?"

Chen Yuan chuckled lightly upon hearing this.

How could he not know the pros and cons of Tangshan?

"Shu is mountainous and rugged, but its resources are indeed the best among the thirteen prefectures in the world, better than Qingzhou, which has a flat plain." Su Ziyue commented.

Don't think that the terrain is unimportant, except for the existence of the top of the rivers and lakes, that is, the real king and the strong, the rest, but when encountering a large army, using the terrain to set up a killing array is definitely a dangerous hurdle.

When manpower is limited, there is no heaven and earth.

And Chen Yuan's plan has always been the same, first to control the fertile land of Shuzhou, then slowly move towards other state capitals, and then gradually control the south.

When the time comes, you can make a northern expedition to the Central Plains!

"Go, go and see your army!"

Su Ziyue was very interested. Of course, she also wanted to judge the strength of Chen Yuan's subordinates, so that she could judge and control the situation.

Naturally, Chen Yuan would not refuse, and led Su Ziyue into the grove.

No, entered the Tangshan Mountains.

With those things in memory, Chen Yuan and Su Ziyue avoided the mountain guard formation without alarming anyone, and arrived at the military camp deep in the mountains not long after.

The surroundings are isolated by formations, and no movement can be heard outside, but the movement here is really not small.

The drums of war are loud and the iron hooves are roaring.

The huge mountain range was flattened and expanded several times compared to when Chen Yuan first came. Because, at a glance, they were all well-armored cavalry in black robes, practicing cavalry hedging and the method of linking qi and blood.

"How many soldiers and horses are there?"

Su Ziyue could only have a rough guess, but it was shocking enough, she never expected that Chen Yuan would train such an elite cavalry here quietly!

Although it hasn't been in actual combat yet, it can be seen from its military appearance that this is definitely an elite cavalry.

"There are 30,000 cavalry here, and there are still a steady stream of recruits and warriors."

"How much are you going to expand?"

"One hundred thousand cavalry is almost enough!"

"Can the Yuanjing Mine afford it?"

"In the huge south, how many powers have accumulated for a hundred years? Not to mention one hundred thousand, even three hundred thousand, five hundred thousand, they can afford it!"

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